Package list with short descriptions
0ad-0.27.0 historical real-time strategy game
0ad-data-0.27.0 historical real-time strategy game data
0xProto-2.201 programming font focused on source code legibility
1oom-1.0 game engine recreation of Master of Orion 1
2048-cli-0.9.1 terminal version of the 2048 sliding block puzzle game
2048-qt-0.1.7 2048 game in Qt
2bwm-0.3 fast floating window manager
4ti2-1.6.10 solve algebraic, geometric, combinatorial problems
64tass-1.56.2625p0 turbo assembler compatible cross-assembler for 65xx
9libs-1.0p10 Plan 9 compatibility libraries
9menu-1.10 simple menu patterned after plan9
ADMsnmp-0.1p1 SNMP audit scanner
AcePerl-1.92p3 perl interface to the ACEDB database
AcePerl-1.92p3-opt perl interface to the ACEDB database
Array-Compare-3.0.8 Perl module for comparing arrays
AsteriskGuide-2.0p0 Asterisk 1.4 PBX configuration guide, 2nd ed.
AsteriskTFOT-2.0 Asterisk: The Future of Telephony
BasiliskII-1.0p13 open source 68k Macintosh emulator
CGNS-4.5.0p0 CFD General Notation System standard library
Coil64-2.2.33 inductance coil calculator
ColorExplorer-1.8p2 tool for exploring the color space and relations
DevIL-1.7.8p22 library for powerful image loading capabilities
EMBOSS-6.0.1p5 European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite
GSL-4.2.0 guidelines support library
GraphicsMagick-1.3.45 image processing tools with stable ABI
ImageMagick- image processing tools
Imath-3.1.12p1 C++ and python library of 2D and 3D vector & matrix
JLS-12.0 Oracle's official Java language specification
JVMS-2.0 Sun's official Java VM Specification, 2nd Ed.
KtikZ-0.12p2 editor for the TikZ language
LAStools-2.0.3p0 tools for LiDAR processing
LibreCAD- 2D CAD program
OpenEXR-3.3.2 high dynamic range image format
OpenEXR-doc-3.3.2 developer documentation for OpenEXR
OpenEXR-tools-3.3.2 image viewing tools for OpenEXR
ProFont-2.2p2 fixed width fonts especially for long hacking sessions
R-4.4.2p0 powerful math/statistics/graphics language
ROPGadget-7.4p1 Gadgets finder and auto-roper
Ri-li-2.0.1p2 drive a toy wood engine
STk-4.0.1p19 Scheme interpreter with Tk interface
TeXmacs-2.1.2p5 wysiwyw (what you see is what you want) editing platform
Tktable-2.10p6 table/matrix widget extension to Tcl/Tk
UEFITool-68 UEFI firmware image viewer and editor
WMmp-0.10.0p5 wm-dockapp to control MPD
WhatWeb-0.5.5p1 web scanner
Wnn-data-4.2p0 common files to all languages of Wnn
Wnn-xwnmo-4.2p12 X11 input method for Wnn
WordGenerator-1.9p1 generates lists of words given certain information
XPostitPlus-2.3p4 PostIt (R) messages onto your X11 screen
Xaw3d-1.6.6 3D Athena Widget set that looks like Motif
XawMu-1.5p4 modern look Athena widgets
Xdialog-2.3.1p9 X11 counterpart of curses-based misc/dialog
a2ps-4.15.6 format files for printing on PostScript printers
a60-0.23a NASE A60 Algol interpreter
aalib-1.4p8 ascii art library
aamath-0.3p5 ASCII art mathematics
aarch64-esr-decoder-0.2.3pl20250227 decode AArch64 ESR register values
aarch64-none-elf-binutils-2.40 binutils for aarch64-none-elf cross-development
aarch64-none-elf-gcc-12.2.0p1 gcc for aarch64-none-elf cross-development
abc-1.01.20210519 system for sequential logic synthesis and verification
abcde-2.9.3p1v0 command-line utility to rip and encode audio cds
abcl-1.9.2 Common Lisp dialect for the Java Virtual Machine
abclock-1.0dp0 analogue bitmap clock
abiword- free cross-platform WYSIWYG word processor
abook-0.6.1p4 addressbook program with mutt support
abseil-cpp-20250127.0 abseil common libraries (C++)
abuse-0.8p6v0 SDL port of the legendary 2D platform shooter
abyssinica-2.100 Ethiopic Unicode script
accerciser-3.46.2 interactive accessibility explorer
accountsservice-23.13.9p1 D-Bus interface for user account query and manipulation
ace-1.4p2 solitaire games
aclock-0.4.0p15 analog clock for the GNUstep desktop
acme-tiny-5.0.1p3v0 small 3rd-party letsencrypt client
- pure Unix shell script implementing ACME client protocol
acpica-20241212 reference implementation of ACPI tools
acx-firmware-1.4p6 firmware binary images for acx(4) driver
ada-3.1.3 WHATWG compliant and fast URL parser in modern C++
adb- Android Debug Bridge
adcomplain-3.52 complain about SPAM
addresses-0.5.0 GNUstep address book
adns-1.5.2 asynchronous dns resolver client library and utilities
adobe-source-code-pro-2.038 monospaced OpenType fonts designed for coding environments
adobe-source-sans-pro-2.020p0 set of OpenType fonts designed for user interfaces
adobe-source-serif-pro-1.017p0 set of fonts designed to complement Source Sans Pro
adplay-1.8.1p1 console-based OPL2 audio player
adplug-2.3.3p0 AdLib sound player library
advancemame-4.0 MAME port with advanced video support for monitors and TVs
adwaita-icon-theme-47.0p0 base icon theme for GNOME
adwaita-icon-theme-legacy-46.2p0 legacy icon theme for GNOME
adwaita-qt-1.4.2 GNOME Shell style for Qt applications
aerc-0.20.1p0 terminal email client
aerc-0.20.1p0-notmuch terminal email client
aescrypt-0.7p2 encrypt/decrypt using Rijndael encryption algorithm
aewm-1.3.12p7 minimalistic window manager for X11
affiche-0.6.0p15 GNUstep sticky notes
afl++-4.10c improved version of afl
afl-2.57b instrumented fuzzer
afternoonstalker-1.2.0 Night Stalker clone for X
afterstep-2.2.12p9 window manager, continuation of the Bowman NeXTSTEP clone
agar-1.6.0 cross-platform widget toolkit
agartest-1.6.0 interactive test suite for agar
age-1.2.1 simple, modern and secure file encryption tool
age-plugin-yubikey-0.5.0 YubiKey plugin for age clients
agg-2.5p9 anti-grain geometry graphics library
aggregate-1.6p1 optimise a list of route prefixes
aggregate6-1.0.14p0 optimise a list of IPv4/IPv6 prefixes
aide-0.16.2 Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment
aircrack-ng-1.7p1 802.11 WEP and WPA-PSK keys cracking program
aisleriot-3.22.35 suite of solitaire card games
akonadi-24.12.2 PIM Storage Service
akonadi-calendar-24.12.2 PIM Akonadi calendar support library
akonadi-calendar-tools-24.12.2 PIM Akonadi calendar tools
akonadi-contacts-24.12.2 PIM Akonadi contacts support library
akonadi-import-wizard-24.12.2 PIM Akonadi import wizard
akonadi-mime-24.12.2 PIM Akonadi mime support library
akonadi-search-24.12.2 libraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi
akonadiconsole-24.12.2 Akonadi management and debugging console
akregator-24.12.2p0 news feed reader
alac_decoder-0.2.0 basic Apple Lossless Audio Codec decoder
alacritty-0.15.1 cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
ald-0.1.7p1 assembly language debugger
alembic-1.8.5 open framework for storing and sharing scene data
alephone-1.10 open source game engine based on Marathon 2: Durandal
alertmanager-0.26.0 handles alerts sent by the Prometheus server
alex- lexical analyser generator for Haskell
algol68g-3.5.12 Algol 68 Genie compiler-interpreter
algotutor-0.8.6p1 interactive tutorial for algorithms and data structures
alkalami-2.000 Unicode font for African Arabic script
allegro-4.2.3p9 game programming library for C/C++ developers
alpine-2.26p1 UW e-mail client
alpng-1.3p1 game programming library for C/C++ developers
altermime-0.3.10p1 utility for altering mime-encoded mailpacks
amap-5.4p1 application protocol detection tool
amavisd-new-2.12.2p0 interface between mailer MTA and content checkers
amavisd-new-utils-2.12.2p0 utilities to monitor amavisd-new server
amazon-ssm-agent-3.3.1957.0 AWS SSM agent
amber-0.6.0 code search and replace tool
amd-firmware-20241210 microcode update binaries for AMD CPUs
amdgpu-firmware-20241210 firmware binary images for amdgpu(4) driver
amdsev-firmware-20241017p0 AMD SEV firmware binaries
amfora-1.10.0 terminal browser for gemini protocol
amigafonts-1.02p2 faithfully remade Amiga fonts
amiwm-0.22.2 Amiga Workbench lookalike window manager
amnesia-tdd-0.3.2p0 first person survival horror game
amoebax-0.2.1p4 cute and addictive action-puzzle game
amph-0.8.10p8 jump'n'run game with unique video effects
amtterm-1.6p2 client and tools for Intel AMT serial-over-lan
amtterm-cli-1.6p2 cli client for Intel AMT serial-over-lan
amule-2.3.3p0 another eDonkey P2P file sharing client
amuled-2.3.3p0 stand-alone daemon/cmdline for amule
amuleweb-2.3.3p0 webserver interface to amuled
amused-0.18 minimalistic music player
an-1.2 fast anagram generator
anacron-2.5.3p5 periodic command scheduler
analitza-24.12.2 KDE mathematical features
analog-6.0.17 extremely fast program for analysing WWW logfiles
ancient-2.2.0 decompression routines for ancient formats
andika-6.101 clear sans serif, Unicode-compliant font
angband-4.2.5 rogue-like game with X11 support
angband-4.2.5-no_x11 rogue-like game with X11 support
angband-4.2.5-sdl rogue-like game with X11 support
angr-vex-9.2p0 modified version of Valgrind VEX for PyVEX
angrop-9.2.8p1 ROP chain builder based off of angr
angrydd-1.0.2p2 falling blocks puzzle game
animorph-0.3p5 morphing engine
anki-2.1.16p9 flashcard learning system with spaced repetition
annapurna-1.204p1 Unicode-based font for Devanagari script
anonymous-pro-1.002p4 fixed width sans font designed especially for coders
ansible-11.3.0 radically simple IT automation
ansible-core-2.18.3 radically simple IT automation
ansible-lint-24.12.2 best practices checker for ansible
ansilove-4.2.0 ansi and ascii art to png converter
ansiweather-1.19.0 weather in terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols
anthy-9100hp3 japanese input method
antiword-0.37p0 converts MSWord Documents to ASCII Text and PostScript
aom-3.12.0 Alliance for Open Media AV1 video codec
ap2-mod_dnssd-0.6p6 Apache2 Zeroconf module
ap2-mod_jk-1.2.50 Apache-Tomcat AJP Connector for Apache2
ap2-mod_perl-2.0.13 module that embeds a Perl interpreter into Apache2
ap2-mod_wsgi-4.9.4p2 Python WSGI compliant interface module for Apache2
ap2-subversion-1.14.5 apache2 subversion modules
apache-ant-1.10.15 build tool for java applications
apache-httpd-2.4.63 apache HTTP server
apachetop-0.19.7 top-like monitor for Apache
apcd-0.2p0 APC SmartUPS daemon
apcupsd-3.14.14p6 daemon for controlling APC UPSes
apcupsd-cgi-3.14.14p3 CGI scripts for web monitoring
apcupsd-x11-3.14.14p4 gapcmon - GUI for apcupsd
apertium-3.9.4p1 rule-based machine translation platform
apertium-afr-0.2.0p2 Afrikaans language pack for apertium
apertium-afr-nld-0.3.0p2 Afrikaans/Dutch language pack for apertium
apertium-anaphora-1.1.1 apertium module implementing anaphora resolution
apertium-apy-0.12.0p1 apertium text translation API in Python
apertium-arg-0.2.0p0 Aragonese language pack for apertium
apertium-arg-cat-0.3.0p0 Aragonese/Catalan language pack for apertium
apertium-bel-0.1.1p2 Belarusian language pack for apertium
apertium-bel-rus-0.2.1p2 Belarusian/Russian language pack for apertium
apertium-br-fr-0.5.1p2 Breton/French language pack for apertium
apertium-cat-2.12.0p0 Catalan language pack for apertium
apertium-cat-ita-1.1.0 Catalan/Italian language pack for apertium
apertium-cat-srd-1.2.0 Catalan/Sardinian language pack for apertium
apertium-crh-0.2.0p3 Crimean Tatar language pack for apertium
apertium-crh-tur-0.3.0p3 Crimean Tatar/Turkish language pack for apertium
apertium-cy-en-0.1.1p3 Welsh/English language pack for apertium
apertium-dan-0.7.0p0 Danish language pack for apertium
apertium-dan-nor-1.5.0p0 Danish/Norwegian language pack for apertium
apertium-en-gl-0.5.4p0 English/Galician language pack for apertium
apertium-eng-0.1.0p2 English language pack for apertium
apertium-eng-cat-1.0.1p2 English/Catalan language pack for apertium
apertium-eng-spa-0.8.1 English/Spanish language pack for apertium
apertium-eo-ca-0.9.2p2 Esperanto/Catalan language pack for apertium
apertium-eo-en-1.0.2p0 Esperanto/English language pack for apertium
apertium-eo-es-1.0.0p4 Esperanto/Spanish language pack for apertium
apertium-eo-fr-0.9.1p2 Esperanto/French language pack for apertium
apertium-es-gl-1.0.9p2 Spanish/Galician language pack for apertium
apertium-es-pt-1.1.6p2 Spanish/Portuguese language pack for apertium
apertium-es-ro-0.7.5p0 Spanish/Romanian language pack for apertium
apertium-eu-en-0.3.3p0 Basque/English language pack for apertium
apertium-eu-es-0.3.4p2 Basque/Spanish language pack for apertium
apertium-fr-es-0.9.4p0 French/Spanish language pack for apertium
apertium-fra-1.12.0p0 French language pack for apertium
apertium-fra-cat-1.10.0p0 French/Catalan language pack for apertium
apertium-hbs-0.5.0p5 Serbo-Croatian language pack for apertium
apertium-hbs-eng-0.5.1p2 Serbo-Croatian/English language pack for apertium
apertium-hbs-slv-0.5.1p2 Serbo-Croatian/Slovenian language pack for apertium
apertium-hin-0.1.0p3 Hindu language pack for apertium
apertium-ind-0.2.0p2 Indonesian language pack for apertium
apertium-ind-zlm-0.1.2p2 Indonesian/Malaysian language pack for apertium
apertium-isl-0.1.1p2 Icelandic language pack for apertium
apertium-isl-eng-0.1.2p0 Icelandic/English language pack for apertium
apertium-isl-swe-0.1.1p2 Icelandic/Swedish language pack for apertium
apertium-ita-1.4.0 Italian language pack for apertium
apertium-lex-tools-0.4.2p0 module for compiling and processing lexical rules
apertium-mkd-bul-0.2.1p2 Macedonian/Bulgarian language pack for apertium
apertium-mkd-eng-0.1.3p0 Macedonian/English language pack for apertium
apertium-mlt-ara-0.2.1p0 Maltese/Arabic language pack for apertium
apertium-nld-0.2.0p2 Dutch language pack for apertium
apertium-nno-1.4.0p0 Norwegian Nynorsk language pack for apertium
apertium-nno-nob-1.5.0p0 Norwegian Nynorsk/Bokmal language pack for apertium
apertium-nob-1.4.0p0 Norwegian Bokmal language pack for apertium
apertium-oc-ca-1.0.7p2 Occitan/Catalan language pack for apertium
apertium-oc-es-1.0.8p0 Occitan/Spanish language pack for apertium
apertium-oci-1.0.0p0 Occitan language pack for apertium
apertium-oci-fra-1.0.0p0 Occitan/French language pack for apertium
apertium-pol-0.1.2p2 Polish language pack for apertium
apertium-pol-szl-0.2.1p2 Polish/Silesian language pack for apertium
apertium-por-0.3.1p0 Portuguese language pack for apertium
apertium-por-cat-0.10.1p0 Portuguese/Catalan language pack for apertium
apertium-pt-gl-0.9.3p2 Portuguese/Galician language pack for apertium
apertium-recursive-1.1.2 recursive structural transfer module for apertium
apertium-regtest-0.9.1p1 regression testing system for apertium data and tools
apertium-rus-0.2.1p2 Russian language pack for apertium
apertium-rus-ukr-0.2.1p2 Russian/Ukrainian language pack for apertium
apertium-separable-0.6.1p0 reorder separable/discontinuous multiwords
apertium-spa-1.3.0p0 Spanish language pack for apertium
apertium-spa-arg-0.6.0p0 Spanish/Aragonese language pack for apertium
apertium-spa-ast-1.1.1p2 Spanish/Asturian language pack for apertium
apertium-spa-cat-2.2.0p1 Spanish/Catalan language pack for apertium
apertium-spa-ita-0.2.1p2 Spanish/Italian language pack for apertium
apertium-srd-1.5.0p0 Sardinian language pack for apertium
apertium-srd-ita-1.3.0 Sardinian/Italian language pack for apertium
apertium-streamparser-5.0.2p6 apertium stream format parser
apertium-swe-0.8.2p0 Swedish language pack for apertium
apertium-swe-dan-0.8.1p2 Swedish/Danish language pack for apertium
apertium-swe-nor-0.4.0p0 Swedish/Norwegian language pack for apertium
apertium-szl-0.1.1p2 Silesian language pack for apertium
apertium-tur-0.2.0p3 Turkish language pack for apertium
apertium-ukr-0.1.1p2 Ukrainian language pack for apertium
apertium-urd-0.1.1p2 Urdu language pack for apertium
apertium-urd-hin-0.1.0p3 Urdu/Hindu language pack for apertium
apertium-zlm-0.2.0p2 Malaysian language pack for apertium
apg-2.2.3p1 automated password generator
apktool-2.9.0 tool for reverse engineering Android apk files
apl-1.8p2 interpreter for the programming language APL
apl-fonts-1.0p0 Adrian Smith's standard APL fonts
apostrophe-2.6.3p6 distraction free editor
apple-boot-firmware-1.6 firmware binary images for apple-boot(4) driver
appmanager-1.1.1p3 graphical interface to manage/explore OpenBSD packages
appstream-1.0.4 access to machine-readable software metadata
appstream-glib-0.8.3 library for AppStream metadata
appstream-qt6-1.0.4 Qt5 interface for AppStream
apr-1.7.5p0 Apache Portable Runtime
apr-util-1.6.3p0 companion library to APR
apr-util-1.6.3p0-ldap companion library to APR
apsfilter-7.2.8p6 filter to print a wide range of file formats
apvlv-0.1.5pl0p4 lightweight PDF document viewer with vi bindings
aqbanking-6.5.3 online banking interface and financial data framework
aqualung-2.0v0 advanced music player
arabeyes-ttf-2.0p3 Arabeyes TrueType Arabic fonts
arabica-2010.11p3 XML and HTML processing toolkit
arandr-0.1.11p2 XRandR GUI
arc-5.21pp1 create & extract files from DOS .ARC files
arc-icon-theme-20161122p0 Arc icon theme
arc-theme-solid-20221218p0 flat theme for GTK and GNOME shell (solid)
arc-theme-transparent-20221218p0 flat theme for GTK and GNOME shell (transparent)
arcan-0.6.2p1 powerful display server and multimedia framework
architect-1.0.6p9 database exploration/builder written in Java
archivemail-0.9.0 archive and compress your old email
archiveopteryx-3.2.0p6 mail server storing messages in a database
arduboy2-5.1.0 Arduino library for the Arduboy miniature game system
arduino-1.8.19v0 open-source electronics prototyping platform
arduino-adafruit-gfx-1.7.0 Arduino library for Adafruit graphics
arduino-adafruit-ra8875-1.3.5 Arduino library for Adafruit RA8875
arduino-esp32-2.0.4p4 esp32 arduino core toolset
arduino-esp8266-3.0.2p5 esp8266 arduino core toolset
arduino-makefile-1.6.0p5 Makefile to build and upload Arduino sketches
aref-ruqaa-1.005 Arabic typeface capturing classical Ruqaa calligraphic style
argon2-20190702p0 C implementation of Argon2 - password hashing function
argp-standalone-1.5.0 standalone version of glibc's argument-parsing functions
argparse-manpage-4.6 build manual page from python's ArgumentParser object
argtable-2.13p1 ANSI C command line parser
argus- Audit Record Generation and Utilization System
argus-clients- utilities to read and parse Argus data
aria2-1.37.0 lightweight multi-protocol & multi-source download utility
ario-1.6p2 GTK3 MPD client inspired by Rhythmbox
arirang-2.03p11 powerful webserver security scanner for network
ark-24.12.2 archiving Tool
arm-compute-library-24.12 Arm compute library
arm-none-eabi-binutils-2.40 binutils for arm-none-eabi cross-development
arm-none-eabi-gcc-12.2.0p1 gcc for arm-none-eabi cross-development
arm-none-eabi-gdb-7.12.1p0 gdb for arm-none-eabi cross-development
arm-none-eabi-newlib- newlib for arm-none-eabi cross-development
arm-trusted-firmware-2.10.2p0v0 ARM Trusted Firmware
arm64-qcom-dtb-firmware-2.4 firmware binary images for arm64-qcom-dtb(4) driver
armadillo-9.900.4p2 C++ library for scientific computing
armagetronad- 3D light cycle game
armips-0.11.0 assembler for various ARM and MIPS platforms
arouteserver-1.23.2 tool to automatically build BGP route server configurations
arp-scan-1.10.0p1 ARP scanning and fingerprinting tool
arpack-3.8.0p4v0 F77 subroutines for solving large scale eigenvalue problems
arpack-mpi-3.8.0p4v0 openmpi for arpack
arpcatch-19970824p0 userland arp-proxy daemon
arpd-0.2p4 ARP reply daemon
arping-2.25 ARP level ping utility
arpwatch-2.1a15p21 monitor arp & rarp requests
arrow-cpp-18.1.0 columnar format and toolbox for fast-data interchange
artikulate-24.12.2 pronunciation trainer
artty-1.5.0 art for your TTY
artwiz-aleczapka-1.3p8 improved artwiz fonts
artwiz-aleczapka-de-1.3p7 improved artwiz fonts (german pack)
artwiz-aleczapka-se-1.3p7 improved artwiz fonts (swedish pack)
arx-libertatis-1.2.1p1 cross-platform port of Arx Fatalis, a first-person RPG
asapm-3.1 Advanced Power Management monitor utility for X
ascd-0.13.2p5 cd player for Afterstep or Window Maker
asciidoc-9.0.4p3 text document format for writing documents and man pages
asciidoctor-2.0.20p0 better AsciiDoc text proc/publishing software
asciinema-2.4.0p1 terminal session recorder
asciiquarium-1.1p3 aquarium animation in ASCII art
asclock-2.0.12p2-classic-english afterstep clock with some language extensions
asdig-0.97 retrieve routing informations efficiently via dns queries
asfiles-1.0p2 X11 file manager. Dockable in Window Maker
asio-1.30.2 header-only C++ library for asynchronous I/O programming
asm6-1.6p0 simple 6502 assembler
asmail-0.56p6 biff-type program, designed to match AfterStep
aspect-crop-1.8 crop tool for xwallpaper(1)
aspell- spell checker with multi-language support
aspell-af-0.50.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Afrikaans
aspell-ar-1.2.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Arabic
aspell-bg-4.1.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Bulgarian
aspell-br-0.50.2p0v1 aspell dictionary for Breton
aspell-ca- aspell dictionary for Catalan
aspell-cs-20040614.1p0v1 aspell dictionary for Czech
aspell-cy-0.50.3p0v1 aspell dictionary for Welsh
aspell-da-1.6.36p0v1 aspell dictionary for Danish
aspell-de-20161207p0v1 aspell dictionary for German
aspell-el-0.08p0v2 aspell dictionary for Greek
aspell-eo-2.1.20000225a.2p1v1 aspell dictionary for Esperanto
aspell-es-1.11.2p0v1 aspell dictionary for Spanish
aspell-fa-0.11.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Farsi
aspell-fo- aspell dictionary for Faroese
aspell-fr-0.50.3p0v1 aspell dictionary for French
aspell-ga-4.5.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Irish
aspell-gl-0.5a.2p0v1 aspell dictionary for Galician
aspell-he-1.0.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Hebrew
aspell-ia-0.50.1p0v1 aspell dictionary for Interlingua
aspell-id-1.2.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Indonesian
aspell-is- aspell dictionary for Icelandic
aspell-it-2.2_20050523.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Italian
aspell-lt- aspell dictionary for Lithuanian
aspell-mi-0.50.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Maori
aspell-ms-0.50.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Malay
aspell-mt-0.50.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Maltese
aspell-nb- aspell dictionary for Norwegian Bokmal
aspell-nl-0.50.2p0v1 aspell dictionary for Dutch
aspell-nn- aspell dictionary for Norwegian Nynorsk
aspell-pl-6.0_20061121.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Polish
aspell-pt-0.50.2p0v1 aspell dictionary for Portuguese
aspell-ro-3.3.2p0v1 aspell dictionary for Romanian
aspell-ru-0.99f7.1p1v1 aspell dictionary for Russian
aspell-sk-2.01.2p0v1 aspell dictionary for Slovak
aspell-sl-0.50.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Slovenian
aspell-sr-0.02p0v1 aspell dictionary for Serbian
aspell-sv-0.51.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Swedish
aspell-sw-0.50.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Swahili
aspell-tn- aspell dictionary for Setswana
aspell-tr-0.50.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Turkish
aspell-uk- aspell dictionary for Ukrainian
aspell-wa-0.50.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Walloon
aspell-zu-0.50.0p0v1 aspell dictionary for Zulu
asql-1.7 query Apache logfiles via SQL
assimp-5.4.3 open asset import library
asterisk-16.30.1p3 open source multi-protocol PBX and telephony toolkit
asterisk-18.26.1 open source multi-protocol PBX and telephony toolkit
asterisk-20.12.0 open source multi-protocol PBX and telephony toolkit
asterisk-22.2.0 open source multi-protocol PBX and telephony toolkit
asterisk-calendar-16.30.1 calendar support for Asterisk
asterisk-calendar-18.26.1 calendar support for Asterisk
asterisk-calendar-20.12.0 calendar support for Asterisk
asterisk-calendar-22.2.0 calendar support for Asterisk
asterisk-core-sounds-en-alaw-1.6.1p0 core English sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-en-g722-1.6.1p0 core English sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-core-sounds-en-g729-1.6.1p0 core English sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-core-sounds-en-gsm-1.6.1p0 core English sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-core-sounds-en-ulaw-1.6.1p0 core English sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-en-wav-1.6.1p0 core English sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_AU-alaw-1.6.1p0 core Australian English sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_AU-g722-1.6.1p0 core Australian English sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_AU-g729-1.6.1p0 core Australian English sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_AU-gsm-1.6.1p0 core Australian English sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_AU-ulaw-1.6.1p0 core Australian English sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_AU-wav-1.6.1p0 core Australian English sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_GB-alaw-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_GB-g722-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_GB-g729-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_GB-gsm-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_GB-ulaw-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_GB-wav-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_NZ-alaw-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_NZ-g722-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_NZ-g729-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_NZ-gsm-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_NZ-ulaw-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-en_NZ-wav-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-core-sounds-es-alaw-1.6.1p0 core Spanish sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-es-g722-1.6.1p0 core Spanish sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-core-sounds-es-g729-1.6.1p0 core Spanish sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-core-sounds-es-gsm-1.6.1p0 core Spanish sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-core-sounds-es-ulaw-1.6.1p0 core Spanish sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-es-wav-1.6.1p0 core Spanish sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-core-sounds-fr-alaw-1.6.1p0 core French sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-fr-g722-1.6.1p0 core French sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-core-sounds-fr-g729-1.6.1p0 core French sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-core-sounds-fr-gsm-1.6.1p0 core French sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-core-sounds-fr-ulaw-1.6.1p0 core French sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-fr-wav-1.6.1p0 core French sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-core-sounds-it-alaw-1.6.1p0 core Italian sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-it-g722-1.6.1p0 core Italian sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-core-sounds-it-g729-1.6.1p0 core Italian sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-core-sounds-it-gsm-1.6.1p0 core Italian sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-core-sounds-it-ulaw-1.6.1p0 core Italian sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-it-wav-1.6.1p0 core Italian sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-core-sounds-ja-alaw-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-ja-g722-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-core-sounds-ja-g729-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-core-sounds-ja-gsm-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-core-sounds-ja-ulaw-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-ja-wav-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-core-sounds-ru-alaw-1.6.1p0 core Russian sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-ru-g722-1.6.1p0 core Russian sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-core-sounds-ru-g729-1.6.1p0 core Russian sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-core-sounds-ru-gsm-1.6.1p0 core Russian sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-core-sounds-ru-ulaw-1.6.1p0 core Russian sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-ru-wav-1.6.1p0 core Russian sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-core-sounds-sv-alaw-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-sv-g722-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-core-sounds-sv-g729-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-core-sounds-sv-gsm-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-core-sounds-sv-ulaw-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-core-sounds-sv-wav-1.6.1p0 core sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en-alaw-1.5.2p0 additional English sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en-g722-1.5.2p0 additional English sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en-g729-1.5.2p0 additional English sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en-gsm-1.5.2p0 additional English sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en-ulaw-1.5.2p0 additional English sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en-wav-1.5.2p0 additional English sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en_GB-alaw-1.5.2p0 additional sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en_GB-g722-1.5.2p0 additional sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en_GB-g729-1.5.2p0 additional sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en_GB-gsm-1.5.2p0 additional sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en_GB-ulaw-1.5.2p0 additional sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-extra-sounds-en_GB-wav-1.5.2p0 additional sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-extra-sounds-fr-alaw-1.5.2p0 additional French sound files for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-extra-sounds-fr-g722-1.5.2p0 additional French sound files for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-extra-sounds-fr-g729-1.5.2p0 additional French sound files for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-extra-sounds-fr-gsm-1.5.2p0 additional French sound files for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-extra-sounds-fr-ulaw-1.5.2p0 additional French sound files for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-extra-sounds-fr-wav-1.5.2p0 additional French sound files for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-fax-16.30.1 fax support for Asterisk
asterisk-fax-18.26.1 fax support for Asterisk
asterisk-fax-20.12.0 fax support for Asterisk
asterisk-fax-22.2.0 fax support for Asterisk
asterisk-g729-1.4.4p0 G.729a voice codec for Asterisk
asterisk-http_post-16.30.1 HTTP POST support for Asterisk
asterisk-http_post-18.26.1 HTTP POST support for Asterisk
asterisk-http_post-20.12.0 HTTP POST support for Asterisk
asterisk-http_post-22.2.0 HTTP POST support for Asterisk
asterisk-kqueue-16.30.1 kqueue-backed timer for Asterisk
asterisk-kqueue-18.26.1 kqueue-backed timer for Asterisk
asterisk-kqueue-20.12.0 kqueue-backed timer for Asterisk
asterisk-kqueue-22.2.0 kqueue-backed timer for Asterisk
asterisk-ldap-16.30.1 LDAP support for Asterisk
asterisk-ldap-18.26.1 LDAP support for Asterisk
asterisk-ldap-20.12.0 LDAP support for Asterisk
asterisk-ldap-22.2.0 LDAP support for Asterisk
asterisk-lua-16.30.1 lua support for Asterisk
asterisk-lua-18.26.1 lua support for Asterisk
asterisk-lua-20.12.0 lua support for Asterisk
asterisk-lua-22.2.0 lua support for Asterisk
asterisk-moh-opsound-alaw-2.03p3 opsound music-on-hold for Asterisk (alaw)
asterisk-moh-opsound-g722-2.03p3 opsound music-on-hold for Asterisk (g722)
asterisk-moh-opsound-g729-2.03p3 opsound music-on-hold for Asterisk (g729)
asterisk-moh-opsound-gsm-2.03p3 opsound music-on-hold for Asterisk (gsm)
asterisk-moh-opsound-ulaw-2.03p3 opsound music-on-hold for Asterisk (ulaw)
asterisk-moh-opsound-wav-2.03p3 opsound music-on-hold for Asterisk (wav)
asterisk-odbc-16.30.1p0 ODBC support for Asterisk
asterisk-odbc-18.26.1 ODBC support for Asterisk
asterisk-odbc-20.12.0 ODBC support for Asterisk
asterisk-odbc-22.2.0 ODBC support for Asterisk
asterisk-openbsd-moh-7.0 add OpenBSD songs to Asterisk music-on-hold
asterisk-pgsql-16.30.1 PostgreSQL support for Asterisk
asterisk-pgsql-18.26.1 PostgreSQL support for Asterisk
asterisk-pgsql-20.12.0 PostgreSQL support for Asterisk
asterisk-pgsql-22.2.0 PostgreSQL support for Asterisk
asterisk-snmp-16.30.1 Net-SNMP support for Asterisk
asterisk-snmp-18.26.1 Net-SNMP support for Asterisk
asterisk-snmp-20.12.0 Net-SNMP support for Asterisk
asterisk-snmp-22.2.0 Net-SNMP support for Asterisk
asterisk-speex-16.30.1 Speex codec for Asterisk
asterisk-speex-18.26.1 Speex codec for Asterisk
asterisk-speex-20.12.0 Speex codec for Asterisk
asterisk-speex-22.2.0 Speex codec for Asterisk
asterisk-tds-16.30.1 MSSQL/Sybase support for Asterisk
asterisk-tds-18.26.1 MSSQL/Sybase support for Asterisk
asterisk-tds-20.12.0 MSSQL/Sybase support for Asterisk
asterisk-tds-22.2.0 MSSQL/Sybase support for Asterisk
asterisk-vm_imap-18.26.1 IMAP voicemail support for Asterisk
asterisk-vm_imap-20.12.0 IMAP voicemail support for Asterisk
asterisk-vm_imap-22.2.0 IMAP voicemail support for Asterisk
asterisk-vm_odbc-18.26.1 ODBC voicemail support for Asterisk
asterisk-vm_odbc-20.12.0 ODBC voicemail support for Asterisk
asterisk-vm_odbc-22.2.0 ODBC voicemail support for Asterisk
astime-2.8p0 wm-dockapp; Time/Date applet
astmanproxy-1.22pre20081208p2 proxy for Asterisk Manager Interface
astrolog-7.10p2 astrology program for X11 and text-based user interfaces
astromenace-1.3.2p1 hardcore 3D space shmup
astyle-3.5.2p1 indenter and formatter of C/C++/Java source files
asymptote-2.95p0 powerful descriptive vector graphics language
at-spi2-core-2.54.1 service interface for assistive technologies
atari800-5.2.0 Atari 8-bit computer systems and 5200 game console emulator
atf-0.18p3 Automated Testing Framework
athn-firmware-1.1p4 firmware binary images for athn(4) driver
atk2mm-2.28.4 C++ binding for the ATK library
atkinson-hyperlegible-2020.0514p1 greater legibility and readability for low vision readers
atkmm236-2.36.3 C++ bindings for the ATK library
atomicparsley-20240608 read and set MPEG-4/3GPP metadata tags
atomix-3.22.0p0 build molecules out of single atoms
atril-1.28.0p2 document viewer for the MATE desktop
attinycore-1.5.2 Arduino core for modern ATtiny chips
aub-2.0.5p0 assemble usenet binaries
aucatctl-0.1p0 control aucat and/or sndiod volume
audacious-4.4.2 audacious meta-package
audacious-player-4.4.2 graphical audio player which supports lots of formats
audacious-plugins-4.4.2 input and output plugins for Audacious
audacity-3.7.1 free audio editor
audiality2-1.9.4 realtime audio and music engine for games
audiocd-kio-24.12.2 Kio slave for accessing audio CDs
augeas-1.14.1 configuration editing tool and API
autobook-1.5v0 documentation for autoconf, automake, libtool
autoconf-2.13p4 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.52p6 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.54p6 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.56p5 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.57p5 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.58p5 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.59p5 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.60p5 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.61p5 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.62p2 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.63p1 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.64p1 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.65p1 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.67p1 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.68p1 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.69p3 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.71p0 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-2.72p0 automatically configure source code on many Un*x platforms
autoconf-archive-2023.02.20 collection of macros for GNU Autoconf
autocutsel-0.10.1 keep X clipboard and cutbuffer in sync
autogen-5.8.7p8 automatic text creation from templates
automake-1.10.3p10 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake-1.11.6p3 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake-1.12.6p2 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake-1.13.4p2 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake-1.14.1p1 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake-1.15.1p0 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake-1.16.5p0 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake-1.17 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake-1.4.6p5 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake-1.8.5p11 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
automake-1.9.6p13 GNU Standards-compliant Makefile generator
autopano-sift-c-2.5.1p5 identify control points from groups of overlapping images
autopep8-2.3.2 format Python code to comply with PEP 8
autorandr-1.15p3 automates xrandr calls based on connected devices
autossh-1.4g SSH monitoring
avahi-0.8p10 framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery
avahi-glib-0.8p3 GLib and GObject integration libraries for avahi
avahi-gtk3-0.8p5 gtk+3 avahi-ui libraries
avahi-gui-0.8p11 GUI client utilities for avahi
avahi-libs-0.8p5 libraries and common data files for avahi
avr-0.1p0 AVR meta-package
avr-binutils-2.30 Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers' GNU binutils
avr-gcc-8.5.0p2 Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers' XGCC
avr-gdb-6.8p10 Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers GNU gdb
avr-libc-2.0.0 libc for Atmel AVR 8-bit RISC microcontrollers
avr32-binutils-2.23.1p1 Atmel AVR 32-bit binutils
avr32-gcc-4.4.7p3 Atmel AVR 32-bit gcc
avr32-gcc-bootstrap-4.4.7p4 bootstrap compiler for the AVR32 toolchain
avr32-headers- Atmel AVR 32-bit header files
avr32-newlib-1.16.0p0 Atmel AVR 32-bit C library
avrdude-6.3 AVR microcontroller hardware in-system programmer
awesome-4.3p3 highly configurable framework window manager
awscli-1.38.9 universal command line environment for AWS
awscli-plugin-endpoint-0.4p1 service endpoint configuration per service on profile
awstats-7.9 free real-time logfile analyzer
axe-6.1.2p5 simple to use text editor for X11
axel-2.17.14 tiny download accelerator
azorius-0.4.0 link aggregator and comment site via ActivityPub
azpainter-3.0.7 full color painting software for illustrations
b612-font-1.008 highly legible font designed for aircraft cockpits
babl-0.1.110p0 dynamic pixel format conversion library
backblaze-b2-4.2.0p0 command-line tool to access B2 cloud storage
backuppc-3.3.2p3 remote backup software system
bacon-5.0.2pre20241122p0 BASIC converter to C translator for Unix system
bacula-bat-15.0.2p0 network backup solution (gui-client)
bacula-client-15.0.2p0 network backup solution (client)
bacula-mysql-15.0.2 Bacula libbaccats support for MySQL
bacula-pgsql-15.0.2p0 Bacula libbaccats support for PostgreSQL
bacula-server-15.0.2p0 network backup solution (server)
bacula-sqlite3-15.0.2 Bacula libbaccats support for SQLite3
badkeys-0.0.13 check cryptographic keys for known weaknesses
badwolf-1.3.0 minimalist and privacy-oriented WebKitGTK+ browser
baikal-0.10.1 lightweight CalDAV and CardDAV server
balance-3.57 TCP proxy with load balancing and failover mechanisms
bamf-0.5.4p1 application matching library
baobab-47.0p0 graphical disk usage analyzer
barcode-0.99p2 convert text strings to printed bars
baresip-3.19.0 modular SIP User-Agent with audio and video support
baresip-gtk-3.19.0 GTK+-based modules for baresip
barman-3.13.0 backup and restoration manager for PostgreSQL
barrage-1.0.7 kill and destroy as many targets as possible in 3 minutes
barrier-2.3.4p0 mouse and keyboard sharing utility
base64-1.5p0 converter to/from base64 encoding
bash-5.2.37 GNU Bourne Again Shell
bash-completion-2.16.0p0 programmable completion functions for bash
bashunit-20140327p0 Bash unit testing framework based on xUnit principles
bass-1.2p0 Beneath A Steel Sky
bastet-0.43.2p3 bastard tetris
bat-0.25.0 cat(1) clone with wings
batmon-0.8p10 GNUstep battery monitor
batrachians-0.2.0 clone of the classic Frog Bog game
bats-1.11.1 bash automated testing system
bazel-6.5.0 polyglot build tool
bbdate-0.2.4p5 displays the date and resembles the toolbar
bbkeys-0.9.1p1 X keygrabber for blackbox
bbolt-1.3.11 embedded key/value database for Go
bbpager-0.4.7p9 pager for the Blackbox window manager
bc-gh-7.0.3p0 implementation of POSIX bc with GNU and BSD extensions
bcal-2.4 storage and general-purpose calculator (Byte CALculator)
bcg729-1.1.1 software G729A encoder and decoder library
bchunk-1.2.2p1 .bin/.cue to .iso CD image converter
bclock-1.0p3 round, analog X11 clock with bezier curve hands
bctoolbox-5.3.89 utilities library used by linphone stack
bcunit-5.3.86p0 Unit testing framework for C
bdf2psf-1.234 convert a BDF font to PSF format for the Linux console
bdf2sfd-1.1.8 BDF to SFD converter
bdfresize-1.5p1 tool for resizing BDF format fonts
beav-1.40.18p3 binary editor and viewer
beets-2.2.0p1 CLI tools to manage music collections
belcard-5.3.89 library to manipulate VCard standard format
belle-sip-5.3.89 library implementing SIP (RFC3261) transport
belooted- 32-card trick-taking game
belr-5.3.89 language recognition library
belt-1.21p3 Small menubar for X11 written in Perl/Tk
bemenu-0.6.23 menu library inspired by dmenu
beret-1.2.1pl1p2 2D puzzle-platformer game
bfbtester-2.0.1p0 brute force binary tester
bfs-3.0.4p0 breadth-first version of the UNIX find command
bgpq3- generate access/prefix lists for BGP config
bgpq4-1.15p0 generate access/prefix lists for BGP config
bgs-0.8p0 simple background setter
bibelot-0.9.4p3 format/convert text documents into compressed .pdb files
bible-kjv-4.39 Bible reading, browsing, and searching tool
bibtex2html-1.99p7 collection of tools for translating from BibTeX to HTML
bibview-2.2p5 GUI for manipulating BibTeX bibliography databases
billyfrontier-1.1.1 quicktime space-age spaghetti western
binaryen-122 WebAssembly compiler and toolchain infrastructure library
bindgraph-0.2p0 rrdtool frontend for Bind installation
bing-1.0.5p3 point-to-point bandwidth measurement tool
binutils-2.44 GNU binary utilities
binwalk-2.3.4p3 tool for reverse-engineering and analysing firmware blobs
bioperl-1.7.8 perl tools for bioinformatics
bird-2.16.1 BIRD internet routing daemon
bird-3.0.1 BIRD internet routing daemon
birda-1.3 Bohlin's IrDA utilities
bison-3.8.2 GNU parser generator
bitcoin-28.1 P2P payment system
bitcoin-28.1-no_x11 P2P payment system
bitlbee-3.6p2 IRC proxy to connect to AIM, ICQ, Jabber and Yahoo
bitlbee-3.6p2-libpurple IRC proxy to connect to AIM, ICQ, Jabber and Yahoo
bitlbee-3.6p2-libpurple-otr IRC proxy to connect to AIM, ICQ, Jabber and Yahoo
bitlbee-3.6p2-otr IRC proxy to connect to AIM, ICQ, Jabber and Yahoo
bitlbee-facebook-1.2.2p1 Facebook Messenger protocol plugin for bitlbee
bitlbee-mastodon-1.4.3p0 mastodon plugin for Bitlbee
bitrot-1.0.0p4 detects when files bit-rot
bitwise-0.50 terminal based calculator and bit manipulator
blackbox-0.70.1p12 small & pretty window manager for 8 and more bits displays
blackbox_exporter-0.26.0 Prometheus exporter to test HTTP/DNS/TCP/ICMP endpoints
blackout-2.002pre1p0 stencil sans-serif typeface without holes
blaeu-2.2 create measurements on RIPE Atlas probes
blame-1.3.1p0 RCS equivalent of CVS's annotate command
blast-1.0 blow holes through windows
blender-3.3.21p1 3D creation software
blink1-1.98a software tools for blink(1) LED notification light
blinken-24.12.2 memory enhancement game
blobby-1.1.1p0 volleyball game with online play
blobwars-2.00p6 2D arcade game
blockgame- free and open-source launcher for Minecraft
blockrage-0.2.3p2 falling block puzzle game similar to Xixit
blockzone-1.004p5 pixel-perfect recreation of the original IBM VGA font
blogbench-1.2 filesystem benchmark
blogsum-1.1p8 simple weblog
blosc-1.21.6p0 blocking, shuffling, fast and lossless compression library
blosc2-2.15.2p0 fast, compressed, persistent binary data store library for C
bluefish-2.2.16 HTML editor for experienced web designers
bluemoon-2.13 console-based 52-card solitare game
blueprint-compiler-0.16.0 markup language for GTK user interfaces
bluez-qt-5.116.0 Qt wrapper for BlueZ 5 DBus API
bmf-0.9.4p12 easy to use Bayesian spam filter
bmf-0.9.4p12-mysql easy to use Bayesian spam filter
bnc-2.9.4 simple IRC relay proxy with support for virtual hosting
bochs-2.7p1 x86 machine simulator
bochs-2.7p1-debug x86 machine simulator
boehm-gc-8.2.4 garbage collection and memory leak detection for C and C++
bogofilter-1.2.5 bayesian spam filter
bogofilter-1.2.5-db4 bayesian spam filter
bogofilter-1.2.5-lmdb bayesian spam filter
bogofilter-1.2.5-qdbm bayesian spam filter
bogofilter-1.2.5-sqlite3 bayesian spam filter
bombadillo-2.4.0 terminal browser for gopher, gemini, and finger
bomber-24.12.2 arcade bombing game
bomberclone-0.11.9p0 bomberman clone with multiplayer mode
bonnie++-1.97.3p1 enhanced performance test of filesystem I/O
bonzomatic-20230615 tool for live-coding pixel shaders
boofuzz-0.4.2p2 extensible network protocol fuzzer
boost-1.84.0p8v0 free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries
boost-md-1.84.0p8v0 machine-dependent libraries for boost
bootgcc-8.4.0p8 GNU Compiler Collection; bootstrap package
bore-0.4.1p2 DNS query tool
borgbackup-1.4.0p1 deduplicating backup program
borgbackup-2.0.0beta14p2v0 deduplicating backup program
borgmatic-1.9.13v0 wrapper for Borg to create and prune backups
boringssl-20250223 fork of OpenSSL that is designed to meet Google's needs
boringssl-fips-20240407 fork of OpenSSL that is designed to meet Google's needs
boswars-2.7p4 real-time strategy game
botan2-2.19.5p2 crypto and TLS for C++11
bottlerocket-0.04cp2 X.10 firecracker interface
bounix-1.21 Back Orifice Unix client by the cDc
boust-0.161p4 boustrophedon text reader
bovo-24.12.2 five-in-a-row Board Game
boxed-cpp-1.4.0 C++ primitive type boxing
bozohttpd-20220517 bozotic HTTP server
bpython-0.24 fancy interface to the Python interpreter
braincurses-1.1.0 clone of the Mastermind game
brainfuck-2.7.1 Brainfuck interpreter written in C
brandy-1.23.4 interpreter for BBC Basic (Basic VI)
breeze-6.3.2 Breeze KDE desktop theme
breeze-gtk-6.3.2 GTK2 theme matching KDE Breeze
brewtarget-4.0.17 brewing software
bricons-3.0p6 quick start-up utility for applications on an X11 display
brlaser-6.2.7 CUPS printer driver for some Brother laser printers
brltty-3.6p7 access software for a blind person using a braille terminal
brogue-1.13 roguelike game by Brian Walker with X11 support
broot-1.44.7 new way to see and navigate directory trees
brotli-1.0.9p1 generic lossless compressor
bruce-1.2.1p7 Python-based presentation tool
brumbrumrally-0.7p3 racing game with randomized tracks
bsdiff-4.3 binary patch tools
bspwm-0.9.10p0 binary space partitioning window manager
btoa-5.2.1p0 encode/decode binary to printable ASCII
btop-1.4.0 resource monitor
btpd-0.16p2 BitTorrent Protocol Daemon
bubblemon-dockapp-1.46p9 wm-dockapp; display CPU and memory load
buffer-1.17.1p1 buffer sporadic I/O for faster tape and pipe throughput
bugdom-1.3.4 family-friendly 3D action adventure
bugdom2-4.0.0 sequel to the family-friendly 3D action adventure
buildbot-4.2.1 continuous integration framework
buildbot-worker-4.2.1 buildworker for the buildbot CI system
buku-4.9p0 powerful command-line bookmark manager
bulk_mailer-1.13p1 speed mail delivery by sorting & batching addresses
bullet-3.22 physics library
bupstash-0.12.0pl1 encrypted and deduplicated backup tool
burgerspace-1.10.0 burgertime clone for X
burp-2.0.54p6 BackUp and Restore Program
burp-2.1.28p3 BackUp and Restore Program
burp-2.2.18p1 BackUp and Restore Program
bvi-1.4.2p0 binary visual display editor, based on vi
bwfm-firmware-20200316.1.3p3 firmware binary images for bwfm(4) driver
bwi-firmware-1.4p5 firmware binary images for bwi(4) driver
bwidget-1.10.1 high-level widget set for Tcl/Tk
bwm-ng-0.6.3 realtime bandwidth monitoring of interfaces
byzi-0.2p0 confine pointer and keyboard events to a Tk window sub-tree
bzflag-2.4.22p1 graphical multiplayer 3D tank war game
bzip2-1.0.8p0 block-sorting file compressor, unencumbered
bzip3-1.5.1 compress and decompress bzip3 files
bzrtp-5.3.89 implementation of ZRTP keys exchange protocol
c-client-2.26p0v0 UW c-client mail access routines
c-icap-0.5.13 ICAP server for use with web proxies
c-icap-clamav-0.5.6 libclamav-based virus scanner for c-icap
c-icap-db-0.5.13 Berkeley DB module for c-icap
c-icap-ldap-0.5.13 LDAP module for c-icap
c-icap-urlcheck-0.5.6 basic URL filtering service for c-icap
c2ffi- extract FFI definitions from C, C++, and Objective C
c2html-0.9.6 C-language sources to HTML converter
c2sp-testvectors-20250126 community cryptography specification project test vectors
c3270-4.0.10p0 curses-based 3270 terminal editor
cabal-bundler-0.1.20230523 use cabal solver to build standalone installation
cabal-install- command-line interface for Cabal and Hackage
cabextract-1.11 extracts files from Microsoft CAB archives
cadaver-0.26 command-line WebDAV client
caddy-2.9.1 extensible HTTP/1-2-3 web server
cadubi-1.3.4 ASCII drawing utility
cairo-1.18.4 vector graphics library
cairomm-1.14.5 C++ interface for cairo
cairomm16-1.18.0 C++ interface for cairo
caja-1.28.0p1 file manager for the MATE desktop
caja-extensions-1.28.0p1 extensions for Caja, the MATE file manager
cal3d-0.11.0p7 skeletal based character animation library
calamaris-2.59p0 proxy-cache-servers logfiles analizer
calc- C-style arbitrary precision calculator
calcmysky-0.3.3 simulator of light scattering by planetary atmospheres
calcoo-1.3.18p12 RPN and algebraic scientific calculator
calcurse-4.8.1p1v0 text-based calendar and scheduling application
calendarsupport-24.12.2p0 PIM calendar support library
calf- CALF LADSPA plugins
calibre-5.44.0p5 ebook management application
calligra-24.12.2 KDE office suite
calligraplan-3.3.0p0 KDE Calligra project management application
camera-0.8p12 GNUstep frontent to libgphoto2
candycrisis-3.0.1p0 open source clone of Puyo Puyo series
cannadict-3.5b2p1 canna (kana-kanji converter) dictionaries
cannalib-3.5b2p6 canna (kana-kanji converter) libraries
cannaserver-3.5b2p8 canna (kana-kanji converter) server
cantarell-fonts-0.303.1p0 humanist sans-serif font family
cantata-2.5.0p0 Qt-based MPD client
cantor-24.12.2 KDE mathematical applications
capitan-sevilla-1.0.3p5 platform game set in Seville and in space
caps-plugins-0.9.24p3 CAPS LADSPA plugins
capstone-5.0 multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
cargo-audit-0.13.1p3 audit Cargo.lock files for security vulnerabilities
cargo-c-0.10.9 cargo helper to build and install c-like libraries
cargo-generate-vendor-1.0p1 help generating metadata for cargo vendoring
cascadia-code-2407.24 Microsoft programming/terminal font
castget-2.0.1p1 command-line podcast downloader
castor-0.9.0p3 graphical browser for plain-text protocols
cataclysm-dda-0.Hp0v0 rogue-like zombie survival game
cataclysm-dda-0.Hp0v0-no_x11 rogue-like zombie survival game
catalyst-4.02 catalyst development bundle
catalyst-tutorial-0.06p1v0 catalyst packages for the tutorial
catch2-3.8.0 C++-native, header-only, test framework for unit-tests
catdoc-0.95 convert MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint to ASCII or TeX
catfish-4.20.0p0 versatile file searching tool
catgirl-2.2a curses TLS-only IRC client
cbb-0.73p7 checkbook balancing tool
cbindgen-0.28.0 C bindings generator from rust code
cbmc-5.5p5 Bounded Model Checker for C and C++ programs
cc2538-bsl-2.1pl20240918p0 boot-loader flash tool for TI CC2538, CC26xx, CC13xx
ccache-4.11 C/C++ compiler front-end to cache compiled object code
ccextractor-0.56p3 closed caption subtitles extractor
ccid-1.6.1 USB Chip/Smart Card Interface Devices driver
cconv-0.6.2p4 simplified-traditional chinese translate tool
ccrtp-1.7.1p8 implementation of the Real-time Transport Protocol
ccrypt-1.11p3 encrypt and decrypt AES files and streams
ccze-0.2.1p4 log colorizer
cd-discid-1.3.1 retrieve CDDB ID from a disc
cddlib-0.94mp0 C library for double description method for convex polyhedra
cdk-5.0.20060507p4 curses development kit
cdogs-sdl-2.1.0 open source, classic overhead run-and-gun game
cdparanoia-3.a9.8p5 CDDA reading utility with extra data verification features
cdplayer-0.5.1p17 GNUstep based CD player
cdrdao-1.2.1p7 write audio/data CD-Rs in disk-at-once mode
cdrdao-1.2.1p7-audio write audio/data CD-Rs in disk-at-once mode
cdrtools-3.00p3 ISO 9660 filesystem and CD/DVD/BD creation tools
cegui-0.8.7p0 widgets library for graphics engines
celestia-1.6.4p0 free space simulator and planetarium
cellwriter-1.3.6p2 grid-entry natural handwriting input panel
celt-0.11.1p0v1 experimental ultra-low delay audio codec
cereal-1.3.2p0 C++ header-only serialization library
certbot-3.2.0 client for certificate authorities using ACME protocols
certspotter-0.18.0 Certificate Transparency log monitor
cervisia-24.12.2 CVS GUI for KDE
cfdg-3.4 Context Free Design Grammar
cfengine-3.7.2p5 GNU system administration tool for networks
cfitsio-4.2.0p0 library for handling FITS data
cflow-1.7 analyze C source files and print a call graph
cfssl-1.6.4 CloudFlare PKI/TLS command-line toolkit and HTTP API server
cftp-0.12p6 deprecated full screen FTP client
cgal-5.6.2v0 Computational Geometry Algorithms Library
cgames-2.2b free console games suite
cgdb-0.8.0 curses GDB interface
cgicc-3.2.20 c++ compliant CGI applications libraries
cgichk-3.6 scans webservers for vulnerable CGI programs
cgif-0.3.2 GIF encoder written in C
cgiparse-0.9bp1 C library to parse CGI Forms
cgit-1.2.3 web frontend for git repositories
cglm-0.9.4 highly optimized graphics math library
cgo-20180123 simple terminal based gopher client
cgoban-1.9.14 X11 Go Toolset
cgterm-1.6p1 C/G telnet client for C64 BBSes
chafa-1.14.2p0 character art facsimile generator
charis-6.101 readable Unicode font for laser printers
check-0.12.0 unit test framework for C programs
check_bioctl-1.23 Nagios plugin to check RAID status with bioctl
check_email_delivery-0.7.1bp4 Nagios plugin to check full email delivery loop (SMTP/IMAP)
check_esxi_hardware-20250221 monitoring plugin to check the status of ESX/i hardware
check_hw_sensors-1.42p3 Nagios plugin to monitor sysctl hw.sensors
check_mssql_health- Nagios plugin to check Microsoft SQL Server
check_openbgpd-1.11 Nagios plugin to monitor OpenBGPd peers
check_postgres-2.26.0 Nagios plugin to monitor PostgresQL
check_rabbitmq-2.0.3v0 Nagios plugin to check RabbitMQ
check_sip-20060929p4 Nagios plugin to check SIP
check_squid-1.1.1pl20220729p1 Nagios plugin to monitor Squid proxies
checkbashisms-2.24.8 check shell scripts for bash-specific constructs
checkmate-0.21 check mp3 files for errors
checkrestart-1.0p1 help to find programs that need restarting after upgrade
chessx-1.5.6 free chess database and analyzer
chezmoi-2.59.1 dotfiles manager across multiple diverse machines
chiaki-2.2.0p1 open source PS4 and PS5 remote play client
chibi-scheme-0.10.0p0 interpreter of the R7RS Scheme programming language
chicago95-theme-3.0pl20241222 classic Redmond theme
chicken-5.4.0 practical and portable Scheme system
chicken-bootstrap-5.4.0 practical and portable Scheme system
chirp-20240224p1 tool to programme a wide range of amateur radios
chivo-1.007p1 open-source Grotesque sans-serif typeface family
chmlib-0.40p2 handling CHM files
chocolate-doom-3.1.0p0 portable release of Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife
chordpro-0.974.1p1 lyrics and chords formatting program
choria-1.0.2 2D MMORPG focused on grinding
chroma-1.13p3 abstract puzzle game
chroma-enigma-0.20101210 Enigma levels to the game chroma
chromaprint-1.5.1p1 audio fingerprint extraction library
chromium-134.0.6998.35 Chromium browser
chromium-bsu- fast paced arcade-style space shooter
chrootuid-1.3p0 control chroot and su access rights by application
chunk-1.001pre1p0 ultra-bold slab serif typeface
cil-1.7.3p7 framework for analysis and transformation of C
cim-5.1p0 GNU Simula compiler
circuit-0.1.4p11 finish-the-cycle logic puzzle
citra- nintendo 3DS emulator
citus-13.0.1 extension to horizontally scale PostgreSQL
civetweb-1.15 embedded C/C++ web server
cjose-0.6.1p2 Javascript Object Signing and Encryption library
cjson-1.7.18p0 ultralightweight JSON parser in ANSI C
cl-launch-4.1.3p0 uniform frontend to running Common Lisp code from the shell
clamav-1.4.2 virus scanner
clamav-unofficial-sigs-4.9.2p2 fetch and update unofficial signatures for ClamAV
clamnailer-1.01p1 generate ScamNailer spear phishing database in ClamAV format
clamsmtp-1.10 SMTP virus filter
clang-tools-extra-19.1.7 Clang extra tools
classicube-1.3.6p0 classic Minecraft client written in C
claws-mail-4.3.1 mail and news client
claws-mail-4.3.1-ldap mail and news client
claws-mail-bogofilter-4.3.1 bogofilter plugin
claws-mail-bogofilter-4.3.1-ldap bogofilter plugin
claws-mail-pdfviewer-4.3.1 pdfviewer plugin
claws-mail-pdfviewer-4.3.1-ldap pdfviewer plugin
claws-mail-spamassassin-4.3.1 spamassassin plugin
claws-mail-spamassassin-4.3.1-ldap spamassassin plugin
clazy-1.13 static source code analyzer for Qt-based C++
clearsans-1.00 versatile font for on-screen legibility
clementine-1.4.0rc2p3v0 music player
clex-3.15p1 commandline shell and file manager
cli11-2.5.0 command line parser for C++11
clic-1.1.5p0 text based gopher client
clidle-0.1.0 wordle game for the terminal
clines-1.0.4p3 curses-based Lines game
clipmenu-6.2.0 simple clipboard manager using dmenu
clipnotify-1.0.2 notify on X clipboard events
clisp-2.49p6 ANSI Common Lisp implementation
clisp-hyperspec-7.0 Common Lisp reference
clit-1.8p1 convert Microsoft Reader files to OEBPS packages
cln-1.3.6 library for efficient computations
clo++-0.3.0p7 command line parser generator
cloc-2.00 count lines of code
clojure- Lisp-1 dialect for the Java Virtual Machine
clonekeen-8.4p6 commander keen clone
cloud-agent-1.1 cloud provisioning for OpenBSD VMs
cloud-sql-proxy-2.15.1 GCP Cloud SQL Auth proxy
clucene-core- full-text search engine library
clusterit-2.5p4 suite of clustering tools based on IBM's PSSP
clusterit-2.5p4-no_x11 suite of clustering tools based on IBM's PSSP
clusterssh-4.16 secure concurrent multi-server terminal control
clutter-1.26.4p5 OpenGL-based interactive canvas library
clutter-gst-3.0.27p5 clutter GStreamer integration library
clutter-gtk-1.8.4p5 GTK+ widget for clutter
clzip-1.14p0 C implementation of lzip
cmail-3.1p1 simple mail counter
cmake-3.31.5p2v1 CMake build system (meta package)
cmake-core-3.31.5 portable build system
cmake-help-3.31.5 files for CMake --help
cmake-man-3.31.5 manuals for CMake
cmark-0.30.3p0 CommonMark parsing and rendering library and program in C
cmatrix-1.2ap1 scrolling 'Matrix'-like screen
cmb-3.9.5p0 combinatorics library/utility from FreeBSD
cmdpack-1.03p0 various ROM (and other) development tools
cmdseq-0.2 execute interleaved sequences of commands
cmixer-0.3 simple curses mixer
cmocka-1.1.5 elegant unit testing framework for C
cmockery-0.1.2p4 library to simplify writing unit tests for C applications
cmt-1.15p6 computer music toolkit
cmu-sphinx3-0.8p9 acoustic decoder for CMU Sphinx3 speech recognition system
cmu-sphinxbase-0.6p9 common libraries for the CMU speech recognition engines
cmus-2.12.0 ncurses-based music player
cmus-ffmpeg-2.12.0 ffmpeg input plugin for cmus (.aac, .mp4...)
cnagios-0.33 console interface for nagios
cntlm-0.93beta5p7 fast NTLM/NTLMv2 authenticating HTTP proxy
cnupm-3.12p3 IPv4/IPv6 traffic collector
coccigrep-1.21p0 semantic grep, based on coccinelle
coccinelle-1.1.1p7 program matching and transformation engine
codeblocks-20.03pl12751p6 Code::Blocks C/C++ IDE
codechecker-6.24.0p0 clang static code analyzer
codenewroman-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 CodeNewRoman Nerd Font
codesearch-1.2.0p1 fast, indexed regexp search over large file trees
codespell-2.4.1 source code spelling checker
codeworker-4.5.4p7 universal parsing tool & source code generator
coeurl-0.3.0p0 simple async wrapper around CURL for C++
cogl-1.22.8p5 modern 3D graphics API
coin-4.0.3p0 3D graphics library based on the Open Inventor API
coldfire-0.3.1p2 Motorola Coldfire emulator
collectd-5.12.0p3 system metrics collection engine
collectd-memcachec-5.12.0p3 collectd memcachec plugin
collectd-mqtt-5.12.0p3 collectd mqtt plugin
collectd-mysql-5.12.0p3 collectd mysql plugin
collectd-nut-5.12.0p3 collectd nut plugin
collectd-pgsql-5.12.0p3 collectd postgresql plugin
collectd-ping-5.12.0p3 collectd ping plugin
collectd-prometheus-5.12.0p3 collectd prometheus plugin
collectd-python-5.12.0p3 collectd python plugin
collectd-redis-5.12.0p3 collectd redis plugin
collectd-riemann-5.12.0p3 collectd riemann plugin
collectd-rrdtool-5.12.0p3 collectd rrdtool plugin
collectd-snmp-5.12.0p3 collectd snmp plugin
collectd-virt-5.12.0p3 collectd libvirt plugin
colobot-0.1.12 programming-focused real-time strategy game
colobot-data-0.1.12p0 data files for colobot
colobot-music-0.1.12 music files for colobot
colord-1.4.7p1 device color profile management daemon
colord-gtk4-0.3.1 Gtk helper library for colord
colordiff-1.0.21 colorized diff tool
colorls-7.6 ls(1) that can use color to display file attributes
colortail-0.3.3 color-able replacement for tail(1)
colortree-1.8.0 print a tree of the directory structure
colrdx-1.02p2 curses DX cluster watcher
coma-1.1p0 keyboard driven tiling window manager
comic-mono-0.0.20190607 monospaced "comic" style font
comic-neue-2.51 replacement for Comic Sans font
commoncpp-1.7.3p10 GNU project portable class framework for C++
compcert-3.15p1 high assurance C compiler
composer-2.8.4v0 dependency manager for PHP
compton-conf-0.16.0 configuration tool for compton X composite manager
conky-1.9.0p24 light-weight system monitor
conky-1.9.0p24-no_x11 light-weight system monitor
conky-1.9.0p24-xmms2 light-weight system monitor
connectagram-1.2.11p0 word unscrambling game
conserver-8.2.7p2 manage remote serial consoles via TCP/IP
conserver-8.2.7p2-ipmi manage remote serial consoles via TCP/IP
conserver-8.2.7p2-ipmi-net manage remote serial consoles via TCP/IP
conserver-8.2.7p2-net manage remote serial consoles via TCP/IP
consolekit2-1.2.6p4 framework for defining and tracking users, sessions & seats
consul-1.20.4 service discovery and configuration tool
consul-template-0.40.0 template rendering and notifications with Consul
convmv-2.05 convert filenames from one encoding to another
cool-retro-term-1.2.0p0 good looking terminal emulator which mimics old CRT displays
cooledit-3.17.28 easy to use graphical editor
copyq-7.1.0 Qt5 based clipboard manager
coq-8.13.2p6 proof assistant based on a typed lambda calculus
coreboot-utils-4.21 utilities to work on firmware images and hardware
coredns-1.12.0 fast and flexible DNS server/forwarder
coreutils-9.5p0 file, shell and text manipulation utilities
corewars-0.9.13p11 computer simulation game
corkscrew-2.0p0 HTTP tunneling utility for SSH
corsixth-0.67 open source clone of Theme Hospital
cosmosmash-1.5.0 astrosmash clone for X
courier-authlib-0.72.3 authentication library for courier
courier-authlib-ldap-0.72.3 ldap authentication module for courier-authLib
courier-authlib-mysql-0.72.3 mysql authentication module for courier-authLib
courier-authlib-pgsql-0.72.3 pgsql authentication module for courier-authLib
courier-authlib-userdb-0.72.3 userdb authentication module for courier-authLib
courier-imap-5.2.10 imap server for maildir format mailboxes
courier-pop3-5.2.10 pop3 server for maildir format mailboxes
courier-unicode-2.3.1 courier unicode library
courier-utils-3.1.8p0 quota tools for the Courier mail suite
cowsay-0.2.1v0 speaking ascii cow
cozy-1.3.0p7 gtk3 audiobook player
cparser-1.22.1pl3 C99 parser and frontend for libFirm
cpat-1.4.1p2 curses-based solitaire collection suite
cpdup-5.4.0 utility to mirror filesystems, directories, and files
cplay-5.0.1p4 simple curses audio player
cppcheck-2.9p1 C/C++ static checker
cpphs- liberalised reimplementation of cpp in Haskell
cpptest-2.0.0 unit testing framework
cppunit-1.14.0 c++ unit testing framework
cpputest-3.8p0 unit testing and mocking framework for C/C++
cppzmq-4.10.0 C++ bindings for ZeroMQ
cpuid-20231115 simple tool to dump cpuid information
crack-attack-1.1.14p17 OpenGL game based on SNES classic Tetris Attack
cracklib-2.10.3 sensible unix password cracker
crashme-2.4p1 test operating environment software robustness
crawl-0.4p5 small and efficient HTTP crawler
crawley-1.7.10 unix-way web crawler
crc32c-1.1.2 CRC32 implementation in hardware
crimson-0.5.3p2 tactical war game like Battle Isle; multiplayer
crimson-2014.10 oldstyle book font
crispy-doom-7.0 enhanced release of Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife
croc-10.0.13 simply and securely transfer files and folders
cromagrally-3.0.1 family-friendly bronze age kart game
cronolog-1.6.2p0 web log rotation program
crossfire-1.3.1p0 CrossFire crossword constructor
crossfire-client-1.71.0p2 graphical networked AD&D style game
crowdsec-1.6.5 lightweight and collaborative security engine
crowdsec-firewall-bouncer-0.0.31p0 CrowdSec bouncer written in golang for firewalls
crunch-3.6 wordlist generator
crust-0.6 libre SCP firmware for Allwinner sunxi SoCs
cryptopp-8.9.0 C++ library of cryptographic algorithms
crystal-1.15.1 statically typed object oriented language
cscope-15.9p1 code browsing program
csmash-0.6.6p12 Cannon Smash 3D table tennis
csmith-2.3.0p1 fuzzer for C compilers
cstitch-0.9.8p5 convert images to cross stitch patterns
csvlens-0.12.0 command line csv viewer
csvquote-0.1.5 filter for csv data containing delimiters and newlines
ctftools-0.1p6 collection of CTF tools
ctl-1.5.3p1 Color Transformation Language interpreter
ctrace-0.9p2 multiprotocol traceroute tool
ctwm-4.1.0 twm, plus support for multiple virtual screens, etc
cucipop-1.31p1 Cubic Circle's POP3 daemon
cudd-3.0.0p1 Colorado University Decision Diagram
cuetools-1.3.1p2 tools for handling audio-file cue sheets and toc files
cunit-2.1.2p3 c unit testing framework
cups-2.4.11 Common Unix Printing System
cups-bjnp-2.0.3p1 BJNP protocol backend for CUPS
cups-browsed-2.1.1p0 browse network for remote CUPS queues and IPP printers
cups-filters-2.0.1p0 OpenPrinting CUPS filters
cups-libs-2.4.11p0 CUPS libraries and headers
cups-pdf-3.0.1p1 PDF backend for CUPS
cups-pk-helper-0.2.7 fine-grained privileges PolicyKit helper for CUPS
curl-8.12.1 transfer files with FTP, HTTP, HTTPS, etc.
curlftpfs-0.9.2p3 FUSE FTP driver
curseradio-0.3pre20241222 curses interface for browsing and playing radio streams
cutemaze-1.2.6p0 simple maze game
cutils-1.6p5 collection of utilities for C programmers
cutter-2.3.4p1 RE platform powered by rizin
cvechecker-4.0p0 local CVE checker tool
cvs-fast-export-1.59p2 export an RCS or CVS history as a fast-import stream
cvs-guide-1.21p0 the definitive guide to CVS
cvs2cl-2.62 generate GNU-style ChangeLogs from CVS repositories
cvs2gitdump-20210221p3 import cvs tree into git or subversion
cvs2svn-2.5.0 migrate repositories from CVS to Subversion/GIT/BZR
cvsgraph-1.7.2 graphical representation of CVS repository
cvslock-0.2p1 safely manipulate and inspect CVS respositories
cvsplot-1.7.4p0 CVS-managed project analyzer
cvsps-2.1p3 generate patchsets from CVS repositories
cvstrac-2.0.1p4 patch-set and bug tracking system for CVS
cvsutils-0.2.6p0 collection of useful CVS scripts
cvsweb-2.1 CGI script to browse CVS repository trees
cynthiune-1.0.0p17 audio player for GNUstep
cyrus-imapd-3.10.1 Cyrus IMAP server
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28p1 RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28p1-db4 RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28p1-gssapi RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28p1-ldap RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28p1-mysql RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28p1-pgsql RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
cyrus-sasl-2.1.28p1-sqlite3 RFC 2222 SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer)
cyrus-sasl-xoauth2-0.2 XOAUTH2 mechanism plugin for cyrus-sasl
czds-1.2.14 client to the CZDS REST API
czkawka-8.0.0 remove unnecessary/duplicate files
czkawka-gui-8.0.0 GUI to remove unnecessary/duplicate files
czmq-4.0.2 high-level C binding for ZeroMQ
d-spy-1.10.0 D-Bus exploration tool
d11amp-0.61 simple MP3 player
d1489-1.5.1p0 cp866<>koi8-r & cp1251<>koi8-r decoders and font converter
dai-banna-4.000 New Tai Lue Unicode characters
dangerdeep- WWII German submarine simulator
dansguardian- content scanning web filter
dante-1.4.4 SOCKS client and server
daq-2.0.6 data acquisition library for snort
darcs-2.16.5p2 advanced revision control system written in Haskell
darkhttpd-1.16 simple and small webserver intended for ad-hoc usage
darkstat-3.0.719p3 network statistics gatherer with graphs
darktable-4.8.1p2 virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
dash-0.5.12 Debian Almquist shell, POSIX-compliant
dash-0.5.12-static Debian Almquist shell, POSIX-compliant
dasm-2.20.14 versatile macro assembler for 8-bit microprocessors
databasin-1.0p5 GNUstep client for
databasinkit-1.0p5 GNUstep client framework for
datalog-2.6p2 deductive database system similar to Prolog
datamash-1.8p1 perform basic numeric, textual and statistical operations
dateutils-0.4.11 tools to fiddle with dates and times
dav1d-1.5.1 small and fast AV1 decoder
davical-1.1.12p1 CalDAV/CardDav calendar/contacts server
db-3.1.17p3v0 Berkeley DB package, revision 3
db-4.6.21p7v0 Berkeley DB package, revision 4
db-java-4.6.21p13v0 Java bindings for Berkeley DB, revision 4
db-tcl-3.1.17p2v0 TCL bindings for Berkeley DB, revision 3
db-tcl-4.6.21p4v0 TCL bindings for Berkeley DB, revision 4
dbip-asn-lite-2025.03 DB-IP IP to ASN Lite: IPv4/v6 address to ASN
dbip-city-lite-2025.03 DB-IP IP to City Lite: IPv4/v6 address to city
dbip-country-lite-2025.03 DB-IP IP to Country Lite: IPv4/v6 address to country
dblatex-0.3p10 convert DocBook to LaTeX, DVI, PostScript, and PDF
dbus-1.16.2v0 message bus system
dbus-daemon-launch-helper-1.16.2 DBus setuid helper for starting system services
dbus-glib-0.112p1v0 glib bindings for dbus message system
dbus-intf-3.0 high level interface to dbus-tcl
dbus-tcl-4.1 dbus bindings for Tcl
dbusmenu-qt5-0.9.3p6 D-Bus menu implementation for Qt
dcc-2.3.169 bulk mail detection (Distributed Checksum Clearinghouses)
dcfldd-1.9.2 GNU dd with added forensic/security features
dcled-2.2p0 userland driver for Dream Link USB LED Message Board
dcmtk-3.6.9 DICOM toolkit
dconf-0.40.0p2 configuration backend system
dconf-editor-45.0.1p0 graphical dconf(1) editor
dcraw-9.28.0p0 digital camera RAW format conversion tool
dd2-0.2.2p1 arcade game for one or two players
ddclient-3.9.1p0 update client for dynamic DNS services
ddd-3.3.12p16 Data Display Debugger, graphical front-end for GDB, etc
ddrescue-1.29 data recovery tool
deadbeef-1.9.6p0 DeaDBeeF is an audio player
deadbeef-plugin-mpris2-1.16 deadbeef plugin for mpris2 support
decker-1.53 multimedia platform inspired by HyperCard
deco-3.8.3p2 Demos Commander, a free Norton Commander clone
deco-archive-1.6.4p0 extract various archive file formats
defendguin-0.0.13 clone of arcade game 'Defender' with a Linux theme
deja-dup-47.0p2 simple encrypted backup tool for GNOME
dejagnu-1.5.3 framework to test programs
dejavusansmono-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font
delaboratory-0.8p7 color correction utility for digital images
delay-1.6p0 delay program with feedback to the user
delta-0.18.2p1 viewer for git and diff output
deluge-2.1.1p2 bittorrent client
deluge-ltconfig-2.0.0p2 libtorrent settings modification plugin for deluge
dendrite-0.14.1 matrix homeserver written in Go
deno-2.2.3 runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
dep-0.5.0p0 Go dependency management tool
der-ascii-0.5.0v0 convert between ASN.1 encodings and text
desktop-file-utils-0.28p0 utilities for dot.desktop entries
deskzilla-lite-2.1p6 desktop bugzilla browser
desmume-0.9.13 Nintendo DS emulator
detex-2.8.1 strip TeX/LaTeX codes from a file
detox-1.4.5 utility designed to clean up filenames
deutex-5.2.2 WAD composer for Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife
devdrawserver-20120504p2 client-server p9p devdraw
devede-4.17.0p5 video DVDs and CDs creation tool
devhelp-43.0p2 API documentation browser for GNOME
devilutionx-1.5.3 open source engine recreation for Diablo 1 game
devtodo-0.1.20p6 reminder/task program aimed at developers
dex2jar-2.0p4 tools to work with android .dex and java .class files
dfc-3.1.1p0 display file system space usage using graph and colors
dfu-programmer-0.7.2 Device Firmware Update-based programmer for Atmel chips
dfu-util-0.10p0 device firmware update (DFU) USB programmer
dgen-sdl-1.33p2 Sega Megadrive/Genesis emulator
dgen-sdl-1.33p2-debugger Sega Megadrive/Genesis emulator
dgpsip-1.35p1 Differential GPS over IP communication device
dhcdrop-0.5 testing and/or dropping DHCP server
dhcpcd-10.2.2v0 DHCPv4/IPv4LL/IPv6RS/DHCPv6 quad stack client
dhcpd_leases_exporter-0.2.3 prometheus exporter for dhcpd(8) leases file
dhcpdump-1.8p0 DHCP packet dumper
dhcping-1.2 dhcp daemon ping program
dhewm3-1.5.4 open-source version of Doom 3
dhex-0.69p0 ncurses-based hex-editor with diff mode
dia-0.98.0alpha20241027p1 program for drawing structured diagrams
dia-gtk2-0.97.3 technical diagrams drawing tool
dialect-2.5.0p1 translation app for GNOME
dialog-1.3.20250116 curses widgets (menus, lists, etc) for shell scripts
dibuja-0.24.0 simple to use paint program
dico-2.11p1 GNU dictionary server
dictd-client-1.13.3 Dictionary Server Protocol client
dictd-server-1.13.3 Dictionary Server Protocol server
diction-1.11p0 sentence grammar and readability analyzer
dieharder-3.31.1p2 random number generator (rng) testing suite
diffoscope-272p0 in-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories
diffstat-1.67 accumulates and displays statistics from a diff file
difftastic-0.63.0 diff tool that compares files based on their syntax
diffutiltcl-0.4.2 diff functions for Tcl
digikam-8.5.0p0 KDE digital photo and video management utility
digitemp-3.5.0p1 program for reading values from 1-wire devices
dillo-3.2.0 fast and light graphical web browser
dina-fonts-2.92p5 monospace bitmap font, primarily aimed at programmers
ding-1.9 dictionary lookup program for X11
dinit-0.18.0 service monitoring / "init" system
dino-0.4.5 XMPP desktop client
dirb-2.22 web content scanner
direnv-2.26.0p0 tool for managing environment based on current directory
disc-cover-1.5.6p1 creates cover for audio cds using cddb and latex
discount-2.2.7pl0 fast C implementation of Markdown
diskrescue-0.4p0 fancy dd
displaycalibrator-0.7p11 GNUstep frontend for xgamma
displaz-0.4.0p8 viewer for geospatial point clouds
distcc-3.4p0v0 distributed builds for C, C++ and Objective C
distcc-gtk-3.4p0v0 GTK+ monitor for distcc
distcc-server-3.4p0v0 distcc server
distorm3-3.5.2p1 powerful disassembler library for x86/amd64
divecmd-0.1.3 download and process dive computer data
diveintopython-5.4p2 book about Python for experienced programmers
diveintopython3-20130531 book about Python 3 for experienced programmers
djview4-4.10.6p11 portable DjVu viewer and browser plugin
djvulibre-3.5.28p3 view, decode and encode DjVu files
dkimproxy-1.4.1p4 SMTP proxy to verify or add DKIM signatures
dleyna-0.8.3p3 services and D-Bus APIs to access UPnP and DLNA devices
dlib-19.24.6p0 C++ toolkit for machine learning and data analysis
dlint-1.4.1p0 DNS zone verification tool
dma-0.12 DragonFly Mail Agent
dmagnetic-0.37 interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
dmassage-0.6p4 dmesg parser
dmd-2.109.0 reference compiler for the D programming language
dmenu-5.3 dynamic menu for X11
dmenu-wayland-20230902p0 dynamic menu for Wayland
dmidecode-3.6 dump DMI/SMBIOS contents in human-readable format
dmtx-utils-0.7.6p2 tools for handling data matrix barcodes
dnscontrol-4.16.0p0 manage DNS configuration across any number of DNS hosts
dnscrypt-proxy-2.1.7 flexible DNS proxy with support for encrypted DNS protocols
dnsdist-1.9.8p0 highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer
dnsdist-1.9.8p0-h3 highly DNS-, DoS- and abuse-aware loadbalancer
dnsmasq-2.90 lightweight caching DNS forwarder, DHCP and TFTP server
dnsperf-2.4.2p3 DNS performance testing tools
dnspy-6.5.0 .NET debugger and assembly editor
dnsq-0.19.2 feature-rich command line DNS client
dnsreflector-1.03p0 DNS queries reflector
dnstop-20240708 pcap-based DNS query monitor
dnstracer-1.9p2 domain name system resolution tracer
doc++-3.4.10p14 documentation system for C, C++, IDL and Java
doc-2.2.3p0 automated domain testing tool
docbook-4.5p4 technical documentation XML/SGML definitions
docbook-dsssl-1.79p0 modular DSSSL stylesheets for the DocBook DTD
docbook-guide-2.0.8p0 the definite guide to DocBook
docbook-to-man-0.0p3 convert docbook to man
docbook-utils-0.6.14p1 generates various output formats from DocBook SGML documents
docbook-xsl-1.79.1p0 docbook XSL modular stylesheet
docbook2mdoc-1.1.0 DocBook to mdoc converter
docbook2x-0.8.8p6 convert DocBook to man pages and Texinfo
docker-buildx-0.21.2 Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities
docker-cli-28.0.1 command-line tool for controlling Docker
docker-compose-2.33.1 define and run multi-container applications with Docker
doclifter-2.21p0 troff to DocBook converter
docopt.cpp-0.6.3 command-line interface description language, in c++
docx2txt-1.4p1 command line converter from Microsoft docx to ASCII text
dog-0.1.0p4 command-line DNS lookup tool
doh-0.20191105 simple DoH (dns-over-https) client
doit-0.36.0p2 automation tool
dokuwiki-2024.02.06 standards compliant, simple to use Wiki
dolphin- Nintendo GameCube and Wii emulator with GUI
dolphin-nogui- Nintendo GameCube and Wii emulator
dolphin-plugins-24.12.2 Dolphin plugins
dooble-2023.07.15 small, lightweight QtWebEngine web browser
doomdata-1.9p1 DOOM I Shareware data files
dopewars-1.6.2 game where you deal drugs on the streets of NY
dopewars-1.6.2-no_x11 game where you deal drugs on the streets of NY
dos2unix-7.5.2 convert DOS/MAC files to UNIX (line-endings/charset)
dosbox-0.74.3 x86 with DOS emulator targeted at playing games
dosbox-x-2024.03.01p0 x86 with DOS emulator targeted at playing games
dosfstools-4.1p0 check and label FAT file systems
dotconf-1.3p0 simple, powerful configuration-file parser
double-conversion-3.3.0 binary-decimal and decimal-binary routines for IEEE doubles
doulos-6.101 Unicode-based font for Roman and Cyrillic
doulos-cipher-1.020 Cipher music notation
dovecot- compact IMAP/POP3 server
dovecot- compact IMAP/POP3 server
dovecot-fts-flatcurve-1.0.5 full text search plugin for Dovecot using Xapian
dovecot-fts-xapian-1.7.16 full text search plugin for Dovecot using Xapian
dovecot-ldap- LDAP authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
dovecot-ldap- LDAP authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
dovecot-mysql- MySQL authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
dovecot-mysql- MySQL authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
dovecot-pigeonhole- Sieve mail filtering for Dovecot
dovecot-pigeonhole- Sieve mail filtering for Dovecot
dovecot-postgresql- PostgreSQL authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
dovecot-postgresql- PostgreSQL authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
downtimed-1.0p1 system downtime monitoring
doxygen-1.10.0p2 source code documentation generator tool
doxygen-gui-1.10.0p1 GUI front-end for doxygen
dpic-2024.01.01 pic-like interpreter for producing line graphics
draco-1.5.7p0 3D meshes and point clouds compressor/decompressor
dragon-24.12.2 simple video player for KDE
dragon-drop-1.2.0 drag and drop source/target for X
drawpile-2.1.20p0 collaborative drawing program
drawterm-20240423 Plan9 terminal emulator
drgeo-1.1.0p28 interactive geometry program
drgeo-doc-1.6p0 interactive geometry program, documentation
drill-1.8.4 DNS debugger
dropbear-2025.87 small SSH server and client
droplet-2.0p2 high performance Cloud Storage client library
drush-8.4.11p2 command line access to most of Drupal
dsda-doom-0.28.2 fork of prboom+ with a focus on speedrunning
dsh-0.25.10p1 dancers shell or distributed shell
dsniff-2.3p17 sniffing tools for penetration testing
dsniff-2.3p17-no_x11 sniffing tools for penetration testing
dsocks-1.8 SOCKS client wrapper for *BSD
dstat-0.8p0 dwm status bar statistics
dsvpn-0.1.4p0 small and simple TCP VPN with modern crypto
dt-1.0.2 display various information about DNS domain
dtach-0.9p0 tiny program emulating the detach feature of screen
dtb-6.13 Device Tree Blobs
dtc-1.7.0 Device Tree Compiler
dtcltiny-0.4.5p1v0 small SRCP client to control digital model trains
dte-1.11.1 small and easy to use console text editor
dtools-2.108.1 ancillary tools for the D programming language compiler
dtpstree-1.0.3p6 display a tree of processes
dub-1.37.0-dmd package and build management system for the D language
duf-0.8.1p0 disk Usage/free utility
duke3ddata-1.0p0 duke nukem 3d shareware game data
duktape-2.7.0p1 embeddable JavaScript engine
dumb-0.9.3p2 IT/MOD/XM player and library
dump1090- simple ADS-B Mode-S decoder for RTLSDR devices
dumpmpeg-0.6p4 dump frames from mpeg-1 movies
dune-3.6.2p2 OCaml build system
dune-configurator-3.6.2p0 OCaml library for gathering system configuration
dunelegacy-0.96.4p2 improved opensource version of Dune 2
dungeon-2.7sp1 text adventure game
dungeon-crawl-4.0.0b26p5 dungeon crawl
dunst-1.9.2p2 customizable and lightweight notification-daemon
duplicity-3.0.3 encrypted backup using rsync algorithm
dustrac-1.13.0p3 traditional top-down car racing game
dvd+rw-tools-7.1p1 mastering tools for DVD+RW/+R/-R/-RW
dvdauthor-0.7.2p3 creates DVD file structures
dvdbackup-0.1.1p4 DVD ripper
dvdstyler-3.2.1p1 DVD authoring application
dvi2tty-5.3.1p0 converts .dvi files to plain text
dvorak7min-1.6.1p2 typing tutor for dvorak keyboards
dvtm-0.15p0 tiling window management for the console
dwdiff-2.1.4 word-based diff program
dwm-6.5 dynamic window manager
dwz-0.15 DWARF optimization and duplicate removal tool
dxf2gcode-20191025p5 tool to convert 2D (dxf, pdf, ps) files to gcode
dxpc-3.8.2p3 X11 over a low bandwidth link
dxx-rebirth-0.60pl20220929p0 source port of Descent, a 6-degrees-of-freedom shooter
dynagen-0.11.0p6 front-end for dynamips cisco emulator
dynamips-0.2.8rc2p9 cisco 3600/7200 platform emulator
dyncall-1.1p1 arch-independent interface for dynamic calls of C functions
dzen2-0.9.5p3 general purpose messaging, notification and menu program
dzen2-0.9.5p3-xft general purpose messaging, notification and menu program
dzen2-gadgets-0.9.5p3 gadgets and scripts for dzen2
dzen2-gadgets-0.9.5p3-xft gadgets and scripts for dzen2
e16keyedit-0.10 edit enlightenment's keybindings
e2fsprogs-1.47.1p0 utilities to manipulate ext2 filesystems
e2guardian-5.3.4p0 content scanning web filter
eagle-1.0beta55v0 Tcl implementation for the CLR
easy-rsa-3.2.2 small RSA key management package
easyrpg-0.5.3p0 free interpreter for RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG games
easytag-2.4.3p12 tag editor for various audio file formats
eboard-1.1.1p5 gtk+2 chess board interface
eboard-extras-0.1p0 eboard extra piece sets and sounds
ebook-tools-0.2.2 accessing and converting various ebook file formats
ec2-api-tools- API tools for Amazon EC2 web service
echinus-0.4.9 simple, lightweight tiling and floating window manager
echoping-6.0.2p1 test performance of remote TCP/UDP services
ecl-24.5.10p1 embeddable common-lisp
ecm-7.0.4 elliptic curve method (ECM) factorization library
ecoliercourt-fonts-0.1p2 dip pen style TTF fonts
ecs-cli-1.21.0p0 CLI for AWS ECS
ectags-5.8p6 multilanguage implementation of ctags
edbrowse-3.7.7p0 command-line editor and web browser
ede-2.1p13 Equinox desktop environment
edelib-2.1p9 equinox desktop library
edenmath_gnustep-1.1.1p15 GNUstep based scientific calcualtor
editorconfig-core-c-0.12.5 library for IDE consistency
eduke32- Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D engine
eduvpn-documentation-3.20230910 documentation repo for eduVPN
ee-1.5.2p2v0 easy to use text editor
efax-0.9p4 small & simple FAX send/receive program
efivar-38p0 tools and libraries to work with EFI
egoboo-2.8.1p1 dungeon-crawling action-RPG adventure
eigen3-3.4.0p0 lightweight C++ template library for linear algebra
einstein-2.0p5 open source remake of old DOS game Sherlock
ejabberd-24.12 robust, ubiquitous and massively scalable messaging platform
ejabberd-dovecot-auth-0.20120116 authenticate ejabberd against dovecot
ekg-1.7p5 Gadu-Gadu IM protocol client
electricfence-2.0.5p0 library providing malloc debugging via VM protection
elementary-calculator-1.5.5 calculator from elementary OS
elementary-code-3.4.1p6 code editor from elementary OS
elementary-dock-0.11.89p1 dock from elementary OS
elementary-xfce-icon-theme-0.20 Elementary icon theme for Xfce
elfcat-0.1.8p3 ELF visualizer, generating HTML files from ELF binaries
elftoolchain-0.7.1p2 BSD-licensed implementation of compilation tools
elinks-0.18.0p0 advanced text mode web browser
eliot-2.2 scrabble game
elisa-24.12.2 audio player with QML and KDE Plasma integration
elixir-1.18.3 functional language for building scalable applications
elm-2.4ME+66p5 once-popular mail user agent
eltclsh-1.19 Libedit interface to Tcl/Tk interpreters
elvis-2.2.0p5 clone of the ex/vi text editor
elvis-2.2.0p5-no_x11 clone of the ex/vi text editor
elvish-0.16.3 expressive programming language and versatile shell
emacs-30.1-gtk2 GNU editor: extensible, customizable, self-documenting
emacs-30.1-gtk3 GNU editor: extensible, customizable, self-documenting
emacs-30.1-no_x11 GNU editor: extensible, customizable, self-documenting
emacs-30.1-pgtk GNU editor: extensible, customizable, self-documenting
emacs-anthy-9100hp9 emacs files for anthy
emelfm2-0.9.1p6 GTK based file manager with two-pane design
emldump-0.0.13p1 analyze MIME files
emptyclip-2.0.2 top-down shooter RPG
ems-flasher-0.03 utility to flash EMS 64 Mbit USB Game Boy cartridge
emulationstation-2.0.1ap3 flexible keyboardless emulator frontend
emwm-1.2 enhanced motif window manager (MWM fork)
emwm-utils-1.2 session manager and a toolchest-like application launcher
enblend-enfuse-4.2p3 blend seams in panoramic image mosaics
enca-1.19p0 detect character set and encoding of text files
encfs-1.9.5p5 fuse-based cryptographic filesystem
enchant-1.6.1p5 generic spell checking library
enchant2-2.8.2 generic spell checking library
endeavour-43.0p4 task manager for GNOME
endless-sky-0.10.6 space exploration and combat game similar to Escape Velocity
endlessh-1.1pre20210430p1 SSH tarpit that slowly sends an endless banner
enet-1.3.18 network library for games
engrampa-1.28.1p0 file archiver for the MATE desktop
enigma-1.30p0 Oxyd/Rock'n'Roll clone
enlightenment-1.0.30p0 themed window manager
enscript-1.6.6p2 convert ASCII files to PostScript
ensmallen-2.10.3p0 C++ template library for function minimization
ent-1.0p1 pseudo random number sequence test program
entr-5.6 run arbitrary commands when files change
envconsul-0.13.3 start subprocess with envvar populated from Consul and Vault
eog-47.0p2 Eye of GNOME, image viewing and cataloging program
eog-plugins-44.1p1 plugins for EOG
eom-1.28.0p1 image viewer for the MATE desktop
ephemetoot-3.2.1p0 tool for deleting old Mastodon toots
epic4-2.10.5p3 (E)nhanced (P)rogrammable (I)RC-II (C)lient
epic5-2.1.12p2 enhanced programmable ircII client 5th generation
epic5-2.1.12p2-python enhanced programmable ircII client 5th generation
epiphany-47.3.1 GNOME web browser based on webkit
epoll-shim-0.0.20240608 small epoll implementation using kqueue
epr-reader-2.4.15p1 terminal/CLI Epub Reader
epson-inkjet-printer-escpr-1.8.6 printer driver for Epson ESC/P-R inkjets
epte-2.0.8p1 electronic periodic table of the elements
epubcheck-5.1.0 EPUB validator
ergo-2.15.0 modern IRC server written in Go
erl25-rebar3-3.24.0 Erlang build tool
erl26-rebar3-3.24.0 Erlang build tool
erl27-rebar3-3.24.0 Erlang build tool
erlang- real-time, concurrent and distributed functional language
erlang- real-time, concurrent and distributed functional language
erlang-27.3v0 real-time, concurrent and distributed functional language
erlang-wx- WxWidgets bindings for Erlang
erlang-wx- WxWidgets bindings for Erlang
erlang-wx-27.3v0 WxWidgets bindings for Erlang
es-0.9beta1p0v0 extensible shell, derived from plan9's rc
es-de-3.1.0 emulator frontend
esbuild-0.25.0 fast bundler for the web
espeak-1.52.0 compact speech synthesizer
eterm-0.9.6p2 color X11 terminal emulator with transparency support
etl-1.5.3p0 C++ class and template library
etsh-5.4.0v0 enhanced port of Thompson shell from Sixth Edition Unix
ettercap- multi-purpose sniffer/interceptor/logger
ettercap- multi-purpose sniffer/interceptor/logger
eventlog-0.2.12p2 replacement for the syslog() API
eventviews-24.12.2p0 KDE PIM library for creating events
evilwm-1.4.3 minimalist window manager for the X Window System
evince-46.3.1p4 GNOME document viewer
evince-46.3.1p4-light GNOME document viewer
evolution-3.54.3 integrated email and PIM software for GNOME
evolution-data-server-3.54.3 unified backend for PIM programs
evolution-ews- evolution connector for MS Exchange via EWS
exabgp-4.2.22p0 BGP route injector (supporting flow routes, etc)
exempi-2.6.3 implementation of XMP
exfat-fuse-1.4.0 exFAT file system through FUSE
exiftran-2.14 command line utility to transform jpeg files
exim-4.98.1 flexible mail transfer agent
exim-4.98.1-ldap flexible mail transfer agent
exim-4.98.1-mysql flexible mail transfer agent
exim-4.98.1-mysql-postgresql-ldap flexible mail transfer agent
exim-4.98.1-postgresql flexible mail transfer agent
exim-eximon-4.98.1 X11 monitor tool for Exim MTA
exiv2-0.28.5v0 image metadata manipulation
exmh-2.7.2p2 Tcl/Tk interface to the MH mail system
exo-4.20.0p0 Xfce4 extension library
exoscale-cli-1.83.1 manage Exoscale infrastructure from the command-line
expect-5.45.4 sophisticated scripter based on Tcl/Tk
expect-lite-4.9.0p1 mature, quick and easy command line automation tool
exploitdb-20241126 archive of public exploits and shellcode
exprtk-0.0.3p0 c++ mathematical expression parsing and evaluation library
extracturl-1.6.2p0 extract URLs from MIME email messages or plain text
extremetuxracer-0.8.4 downhill racing game
extsmail-2.8 robust sending of e-mail via external commands
exult-1.10.1 Ultima VII game engine for modern operating systems
eyeD3-0.9.7p2 module and program for processing ID3 tags
eza-0.20.19 ls alternative written in Rust (fork of exa)
ezquake-3.6.6 modern QuakeWorld client
ezstream-1.0.2 streaming source client that uses external en-/decoders
f1spirit-0.1615p8 remake of Konami's F1-Spirit
f3-8.0 test flash cards capacity and performance
faad-2.10.1 MPEG-2 and MPEG-4 AAC decoder
faba-icon-theme-4.3p0 sexy and modern icon theme with Tango influences
fabric-2.6.0p5 simple, pythonic tool for remote execution and deployment
facette-0.5.1p3 time series data visualization and graphing software
faenza-icon-theme-1.3p6 complete, colourful suite of squared icons
falconseye-1.9.3p10 NetHack derivative
falkon-24.12.2 cross-platform Qt-based web browser
fallingtime-1.0.2 game where you are a constantly falling ball
fann-2.2.0 Fast Artificial Neural Network Library
fantasque-sans-1.8.0p1 programming font designed with functionality in mind
fantasquesansmono-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font
fanwood-1.1p0 serif based on the work of Rudolph Ruzicka
farbfeld-4 lossless, uncompressed graphics format
farsi-bfonts-ttf-2.0p2 farsi bornaray fonts
farsifonts-ttf-0.4p3 ISIRI 6219 conforming Farsi fonts
fasd-1.0.1 quick access to files in a POSIX shell
fasm-1.73.04 flat assembler
fast-float-6.1.1 fast and exact implementation of from_chars for float/double
fastjar-0.94p0 Sun JDK's jar command written entirely in C
fastnetmon-1.1.7p2 DDoS detector with multiple packet capture engines
faubackup-0.6.0p0 full and incremental backups on filesystem
faudio-24.06p0 XAudio reimplementation for open platforms
fbpanel-7.0p0 lightweight NETWM compliant desktop panel
fcbanner-0.0.20040302p0 fontconfig-based alternative to banner(1)
fceux-2.6.6p0 emulator for Nintendo Entertainment System
fcft-3.1.7 small font loading and glyph rasterization library
fcgi-2.4.4 FastCGI Development Kit
fcgi-cgi-0.2.2p2 wrapper to run CGI applications via FastCGI
fcitx-5.1.11 flexible input method framework
fcitx-anthy-5.1.5 anthy wrapper for fcitx5
fcitx-chewing-5.1.6 chewing wrapper for fcitx5
fcitx-chinese-addons-5.1.7 addons related to Chinese with IME bundled inside fcitx
fcitx-configtool-5.1.7 GUI configure tool for fcitx5
fcitx-gtk-5.1.3 GTK IM module for fcitx5
fcitx-hangul-5.1.5 Hangul wrapper for fcitx5
fcitx-kkc-5.1.5 libkkc wrapper for fcitx5
fcitx-lua-5.0.13 Lua support for fcitx5
fcitx-m17n-5.1.2 m17n wrapper for fcitx5
fcitx-qt-5.1.8 Qt library and IM module for fcitx5
fcitx-table-extra-5.1.6p0 extra table for Fcitx5
fcitx-unikey-5.1.5 unikey Vietnamese support for fcitx5
fclones-0.35.0 efficient duplicate file finder
fcrackzip-1.0p2 ZIP password cracker
fd-10.2.0 simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
fdk-aac-2.0.3 modified Fraunhofer FDK AAC encoder and decoder
fdm-2.2 fetch, filter and deliver mail
fdupes-2.3.2 identify or delete duplicate files
feathernotes-1.1.0 lightweight Qt5 notes manager
featherpad-1.5.1 lightweight Qt5 plain-text editor
feh-3.10.3 lightweight image viewer
femail-1.0p1 simple SMTP client
femail-chroot-1.0p3 simple SMTP client for chrooted web servers
fennel-docs-1.5.1 Documentation for fennel
fennel-lua51-1.5.1 Lisp dialect that runs on Lua 5.1
fennel-lua52-1.5.1 Lisp dialect that runs on Lua 5.2
fennel-lua53-1.5.1 Lisp dialect that runs on Lua 5.3
fennel-lua54-1.5.1 Lisp dialect that runs on Lua 5.4
fet-5.42.3 automatically create timetables
fetchmail-6.4.39 mail retrieval utility for POP2, POP3, KPOP, IMAP and more
ffcall-1.10p6 foreign function call libraries
fff-2.2p0 simple and fast file manager
ffmpeg-6.1.2p0v1 audio/video converter and streamer
ffmpeg-normalize-1.27.7p1 audio normalization
ffmpegthumbnailer-2.2.2p0 lightweight video thumbnailer for file managers
ffproxy-1.6p3 filtering HTTP proxy server
fftw-2.1.5p4 C routines for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform
fftw3-3.3.10p0 C routines for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform
fftw3-common-3.3.10p0 common files for the fftw3 packages
fftw3-float-3.3.10p0 C routines for computing the Discrete Fourier Transform
fheroes2-1.1.6 engine recreation for Heroes of Might and Magic 2
fierce-1.5.0p1 DNS reconnaissance tool for locating non-contiguous IP space
fifechan-0.1.5 graphical user interface library for games
fifengine-0.4.2p7 2D game engine
figlet-2.2.5 generates ASCII banner art
file-roller-44.5 create and modify archives
file-roller-nautilus-44.5 file-roller extension for Nautilus
filebeat-7.12.1p0 lightweight shipper for log file data
filelight-24.12.2 graphical equivalent of du
filepp-1.8.0p3 cpp-like generic file pre-processor
filezilla-3.68.1 fast FTP and SFTP GUI client with a lot of features
fillets-ng-1.0.1p3 wonderful puzzle game
filter-mimedefang-0.2 MIMEDefang integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
finch-2.14.13p1 multi-protocol instant messaging client, console client
find2perl-1.005 translate find command lines to Perl code
findlib-1.9.6p2 OCaml package manager
findutils-4.9.0p0 finds and then operates on files
fio-3.38 flexible I/O tester
fira-fonts-4.202p0v0 Firefox OS typeface
fire-1.0p4 organic fireworks demo
firefox-136.0 Firefox web browser
firefox-esr-128.8.0 Firefox web browser, Extended Support Release
firefox-esr-i18n-ach-128.8.0 ach language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-af-128.8.0 af language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-an-128.8.0 an language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-ar-128.8.0 ar language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-ast-128.8.0 ast language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-az-128.8.0 az language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-bg-128.8.0 bg language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-bn-128.8.0 bn language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-br-128.8.0 br language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-bs-128.8.0 bs language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-ca-128.8.0 ca language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-cs-128.8.0 cs language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-cy-128.8.0 cy language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-da-128.8.0 da language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-de-128.8.0 de language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-dsb-128.8.0 dsb language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-el-128.8.0 el language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-en-GB-128.8.0 en-GB language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-en-US-128.8.0 en-US language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-eo-128.8.0 eo language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-es-AR-128.8.0 es-AR language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-es-CL-128.8.0 es-CL language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-es-ES-128.8.0 es-ES language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-es-MX-128.8.0 es-MX language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-et-128.8.0 et language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-eu-128.8.0 eu language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-fa-128.8.0 fa language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-ff-128.8.0 ff language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-fi-128.8.0 fi language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-fr-128.8.0 fr language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-fy-NL-128.8.0 fy-NL language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-ga-IE-128.8.0 ga-IE language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-gd-128.8.0 gd language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-gl-128.8.0 gl language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-gu-IN-128.8.0 gu-IN language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-he-128.8.0 he language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-hi-IN-128.8.0 hi-IN language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-hr-128.8.0 hr language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-hsb-128.8.0 hsb language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-hu-128.8.0 hu language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-hy-AM-128.8.0 hy-AM language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-id-128.8.0 id language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-is-128.8.0 is language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-it-128.8.0 it language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-ja-128.8.0 ja language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-kk-128.8.0 kk language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-km-128.8.0 km language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-kn-128.8.0 kn language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-ko-128.8.0 ko language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-lij-128.8.0 lij language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-lt-128.8.0 lt language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-lv-128.8.0 lv language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-mk-128.8.0 mk language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-mr-128.8.0 mr language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-ms-128.8.0 ms language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-nb-NO-128.8.0 nb-NO language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-nl-128.8.0 nl language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-nn-NO-128.8.0 nn-NO language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-pa-IN-128.8.0 pa-IN language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-pl-128.8.0 pl language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-pt-BR-128.8.0 pt-BR language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-pt-PT-128.8.0 pt-PT language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-rm-128.8.0 rm language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-ro-128.8.0 ro language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-ru-128.8.0 ru language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-si-128.8.0 si language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-sk-128.8.0 sk language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-sl-128.8.0 sl language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-son-128.8.0 son language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-sq-128.8.0 sq language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-sr-128.8.0 sr language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-sv-SE-128.8.0 sv-SE language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-ta-128.8.0 ta language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-te-128.8.0 te language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-th-128.8.0 th language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-tr-128.8.0 tr language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-uk-128.8.0 uk language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-vi-128.8.0 vi language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-xh-128.8.0 xh language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-zh-CN-128.8.0 zh-CN language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-esr-i18n-zh-TW-128.8.0 zh-TW language pack for Firefox ESR
firefox-i18n-ach-136.0 ach language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-af-136.0 af language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-an-136.0 an language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-ar-136.0 ar language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-ast-136.0 ast language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-az-136.0 az language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-be-136.0 be language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-bg-136.0 bg language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-bn-136.0 bn language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-br-136.0 br language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-bs-136.0 bs language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-ca-136.0 ca language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-cs-136.0 cs language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-cy-136.0 cy language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-da-136.0 da language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-de-136.0 de language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-dsb-136.0 dsb language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-el-136.0 el language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-en-GB-136.0 en-GB language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-en-US-136.0 en-US language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-eo-136.0 eo language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-es-AR-136.0 es-AR language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-es-CL-136.0 es-CL language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-es-ES-136.0 es-ES language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-es-MX-136.0 es-MX language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-et-136.0 et language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-eu-136.0 eu language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-fa-136.0 fa language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-ff-136.0 ff language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-fi-136.0 fi language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-fr-136.0 fr language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-fy-NL-136.0 fy-NL language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-ga-IE-136.0 ga-IE language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-gd-136.0 gd language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-gl-136.0 gl language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-gu-IN-136.0 gu-IN language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-he-136.0 he language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-hi-IN-136.0 hi-IN language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-hr-136.0 hr language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-hsb-136.0 hsb language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-hu-136.0 hu language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-hy-AM-136.0 hy-AM language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-id-136.0 id language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-is-136.0 is language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-it-136.0 it language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-ja-136.0 ja language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-kk-136.0 kk language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-km-136.0 km language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-kn-136.0 kn language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-ko-136.0 ko language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-lij-136.0 lij language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-lt-136.0 lt language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-lv-136.0 lv language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-mk-136.0 mk language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-mr-136.0 mr language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-ms-136.0 ms language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-nb-NO-136.0 nb-NO language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-nl-136.0 nl language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-nn-NO-136.0 nn-NO language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-pa-IN-136.0 pa-IN language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-pl-136.0 pl language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-pt-BR-136.0 pt-BR language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-pt-PT-136.0 pt-PT language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-rm-136.0 rm language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-ro-136.0 ro language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-ru-136.0 ru language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-si-136.0 si language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-sk-136.0 sk language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-sl-136.0 sl language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-son-136.0 son language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-sq-136.0 sq language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-sr-136.0 sr language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-sv-SE-136.0 sv-SE language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-ta-136.0 ta language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-te-136.0 te language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-th-136.0 th language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-tr-136.0 tr language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-uk-136.0 uk language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-vi-136.0 vi language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-xh-136.0 xh language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-zh-CN-136.0 zh-CN language pack for Firefox
firefox-i18n-zh-TW-136.0 zh-TW language pack for Firefox
fish-4.0.0 friendly interactive shell
fisicalab- educational application to solve physics problems
flac-1.5.0 free lossless audio codec
flac123-2.1.1 command-line FLAC player
flake8-7.1.1p0 modular python code checker wrapping pep8 and pyflakes
flameshot-12.1.0p0 powerful yet simple to use screenshot software
flang- LLVM Fortran compiler passes and runtime library
flang-driver- LLVM Fortran compiler driver
flann-1.9.2p1 fast library for approximate nearest neighbors
flare-1.14p0 free/libre action roleplaying engine
flare-data-1.14p1 free/libre action roleplaying engine data
flashrom-1.2p1 flash ROM programmer for BIOS etc
flatbuffers-23.5.26p1 memory optimized serialization library
flatzebra-0.2.0 generic game engine library
flawfinder-2.0.19p3 C/C++ source code auditing tool
fldigi-4.0.18p2 soundcard-based software modem for Amateur Radio use
fleditor-0.4.5p9 text editor widget for FLTK
flent-2.1.1p1 test network latency under load via netperf
flent-gui-2.1.1p1 GUI for flent (test network latency under load via netperf)
flickcurl-1.26p2 flickr API library and utility
flightgear-2020.3.19 modern, open-source flight simulator
flightgear-data-2020.3.19 data files for flightgear
flintlib-3.1.2 fast library for number theory
flipit-0.3.6p0 x10 firecracker utility
flite-1.2p8 text to speech utility
flock-20110525p1 flock(2) manager for shell scripts
flow-tools-0.68.6pl20210211p7v0 utilities for dealing with NetFlow exports
flowd- NetFlow collector
fltk-1.3.9 Fast-Light Tool Kit
fluidsynth-2.4.0 SoundFont2 software synthesizer
fluxbox-1.3.7p6 window manager based on the original Blackbox code
fluxter-0.1.0p3 slit pager for fluxbox window manager
flvstreamer-2.1c1p0 dump unencrypted RTMP media streams
flvw-1.0p4 FLTK Virtual styles, list, table, and complex table Widgets
flwm-1.0.2p3 fast-light window manager
flycast-2.1pl20230303p3 emulator for Sega Dreamcast and Sega Naomi based on reicast
fmirror-0.8.4p0 mirror files and directories from a remote FTP server
fmt-10.2.1 alternative formatting library for C and C++
fna-24.06p0 XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
fna3d-24.06 3D graphics library for FNA
fnaify-extralibs-0.1 additional libraries for running games with fnaify
fnc-0.18 terminal frontend for fossil
fobbit-0.61p1 Creative VoIP Blaster driver/software
focuswriter-1.7.6p1 simple, distraction-free writing environment
foiltex-2.1.4bp2 LaTeX2e class for overhead transparencies
foliate-3.2.1 simple and modern GTK eBook viewer
folks-0.15.9p4 people aggregation library
foma- finite-state compiler and C library
fondu-060102p1 convert Mac font formats to/from pfb, ttf, otf and bdf files
font-awesome-6.7.2 full suite pictographic icons
fontforge-20120731p6 vector font editor/converter
foo2zjs-20201003p0 driver for ZjStream wire protocol compatible printers
foobillard-3.0ap2 OpenGL billard game
foomatic-db-4.0.20210611 Foomatic PPD data
foomatic-db-engine-4.0.13p4 Foomatic PPD generator
foot-1.19.0 fast, lightweight and minimalistic Wayland terminal emulator
forcedattack-2.1.4p10 connect four of stones in a straight line
foremost-1.5.7p4 forensic data recovery program
fort-1.6.6 RPKI "relying party" software
fortune-mod-ru-1.52 collection of Russian fortunes
fossil-2.25v0 simple distributed software configuration management
fossil-2.25v0-static simple distributed software configuration management
fotaq-1.1v0 flight of the amazon queen
fotowall-1.0p1 Pictures collage & creativity tool
fox-1.6.50p3 C++ toolkit for GUI
foxtrotgps-1.2.2p6 lightweight mapping application for use with or without GPS
fpc-3.2.2p0 open source compiler for Pascal/Object Pascal
fpdns- remotely determine DNS server versions
fping-5.3 quickly ping N hosts w/o flooding the network
fpm-0.7.0p2 Fortran Package Manager
fprintd-0.8.1p3 fingerprint scanning functionality over D-Bus
fragistics-1.7.0p3 Quake 3 statistics program
fragrouter-1.6p3 tool for testing network IDS implementations
frama-c-19.0p8 extensible platform for analysis of C software
frameworkintegration-5.116.0 KDE Plasma integration support for Qt-based apps
free-1.1 display free and used memory in the system
free3of9-ttf-20110209 3 of 9 (code 39) barcode fonts
freealut-1.1.0p3 OpenAL Utility Toolkit
freebasic-1.05.0p1 open-source, multi-platform BASIC compiler
freebee-2.0 free clone of The New York Times game Spelling Bee
freeblocks-0.5p4 puzzle game with similar gameplay to Tetris Attack
freeciv-client-3.0.10 Freeciv client
freeciv-server-3.0.10 Civilization clone for X11; multiplayer; game server
freeciv-share-3.0.10 shared data files for Freeciv
freeciv21-3.1rc2p0 turn-based, empire-building 4x strategy game
freecol-1.1.0 free Colonization clone
freedict-afr-deu-0.3.3 Afrikaans-German FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-afr-eng-0.2.2 Afrikaans-English FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-ara-eng-0.6.3 Arabic-English FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-bre-fra-0.8.3 Breton-French FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-ces-eng-0.2.3 Czech-English FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-ckb-kmr-0.2 Sorani-Kurmanji Ferheng/FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-cym-eng-0.2.3 Welsh-English Eurfa/Freedict Dictionary
freedict-dan-eng-0.3.1 Danish-English FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-bul-2020.10.04 German-Bulgarian FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-ell-2024.10.10 German-Greek FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-eng-1.9 German-English Ding/FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-fin-2024.10.10 German-Finnish FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-fra-2024.10.10 German-French FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-ind-2024.10.10 German-Indonesian FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-ita-0.2.1 German-Italian FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-kur-0.2.2 German-Kurdish Ferheng/FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-nld-0.1.5 German-Dutch FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-pol-2024.10.10 German-Polish FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-por-0.2.3 German-Portuguese FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-rus-2024.10.10 German-Russian FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-spa-2024.10.10 German-Spanish FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-swe-2024.10.10 German-Swedish FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-deu-tur-0.2.2 German-Turkish Ferheng/FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-ell-bul-2024.10.10 Greek-Bulgarian FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-ell-eng-2024.10.10 Greek-English FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-ell-fin-2024.10.10 Greek-Finnish FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
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freedict-swe-pol-2024.10.10 Swedish-Polish FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
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freedict-swe-rus-2024.10.10 Swedish-Russian FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-swe-spa-2024.10.10 Swedish-Spanish FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-swe-tur-2024.10.10 Swedish-Turkish FreeDict+WikDict Dictionary
freedict-swh-eng-0.4.4 Swahili-English xFried/FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-swh-pol-0.2.3 Swahili-Polish SSSP/FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-tur-deu-0.2.3 Turkish-German FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-tur-eng-0.3 Turkish-English FreeDict Dictionary
freedict-wol-fra-0.1 Wolof-French FreeDict Dictionary
freedink-109.6p5 free clone of Dink Smallwood game
freedink-data-1.08.20190120 game data for FreeDink
freedm-0.13.0 free content game based on the Doom engine
freedoom-0.13.0 free content game based on the Doom engine
freedroid-1.2.1 clone of the Commodore 64 game paradroids
freedroidrpg-1.0p1 isometric RPG game
freedt-23p2 reimplementation of Dan Bernstein's daemontools
freefarsi-ttf-1.0.0bp2 free TrueType Persian fonts
freefont-ttf-20120503 free UCS outline fonts
freefonts-0.10p3 collection of ATM fonts from the CICA archives
freeglut-3.2.2p0 open source alternative to glut
freeimage-3.18.0p2 c++ library for common image format
freeipmi-1.6.15 IPMI library and tools (in- and out-of-band)
freeorion- turn-based space empire and galactic conquest computer game
freeradius-3.2.6 RADIUS server implementation
freeradius-freetds-3.2.6 freeradius freetds rlm addon
freeradius-iodbc-3.2.6 freeradius iodbc rlm addon
freeradius-ldap-3.2.6 freeradius ldap rlm addon
freeradius-memcached-3.2.6 freeradius memcached rlm addon
freeradius-mysql-3.2.6 freeradius mysql rlm addon
freeradius-pgsql-3.2.6 freeradius pgsql rlm addon
freeradius-python3-3.2.6p0 freeradius python3 rlm addon
freerdp-2.11.7 client for Microsoft RDP (remote desktop protocol)
freeserf-0.3 Settlers 1 (Serf City) clone
freesynd-0.7.5p0 open source reimplementation of Syndicate game
freetds-1.4.26 database drivers for Sybase/Microsoft SQL Server
freexl-2.0.0 extract valid data from within an Excel spreadsheet
freeze-2.5p2 FREEZE / MELT compression program - often used in QNX
frei0r-plugins-2.3.0 minimalistic plugin API for video effects
freshrss-1.24.3 self hosted RSS/Atom aggregator
fretsonfire-1.3.110p17 guitar hero clone
fribidi-1.0.16 library implementing the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
fritzing-0.9.2bp6 interactive electronics designing software
frodo-4.1bp10 Commodore 64 emulator
frotz-2.54 interpreter for Infocom-compatible games
frozen-bubble-2.2.0p17 bubble popping game, like puzzle bobble
frozen-bubble-server-2.2.0p11 server for the frozen-bubble bubble popping game
fs-uae-3.1.66p0 modern Amiga emulator
fs-uae-launcher-3.1.68p2 launcher for the FS-UAE Amiga emulator
fs2open-23.2.1p1 open source game engine based on FreeSpace 2
fs_mark-3.3p2 test synchronous write workloads
fsharp- functional-first programming language
fsstress-1.0p1 file system/VFS layer stress tester
fstrcmp-0.7.D001p0 library for fuzzy string comparisons
fstrm-0.6.1 C implementation of the Frame Streams protocol
fsv-1.1.0p7 3D filesystem visualizer
fswatch-1.17.1 file change monitor
fswebcam-20200725p0 fswebcam is a small and simple webcam app
ftdi-eeprom-1.1p1 tool to program the eeprom on FTDI usb devices
fte-20090118p3 powerful and intuitive editor for programmers
ftgl-2.1.3rc5p11v0 font rendering library for OpenGL applications
ftp-0.6p5 GNUstep file transfer protcol tool
ftpcopy-0.6.7 FTP listing and transfer tools
ftpsesame-0.95p8 automagic packet filter configurator for FTP
furnace-0.6.7 multi-system chiptune tracker
fuse-1.6.0p1 Free Unix Spectrum Emulator
fuse-utils-1.4.3p2 Free Unix Spectrum Emulator utilities
fuse-zip-0.7.2p0 navigate zip archives through FUSE
futuresql-0.1.1 non-blocking Qt database framework
fvwm2-2.7.0p0 multiple virtual desktop window manager
fvwm3-1.1.0p0 multiple virtual desktop window manager
fwa-0.2 simple file watcher utility for OpenBSD
fwbuilder-6.0.0rc1p0 firewall GUI
fwknop-2.6.11 firewall knock operator
fyre-1.0.1p29 tool for producing computational artwork
fzf-0.60.3 command-line fuzzy finder
fzy-1.0p1 fuzzy text selector for the terminal
g++-11.2.0p16 GNU compiler collection: C++ compiler
g++-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: C++ compiler
g95-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: f95 compiler
g95-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: f95 compiler
gajim-1.9.5p0 fully-featured XMPP client written in Python
galculator-2.1.4p8 GTK-based scientific calculator
galera-26.4.16 synchronous multi-master replication engine
galleon-6.0.0 tool to manage JBoss software, e.g. Wildfly
gallery-dl-1.28.5 CLI program to mass download images from various websites
galois-0.6p1 free multi-dimensional Tetris-like game
gambatte- highly accurate Game Boy Color emulator
gambit-4.9.5p0 complete, efficient and reliable implementation of Scheme
gamgi-0.17.3gp0 General Atomistic Modelling Graphic Interface
gamine-1.6p2 interactive game for young children
gammu-1.42.0p0 Gnu All Mobile Management Utilities
garcon-4.20.0p0 Xfce4 compliant menu implementation
garden-1.0.9p5 vertical shoot-em-up with nontraditional elements
garglk-2023.1v0 cross-platform interactive fiction player
garmin-utils-2.4p2 Garmin GPS upload/download utilities
garmindev-0.3.4p3 garmin gps device driver
gas-2.31.1p0 GNU assembler
gaupol-1.10.1p7 editor for text-based subtitle files
gawk-5.1.0 GNU awk
gb1911-2010.07.03p0 font based on Kennerley Oldstyle
gbc-1.07.1p1 GNU version of the arbitrary precision calculators bc and dc
gbdfed-1.6p7 GTK-based BDF font editor
gcab-1.6p0 cabinet file library and tool
gcal-4.1p0 calculate and print calendars
gcap-0.1.1 Youtube closed caption downloader
gcc-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: core C compiler
gcc-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: core C compiler
gcc-libs-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: support libs
gcc-libs-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: support libs
gcide-0.53 gnu collaborative international dictionary of english
gcolor2-0.4p11 color selector in GTK2
gcompris-25.0.12v0 educational game for children
gconf2-3.2.6p18 configuration database system for GNOME
gcpio-2.15 GNU cpio copies files to and from archives
gcr-3.41.2 library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gcr4-4.3.91 library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
gd-2.3.3 library for dynamic creation of images
gdal-3.10.2 translator library for geospatial data formats
gdb-15.2 GNU debugger
gdbm-1.24 GNU dbm
gdc-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: D compiler
gdiff-3.11 GNU versions of the diff utilities
gdk-pixbuf-2.42.12 image data transformation library
gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.40.2p0 deprecated API for integrating Xlib and GdkPixbuf
gdl-3.40.0p3 GNOME Docking Library
gdm-47.0p1 GNOME display manager
gdmap-0.8.1p7 graphical disk map
gdmd-0.1.0pl20210818 dmd-like wrapper for gdc
gdnsd-2.4.3p2 geographically-aware, authoritative-only DNS server
geany-2.0p0 small and lightweight IDE
geary-46.0p1 email application built around conversations
geckodriver-0.31.0p1 W3C webdriver for Gecko-based browsers
ged-1.20.2 GNU version of standard text editor
geda-0.1p1 stack of free/open source CAD/EDA tools (gEDA suite)
geda-gaf-1.10.2p0 suite of tools for electronic design automation
gedit-48.1p0 text editor
gedit-plugins-48.1p0 plugins for Gedit
geekcode-1.7.3p2 geek code generator
geeqie-2.5p0v0 lightweight Gtk+3 based image viewer
gegl-chrome-metal-text-0.0 GEGL chrome metal effect on text
gegl-clay-bevel-0.0 GEGL clay bevel effect
gegl-custom-bevel-0.0 GEGL custom text bevel effect
gegl-effects-0.0 GEGL layer effects
gegl-glossy-balloon-0.0 GEGL glossy balloon text styling
gegl-goo-on-text-0.0 GEGL goo on text effect
gegl-inner-glow-0.0 GEGL inner glow effect
gegl-metal-0.0 GEGL metal effect
gegl-simple-bevel-0.0 GEGL simple text bevel effect
gegl-smooth-edges-0.0 GEGL smooth rough edges effect
gegl-stroke-shadow-glow-0.0 GEGL stroke shadow glow effect
gegl-zzwind-0.0 GEGL zwind bleed effect
gegl04-0.4.54 graph based image processing framework (API version 0.4)
gelatod-1.6 CLAT configuration daemon for OpenBSD
gemdropx-0.9p0 one-player puzzle game for x11
gemrb-0.9.4 open-source implementation of Bioware's Infinity Engine
genei-latin-2.1 Japanese latin-style TrueType fonts
generaluser-gs-soundfont-2.0.1 GM and GS compatible SoundFont bank for MIDI
gengetopt-2.22.6p4 command line parser for c programs
gentium-6.101 readable font for Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek
gentoo-0.20.7 GTK+3 graphical filemanager
geoclue2-2.7.2 modular geoinformation service on top of D-Bus
geocode-glib2-3.26.4p3 helper library for geocoding services
geogebra- educational mathematical software
geolite2-asn-20191224p3 GeoIP2 GeoLite2 database: IPv4/v6 address to AS number
geolite2-city-20191224p3 GeoIP2 GeoLite2 database: IPv4/v6 address to city
geolite2-country-20191224p3 GeoIP2 GeoLite2 database: IPv4/v6 address to country
geomview-1.9.4p12 geometry viewer for OOGL file formats
geomyidae-0.51p0 Gopher protocol daemon
geos-3.13.1 2d geometry and topology engine
gerbil-0.16p0 dialect of Scheme designed for systems programming
gerbv-2.7.0p3 viewer for Gerber (RS-274X) files
get_flash_videos-1.25.99 download flash video files from various sites
get_iplayer-3.35 download/stream programmes from BBC iPlayer
geteltorito-0.6 el torito boot image extractor
getmail-6.19.7 IMAP/POP3/SDPS mail retriever
gettext-runtime-0.23.1 GNU gettext runtime libraries and programs
gettext-tools-0.23.1 GNU gettext development and translation tools
gextoolbox-0.1.7p0 tools for extracting ROMS from games
gflags-2.2.2p0 c++ commandline flags processing library
gforth-0.7.3p4 ANSI/200x Forth interpreter and compiler
gfract-1.0p4 fractal program with GTK interface
ggrep-3.11 GNU versions of grep pattern matching utilities
ghc-9.8.3 compiler for the functional language Haskell
ghex-46.2 binary editor
ghidra-9.1.2p1 software reverse engineering (SRE) framework
ghostscript-10.04.0p0 PostScript and PDF interpreter
ghostscript-10.04.0p0-gtk PostScript and PDF interpreter
ghostscript-fonts-8.11p3 35 standard PostScript fonts with Adobe name aliases
ghostwriter-24.12.2 distraction-free Markdown editor
gi-docgen-2025.3 documentation generator for GObject-based libraries
giblib-1.2.4p9 utility library including a imlib2 wrapper
gif2png-2.5.14 converts GIF images to the PNG format
giflib-5.2.2 tools and library routines for working with GIF images
gifsicle-1.96 creating & editing GIF images and animations
giftrans-1.12p0 handle GIF89a transparent option and interlace mode
gigalomania-1.0.1p0 open source 2D real time strategy god game
giggle-0.7p18 gtk-based git repository viewer
gigolo-0.5.4 GVfs mountpoint manager
gimgtools-0.02 Garmin Image Tools
gimp-2.10.38p2 GNU Image Manipulation Program
gimp-3.0.0rc3 GNU Image Manipulation Program
gimp-deskew-plugin-0.0.20141025p5 deskew plug-in for GIMP
gimp-lensfun-plugin-0.2.4p2 gimp plugin for correcting lens distortion
gimp-lqr-plugin-0.7.2p0 seam-carving smart rescale gimp plugin
gimp-resynthesizer-plugin-2.0.3p0 gimp plugin for image reparation
ginac-1.8.7p1 GiNaC is Not a Computer Algebra System (CAS)
gindent-2.2.10p2 GNU utility to indent C source files
girara-0.4.5 user interface library from pwmt
git-2.48.1 distributed version control system
git-annex-10.20230802p1 use git to manage files without checking them in
git-cinnabar-0.7.1 git remote helper to interact with mercurial repositories
git-cola-4.8.2p1 python powered git gui
git-crypt-0.7.0 transparent file encryption in Git
git-filter-repo-2.38.0p0 quickly rewrite git repository history
git-lfs-2.13.2 Git extension for versioning large files
git-svn-2.48.1 subversion interoperability tools
git-sync-20220127p1 safe, simple git synchronization
git-x11-2.48.1 graphical tools
gitea-1.23.4 compact self-hosted Git service
gitg-44p3 graphical user interface for git
github-backup-0.45.1p0 backup a github user or organization
github-cli-2.66.1 command-line access to github pull requests, issues and more
gitlab-cli-1.52.0 GitLab CLI tool
gitlab-runner-14.2.0 CI/CD job runner for GitLab
gitmux-0.10.3 git in your tmux status bar
gitolite-3.6.11 secure hosting of Git repositories
gitsh-0.13p6 interactive shell for git
gitwrapper-0.110 invoke an appropriate Git repository server
gjs-1.82.1p1 Javascript bindings for GNOME
gke-gcloud-auth-plugin-28.2.0 kubectl authentication plugin for GKE
gkrellaclock-0.3.3p20 analog clock for GkrellM2
gkrellflynn-0.8p9 GkrellM2 load meter with a familiar face
gkrellkam-2.0.0p12 webcam plugin for GkrellM2
gkrellm-2.3.10p4 single process stack of system monitors for GTK+2
gkrellm-server-2.3.10p4 single process stack of system monitors for GTK+2 (server)
gkrellmbgchg2-0.1.11p3 change background image with GkrellM2
gkrellmitime-1.0.1p20 GkrellM2 plugin that shows Internet time
gkrellmlaunch-0.5p21 launch commonly used apps from GkrellM2
gkrellmmailwatch-2.4.3p12 GkrellM2 plugin to monitor multiple mailboxes
gkrellmoon-0.6p22 phase of the Moon for GkrellM2
gkrellmreminder-2.0.0p13 GKrellM2 will remind you to do important events
gkrellmvolume-2.1.13p14 volume dial for Gkrellm2
gkrellmwireless-2.0.3p12 GkrellM2 plugin to monitor wi(4) signal strength
gkrellshoot-0.4.4p3 snapshot and background plugin for Gkrellm2
gkrellstock-0.5.1p21 stock ticker for GkrellM2
gkrellsun-1.0.0p4 GkrellM2 plugin to display sun rise/set times
gkrellweather-2.0.8p9 weather plugin for GkrellM2
gl2ps-1.4.2p0 OpenGL to PostScript printing library
glabels-3.4.1p22 labels and business card designer
glad-2.0.6p1 multi-language Vulkan/GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL loader-generator
glade-3.40.0p7 user interface builder for the gtk+3 toolkit
glances- cross-platform curses-based monitoring tool
glastree-1.04p0 poor man's daily snapshot
gle-3.1.0p1 OpenGL Extrusion library
gleam-1.8.1 statically typed language for Erlang VM and JavaScript
glew-2.2.0p0 GL Extension Wrangler library
glfw-3.4p1 open source, multi-platform library for creating windows
glib2-2.82.5 general-purpose utility library
glib2-2.82.5-bootstrap general-purpose utility library
glib2-networking-2.80.1p0 network-related gio modules for GLib
glib2mm-2.66.7 C++ interface for glib2
glibmm268-2.82.0 C++ API for parts of GLib
glide-0.13.3 package manager for Go
glm- C++ mathematics header-only library for OpenGL software
glmark2-2023.01 benchmark for OpenGL 2.0 and ES 2.0
globe-20140814 display the currently lighted face of Earth in ASCII
glog-0.6.0 C++ application-level logging library
gloox-1.0.21p1 extensible C++ library for XMPP clients and components
glpk-5.0 GNU Linear Programming Kit
glpng-1.45p5 load PNG graphics files and bind them to an OpenGL texture
glsfcave-1.0p5 control a ribbon to avoid hitting walls
glslang-15.1.0 reference front-end for GLSL and ESSL
glutton-0.0.5p3 Pac-Man clone
glyr-1.0.10 music related metadata searchengine
gmail-oauth2-0.20190529p5 tool for authenticating to Gmail with OAuth2
gmake-4.4.1 GNU make
gmastermind-0.6p15 GNUstep mastermind game
gmic-3.0.2p2 image processing framework
gmic-qt-3.0.2 gmic-qt stand-alone version
gmic-qt-gimp-3.0.2p0 gmic-qt plugin for gimp
gmid-2.1.1 simple gemini server
gmime30-3.2.15 MIME messages creation and parsing library
gmines-0.2p15 GNUstep minesweeper game
gmp-6.3.0 library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gmpc-11.8.16p22 GNOME music player client
gmpc-plugins-11.8.16p15 bundle of plugins for gmpc
gmpxx-6.3.0 C++ library for arbitrary precision arithmetic
gmrun-0.9.2p9 X11 program launcher
gmt-4.1.3p5 draw maps and charts
gmt-full-4.1.3p1 full resolution coastline data for GMT
gmt-high-4.1.3p1 high resolution coastline data for GMT
gmtk-1.0.9p8v0 gnome-mplayer toolkit
gmudix-0.10p16 GNOME MUD/Moo Client
gn-0.0.20230419p1 meta build framework for ninja
gnat-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: Ada compiler
gnat-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: Ada compiler
gnofract4d-4.3p4 fractal image generator
gnome-47p0 GNOME desktop meta-package (core installation)
gnome-autoar-0.4.5p0 GLib wrapper around libarchive
gnome-backgrounds-47.0p0 wallpapers for GNOME
gnome-browser-connector-42.1p7 GNOME Shell browser connector
gnome-builder-47.2p3 IDE for writing GNOME-based software
gnome-calculator-47.1 GNOME desktop calculator
gnome-calendar-47.0p1 GNOME calendar
gnome-characters-47.0p0 GNOME utility to insert unusual characters
gnome-clocks-47.0p0 keep track of time
gnome-color-manager-3.36.2p0 GNOME Color Profile Tools
gnome-colors-icon-theme-5.5.1p11 complete, multi-colored suite of icons
gnome-connections-47.2.1 remote desktop client for GNOME
gnome-console-47.1p0 user-friendly terminal emulator for GNOME
gnome-contacts-47.1.1p0 contacts manager for GNOME
gnome-control-center-47.4 GNOME settings
gnome-desktop-44.1p2 common API for various GNOME modules (GTK3)
gnome-desktop-common-44.1p1 common API for various GNOME modules (common files)
gnome-desktop4-44.1p2 common API for various GNOME modules (GTK4)
gnome-devel-docs-40.3p1 developer documentation for GNOME
gnome-dictionary-40.0p6 GNOME dictionary application
gnome-epub-thumbnailer-1.8p0 thumbnailer for EPub and MOBI books
gnome-extras-47p1 GNOME desktop meta-package (world installation)
gnome-font-viewer-47.0p0 font viewer utility for GNOME
gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0p8 base icon theme for GNOME
gnome-icon-theme-symbolic-3.12.0p6 base icon theme extension for special UI contexts
gnome-keyring-46.2p0 password agent for the GNOME project
gnome-keyring-subversion-1.14.5 GNOME keyring support for subversion
gnome-mahjongg-47.2 mahjongg game for GNOME
gnome-maps-47.4 simple GNOME 3 maps application
gnome-mastermind-0.3.1p23 Mastermind clone reflexion game
gnome-menus-3.36.0p2 implementation of the FreeDesktop Desktop Menu Spec
gnome-mplayer-1.0.9p10v0 GTK+/GNOME frontend for MPlayer
gnome-music-47.1p1 GNOME music playing application
gnome-notes-40.1p11 simple note editor
gnome-online-accounts- interfaces for interacting with online accounts
gnome-photos-44.0p6 access, organize and share your photos on GNOME
gnome-power-manager-43.0p1 GNOME power manager
gnome-session-47.0.1p0 GNOME session
gnome-settings-daemon-47.2 GNOME settings daemon
gnome-shell-47.5 next generation GNOME shell
gnome-shell-extensions-47.4 collection of extensions for GNOME Shell
gnome-system-monitor-47.1 view current processes and monitor system state
gnome-terminal-3.54.4 GNOME terminal
gnome-terminal-nautilus-3.54.4 GNOME Terminal extension for Nautilus
gnome-tetravex-3.38.2p1 simple puzzle game games
gnome-text-editor-47.3 simple Text Editor for GNOME
gnome-themes-extra-3.28p7 extra themes for GNOME applications
gnome-tour-47.0p0 GNOME's Tour & Greeter
gnome-tweaks-46.1p2 customize advanced GNOME 3 options
gnome-usage-46.1 system resources status
gnome-user-docs-47.2 general user documentation for GNOME
gnome-video-effects-0.6.0p2 collection of GStreamer effects for GNOME
gnome-weather-47.0p0 weather application for GNOME
gnuastro-0.18p4 GNU Astronomy Utilities
gnubg-1.07.001p7 GNU Backgammon
gnucap-0.35p9 Gnu Circuit Analysis Package
gnucash-5.10 personal and small-business financial-accounting software
gnucash-docs-5.10 user documentation module for GnuCash
gnuchess-6.2.9 chess program
gnucobol-3.2 COBOL compiler, formerly known as OpenCOBOL
gnugetopt-1.1.6p2 GNU getopt(1) utility
gnugk-5.13 H.323 gatekeeper
gnugo-3.8p3 GNU version of Go
gnukem-1.0.3p0 open source retro-style 2D scrolling platform shooter game
gnumail-1.4.0p0 GNUstep mail application
gnumeric-1.12.59 spreadsheet application for GNOME
gnupg-2.4.7 GNU privacy guard - a free PGP replacement
gnuplot-5.4.8 command-driven interactive function plotting program
gnuplot-5.4.8-no_x11 command-driven interactive function plotting program
gnuradio- signal-processing toolkit for SDR (software-defined radio)
gnurobbo-0.68p1 action puzzle game inspired by Robbo
gnushogi-1.4.2p0 GNU version of Shogi
gnusim8085-1.4.1 graphical 8085 simulator, assembler, and debugger
gnustep-back-0.32.0 GNUstep gui backend
gnustep-base-1.31.1 GNUstep base library
gnustep-camerakit-20041011p13 GNUstep wrapper around libgphoto2
gnustep-corebase-0.1.1p16 GNUstep reimplementation of Apple's CoreFoundation
gnustep-dbuskit-0.1.1p15 GNUstep dbus interface
gnustep-desktop-1.1.0 GNUstep desktop meta-package
gnustep-examples-1.4.0p12 GNUstep example applications
gnustep-gemas-0.4p10 simple code editor for GNUstep
gnustep-gui-0.32.0 GNUstep gui library
gnustep-libobjc2-2.2.1 GNUstep libobjc2 objective-c runtime
gnustep-make-2.9.3 GNUstep makefile package
gnustep-matharray-1.3p12 GNUstep library to manipulate matrices
gnustep-neos-theme-0.1p12 GNUstep theme following NeXT look and feel
gnustep-netclasses-1.1.0p10v0 asynchronous networking framework for GNUstep
gnustep-pcapkit-0.2p11 GNUstep wrapper around libpcap
gnustep-performance-0.6.0p0 GNUstep performance library
gnustep-renaissance-0.9.0p15 GNUstep layer to write portable GUIs
gnustep-silver-theme-3.1p12 GNUstep theme with silvered controls
gnustep-sqlclient-1.9.0p0 GNUstep database abstraction layer
gnustep-sudoku-0.7p16 GNUstep sudoku generator
gnustep-terminal-0.9.9p7 terminal emulator for GNUstep
gnustep-webserver-1.6.0p0 GNUstep webserver framework
gnustep-webservices-0.9.0p0 GNUstep webservices framework
gnutls-3.8.9 GNU Transport Layer Security library
gnuwatch-4.0.4 GNU watch command
go-1.24.0 Go programming language
go-cs-1.1 concurrent ssh client
go-fonts-20220616 Go TrueType fonts
go-sendxmpp-0.14.1 CLI tool to send messages over XMPP
go-tools-0.30.0v0 various tools for the Go programming language
goaccess-1.9.3 realtime console web log analyzer
goattracker-2.77 crossplatform music editor for creating Commodore 64 music
gob2-2.0.20p2 GTK+ Object Builder
gobjc-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: obj C compiler
gobjc-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: obj C compiler
gobject-introspection-1.82.0p3 GObject Introspection
gobuster-3.6.0 tool used to brute-force stuff
gocr-0.48p0 OCR software
gocr-gui-0.48p1 gocr tcl/tk frontend
godot-3.6p0 2D and 3D game engine
godot-sharp-3.6p0 .NET libs for mono/C
godot-tools-3.6p0 2D and 3D game engine (with tools)
godot4-4.3 2D and 3D game engine
godot4-editor-4.3 2D and 3D game engine (with the editor)
godotsteam-gdnative-3.20 native interface for Godot3 to interact with Steam
goffice-0.10.59 document centric objects and utilities
goggles-0.9.1p6 gui for ogle
gogglesmm-0.12.7p15 music collection manager and player
gogrepo-0.3apl20230204p2 downloader for games and bonus collections
gohufont-2.1p2 monospace bitmap font for programming and terminal use
goldberg_emulator-0.2.5pl3p0 emulator for Steam online features
goldendict-ng-25.02.0 next generation GoldenDict
golly-3.2p4 game of life simulator
gom-0.5.3p1 GObject to SQLite object mapper
gomoku-1.2.9p15 extended TicTacToe game for GNUstep
gomuks-0.3.1 terminal Matrix client written in Go
gonic-0.16.4 music streaming server / subsonic server API implementation
google-cloud-sdk-513.0.0 manage resources on Google Cloud Platform
goopy-0.1p13 Google utilities written in Python
gopass-1.15.15 pass compatible password manager written in go
gopher-3.0.17 distributed document delivery client
gophernicus-3.1.1p0 modern gopher server
gopls-0.18.1 official Go language server developed by the Go team
goreleaser-2.7.0 deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible
gorm-1_5_0 GNUstep graphical object relationship modeller
gosec-2.22.1 security checker for Go projects
got-0.110 game of trees version control system
gotd-0.110 game of trees repository server
gotosocial-0.16.0 ActivityPub social network server
gottet-1.1.9p0 Tetris clone game
gotthard-1.3 ssh through https proxy tunnel
gotwebd-0.110 game of trees repository fast-cgi server
goudy-3.1p0 revival of Goudy Oldstyle and Italic
gource-0.55 software version control visualization tool
gp-openconnect-2.4.4 CLI GlobalProtect VPN client
gpa-0.10.0p0 graphical interface for GnuPG
gpatch-2.7.6p0 GNU patch
gpc-20070904p18 GNU Pascal compiler
gperf-3.1p0 perfect hash functions, to help write parsers
gpgme-1.24.2 GnuPG Made Easy
gpgme-qt-1.24.2 Qt bindings for GPGme
gphoto-2.5.28p1 digital camera command-line interface
gpicview-0.2.5p7 simple and fast image viewer for X11
gpioflicker-0.3p1 flashes gpio led whenever pf logs to pflog0
gpodder-3.11.5 media aggregator and podcast client
gpresent-2.5 make presentations with groff and PDF
gprof2dot-2024.06.06 convert profilers output into a dot(1) graph
gprolog-1.5.0p0 Prolog compiler
gpsbabel- GPS waypoint, track, and route conversion tool
gpsbabel-qt- Qt front-end to gpsbabel
gpsbabel-tk- Tk front-end to gpsbabel
gpsd-3.25p0 service daemon that monitors one or more GPSes
gpsd-php-3.25p0 web-based gpsd monitor in php
gpsd-x11-3.25p1 GUI test apps using gpsd
gpsk31-0.3p19 gtk PSK31 send and receive
gpstk-2.10 GPS processing toolkit
gputils-1.5.0p0 GNU PIC assembler and utilities
gpx-viewer-0.5.0 gpx file viewer
gpxsee-13.36 gpx file viewer
gqmpeg-0.91.1p17 front-end to various audio players
gr-lida-0.11.1pre20180927p1 games cataloging tool and emulator launcher
grace-5.1.25 GRaphing, Advanced Computation and Exploration of data
grace-5.1.25-no_x11 GRaphing, Advanced Computation and Exploration of data
gracula-3.0p0 graphic counter language compiler/interpreter
gradio-7.3p2v0 internet radio browser and player
gradle-8.3v0 build automation tool
grafana-11.5.1 monitoring and metric analytics dashboards
grafx2-2.9 bitmap paint program inspired by Deluxe Paint and Brilliance
grake-0.1.0p1 tool for scanning webpages for Youtube links
gramps-5.2.4 Genealogical Research Analysis Management Programming System
granatier-24.12.2 clone of the classic bomberman game
granite-5.5.0p0 elementary OS Gtk+/GLib extension library
grantlee-editor-24.12.2p0 utilities and tools to manage themes in KDE PIM applications
grantlee-qt5-5.3.1 template and text document library for Qt5
grantleetheme-24.12.2 grantlee theme library
grap-1.48 language for typesetting graphs
graphene-1.10.8p1 thin layer of graphic data types
graphite2-1.3.14 rendering for complex writing systems
graphos-0.7p5 vector drawing application
graphviz-10.0.1p0 graph drawing software
graphviz-tcl-10.0.1 Tcl bindings to graphviz
gravity-0.8.5 small, high performance language with a modern syntax
graywolf-0.1.6p2 placement tool used in VLSI design
grcs-5.9.4p4 GNU versions of the rcs utilities
greg-0.4.5 PEG-based parser generator
grepcidr-2.0p1 filter files for IP address matches
grepcidr3-3.0 filter files for IP address matches
grepmail-5.3111p1 search mailboxes for a particular email
greybird-3.23.4 desktop suite theme for Xfce
greyscanner-2.01p1 greytrapping daemon to complement OpenBSD spamd
grilo-0.3.16p0 framework for making media discovery and browsing easy
grilo-plugins-0.3.16p2 plugins for Grilo
grim-1.4.1 grab images from a Wayland compositor
gringotts-1.2.10p4 GTK+2 secure notes manager
grip-4.2.4p2 front-end to external cd audio rippers and mp3 encoders
grisbi-3.0.4p0 personal accounting application
grive2-0.5.1 third-party client for Google Drive
grizzly-0.7.1 utility for managing observability resources
groff-1.22.4p4 GNU troff typesetter
grokking-the-gimp-1.0p1 book about gimp
gromit-mpx-1.5.0 draw annotations on X11
grommunio-admin-api-1.16p0 management REST API for grommunio
grommunio-dav-1.4 CalDAV and CardDAV interface for grommunio
grommunio-index-1.3 FTS indexer for grommunio-web
grommunio-mapi-header-php-1.5 grommunio PHP MAPI headers
grommunio-sync-2.1 EAS (Exchange ActiveSync) interface for grommunio
grommunio-web-3.10 web user interface for grommunio
gromox-core-2.42 groupware server backend with RPC, IMAP, POP3 support
gromox-mapi-2.42 gromox MAPI extensions for PHP
gron-0.7.1p0 make JSON greppable
grpn-1.1.2p10 graphical reverse polish notation calculator
grr-1.0p15 Guenthers RSS reader
grsync-1.3.1 rsync GUI
gsed-4.9p0 GNU stream editor
gsettings-desktop-schemas-47.1p0 collection of shared GSettings schemas
gshisen-1.3.0p16 little board game
gsimplecal-2.1p0 lightweight GTK calendar applet
gsl-2.7.1 GNU Scientific Library
gsm-1.0.22 GSM audio codec library and converter
gsmartcontrol-1.1.4 graphical hard drive inspection tool (smartctl front-end)
gsoap-2.8.131p0 SOAP/REST Web Services and XML-Based apps toolkit
gsound-1.0.3p0 GObject library for playing system sounds
gspdf-0.5p14 PDF, PS and EPS viewer for GNUstep
gspell-1.14.0p0 spell-checking library for GTK+
gsplus-20190816p1 Apple IIgs emulator
gssdp-1.6.3p1 API for handling SSDP resource discovery and announcement
gst-devtools-1.24.12 GStreamer development and validation tools
gst-editing-services-1.24.12 library for creating audio and video editors
gst-libav-1.24.12 ffmpeg elements for GStreamer
gst-plugins-bad-1.24.12 bad elements for GStreamer
gst-plugins-base-1.24.12 base elements for GStreamer
gst-plugins-good-1.24.12 good elements for GStreamer
gst-plugins-ugly-1.24.12 ugly elements for GStreamer
gst-rtsp-server-1.24.12 RTSP server library based on GStreamer
gstreamer1-1.24.12 framework for streaming media
gstreamer1-docs-1.24.12 GStreamer documentation
gstreamer1mm-1.10.0p10 C++ bindings for GStreamer
gsutil-3.1p0 dump/restore Grandstream device configurations
gtar-1.35p0 GNU version of the traditional tape archiver
gtar-1.35p0-static GNU version of the traditional tape archiver
gtest-1.15.2 C++ unit test framework
gtg-0.6.0p5 GTD organizer for GNOME
gthumb-3.12.7 image viewer and browser for GNOME
gti-1.8.0 just a silly git launcher, inspired by sl
gtk+2-2.24.33p6 multi-platform graphical toolkit
gtk+2-cups-2.24.33p5 gtk+2 CUPS print backend
gtk+3-3.24.49 multi-platform graphical toolkit
gtk+3-cups-3.24.49 gtk+3 CUPS print backend
gtk+4-4.16.12p0 multi-platform graphical toolkit
gtk+4-cups-4.16.12p0 gtk+4 CUPS print backend
gtk+4-demos-4.16.12p0 gtk+4 demo programs
gtk+4-media-4.16.12p0 gtk+ media engine
gtk-chtheme-0.3.1p13 gtk+-2 theme switcher
gtk-doc-1.34.0p4 GTK C code documentation system
gtk-engines2-2.20.2p14 collection of theme engines for GTK+2
gtk-gnutella-0.97.1p8v0 Gtk-based GUI client for the Gnutella Network
gtk-layer-shell-0.9.0 desktop components for Wayland using the Layer Shell proto
gtk-pipe-viewer-0.5.4 lightweight YouTube client with a GTK interface
gtk-vnc-1.5.0 VNC viewer widget for GTK
gtk2-aurora-engine-1.5.1p12 Aurora GTK+2 engine
gtk2-equinox-engine-1.50p10 Equinox GTK+2 engine
gtk2-murrine-engine-0.98.2p11 beautiful glass-like GTK+ 2.x engine and themes
gtk2-nodoka-engine-0.7.5p11 GTK+2 engine from Fedora
gtk2-oxygen-engine-1.4.5p4 KDE Oxygen widget theme for GTK
gtk2-rezlooks-engine-0.6p8 Clearlooks based GTK+ 2.x engine
gtk2-theme-switch-2.0.0rc2p11 switch GTK+2 themes quickly
gtk2mm-2.24.5p4 C++ interface for gtk2+
gtk3-oxygen-engine-1.3.5p4 KDE Oxygen widget theme for GTK+3
gtk3-unico-engine- Unico GTK+3 engine
gtk3mm-3.24.9 C++ interface for gtk3+
gtk4-layer-shell-1.0.4 desktop components for Wayland using the Layer Shell proto
gtk4-update-icon-cache-4.16.12p0 gtk+ icon theme caching utility
gtkam-1.1 digital camera frontend
gtkballs-3.1.5pl0 gtk+ clone of the lines ball logic game
gtkdatabox-1.0.0 GTK+3 widget to display large amounts of numerical data
gtkglarea-2.0.1p13 OpenGL widget for GTK+2 GUI toolkit
gtkglext- OpenGL extension to GTK+ 2.0 and later
gtkimageview-1.6.4p14 image viewer widget for gtk
gtklp-1.3.4p3 GTK+ frontend to CUPS
gtkmm40-4.16.0p0 C++ bindings for GTK+
gtksourceview-2.10.5p11 text widget that extends GTK2's GtkTextView widget
gtksourceview3-3.24.11p3 text widget that extends the GTK3 GtkTextView widget
gtksourceview4-4.8.4p1 text widget that extends the GTK3 GtkTextView widget
gtksourceview5-5.14.2 text widget that extends the GTK4 GtkTextView widget
gtkspell-2.0.16p16 gtk+2 spelling checker
gtkspell3-3.0.10p2 gtk+3 spelling checker
gtkwave-3.3.121 GTK+-based electronic waveform viewer
gtranslator-47.1 gettext(1) files editor for GNOME
gtypist-2.10.1p0 interactive typing tutor
guacamole-1.5.4 clientless remote desktop gateway, web application
guacamole-duo-1.5.4 Guacamole extension for Duo authentication
guacamole-header-1.5.4 Guacamole extension for HTTP header authentication
guacamole-history-1.5.4 Guacamole extension for recording storage
guacamole-jdbc-1.5.4 Guacamole extension for database authentication via JDBC
guacamole-json-1.5.4 Guacamole extension for encrypted JSON authentication
guacamole-ldap-1.5.4 Guacamole extension for LDAP authentication
guacamole-quickconnect-1.5.4 Guacamole extension for URI-based connections
guacamole-server-1.5.3 clientless remote desktop gateway
guacamole-sso-1.5.4 Guacamole extension for various single-sign-on providers
guacamole-totp-1.5.4 Guacamole extension for TOTP (time-based OTP)
gucharmap-16.0.2p1 Unicode character map for the GNOME project
guile-1.8.8p9 GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
guile2-2.2.7p0 GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
guile3-3.0.9 GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
guilib-1.2.1p5 SDL C++ GUI widget library
gumbo-0.13.0 HTML5 parsing library in pure C99
gummi-0.8.3 simple LaTeX editor
gunits-2.23p1 GNU units conversion program
gupnp-1.6.8 framework for creating UPnP devices and control points
gupnp-av-0.14.3 helpers for building A/V applications using GUPnP
gupnp-dlna-0.12.0p6 DLNA integration for GUPnP
gupnp-igd-1.6.0p1 library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping
gupnp-tools-0.12.1p1 collection of developer-oriented UPnP tools
gutenprint-5.3.4p3 suite of printer drivers for UNIX
gv-3.7.4p0 PostScript and PDF previewer
gvfs-1.56.1p0 GNOME Virtual File System
gvfs-goa-1.56.1p0 GVFS volume monitor for gnome-online-account
gvfs-google-1.56.1p0 GVFS mount module for Google Drive
gvfs-nfs-1.56.1p0 GVFS mount module for NFS
gvfs-onedrive-1.56.1p1 GVFS mount module for Microsoft OneDrive backend
gvfs-smb-1.56.1p0 GVFS mount module for samba
gw-libretro-1.6.3p0 Game & Watch core for retroarch
gwaei-3.2.0p26 japanese-english dictionary program
gwenhywfar-5.10.1p0 helper library for networking and security applications
gwenview-24.12.2 KDE image viewer
gworkspace-1.1.0 GNUstep workspace manager
gxemul-0.7.0 ARM/M88k/MIPS/PowerPC/SuperH machines emulator
gxmessage-3.4.3p3 GTK+3 based xmessage(1) clone
gyp-0.20220714p1 generate SCons/Makefiles from platform-independent input
gzdoom-4.14.0 OpenGL engine for idTech 1 games like doom,hexen,heretic...
h323plus-1.28.0 H.323 video conferencing library
ha-0.999bp2 archive files using the HSC compression method
hack-fonts-3.003 typeface designed for source code
hackdata-3.6.6 common data for the nethack/slash ports
hackrf-2024.02.1p0 host software for the HackRF One SDR
halibut-1.3 yet another free document preparation system
hamlib-4.4p1 radio/rotator control library
hamlib-python-4.4p3 python bindings for hamlib
hamlib-tcl-4.4p1 tcl bindings for hamlib
hanazono-20170904 Japanese Ming-style font
handbrake-1.6.1p3 open source video transcoder
hanterm-xf- X Hangul Terminal (XFree86 xterm Based)
happy- parser generator for Haskell
haproxy-3.0.8 reliable, high performance TCP/HTTP load balancer
hare-0.24.2p0 simple, stable, and robust systems programming language
harec-0.24.2p0 simple, stable, and robust systems programming language
harfbuzz-10.4.0 text shaping library
harfbuzz-icu-10.4.0 ICU support for libharfbuzz
haserl-0.9.36p0 tiny cgi web script handler using shell or Lua
haserl-0.9.36p0-no_lua tiny cgi web script handler using shell or Lua
haserl-0.9.36p0-no_lua-static tiny cgi web script handler using shell or Lua
haserl-0.9.36p0-static tiny cgi web script handler using shell or Lua
hashcash-1.22 hashcash anti-spam / denial of service counter-measure tool
hashdeep-4.4p2 tools to compute hashes recursively
hashicorp-serf-0.10.2 decentralized service discovery and orchestration
hashid-3.1.4p4 Identify the different types of cryptographic hashes
hashlink-1.14pl2 virtual machine for Haxe
haskell-report-2010 language and library specification for Haskell
hasktags-0.73.0 ctags-like tool for Haskell sources
hatari-2.5.0p3 Atari ST/STE/TT/Falcon emulator
havoc-0.6.0 minimal terminal emulator for wayland
havp-0.93p0 web proxy with antivirus filter
hc-1.1p0 multi-radix integer desk calculator
hcloud-1.50.0 command-line interface for Hetzner Cloud
hcxtools-6.3.5p0 convert pcap dumps to hashcat or John the Ripper input
hdf5- Hierarchical Data Format 5 Technology suite
hdhomerun-20140604 HDHomeRun Config CLI utility & firmware
headscale-0.22.3p0 open source implementation of the Tailscale control server
heartbeat-7.12.1p1 lightweight shipper for real-time network analytics
heatshrink-0.4.1 data compression library for embedded/real-time systems
heimdal-7.8.0 Kerberos 5 implementation
heimdal-devel-docs-7.8.0 Heimdal C functions documentation
heimdal-libs-7.8.0 Heimdal libraries and headers
heirloom-doctools-191015p1 modernized troff implementation
helix-25.01.1 modal text editor
help2man-1.49.3 generates simple manual pages from program output
helvum-0.5.1p3 GTK patchbay for pipewire
herbstluftwm-0.9.5 manual tiling window manager
hermit-font-2.0p0 clear, readable monospaced font
heroes-0.21p10 graphically improved game of yore
herrie-2.2p7 minimalistic console-based audio player
hevea-2.34p5 LaTeX to html translator
hex-a-hop-1.1.0p2 hexagonal tile-based puzzle game
hexalate-1.1.6p0 color matching game
hexcalc-19951219p1 multi-radix calculator for x11
hexchat-2.16.2p4 GTK+2 IRC Client
hexcurse-1.60.0p0 user-friendly ncurses-based hexeditor with many features
hexedit-1.6 view and edit files in hexadecimal or ASCII
hexyl-0.16.0p0 simple console hex viewer
hfsplus-1.0.4p7 hfsplus filesystem access tool
hfst-3.15.0 Helsinki finite state transducer
hgrep-19991004p2 grep wrapper with search highlighting
hiawatha-11.6 secure webserver
hicolor-icon-theme-0.18 fallback theme of the icon theme specification
higan-106p9 multi-system Nintendo emulator
highlight-3.62p0 convert source code to markup formats
highlight-pointer-1.1.3 highlight mouse pointer using a dot
highlighterkit-0.1.3p11 framework for highlighting and coloring syntax
highway-1.2.0 length-agnostic SIMD with runtime dispatch
hk-0.3.1 set temporary X11 hotkeys
hledger-1.40 command-line interface for the hledger accounting system
hlsteam-1.0pl1p2 Steam API wrapper for Hashlink
hmmer-3.1beta2p0 profile HMMs for biological sequence analysis
hoc-1.1p1 from Kernighan & Pike: High Order Calculator
homebank-5.8.6 personal accounting application
honk-1.4.2 federated status conveyance
hopm-1.1.10p2 open-proxy monitor irc bot
horizon-eda-2.6.0p2 electronic design automation package
hotdoc-0.17.4 documentation tool micro-framework
hotplug-diskmount-1.0.2p0 disk auto-mounter
hpaio-3.24.4p0 HP sane(7) scanner backend
hpcups-3.24.4 HP native CUPS driver
hpijs-3.24.4 HP ghostscript driver (spooler independent)
hping-3.0.0pre1p2 command-line oriented TCP/IP packet assembler/analyzer
hplip-3.24.4p0 HP Linux Imaging and Printing
hplip-common-3.24.4 HPLIP applications common files
hplip-gui-3.24.4p0 HPLIP graphical tools
hsetroot-1.0.5 wallpaper changer, works with compositors
ht-2.1.0p8 file editor/viewer/analyzer for executables
ht-2.1.0p8-no_x11 file editor/viewer/analyzer for executables
html-4.01 all W3C-published SGML DTDs for HTML
html-xml-utils-8.6 simple utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files
html2text-2.2.3 advanced HTML-to-text converter
html2wml-0.4.11p0 on-the-fly HTML to WML conversion
htmldoc-1.9.20 convert HTML pages to PDF/PS format
htmlq-0.4.0 like jq, but for HTML
htop-3.4.0 interactive process viewer
http-parser-2.9.4 parser for HTTP messages focused on performance
http_load-20160309 multiprocessing HTTP performance testing client
http_ping-20160309 HTTP latency performance testing client
httperf- web server performance testing tool
httpie-3.2.4p0 command-line HTTP client
httptunnel-3.3p0 HTTP tunneling utility
httrack-3.48.21p3 offline browser
hub-2.2.3p2 wraps git in order to extend it with extra features
hubbub-0.3.8 HTML parser
hugin-2024.0.1p1 panorama image stitcher
hugo-0.145.0 fast and flexible static site generator
human-icon-theme-0.36p5 Human icon theme from Ubuntu
hunspell-1.7.2 spelling, stemming, morphological analysis and generation
hurl-6.0.0 CLI for HTTP requests
hw-probe-1.6 hardware probe tool
hwdata-0.393 hardware identification and configuration data
hydra-9.2 parallelized network logon cracker
hydra-gui-9.2 GTK frontend for hydra
hydrogen-1.0.2p0 software drum machine
hylafax-6.0.6p16 send/receive faxes and share modems
hylafax-6.0.6p16-a4 send/receive faxes and share modems
hyperestraier-1.4.13p6 high performance full-text search system
hyperfine-1.19.0 command-line benchmarking tool
hypermail-2.3.0 generate a cross-referenced HTML mail archive
hypermail-2.3.0-gdbm generate a cross-referenced HTML mail archive
hyperrogue-13.0i roguelike game in a non-Euclidean world
hyperscan-5.4.2p0-avx2 high-performance regular expression matching library
hyperscan-5.4.2p0-sse4_2 high-performance regular expression matching library
hyperscan-5.4.2p0-ssse3 high-performance regular expression matching library
hyphen-2.8.8p0 text hyphenation library
hyphen-i18n-da_DK-20070903 Danish hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-de_DE-20070217 German hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-el_GR-20051017 Greek hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-es_ES-20051118 Spanish hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-fr-3.0 French hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-hu_HU-20070517 Hungarian hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-id_ID-20040812 Indonesian hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-is_IS-20040415 Icelandic hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-it_IT-20071126 Italian hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-lt_LT-20040415 Lithuanian hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-nl_NL-20051016 Dutch hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-pl_PL-20070416 Polish hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-pt_PT-20040415 Portuguese hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-ro_RO-3.3.6 Romanian hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-ru_RU-20040415 Russian hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-sk_SK-20040415 Slovak hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-sl_SI-20070127 Slovenian hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-sv_SE-20040415 Swedish hyphenation rules
hyphen-i18n-uk_UA-20050308 Ukrainian hyphenation rules
hyx-2021.06.09 minimal cli hex editor with Vim-like keybindings
i2p-2.8.0 i2p routing protocol
i2pd-2.56.0 client for the I2P anonymous network
i3-4.24 improved dynamic tiling window manager
i3lock-2.15 improved screen locker
i3status-2.14 generate a statusbar for use with i3/xmobar/dzen2
iagno-3.38.1p2 reversi board game
iaito-5.8.8 RE platform powered by radare2
iamb-0.0.10 matrix client for vim addicts
iaxmodem-1.3.4p0 a software fax modem that uses an IAX channel
iblock-1.1.2 inetd program to blackhole IPs connecting to it
ibm-plex-6.4.0 IBM's corporate type family
ibus-1.5.31p0 intelligent input bus framework
ibus-anthy-1.5.16p1 japanese input engine for ibus
ibus-gtk2-1.5.31p0 IBus IM module for GTK2
ibus-gtk3-1.5.31p0 IBus IM module for GTK3
ibus-gtk4-1.5.31p0 IBus IM module for GTK4
ibus-kkc-20220105p1 japanese libkkc engine for ibus
ibus-skk-1.4.3p4 japanese skk input engine for ibus
ibus-typing-booster-2.27.29 completion input-method to speed up typing
ical2rem-0.8 reads iCal files and outputs remind-compatible files
icbd-1.9p2 Internet Citizens Band Server
icbirc-2.2 proxy IRC client with ICB server
icebreaker-1.2.1p3 jezzball-style, penguin puzzle game
icecast-2.4.4p1 server for streaming various media formats
icedtea-web-1.6.2p8 Java web start runtime
ices-0.4p13 icecast source for streaming MP3
ices-2.0.2p6 icecast source for streaming Ogg Vorbis
icewm-3.7.1 small and fast window manager
icinga-php-library-0.14.1 Icinga PHP Library
icinga-php-thirdparty-0.12.1p1 bundle of 3rd party PHP libraries used by Icinga Web
icinga-web2-2.12.2 next-generation web UI for icinga
icinga-web2-module-director-1.11.3 web-based config deployment tool for Icinga 2
icinga-web2-module-incubator-0.22.0 PHP libraries used by Icinga Web 2 modules
icinga2-2.14.5v0 network monitoring system
icinga2-ido-mysql-2.14.5v0 MySQL support for icinga2
icinga2-ido-pgsql-2.14.5v0 PostgreSQL support for icinga2
icingadb-1.2.1 configuration and state database for Icinga
icingadb-web-1.1.3p0 web-based UI for Icinga DB
icmpinfo-1.11p0 look at the icmp messages received by the host
icon-book-9.3 Icon programming language reference book
icon-book-two_sided-9.3p0 Icon programming language reference book
icon-interp-9.5.1p0 programming language with generators, X11 and more
icon-interp-9.5.1p0-no_x11 programming language with generators, X11 and more
icon-lib-9.5.1 useful and interesting programs for Icon
icon-naming-utils-0.8.90p1 compatibility tools from the Tango project
icon-xlib-9.5.1 useful and interesting graphics program for Icon
icontool-0.1.0 suite of tools for managing icons in an application
icoutils-0.32.3p0 extractor and converter for .ico and .cur files
icu4c-76.1v0 International Components for Unicode
icu4c-wwwdata-76.1p0v0 ICU data file for use with /var/www chroot jails
id-utils-3.2dp5 gid/lid tools for looking up variables in code
id3ed-1.10.4p6 interactive console id3 tag editor
id3lib-3.8.3p10 library for manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags
idesk-0.7.5p9 put clickable icons on the desktop
idiff-1.1 interactive front end to diff
idled-1.16p2 log out idle users and those hogging resources
idrac_exporter-1.6.1 prometheus exporter for Dell iDRAC
iec16022-0.3.1 2D barcodes / DataMatrix creation tool
ietf-cli-1.29p0 command-line tools to work with RFCs and Internet Drafts
ifstat-1.1p5 tool to monitor interface bandwidth usage
ifstat-1.1p5-snmp tool to monitor interface bandwidth usage
iftop-1.0pre4p4 display bandwidth usage on an interface
igal-1.4.7p2 online Image GALlery generator
igal2-2.2 online Image GALlery generator
igmpproxy-0.4p0 multicast router utilizing IGMP forwarding
igor-1.595p1 FreeBSD Documentation Project sanity check script
igraph-0.10.15p1 C graph library
ii-2.0 minimalist IRC client
ii-2.0-ucspi minimalist IRC client
ijs-0.35p3 raster image transmission library
ike-scan-1.9.5p0 VPN scanner and identifier
iksemel-1.4p14 XML parser designed for Jabber applications
imageviewer-0.6.3p17 GNUstep image viewer
imagination-3.0p16 lightweight and simple DVD slide show maker
imake-1.0.10 makefile generator
imake-cf-1.0.8 config files for imake
imap-uw-2.26p0v0 UW IMAP4rev1/POP2/POP3 mail servers
imapdedup-1.2p0 IMAP message de-duplicator
imapfilter-2.7.5 remote IMAP filtering utility
imapproxy-1.2.8pre2022.05 connection-caching IMAP proxy for webmail clients etc.
imapsync-1.945 IMAP synchronization tool
img2pdf-0.6.0 losslessly convert images to PDF
imlib2-1.12.3p0 image manipulation library
immer-0.8.1p4 immutable and persistent data structures for C++
impersonatortoolkit-0.3p11 web cookies sniffer and providing proxy
implementation-of-icon-6 Icon language implemention reference book
implementation-of-icon-two_sided-6 Icon language implemention reference book
impress-1.1b9p2 publishing and presentation tool
impressive-0.13.2p1 stylish PDF presentation generator
imv-2.1.3p1 simple image viewer
inadyn-1.98.0p2 small memory footprint dynamic dns updater
incidenceeditor-24.12.2 KDE PIM incidence editor
include-what-you-use-0.23 tool to analyse #includes in C and C++ source files
inclusive-sans-0.0.20230803 text font designed for accessibility and readability
inconsolata-font-0.1v0 monospace font designed for coders (old version)
inconsolata-new-3.000 monospace font designed for coders
incron-0.5.10p6 cron-like daemon but reacting to filesystem events
indexpage-1.0.3p0 generate index pages for displaying images
indi-2.1.2 Instrument-Neutral-Device-Interface protocol implemtation
indierunner-0.2p0 launch independent games
industrial-icon-theme-11.0.5p10 Industrial icon theme from OpenSUSE
inetsim-1.3.2p0 suite for simulating common internet services
influx-cli-2.7.3 CLI to query influxdb v2 databases
influxdb-2.7.3p1 time-series datastore for metrics, events, and analytics
info2html-1.1 translate GNU info files into HTML pages
inform6-6.36 compiler for Inform 6 interactive fiction
inform6lib-6.12.6 standard library for Inform 6 interactive fiction
iniparser-3.1p1 ini file parsing library
inkscape-1.4p4 SVG vector drawing application
innoextract-1.9p3 unpack Inno Setup installers
inotify-tools-3.14pl0 programs providing a simple interface to inotify
instead-3.0.1p2 simple text adventure interpreter
insult-0.4 write insults to standard error on command failure
integrit-4.1p3 file integrity checker
intel-firmware-20250211v0 microcode update binaries for Intel CPUs
intel-gmmlib-22.5.5 Intel Graphics Memory Management Library
intel-media-driver-24.3.4 VAAPI driver for Intel HD 5000 (Gen8) or newer
intel-one-mono-1.3.0 expressive monospaced font family
intel-vaapi-driver-2.4.1p2 VAAPI legacy driver for Intel GMA 4500 to UHD 630
intel2gas-1.3.3p3 convert Intel assembly language (nasm) to AT&T syntax (gas)
inteldrm-firmware-20241210 firmware binary images for inteldrm(4) driver
intellij-2024.3.1 IntelliJ IDEA Java IDE
intellij-fsnotifier-20230112 replacement for IntelliJ's fsNotifier
inter-4.1 typeface carefully crafted & designed for computer screens
internetarchive-4.1.0 python and cli interface to
intltool-0.51.0p2 internationalization tools
iodbc-3.52.16 ODBC 3.x driver manager
iodbc-admin-3.52.16 ODBC 3.x driver manager admin application
iodine-0.7.0p8 tunnel IPv4 data through DNS
iogen-3.1p2 i/o generator
ion-20090110p5 light, keyboard friendly window manager
ioping-1.3 simple disk I/O latency measuring tool
ioquake3-2020.09.29p2 clone of the original Quake III Arena
iosevka-31.9.1 slender typeface for code (default variant)
iosevka-aile-31.9.1 slender typeface for code (aile variant)
iosevka-etoile-31.9.1 slender typeface for code (etoile variant)
iosevka-slab-31.9.1 slender typeface for code (slab variant)
iozone-3.494 performance test of sequential file I/O
ipaudit-0.95p4 IP traffic summarizer
ipcad-3.7.3p4 IP accounting daemon simulating Cisco ip accounting
ipcalc-1.4p0 small network calculator
ipe-7.2.24p4 extensible drawing editor
iperf-2.2.0 tool for measuring maximum TCP and UDP bandwidth
iperf3-3.18 tool to measure maximum achievable bandwidth on IP networks
ipfm-0.11.5 IP bandwidth analysis tool
ipfreely-20050327p5 simple, secure TCP proxy daemon
ipguard-1.04p4 protect LAN IP address space by ARP spoofing
iplog-2.2.3p3 TCP/IP traffic logging tool
ipmitool-1.8.19p1 manage and configure devices that support IPMI
iprange-1.0.4p0 manage IPv4 ranges
ipsvd-0.12.1p0 set of internet protocol service daemons for Unix
ipv6calc-4.2.1 tool for manipulating IPv6 addresses
ipv6toolkit-2.0p1 SI6 networks IPv6 toolkit
ipw-firmware-1.3p4 firmware binary images for ipw(4) driver
ipynb-py-convert-0.4.5p6 convert .py files to jupyter .ipynb notebooks and vice versa
ipython3-8.32.0 enhanced interactive Python shell
ircII-20240111 Internet Relay Chat client
ircd-hybrid-8.2.43p0 Internet Relay Chat server
ircd-ratbox-3.0.10p4 advanced, stable and fast irc server
irctk-1.1.0p1 graphical IRC client
iridium-2025.02.133p0 Iridium browser
irrlamb-1.0.1p0 third person, 3D physics game
irrlicht-1.8.4p4 fast, real time 3D engine
irrtoolset-5.0.1p5 toolset for internet routing registries
irssi-1.4.5 modular IRC client with many features
irssi-icb-0.17p3 ICB plugin for irssi
irssi-otr-1.4.5 OTR (off-the-record) plugin for irssi
irssi-xmpp-0.54p3 XMPP plugin for irssi
irtt-0.9.1 UDP latency tester, round-trip/1-way/jitter etc
isc-bind-9.20.6p0v3 Berkeley Internet Name Daemon: DNS server and tools
isc-bind-9.20.6p0v3-geoip Berkeley Internet Name Daemon: DNS server and tools
isc-dhcp-client-4.4.3pl1p1 ISC DHCP Client
isc-dhcp-omapi-4.4.3pl1p1 ISC DHCP OMAPI
isc-dhcp-server-4.4.3pl1p2 ISC DHCP Server
isearch-1.14p3 text search engine by CNIDR
ish-2.01a5p3 binary-to-text file converter
isic-0.07p2 IP stack integrity checker
isl-0.18 manipulate integer points bounded by linear constraints
iso-codes-4.17.0 lists of the country, language and currency iso names
iso12083-1993 SGML DTDs from The Electronic Publishing SIG
iso8879-1986p1 character entity sets from ISO 8879:1986 (SGML)
isomaster-1.3.17 gui cd image editor
ispell-3.4.06 interactive spelling checker
ispell-3.4.06-dutch ispell dictionary for Dutch
ispell-3.4.06-french ispell dictionary for French
ispell-3.4.06-german ispell dictionary for German
ispell-3.4.06-portuguese ispell dictionary for Portuguese
ispell-3.4.06-russian ispell dictionary for Russian
ispell-3.4.06-slovak ispell dictionary for Slovak
ispell-3.4.06-spanish ispell dictionary for Spanish
ispell-3.4.06-swedish ispell dictionary for Swedish
isync-1.5.0p0 synchronize IMAP4 and maildir mailboxes
itcl-3.4.1p3v0 object-oriented extensions to Tcl
itk-3.3p6 build mega-widgets using the Itcl object system
itstool-2.0.7p5 translate XML documents with PO files
iucode-tool-2.2p0 manipulate microcode update collections for Intel
iverilog-11.0p1 Verilog simulation and synthesis tool
iview-1.4p3 image viewer for X
iwatch-1.0.4 watch the command output with interval timer
iwi-firmware-3.1p4 firmware binary images for iwi(4) driver
iwidgets-4.0.1p7 Iwidgets Mega Widget Set
iwm-firmware-20240410 firmware binary images for iwm(4) driver
iwn-firmware-5.11p1 firmware binary images for iwn(4) driver
iwx-firmware-20240513p0 firmware binary images for iwx(4) driver
jBCrypt-0.4p5 BCrypt library for Java
ja-Wnn-4.2p17 Japanese input method
ja-Wnndict-4.2p1 dictionaries for Japanese Wnn
ja-eterm-0.9.6p2 color X11 terminal emulator with transparency support
ja-fonts-funet-19911117p2 extra japanese fonts, marumoji
ja-fonts-gnu-1.2.1p0 extra japanese fonts
ja-kanjistrokeorders-ttf-4.004 font to view stroke order diagrams for Kanji, Kana and etc
ja-kterm-6.2.0p9 Japanese-capable xterm
ja-kterm-6.2.0p9-xaw3d Japanese-capable xterm
ja-less-382.262.03.b.01p1 enhanced less with iso-2022-jp and UTF-8 encodings support
ja-nkf-2.1.5v0 Network Kanji code conversion Filter
ja-onew-canna-2.2.10p4 library for Japanese Input Method Wnn4
ja-onew-wnn4-2.2.10p4 library for Japanese Input Method Wnn4
ja-onew-wnn4-canna-2.2.10p4 library for Japanese Input Method Wnn4
ja-sazanami-ttf-20040629p3 japanese true type fonts
ja2-stracciatella-0.15.1p7 Jagged Alliance 2 engine
jacal-1b9 symbolics math system
jack-0.125.0p4 low latency sound server
jadx-1.4.7 dex to java decompiler
jag-0.3.7 arcade-puzzle game
jaldi-1.007p0 libre Devanagari typeface family
jam-2.5p3 build utility like make
janet-1.37.1 functional and imperative programming language
jansson-2.14 library for manipulating JSON data
japana-2.0.6 proxy that can transliterate japanese
jasper-4.2.4 reference implementation of JPEG-2000
java-tanukiwrapper-3.5.49p0 Tanuki Java Service Wrapper
javaPathHelper-2.3 helper script for launching java applications
javahelp-2.0.05p3 online help system for java platform applications
jbig2dec-0.19p0 decoder for JBIG2 monochrome hi-res image compression format
jbigkit-2.1p0 lossless image compression library, with lightweight version
jbrickshooter-1.6.0p4 brick shooter reflexion game
jd-gui-1.6.6p0 yet another fast Java decompiler
jday-2.4p5 astronomical julian date calculator
jdk- OpenJDK Software Development Kit v1.8.0.442.b06.1
jdk- OpenJDK Software Development Kit v11.0.26+4-1
jdk- OpenJDK Software Development Kit v17.0.14+7-1
jdk- OpenJDK Software Development Kit v21.0.6+7-1
jed-0.99.19p2 text editor
jed-0.99.19p2-no_x11 text editor
jefferson-0.4.2p2 JFFS2 filesystem extraction tool
jenkins-2.492.1 continuous integration server
jenkins-2.498 continuous integration server
jesred-1.2.1p1 squid redirector
jetbrains-mono-2.304 monotype font for developers
jftpgw-0.13.5p3 FTP proxy
jgmenu-4.5.0 freedesktop-compliant menu for openbox and tint2
jhead-3.08 Exif jpeg camera setting parser and thumbnail remover
jicofo-2.0.9646 server-side focus component used in Jitsi Meet conferences
jigsaw-0.8p15 GNUstep jigsaw puzzle
jikes-1.22p10 compile Java source into .class files (quickly!)
jimarc4random-0.3p0 arc4random for Jim
jimtcl-0.80 small footprint implementation of Tcl
jitsi-1.0p1 meta package for all Jitsi Meet components
jitsi-meet-1.0.8140 web files for Jitsi Meet
jitsi-prosody-plugins-2.0.9646 prosody modules for Jitsi Meet
jitsi-srtp-1.1pl20240606 native libraries to speed up jitsi-srtp
jitsi-videobridge-2.0.9646 WebRTC compatible video router for jitsi
jless-0.9.0p1 JSON viewer
jlint-3.1.2p5 Java program analyzer and checker
jmigpin-editor-3.10 graphical acme-like text editor
jmk-fonts-3.0p6 nice fixed width fonts, easy on the eye
jna-5.11.0p3 Java Native Access (JNA)
jnettop-0.13.0p4 capture network traffic, display streams sorted by bandwidth
jo-1.9 JSON output from a shell
joe-4.6p0 Joe's Own Editor
john-1.8.0p1 extremely fast password cracker
john-jumbo- extremely fast password cracker, with community patches
josm-14824p1 OpenStreetMap map editor
jove- Jonathan's Own Version of Emacs
jpeg-3.1.0v0 SIMD-accelerated JPEG codec replacement of libjpeg
jpeg2ps-1.9p0 convert jpeg to compressed PostScript
jpegdump-1.0p1 dump raw jpeg exif information
jpeginfo-1.7.1 prints information and tests integrity of JPEG files
jpegoptim-1.5.5 utility to optimize jpeg files
jpegpixi-1.1.1p1 jpeg pixel interpolator
jq-1.7.1 lightweight and flexible command-line JSON processor
jrnlc-2022.b opinionated command line journal
jruby- pure-Java implementation of the Ruby language
js128-128.8.0v1 C/C++ Mozilla's JavaScript shell'
json-c-0.18 JSON implementation in C
json-glib-1.10.6 JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
jsoncpp-1.9.6 JSON parsing C++ API
jsonrpc-glib-3.44.1p0 JSON-RPC library for GLib
jujutsu-0.27.0 version control system with git compatibility backend
juk-24.12.2 music collection manager and player for KDE
juliamono-0.053 typeface carefully crafted & designed for computer screens
julius-1.7.0p0 open source re-implementation of Caesar III game engine
jumpnbump-1.61p0 game of cute bunnies jumping on each other's heads
junction-1.001pre1p1 humanist sans-serif typeface
junicode-1.003 advanced Unicode font for medievalists
jupyter-notebook-6.4.13p2 web-based notebook for interactive computing
jwm-2.4.6 Joe's Window Manager
jxplorer-3.2p13 standards compliant LDAP browser
k2pdfopt-2.55p0 optimizes PDF/DJVU files for mobile e-readers
kaccounts-providers-24.12.2 online account providers for the KAccounts system
kactivities-stats-5.116.0 statistics for the KDE Activity concept
kactivitymanagerd-6.3.2 core components for the KDE Activity concept
kaddressbook-24.12.2p0 addressbook viewer/frontend for KDE
kainjow-mustache-4.1p0 header-only string template library
kajongg-24.12.2 Mah Jongg four players board game for KDE
kakasi-2.3.4p0 Kanji -> kana converter
kakoune-2024.05.18 modal code editor with a focus on interactivity
kalarm-24.12.2p0 personal alarm message, command and email scheduler
kalgebra-24.12.2 scientific calculator for KDE
kalm-24.12.2 breathing techniques application
kalzium-24.12.2 periodic table of elements
kamailio-5.5.4p2 mature and flexible open source SIP server
kamailio-berkeley-5.5.4p2 kamailio berkeley db module
kamailio-carrierroute-5.5.4p2 kamailio carrierroute module
kamailio-ldap-5.5.4p2 kamailio LDAP modules
kamailio-mysql-5.5.4p2 kamailio mysql module
kamailio-perl-5.5.4p2 kamailio perl modules
kamailio-postgresql-5.5.4p2 kamailio postgresql module
kamailio-presence-5.5.4p2 kamailio presence modules
kamailio-radius-5.5.4p2 kamailio RADIUS modules
kamailio-snmpstats-5.5.4p2 kamailio snmpstats module
kamailio-xml-5.5.4p2 kamailio XML modules
kamera-24.12.2 KDE digital camera support
kanagram-24.12.2 letter order game
kanatest-0.4.6p13 beginner's drill tool to learn Japanese kana characters
kanjipad-2.0.0p8 Japanese handwriting recognition
kanjips-19900310p1 converts Japanese fonts in PostScript documents
kapidox-5.116.0p0 doxygen wrapper for KDE
kapman-24.12.2 pac-man clone
kapptemplate-24.12.2 app template generator for KDE development
karchive-5.116.0 Qt5-based API for manipulating file archives
kasumi-2.5p11 personal dictionary manager for anthy
kate-24.12.2 KDE advanced text editor
katomic-24.12.2 Sokoban-like logic game
kauth-5.116.0 execute actions as privileged user
kawa-3.1.1p1 Scheme and language framework for the Java platform
kbackup-24.12.2 KDE backup program with an easy to use user interface
kbanner-2 display kanji files in large letters
kbibtex-0.10.0p0 KDE TeX/LaTeX bibliographies management application
kblackbox-24.12.2 blackbox logic game
kblocks-24.12.2 falling blocks game
kbookmarks-5.116.0 XBEL bookmarks format support for KDE
kbounce-24.12.2 ball bouncing game
kbreakout-24.12.2 breakout-like game
kbruch-24.12.2 KDE calculating fractions practicing app
kc-2.5.3p0 console based password storing application
kc-2.5.3p0-yubikey console based password storing application
kcachegrind-24.12.2 profile data visualization tool
kcalc-24.12.2 KDE versatile math calculator
kcaldav-0.2.5 a simple, safe, and minimal CalDAV server
kcalendarcore-5.116.0 The KDE calendar access library
kcalutils-24.12.2 library for the handling of calendar data.
kcgi-0.13.4 minimal CGI library for web applications
kcharselect-24.12.2 KDE character select and clipboard copy
kcmutils-5.116.0 utility classes for KDE control modules
kcodecs-5.116.0 string encoding/decoding for KDE
kcolorchooser-24.12.2 KDE color selector
kcolorpicker-0.3.1 qt-based color picker with popup menu
kcompletion-5.116.0 text completion support for Qt-based apps
kconfig-5.116.0 KDE configuration system
kconfigwidgets-5.116.0 widgets for KDE configuration dialogs
kcoreaddons-5.116.0 core KDE extensions to Qt classes
kcrash-5.116.0 intercepting and handling application crashes in KDE
kcron-24.12.2 KDE-based GUI for cron task scheduler
kdav-5.116.0v0 KDE PIM DAV protocol support library
kdb-3.2.0p5 database connectivity and creation framework
kdbusaddons-5.116.0 KDE convenience classes for DBus
kde-24.12.2 KDE meta-package (full installation)
kde-accessibility-24.12.2 KDE accessibility applications
kde-admin-24.12.2 KDE system administrator tools
kde-cli-tools-6.3.2 KDE krameworks 5 tools
kde-dev-scripts-24.12.2 KDE development helper scripts
kde-dev-utils-24.12.2 KDE development helper utilities
kde-development-24.12.2 KDE development applications
kde-education-24.12.2 KDE education applications
kde-games-24.12.2 KDE games
kde-graphics-24.12.2 KDE graphics applications
kde-gtk-config-6.3.2 GTK2 and GTK3 configurator for KDE
kde-multimedia-24.12.2 KDE multimedia applications
kde-network-24.12.2 KDE network applications
kde-pim-24.12.2 KDE PIM personal information managemen applications
kde-plasma-6.3.2 KDE Plasma desktop meta-package (base installation)
kde-plasma-extras-6.3.2 KDE Plasma desktop meta-package (base additional apps)
kde-utils-24.12.2 KDE utilities
kdebugsettings-24.12.2 application to edit QLoggingCategory
kdeclarative-5.116.0 integration of QML and KDE workspaces
kdeconnect-kde-24.12.2 KDE app that allows your devices to communicate
kdecoration-6.3.2 plugin-based library to create KDE window decorations
kded-5.116.0 central daemon of KDE workspaces
kdeedu-data-24.12.2p0 data files for KDE education applications
kdegraphics-mobipocket-kf5-24.12.2 collection of plugins to handle mobipocket files
kdelibs4support-5.116.0p3 legacy support for kdelibs-4.x compatibility
kdenetwork-filesharing-24.12.2 KDE Filesharing via Samba
kdenlive-24.12.2 non-linear video editor for KDE
kdepim-addons-24.12.2 KDE PIM mail related libraries
kdepim-runtime-24.12.2 KDE PIM mail related libraries
kdesdk-thumbnailers-24.12.2 KDE thumbnail generators for development files
kdesignerplugin-5.116.0 integrating KDE 5 widgets with Qt Designer
kdesu-5.116.0p0 KDE wrapper over doas commands
kdevelop-24.12.2 IDE for C, C++, Python, QML/JavaScript and PHP
kdf-24.12.2 KDE storage device statistics
kdiagram-2.8.0 libraries for creating business diagrams
kdiagram-qt6-3.0.1 libraries for creating business diagrams
kdialog-24.12.2 KDE dialog boxes from shell scripts
kdiamond-24.12.2 three-in-a-row game
kdiff3-1.12.1 compares and merges multiple files or directories
kdnssd-5.116.0 network service discovery using Zeroconf for KDE
kdoctools-5.116.0 create documentation from DocBook
kdsingleapplication-1.1.0 helper class for single-instance policy applications
kdsoap-2.2.0 Qt-based client-side and server-side SOAP component
kdsoap-qt6-2.2.0 Qt-based client-side and server-side SOAP component
kdsoap-ws-discovery-client-0.4.0 KDSoap WS-Discovery client
kea-2.4.1p0 high-performance and extensible DHCP server engine from ISC
kea-2.4.1p0-mysql high-performance and extensible DHCP server engine from ISC
kea-2.4.1p0-postgresql high-performance and extensible DHCP server engine from ISC
keditbookmarks-24.12.2 KDE bookmarks editor
keepassxc-2.7.9 management tool for passwords and sensitive data
keepassxc-2.7.9-browser management tool for passwords and sensitive data
keepassxc-2.7.9-browser-yubikey management tool for passwords and sensitive data
keepassxc-2.7.9-yubikey management tool for passwords and sensitive data
keeperrl-1.0pl20p0 dungeon builder game with roguelike elements
kemoticons-5.116.0 text emoticons to graphical emoticons KDE converter
kermit-9.0.302p0 serial and network communications package
kexi-3.2.0p7 visual database applications creator
keybase-5.2.0p2 client for
keybinder3-0.3.0p9 GTK+3 library for registering keyboard shortcuts
keychain-2.8.5 front-end to ssh-agent and gpg-agent
keycloak-26.1.2 Identity and Access Management solution
keynav-0.20101014.3067p4v0 turns your keyboard into a fast pointer mover
keyringer-0.6.0 manage and share secrets using GnuPG and Git
keystone-0.9.2p1 multi-platform, multi-architecture assembler framework
kf5-attica-5.116.0 Open Collaboration Services API implementation
kf5-baloo-5.116.0p0v0 KDE file search and metadata handling framework
kf5-kactivities-5.116.0 core components for the KDE Activity concept
kf5-kfilemetadata-5.116.0 KDE 5 library for extracting text and metadata
kf5-kfilemetadata-l10n-5.116.0 localization files of kfilemetadata
kf5-kirigami2-5.116.0 QtQuick based components set
kf5-kwallet-5.116.0p1 KDE safe desktop-wide storage for passwords
kf5-qqc2-desktop-style-5.116.0p1 QtQuickControls 2 style for painting
kf6-attica-6.11.0 Open Collaboration Services API implementation
kf6-baloo-6.11.0 KDE file search and metadata handling framework
kf6-baloo-widgets-24.12.2 widgets for Baloo
kf6-bluez-qt-6.11.0 Qt wrapper for BlueZ 5 DBus API
kf6-breeze-icons-6.11.0 KDE Breeze-style light and dark icon themes
kf6-dolphin-24.12.2 KDE File Manager
kf6-extra-cmake-modules-6.11.0 CMake modules required by KDE and Qt
kf6-ffmpegthumbs-24.12.2 KDE FFmpeg-based thumbnail generator for video files
kf6-frameworkintegration-6.11.0 KDE Plasma integration support for Qt-based apps
kf6-kaccounts-integration-24.12.2 library and QML module for Accounts-SSO and SignOn-SSO
kf6-karchive-6.11.0 Qt6-based API for manipulating file archives
kf6-kauth-6.11.0 execute actions as privileged user
kf6-kbookmarks-6.11.0 XBEL bookmarks format support for KDE
kf6-kcalendarcore-6.11.0 KDE calendar access library
kf6-kcmutils-6.11.0 utility classes for KDE control modules
kf6-kcodecs-6.11.0p0 string encoding/decoding for KDE
kf6-kcolorscheme-6.11.0 classes to read and interact with KColorScheme
kf6-kcompletion-6.11.0 text completion support for Qt-based apps
kf6-kconfig-6.11.0 KDE configuration system
kf6-kconfigwidgets-6.11.0 widgets for KDE configuration dialogs
kf6-kcontacts-6.11.0 KDE contacts access library
kf6-kcoreaddons-6.11.0 core KDE extensions to Qt classes
kf6-kcrash-6.11.0 intercepting and handling application crashes in KDE
kf6-kdav-6.11.0 KDE PIM DAV protocol support library
kf6-kdbusaddons-6.11.0 KDE convenience classes for DBus
kf6-kdeclarative-6.11.0 integration of QML and KDE workspaces
kf6-kded-6.11.0 central daemon of KDE workspaces
kf6-kdegraphics-mobipocket-24.12.2 collection of plugins to handle mobipocket files
kf6-kdegraphics-thumbnailers-24.12.2 thumbnailers for various graphics file formats
kf6-kdeplasma-addons-6.3.2 KDE Plasma add-ons
kf6-kdesu-6.11.0 KDE wrapper over doas commands
kf6-kdnssd-6.11.0 network service discovery using Zeroconf for KDE
kf6-kdoctools-6.11.0 create documentation from DocBook
kf6-kfilemetadata-6.11.0 KDE 6 library for extracting text and metadata
kf6-kglobalaccel-6.11.0 global desktop keyboard shortcuts for KDE
kf6-kguiaddons-6.11.0 utilities for graphical user interfaces
kf6-kholidays-6.11.0 holiday calculation library
kf6-ki18n-6.11.0 KDE gettext-based UI text internationalization
kf6-kiconthemes-6.11.0 KDE icon GUI utility library
kf6-kidletime-6.11.0 reporting of idle time of user and system
kf6-kimageformats-6.11.0 KDE plugins for QImage supporting extra file formats
kf6-kio-6.11.0 network transparent access to files and data in KDE
kf6-kio-extras-24.12.2p0 extra functionality for kioslaves
kf6-kirigami-6.11.0 QtQuick based components set
kf6-kitemmodels-6.11.0 KDE item models extending the Qt model-view framework
kf6-kitemviews-6.11.0 extensions for the Qt model-view framework
kf6-kjobwidgets-6.11.0 KDE widgets for showing progress of asynchronous jobs
kf6-knewstuff-6.11.0 KDE framework for sharing additional application data
kf6-knotifications-6.11.0 KDE desktop notifications framework
kf6-knotifyconfig-6.11.0 KDE configuration dialog for desktop notifications
kf6-kpackage-6.11.0 installation and loading of content packages in KDE
kf6-kparts-6.11.0 KDE plugin framework for user interface components
kf6-kpeople-6.11.0 KDE framework for aggregating and accessing people contacts
kf6-kplotting-6.11.0p0 KDE data plotting framework
kf6-kpty-6.11.0 interfacing with pseudo terminal devices in KDE
kf6-kquickcharts-6.11.0 QtQuick module providing high-performance charts
kf6-krunner-6.11.0 KDE framework for Plasma runners
kf6-ksanecore-24.12.2p0 KDE SANE (scanner) core library
kf6-kservice-6.11.0 plugin framework for KDE desktop services
kf6-kstatusnotifieritem-6.11.0 KDE implementation of Status Notifier Items
kf6-ksvg-6.11.0 KDE components for handling SVGs
kf6-ktexteditor-6.11.0 fully featured text editor component
kf6-ktexttemplate-6.11.0 KDE configuration system
kf6-ktextwidgets-6.11.0 text editing widgets for KDE
kf6-kunitconversion-6.11.0 KDE framework for converting physical units
kf6-kuserfeedback-6.11.0 KDE framework for collecting user feedback
kf6-kwallet-6.11.0 KDE safe desktop-wide storage for passwords
kf6-kwayland-6.3.2 Qt API to interact with the wayland-client and -server
kf6-kwidgetsaddons-6.11.0 large set of KDE widgets
kf6-kwindowsystem-6.11.0 access to the windowing system for KDE apps
kf6-kxmlgui-6.11.0 KDE framework for managing menu and toolbar actions
kf6-libkcddb-24.12.2 KDE CDDB library
kf6-libkcompactdisc-24.12.2p0 library for interfacing with CDs
kf6-libkdcraw-24.12.2 KDE wrapper around the LibRaw library
kf6-libkdegames-24.12.2 common code and data for many KDE games
kf6-libkexiv2-24.12.2 EXIV2 Library interface for KDE
kf6-libkomparediff2-24.12.2 library to compare files and strings
kf6-libkscreen-6.3.2 screen management library for KDE Plasma Workspaces
kf6-prison-6.11.0 bar code generator
kf6-purpose-6.11.0 framework to create integrate services and actions
kf6-qqc2-desktop-style-6.11.0 QtQuickControls 2 style for painting
kf6-solid-6.11.0 KDE hardware abstraction layer
kf6-sonnet-6.11.0 multi-language spell checker for KDE
kf6-sonnet-aspell-6.11.0 ASpell plugin for Sonnet
kf6-sonnet-hunspell-6.11.0 HunSpell plugin for Sonnet
kf6-svgpart-24.12.2 KPart for viewing SVGs
kf6-syndication-6.11.0 RSS/Atom parser library
kf6-syntax-highlighting-6.11.0 highlighting engine for structured text and code
kf6-systemsettings-6.3.2 KDE Plasma control center
kf6-threadweaver-6.11.0 KDE helper for multithreaded programming
kfind-24.12.2 KDE dialog boxes from shell scripts
kfourinline-24.12.2 four-in-a-row board game
kgamma-6.3.2 KDE monitor calibration tool
kgeography-24.12.2 geography learning tool for KDE
kgeotag-1.7.0 stand-alone photo geotagging program
kget-24.12.2 download manager for KDE
kglobalaccel-5.116.0p0 global desktop keyboard shortcuts for KDE
kglobalacceld-6.3.2 KDE global keyboard shortcut daemon
kgoldrunner-24.12.2 hunt gold, dodge enemies and solve puzzles
kgpg-24.12.2 KDE interface to GnuPG
kguiaddons-5.116.0 Utilities for graphical user interfaces
khal-0.11.2p1 standards based terminal calendar
khangman-24.12.2 KDE hangman game
khard-0.19.1p1 console vCard address book
khelpcenter-24.12.2 KDE help center
kholidays-5.116.0 holiday calculation library
khtml-5.116.0 original KDE HTML rendering engine
ki18n-5.116.0p0 KDE Gettext-based UI text internationalization
kicad-8.0.9v0 schematic and PCB editing software
kicad-footprints-8.0.9 footprint modules for KiCad
kicad-packages3D-8.0.9 3D packages for KiCad
kicad-symbols-8.0.9v0 symbol modules for KiCad
kicad-templates-8.0.9 templates for KiCad
kiconthemes-5.116.0 KDE icon GUI utility library
kid3-3.8.5p5 multimedia files tag editor
kidentitymanagement-24.12.2 KDE pim identities
kidletime-5.116.0 reporting of idle time of user and system
kig-24.12.2 KDE geometric constructions explorer
kigo-24.12.2 Go board game
kile-2.9.94 user-friendly TeX/LaTeX editor for KDE
killbots-24.12.2 simple game of evading killer robots
kimageannotator-0.7.1 tool for annotating images
kimageformats-5.116.0p1 KDE plugins for QImage supporting extra file formats
kimagemapeditor-24.12.2 KDE-based HTML image map editor
kimap-24.12.2 job-based API for interacting with IMAP servers
kinfocenter-6.3.2 core components for the KDE Activity concept
kinit-5.116.0 speed up for applications inside KDE workspaces
kio-5.116.0 network transparent access to files and data in KDE
kio-gdrive-24.12.2 KIO Slave to access Google Drive
kirigami-addons-1.7.0 add-ons for the kirigami frameworks
kirigami-gallery-24.12.2 kirigami component gallery application
kiriki-24.12.2 Yahtzee-like dice game
kismet-201607R1p1 802.11 layer2 wireless network detector, sniffer, and IDS
kissd-0.3p1 server for KiSS DP-500 network movie player
kitd-1.0 automatically restart service process after it exits
kitemmodels-5.116.0 KDE item models extending the Qt model-view framework
kitemviews-5.116.0 extensions for the Qt model-view framework
kiten-24.12.2 Japanese reference tool for KDE
kitinerary-24.12.2 KDE itinerary data model and itinerary extraction library
kitty-0.26.5p3 fast, feature full, GPU-based terminal emulator
kiwix-tools-3.7.0 command-line Kiwix tools
kjobwidgets-5.116.0 KDE widgets for showing progress of asynchronous jobs
kjs-5.116.0 JavaScript/ECMAScript engine for KDE
kjumpingcube-24.12.2 territory capture game
klavaro-3.14p0 touch typing tutor program
kldap-24.12.2 LDAP access API for KDE
kleopatra-24.12.2 certificate manager and a universal crypto GUI
klettres-24.12.2 alphabet learning application for KDE
klickety-24.12.2 adaptation of clickomania game
klines-24.12.2 KDE version of Color Lines game
kmag-24.12.2 KDE screen magnifier
kmahjongg-24.12.2 Mah Jongg four players board game for KDE5
kmail-24.12.2 KDE PIM email client
kmail-account-wizard-24.12.2 KMail account wizard
kmailtransport-24.12.2 mail transport service
kmbox-24.12.2 library for accessing mail storages in MBox format
kmediaplayer-5.116.0 interface for media player KParts
kmenuedit-6.3.2 KDE menu editor for plasma workspaces
kmime-24.12.2 library for handling mail messages and newsgroup articles
kmines-24.12.2 Minesweeper-like Game
kmix-24.12.2 sound channel mixer and volume control
kmousetool-24.12.2 KDE mouse clicker for accessibility users
kmouth-24.12.2 speech tool for mute persons for KDE
kmplot-24.12.2 mathematical function plotter for KDE
kmymoney-5.1.3p10 accounting for KDE 5
knavalbattle-24.12.2 battle ship game
knetwalk-24.12.2 network construction game
knewave-2.000pre1p0 bold, painted typeface for the rocker within
knewstuff-5.116.0 KDE framework for sharing additional application data
knfmt-4.5.0 kernel normal form formatter
knockpy-7.0.2p0 subdomain scanner
knot-3.3.9 authoritative DNS server
knotifications-5.116.0 KDE desktop notifications framework
knotifyconfig-5.116.0 KDE configuration dialog for desktop notifications
ko-Wnn-4.2p11 Korean input method
ko-Wnndict-4.2p1 dictionaries for Korean Wnn
ko-baekmuk-fonts-2.0p6 extra Korean fonts
ko-baekmuk-ttf-2.2p4 Baekmuk Korean truetype fonts
ko-hanterm-fonts-3.1p3 extra Korean fonts
kobodeluxe-0.5.1p3 sdl port of xkobo
kobodeluxe-0.5.1p3-harder sdl port of xkobo
koboredux- frenetic space shoot-em-up
kolf-24.12.2 miniature golf
kollision-24.12.2 simple ball dodging game
kolourpaint-24.12.2 KDE raster image editor
komi-1.04p3 Komi the Space Frog
kompare-24.12.2 file compare utility for KDE
kona- open source implementation of the K programming language
konatu-20121218 Japanese TrueType with embedded bitmap font
konqueror-24.12.2 KDE File Manager & Web Browser
konquest-24.12.2 galactic strategy game
konsole-24.12.2 KDE terminal emulator
kontact-24.12.2p0 documentenal information management suite
kontactinterface-24.12.2 KDE PIM kontact plugin interface library
kontrast-24.12.2 color contrast checker
konversation-24.12.2 IRC client for KDE
kopano-core-11.0.2p11v0 MS Exchange groupware suite replacement
kopano-mapi-11.0.2p8v0 kopano MAPI extensions for PHP
kopano-webapp- next generation web interface for Kopano
kopeninghours-24.12.2 library for parsing and evaluating OSM data
kopia-0.19.0 simple tool for managing encrypted backups in the cloud
kore-4.2.3p5 web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C
kore-4.2.3p5-acme web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C
kore-4.2.3p5-curl web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C
kore-4.2.3p5-pgsql web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C
kore-4.2.3p5-python web application framework for writing scalable web APIs in C
korganizer-24.12.2p0 calendar and scheduling component of kontact
kpackage-5.116.0 installation and loading of content packages in KDE
kparts-5.116.0 KDE plugin framework for user interface components
kpcli-4.1.2 cli browser for keepassx databases
kpeople-5.116.0 KDE framework for aggregating and accessing people contacts
kpimtextedit-24.12.2 textedit with PIM-specific features
kpipewire-6.3.2 components relating to pipewire use in Plasma
kpkpass-24.12.2 KDE PIM Apple wallet file support library
kplot-0.1.15 library for plotting graphs on cairo surfaces
kplotting-5.116.0 KDE data plotting framework
kproperty-3.2.0p0 property editing framework with editor widget
kpty-5.116.0 interfacing with pseudo terminal devices in KDE
kqtquickcharts-24.12.2 QtQuick plugin to render interactive charts
kquickcharts-5.116.0 QtQuick module providing high-performance charts
kquickimageeditor-0.4.0 KDE image editing components
krdc-24.12.2 VNC and RDP desktop client
krename-5.0.2p3 powerful batch file renamer
kreport-3.2.0p5 framework for generation of reports in multiple formats
kreversi-24.12.2 reversi board game
krfb-24.12.2p0 desktop sharing
krill-0.14.5 RPKI Certification Authority and Publication Server
kristall-2024010500 graphical multi-protocol navigator
krita-5.2.9 advanced drawing and image manipulation
krita-gmic-plugin- krita gmic plugin
kross-5.116.0 embedding of scripting into KDE applications
kross-interpreters-kf5-24.12.2 Kross interpreter plugins for programming
kruler-24.12.2 screen ruler for KDE
krunner-5.116.0 KDE framework for Plasma runners
krusader-2.9.0 twin panel file manager for KDE
kscreen-6.3.2 KDEs screen management software
kscreenlocker-6.3.2 library for secure lock screen architecture
kservice-5.116.0 plugin framework for KDE desktop services
ksh93-1.0.10v0 AT&T Korn Shell
kshisen-24.12.2 Shisen-Sho Mahjongg-like game
ksirk-24.12.2 world domination strategy game
ksmtp-24.12.2 KDE PIM SMTP library
ksnakeduel-24.12.2 Tron-like game
ksnip-1.11.0 screenshot tool with annotations features
kspaceduel-24.12.2 2D space arcade game for KDE
ksql-0.3.5 yet another SQLite wrapper
ksquares-24.12.2 connect the dots to create squares game
ksshaskpass-6.3.2 KDE Plasma ssh-add helper
kst-2.0.8p8 data viewing/plotting tool
kstars-3.7.5p0v0 planetarium simulator for KDE
ksudoku-24.12.2 sudoku game
ksystemlog-24.12.2 system log viewer
ksystemstats-6.3.2 plugin based system monitoring daemon
kteatime-24.12.2 simple timer tray app for KDE
ktextaddons-1.5.4 various text handling addons
ktexteditor-5.116.0 fully featured text editor component
ktextwidgets-5.116.0 text editing widgets for KDE
ktimer-24.12.2 graphical timer based task execution for KDE
ktimetracker-5.0.1p2 todo management and time tracker
ktnef-24.12.2 KDE PIM TNEF library
ktorrent-24.12.2 BitTorrent Client
ktouch-24.12.2 KDE typing learning tool
ktuberling-24.12.2 picture game for children
kturtle-24.12.2 KDE educational Logo programming environment
kubectl-1.29.5 command line tool for controlling Kubernetes clusters
kubo-0.26.0 IPFS implementation in Go
kubrick-24.12.2 3-D Game based on Rubiks Cube
kunitconversion-5.116.0 KDE framework for converting physical units
kurly-1.2.2p0 alternative curl written in go
kwalletmanager-24.12.2 KDE password wallet manager
kwayland-5.116.0 Qt API to interact with the wayland-client and -server
kweather-24.12.2 weather application for Plasma Mobile
kweathercore-24.12.2 weather information library
kwidgetsaddons-5.116.0 large set of KDE widgets
kwin- window manager for KDE Plasma Desktops
kwindowsystem-5.116.0 access to the windowing system for KDE apps
kwordquiz-24.12.2 general purpose flash card program for KDE
kwrited-6.3.2 KDE daemon listening for wall and write messages
kxmlgui-5.116.0 KDE framework for managing menu and toolbar actions
kxmlrpcclient-5.116.0 KDE XML-RPC client
kyotocabinet-1.2.80 straightforward implementation of DBM
kyua-cli-0.8p3 testing framework
kyua-testers-0.2p1 scriptable interfaces to interact with test programs
l2a-1.2p0 filter for removing (La)TeX markup
l2p-1.1.1p0 create PNG images from LaTeX expressions
lablgtk2-2.18.11p5 OCaml interface to GTK+2
lablgtk3-3.1.1p7 OCaml interface to GTK+3
labplot-2.11.1p1 data visualization and analysis software
labwc-0.8.3 window-stacking Wayland compositor
ladr-dec-2007p4 Library for Automated Deduction Research
ladspa-1.17p0 Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API
ladvd-1.1.1p2 link advertisement (LLDP/CDP etc) daemon
lager-0.1.1p4 redux for C++
lagrange-1.18.4 SDL multi protocol navigator
lame-3.100p2 lame ain't an MP3 encoder
lapack-3.12.0p0 library of Fortran linear algebra subroutines
lapispuzzle-1.2p16 tetris like puzzle game
larbin-2.6.3p4 little and fast Web crawler
lastpass-cli-1.6.0 LastPass command line interface tool
laszip-3.4.4 lossless LiDAR compression
late-0.1.0p6 puzzle game resembling the arcade game Qix
laternamagica-0.5p5 view images and do slideshows
latex-mk-1.9.1p3 set of Makefile fragments to manage LaTeX documents
latex2html-2021 LaTeX to HTML converter
latexmk-452cp0 LaTeX documents output generation automation tool
layer-shell-qt-6.3.2 Qt Wayland wl-layer-shell protocol component
lbdb-0.54 "little brother's database", email address query tools
lbdb-ldap-0.54 LDAP support for lbdb
lbreakout2-2.6.5p3 breakout game with many levels, powerups, good graphics
lcdf-typetools-2.108p0 tools to manipulate font files
lcdproc-0.5.9p0 interface to various LCD displays
lchat-1.0 line oriented chat frontend for ii
lcms-1.19p1 color management library
lcms2-2.16p0 color management library
ldapvacation-1.1.3p6 return 'I am not here' indication stored in a LDAP tree
ldapvi-1.7p7 update LDAP entries with a text editor
ldc-1.35.0p0 LLVM D Compiler
ldns-utils-1.8.4 LDNS utilities
le-1.16.8 text editor inspired by Norton Commander
leafnode-1.11.12p0 USENET software package designed for small sites
leafpad-0.8.19p0 simple GTK+ text editor
league-fonts-0.1p3 fonts from the League of Moveable Type
league-gothic-1.601p0 revival of classic gothic typeface
league-mono-2.300 mashup of beautiful monospace font forms
league-script-number-one-1.001pre1p0 modern, coquettish script font
league-spartan-2.220p0 revival of ATF's Spartan sans-serif
lean-3.48.0p1 interactive and automated theorem prover
lebiniou-3.66.0 music visualization & VJing tool
lebiniou-data-3.66.0 data files for use with lebiniou
ledger-3.3.2p3 command line double-entry accounting ledger
legendary-0.20.34p1 free and open source replacement for Epic Games Launcher
legit-1.2.0p4 complementary command-line interface for Git
lego-4.22.2p0 Let's Encrypt/ACME client written in Go
leiningen-2.11.2 Clojure project automation
lemonbar-1.5 featherweight lemon-scented bar
lemonbar-xft-1.1.20180416p0 featherweight lemon-scented bar with XFT support
lensfun-0.3.3p1 library to adjust for photographic lens characteristics
lepton-eda-1.9.18p1 lepton electronic design automation suite
leptonica-1.85.0 image processing and analysis library
lerc-4.0.0 Limited Error Raster Compression
leveldb-1.23p0 fast key-value storage library
lf-32 terminal file manager inspired by ranger written in Go
lfe-2.2.0 Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE)
lfm-3.1p5 powerful curses interface python file manager
lftp-4.9.3 shell-like command line ftp and sftp client
lgeneral-1.4.4p0 turn-based strategy engine
lgrind-3.67p9 LaTeX vgrind(1) look-alike
lha-1.14i.ac20230913 archive files using LZW compression (.lzh files)
lhasa-0.4.0 free Software LHA implementation
lib2geom-1.4 easy to use 2D geometry library in C++
libHX-4.24 C/C++ library with common data structures and functions
libJudy-1.0.5p0 general purpose dynamic array
libQuotient-0.9.2 Qt6 library for writing cross-platform Matrix clients
liba52-0.7.5p4 free library for decoding ATSC A/52 streams, aka AC-3
libaacs-0.11.1 AACS support library for Blu-ray playback
libaccounts-glib-1.26p4 GLib-based client library for the accounts database
libaccounts-qt-1.17 Qt-based client library for the accounts database
libaccounts-qt6-1.17 Qt-based client library for the accounts database
libadwaita-1.6.4v0 building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME apps
libaio_compat-5.2.2p0 port of POSIX asynchronous I/O routines from DragonFly BSD
libalkimia-8.1.2 KDE financial data handling library
libansilove-1.4.1 library for converting ANSI, ASCII, and other formats to PNG
libao-1.2.0p2 portable audio output library
libappindicator-12.10.0 library for exporting menus to a desktop environment
libarchive-3.7.7 multi-format archive and compression library
libart-2.3.21p0 high-performance 2D graphics library
libass-0.17.3 portable ASS/SSA subtitle renderer
libassuan-2.5.5 IPC library used by GnuPG and gpgme
libast-0.7p11 library of assorted spiffy things
libatomic_ops-7.8.0p0 access to hardware provided atomic memory operations
libaudiofile-0.3.6p7 SGI audiofile library clone
libavif-1.1.1 library for encoding and decoding .avif files
libb2-0.98.1v0 library providing BLAKE2b, BLAKE2s, BLAKE2bp, BLAKE2sp
libbde-20191221p5 access the BitLocker Drive Encryption encrypted volumes
libbdplus-0.2.0 BD+ support library for Blu-ray playback
libbfio-20191230 basic file input/output abstraction C library
libbgcode-20240328p0 Prusa Block & Binary G-code reader / writer / converter
libbgpdump-1.6.2 library to analyze MRT-format BGP dump files
libbind-6.0p7v0 BIND stub resolver library for special use cases
libbinio-1.5p0 binary I/O stream class library
libbluray-1.3.4 library supporting Blu-ray playback
libbs2b-3.1.0p5 Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP
libburn-1.5.4 library for reading, mastering and writing optical discs
libcaca-0.99.20p0 color ascii art library
libcanberra-0.30p7 implementation of the Freedesktop sound theme spec.
libcanberra-gtk3-0.30p12 gtk+3 helper for libcanberra
libcares-1.34.3p0 asynchronous resolver library
libcdada-0.4.0p1 basic data structures in C (libstdc++ wrapper)
libcdaudio-0.99.12p3 multi-platform cd player development library
libcddb-1.3.2p1 library to access data on a CDDB server
libcdio-2.1.0 compact disk input and control library
libcdio-paranoia-2.0.1 fork of cdparanoia that uses libcdio for CDROM access
libcerf-1.13p0 implementation of complex error functions
libchamplain-0.12.21p0 library to provide a GTK+ widget to display maps
libchdr-1.0pl20230220 library for reading MAME's CHDv1-v5 formats
libcloudproviders-0.3.6p0 library for integration of cloud storage providers
libcoap-4.2.1p2 communicate with embedded devices using CoAP (RFC 7252)
libconfig-1.7.3 library for manipulating structured configuration files
libconfuse-3.3 configuration file parser library
libcpucycles-20240318 library for counting CPU cycles
libcroco-0.6.13p3 generic CSS parsing library for GNOME project
libcrossguid- minimal and cross platform C++ GUID library
libcss-0.9.2 CSS parser and selection engine
libcsteamworks-1.30 C bindings for Steamworks
libcue-2.3.0 CUE sheet parser library
libcupsfilters-2.1.1 library for developing printing filters
libdaemon-0.14p1 lightweight C library that eases the writing of daemons
libdazzle-3.44.0p2 companion library to GObject and Gtk+
libdbi-0.9.0p0 database-independent abstraction layer
libdbi-drivers-freetds-0.9.0p7 freetds driver for libdbi
libdbi-drivers-mysql-0.9.0p7 mysql driver for libdbi
libdbi-drivers-pgsql-0.9.0p7 pgsql driver for libdbi
libdbi-drivers-sqlite3-0.9.0p7 sqlite3 driver for libdbi
libdbus-c++-0.9.0p3 C++ API for dbus
libdbusmenu-16.04.0p4 D-Bus menu implementation for Gtk
libdbusmenu-lxqt-0.2.0 information about LXQt and the system its running on
libdca-0.0.6p2 free DTS Coherent Acoustics decoder
libde265-1.0.15 open H.265 video codec implementation
libde265-tools-1.0.15 tools for libde265 open H.265 video codec
libdeflate-1.23 optimized library for DEFLATE/zlib/gzip (de)compression
libdex-0.9.1 future-based programming for GLib-based applications
libdigidocpp-4.1.0p0 library for creating DigiDoc signature files
libdiscid-0.6.4 create MusicBrainz DiscIDs from audio CDs
libdisorder-0.0.2p2 simple C Library for entropy measurement
libdispatch-6.0.3 Grand Central Dispatch
libdisplay-info-0.2.0 EDID and DisplayID library
libdivecomputer-0.6.0p0 library for communication with dive computers
libdivsufsort- library for lightweight suffix array construction algorithm
libdmapsharing4-3.9.13p0 DMAP client and server library
libdmtx-0.7.5 library for handling data matrix barcodes
libdnd-1.1p3 drag and drop library
libdnet-1.16.4p1 portable low-level networking library
libdockapp-0.7.3 dockapp-making standard library for Window Maker
libdom-0.4.2 W3C DOM implementation
libdshconfig-0.20.13 library for parsing dsh-style configuration files
libdv-1.0.0p5 Quasar DV codec
libdvbpsi-1.3.3 library for decoding/generating MPEG TS/DVB PSI tables
libdvdcss-1.4.3 descramble scrambled DVDs
libdvdnav-6.1.1v0 DVD navigation library
libdvdread-6.1.3 accessing DVD files
libdwarf-20161124p0 library to access the DWARF debugging file format
libebml-1.4.4 Extensible Binary Meta Language library
libebur128-1.2.6 library implementing the EBU R128 loudness standard
libee-0.4.1p1 event expression library
libei-1.4.0 library for Emulated Input
liberalcrimesquad-4.10.0p2 politics and government game with liberal bias
liberation-fonts-2.00.1p1 substitute for MS TTF core fonts
libesedb-20191220p5 library and tools to access the ESE and EDB format
libestr-0.1.11 library for string essentials
libetpan-1.9.4 mail purpose library
libev-4.33 high-performance event loop library
libevdev-openbsd-20231111 minimal set of libevedev functions for Wayland on OpenBSD
libevent-2.1.12p1 event notification library
libeventextra-1.4.13p2 libevent extra features
libevt-20191221p5 library and tools to access the Windows Event Log (EVT)
libevtx-20191221p5 library and tools to access the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX)
libewf-20140808p5v0 access the Expert Witness Compression Format
libexif-0.6.25 extract digital camera info tags from JPEG images
libexif-gtk-0.4.0p5 gtk+2 interface to libexif
libexmdbpp-1.11p2 C++ implementation of the exmdb wire protocol for grommunio
libexttextcat-3.4.7 UTF-8 aware language guessing library
libfakekey-0.3 library for converting characters to X key-presses
libfastjson-1.2304.0 performance-focused JSON library for C
libffi-3.4.7p1 Foreign Function Interface
libfilezilla-0.49.0 support library for FileZilla
libfirm-1.22.1pl3p1 graph based intermediate representation and backend
libfm-extra-1.3.2p3 extra library for (deprecated) libfm
libfm-qt-2.1.0 qt binding for libfm
libfprint-0.8.2 library for fingerprint reader devices
libfsapfs-20191221p5 library and tools to access the Apple File System
libfsntfs-20200805p4 library and tools to access NTFS
libftdi-0.20p1 libftdi, interface to ftdi debug device
libftdi1-1.5p3 libftdi, interface to ftdi debug device
libfvde-20191221p5 library and tools to access FileVault Drive Encryption
libfwnt-20191222p5 library for Windows NT data types
libfwsi-20191221p6 library to access the Windows Shell Item format
libgadu-1.12.2v0 implementation of Gadu-Gadu IM protocol
libgcroots-0.3.2 garbage collector library
libgcrypt-1.11.0p0 crypto library based on code used in GnuPG
libgda-6.0.0p3v2 database access library
libgdata-0.18.1p2 Google Data API based Glib client library
libgdiplus-6.1p1 GDI+ comptible API
libgdx-1.9.11p6 java game development framework
libgdx-1.9.9p1 java game development framework
libgedit-amtk-5.9.0 Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit
libgedit-gfls-0.2.1 file loading and saving module
libgedit-gtksourceview-299.4.0 source code editing widget
libgedit-tepl-6.12.0p0 Text Editor Product Line
libgee-0.20.8 GObject based collection library
libgeotiff-1.7.4 GIS TIFF interchange library
libgepub-0.7.1p0 GObject based library for rendering epub docs
libgexiv2-0.14.3p1 GObject wrapper around exiv2
libgit2-1.9.0 Git linkable library
libgit2-glib-1.2.1 GLib library wrapping libgit2
libglade2-2.6.4p22v0 library for loading GLADE interface files at runtime
libgnomecanvas-2.30.3p12 graphics library for GNOME
libgnt-2.14.3 ncurses toolkit for text-mode graphical user interfaces
libgpg-error-1.51 error codes for GnuPG related software
libgphoto-2.5.31p1 digital camera library
libgpod-0.8.3p1 library to access the contents of an iPod
libgrapheme-2.0.2 unicode string library
libgravatar-24.12.2 libraries provides gravatar support
libgringotts-1.2.1p5 encryption backend
libgsasl-1.10.0p0 GNU implementation of the SASL framework
libgsf-1.14.53p0 GNOME Structured File library
libgtop2-2.41.3p1 portable library for obtaining system information
libguess-1.2p0 high-speed character set detection library
libgusb-0.4.9 GObject wrapper for libusb1
libgweather4-4.4.4p0 location, timezone and weather-lookup library
libgxps-0.3.2p1 GObject library for handling and rendering XPS documents
libhandy-1.8.3p0 building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME apps
libhangul-0.1.0p1 hangul input library
libharu-2.4.4p0 PDF creation library
libheif-1.19.5 HEIF and AVIF file format decoder and encoder
libhid-0.2.16p3 user-space USB HID access library written in C
libhidapi-0.13.1 library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices
libhiredis-1.2.0 minimalistic C client for Redis
libical-3.0.19 implementation of the iCalendar protocols and data units
libical-glib-3.0.19p0 GObject wrapper for libical library
libiconv-1.17 character set conversion library
libid3tag-0.15.1bp6 library for reading ID3 tags
libident-0.32p2 library to interface the ident protocol server (rfc1413)
libidn-1.42 internationalized string handling
libidn2-2.3.0p0 implementation of IDNA2008 internationalized domain names
libimagequant-2.18.0 image quantization library
libime-1.1.9p0 library to support generic input method implementation
libindi-2.1.2 INDI client libraries
libindicator-12.10.1 convenience functions for desktop indicators
libinih-58 simple .INI file parser in C
libinotify-20211018 kevent based inotify
libinput-openbsd-1.26.2p0 wscons(4) and kqueue(2) based port of libinput
libio-0.1 abstraction for general data transport
libiptcdata-1.0.4p3 library for manipulating IPTC metadata
libircclient-1.10 library which implements the IRC protocol
libiscsi-1.19.0p0 client-side library to implement the iSCSI protocol
libisoburn-1.5.4 create ISO-9660 filesystem and burn CD/DVD/BD media
libisofs-1.5.4 library to create and edit an ISO-9660 filesystem
libivykis-0.42p0 asynchronous I/O readiness notification library
libixp-0.4p2 stand-alone client/server 9P library
libjxl-0.11.1 JPEG XL image format reference implementation
libkcddb-kf5-24.12.2 KDE CDDB library
libkdcraw-kf5-24.12.2 KDE wrapper around the LibRaw library
libkdepim-24.12.2 library for common kdepim apps
libkeduvocdocument-24.12.2 library for reading and writing vocabulary
libkexiv2-kf5-24.12.2 EXIV2 Library interface for KDE
libkgapi-24.12.2 KDE-based library for accessing various Google services
libkiwix-14.0.0 common code base for all Kiwix ports
libkkc-20210214p1 Japanese Kana Kanji conversion library
libkkc-data-0.2.7p2 language model data for libkkc
libkleo-24.12.2 certificate manager for KDE
libkmahjongg-24.12.2 common sets for games using Mahjongg tiles
libksane-24.12.2 KDE SANE (scanner) wrapper library
libksba-1.6.7 X.509 library
libksieve-24.12.2 sieve script library
libksysguard-6.3.2 KSysGuard library
libktorrent-24.12.2 KTorrent engine
liblastfm-1.1.0p0 Qt-based C++ library for the webservices
liblcf-0.5.3p1 library for handling RPG Maker 2000/2003 data
libldns-1.8.4 DNS library modelled after Net::DNS
libliftoff-0.5.0 lightweight KMS plane library
liblinphone-5.3.89 SIP library supporting voice/video calls and text messaging
liblnk-20191221p5 library and tools to access the Windows Shortcut File
liblo-0.31p0 Lightweight Open Sound Control (OSC) implementation
liblognorm-2.0.6 fast-samples based normalization library
liblouis-3.32.0 braille translator, back-translator and formatter
liblqr-0.4.2p1 seam-carving smart rescale library
liblrdf-0.5.0p6 light RDF manipulation with LADSPA plugin support
libltdl-2.4.2p3 GNU libtool system independent dlopen wrapper
libluksde-20200205p5 library and tools to access LUKS Disk Encryption
liblxqt-2.1.0 core utility library for all LXQt components
libmaa-1.4.7 library for low-level data structures
libmad-0.15.1bp7 high-quality MPEG audio decoder
libmagic-5.46 library to determine file type
libmarisa-0.2.6p2 C++ library for MARISA matching algorithm
libmatekbd-1.28.0p0 MATE keyboard configuration library
libmatemixer-1.28.0p0 mixer library for MATE desktop
libmateweather-1.28.0p0 weather library for MATE
libmatroska-1.7.1 extensible open standard audio/video container library
libmaxminddb-1.12.2p1 library for MaxMind GeoIP2/GeoLite2 IP geolocation databases
libmcrypt-2.5.8p3 interface to access block/stream encryption algorithms
libmediaart-1.9.7 media art extraction and cache management library
libmediainfo-24.12 read metadata from media files
libmemcached-1.0.18p4 C C++ API for memcached
libmicrohttpd-0.9.70p0 tiny embeddable httpd library written in C
libmikmod-3.3.12 mikmod sound library
libmilter- mail filter support library for sendmail
libmms-0.6.2p6 library for parsing mms:// and mmsh:// type network streams
libmng-1.0.10p3 Multiple-image Network Graphics (MNG) reference library
libmodplug- library for decoding mod-like music formats
libmodsecurity-3.0.14 intrusion detection and prevention engine
libmp3splt-0.9.2p0 library to split mp3/ogg files without decoding
libmp4v2-1.9.1p6 read and manipulate the MP4 container format
libmpack-1.0.3 simple implementation of msgpack in C
libmpc-1.2.1 arbitrary-precision complex numbers math library
libmpd-11.8.17p7 mpd client library
libmpdclient-2.22 library for interfacing MPD
libmpeg2-0.5.1p4 free MPEG-2 video stream decoder
libmpq-0.4.2pl20230224 extract, create or manipulate MoPaQ mpq archives
libmsiecf-20191221p5 library and tools to access the IE Cache File (index.dat)
libmspack-0.11alphav2 library for handling Microsoft compression formats
libmtp-1.1.21p0 Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) implementation
libmusicbrainz-3.0.3p2 library for audio metadata lookup
libmusicbrainz5-5.0.1p5 library for audio metadata lookup (v5)
libmygpo-qt-1.1.0 Qt/C++ library wrapper for the GPodder
libmypaint-1.6.1p1 library for making brushstrokes
libmysofa-1.3.3 SOFA (Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics) file reader
libnatpmp-20240803 NAT Port Mapping Protocol client library
libnet-1.0.2ap6v0 raw IP packet construction library
libnet-1.1.6v0 raw IP packet construction library
libnettle-3.10.1p0 cryptographic library
libnfc-1.8.0 library supporting Near Field Communication (NFC) devices
libnfs-5.0.2 client library for accessing NFS
libngspice-43 ngspice shared library, based on Berkeley SPICE
libnice-0.1.22p0 GLib ICE implementation
libnids-1.24p4 network monitoring library with TCP/IP reassembly
libnjb-2.2.7p3 communicate with some Creative and Dell audio players
libnotify-0.8.4p0 send desktop notifications to a notification daemon
libnova-0.15.0p1 astronomic computations as a library
libnsbmp-0.1.7 BMP/ICO decoding library
libnsfb-0.2.2 framebuffer abstraction library for netsurf
libnsgif-1.0.0 GIF decoding library
libnslog-0.1.3 netsurf logging library
libnspsl-0.1.7 public suffix list library for netsurf
libnsutils-0.1.1 miscellaneous internal functions for netsurf
libnxml-0.18.3p8 XML manipulation library
liboauth-1.0.3p0 library implementing the OAuth Core RFC 5849 standard
libofa-0.9.3p11 Open Fingerprint Architecture library
libofx-0.10.9p2 opensource implementation of the OFX specification
libogg-1.3.5 Ogg bitstream library
liboil-0.3.17p4 library of optimized inner loops
libolecf-20191221p5 library and tools to access the OLE 2 Compound File
liboop-1.0p3 low-level event loop management library
libopenmpt-0.7.13 OpenMPT based module player library and command-line player
libopensmtpd-0.8 library for writing opensmtpd filters
libopensync-0.36p5 data synchronization framework
liboping-1.10.0p1 library and tools to generate ICMP echo requests
libopusenc-0.2.1 high-level API for encoding .opus files
libosinfo-1.12.0 library for managing information about operating systems
libosip2-5.3.1 GNU implementation of SIP (RFC3261)
libosmium-2.20.0p1 fast, flexible library for working with OpenStreetMap data
libotf-0.9.16 library for handling OpenType Fonts
libotr-4.1.1p2 portable OTR messaging library and toolkit
libowfat-0.32p0 library of general purpose APIs
libpanel-1.8.1p0 IDE paneling library for GTK
libpano13-2.9.22 library for processing panoramic images
libpaper-2.2.6 library for handling paper characteristics
libparserutils-0.2.5 utility library for parser building
libpcapnav-0.8p3 library for navigating to arbitrary packets in a trace file
libpeas-1.36.0p3 gobject-based plugins engine
libpeas2-2.0.5p2 GObject plugins library
libpgf-7.19.3p0 PGF image format handling library
libpgmath- LLVM Fortran math library
libphonenumber-9.0.0 C++ library to parse/format/validate phone numbers
libpipewire-1.4.0 low-level multimedia framework - libraries
libplacebo-6.338.2p0 reusable library for GPU-accelerated video/image rendering
libplasma-6.3.2 Plasma library and runtime components
libplist-2.6.0 library to handle Apple Property List files
libportal-0.9.1 GIO-style async APIs for most Flatpak portals
libportal-gtk3-0.9.1 GTK3 backend for libportal
libportal-gtk4-0.9.1 GTK4 backend for libportal
libportal-qt5-0.9.1 Qt5 backend for libportal
libportal-qt6-0.9.1 Qt6 backend for libportal
libpostal-1.1 library for parsing/normalizing street addresses
libppd-2.1.1 library for retro-fitting legacy printer drivers
libpqxx-6.4.7p0 C++ client API for PostgreSQL
libproplist-0.10.1p3 GNUstep/OPENSTEP property lists compatibility library
libproxy-0.5.9p2 library for automatic proxy configuration management
libpsl-0.21.1p0 public suffix list library
libpst-0.6.76p1 read and convert Microsoft Outlook mail files
libptytty-2.0 library to handle pty/tty/utmp/wtmp/lastlog
libpurple-2.14.13p2 multi-protocol instant messaging library
libpwquality-1.4.5p2 library to generate, and check strengh of passwords
libqaccessibilityclient-0.6.0p0 Qt-based library for writing accessibility apps
libqalculate-5.5.1 applied math library and CLI calculator
libqcow-20191221p5 library and tools to access the QEMU Copy-On-Write (QCOW)
libqrencode-4.1.1 library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol
libqtolm-3.0.1 qt5 bindings for olm
libqtxdg-4.1.0 qt implementation of xdg specs
libquirc-1.0p0 QR decoder library
librasterlite2-1.1.0beta1p2 store rasters coverages within spatialite
libraw-0.21.3p1 library for reading RAW files
librcps-0.3p0 library for resource constrained project scheduling
libregf-20200805p4 library and tools to access the Windows NT Registry File
librelp-1.11.0 reliable event logging protocol library
librenms-25.2.0p0v0 auto-discovering network management/monitoring system
libreoffice- multi-platform productivity suite
libreoffice-i18n-ar- ar language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-bg- bg language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-ca- ca language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-cs- cs language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-de- de language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-el- el language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-es- es language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-fa- fa language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-fi- fi language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-fr- fr language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-hr- hr language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-hu- hu language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-it- it language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-ja- ja language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-kk- kk language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-ko- ko language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-lt- lt language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-lv- lv language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-nl- nl language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-pl- pl language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-pt-br- pt-br language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-ro- ro language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-ru- ru language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-sl- sl language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-sv- sv language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-i18n-uk- uk language pack for LibreOffice
libreoffice-java- optional integration of LibreOffice java features
libreoffice-kde- optional integration of LibreOffice to the KDE environment
librep-0.92.3p5 Emacs Lisp-like runtime library
librest1-0.9.1p0 helper library for RESTful services
libretls-3.8.1p2 libtls library used with OpenSSL 3.2 for testing
libretro-genesis-plus-gx-1.7.5pl20201208p0 Sega Genesis core for retroarch
libretro-mgba-0.10.3p0 Game Boy Color/Advance core for retroarch
libretro-nestopia-1.51.1 Nintendo Entertainment System core for retroarch
libretro-pcsx-rearmed-23p0 Sony PlayStation core for retroarch
libretro-sameboy-0.16.7p1 accurate Nintendo Game Boy core for retroarch
librevenge-0.0.5p0 base library for writing document import filters
librsvg-2.59.2p0v0 SAX-based render library for SVG files
librsync-2.3.4 library for delta compression of streams
librtprocess-0.12.0 RawTherapee algorithms as a library
librttopo-1.1.0p1 RT Topology Library
libsamplerate-0.2.2p0 audio sample rate conversion library
libsass-3.6.6v0 C/C++ implementation of a Sass compiler
libscca-20191222p5 library and tools to access the Windows Prefetch File
libscrypt-1.21 shared library that implements scrypt() functionality
libsearpc-3.3.0pl20221111p2 simple RPC framework based on GObject system
libsecret-0.21.6p0 library for storing and retrieving passwords and secrets
libserialport-0.1.1p0 sigrok serial port communication library
libsfdo-0.1.3 libraries implementing fd.o specifications
libshout-2.4.5 library for communicating with an icecast server
libshumate-1.3.2 GTK4 widget to display maps
libsidplay-1.36.59 C64 music player and SID chip emulator library
libsigc++-2.12.1p0 callback framework for C++
libsigc++30-3.6.0p0 callback framework for C++
libsignal-protocol-c-2.3.3 ratcheting forward secrecy protocol
libsigrok-0.5.2p8 sigrok hardware driver library
libsigrokdecode-0.5.3p7 sigrok protocol decoding library
libsigscan-20191221p5 library for binary signature scanning
libsigsegv-2.14p0 library for handling page faults in user mode
libsixel-1.8.6p0 encoder/decoder implementation for DEC SIXEL graphics
libskk-1.0.5p1 library to deal with Japanese kana-to-kanji conversion
libslang-2.3.3p0 stack-based interpreter for terminal applications
libslirp-4.7.0 general purpose TCP-IP emulator library
libsmackerdec-0.0.20220625 decoder for smacker audio files
libsmb2-4.0.0 userspace client library for accessing SMB2/SMB3 shares
libsmdev-20200210p5 library to access to storage media devices
libsmi-0.5.0 library/tools (incl smilint) to access SMI MIB information
libsmraw-20191221p5 library and tools to access the (split) RAW image format
libsndfile-1.2.2p0 library to handle various audio file formats
libsodium-1.0.20 library for network communications and cryptography
libsoup-2.74.3p3 HTTP client/server library for GNOME
libsoup3-3.6.4 HTTP client/server library for GNOME
libsoxr-0.1.3p0 fast and high quality sample-rate conversion (SoX Resampler)
libspatialite-5.1.0p0 sqlite extented with spatial SQL capabilities
libspectre-0.2.12p0 library for rendering Postscript documents
libspectrum-1.5.0p1 ZX Spectrum emulator file format library
libspelling-0.4.6 spellcheck library for GTK 4
libspf2-1.2.11pre20231001 SPF library
libspiro-20221101 simplifies the drawing of beautiful curves
libspng-0.7.4 simple PNG decoding and encoding library
libsrs2-1.0.18 SRS library
libsrtp-2.6.0 secure RTP library
libssh-0.11.1 C library implementing server and client side SSH
libssh2-1.11.0 library implementing the SSH2 protocol
libst-1.9p1 threaded library for writing Internet applications
libstatgrab-0.91p5 system statistics gathering library
libstdthreads-0.3.2 C11 standard threads library
libstemmer-2.2.0 stemming algorithms for text processing
libstrophe-0.13.1 simple, lightweight XMPP C library
libstubborn-0.1 library of generic stub functions
libsvgtiny-0.1.8 SVG Tiny implementation
libsysstat-1.1.0 library used to query system info and statistics
libtalloc-2.4.3 hierarchical memory pool system with destructors
libtar-1.2.20 C library for manipulating tar files
libtasn1-4.20.0 Abstract Syntax Notation One structure parser library
libtermkey-0.22 library for processing of keyboard entry from a terminal
libtextcat-2.2p1 language guessing library
libtextstyle-0.23.1 text styling library
libtheora-1.2.20190601p0 open video codec
libtheorafile-20210403 Ogg Theora Video Decoder Library
libtheoraplay-61p1 simple library to make decoding of Ogg Theora videos easier
libtommath-1.2.0 number theoretic multiple-precision integer library
libtomoe-gtk-0.6.0p5 japanese handwriting input widget
libtool-2.4.2p3 generic shared library support script
libtorrent-0.13.6p9v0 BitTorrent library written in C++
libtorrent-rasterbar-2.0.11 C++ library implementing a BitTorrent client
libtranslate-0.99p8 library/CLI tool interfacing to online translation services
libudev-openbsd-20230921p0 library to access udev device information
libudfread-1.1.2 library for reading UDF from raw devices and image files
libunbound-1.22.0 validating DNS resolver library
libunibreak-5.1 implementation of the line and word breaking
libunicode-0.4.0p1 Unicode support to C++ with simple and easy APIs
libuninameslist-20230916 library of Unicode names and annotation data
libunique-1.1.6p16 library for writing single instance GTK+2 applications
libunistring-0.9.7 manipulate Unicode strings
libupnp-1.8.7 Universal Plug and Play SDK
libupnpp-0.17.1 UPnP client library
liburcu-0.15.0p0 user-level RCU implementation
libusb-compat-0.1.5p1 libusb-0.1 compatibility layer for libusb1
libusb1-1.0.27 library for USB device access from userspace
libusb1-1.0.27-debug library for USB device access from userspace
libutf8proc-2.4.0p0 unicode library
libuv-1.50.0p0 multi-platform library for asynchronous I/O
libv4l-1.24.1 libv4l userspace library
libva-utils-2.22.0 collection of tests for VA-API
libvhdi-20191221p5 library and tools to access the VHD image format
libvidcap-0.2.1p4 video capture library
libvidstab-1.1.0 video stabilization library
libvips-8.14.5 fast image processing library with low memory needs
libvirt-11.1.0 tool/library for managing platform virtualization
libvirt-glib-5.0.0 libvirt wrapper suited for GObject-based applications
libvmdk-20191221p5 library and tools to access the VMware Virtual Disk format
libvmime-20250304 C++ class library for working with Internet mail
libvncserver-0.9.15 library for easy implementation of a VNC server
libvolk-3.1.2p0 vector optimized library of kernels
libvorbis-1.3.7 audio compression codec library
libvpx-1.15.0v0 Google VP8/VP9 video codec
libvshadow-20191221p5 library and tools to access the VSSformat
libvslvm-20200102p5 library to access the LVM volume system format
libvterm-0.3.3v0 VT220/xterm/ECMA-48 terminal emulator library
libwapcaplet-0.4.3 string internment library
libwebp-1.4.0 Google WebP image format conversion tool
libwebsockets-4.3.2p0 lightweight C library for fast bi-directional websockets
libwmf- WMF handling and conversion library
libwnck3-43.2 window navigator construction kit
libworkman-1.4p2 multi-platform CD-Player library
libwpd-0.10.3p0 import and export WordPerfect(tm) documents
libwpe-1.16.2 general-purpose library for the WPE-flavored port of WebKit
libxdg-basedir-1.2.0p2 implementation of the XDG Base Directory specification
libxfce4ui-4.20.0p0 Xfce4 widget library
libxfce4util-4.20.0 Xfce4 basic utility library
libxfce4windowing-4.20.2 Xfce4 windowing library
libxkbcommon-1.8.0 library to handle keyboard descriptions
libxklavier-5.4p1 utility library for XKB
libxmi-1.2p1 library for rasterizing 2-D vector graphics
libxml++-2.42.3 C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library
libxml++40-4.0.3 C++ bindings for libxml2
libxml++50-5.4.0 C++ bindings for libxml2
libxml-2.13.6 XML parsing library
libxmlb-0.3.21 library to help create and query binary XML blobs
libxmp-4.6.2 module player library
libxslt-1.1.42p0 XSLT C Library for GNOME
libxsvf-0.0.62p1 library and tools for creating SVF and XSVF JTAG players
libyajl-2.1.0p0 small JSON library written in ANSI C
libyaml-0.2.5 YAML 1.1 parser and emitter written in C
libytnef-2.1.2 read and convert TNEF files
libyubikey-1.13p4 low-level C software development kit for the Yubico YubiKey
libzdb-3.1p2 easy to use database connection pool Library
libzen-0.4.41 C++ utility library
libzim-9.2.2 reference implementation of the ZIM specification
libzip-1.8.0p0 library for reading, creating and modifying zip archives
libzrtp-0.20221005p0 ZRTP library
license-scanner-0.11.0 scanner for SPDX licenses
life-1.0p3 SDL clone of the popular Game of Life
lifelines-3.0.62p3 genealogical database and programming system
lifeograph-2.0.3 diary and journal application
liferea-1.14.6p4 simple GTK desktop news aggregator
lightning-seamonkey-5.8.20p0v0 Mozilla Seamonkey calendar extension
lightsquid-1.8p5 light and fast log analyzer for squid proxy
lighttpd-1.4.76p0 secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible web-server
lighttpd-1.4.76p0-ldap secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible web-server
lighttpd-1.4.76p0-ldap-mysql secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible web-server
lighttpd-1.4.76p0-ldap-pgsql secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible web-server
lighttpd-1.4.76p0-mysql secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible web-server
lighttpd-1.4.76p0-pgsql secure, fast, compliant, and very flexible web-server
lilv-0.24.14p2 library for simple use of LV2 plugins in applications
lilypond-2.24.4p0 text based music notation system
lilypond-docs-2.24.4 lilypond documentation
lincity-1.13.1p3 Rich city simulation game for X
lincity-ng-2.0p12 city simulation game
lindenhill-1.2p0 digital version of Frederic Goudy's Deepdene
link-grammar-5.12.5 syntactic parser of different languages
link-grammar-java-5.12.5 Java bindings for link-grammar
linkchecker-10.5.0p0 checks HTML documents for broken links, CLI
links+-2.30 graphics and text browser
links+-2.30-no_x11 graphics and text browser
links-1.03p0 text browser, displays while downloading
linphone-5.2.6 graphical audio and video SIP phone
linuxlibertine-fonts-otf-5.3.0p0 high-quality libre OTF fonts (serif, 19th century book type)
linuxlibertine-fonts-ttf-5.3.0p0 high-quality libre fonts (serif, 19th century book type)
liquibase-3.5.1p2 manage SQL database schemas via config files
litecoin-0.21.4-no_x11 P2P payment system
literata-2.201 contemporary serif typeface for long-form reading
litexl-2.1.7 lightweight, simple, fast, extensible text editor
litterbox-1.9 TLS-only IRC logger
liveMedia-20230119 LIVE555 streaming media library
llama-cpp-0.0.4706 LLM inference system
lldb-16.0.6p11 LLDB debugger
lldb-18.1.8p4 LLDB debugger
lldb-19.1.7 LLDB debugger
lldpd-1.0.19 LLDP (802.1ab)/CDP/EDP/SONMP/FDP daemon and SNMP subagent
lldpd-1.0.19-snmp LLDP (802.1ab)/CDP/EDP/SONMP/FDP daemon and SNMP subagent
llgal-0.13.19 command-line online gallery generator
llvm-13.0.0p33 modular, fast C/C++/ObjC compiler, static analyzer and tools
llvm-16.0.6p32 modular, fast C/C++/ObjC compiler, static analyzer and tools
llvm-18.1.8p3 modular, fast C/C++/ObjC compiler, static analyzer and tools
llvm-19.1.7p2 modular, fast C/C++/ObjC compiler, static analyzer and tools
llvm-lit-19.1.7 LLVM integrated tester
lmdb-0.9.32 Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
lmdbxx-1.0.0p1 C++17 wrapper for Lightning Memory-Mapped Database
lmms-1.2.2p1 music studio with tracking, sampling and MIDI
lnav-0.12.3p0 log file navigator
localsearch-3.8.2p0 collection of data extractors for Tracker/Nepomuk
loccount-2.16 count lines of codes in many languages
lockfile-3.24 semaphore-file tool for shell scripting
log4c-1.2.4p0 logging for c library
log4cplus-1.2.2p1 logging API for C++
log4cpp-1.1.4 library of C++ classes for flexible logging
logfmon-1.2 log file monitoring daemon
login_duo-2.0.4 two-factor authentication for unix systems
login_duress-1.2 BSD authentication module for duress passwords
login_fingerprint-1.2p6 provide fingerprint authentication
login_krb5-7.3 authentication provider for KerberosV
login_ldap-3.51p10 provide ldap authentication type
login_oath-0.8p6 authentication provider for OATH one-time passwords
logjam-4.6.2p6 GTK client for LiveJournal
logpp-0.16 log file preprocessor
logsentry-1.1.1p8 logfile auditing tool
logstalgia-1.1.4 website access log visualization
logstash-8.17.1v0 tool for managing events and logs
logswan-2.1.14p0 fast web log analyzer using probabilistic data structures
logtail-1.3.23 display new entries in system logfiles since last run
lohit-fonts-2.5.3p2 TrueType fonts for Indic scripts
lokalize-24.12.2 KDE app localization tools
loki-3.4.2 like Prometheus, but for logs
loki-promtail-3.4.2 tails log files and pushes them to Loki
lookat-2.0.1 user-friendly text pager
lostpixels-0.5.3p6 blinkensisters - hunt for the lost pixels
loudmouth-1.4.3p9 lightweight Jabber client library
lout-3.41 object oriented type setting language
love-0.10.2p3 2D games framework for use with Lua
love-0.8.0p17 2D games framework for use with Lua
love-11.5p2 2D games framework for use with Lua
love-mime-0.1p1 MIME definition for application/x-love-game
lowdown-1.4.0 simple markdown translator
lpc21isp-1.97p1 ISP tool for LPC2000 and ADUC70xx microcontrollers
lpsolve- mixed integer linear programming solver
lq-sp- SGML parser and entity manager
lr-1.6 list files, recursively
lrs-071ap1 solve vertex enumeration and convex hull problems
lrzip-0.651p1 compression utility for large files
lrzsz-0.12.20p3 receive/send files via X/Y/ZMODEM protocol
lsblk-1.3.1p0 list block devices
lscpu-1.3.0 gather and display CPU architecture information
lsd-1.1.5p1 pretty ls alternative with support for icons and colors
lsdvd-0.17p0 print information about the content and structure of a DVD
lskat-24.12.2 Lieutnant Skat - from German Offiziersskat
lss-0.1.6p12 LaTeX symbols selector
lsw-0.3p1 list titles of running X windows
lsyncd-2.2.2 synchronizes directories with remote targets upon changes
lsys-0.8p2 intepreter for Lindenmayer-systems
ltcltk-0.9_5 Lua interface to Tcl and the Tk graphical toolkit
lttoolbox-3.7.6 finite-state lexical processing toolkit
lua-5.1.5p7 powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.1.5)
lua-5.2.4p1 powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.2.4)
lua-5.3.6 powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.3.6)
lua-5.4.7 powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.4.7)
lua-bit32-0.3 bit32 compatibility module for Lua 5.1
lua-bitop-1.0.2p0 library for bitwise operations in Lua
lua-cjson-2.1.0p1 JSON support for Lua
lua-cliargs-3.0.1p1 command line parser for Lua
lua-cmsgpack-0.3.0p1 MessagePack implementation and bindings for Lua
lua-compat53-0.13 compatibility module providing Lua 5.3 style APIs
lua-cosmo-16.06.04p1 safe templates engine for Lua
lua-coxpcall-1.13.0p4 encapsulate protected Lua calls with a coroutine based loop
lua-iconv-7p0 Lua bindings for the iconv library
lua-lgi-0.9.2 lua bindings to libraries using GObject-Introspection
lua-libmpack-1.0.3 Lua bindings to libmsgpack
lua-lpeg-1.1.0 parsing expression grammars library for lua
lua-lpty-1.2.2p0-lua51 simple wrapper around UNIX PTYs for lua
lua-lunamark-0.5.0p0 Lua module for conversion between markup formats
lua-lustache-1.3.1p1 implementation of the mustache template system in Lua
lua-markdown-0.33p2 Markdown markup system implementation in pure Lua
lua-mmdb-0.2p0 Lua library for MaxMind GeoIP2/GeoLite2 databases
lua-openbsd-0.5 lua bindings for OpenBSD functions
lua-penlight-1.5.4p0 pure Lua libraries focusing on input data handling
lua-psl-0.3p0 Lua bindings to libpsl
lua-say-1.4.1 lua string hashing/indexing library
lua-term-0.07p0 terminal library for Lua
lua-tz-0.4.1p0 Lua library for time and date manipulation
lua-utf8-0.1.6 UTF-8 support module for Lua and LuaJIT
lua-yaml-6.1p0 Lua library for parsing and emitting YAML
lua52-bitop-1.0.2p0 library for bitwise operations in Lua
lua52-cjson-2.1.0p1 JSON support for Lua
lua52-cliargs-3.0.1p1 command line parser for Lua
lua52-cmsgpack-0.3.0p1 MessagePack implementation and bindings for Lua
lua52-compat53-0.13 compatibility module providing Lua 5.3 style APIs
lua52-cosmo-16.06.04p1 safe templates engine for Lua
lua52-coxpcall-1.13.0p4 encapsulate protected Lua calls with a coroutine based loop
lua52-iconv-7p0 Lua bindings for the iconv library
lua52-lgi-0.9.2 lua bindings to libraries using GObject-Introspection
lua52-libmpack-1.0.3 Lua bindings to libmsgpack
lua52-lpeg-1.1.0 parsing expression grammars library for lua
lua52-lpty-1.2.2p0 simple wrapper around UNIX PTYs for lua
lua52-lunamark-0.5.0p0 Lua module for conversion between markup formats
lua52-lustache-1.3.1p1 implementation of the mustache template system in Lua
lua52-markdown-0.33p2 Markdown markup system implementation in pure Lua
lua52-mmdb-0.2p0 Lua library for MaxMind GeoIP2/GeoLite2 databases
lua52-openbsd-0.5 lua bindings for OpenBSD functions
lua52-penlight-1.5.4p0 pure Lua libraries focusing on input data handling
lua52-psl-0.3p0 Lua bindings to libpsl
lua52-say-1.4.1 lua string hashing/indexing library
lua52-term-0.07p0 terminal library for Lua
lua52-tz-0.4.1p0 Lua library for time and date manipulation
lua52-utf8-0.1.6 UTF-8 support module for Lua and LuaJIT
lua52-yaml-6.1p0 Lua library for parsing and emitting YAML
lua52alarm-20061011p3 alarm library for the lua language
lua52copas-1.1.6p3 coroutine oriented portable asynchronous services for lua
lua52dbi-0.7.3 database interface library for Lua (including SQLite3)
lua52dbi-mysql-0.7.3 MySQL driver for luadbi
lua52dbi-pgsql-0.7.3 PostgreSQL driver for luadbi
lua52doc-3.0.1p4 documentation generation tool for Lua
lua52expat-1.3.0p0 lua library for the expat XML parser
lua52fs-1.8.0p0 file system library for the lua language
lua52pack-20061124p4 library for packing and unpacking binary data
lua52posix-36.2.1v0 posix library for the lua language
lua52profiler-2.0.2p2 time profiler for Lua
lua52rings-1.3.0 multiple states library for the lua language
lua52sec-1.2.0 lua binding to OpenSSL to provide TLS/SSL communication
lua52socket-3.1.0 network support for the lua language
lua52ssert-1.9.0p0 assertion library for lua
lua52stdlib-20p1 lua library of common programming tasks
lua52struct-0.3 convert data to and from C structs
lua52unbound-1.0.0p1 Lua bindings for libunbound
lua53-cjson-2.1.0p1 JSON support for Lua
lua53-cliargs-3.0.1p1 command line parser for Lua
lua53-cosmo-16.06.04p1 safe templates engine for Lua
lua53-coxpcall-1.13.0p4 encapsulate protected Lua calls with a coroutine based loop
lua53-iconv-7p0 Lua bindings for the iconv library
lua53-lgi-0.9.2 lua bindings to libraries using GObject-Introspection
lua53-libmpack-1.0.3 Lua bindings to libmsgpack
lua53-lpeg-1.1.0 parsing expression grammars library for lua
lua53-lpty-1.2.2p0 simple wrapper around UNIX PTYs for lua
lua53-lunamark-0.5.0p0 Lua module for conversion between markup formats
lua53-lustache-1.3.1p1 implementation of the mustache template system in Lua
lua53-markdown-0.33p2 Markdown markup system implementation in pure Lua
lua53-mmdb-0.2p0 Lua library for MaxMind GeoIP2/GeoLite2 databases
lua53-openbsd-0.5 lua bindings for OpenBSD functions
lua53-penlight-1.5.4p0 pure Lua libraries focusing on input data handling
lua53-psl-0.3p0 Lua bindings to libpsl
lua53-say-1.4.1 lua string hashing/indexing library
lua53-term-0.07p0 terminal library for Lua
lua53-tz-0.4.1p0 Lua library for time and date manipulation
lua53-utf8-0.1.6 UTF-8 support module for Lua and LuaJIT
lua53-yaml-6.1p0 Lua library for parsing and emitting YAML
lua53alarm-20061011p3 alarm library for the lua language
lua53dbi-0.7.3 database interface library for Lua (including SQLite3)
lua53dbi-mysql-0.7.3 MySQL driver for luadbi
lua53dbi-pgsql-0.7.3 PostgreSQL driver for luadbi
lua53expat-1.3.0p0 lua library for the expat XML parser
lua53fs-1.8.0p0 file system library for the lua language
lua53posix-36.2.1v0 posix library for the lua language
lua53sec-1.2.0 lua binding to OpenSSL to provide TLS/SSL communication
lua53socket-3.1.0 network support for the lua language
lua53ssert-1.9.0p0 assertion library for lua
lua53struct-0.3 convert data to and from C structs
lua53unbound-1.0.0p1 Lua bindings for libunbound
lua54-lpty-1.2.2p0 simple wrapper around UNIX PTYs for lua
lua54dbi-0.7.3 database interface library for Lua (including SQLite3)
lua54dbi-mysql-0.7.3 MySQL driver for luadbi
lua54dbi-pgsql-0.7.3 PostgreSQL driver for luadbi
lua54expat-1.3.0p0 lua library for the expat XML parser
lua54fs-1.8.0p0 file system library for the lua language
lua54posix-36.2.1v0 posix library for the lua language
lua54sec-1.2.0 lua binding to OpenSSL to provide TLS/SSL communication
lua54socket-3.1.0 network support for the lua language
lua54struct-0.3 convert data to and from C structs
lua54unbound-1.0.0p1 Lua bindings for libunbound
luaalarm-20061011p3 alarm library for the lua language
luabridge-2.8 lightweight, dependency-free library for binding Lua to C++
luacheck-0.21.2p8 tool for linting and static analysis of Lua code
luacopas-1.1.6p3 coroutine oriented portable asynchronous services for lua
luadbi-0.7.3 database interface library for Lua (including SQLite3)
luadbi-mysql-0.7.3 MySQL driver for luadbi
luadbi-pgsql-0.7.3 PostgreSQL driver for luadbi
luadoc-3.0.1p4 documentation generation tool for Lua
luaevent-0.2.1p2 lua binding of libevent
luaexpat-1.3.0p0 lua library for the expat XML parser
luafs-1.8.0p0 file system library for the lua language
luagd-2.0.33r2p9 gd binding for the lua language
luajit-2.1.1713773202 just-in-time compiler for Lua
luakit-2.3.6p2v1 fast, small, webkit based browser written in lua
lualdap-1.1.0 interface LDAP from lua
lualdoc-1.4.6p0 LuaDoc-compatible documentation generation system
luametatex-2.11.01 TeX engine for ConTeXt
luapack-20061124p4 library for packing and unpacking binary data
luaposix-36.2.1v0 posix library for the lua language
luaprofiler-2.0.2p2 time profiler for Lua
luarexlib-2.4.0p5 lua binding of posix and pcre regex libraries
luarings-1.3.0 multiple states library for the lua language
luarocks-lua51-3.11.1 package manager for lua 5.1
luarocks-lua52-3.11.1 package manager for lua 5.2
luarocks-lua53-3.11.1 package manager for lua 5.3
luarocks-lua54-3.11.1 package manager for lua 5.4
luasec-1.2.0 lua binding to OpenSSL to provide TLS/SSL communication
luasocket-3.1.0 network support for the lua language
luasqlite3-0.4.1p7 binding of sqlite3 for lua
luassert-1.9.0p0 assertion library for lua
luastdlib-20p1 lua library of common programming tasks
luasteam-3.2.1p0 Lua bindings for Steam API
luastruct-0.3 convert data to and from C structs
luaunbound-1.0.0p1 Lua bindings for libunbound
luazlib-20100731p2 lua binding of zlib
lucee- JVM-based scripting language for web apps (open-source CFML)
lucee- JVM-based scripting language for web apps (open-source CFML)
luceneplusplus-3.0.8p0 C++ port of the Java Lucene library, the text search engine
luciole-1.0 typeface developed explicitly for visually impaired people
lugaru-1.2p2 third-person rabbit combat action game
lumina-1.4.0pl1p8 Lumina Desktop Environment
lunzip-1.14p0 decompressor written in C for lzip files
lupe-0.08p2 real-time magnifying glass for X11
lutok-0.4p3 lightweight C++ API for Lua
luvcview-20070512p6 V4L compatible video application
lv2-1.18.10 open standard for audio plugins
lwjgl-2.9.3p5 lightweight game library for java
lwjgl3- lightweight game library for java
lxappearance-0.6.3p2 GTK 2 and 3 Theme Switcher from LXDE
lximage-qt-2.1.0 image viewer and screenshot tool for LXQt
lxqt-2.1.0 desktop meta-package for LXQt (base installation)
lxqt-about-2.1.0 information about LXQt and the system its running on
lxqt-build-tools-0.13.0p0 various packaging tools and scripts for LXQt applications
lxqt-config-2.1.0 tools to configure LXQt and the underlying operating system
lxqt-extras-2.1.0 desktop meta-package for LXQt (full installation)
lxqt-globalkeys-2.1.0 daemon used to register global keyboard shortcuts
lxqt-menu-data-2.1.0p0 menu files for LXQt panel
lxqt-notificationd-2.1.0 notification daemon for LXQt
lxqt-openssh-askpass-2.1.0 query passwords on behalf of ssh agents
lxqt-panel-2.1.1 desktop panel for LXQt
lxqt-policykit-2.1.0 policy kit agent for LXQt
lxqt-powermanagement-2.1.0 power management module for LXQt
lxqt-qtplugin-2.1.0 qt platform integration plugin for LXQt
lxqt-runner-2.1.0 launch programs quickly by typing their names
lxqt-session-2.1.0 session manager for LXQt
lxqt-sudo-2.1.0 frontend for sudo
lxqt-themes-2.1.0p0 themes, graphics and icons for LXQt
lxqt2-build-tools-2.1.0p0 various packaging tools and scripts for LXQt applications
lxrandr-0.3.2p1 simple xrandr config tool
lxsplit- file joiner/splitter
lxterminal-0.3.2p1 vte-based terminal emulator of LXDE
lynis-3.1.4 security auditing tool
lynx-2.9.2 text web browser
lyx-2.4.3 graphical frontend for LaTeX (nearly WYSIWYG)
lz4-1.10.0 fast BSD-licensed data compression
lz4json-2 decompressor for mozilla lz4json format
lzip-1.24.1p0 lossless data compressor
lziprecover-1.24p0 data recovery tool and decompressor for lzip files
lzlib-1.14p0 lzip compression library
lzo-1.08p4 portable speedy lossless data compression library
lzo2-2.10p2 portable speedy lossless data compression library
lzop-1.04 fast file compressor similar to gzip
m17n-db-1.8.0 database for multilingual text processing library
m17n-lib-1.8.0p3 multilingual text processing library
m1n1-1.4.17 Bootloader for Apple Silicon
m4-1.4.19 GNU m4
mac-10.20 Monkey's audio lossless codec
mac-robber-1.02 forensic tool that collects MAC times from files
mac-telnet-0.4.4p2 client for MikroTik's "L2 telnet" protocol
mac-vendor-20241124 MAC address vendor list
maclookup-1.8 simple filter to look up MAC address vendors
macutil-2.0b3p4 several programs to handle macintosh files and archives
mada-1.3 modernist Arabic typeface
madplay-0.15.2bp9 command-line MPEG audio decoder and player
maelstrom-3.0.6p4 asteroid-like game
magic-8.3.393p0 interactive system for VLSI circuit layouts
magic-wormhole-0.17.0p0 securely transfer data between computers
magicpoint-1.13av0 X11-based presentation tool
mailcommon-24.12.2 KDE PIM common mail library
maildrop-3.1.8 mail delivery agent with filtering abilities
maildrop-3.1.8-postfix mail delivery agent with filtering abilities
mailest-0.9.25 search backend for Mew with Hyper Estrairer
mailgraph-1.14p2 RRDtool frontend for Postfix statistics
mailimporter-24.12.2 KDE PIM mail importer library
mailman-2.1.39p1 mailing list manager with web interface
mailparser-3.15.0p1 wrapper for 'email' in Python's standard library
mailscanner- virus/spam scanning framework
mailutil-uw-2.26p0v0 UW IMAP4rev1/POP2/POP3 mail utility
maim-5.8.0 desktop screenshot utility (make image)
mairix-0.25pre20220920 program for indexing & searching email
majordomo-1.94.5p7 mailing list manager
makeesparduino-6.6.5p3 makefile for ESP8266 and ESP32 Arduino projects
makefaq-2.5p6 Python program to create FAQ's list from formatted data file
makehuman-1.3.0p0 parametrical modeling of 3D humanoid characters
makeself-2.5.0 script generating a self-extractible .tgz from a directory
malo-firmware-1.4p5 firmware binary images for malo(4) driver
mame-0.275 Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator
man-pages-posix-2017a POSIX manual pages
manaplus- client for The Mana World
mandelbulber-1.21.1p1 3D fractal renderer
mangl-1.1.2 graphical manual page viewer using mandoc
manubulon-snmp-2.1.0p0v0 extended SNMP-based checks for Icinga/Nagios
mapcache-1.14.1 GIS WMTS/TMS tile caching server
mapivi-0.97p4 image viewer and organizer
mapnik-4.0.2 toolkit for developing mapping applications
mapproxy-3.1.3p0 GIS WMTS/TMS tile caching server
mappyfile-1.0.2p0 mapfile parser
mapserver-8.4.0 GIS CGI server
mapserver-utils-8.4.0 mapserver utilities
maradns- simple and performant DNS server
maradns-deadwood-3.2.14p0 recursive DNS resolver
marathon-0.0.20200904 marathon one data files
marathon-evil-0.0.20090509 everyone was wrong. monsters do exist.
marathon-red-0.0.20090509 dark alternate version of the Marathon universe
marathon2-0.0.20200904 marathon two data files
marathoninfinity-0.0.20200904 marathon infinity data files
marble-24.12.2p0 virtual globe and world atlas
marco-1.28.1p0 the MATE window manager
mariadb-client-11.4.5v1 multithreaded SQL database (client)
mariadb-server-11.4.5p0v1 multithreaded SQL database (server)
mariadb-tests-11.4.5v1 multithreaded SQL database (regression test suite/benchmark)
markdownpart-24.12.2 KPart for viewing Markdown files
mars-0.7.5p11 ridiculous shoot-em-up game
mason-book-1.0p0 book on embedding Perl in HTML with Mason
mat2-0.13.4p0 remove metadata from media files
mate-1.26 MATE desktop meta-package (base installation)
mate-calc-1.28.0 MATE calculator
mate-control-center-1.28.0p2 MATE control center
mate-desktop-1.28.2p0 components for the MATE desktop
mate-extras-1.26 MATE desktop meta-package (full installation)
mate-icon-theme-1.28.0 base icon theme for MATE
mate-media-1.28.1p0 media tools for the MATE desktop
mate-menu-advanced-20.04.1p7 advanced menu for MATE
mate-menus-1.28.0 implementation of the FreeDesktop menu spec for MATE
mate-notification-daemon-1.28.0p0 MATE notification daemon
mate-panel-1.28.1p0 panel component for MATE
mate-polkit-1.28.1p0 PolicyKit authentication agent for MATE
mate-power-manager-1.28.1p0 MATE power manager
mate-screensaver-1.28.0p0 MATE screensaver
mate-session-manager-1.28.0p0 MATE session manager
mate-settings-daemon-1.28.0p1 MATE settings daemon
mate-system-monitor-1.28.1p1 MATE system monitor
mate-terminal-1.28.1p1 MATE terminal
mate-themes-3.22.26 standard MATE themes
mate-utils-1.28.0 MATE support utilities
mathomatic-16.0.0p1 small, portable, general purpose computer algebra system
matio-1.5.23p1 library for reading and writing Matlab MAT files
matterhorn-90000.0.0p1 terminal client for the Mattermost chat system
mattermost-server-9.2.2 open source Slack-alternative
maturin-1.8.2 develop crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings
mautrix-whatsapp-0.10.9v0 matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge
maven-3.9.9 software project management and comprehension tool
mawk- fast POSIX-compliant awk
maxima-5.46.0p0 GPL computer algebra system based on DOE Macsyma
mbedtls-2.28.0p1 SSL library with an intuitive API and readable source code
mblaze-1.3p0 set of Maildir utilities
mbox-importer-24.12.2 KMail mbox importer
mboxgrep-0.7.9p0 scan mailboxes for messages matching a regular expression
mbrowse-0.4.3p3 graphical MIB browser
mc-4.8.31 free Norton Commander clone with many useful features
mcabber-1.1.2p0 console jabber client
mcast-proxy-1.0.20240320p0 multicast proxy daemon
mcds-1.6p1 tty-based CardDav search tool
mcl-14_137p0 clustering algorithm for graphs
mcp-plugins-0.4.0p3 MCP LADSPA plugins
mcrypt-2.6.8p7 extendable encryption program that supports many ciphers
mcs-0.7.2p2 abstract the storage of configuration settings
mcsim-4.2.0p2 monte carlo simulation software
mdal-1.3.1 mesh data abstration library
mdbook-0.4.45 create books from markdown files
mdbtools-1.0.0v0 read microsoft Access MDB
mdp-1.0.15 command-line based markdown presentation tool
mdprint-1.3p7 print sun4v machine descriptions
mdsort-11.6.0 maildir sort
me_cleaner-1.2p6 tool for partial deblobbing of Intel ME/TXE firmware images
meandmyshadow-0.4.1p6 puzzle/platform game
meanwhile-1.0.2p8 implementation of Lotus Sametime Community Client protocol
mecab-0.996p4 japanese morphological analyzer engine
mecab-ipadic-2.7.0p4 IPA japanese dictionary for mecab
med-5.0.0p1 library for reading and writing MED files
mediainfo-24.12p0 utility for reading information from audio/video files
mediastreamer2-5.3.89p0 streaming engine for voice/video telephony applications
mednafen-1.32.1p0 emulates numerous game consoles
mednaffe-0.9.3 graphical frontend for mednafen
megaglest-3.13.0p7 3D real-time strategy game
megaglest-data-3.13.0p1 megaglest game data files
megatools- command line client application for Mega
meld-3.22.2p2 graphical diff and merge tool
meli-0.8.10 terminal mail client
melonds-0.9.5p0 Nintendo DS emulator
memcached-1.6.22 distributed memory object caching system
memcached-1.6.22-sasl distributed memory object caching system
memchan-2.3p2 in-memory channels for Tcl
memtester-4.7.1 utility to test for memory faults
mencal-3.0 cal that can use color to display calendar
menu-cache-1.1.1 caching mechanism for compliant menus
menulibre-2.4.0p1 fd.o-compliant menu editor
menumaker-0.99.14p4 menu generation utility for X window managers
mercurial-6.9.2 fast, lightweight source control management
mercurial-x11-6.9.2 graphical tooling for mercurial
merkaartor-0.20.0 OpenStreetMap editor
merkuro-24.12.2 calendar email todo and task application
meson-1.7.0v0 next-generation build system
meson-python-0.17.1p0 meson PEP 517 Python build backend
messagelib-24.12.2 KDE PIM messaging library
metaauto-1.0p4 wrapper for gnu auto*
metamail-2.7p6 MIME implementation
metricbeat-7.12.1p2 lightweight shipper for system metrics
metronome-2 simple metronome
mew-6.9p3 emacs-based mail client
mgba-0.10.3p1 Game Boy Color/Advance emulator
mgba-qt-0.10.3p0 Game Boy Color/Advance emulator with GUI
mgdiff-1.0p7 graphical front end to Unix diff
mgetty+sendfax-1.2.1 handle external logins, send and receive faxes
mhash- strong hash library
mhgui-0.2p7 GUI widget library used in MakeHuman
mhonarc-2.6.19p0 highly customizable e-mail to HTML converter
micro-2.0.14 modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
microblog-purple-0.3.0p8 Twitter, Identica, and plugin for libpurple
micropolis-20080211p9 city-building simulation
microscheme-0.9.4p0 scheme subset for atmel microcontrollers
midish-1.3.2 command line MIDI sequencer and filter
mightymike-3.0.2 family-friendly action game in a toy store
migmix-20200307 mixture of M+ and IPA Gothic fonts, focused on kanji
migrationtools-47 perl scripts for migrating system information to LDAP
migu-20200307 mixture of M+ and IPA Gothic fonts, focused on kanji
mikmod-3.2.9 module audio player
milkytracker-1.05.01 Fasttracker II inspired MOD tracker
miller-6.12.0 name-indexed data processing tool
milou-6.3.2 KDE5 Plasma Search and Launch
milter-checkrcpt-0.3p4 sendmail milter plugin for recipient checking
milter-greylist-4.2.7p7 greylist milter
milter-regex-2.7 sendmail milter plugin for regular expression filtering
milter-spamd-0.9 sendmail milter plugin for SpamAssassin spamd
mimedefang-3.6 mailfilter to identify and mark spam
mimepp-1.0p1 C++ class library for MIME messages
mimetex-1.65p3 parse LaTeX math expressions into gif images
mimetic-0.9.8p3 C++ MIME library
mimetreeparser-24.12.2 KDE PIM messaging library
minder-1.16.4 Mind-mapping application
minecraft-0.0.6p11 wrapper for a game about breaking and placing blocks
minetest-5.8.0 infinite-world block sandbox game
mini_sendmail-1.3.9 accept email on behalf of real sendmail
mini_sendmail-chroot-1.3.9 static mini_sendmail for chrooted apache
minicom-2.8 MS-DOS Telix-like serial communication program
minidlna-1.3.3 lightweight DLNA/UPnP-AV media server (aka ReadyMedia)
miniflux-2.2.2 atom/rss feed reader web application
minimodem-0.24p0 general-purpose software audio FSK modem
mininet-2.2.2p0 emulator for rapid prototyping of software defined networks
minio-0.20221024p3 object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs
minio-0.20250228 object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs
minioc-0.20221022 cli for minio
minisat- minimalistic Boolean satisfiability solver
minisign-0.12 dead simple tool to sign files and verify digital signatures
minissdpd-1.6.0 daemon keeping track of UPnP devices up
ministat-0.0.20211218p0 statistics utility
minitube-3.9.3p2 standalone video browser/player
miniupnpc-2.2.6 UPnP IGD client lightweight library
miniupnpd-2.3.7 UPnP IGD daemon
minivmac-36.04p3 early macintosh emulator
minivmac-ii-36.04p3 early macintosh emulator
minivmac-m128k-36.04p3 early macintosh emulator
minizip-4.0.8p0 zip manipulation library
minuet-24.12.2 KDE software for music education
mirmon-2.11p1 monitors the status of mirrors
mirrormagic-3.0.0p0 game like Deflektor (C64) / Mindbender (Amiga)
misspell-0.3.4p1 correct commonly misspelled English words in source files
mitmproxy-11.1.3 interactive intercepting HTTP proxy
mixfont-mplus-ipa-20060520p8 high quality Japanese truetype fonts
mjpegtools-2.0.0p15 tools to edit/modify/encode video streams
mklittlefs-4.0.1 tool to build and unpack littlefs images
mkspiffs-0.2.3 tool to build and unpack SPIFFS images
mktorrent-1.1p0 command-line .torrent file creator
mkvtoolnix-88.0 create, alter and inspect Matroska files
mlmmj-1.4.5 mailing list manager
mlpack-3.4.2p1 C++ machine learning library
mlt7-7.30.0 multimedia transformations framework
mlt7-gpl2-7.30.0 GPLv2-licensed modules for mlt
mlterm-3.8.3p6 color terminal emulator with unicode support
mlvpn-2.3.5p2 link-aggregation VPN software
mlvwm-0.9.4 Macintosh-like virtual window manager
mm-1.4.2 shared memory lib for apps with pre-forked process model
mm-common-1.0.6 common build utilities for GNOME C++ binding libraries
mmctl-9.2.2 command-line tool for managing Mattermost
mmv-1.01bp1 move/copy/append/link multiple files with wildcards
mnemosyne-2.9p2 flash-card tool which optimises your learning process
moarvm-2025.01 virtual machine for nqp/rakudo
moc-2.6alpha3p1 console audio player
modlogan-0.8.13p12 modular log analyzer
moe-1.14 powerful and user-friendly console text editor
moinmoin-1.9.11 wiki engine written in python
moka-icon-theme-5.4.0p2 minimal, flat style icon theme
mon-1.2.0p13 service monitoring daemon
mongo-tools-100.9.4 tools for the MongoDB database
mongodb-4.4.29p4 scalable, high-performance document-oriented database
monica-4.1.2 self hosted personal CRM system
monit-5.34.4 monitoring and managing daemons utility
monitord-1.95 system monitoring daemon
monitoring-plugins-2.4.0p1 monitoring plugins (for Nagios, Icinga, etc)
monitoring-plugins-dbi-2.4.0p1 dbi monitoring plugin
monitoring-plugins-fping-2.4.0p1 fping monitoring plugin
monitoring-plugins-game-2.4.0p1 gameserver monitoring plugin
monitoring-plugins-ldap-2.4.0p1 ldap monitoring plugin
monitoring-plugins-mysql-2.4.0p1 mysql monitoring plugin
monitoring-plugins-pgsql-2.4.0p1 postgresql monitoring plugin
monitoring-plugins-radius-2.4.0p1 RADIUS monitoring plugin
monitoring-plugins-snmp-2.4.0p1 monitoring plugins using snmp
mono- cross platform, open source .NET developement framework
mono-addins-1.3.3 framework for creating extensible applications
mono-gtk2-2.12.45p5 .NET language binding for the GTK+2 toolkit
mononoki-1.3 font for programming and code review
moo-1.5p0 Marco's Object Oriented calculator
moon-buggy-1.0.51p0 drive some car across the moon
moonlander-1.0p3 clone of atari game
moonlander-1.0p3-no_sound clone of atari game
moonlight-qt-5.0.1 open-source nvidia gamestream client
moreutils-0.70 miscellaneous unix tools
moria-5.5.2p5 The Dungeons of Moria
morseplayer-1.4p1 morse player
mosh-1.4.0p3 mobile shell
mosquitto-2.0.21 opensource MQTT broker
most-5.2.0 browse or page through a text file
motif-2.3.8p1 Motif toolkit
motion-4.7.0 motion detection software for video
motion-4.7.0-mysql motion detection software for video
motion-4.7.0-pgsql motion detection software for video
mouseclock-1.0p0 display the current time using the X11 root cursor
mousepad-0.6.3p0 Xfce4 simple text editor
movemail-1.0p2 move your mail box to another location
mowgli-1.0.0p2 performance and usability oriented extensions to C
mowitz-0.3.1 widgets library
mozilla-dicts-af-1.3p1 af dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ak-1.3p1 ak dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-am-ET-1.3p1 am-ET dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ar-1.3p1 ar dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-az-IR-1.3p1 az-IR dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-be-1.3p1 be dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-bg-1.3p1 bg dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-bn-BD-1.3p1 bn-BD dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ca-1.3p1 ca dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ca-valencia-1.3p1 ca-valencia dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-cs-1.3p1 cs dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-csb-1.3p1 csb dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-cy-GB-1.3p1 cy-GB dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-da-1.3p1 da dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-de-AT-1.3p1 de-AT dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-de-CH-1.3p1 de-CH dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-de-DE-1.3p1 de-DE dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-dsb-1.3p1 dsb dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-el-1.3p1 el dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-en-AU-1.3p1 en-AU dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-en-CA-1.3p1 en-CA dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-en-GB-1.3p1 en-GB dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-en-ZA-1.3p1 en-ZA dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-eo-1.3p1 eo dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-es-AR-1.3p1 es-AR dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-es-MX-1.3p1 es-MX dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-es-VE-1.3p1 es-VE dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-es-es-1.3p1 es-es dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-et-1.3p1 et dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-eu-1.3p1 eu dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-fa-1.3p1 fa dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-fo-FO-1.3p1 fo-FO dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-fr-1.3p1 fr dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-fur-IT-1.3p1 fur-IT dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-fy-NL-1.3p1 fy-NL dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ga-IE-1.3p1 ga-IE dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-gl-1.3p1 gl dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-gu-IN-1.3p1 gu-IN dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-he-1.3p1 he dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-hi-IN-1.3p1 hi-IN dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-hr-1.3p1 hr dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-hr-HR-1.3p1 hr-HR dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-hsb-1.3p1 hsb dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-hu-1.3p1 hu dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-id-1.3p1 id dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-is-1.3p1 is dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-it-1.3p1 it dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ku-1.3p1 ku dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-la-1.3p1 la dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-lb-LU-1.3p1 lb-LU dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-lt-1.3p1 lt dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-lv-1.3p1 lv dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-mg-MG-1.3p1 mg-MG dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-mi-1.3p1 mi dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-mn-1.3p1 mn dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-nb-NO-1.3p1 nb-NO dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ne-NP-1.3p1 ne-NP dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-nl-1.3p1 nl dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-nn-NO-1.3p1 nn-NO dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-nr-1.3p1 nr dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-nso-1.3p1 nso dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ny-MW-1.3p1 ny-MW dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-oc-1.3p1 oc dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-or-IN-1.3p1 or-IN dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-pa-IN-1.3p1 pa-IN dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-pl-1.3p1 pl dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-pt-BR-1.3p1 pt-BR dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-pt-PT-1.3p1 pt-PT dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ro-1.3p1 ro dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ru-1.3p1 ru dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-sk-SK-1.3p1 sk-SK dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-sl-1.3p1 sl dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-sq-1.3p1 sq dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-sr-1.3p1 sr dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ss-1.3p1 ss dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-st-1.3p1 st dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-sv-SE-1.3p1 sv-SE dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-sw-TZ-1.3p1 sw-TZ dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ta-1.3p1 ta dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-tn-1.3p1 tn dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ts-1.3p1 ts dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-uk-1.3p1 uk dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ur-1.3p1 ur dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-ve-1.3p1 ve dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-vi-1.3p1 vi dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-xh-1.3p1 xh dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-yi-1.3p1 yi dictionary for Mozilla
mozilla-dicts-zu-1.3p1 zu dictionary for Mozilla
mp3applygain-1.1.0p0 apply gain information to mp3 audio data
mp3blaster-3.2.6p4 text console audio player with an interactive interface
mp3cddb-0.1p0 embedding CDDB information in MP3s
mp3cut-1.13p2 cut and cat MP3 files
mp3info-0.8.5ap16 MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor
mp3info-0.8.5ap16-no_x11 MP3 technical info viewer and ID3 1.x tag editor
mp3splt-2.6.2p0 split mp3/ogg files without decoding
mp3splt-gtk-0.9.2p7 graphical mp3/ogg file splitter
mp3wrap-0.5p3 utility for mp3 wrapping
mpack-1.6p3 external MIME packer/unpacker
mpage-2.5.7 print multiple pages per sheet on PostScript printer
mpc-0.35 command line client for mpd
mpd-0.23.16 Music Player Daemon
mpdcon-1.5.1p11 GNUstep client for Music Player Daemon
mpdscribble-0.25 mpd client to scrobble track info to
mpeg-lib-1.3.1p1 collection of C routines to decode MPEG movies
mpeg_encode-1.5bp1 UCB's MPEG-I video stream encoder
mpfr-4.2.1 library for multiple-precision floating-point computations
mpg123-1.32.10 fast console MPEG audio player and decoder library
mpg321-0.3.2p3 clone of mpg123, a command-line mp3 player
mpgtx-1.3.1p3 command line MPEG audio/video/system file toolbox
mplayer-20240803p2 movie player supporting many formats
mplus-fonts-063a collection of Japanese sans-serif fonts
mpv-0.39.0p0 movie player based on MPlayer/mplayer2
mpvqt-1.0.1 libmpv wrapper for QtQuick2 and QML
mrtg-2.17.10p0 multi-router traffic grapher
mruby-3.3.0p1 lightweight, embeddable implementation of ruby
mruby-zest-20210207p0 single window & tabbed version of the ZynAddSubFX interface
msbuild-15.8pre0 build platform for .NET and Visual Studio
mscgen-0.20p2 utility to create Message Sequence Charts
msctfonts-1.0 Microsoft ClearType fonts
msdl-1.2.7pl2p1 download client for rtsp, mms and mmsh
msgpack-6.0.0p1 MessagePack implementation for C
msgraph-0.3.3 GLib / GObject wrapper for the Microsoft Graph API
msktutil-1.2.2 tool for ActiveDirectory interoperability
msmtp-1.8.27 SMTP plugin for MUAs
msoak-0.8 subscribe to multiple MQTT brokers and topics simultaneously
msp430-20120406p2 MSP430 meta-package
msp430-binutils-2.21.1ap3 binutils for msp430
msp430-gcc-4.6.3p5 gcc for msp430
msp430-gdb-7.2ap4 gdb for msp430
msp430-libc-20120224p1 libc for msp430
msp430mcu-20120406p1 C headers and binutils linker scripts for msp430
mspdebug-0.25pl20220518 debugger for use with MSP 430 MCUs
msttcorefonts-2.0p4 Microsoft TrueType core fonts
msttcorefonts-2.0p4-no_comic Microsoft TrueType core fonts
mt-daapd- multi-threaded DAAP server
mterm-0.4.2bp1 dockable program launcher
mtools-4.0.48 read/write/list/format DOS disks under Unix
mtpaint-3.50p1 simple GTK+3 raster painting program
mtr-0.95v0 network diagnostic tool, similar to ping and traceroute
mtr-0.95v0-gtk network diagnostic tool, similar to ping and traceroute
mtw-firmware-20230804 firmware binary images for mtw(4) driver
mtxclient-0.10.0p1 client API for Matrix, built on libcurl
mu-1.12.7 maildir indexer and searcher with emacs frontend
mudix-4.3p0 ncurses-based MUD client with triggers, aliases, colors
mujs-1.3.5 lightweight Javascript interpreter
multimail-0.52p1 offline mail reader for Blue Wave, QWK, OMEN, SOUP and OPX
multimarkdown-6.6.0 marked-up plain text to formatted document converter
multimc-0.6.12p0 free and open-source launcher for Minecraft
multimux- create multichannel WAV audio files
multitail-6.4.2p2 multi-window tail(1) utility
multitime-1.3 time multiple executions of a command
mumble-1.4.287p9 low-latency voice chat client
munin-node-2.0.76 flexible network host monitoring, client
munin-server-2.0.76 flexible network host monitoring, server
muparser- C++ math parser library
mupdf-1.25.4p0 graphic library, pdf parser, viewer and utilities
mupdf-1.25.4p0-js graphic library, pdf parser, viewer and utilities
mupen64plus-2.5.9 n64 emulator (default plugins)
mupen64plus-audio-sdl-2.5.9p0 n64 emulator sdl audio plugin
mupen64plus-core-2.5.9p2 n64 emulator core
mupen64plus-extra-2.5.9 n64 emulator (all plugins)
mupen64plus-input-sdl-2.5.9p1 n64 emulator input plugin
mupen64plus-rsp-cxd4-2.5.9p1 n64 emulator MSP communications simulator
mupen64plus-rsp-hle-2.5.9p0 n64 emulator signal co-processor plugin
mupen64plus-rsp-z64-2.5.9p1 n64 emulator signal co-processor plugin
mupen64plus-ui-console-2.5.9p0 n64 emulator command-line ui plugin
mupen64plus-video-arachnoid-2.5.9p0 n64 emulator video plugin
mupen64plus-video-glide64-2.5.9p2 n64 emulator video plugin
mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2-2.5.9p1 n64 emulator video plugin
mupen64plus-video-rice-2.5.9p0 n64 emulator opengl video plugin
mupen64plus-video-z64-2.5.9p1 n64 emulator video plugin
murmur-1.4.287p9 low-latency voice chat server
musepack-475p6 decoder, encoder and replaygain for musepack files
musescore-3.6.2p0 WYSIWYG music notation software (MuseScore)
musikcube-3.0.2 terminal-based music player
musique-1.12 graphical music player focused on a clean ui
mutt-2.2.14v3 tty-based e-mail client
mutt-2.2.14v3-gpgme tty-based e-mail client
mutt-2.2.14v3-gpgme-sasl tty-based e-mail client
mutt-2.2.14v3-sasl tty-based e-mail client
mutt-2.2.14v3-sasl-slang tty-based e-mail client
mutt-wizard-3.3.1p0v0 neomutt and isync configuration with good defaults
mutter-47.6 window and compositing manager based on Clutter
muttprint-0.73p2 pretty printing of your mails
mvdsv-1.10 QuakeWorld server
mwx-firmware-20240115 firmware binary images for mwx(4) driver
mxconns-3.1.10p0 interactive X11 proxy with selective X request replacement
mxml-2.12 minimal XML library
mycorrhiza-1.15.1 plain-text driven engine for personal wikis
mydumper-0.9.1p8 utility for quick MySQL dumping
mygpoclient-1.10 client library
mygui-3.4.1 library for creating GUIs for games and 3D applications
myhdl-0.11.49p0 Python as a hardware description and verification language
mypaint-2.0.1p9 raster graphics editor for digital painters
mypaint-brushes-1.3.1 brushes used by software using libmypaint
mypaint-brushes2-2.0.2 brushes used by software using libmypaint
myrddin-0.3.1p0 systems language that is both powerful and fun to use
mysql-utilities-1.6.5p0 MySQL management utilities
mysql-zrm-3.0p1 MySQL backup scripts
mysql2pgsql-20010320p1 convert a MySQL dump to a PostgreSQL dump
mysticmine-1.2.0p5 one-button treasure collecting game
naev-0.11.5p3 2D space trading and combat game
naev-data-0.11.5p2 naev game data
nagelfar-1.3.3 syntax analysis tool for Tcl
nagios-4.4.13 host and service monitor
nagios-4.4.13-chroot host and service monitor
nagios-plugins-resmon-20090802p2 nagios plugin for resmon
nagios-web-4.4.13p1 cgis and webpages for nagios
nagios-web-4.4.13p1-chroot cgis and webpages for nagios
nagstamon-3.8.0p4 nagios status monitor for the Desktop
naken430asm-20111030p0 assembler/disassembler/simulator for MSP430 MCUs
nam-1.15p5 UCB/LBNL Network Animator
namazu-2.0.21p3 small to medium scale full-text search engine
nano-8.3 simple editor, inspired by Pico
nanomsg-1.2 socket library providing multiple communication patterns
nanosaur-1.4.4 Pangea Software Original Nanosaur for modern systems
nanosaur2-2.1.0 Pangea Software' Nanosaur II for modern systems
nanosvg-20221222 simple stupid SVG parser
nasm-2.16.03 general-purpose multi-platform x86 assembler
natpmpd-1.4p6 daemon implementing NAT-PMP protocol for pf(4)
naturaldocs-1.52 multi-language source code documentation generator
nautilus-47.2 GNOME file manager
navidrome-0.51.1 modern music server and streamer
nbfc-0.1p1 new brainfuck compiler
nblood-1.01.20231020p1 reverse-engineered ports of Build games
nbtscan-1.7.2 NetBIOS name network scanner
ncal-334873 display a calendar and the date of Easter
ncdu-1.22 ncurses-based du(1)
ncftp-3.2.6p2 FTP client with advanced user interface
ncmpc-0.49v0 curses based frontend for mpd
ncmpcpp-0.9.2p1 ncurses mpd client inspired by ncmpc
ncspot-1.2.1p1 ncurses Spotify client
ne-3.3.3 nice console editor
neXtaw-0.15.1p2 libXaw widget set replacement
necpp-1.2.3p8 NEC2++ antenna simulator
nedit-5.7p1v0 a fast, compact Motif/X11 plain text editor
nekovm-2.3.0p0 Neko scripting language runtime and virtual machine
neochat-24.12.2 client for Matrix chat
neofetch-7.1.0p0 system information tool written in bash
neomutt-20250113p0v0 tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
neomutt-20250113p0v0-gpgme tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
neomutt-20250113p0v0-gpgme-notmuch tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
neomutt-20250113p0v0-gpgme-sasl tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
neomutt-20250113p0v0-gpgme-sasl-notmuch tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
neomutt-20250113p0v0-notmuch tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
neomutt-20250113p0v0-sasl tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
neon-0.32.5p2 HTTP and WebDAV client library, with C interface
neovim-0.10.4 continuation and extension of Vim
neovim-qt-0.2.19 Qt5 GUI front-end for neovim
nepim-0.53p2 network pipe meter
nestopia-1.53.0 accurate Nintendo Entertainment System emulator
net-snmp-5.9.4p0 extendable SNMP implementation
net-snmp-tkmib-5.9.4p0 graphical SNMP MIB browser
netatalk-4.1.2v0 Apple Filing Protocol file server over TCP/IP
netbeans-25 NetBeans Java IDE
netbsd-iscsi-target-20111006p6 iSCSI (RFC 3720) target from NetBSD
netcdf-4.9.2p5 library for machine-independent, array-oriented data access
netfwd-0.4p1 netword traffic redirector
netgen-1.5.171p4 tool for netlist comparison (LVS) and format manipulation
netgen-mesher-6.2.2404p2 automatic 3d tetrahedral mesh generator
nethack-3.4.3p18 dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Piece of cake
nethack-3.4.3p18-no_x11 dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Piece of cake
nethack-3.6.6p1 dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Piece of cake
nethack-3.6.6p1-no_x11 dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Piece of cake
netinfo-0.6p0 protocol, service, network, host and ether info for Tcl
netpbm-11.09.02 toolkit for manipulation and conversion of graphic images
netperf-2.7.0p4 network performance benchmark
netpgp-20140220p1 BSD-licensed PGP implementation
netpipe-3.7.2 self-scaling network benchmark
netpipes-4.2p1 shell utilities to connect programs to sockets
netrate-20140413p0 FreeBSD's tcp/udp traffic generator
netris-0.52p3 network head-to-head version of T*tris
netsed-0.01cp1 network sed
netstrain-3.0p1 tool to measure TCP throughput
netsurf-3.11p1 lightweight web browser, with GTK interface
netsurf-buildsystem-1.10 makefiles for building NetSurf
netsurf-fb-3.11p0 lightweight web browser, with SDL interface
netwmpager-1.11p4 small EWMH compliant pager
neverball-1.6.0p3v0 tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course
neverball-data-1.6.0v0 data for Neverball/Neverputt
newlisp-10.7.5 newLISP is a LISP like, general purpose scripting language
newsboat-2.38 RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals
newsraft-0.28 lightweight feed reader for text terminals
newvox-1.0p3 voxel-style landscape rendering fly-by
nextcloud-30.0.5 easy and universal access to shared and/or personal files
nextcloudclient-3.15.3 desktop sync client for Nextcloud
nextcloudclient-dolphin-plugin-3.15.3 dolphin nextcloud integration plugin
nfdump-1.7.5 tools to collect and process netflow data
nfoview-1.28.1p5 simple viewer for NFO files
nfprofile-1.7.5 filters data from nfdump according to profiles
nfsen-1.3.11p0 web-based front end for the nfdump netflow tools
nfsshell-1.0p2 NFS auditing tool
nghttp2-1.64.0 library for HTTP/2
nghttp3-1.8.0 implementation of HTTP/3
nginx-1.26.2 robust and small HTTP server and mail proxy server
nginx-cache_purge-1.26.2 nginx module which adds ability to purge cache content
nginx-geoip2-1.26.2 nginx GeoIP2 module
nginx-headers-more-1.26.2 nginx module for setting/adding/clearing headers
nginx-image_filter-1.26.2 nginx image filter module
nginx-ldap_auth-1.26.2 nginx LDAP authentication module
nginx-lua-1.26.2 nginx lua scripting (lua-nginx-module and ngx_devel_kit)
nginx-mailproxy-1.26.2 nginx mail proxy module
nginx-modsecurity-1.26.2 nginx module for ModSecurity
nginx-naxsi-1.26.2 nginx web application firewall module
nginx-njs-1.26.2 nginx javascript scripting module
nginx-passenger-1.26.2 nginx passenger (ruby/python/nodejs) integration module
nginx-perl-1.26.2 nginx perl scripting module
nginx-rtmp-1.26.2 nginx module for RTMP streaming
nginx-securelink-1.26.2 nginx HMAC secure link module
nginx-stream-1.26.2 nginx TCP/UDP proxy module
nginx-xslt-1.26.2 nginx XSLT filter module
ngircd-27 lightweight irc server
ngircd-27-ident lightweight irc server
ngrep-1.47.20190128p2 network grep
ngspice-43 circuit simulator, based on Berkeley SPICE
ngtcp2-1.11.0 implementation of the RFC 9000 QUIC protocol
nheko-0.12.0p0 desktop client for Matrix
nicotine-plus-3.3.9 graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system
nikto-2.5.0v0 web and CGI vulnerability scanner with SSL support
nim-1.6.18p2 statically typed systems programming language
ninja-1.11.1p0v0 small build system with a focus on speed
nitrogen-1.6.1p3 background browser and setter for X11
nix-2.3.16p3 purely functional package manager for Unix
njs-0.8.7 NGINX JavaScript command line utility and static library
nload-0.7.4p5 network traffic and bandwidth usage in real time
nlohmann-json-3.11.2p0 JSON for modern C++
nlopt-2.7.1 library for nonlinear optimization
nmap-7.92p1 scan ports and fingerprint stack of network hosts
nmh-1.8 new MH mail handling program
nmh-1.8-sasl new MH mail handling program
nmzmail-1.1p4 fast maildir search engine
nn-6.7.3p6 menu-based Usenet newsreader
nncmpp-2.1.1 terminal/X11 MPD client
nnn-5.0p0 the missing terminal file browser for X
nnn-5.0p0-nerd the missing terminal file browser for X
no-ip-2.1.9p6 Dynamic DNS client
noVNC-1.5.0v0 VNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas)
noVNC-bmc-support-20160209p3 VNC client using HTML5 (Web Sockets, Canvas)
node-22.14.0v0 JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
node_exporter-1.9.0 prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics
noice-0.8 minimalistic file browser
nomacs-3.19.1 small and fast Qt image viewer
nomad-1.9.6 cluster scheduler
nomadnet-0.5.7 Reticulum based mesh communication
nono-1.3.0 OMRON LUNA-I and LUNA-88K emulator
nonogram-1.9.13 terminal-based nonogram solver
nonolib-4.3.1 nonogram solver library
normalize-0.7.7p8 audio file volume normalizer
nosefart-2.3p2 nsf (Nintendo sound) file player
noson-2.12.9 C++ library for accessing SONOS devices
noson-app-5.6.8 fast and smart SONOS controller
nostromo-2.1 simple, fast and secure HTTP server
nostt-1.3 command-line NOS Teletekst reader
notify_push-1.0.0p0 update notifications for nextcloud clients
notion-4.0.2p0 light, keyboard friendly static tiling window manager
notmuch-0.38.3p0 mail indexer, tagger and threader
notmuch-emacs-0.38.3p1 Emacs bindings for notmuch
notmuch-mutt-0.38.3p1 Mutt integration for notmuch
noto-cjk-20240730 east asian fonts for the noto font family
noto-emoji-20241002 emoji fonts for the noto font family
noto-fonts-24.9.1v0 pan-unicode font family
noto-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 Noto Nerd Font
novelwriter-2.6.3 markdown-like text editor for planning and writing novels
novprog-3.2.3 graphical wordcount grapher
npcomplete-0.0.r20100124p5 extra levels for physics-based drawing puzzle game
npth-1.6p0 new GNU Portable Threads Library
nq-0.5 command line queue utility
nqp-2025.01 Not Quite Perl
nrpe-4.1.3 Nagios Remote Plugin Executor
ns-2.35p6 UCB/LBNL Network Simulator Version 2
nsca-2.10.0 nagios service check acceptor
nsca-client-2.10.0 nagios service check acceptor - client
nsca-ng-1.6p4 server to accept passive check results for Nagios/Icinga
nsca-ng-client-1.6p4 client to send passive check results to Nagios/Icinga
nsgenbind-0.9 JavaScript bindings generator
nsh-1.2.3 network switch style shell
nsh-1.2.3-static network switch style shell
nslint-3.2 performs consistency checks on BIND zone files
nsnake-3.0.1p2 classic snake game on the terminal
nsping-0.8p1 DNS ping
nspmod-0.1p1 MOD/S3M/MTM tracker that does its own DSP
nspr-4.36 Netscape Portable Runtime
nss-3.109 libraries to support development of security-enabled apps
nssl-005p5 netcat-like program with transparent SSL support
nsxiv-33 neo simple X Image Viewer
ntfs_3g-2022.10.3 FUSE NTFS driver with read/write support
ntfy-2.11.0 send push notifications to your phone or desktop
ntl-11.5.1 Victor Shoup's Number Theory Library
ntopng-5.2.1p3 network traffic probe with web ui and deep packet inspection
ntp-4.2.8pl10p6 Network Time Protocol reference implementation
nuclei-3.3.9p0 fast and customizable vulnerability scanner
nudoku-5.0.0 ncurses based sudoku game
nuget- package manager for .NET
numlockx-1.2 start X11 with NumLock turned on
numptyphysics-0.3.r20100916p7 physics-based drawing puzzle game
nushell-0.102.0 new type of shell
nut-2.8.2p1 UPS monitoring program supporting many brands
nut-cgi-2.8.2p0 CGIs for monitoring Nut-based UPSs
nut-snmp-2.8.2p0 driver for monitoring UPS via SNMP
nut-xml-2.8.2p0 driver for monitoring UPS via XML/HTTP
nuttcp-8.2.2 network performance measurement tool
nvi-2.2.1 ex/vi text editor with wide character support
nvi-2.2.1-iconv ex/vi text editor with wide character support
nxbelld-0.1.2 fork of xbelld, the X bell daemon for machines w/o a pcspkr
nxcomp- library to compress the standard X protocol
nxproxy- NX X proxy support tool
nyancat-1.5.2p1v0 nyancat in your terminal
nylon-1.21p0 lightweight SOCKS 4 and SOCKS 5 proxy
nyx-2.1.0p7 terminal status monitor for Tor
nzbget-24.7 binary newsreader supporting NZB files
oath-toolkit-2.6.12 toolkit for OATH/HOTP and TOTP
oath-toolkit-pskc-2.6.12 toolkit for RFC 6030 Portable Symmetric Key Container
obconf-2.0.4p6 configuration utility for openbox
obconf-qt-0.16.5 configuration editor for openbox window manager
obfs4proxy-0.0.14 a "look-like nothing" obfuscation protocol for TCP
objfw-1.1.5p0 portable, lightweight framework for the Objective-C language
obmenu-1.1.1p2 Openbox menu editor
obsdfreqd-1.2.1 userland daemon to manage CPU frequency
oc-4.7.7 command line tool for controlling OpenShift clusters
ocaml-4.14.2 ML language with complete class-based objective system
ocaml-cairo-0.6.2p7 binding to cairo, a 2D vector graphics library
ocaml-cppo-1.6.6p8 OCaml preprocessor
ocaml-graph-1.8.8p8 OCaml graph library
ocaml-graphics-5.0.0p6 graphics library providing basic drawing primitives
ocaml-menhir-20230608p1 OCaml parser generator for LR(1) grammars
ocaml-num-1.4p4 library for arithmetic on big integers and rationals
ocaml-parmap-1.0rc10p7 OCaml parallel map primitive for multicores
ocaml-yojson- optimized parsing and printing library for the JSON format
ocaml-zarith-1.12p3 arbitrary precision integer and rational arithmetic
ocamlbuild-0.14.0p7 ocamlbuild
ocean-sound-theme-6.3.2 Plasma ocean sound theme
ocp-3.0.1 UNIX port of Open Cubic Player
ocrad-0.29 OCR program for pnm/PNG files
ocrmypdf-16.8.0 add an OCR text layer to scanned PDF files
ocserv-1.3.0 server implementing the AnyConnect SSL VPN protocol
octave-9.3.0p0 Scientific Programming Language
od1000_firmware-1.02.20170119p1 firmware and flash tool for SOFTIRON OverDrive 1000
odamex-0.9.5p2 online multiplayer doom
ode-0.16.6 high performance library for simulating rigid body dynamics
odoo-16.0.20230929p1 all-in-one management software
odt2txt-0.5 convert OpenDocument Text to plain text
offlineimap-8.0.0pl20231218p2 powerful IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support
oggfwd-0.2p2 pipe an Ogg stream to an Icecast server
oggz-1.1.1p3 inspect, edit and validate Ogg files
ogle-0.9.2p24 DVD player
ogle-0.9.2p24-altivec DVD player
ogle_gui-0.9.2p16 GUI for ogle
ogmtools-1.5p3 ogg mux/demuxer
ogre-1.9.0p6 3D rendering engine
ogre-samples-1.9.0p6 3D rendering engine, demos
ogvt-1.2.2 simple tool for verifying gpg signatures
ogx-firmware-20171128 firmware binary images for ogx(4) driver
oicb-1.3.1 minimalistic command-line ICB client
oidentd-2.0.8p2 ident daemon with custom responses and NAT support
oilwar-1.2.1p7 sdl shoot 'em up; stop evil army from getting your oil
oinkmaster-2.0p3 update your Snort rules
ois-1.3p5 object-oriented input system
okteta-0.26.19v0 Hex Editor
okular-24.12.2 KDE document viewer
oledump-0.0.60p4 analyze OLE files
oletools-0.60.2 python tools to analyze OLE files
olm-3.2.16p0 Double Ratchet cryptographic ratchet in C++
olsrd- OLSR routing daemon
olsrd-gui- OLSR routing daemon GUI
omega-0.90.4p3 complex rogue-style game of dungeon exploration
onesixtyone-0.3.2p2 efficient SNMP scanner
oniguruma-6.9.10 regular expressions library
onioncat-0.3.9 IP-Transparent Tor/I2P Hidden Service Connector
onionshare-2.0p8 secure and anonymous file-sharing over Tor
onionshare-gui-2.0p8 graphical user interface for onionshare based on Qt
oolite-1.73.4p20 space combat and trading game in the style of Elite
opam-2.3.0 OCaml source-based package manager
opcua-client-gui-0.8.0p6 minimal OPC UA client GUI
open-ath9k-htc-firmware-k2-1.4.0pl20171105p0 free firmware for Atheros AR9271
open-ath9k-htc-firmware-magpie-1.4.0pl20171105 free firmware for Atheros AR7010
open62541-1.3.8p0 library implementation of OPC UA
open62541-1.3.8p0-ns0_full library implementation of OPC UA
openal-1.24.2p0v0 cross-platform 3D audio API
openarena-0.8.8p3 OpenArena client
openarena-data-0.8.8p0 OpenArena data for client/server
openarena-server-0.8.8p2 OpenArena server
openbabel-3.1.1p3 chemistry file translation program
openbox-3.6.1p15 small, fast & usable window manager
openbsd-backgrounds-3.1 pictures for your background by OpenBSD developers
openbsd-developers-2.0p58 geographic location of past and present OpenBSD developers
openbsdisks2-0.5.0 UDisks2 service implementation for OpenBSD
opencascade-7.8.1p1 platform for 3D CAD, CAM, and CAE
opencc-1.1.9 convert between traditional and simplified Chinese
openclipart-2.0 desktop publishing clip-art
openclonk-8.1p6 tactical action game focusing on controlling Clonks
opencolorio-2.4.0p0v2 color management library
openconnect-8.20p6 client for Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN
openconnect-8.20p6-light client for Cisco AnyConnect SSL VPN
opencore-amr-0.1.6 implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate speech codec
opencsg-1.4.2p2 constructive solid geometry rendering library
opencv-4.11.0 library for computer vision real-time processing
opencv-java-4.11.0 Java bindings for OpenCV
opendkim-2.10.3p3 library and milter for DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail)
opendmarc-1.4.2p0 library and milter for DMARC
opendnssec-2.1.14-sqlite3 open-source turn-key solution for DNSSEC
opendyslexic-0.9.10p1 font to increase readability for readers with dyslexia
openfire-4.6.8 XMPP real time collaboration server
openfodder-1.4.1p0 open source port of Cannon Fodder game
openfst-1.8.4 weighted finite-state transducers library
openh264-2.6.0 Cisco implementation of H.264 codec
openhab-4.3.2 integration platform for home automation
openhab-addons-4.3.2 addons for openHAB
openimageio- library for reading and writing images
openjade-1.3.3pre1p10 object-oriented DSSSL engine
openjazz-20231028 open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit games
openjk- open source reimplementation of Jedi Academy game
openjp2-2.5.3 open-source JPEG 2000 codec library
openldap-client-2.6.9p0v0 LDAP client library and tools
openldap-client-2.6.9p0v0-gssapi LDAP client library and tools
openldap-server-2.6.9p0v0 LDAP directory server
openldap-server-2.6.9p0v0-aci LDAP directory server
openldap-server-2.6.9p0v0-aci-gssapi LDAP directory server
openldap-server-2.6.9p0v0-gssapi LDAP directory server
openmdns-0.7p3 MDNS/DNS-SD daemon
openmoji-15.1.0 SVG/COLR-based open source emoji fonts
openmpi-4.1.6p2 open source MPI-3.1 implementation
openmsx-19.1p0 MSX home computer emulator
openmw-0.48.0p0 open source implementation of TES III: Morrowind
opennap-0.44p5 opensource Napster(tm) server
openocd-0.11.0p0 Open On-Chip Debugging
openomf- free remake of One Must Fall 2097 game engine
openpam-20241220p0 Pluggable Authentication Module
openpoppassd-1.1p12 daemon for changing passwords
openra-20210321p1 open-source real-time strategy game engine
openradtool-0.14.1 application source generator
openrct2-0.4.12 open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
opensbi-1.2p0 RISC-V Supervisor Binary Interface
opensc-0.24.0p0 set of libraries and utilities to access smart cards
openscad-2021.01p11 the programmer's solid 3D CAD modeller
openscenegraph-3.6.5p8 3D graphics toolkit
opensearch-2.18.0 distributed and RESTful search engine
opensearch-dashboards-2.18.0 visualization tool for data in OpenSearch
opensmtpd-filter-admdscrub-0.1 Administrative Management Domain scrubber for OpenSMTPD
opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign-0.5p2 dkim signer integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
opensmtpd-filter-dnsbl-0.3 dnsbl integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
opensmtpd-filter-rspamd-0.1.8p0 rspamd integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
opensmtpd-filter-senderscore-0.1.2 SenderScore integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
opensmtpd-filter-spamassassin-0.8 Apache SpamAssassin integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
opensmtpd-filter-spfgreylist-1.0.0 SPF-aware greylisting filter for the OpenSMTPD daemon
opensmtpd-table-ldap-1.0 LDAP table for OpenSMTPD
opensmtpd-table-mysql-1.2.1 MySQL table for OpenSMTPD
opensmtpd-table-passwd-1.0.2 passwd(5) table for OpenSMTPD
opensmtpd-table-postgres-1.1.1 PostgreSQL table for OpenSMTPD
opensmtpd-table-redis-1.0.1 Redis table for OpenSMTPD
opensmtpd-table-socketmap-1.1.1 socketmap table for OpenSMTPD
opensmtpd-table-sqlite-1.0.1 SQLite3 table for OpenSMTPD
opensonic-0.1.2p3 game based on the Sonic the Hedgehog universe
opensp-1.5.2p5 object-oriented SGML parser
openssl-3.3.3v0 TLS/SSL library and tools
openssl-3.4.1v0 TLS/SSL library and tools
openssl-ruby-tests-20250303 sources of the Ruby OpenSSL gem for regression testing
opensta-2.2.0p0 Parallax Static Timing Analyzer
opensubdiv-3.6.0 open-source subdivision surface library
opentofu-1.9.0 declaratively manage infrastructure
openttd-14.1p0 open source clone of the game Transport Tycoon Deluxe
openttd-opengfx-7.1 graphics data for OpenTTD
openttd-openmsx-0.4.2 music data for OpenTTD
openttd-opensfx-1.0.3 sound effects data for OpenTTD
opentyrian-2.1.20221123p1 port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian
opentyrian-data-2.1 data for opentyrian
openvdb-11.0.0p0 tools for storage and manipulation of volumetric data
openvmps-1.4.06p2 free implementation of Cisco VMPS
openvpn-2.6.13 easy-to-use, robust, and highly configurable VPN
openvpn-2.6.13-mbedtls easy-to-use, robust, and highly configurable VPN
openvpn-auth-ldap-2.0.4p3 LDAP authentication plugin for OpenVPN 2.x
openvpn-otp-1.0pl0 OpenVPN OTP Authentication support
openvpn_bsdauth-7p3 BSD Auth helper program for OpenVPN
openwsman-2.8.1 open source WS-Management client API
openxcom-1.0.0p11v0 open source reimplementation of the original X-Com
ophcrack-3.8.0p1 password cracker based on rainbow tables
ophis-2.1.20190413p5 6502-series cross-assembler
opm-1.2 minimalistic password manager written in shell
opmsg-1.78sp2 a replacement for gpg which can encrypt/sign/verify
optipng-0.7.8 lossless PNG optimizer
opus-1.5.2p0 IETF audio codec
opus-tools-0.2 encode, inspect, and decode Opus files
opusfile-0.12 high-level decoding and seeking API for Opus files
or1k-elf-binutils-2.40 binutils for or1k-elf cross-development
or1k-elf-gcc-12.3.0 gcc for or1k-elf cross-development
orage-4.20.0 Xfce4 calendar
orbitron-1.000pre1p0 geometric sans-serif from the future
orc-0.4.32 library and toolset to operate arrays of data
orca-47.3p0 assistive screen reader
orcania-2.3.3 potluck with different functions for different purposes
oroborus-2.0.20 minimalistic X11 window manager
orthanc-1.11.1p9 RESTful DICOM server for healthcare and medical research
orthanc-plugin-postgresql-4.0p4 PostgreSQL backend for Orthanc
orthanc-plugin-webviewer-2.8p3 web viewer plugin for Orthanc
orthorobot-1.1.1 perspective puzzle game
ortp-5.3.89 library implementing the RTP protocol
os-test-0.000041p1 test suites for POSIX operating systems
osbf-lua-2.0.4p6 lua text classification module and anti-spam solution
osd_clock-0.5p3 xosd based clock
osinfo-db-20250124 osinfo database files
osinfo-db-tools-1.12.0 tools to manage the libosinfo database
osm-gps-map-1.2.1pre0 Gtk+ Widget for Displaying OpenStreetMap tiles
osm2pgrouting-2.3.8 convert OSM data to PgRouting format
osm2pgsql-2.0.0p0 OSM data to PostgreSQL converter
osmo-0.4.4p4 handy personal organizer
osrm-backend-5.27.1pl1p0 high-performance road network routing engine
osrtspproxy-2.0p4 RTSP proxy reference implementation
ossec-hids-3.0.0p6 host-based intrusion detection system
ossp-uuid-1.6.2p6 ISO-C API and CLI for generating UUIDs
ostrich-sans-1.000pre1p0 gorgeous modern sans-serif with a very long neck
osv-scanner-1.9.2 scan your project's dependencies for vulnerabilities
otcl-1.14p1 MIT Object Tcl
otf2bdf-3.1p2 OpenType to BDF font converter
otpCalc-0.97p10 OTP and S/Key calculator for X
ots-0.5.0p4 open source tool for summarizing texts
otter-browser-1.0.03p0 browser aiming to recreate classic Opera (12.x) UI using Qt5
ottomatic-4.0.1p0 family-friendly 3D third person sci-fi action arcade
otus-firmware-1.0p1 firmware binary images for otus(4) driver
outguess-0.2 universal steganography tool
overpass-3.0.5 font family inspired by Highway Gothic
owamp-3.1p2 rfc4656 one-way active measurement protocol
owncloudclient- owncloud sync client
owx-20110917p3 tool for programming Wouxun transcievers
oxipng-9.1.4 multithreaded lossless PNG compression optimizer
oxygen-6.3.2 style for Qt/KDE Applications
oxygen-icons-6.1.0 KDE Oxygen-style icon theme
oxygen-sounds-6.3.2 sounds for the Oxygen desktop theme
p0f-2.0.8p3 passive OS fingerprinting tool
p0f3-3.09b passive OS fingerprinting tool
p11-kit-0.25.5 library for loading and enumerating PKCS#11 modules
p5-AI-FANN-0.10p6 interface to the Fast Artificial Neural Network library
p5-AI-NeuralNet-BackProp-0.89p4 implement a back-propagation feed-forward neural network
p5-AI-NeuralNet-Kohonen-0.142p2 Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps
p5-AI-NeuralNet-Kohonen-Visual-0.3p2 visualisation of Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps
p5-AI-NeuralNet-Mesh-0.44p3 module to implement an accurate neural network mesh
p5-AI-Perceptron-1.0p2 module to internal operations of neural networks
p5-AMF-Connection-0.32p0 AMF client to connect to remote FLEX AIR service
p5-Acme-Damn-0.08p0 unbless perl objects
p5-Acme-LOLCAT-0.0.5p2 translator to LOLCAT
p5-Algorithm-Annotate-0.10p3 represent a series of changes in annotate form
p5-Algorithm-C3-0.11 module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
p5-Algorithm-Combinatorics-0.27p4 efficient generation of combinatorial sequences
p5-Algorithm-CurveFit-1.05p0 nonlinear least squares curve fitting
p5-Algorithm-Dependency-1.112 base class for implementing various dependency trees
p5-Algorithm-Diff-1.2010 interface to compute differences between two objects
p5-Algorithm-IncludeExclude-0.01p2 build and evaluate include/exclude lists
p5-Algorithm-MarkovChain-0.06p3 module to create Markov chains and output based on them
p5-Algorithm-Munkres-0.08p0 implementation of Munkres' solution to Assignment problem
p5-Algorithm-NaiveBayes-0.04p1 Bayesian prediction of categories
p5-Algorithm-Permute-0.17 interface to handy and fast permutation
p5-Alien-Base-2.84p0 base classes for Alien:: modules
p5-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild-1.17 Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules
p5-Alien-LibGumbo-0.05p0 building, finding and using the libgumbo library
p5-Alien-Tidyp-1.4.7p0 building, finding and using tidyp library
p5-Alien-wxWidgets-0.69p6 building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries
p5-Alt-Crypt-RSA-BigInt-0.06 RSA public-key cryptosystem, using Math::BigInt
p5-Any-Moose-0.27 use Moose or Mouse modules
p5-Any-URI-Escape-0.01p0 URI::Escape::XS module loader
p5-AnyEvent-7.17p2v0 provide framework for multiple event loops
p5-AnyEvent-CouchDB-1.31p0 non-blocking CouchDB client based on jquery.couch.js
p5-AnyEvent-HTTP-2.25p0 simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client
p5-AnyEvent-I3-0.19 communicate with the i3 window manager
p5-AnyEvent-IRC-0.97p1 event based IRC client API
p5-Apache-DB-0.18 interactive debugger for modperl
p5-Apache-DBI-1.12p0 DBI persistent connection, authentication and authorization
p5-Apache-Gallery-1.0.2p5v0 mod_perl Apache gallery handler
p5-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler-0.36 compile a log format string to perl-code
p5-Apache-MP3-4.00 mod_perl class for generating browsable MP3 directory lists
p5-Apache-Session-1.94 persistence framework for Apache session data
p5-Apache-Session-Generate-UUID-0.2p2 UUID for session ID generation
p5-Apache-Session-Memcached-0.03p3 Apache::Session storage using memcached
p5-App-CLI-0.313p0v0 dispatcher for command line interface programs
p5-App-Cmd-0.336 write command line apps with less suffering
p5-App-Info-0.57p1 interface for providing metadata about installed packages
p5-App-Packager-1.430.1 interface to a number of common packagers
p5-AppConfig-1.71p0 bundle for reading and parsing config files
p5-AppConfig-Std-1.10p1 subclass of AppConfig that provides standard options
p5-Archive-Extract-0.88 generic archive extracting mechanism for Perl
p5-Archive-Zip-1.68 perl interface to ZIP files
p5-Array-Diff-0.09000p0 perform diffs on arrays
p5-Array-RefElem-1.00p3 set up array elements as aliases
p5-Array-Window-1.02p3 calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays
p5-AsciiDB-TagFile-1.06p2 tie class for a simple ASCII database
p5-Asterisk-AMI-0.2.8p0 interact with Asterisk Manager Interface from perl
p5-Audio-CD-0.04p8 interface to libcdaudio
p5-Audio-FLAC-Header-2.4p0 interface to FLAC header metadata
p5-Audio-M4P-0.57p0 M4P/MP4/M4a audio/video tools
p5-Audio-MPD-2.004p0 module for communicating with MPD servers
p5-Audio-MPD-Common-2.003p0 bunch of common helper classes for MPD
p5-Audio-Musepack-1.0.1p0 object-oriented interface to Musepack/APE file information
p5-Audio-Scan-1.01p0 fast audio metadata and tag reader for Perl
p5-Audio-Scrobbler-0.01p3 submit tracks to
p5-Audio-WMA-1.3p0 read WMA/ASF metadata
p5-Auth-Yubikey_Decrypter-0.07p0 decrypt one-time-password for a YubiKey
p5-Authen-Htpasswd-0.161p2 read and modify Apache .htpasswd files
p5-Authen-NTLM-1.09p0 perl interface to the NTLM authentication mechanism
p5-Authen-OATH-2.0.1 OATH One Time Passwords
p5-Authen-Radius-0.32 Perl module to authenticate against a RADIUS server
p5-Authen-SASL-2.16p0 perl interface to the SASL auth framework
p5-Authen-SASL-Authd-0.04 client authentication via Cyrus or Dovecot
p5-Authen-WebAuthn-0.004 library to add Web Authentication support to server
p5-AutoXS-Header-1.02p2 simple container for the AutoXS header file
p5-B-COW-0.007 additional B helpers to check COW status
p5-B-Debug-1.26 module to print debug info about perl ops
p5-B-Deobfuscate-0.20p1 Perl module for use in de-obfuscating source code
p5-B-Graph-0.51p3 backend to diagram op trees
p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.28 execute code after a scope finished compilation
p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-0.22p0 wrap OP check callbacks
p5-B-Keywords-1.27 lists of Perl reserved barewords and symbol names
p5-B-Utils-0.27p1 helper functions for op tree manipulation
p5-BFD-0.31p3 impromptu dumping of data structures for debugging purposes
p5-BSD-Resource-1.2911p0 BSD process resource limit and priority functions
p5-BSD-Socket-Splice-0.09 perl interface to OpenBSD socket splicing
p5-BSD-arc4random-1.50p6 perl interface to the arc4 random number generator
p5-BSD-stat-1.36 stat() with BSD 4.4 extentions
p5-Barcode-DataMatrix-0.10p1 generate data for Data Matrix (IEC16022) barcodes
p5-Barcode-DataMatrix-PNG-0.04p0 format Data Matrix (IEC16022) barcodes as PNG
p5-Benchmark-Timer-0.7112p0 benchmarking with statistical confidence
p5-BerkeleyDB-0.66 Berkeley DB module
p5-Best-0.17 fallbackable module loader
p5-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene-1.73v0 regular expression-based parser for NCBI Entrez Gene
p5-Bio-Cluster-1.7.3 cluster modules for BioPerl
p5-Bio-DB-EMBL-1.7.4 database object interface for EMBL entry retrieval
p5-Bio-DB-NCBIHelper-1.7.8 collection of routines useful for queries to NCBI databases
p5-Bio-Variation-1.7.5 bioperl variation-related functionality
p5-Bit-Vector-7.4p1 library of advanced math functions
p5-Bit-Vector-Minimal-1.3p2 object-oriented wrapper around vec()
p5-Blatte-0.9.4p0 text macro/markup/template language
p5-Blatte-HTML-0.9p0 Blatte functions to generate (X)HTML
p5-Bot-BasicBot-0.93p0 simple irc bot baseclass
p5-Business-CreditCard-0.39 verify credit card pins
p5-Business-Hours-0.13p0 calculate business hours in a time period
p5-Business-PayPal-0.04p2 extension for automating PayPal transactions
p5-Business-PayPal-API-0.70p0 PayPal API
p5-Business-Tax-VAT-Validation-1.23 European VAT number validator
p5-C-Scan-0.74p3 module to scan C language files
p5-CBOR-Free-0.32 fast CBOR for everyone
p5-CBOR-XS-1.87p0 concise binary object representation
p5-CDB_File-1.05 Perl extension for access to cdb databases
p5-CDDB-1.222p1 interface to CDDB and freedb servers
p5-CDDB-File-1.05p2 parse a CDDB/freedb data file
p5-CDDB_get-2.28.1p0 perl interface to query for cddb-information
p5-CGI-4.67 handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
p5-CGI-Ajax-0.707p0 AJAX framework for perl
p5-CGI-Application-4.61 MVC web framework for perl
p5-CGI-Application-Generator-1.0 skeleton for application based on CGI::Application
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ConfigAuto-1.33p0 easy config file management
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH-4.04p0 easy DBI access
p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM-2.52 helps validate CGI::Application run modes
p5-CGI-Compile-0.26 compile .cgi scripts to a code reference
p5-CGI-Cookie-Splitter-0.05p0 splits big cookies into small pieces
p5-CGI-Deurl-1.08p2 Lightweight URL parser
p5-CGI-Emulate-PSGI-0.23 PSGI adapter for CGI
p5-CGI-Fast-2.16 CGI interface for FastCGI
p5-CGI-FastTemplate-1.09p2 manages templates and performs variable interpolation
p5-CGI-FormBuilder-3.0501p1 easily generate and process stateful forms
p5-CGI-Lite-3.02p0 process and decode WWW forms and cookies
p5-CGI-PSGI-0.15p1 adaption to the PSGI protocol
p5-CGI-SSI-0.92p2 use SSI from CGI scripts
p5-CGI-Session-4.48p0 persistent session data in CGI applications
p5-CGI-Session-Driver-memcached-0.04p0 CGI::Session driver for memcached
p5-CGI-Simple-1.281 drop-in object-oriented replacement
p5-CGI-Struct-1.21 build structures from CGI data
p5-CGI-Struct-XS-1.04 fast build structures from CGI data
p5-CGI-Untaint-1.26p3 taint checking and input validation from web forms
p5-CGI-XMLApplication-1.1.5p0 object oriented interface for CGI script applications
p5-CLASS-1.00p1 alias for __PACKAGE__
p5-CLI-Framework-0.05p0 framework for building flexible cli applications
p5-CLI-Osprey-0.08 MooX::Options + MooX::Cmd + Sanity
p5-CPAN-Meta-Check-0.018 verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
p5-CPAN-Perl-Releases-5.20240920 mapping Perl releases to the location of the tarballs
p5-CSS-DOM-0.17p0 check the validity of links in an HTML or XHTML document
p5-CSS-Minifier-0.01p2 minifies CSS files
p5-CSS-Minifier-XS-0.13 XS based CSS minifier
p5-CSS-Squish-0.10p0 compress CSS info for transmission
p5-CSS-Tiny-1.20p0 handle CSS with little overhead
p5-Cache-Cache-1.08p0 perl cache interface
p5-Cache-FastMmap-1.57 fast shared data cache using memory mapped files
p5-Cache-Memcached-1.30 pure perl client interface to memcached
p5-Cache-Mmap-0.11p3v0 shared data cache using memory mapped files
p5-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry-0.27p4 lightweight cache with timed expiration
p5-Cairo-1.109 perl interface to the cairo library
p5-Cairo-GObject-1.005p0 integrate Cairo into the Glib type system
p5-Calendar-Simple-2.0.1 simple calendar month
p5-Canary-Stability-2013p0 canary to check perl compatibility for schmorp's modules
p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-0.99p0 Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
p5-Capture-Tiny-0.50 capture STDOUT and STDERR
p5-Carp-Always-0.16p0 turn every die/warn into carp verbose messages
p5-Carp-Assert-0.22 Perl module implementing assertions
p5-Carp-Assert-More-2.5.0 convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert
p5-Carp-Clan-6.08p0 Carp for clan of modules
p5-Carp-Datum-0.1.3p5 debugging and tracing ultimate module
p5-Carp-REPL-0.18 read-eval-print-loop on die and/or warn
p5-Catalyst-Action-REST-1.21 automated REST Method Dispatching
p5-Catalyst-Action-RenderView-0.17 sensible default end action for catalyst
p5-Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL-0.07 user role-based authorization action class
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP-1.018 HTTP Basic and Digest authentication for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBI-0.01p2 storage class for Catalyst Authentication using DBI
p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class-0.1506 storage class for Catalyst Authentication using DBIx::Class
p5-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT-0.07p1 make Catalyst request contexts available in models and views
p5-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext-0.001001p2 return a new component instance per request
p5-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole-0.17 apply roles to action instances
p5-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder-0.06p1 Catalyst FormBuilder Base Controller
p5-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu-2.04 Catalyst integration for HTML::FormFu
p5-Catalyst-Controller-Rose-0.02p1 RDBO and RHTMLO base classes for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Devel-1.42 Catalyst development Tools
p5-Catalyst-Engine-Apache-1.16p2 Catalyst Apache engine
p5-Catalyst-Helper-Controller-Scaffold-0.04p1 catalyst helper for CRUD scaffolding
p5-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl-1.06p0 Log::Log4perl logging for Catalyst (deprecated)
p5-Catalyst-Manual-5.9013v0 catalyst documentation
p5-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor-0.10 use a plain class as a Catalyst model
p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI-0.12p0 catalyst model for Class::DBI
p5-Catalyst-Model-DBI-0.32 DBI model class for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema-0.66 model class for catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIDM-0.04p0 DBIx::DataModel model class
p5-Catalyst-Model-RDBO-0.03p1 base class for Rose::DB::Object for catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-0.10023 Catalyst authentication framework
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIC-0.11p4 CDBI Authentication for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd-0.02p4 catalyst authentication via .htpasswd
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL-0.16p0 ACL support for Catalyst applications
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles-0.09p1 role based authorization for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-C3-0.03p2 Catalyst plugin to subvert NEXT to use Class::C3
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-0.12 flexible caching support for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FileCache-0.7p3 file cache extension for Catalyst (deprecated)
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Memcached-0.8p2v0 distributed cache for Catalyst (deprecated)
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Store-FastMmap-0.02p3 FastMmap cache store for Catalyst (deprecated)
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Charsets-Japanese-0.06p3 jcode interface for catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-0.35 catalyst plugin to Config::Any
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-Environment-0.07p1 configure your application with environment variables
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd-0.08p1 sensible default end action (deprecated)
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Email-0.09p0 send emails with Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator-0.094p1 plugin to Data::FormValidator for catalyst (deprecated)
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget-1.1p4 HTML widget and validation framework for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N-0.10p2 I18N for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-LogWarnings-0.03p1 log Perl warnings to your Catalyst log object
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Markdown-0.01p3 persistent Markdown processor for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache-0.32 cache the output of entire pages
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Pluggable-0.04p3 universal forwarder for catalyst applications
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype-1.33p2 catalyst plugin for prototype
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-0.41 session framework for catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap-0.13p1 FastMmap sessions for Catalyst (deprecated)
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-PerUser-0.05p0 per-user session for catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie-0.18 catalyst session IDs with cookies
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI-0.15p1 catalyst session IDs as URI extensions
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC-0.14 store your sessions via DBIx::Class
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate-0.06 delegate session storage to an application model object
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap-0.16p0 FastMmap storage backend for session data
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File-0.18p1 catalyst file storage backend for session data
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Singleton-0.02p3 singleton for the catalyst context (deprecated)
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace-0.12 stack trace for catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-0.37 serving static pages with catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest-0.21 map subrequests to actions in Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Textile-0.01p4 Textile for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-0.93p0 unicode-aware catalyst (old style)
p5-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC-2.01p1 dispatch XML-RPC methods with Catalyst (deprecated)
p5-Catalyst-Runtime-5.90128 elegant MVC Web Application Framework
p5-Catalyst-View-Email-0.36 send Email from Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-JSON-0.37p0 JSON view for your data
p5-Catalyst-View-Mason-0.19p0 Catalyst views using Mason components
p5-Catalyst-View-TT-0.46 Template Toolkit views for Catalyst
p5-Catalyst-View-TT-ForceUTF8-0.13p0 catalyst TT views with explicit UTF8 encoding (deprecated)
p5-Catalyst-View-TT-FunctionGenerator-0.02p0 use shorter names in catalyst tt views (deprecated)
p5-Catalyst-View-XSLT-0.09p0 XSLT Views for catalyst
p5-CatalystX-Component-Traits-0.19p0 automatic trait loading and resolution
p5-CatalystX-InjectComponent-0.025 inject components into your Catalyst application
p5-CatalystX-LeakChecker-0.06 debug memory leaks in Catalyst applications
p5-CatalystX-Profile-0.02 profile your Catalyst application with Devel::NYTProf
p5-CatalystX-REPL-0.04 read-eval-print-loop for debugging your Catalyst application
p5-CatalystX-SimpleLogin-0.21 provide a simple Login controller which can be reused
p5-Chart-2.403.7 Charting library for Perl
p5-Chart-Clicker-2.90p1 powerful charting library for Perl
p5-Chart-Math-Axis-1.06p0 algorithm to find good values for chart axis
p5-Chatbot-Eliza-1.08p0 clone of the classic Eliza program
p5-Check-ISA-0.09p1 correct check for object classes in Perl
p5-Chipcard-PCSC-1.4.16 perl interface to PC/SC smartcards
p5-Class-Accessor-0.51p0 automated accessor generation
p5-Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01p2 make chained accessors
p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped-0.10014p0 lets you build groups of accessors
p5-Class-Accessor-Lite-0.08p0 minimalistic variant of Class::Accessor
p5-Class-AutoClass-1.56p0 get and set methods and simplify object initialization
p5-Class-Autouse-2.01p1 run-time class loading on first method call
p5-Class-Base-0.09p0 abstract class for constructing hashes
p5-Class-C3-0.35 pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algorithm
p5-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT-0.14p1 make NEXT suck less
p5-Class-C3-Componentised-1.001002p0 load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class
p5-Class-C3-XS-0.15 XS speed-up for Class-C3
p5-Class-Classless-1.35p1 perl object without classes
p5-Class-Container-0.13p1 validate method/function parameters
p5-Class-DBI-3.0.16p3 simple database abstraction
p5-Class-DBI-AbstractSearch-0.07p2 abstract Class::DBI's SQL with SQL::Abstract
p5-Class-DBI-AsForm-2.42p4 produce HTML form elements for database columns
p5-Class-DBI-FromCGI-1.00p2 update Class::DBI objects through CGI::Untaint
p5-Class-DBI-FromForm-0.04p1 update Class:DBI data from html forms
p5-Class-DBI-Loader-0.34p0 dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes
p5-Class-DBI-Loader-Relationship-1.2p2 easier relationship specification in CDBI::L
p5-Class-DBI-Pager-0.08p3 pager utility for Class::DBI
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll-1.04p2 more complex retrieve_all() for Class::DBI
p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Type-0.02p4 determine type information for columns
p5-Class-DBI-SQLite-0.11p2 extensions to Class::DBI for SQLite
p5-Class-DBI-mysql-1.00p5 extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL
p5-Class-Data-Accessor-0.04004p0 class and instance data accessor creation
p5-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.10 inheritable, overridable class data
p5-Class-Date-1.1.17p0 module for easy date and time manipulation
p5-Class-Default-1.51p2 provide static calls that apply to a default instantiation
p5-Class-ErrorHandler-0.04p0 base class for error handling
p5-Class-Factory-1.06p0 automates the Factory design pattern
p5-Class-Factory-Util-1.7p0 simple framework for Factories
p5-Class-Generate-1.18 generate Perl class hierarchies
p5-Class-Gomor-1.03p0 class and object builder
p5-Class-Handle-1.07p3 module to create objects that are handles to classes
p5-Class-ISA-0.36p1 report the search path for a class's ISA tree
p5-Class-Inner-0.200001p0 perlish implementation of Java like inner classes
p5-Class-InsideOut-1.14p0 alternative object layout in perl
p5-Class-Inspector-1.36p0 get information about a class and its structure
p5-Class-Load-0.25p0 working 'require Class::Name' and more
p5-Class-Load-XS-0.10p1 XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
p5-Class-Loader-2.03p2 load modules and create objects on demand
p5-Class-MakeMethods-1.01p2 framework for generating methods
p5-Class-Meta-0.66p0 class automation, introspection and validation
p5-Class-Meta-Express-0.14 concise expressive creations of Class::Meta classes
p5-Class-Method-Modifiers-2.15 provides Moose-like method modifiers
p5-Class-MethodMaker-2.25 module for creating generic methods
p5-Class-MethodMapper-1.0p3 Abstract class wrapper for Autoloader
p5-Class-Mix-0.006p0 dynamic class mixing
p5-Class-Multimethods-1.701p0 support multimethods and function overloading in Perl
p5-Class-ReturnValue-0.55p2 smart return-value object
p5-Class-Singleton-1.6 perl singleton pattern
p5-Class-Std-0.013p0 inside-out object scaffolding
p5-Class-Std-Fast-0.0.8p0 faster Class::Std
p5-Class-Std-Utils-0.0.2p3 utilities functions to build inside-out objects
p5-Class-Throwable-0.13p0 lightweight exception class
p5-Class-Tiny-1.008 minimalist class construction
p5-Class-Tiny-Chained-0.004p0 minimalist class construction with chained attributes
p5-Class-Trigger-0.15 add / call inheritable triggers
p5-Class-Unload-0.11p0 unload a class
p5-Class-Virtual-0.08p0 base class for virtual base classes
p5-Class-WhiteHole-0.04p2 base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors
p5-Class-XPath-1.4p2 xpath matching for object trees
p5-Class-XSAccessor-1.19p0 generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation
p5-Clipboard-0.13p2 Perl extension to access the x11 clipboard
p5-Clone-0.47 recursively copy Perl datatypes
p5-Clone-Choose-0.010p0 choose appropriate clone utility
p5-Clone-PP-1.08 Recursively copy Perl datatypes
p5-Color-Calc-1.074p1 simple calculations with RGB colors
p5-Color-Library-0.021p1 an easy-to-use and comprehensive named-color library
p5-Color-Scheme-1.08 generate pleasant color schemes in Perl
p5-Commandable-0.14p0 utilities for commandline-based programs
p5-Compress-Bzip2-2.28 interface to bzip2 compression library
p5-Compress-LZO-1.09p0 interface to the LZO compression library
p5-Conf-Libconfig-1.0.3 perl extension for libconfig
p5-Config-Any-0.33 load various configuration file formats
p5-Config-ApacheFormat-1.2p1 parse apache-like config files
p5-Config-Auto-0.44p0 magical config file parser
p5-Config-AutoConf-0.320 implement some of Autoconf macros in pure Perl
p5-Config-General-2.65 generic configuration parser, inspired by apache
p5-Config-Grammar-1.13p0 grammar-based, user-friendly config parser
p5-Config-IniFiles-3.000003p0 module for reading .ini-style configuration files
p5-Config-Options-0.08p1 provide a configuration hash with options
p5-Config-Simple-4.59p2 simple configuration file class
p5-Config-Std-0.903p0 use standard configuration files
p5-Config-Tiny-2.14p0 simple methods to Read/Write .ini style files
p5-Const-Fast-0.014 Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, and hashes
p5-Context-Preserve-0.03p0 run code after a subroutine call
p5-Convert-ASCII-Armour-1.4p4 convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages
p5-Convert-ASN1-0.34 module to encode and decode ASN.1 data structures
p5-Convert-BER-1.32p1v0 module to encode and decode objects
p5-Convert-Base32-0.06p0 encoding and decoding of base32 (RFC4648) strings
p5-Convert-BinHex-1.125p0 module to extract data from Macintosh BinHex files
p5-Convert-Binary-C-0.85 binary data conversion using C types
p5-Convert-Color-0.17p0 color space conversions and named lookups
p5-Convert-Color-XTerm-0.06 indexed colors used by XTerm
p5-Convert-NLS_DATE_FORMAT-0.06 convert between Oracle NLS_DATE_FORMAT and strftime format
p5-Convert-PEM-0.13 read/write encrypted ASN.1 PEM files
p5-Convert-TNEF-0.18p1 module to read TNEF files
p5-Convert-UU-0.5201p1 Perl5 module for uuencode and uudecode
p5-Convert-UUlib-1.80v1 interface to the uulib library
p5-Cookie-Baker-0.12 cookie string generator / parser
p5-Coro-6.570p0 coroutines for perl
p5-CouchDB-View-0.003p1 handle and create CouchDB views in Perl
p5-Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.39 cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing
p5-Crypt-Argon2-0.022 interface to the Argon2 key derivation functions
p5-Crypt-Blowfish-2.14p3 interface to the Blowfish encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-Blowfish_PP-1.12p1 Blowfish encryption implemented pure Perl
p5-Crypt-CAST5_PP-1.04p0 CAST5 block cipher in pure Perl
p5-Crypt-CBC-3.04 cryptographic cipher block chaining mode
p5-Crypt-CipherSaber-1.01p1 cryptographic CipherSaber encryption
p5-Crypt-Curve25519-0.07 generate shared secret using ECDH function
p5-Crypt-DES-2.07p2 interface to the DES encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-DES-EDE3-0.01p2 Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption
p5-Crypt-DSA-1.19 DSA signatures and key generation
p5-Crypt-Ed25519-1.05p0 bare-bones Ed25519 public key signing/verification system
p5-Crypt-Eksblowfish-0.009p0 the Eksblowfish block cipher
p5-Crypt-IDEA-1.10p3 Perl interface to IDEA block cipher
p5-Crypt-LE-0.39 Let's Encrypt API interfacing module and client
p5-Crypt-OpenPGP-1.12p0 Pure-Perl OpenPGP implementation
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.09p0 OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA-0.20p0 implements DSA using OpenSSL
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC-1.32p3 EC using OpenSSL
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA-0.10p0 ECDSA encoding and decoding using OpenSSL
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess-0.15 guess OpenSSL include path
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-PKCS10-0.26 perl extension to OpenSSL PKCS10 API
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.33p0 RSA encoding and decoding using OpenSSL
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.17 routines for accessing the OpenSSL prng
p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-X509-2.0.1 access OpenSSL X509 API from Perl
p5-Crypt-PBKDF2-0.161520 PBKDF2 password hash algorithm
p5-Crypt-PKCS10-2.005 Perl extension to parse PKCS #10 certificate requests
p5-Crypt-PasswdMD5-1.3p1 md5-based passwords in perl
p5-Crypt-RC4-2.02p3 implementation of the RC4 encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-RC5-2.00p0 implementation of the RC5 encryption algorithm
p5-Crypt-RIPEMD160-0.08 Perl extension for the RIPEMD-160 Hash function
p5-Crypt-Rijndael-1.16 interface to the rijndael encryption algorithm aka AES
p5-Crypt-SSLeay-0.72p3 library to provide LWP https support via OpenSSL
p5-Crypt-SaltedHash-0.09p0 object oriented interface to create salted hashes
p5-Crypt-SmbHash-0.12p4 Perl module implementing lanman and nt md4 hash functions
p5-Crypt-TripleDES-0.24p2 implementation of 3DES encryption on ECB mode
p5-Crypt-Twofish-2.18 module to implement the Twofish cipher
p5-Crypt-URandom-0.53 provide non blocking randomness
p5-Crypt-X509-0.55 parse an X.509 certificate
p5-CryptX-0.085 cryptographic toolkit for Perl
p5-Curses-1.45 terminal screen handling and optimisation
p5-Curses-UI-0.9609p1 curses based user interface framework for Perl
p5-CursesWidgets-1.997p4 curses(3) based terminal widgets
p5-DBD-CSV-0.60 DBI driver for CSV files
p5-DBD-Chart-0.82p1 DBI driver abstraction for rendering charts and graphs
p5-DBD-LDAP-1.00p0 DBI driver for LDAP databases
p5-DBD-MariaDB-1.23 MariaDB and MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface
p5-DBD-Mock-1.59p0 mock database driver for testing
p5-DBD-Pg-3.17.0 access to PostgreSQL databases through the DBI
p5-DBD-SQLite-1.76v0 SQLite drivers for the Perl DBI
p5-DBD-SQLite2-0.38 SQLite2 drivers for the Perl DBI
p5-DBD-Sybase-1.20 Sybase database driver for the DBI module
p5-DBD-XBase-1.08p1 reads and writes XBase (dbf) files, includes DBI support
p5-DBD-mysql-4.050p1 MySQL drivers for the Perl DBI
p5-DBD-mysqlPP-0.07p0 Pure Perl MySQL driver for the Perl DBI
p5-DBI-1.644 the standard database interface module for Perl
p5-DBI-Shell-11.98 interactive command shell for the DBI
p5-DBICx-Sugar-0.0200p0 just some syntax sugar for DBIx::Class
p5-DBICx-TestDatabase-0.05p0 create a temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema
p5-DBIx-Class-0.082843 extensible and flexible object relational mapper
p5-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached-1.001004p0 cursor class with built-in caching support
p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault-0.04p0 automatically set and update columns
p5-DBIx-Class-HTMLWidget-0.16p0 publish DBIx::Class on the web
p5-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M-0.001002p0 introspect many-to-many shortcuts
p5-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.07052 create a DBIx::Class::Schema based on a database
p5-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp-0.14p0 automatically set and update time based columns
p5-DBIx-Class-UUIDColumns-0.02006p0 unique identifiers as columns in DBIx::Class
p5-DBIx-Class-Validation-0.02005p0 data validation for DBIx::Class
p5-DBIx-Connector-0.59 fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management
p5-DBIx-ContextualFetch-1.03p3 add contextual fetches to DBI
p5-DBIx-DBSchema-0.47p0 database-independent schema objects
p5-DBIx-DWIW-0.50p0 DBI wrapper intended to Do What I Want
p5-DBIx-DataModel-1.09p3 classes and UML-style associations on top of DBI
p5-DBIx-Migration-0.07p0 seamless DB up- and downgrades
p5-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.82 encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
p5-DBIx-Simple-1.37p0 very complete easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
p5-DBIx-XHTML_Table-1.49p0 create HTML table from sql queries
p5-DBM-Deep-2.0019 perl multi-level hash/array DBM that supports transactions
p5-DNS-ZoneParse-1.10p1 parse and manipulate DNS Zone files
p5-Dancer-1.3521 simple perl web app framework
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Database-Core-0.20p0 shared core for D1 and D2 Database plugins
p5-Dancer-Plugin-Thumbnail-0.16 thumbnail plugin for p5-Dancer
p5-Dancer2-1.1.1 lightweight yet powerful web application framework
p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Ajax-0.400000 plugin for adding Ajax route handlers
p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Tiny-0.008p0 require logged-in user for specified routes
p5-Dancer2-Plugin-DBIC-0.0100p0 DBIx::Class interface for Dancer2 applications
p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Database-2.17p0 easy database connections for Dancer2 applications
p5-Danga-Socket-1.61p2 event loop and event-driven async socket base class
p5-Data-AMF-0.09p1 serialize/deserialize Adobe Action Message Format data
p5-Data-Alias-1.28 comprehensive set of aliasing operations
p5-Data-Buffer-0.06p0 Perl module for creating read/write buffers
p5-Data-Clone-0.006 polymorphic data cloning
p5-Data-Compare-1.29 compare perl data structures
p5-Data-Dump-1.25 pretty printing of data structures
p5-Data-Dump-Streamer-2.42 accurately serialize a data structure as Perl code
p5-Data-Dumper-Concise-2.023 less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing
p5-Data-Dumper-Simple-0.11p1 easily dump variables with names
p5-Data-Entropy-0.007 entropy (randomness) management
p5-Data-Float-0.013 details of the floating point data type
p5-Data-Flow-1.02p1 extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
p5-Data-FormValidator-4.88p0 validate user input from a constraint object
p5-Data-GUID-0.051 extension for generating GUIDs
p5-Data-HexDump-0.04 hexadecimal dumper
p5-Data-Hierarchy-0.34p2 handle data in a hierarchical structure
p5-Data-ICal-0.24 generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar files
p5-Data-ICal-TimeZone-1.23p1 timezones module for Data::ICal
p5-Data-IEEE754-0.02p1 pack and unpack big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles
p5-Data-Lazy-0.6p1 lazy variables
p5-Data-Munge-0.111p0 various utility functions
p5-Data-OptList-0.114 parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
p5-Data-Page-2.03p0 pager utility
p5-Data-Page-Pageset-1.02p0 change long page list to be shorter and well navigate
p5-Data-Pageset-1.06p1 pager utility
p5-Data-Password-1.12p0 module for assessing password quality
p5-Data-Perl-0.002011 base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types
p5-Data-PowerSet-0.05p1 generate all subsets of a list of elements
p5-Data-Printer-1.002001 colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects
p5-Data-Radius-1.2.8p0 module to encode/decode RADIUS messages
p5-Data-Random-0.13p0 perl module to generate random data
p5-Data-RandomPerson-0.60 create random person data
p5-Data-SExpression-0.41p0 parse Lisp S-Expressions into perl data structures
p5-Data-Section-0.200008 read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section
p5-Data-Section-Simple-0.07 read data from __DATA__
p5-Data-ShowTable-4.6p1 print arrays of data in a nicely formatted listing
p5-Data-Stag-0.14p0 structured tags datastructures
p5-Data-Structure-Util-0.16p0 change nature of data within a structure
p5-Data-Types-0.17p0 validate and convert data types
p5-Data-URIEncode-0.11p1 allow complex data structures to be encoded using flat URIs
p5-Data-UUID-1.227 extension for generating GUIDs/UUIDs
p5-Data-Uniqid-0.12p1 Perl extension for simple generation of unique IDs
p5-Data-VString-0.000004p1 handle v-strings (often used as version strings)
p5-Data-Validate-0.09p0 common perl data validation methods
p5-Data-Validate-IP-0.31 ipv4 and ipv6 validation methods
p5-Data-Validate-Struct-0.12 validate recursive perl hash structures
p5-Data-Visitor-0.32 visitor-style traversal of Perl data structures
p5-Date-Calc-6.4p0 date calculations for the Gregorian calendar
p5-Date-Extract-0.07p0 extract probable dates from strings
p5-Date-Handler-1.2p2 perl module for calculates time differences
p5-Date-ICal-2.682 Perl extension for ICalendar date objects
p5-Date-Leapyear-1.72p2 is a particular year a leap year
p5-Date-Range-1.41 work with a range of dates
p5-Date-Simple-3.03p2 Manipulate simple date objects
p5-Date-Tolkien-Shire-1.905 convert dates into the Shire Calendar
p5-Date-Tolkien-Shire-Data-0.009 Data functionality for Shire calendars
p5-DateManip-6.76p0 manipulate dates in perl
p5-DateTime-1.66v0 date and time object for Perl
p5-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan-0.0601p2 Mayan Long Count calendar
p5-DateTime-Cron-Simple-0.2p1 parse a cron entry and check against current time
p5-DateTime-Event-ICal-0.13p0 DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrences
p5-DateTime-Event-Recurrence-0.19p0 DateTime::Set extension to create basic recurrence sets
p5-DateTime-Format-Builder-0.83v0 create DateTime parser classes and objects
p5-DateTime-Format-Flexible-0.36 flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects
p5-DateTime-Format-HTTP-0.43 DateTime::Format extension to HTTP formats
p5-DateTime-Format-ICal-0.09p2 parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings
p5-DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.16p0v0 DateTime parser for ISO8601 date formats
p5-DateTime-Format-Mail-0.403p0v0 convert between DateTime and email (RFC2822/822) formats
p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL-0.08v0 parse and create MySQL date objects
p5-DateTime-Format-Natural-1.18 parse informal natural language date/time strings
p5-DateTime-Format-Oracle-0.06 parse and format Oracle dates and timestamps
p5-DateTime-Format-Pg-0.16014 parse and create PostGresql date objects
p5-DateTime-Format-SQLite-0.11p0 parse and format SQLite dates and times
p5-DateTime-Format-Strptime-1.79v0 parse and format strp and strf time patterns
p5-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF-0.08 parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings
p5-DateTime-HiRes-0.04 create DateTime objects with sub-second current time
p5-DateTime-Locale-1.44 localization support for
p5-DateTime-Precise-1.05p0 common time and date operations with GPS operations
p5-DateTime-Set-0.3900p0 datetime sets and set math
p5-DateTime-TimeZone-2.62 DateTime submodule for TZ
p5-Declare-Constraints-Simple-0.03p2 declarative validation of data structures
p5-Devel-Caller-2.07 meatier versions of caller
p5-Devel-CheckBin-0.04p0 check that a command is available
p5-Devel-CheckLib-1.16 module to check for C library availablity
p5-Devel-CheckOS-2.04 check what OS we are running on
p5-Devel-Cover-1.44 code coverage metrics for Perl
p5-Devel-Cover-Report-Clover-1.01p0 backend for Clover reporting of coverage statistics
p5-Devel-Cycle-1.12p1 find memory cycles in objects
p5-Devel-Declare-0.006022p0 adding keywords to perl, in perl
p5-Devel-FastProf-0.08p5 per-line quick profiler for perl
p5-Devel-FindPerl-0.016 find the path to your perl
p5-Devel-FindRef-1.460p1 tracking back references
p5-Devel-Gladiator-0.07p0 walk all of perl memory arena
p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.14p0 expose the flag which marks global destruction
p5-Devel-Hide-0.0015 forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules
p5-Devel-Leak-0.03p6 finding memory leaks in perl XS
p5-Devel-Leak-Object-1.01p0 finding memory leaks in perl objects
p5-Devel-LexAlias-0.05 alias lexical variables
p5-Devel-MAT-0.53p0 perl memory analysis tool
p5-Devel-MAT-Dumper-0.50 write a heap dump file for later analysis
p5-Devel-NYTProf-6.14 powerful feature-rich perl source code profiler
p5-Devel-OverloadInfo-0.007 introspect overloaded operators
p5-Devel-PartialDump-0.20p0 partial dumping of data structures
p5-Devel-PatchPerl-2.08 patch perl source a la Devel::PPPort's
p5-Devel-REPL-1.003029 modern perl interactive shell
p5-Devel-Refcount-0.10p1 obtain the REFCNT value of a referent
p5-Devel-SawAmpersand-0.33p2 assert performance of perl regexps
p5-Devel-Size-0.84 finding memory usage of perl variables
p5-Devel-Size-Report-0.13p1 generate a size report for all elements in a structure
p5-Devel-SmallProf-2.02p2 per-line Perl profiler
p5-Devel-StackTrace-2.05 an object representing a stack trace
p5-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.15p0 displays stack trace in HTML
p5-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals-2.01p0 Devel::StackTrace + PadWalker
p5-Devel-Symdump-2.18p0v0 module for inspecting Perl's symbol table
p5-Devel-Trace-0.12p0 print out each line before it is executed
p5-Devel-TraceUse-2.097 show modules your program loads
p5-Devel-ebug-0.64 simple, extensible Perl debugger
p5-Devel-ptkdb-1.234p0v0 perl debugger built with a PerlTk GUI
p5-Device-Gsm-1.61p1 Perl extension to interface GSM cellulars / modems
p5-Device-Modem-1.59 talk to modem devices connected via serial port
p5-Device-SerialPort-1.04p4v0 talk to modem devices connected via serial port
p5-Digest-BubbleBabble-0.02p1 module to bubble-babble fingerprints
p5-Digest-HMAC-1.05 keyed-hashing for message authentication
p5-Digest-MD2-2.04p1 perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm
p5-Digest-MD4-1.9p3 interface to md4 message-digest algorithm
p5-Digest-MD5-M4p-0.01p6 perl interface to a variant of the MD5 algorithm
p5-Digest-Nilsimsa-0.06p6 module to calculate Nilsimsa digests
p5-Digest-Perl-MD5-1.9p0 perl implementation of Ron Rivests MD5 Algorithm
p5-Digest-SHA1-2.13p6 module to calculate SHA1 digests
p5-Digest-SHA3-1.05 Perl extension for SHA-3
p5-Digest-Skein-0.05p4 interface to the Skein digest algorithm
p5-Digest-ssdeep-0.9.3 Pure Perl ssdeep (CTPH) fuzzy hashing
p5-Dir-Self-0.11p0 __DIR__ constant for the directory your source file is in
p5-Directory-Scratch-0.18p0 easy-to-use self-cleaning scratch space
p5-Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11p0 declare version conflicts for your dist
p5-Drupal-Admin-0.04p3 screen scraping Perl API to some Drupal admin functions
p5-Dumbbench-0.505 more reliable benchmarking
p5-EV-4.34 perl interface to libev
p5-Email-Abstract-3.010 unified interface to mail representations
p5-Email-Address-1.913 RFC 2822 address parsing and creation
p5-Email-Address-List-0.06p0 RFC close address list parsing
p5-Email-Address-XS-1.05 parse and format RFC 5322 email addresses and groups
p5-Email-Date-1.104p0 find and format date headers
p5-Email-Date-Format-1.008 produce RFC 2822 date strings
p5-Email-Filter-1.034p0 library for creating easy email filters
p5-Email-Filter-Rules-1.2p0 simple rules for routing mail with Email::Filter
p5-Email-Find-0.10p1 Find RFC 822 email addresses in plain text
p5-Email-Folder-0.860p1 read an email folder as Email::Simple objects
p5-Email-FolderType-0.814p1 determine email folder type
p5-Email-LocalDelivery-1.201 deliver a piece of mail locally
p5-Email-MIME-1.954v0 easy MIME message handling
p5-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper-1.317p0 strip the attachments from an e-mail
p5-Email-MIME-ContentType-1.028 parse MIME Content-Type or Content-Disposition headers
p5-Email-MIME-Encodings-1.317 unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding
p5-Email-MessageID-1.408 generate world unique message-ids
p5-Email-Received-1.00p1 parse an email Received: header
p5-Email-Reply-1.204p0 module to generate replies to e-mail messages.
p5-Email-Send-2.202 simply sending email
p5-Email-Sender-2.601 library for sending email
p5-Email-Simple-2.218 simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
p5-Email-Valid-1.204 check validity of Internet email addresses
p5-Email-Valid-Loose-0.05p1 allows non RFC822 addresses common in japan
p5-Encode-Detect-1.01p8 Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data
p5-Encode-HanExtra-0.23p0 extra sets of Chinese encodings
p5-Encode-IMAPUTF7-1.05p0 modification of UTF-7 encoding for IMAP
p5-Encode-Locale-1.05p0 determine the locale encoding
p5-Env-PS1-0.06p1 env prompter for zoid shell
p5-Error-0.17029 error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
p5-Eval-Closure-0.14p0 safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
p5-Event-1.28 event loop processing
p5-Event-ExecFlow-0.64p0 high level API for event-based execution flow control
p5-Event-RPC-1.10p0 Event based transparent Client/Server RPC framework
p5-Exception-Class-1.45 module to declare real exception classes in perl
p5-Exception-Class-TryCatch-1.13p0 syntactic try/catch sugar for use with Exception::Class
p5-Expect-1.38 talk to other applications
p5-Expect-Simple-0.04p1 wrapper around the Expect module
p5-Exporter-Lite-0.09 lightweight exporting of functions and variables
p5-Exporter-Tidy-0.06p2 alternative to the standard perl exporter
p5-Exporter-Tiny-1.006002 exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter
p5-ExtUtils-CChecker-0.12p0 configure-time utilities for using C headers, etc.
p5-ExtUtils-Config-0.010 wrapper for perl's configuration
p5-ExtUtils-CppGuess-0.27 guess C++ compiler and flags
p5-ExtUtils-Depends-0.306p0 easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
p5-ExtUtils-Helpers-0.028 various portability utilities for module builders
p5-ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.014 Build.PL install path logic made easy
p5-ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.16p0 simplistic perl interface to pkg-config
p5-ExtUtils-Typemaps-Default-1.05p1 set of useful typemaps
p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder-0.28p3 automatic Perl XS glue code generation
p5-ExtUtils-XSpp-0.18p0 XS for C++
p5-FCGI-0.82 module for enabling FastCGI support in CGI scripts
p5-FCGI-ProcManager-0.28p0 functions for managing FastCGI applications
p5-FFI-CheckLib-0.31p0 check that a library is available for FFI
p5-Feature-Compat-Try-0.05 make try/catch syntax available
p5-Feed-Find-0.13 autodiscover syndication feeds
p5-File-Attributes-0.04p6 manipulate file metadata
p5-File-Attributes-Recursive-0.02p2 inherit file attributes from parent directories
p5-File-BOM-0.18 utilities for handling Byte Order Marks
p5-File-BaseDir-0.09 use the freedesktop Base Directory Specification
p5-File-ChangeNotify-0.31p1 watch for changes to files, cross-platform style
p5-File-Copy-Recursive-0.45p0 recursive copy of files and directories
p5-File-CreationTime-2.04p2 keeps track of file creation times
p5-File-DesktopEntry-0.22p1 handle .desktop files
p5-File-DirCompare-0.7p2 compare two directories using callbacks
p5-File-FcntlLock-0.22 file locking with fcntl(2)
p5-File-Find-Object-0.3.9 object oriented File::Find replacement
p5-File-Find-Object-Rule-0.0313 alternative interface to File::Find::Object
p5-File-Find-Rule-0.34p0 alternative interface to File::Find
p5-File-Find-Rule-Filesys-Virtual-1.22p1 File::Find::Rule adapted to Filesys::Virtual
p5-File-Find-Rule-Perl-1.16 common rules for searching for Perl things
p5-File-Finder-0.53p2 wrapper around File::Find
p5-File-Flat-1.07 implements a flat filesystem
p5-File-FnMatch-0.02p2 simple filename and pathname matching
p5-File-HomeDir-1.006 retrieve home directory location
p5-File-KDBX-0.906p0 interface to KeePass KDB and KDBX database files
p5-File-KeePass-2.03p2 interface to KeePass V1 and V2 database files
p5-File-LibMagic-1.23 perl wrapper for libmagic
p5-File-Listing-6.16 parse directory listing
p5-File-LoadLines-0.02 load the contents of a text file into an array of lines
p5-File-MMagic-1.30p0 perl module to guess file type from contents
p5-File-MMagic-XS-0.09008p3 guess file type with XS (a la mod_mime_magic)
p5-File-MimeInfo-0.35 determine file types
p5-File-Modified-0.10p0 checks intelligently if files have changed
p5-File-Monitor-1.00p0 monitor files and directories for changes
p5-File-NCopy-0.36 copy files and directories with perl
p5-File-NFSLock-1.29p0 module to do NFS (or not) locking
p5-File-Next-1.18p0 File-finding iterator
p5-File-Path-Expand-1.02p1 expands user directories in paths
p5-File-ReadBackwards-1.06 module to read a file starting at the end
p5-File-Remove-1.61 remove files and directories with perl
p5-File-Rename-2.02 renames multiple files
p5-File-Rotate-Backup-0.13p2 make backups of multiple directories and rotate them
p5-File-RsyncP-0.76 perl implementation of an Rsync client
p5-File-Scan-ClamAV-1.95p0 client class for the ClamAV clamd virus scanner daemon
p5-File-Share-0.27 extend File::ShareDir to local libraries
p5-File-ShareDir-1.118 locate install data per-module
p5-File-ShareDir-Install-0.14 install shared files, to use with File::ShareDir
p5-File-ShareDir-PathClass-1.112440p0 File::ShareDir returning Path::Class objects
p5-File-Slurp-9999.32 efficient reading/writing of complete files
p5-File-Slurp-Tiny-0.004 simple, sane and efficient file slurper
p5-File-Slurper-0.014 simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file
p5-File-Sync-0.11p0 perl interface to the sync() system functions
p5-File-Tail-1.3p0 library for reading from continuously updated files
p5-File-Tempdir-0.02p1 object oriented interface to File::Temp::tempdir()
p5-File-Touch-0.12 update access and modification timestamps of files
p5-File-TreeCreate-0.0.1 recursively create a directory tree
p5-File-Type-0.22p3 determine file type using magic
p5-File-Which-1.27 portable implementation of 'which' in Perl
p5-File-chdir-0.1011 more sensible way to change directories
p5-File-chmod-0.42p0 implements symbolic and ls chmod modes
p5-File-pushd-1.016p0 change directory temporarily for a limited scope
p5-FileHandle-Unget-0.1634p0 filehandle which supports ungetting of multiple bytes
p5-Filesys-Df-0.92p6 filesystem disk space information
p5-Filesys-DiskSpace-0.05p3 filesystem information display
p5-Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.14p0 simple and dumb file system watcher
p5-Filesys-Statvfs-0.82p3 Perl extension for statvfs() and fstatvfs()
p5-Filesys-Virtual-0.06p1 perl module to provide a framework for a virtual filesystem
p5-Filesys-Virtual-DAAP-0.04p2 presents a DAAP share as a VFS
p5-Filesys-Virtual-Plain-0.10p2 perl module for a plain virtual filesystem
p5-Filter-Template-1.043p0 source filter for inline code templates (macros)
p5-Finance-Bank-DE-DTA-Create-1.03p0 create DTA/DTAUS files for german banking
p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-XE-0.25p0 currency conversion
p5-Finance-IIF-0.20.01p2 parse and create IIF files for QuickBooks
p5-Finance-Quote-1.62 module to obtain financial quotes from exchanges
p5-Finance-QuoteHist-1.32 module to obtain historical financial quotes from exchanges
p5-Font-AFM-1.20p1 perl interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
p5-Font-TTF-1.06p1 perl module for TrueType font hacking
p5-Forest-0.10p1 a collection of n-ary tree related modules for Perl
p5-FormValidator-Simple-0.29p0 validate user input through a chain of constraints
p5-Fortran-Format-0.90p1 read/write data according to a standard Fortran 77 FORMAT
p5-FreezeThaw-0.5001p0 module for converting structures to strings and back
p5-FuzzyOcr- detect image spam with SpamAssassin
p5-GD-2.78 Perl interface to the gd2 graphics library
p5-GD-Barcode-2.00p0 create barcode image with GD
p5-GD-Graph-1.56 module for graph plotting
p5-GD-Graph3d-0.63p1 module for 3D graph plotting
p5-GD-SVG-0.33p0 allow GD perl scripts to output SVG
p5-GD-SecurityImage-1.75p0 security image (captcha) generator
p5-GD-TextUtil-0.86p3 text utilities for use with GD drawing package
p5-GDBM_File-1.26.3 perl interface to gdbm
p5-GMail-IMAPD-0.94p3 imap4 gateway to Google webmail service
p5-GPG-0.06p3 perl5 interface to GnuPG using scalars
p5-GPS-PRN-0.05p1 perl module to map GPS PRN to Satellite OID and vice versa
p5-GRID-Machine-0.127p1 Remote Procedure Calls over a SSH link
p5-Gateway-0.42p5 perl module to gateway between news and mail
p5-Geo-Coder-US-1.00p2 geocode any US address
p5-Geo-Constants-0.06p1 perl module that provides geographic constants
p5-Geo-Coordinates-OSGB-2.20p1 convert Lat/Lon to/from GB Ordnance Survey grid reference
p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM-0.11p0 provides Latitude Longitude conversions
p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM-XS-0.04p5 C/XS reimplementation of Geo::Coordinates::UTM
p5-Geo-Ellipsoids-0.16p1 perl module that provides ellipsoid values
p5-Geo-Fips55-0.01p1 perl extension for parsing FIPS-55 gazetteer data
p5-Geo-Forward-0.16 module to calculate geographic location
p5-Geo-Functions-0.08 perl module for geographic functions
p5-Geo-Inverse-0.07 calculate geographic distance from a lat/lon pair
p5-Geo-METAR-1.15p1 process aviation weather reports in the METAR format
p5-Geo-Parse-OSM-0.42p0 perl module for parsing OpenStreetMap (.osm) files
p5-Geo-StreetAddress-US-1.04p0 perl extension for parsing US street addresses
p5-Geo-TigerLine-0.03p0 parse TIGER/Line geographic data
p5-Geo-UK-Postcode-Regex-0.017p2 regular expressions for handling British postcodes
p5-GeoIP2-2.006002p1 Perl API for MaxMind's GeoIP2 web services and databases
p5-Geography-Countries-2009041301p1 2-letter, 3-letter, and numerical codes for countries
p5-Geometry-Primitive-0.24p1 primitive geometry entities for Perl
p5-Getargs-Long-1.1012p0 parses long function arguments
p5-Getopt-ArgvFile-1.11p0 program arguments processing module
p5-Getopt-Euclid-0.4.8 Executable Uniform Command-Line Interface Descriptions
p5-Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.116 Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful
p5-Getopt-Simple-1.52p0 simple wrapper around Getopt::Long
p5-Getopt-Tabular-0.3p0 table-driven argument parsing for Perl 5
p5-Git-Repository-1.317p0 Perl interface to Git repositories
p5-Glib-Object-Introspection-0.051 dynamically create Perl language bindings
p5-Glib2-1.3294 perl interface to the Glib libraries
p5-GnuPG-0.19p0 perl5 interface to GnuPG
p5-GnuPG-Interface-1.04 perl5 interface to GnuPG
p5-Graph-0.9732 graph data structures and algorithms
p5-Graph-Easy-0.76p0 render/convert graphs in/from various formats
p5-Graph-Easy-As_svg-0.28p0 output a Graph::Easy as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
p5-GraphViz-2.26 perl interface to the graphviz graphing tool
p5-Graphics-Color-0.31p1 RGB color model for Perl
p5-Graphics-ColorNames-2.11p4 defines RGB values for common color names
p5-Graphics-ColorNames-WWW-1.14p0 WWW color names and equivalent RGB values
p5-Graphics-Primitive-0.67p1 device and library agnostic graphic primitives for Perl
p5-Graphics-Primitive-Driver-Cairo-0.47p1 Cairo backend for Graphics::Primitive
p5-Gravatar-URL-1.07p0 make URLs for Gravatars from an email address
p5-Gtk2-1.24993p1 set of modules to use Gtk+2 libraries from Perl
p5-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory-0.67p0 framework which makes building complex GUIs easy
p5-Gtk2-Ex-PodViewer-0.18p5 Gtk2 widget for displaying Plain old Documentation (POD)
p5-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List-0.50p4 simple interface to Gtk2 complex MVC list widget
p5-Gtk2-GladeXML-1.008 Glade 2.x support for Gtk2-Perl
p5-Gtk2-ImageView-0.05p7 Perl bindings to the GtkImageView image viewer widget
p5-Gtk3-0.038 Perl interface to Gtk+3
p5-Guard-1.023p0 scope guards, lighter alternative
p5-HTML-Base-0.6p4 base HTML library
p5-HTML-CGIChecker-0.90p2 perl module to detect dangerous HTML code
p5-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple-1.26 Simple HTML Calendars
p5-HTML-Clean-1.4p0 cleans up HTML code for web browsers, not humans
p5-HTML-Copy-1.31p1 copy a HTML file without breaking links
p5-HTML-Display-0.40p0 display HTML locally in a browser
p5-HTML-Escape-1.11 extremely fast HTML escaping
p5-HTML-FillInForm-2.22 inserts data into HTML input and select tags
p5-HTML-Form-6.12 class that represents an HTML form element
p5-HTML-FormFu-2.07p0 HTML form creation, rendering and validation framework
p5-HTML-FormFu-MultiForm-1.03 handle multi-page/stage forms with FormFu
p5-HTML-FormHandler-0.40068 HTML forms using Moose
p5-HTML-Format-2.11p0 HTML text formating class
p5-HTML-FormatExternal-26 HTML to text formatting using external programs
p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-0.15p0 HTML to text conversion with links as footnotes
p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables-0.07p1 converts HTML to Text with tables intact
p5-HTML-FromText-2.07p0 convert text to HTML with controlling options
p5-HTML-Gumbo-0.18 HTML5 parser based on gumbo C library
p5-HTML-Highlight-0.20p2 module to highlight words or patterns in HTML documents
p5-HTML-Lint-2.32p0 check for HTML errors in a string or file
p5-HTML-Mason-1.60 high-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
p5-HTML-Mason-PSGIHandler-0.53p0 PSGI handler for HTML::Mason
p5-HTML-Parser-3.83 modules to parse and extract information from HTML
p5-HTML-PopupTreeSelect-1.6p1 popup tree widget
p5-HTML-PrettyPrinter-0.03p0 generate nice HTML files from HTML syntax trees
p5-HTML-Prototype-1.48 AJAX framework for perl
p5-HTML-Quoted-0.05 extract structure of quoted HTML mail message
p5-HTML-ResolveLink-0.05p2 resolve relative links in (X)HTML into absolute URI
p5-HTML-RewriteAttributes-0.06 concise attribute rewriting
p5-HTML-SBC-0.15p2 simple blog code for valid (X)HTML
p5-HTML-Scrubber-0.19p0 HTML cleaning module
p5-HTML-Selector-XPath-0.28 CSS Selector to XPath compiler
p5-HTML-SimpleParse-0.12p2 bare-bones HTML parser
p5-HTML-SiteTear-1.46p0 make a separate copy of a web site in local file system
p5-HTML-Stream-1.60p2 HTML output stream class
p5-HTML-StripScripts-1.06p0 strip scripting constructs out of HTML
p5-HTML-StripScripts-Parser-1.03p1 XSS filter using HTML::Parser
p5-HTML-Summary-0.022p0 summarize HTML pages
p5-HTML-Table-2.08ap1 generate HTML tables for cgi scripts
p5-HTML-TableContentParser-0.305 module to parse the content of tables in HTML text
p5-HTML-TableExtract-2.15p0 module to extract text contained within HTML tables
p5-HTML-TagCloud-0.38p0 HTML tag cloud generator
p5-HTML-TagFilter-1.03p2 fine-grained html-filter, xss-blocker and mailto-obfuscator
p5-HTML-Tagset-3.24 data tables useful for parsing HTML
p5-HTML-Template-2.97p0 use HTML Templates from CGI scripts
p5-HTML-Template-Expr-0.07p1 use HTML Templates which allows expressions
p5-HTML-Template-JIT-0.05p1 just-in-time compiler for HTML::Template
p5-HTML-Tidy-1.60p2 (X)HTML validation in a Perl object
p5-HTML-Tiny-1.08 lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation
p5-HTML-TokeParser-Simple-3.16p0 simple interface to HTML::TokeParser
p5-HTML-Tree-5.07p0 perl parser that builds an HTML tree
p5-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath-0.14p0 add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder
p5-HTML-Widget-1.11p1 HTML widget and validation framework
p5-HTTP-Async-0.33p0 process multiple HTTP requests in parallel without blocking
p5-HTTP-Body-1.23 HTTP body parser
p5-HTTP-CookieJar-0.014 minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar
p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.11 HTTP cookie jars
p5-HTTP-DAV-0.50 webdav client library for Perl
p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.16 simple http server class
p5-HTTP-Date-6.06 date conversion routines
p5-HTTP-Entity-Parser-0.25 PSGI compliant HTTP Entity Parser
p5-HTTP-GetImages-0.343p3 spider to recover and store images from web pages
p5-HTTP-Headers-ActionPack-0.09 HTTP Action, Adventure and Excitement
p5-HTTP-Headers-Fast-0.22p0 faster implementation of HTTP::Headers
p5-HTTP-Lite-2.44 pure Perl HTTP client
p5-HTTP-Message-7.00 HTTP style message
p5-HTTP-MultiPartParser-0.02p0 HTTP MultiPart Parser
p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01p0 choose a variant to serve
p5-HTTP-Parser-XS-0.17p0 fast, primitive HTTP request parser
p5-HTTP-Proxy-0.304p1 pure Perl HTTP proxy
p5-HTTP-Recorder-0.07p1 record interaction with websites
p5-HTTP-Request-AsCGI-1.2p2 setup CGI environment from HTTP::Request
p5-HTTP-Request-Params-1.02p1 retrieve GET/POST parameters from HTTP requests
p5-HTTP-Response-Encoding-0.06p1 add encoding to HTTP::Response
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.52p0 simple standalone HTTP server
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.14p0 abstract baseclass for a standalone mason server
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI-0.16p0 PSGI handler for HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Recorder-0.03p0 record communication with an HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-HTTP-Thin-0.006p0 thin wrapper around HTTP::Tiny to work with HTTP::Message
p5-HTTPD-Log-Filter-1.08p3 httpd log filter library
p5-Hash-AutoHash-1.17p0 object-oriented access to real and tied hashes
p5-Hash-AutoHash-Args-1.18p0 OO processing of keyword-based argument lists
p5-Hash-Flatten-1.19p1 flatten/unflatten complex data hashes
p5-Hash-Merge-0.302 merges arbitrarily deep hashes into a single hash
p5-Hash-Merge-Simple-0.052 recursively merge two or more hashes, simply
p5-Hash-MultiValue-0.16p0 store multiples values per key
p5-Hash-NoRef-0.03p6 HASH that stores values without a reference count increase
p5-Hash-Ordered-0.014 fast, pure-Perl ordered hash class
p5-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat-0.11p0 use Hash::Util::FieldHash or ties, depending on availability
p5-Heap-0.80p2 heap data structure in perl
p5-Hijk-0.28 Fast & minimal low-level HTTP client
p5-Hook-LexWrap-0.26p0 lexically scoped subroutine wrappers
p5-I18N-Charset-1.419 module to map charset names registered with IANA
p5-IO-AIO-4.81p0 asynchronous Input/Output
p5-IO-All-0.87p0 universal I/O to everything
p5-IO-BufferedSelect-1.0p0 line-buffered select interface
p5-IO-Capture-0.05p3 module for capturing output
p5-IO-CaptureOutput-1.1104p1 capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS
p5-IO-Digest-0.11p0 module for computing digests while reading or writing
p5-IO-HTML-1.004 open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
p5-IO-Handle-Util-0.02p0 perl extension for working with IO::Handle like objects
p5-IO-Interactive-1.025 utilities for interactive I/O
p5-IO-Interface-1.09p2 module for access to network card configuration information
p5-IO-KQueue-0.39 perl interface to the BSD kqueue system call
p5-IO-Lambda-1.34 non-blocking I/O as lambda calculus
p5-IO-LockedFile-0.23p4 object methods for locking files
p5-IO-Multiplex-1.16p0 handle multiple file handles
p5-IO-Pager-2.10 select a pager if destination is a TTY
p5-IO-Pipely-0.006 portably create pipe() or pipe-like handles
p5-IO-Prompt-Tiny-0.003p1 prompt for user input with a default option
p5-IO-SessionData-1.03p0 supporting module for SOAP::Lite
p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.73 object interface for AF_INET and AF_INET6 domain sockets
p5-IO-Socket-Multicast-1.12p6 module for sending and receiving multicast messages
p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.089 Perl SSL sockets with IO::Socket interface
p5-IO-Socket-Socks-0.74p0 create SOCKS v4/v5 client or server
p5-IO-Socket-Timeout-0.32p0 IO::Socket with read/write timeout
p5-IO-String-1.08p3 emulate IO::File interface for in-core strings
p5-IO-Tee-0.66 multiplex output to multiple handles
p5-IO-TieCombine-1.005p1 produce tied (and other) separate but combined variables
p5-IO-Tty-1.20 provide an interface to create pseudo ttys
p5-IO-stringy-2.113 in-core objects like strings and arrays for I/O
p5-IP-Country-2.28.20190301p0 fast lookup of country codes by IP address
p5-IP-Country-DB_File-3.03p0 IPv4 and IPv6 to country translation using DB_File
p5-IPC-Run-20231003.0 run a subprocess
p5-IPC-Run-SafeHandles-0.04p1 safe guarding for IPC::Run
p5-IPC-Run3-0.049 run a subprocess in batch mode
p5-IPC-ShareLite-0.17p5 simple interface to access shared memory
p5-IPC-Shareable-0.61p1 share Perl variables between processes
p5-IPC-Signal-1.00p1 utility functions dealing with signals
p5-IPC-System-Simple-1.30 run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics
p5-IRC-Utils-0.12p1 common utilities for IRC-related tasks
p5-Ima-DBI-0.35p1 database connection caching and organization
p5-Image-BioChrome-1.16p2 recolor gif images on the fly
p5-Image-EXIF-2.01p1 interface to read EXIF tags in JPEG images
p5-Image-ExifTool-13.22 read and write meta information in image/audio/video files
p5-Image-Imlib2-2.03p5 Perl interface to the Imlib2 image library
p5-Image-Info-1.45 perl module for getting image information
p5-Image-MetaData-JPEG-0.159p1 access and modify JPEG metadata
p5-Image-Size-3.300 module to determine the size of images in several formats
p5-Imager-1.025 generate and manipulate images
p5-Imager-QRCode-0.035p0 generate QR Code with Imager using libqrencode
p5-Import-Into-1.002005p1 import packages into other packages
p5-Importer-0.026 alternative but compatible interface to modules that export
p5-Inline-0.52p1 write Perl subroutines in other programming languages
p5-Internals-1.1p5 Write-protect variables, manipulate refcounts
p5-Iterator-0.03p1 general-purpose iterator class.
p5-Iterator-Simple-0.07 simple iterator and utilities
p5-Iterator-Util-0.02p0 essential utilities for the Iterator class.
p5-JSON-4.10 parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
p5-JSON-Any-1.40 wrapper class for the various JSON classes
p5-JSON-DWIW-0.47p0 JSON converter that Does What I Want
p5-JSON-MaybeXS-1.004008 use Cpanel::JSON::XS or JSON::XS or JSON::PP
p5-JSON-XS-4.03p0v1 JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
p5-JSON-XS-VersionOneAndTwo-0.31p2 shim to support either v1 or v2 APIs of JSON::XS
p5-JavaScript-Minifier-1.16 Perl extension for minifying JavaScript code
p5-JavaScript-Minifier-XS-0.15 XS based JavaScript minifier
p5-Jcode-2.07 handles various Japanese charsets
p5-Jifty-DBI-0.78 database OO schema for Jifty
p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse-0.05p2 library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP
p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.02p0 Guess url media type
p5-LWP-Online-1.08 check if a process has access to the internet
p5-LWP-Protocol-https-6.14 provide https support for p5-libwww
p5-LWP-Protocol-socks-1.7p0 adds support for SOCKS to p5-libwww
p5-LWP-UserAgent-Determined-1.07 virtual browser that retries on errors
p5-LaTeX-Driver-1.2.0 driver to format LaTeX documents
p5-LaTeX-Encode-0.092.0p0 encode characters for LaTeX formatting
p5-LaTeX-Pod-0.23 transform LaTeX source files to POD
p5-LaTeX-TOM-1.06 parse, analyze and manipulate LaTeX documents
p5-LaTeXML-0.8.5 LaTeX to XML/HTML/MathML Converter
p5-Language-Ook-1.0.2p0 programming language designed for orang-utans
p5-Layout-Manager-0.35p1 2D layout management for Perl
p5-Lchown-1.01p5 perl interface to the lchown(2) system call
p5-Lexical-Persistence-1.023 persistent lexical variable values for arbitrary calls
p5-Libxml-0.08p3 perl module collection for working with XML
p5-Lingua-EN-Fathom-1.27 measure readability of English text
p5-Lingua-EN-FindNumber-1.32p0 locate (written) numbers in English text
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.905 convert singular to plural, select a or an
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number-1.12p1 force number of words to singular or plural
p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase-0.20p0 inflect short English Phrases
p5-Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal-0.05p0 detect if English number is ordinal or cardinal
p5-Lingua-EN-Sentence-0.34 module to split text into sentences
p5-Lingua-EN-Summarize-0.2p1 summarize english text
p5-Lingua-EN-Syllable-0.251p1 outine for estimating syllable count in words
p5-Lingua-EN-Tagger-0.31p0 part-of-speech tagger for EN natural language processing
p5-Lingua-EN-Words2Nums-0.18p1 convert English text to numbers
p5-Lingua-PT-Stemmer-0.02p0 Portuguese language stemming
p5-Lingua-Romana-Perligata-0.604 write Perl in Latin
p5-Lingua-Stem-2.31 stemming of words
p5-Lingua-Stem-Fr-0.02p2 French language stemming
p5-Lingua-Stem-It-0.02p0 Italian language stemming
p5-Lingua-Stem-Ru-0.04p0 Russian language stemming
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da-1.01p2 Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-No-1.2p0 Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark
p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Se-1.2p0 Porters stemming algorithm for Sweden
p5-Lingua-Treebank-0.16p1 manifulate the Penn Treebank format
p5-List-AllUtils-0.19 combines List::Util, List::SomeUtils and List::UtilsBy
p5-List-Compare-0.55 compare elements of two or more lists
p5-List-Cycle-1.04 objects for cycling through a list of values
p5-List-MoreUtils-0.430 provide the stuff missing in List::Util
p5-List-MoreUtils-XS-0.430 provide compiled List::MoreUtils functions
p5-List-SomeUtils-0.59 provide the stuff missing in List::Util
p5-List-SomeUtils-XS-0.58p1 XS implementation for List::SomeUtils
p5-List-Util-WeightedChoice-0.06 extension to allow for nonnormalized weighted choices
p5-List-UtilsBy-0.12 higher-order list utility functions
p5-Locale-Codes-3.81 distribution of modules to handle locale codes
p5-Locale-Hebrew-1.05p0 bidirectional Hebrew support
p5-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy-0.11p0 Maketext from already interpolated strings
p5-Locale-Maketext-Gettext-1.32 joins the gettext and maketext frameworks
p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-1.00p0 use other catalog formats in Locale::Maketext
p5-Locale-PGetText-0.16p2 perl i18n routines
p5-Locale-US-3.04 map two-letter codes to state names and vice versa (US)
p5-Locale-gettext-1.07p3 interface to gettext() internationalization function
p5-LockFile-Simple-0.208p0 perl module implementing simple file locking
p5-Log-Agent-1.005 abstraction layer for logging and tracing
p5-Log-Any-1.717 bringing loggers and listeners together
p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Callback-0.102 module to send Log::Any logs to a subroutine
p5-Log-Dispatch-2.71 dispatches messages to one or more outputs
p5-Log-Dispatch-Binlog-0.02p2 Storable based binary logs
p5-Log-Dispatch-Config-1.04p0 abstract Configurator class
p5-Log-Dispatch-Config-TestLog-0.02p0 set up Log::Dispatch::Config for a test run
p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate-1.38 log to files that archive/rotate themselves
p5-Log-Dispatch-Perl-0.05 use core Perl functions for logging
p5-Log-Log4perl-1.57 Log4j implementation for Perl
p5-Log-Procmail-0.14 perl module for reading procmail logs
p5-Log-Trace-1.070p2 provides a unified approach to tracing
p5-MARC-Record-2.0.7p0 MARC (machine readable cataloging format)
p5-MCE-1.900 engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities
p5-MD5-2.03 interface to md5 message-digest algorithm
p5-MIME-Base32-1.303p0 Base32 encoder/decoder
p5-MIME-Charset-1.013.1 charset Informations for MIME
p5-MIME-EncWords-1.015.0 perl module to deal with RFC 2047 encoded words
p5-MIME-Lite-3.033 low-calorie MIME generator
p5-MIME-Lite-HTML-1.24p0 transform a HTML page in a MIME-Lite mail
p5-MIME-Types-2.26 perl module to manage MIME types
p5-MIME-tools-5.515 modules for parsing (and creating) MIME entities
p5-MLDBM-2.05p0 store multi-level hash structure in single-level tied hash
p5-MLDBM-Sync-0.30p3 safe concurrent access to MLDBM databases
p5-MP3-ID3v1Tag-1.11p3 edit id3v1 tags from an audio mpeg layer 3
p5-MP3-Info-1.26p0 read MPEG1-Layer3 tags
p5-MP3-Tag-1.16 read tags of MP3 audio files
p5-MP4-Info-1.13p0 fetch info from MPEG-4 files
p5-MPEG-Audio-Frame-0.10p0 class for weeding out MPEG audio frames from a file handle
p5-MRO-Compat-0.15 mro::* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5
p5-Mac-iTunes-Library-1.0p0 representation of an iTunes Library
p5-Mail-Alias-1.15 manipulates e-mail alias files of various formats
p5-Mail-Audit-2.228p0 library for creating easy mail filters
p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults-2.20231031 object oriented Authentication-Results headers
p5-Mail-Box-2.118p0 perl module to manage mail folders
p5-Mail-DKIM-1.20240923 DKIM and DomainKeys message-signing implementation
p5-Mail-DKIM-Iterator-1.010 iterative DKIM validation of records or signing of mails
p5-Mail-DMARC-1.20250203 Perl implementation of DMARC
p5-Mail-DMARC-Iterator-0.014 iterative DMARC validation for mails
p5-Mail-GnuPG-0.23p0 handle GnuPG-encrypted/signed messages
p5-Mail-IMAPClient-3.43 perl module for an IMAP Client API
p5-Mail-IMAPTalk-4.06 IMAP client interface with lots of features
p5-Mail-ListDetector-1.04p0 Perl extension for detecting mailing list messages
p5-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser-1.5111p1 fast and simple mbox folder reader
p5-Mail-Milter-Authentication-3.20240701 perl implementation of email authentication standards
p5-Mail-POP3Client-2.21 perl module to talk to a POP3 (RFC1081) server
p5-Mail-RFC822-Address-0.3p1 validate email addresses according to RFC822
p5-Mail-SPF-3.20240923 perl oop implementation of Sender Policy Framework
p5-Mail-SPF-Iterator-1.121 iterative SPF lookup
p5-Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1p6 perl module to query Sender Policy Framework
p5-Mail-SPF-Test-1.001p0 perl SPF test-suite class
p5-Mail-Sender-0.903p0v0 send mail with attachments through SMTP
p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-4.0.1p0 mailfilter to identify and mark spam
p5-Mail-Tools-2.21p0 modules for handling mail with perl
p5-Mail-Webmail-Gmail-1.09p3 interface to Google webmail service
p5-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks-1.20 Mason callback support via Params::CallbackRequest
p5-Math-Base-Convert-0.11p0 very fast base to base conversion
p5-Math-Base36-0.14p0 encoding and decoding of base36 strings
p5-Math-Base85-0.5 module handles numbers in base 85
p5-Math-BaseCnv-1.14p0 fast functions to CoNVert between number Bases
p5-Math-Bezier-0.01p2 perl module for solving bezier curves
p5-Math-BigInt-GMP-1.6011 backend library for Math::BigInt based on GMP
p5-Math-Calc-Units-1.07p0 human-readable unit-aware calculator
p5-Math-Derivative-1.01p0 numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
p5-Math-FFT-1.36 calculate Fast Fourier Transforms in perl
p5-Math-Fibonacci-1.5p2 Fibonacci numbers
p5-Math-Fibonacci-Phi-0.02p2 calculates Phi and phi for Fibonacci numbers
p5-Math-GMP-2.25 high speed arbitrary-size integer math
p5-Math-GMPf-0.52 perl interface to GMP floating point functions
p5-Math-GMPz-0.61 perl interface to GMP integer functions
p5-Math-Int128-0.22p1 manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
p5-Math-Int64-0.57 manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
p5-Math-MatrixReal-2.13p0 implement the data type "matrix of reals"
p5-Math-Prime-Util-0.73p0 utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves
p5-Math-Prime-Util-GMP-0.52 utilities related to prime numbers, using GMP
p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-1.004p1 interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
p5-Math-Round-0.08 Perl extension for rounding numbers
p5-Math-Spline-0.02p0 cubic spline interpolation of data
p5-Math-Symbolic-0.613 symbolic calculations for Perl
p5-Math-SymbolicX-ParserExtensionFactory-3.02p0 generate Math::Symbolic parser extensions
p5-Math-Utils-1.14p0 useful mathematical functions not in Perl
p5-Math-VecStat-0.08p1 provides basic statistics on numerical vectors
p5-MaxMind-DB-Common-0.040001p1 code shared by the MaxMind DB reader and writer modules
p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader-1.000014p1 read MaxMind DB files and look up IP addresses
p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS-1.000009p0 fast XS implementation of MaxMind DB reader
p5-MaxMind-DB-Writer-0.300004 create MaxMind DB database files
p5-Maypole-1.4p4 Perl MVC for web applications
p5-Maypole-Authentication-UserSessionCookie-1.1p3 track sessions and, optionally, users
p5-Memoize-ExpireLRU-0.56p0 expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration
p5-Mixin-Linewise-0.111 write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest
p5-Mock-Config-0.03p0 temporarily set Config or XSConfig values
p5-Mock-Sub-1.09 mock package, object and standard subroutines, with unit
p5-Modern-Perl-1.20241001 enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one import
p5-Module-Build-0.4234 build and install Perl modules
p5-Module-Build-Pluggable-0.10p0 plugin support for Module::Build
p5-Module-Build-Pluggable-PPPort-0.04p0 modbuild::pluggable module to generate ppport.h
p5-Module-Build-Tiny-0.051 tiny replacement for Module::Build
p5-Module-Build-XSUtil-0.19p0 Module::Build class for building XS modules
p5-Module-Find-0.16 find and use installed modules in a (sub)category
p5-Module-Implementation-0.09p0 loads one of several alternate module implementations
p5-Module-Install-1.19 standalone extensible Perl module installer
p5-Module-Install-AuthorTests-0.002p0 designated tests only run by module authors
p5-Module-Install-Repository-0.06p0 set the repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkouts
p5-Module-Install-XSUtil-0.45p1 utility functions for XS modules
p5-Module-Manifest-1.09p0 parse and examine a perl distribution MANIFEST file
p5-Module-Path-0.19 get the full path to a locally installed module
p5-Module-Pluggable-5.2p0 automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
p5-Module-Pluggable-Fast-0.19p0 instantiate plugins as they're found
p5-Module-Refresh-0.18 refresh perl %INC files when updated on disk
p5-Module-Runtime-0.016p0 runtime module handling
p5-Module-ScanDeps-1.37 recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
p5-Module-Signature-0.89 module signature file manipulation
p5-Module-Starter-1.54p4 simple starter kit for any module
p5-Module-Starter-Plugin-CGIApp-0.30p4 template based module starter for CGI apps
p5-Module-Util-1.09p0 module name tools and transformations
p5-Module-Versions-Report-1.06p1 report versions of all perl modules in memory
p5-Module-Which-0.05p0v0 finds out which version of Perl modules are installed
p5-Mojo-Pg-4.24 dbd-pg wrapper for mojolicious
p5-Mojo-SQLite-3.009 tiny Mojolicious wrapper for SQLite
p5-MojoX-Session-0.33p0 session management for Mojo
p5-Mojolicious-9.37 next generation web framework for Perl
p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-AccessLog-0.010p0 Mojolicious AccessLog Plugin
p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Authentication-1.39 authentication plugin for the Mojolicious Perl framework
p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Thumbnail-0.01p0 Mojolicious Thumbnail Plugin
p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-TtRenderer-1.62 Template Renderer Plugin for Mojolicious
p5-Mon-1.2.0p4 perl module for mon
p5-Monitoring-Plugin-0.40p0 helper routines for writing monitoring plugins
p5-Moo-2.005005 Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
p5-MooX-Aliases-0.001006p0 easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moo
p5-MooX-HandlesVia-0.001009 NativeTrait-like behavior for Moo
p5-MooX-StrictConstructor-0.013 blow up Moo-based object constructors on unknown attributes
p5-MooX-Traits-0.005p0 automatically apply roles at object creation time
p5-MooX-TypeTiny-0.002003 optimized type checks for Moo + Type::Tiny
p5-MooX-Types-MooseLike-0.29p0 some Moosish types and a type builder
p5-MooX-late-0.100 perl extension to easily translate Moose code to Moo
p5-Moose-2.2207 postmodern object system for Perl 5
p5-MooseX-Aliases-0.11p0 easy aliasing of methods and attributes
p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.3p0 attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining
p5-MooseX-AttributeHelpers-0.25p0 extend your attribute interfaces
p5-MooseX-Clone-0.06p1 fine grained cloning support for Moose objects
p5-MooseX-ConfigFromFile-0.14p2 Moose role for setting attributes from a config file
p5-MooseX-Daemonize-0.22 role for daemonizing your Moose based application
p5-MooseX-Declare-0.43p0 declarative syntax for Moose
p5-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast-0.009032p0 emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose
p5-MooseX-Getopt-0.76 Moose role for processing command line options
p5-MooseX-Has-Sugar-1.000006p0 Sugar syntax for moose 'has' fields
p5-MooseX-InsideOut-0.106p1 inside-out objects with Moose
p5-MooseX-LazyRequire-0.11p0 required attributes which fail only when trying to use them
p5-MooseX-Log-Log4perl-0.47p0 logging Role with easy interface for Moose
p5-MooseX-LogDispatch-1.2002p0 logging role for Moose
p5-MooseX-MarkAsMethods-0.15p0 mark overload code symbols as methods
p5-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion-0.01p1 force coercion when validating type constraints
p5-MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.49p0 method declarations with type constraints
p5-MooseX-MethodAttributes-0.32 code attribute introspection
p5-MooseX-MultiInitArg-0.02p0 attributes with aliases for constructor arguments for MooseX
p5-MooseX-NonMoose-0.26p0 easy subclassing of non-Moose classes
p5-MooseX-Object-Pluggable-0.0014 make your classes pluggable
p5-MooseX-POE-0.215p0 the Illicit Love Child of Moose and POE
p5-MooseX-Params-Validate-0.21p0 extension of Params::Validate for using Moose types
p5-MooseX-RelatedClassRoles-0.004 apply roles to a class related to yours
p5-MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.11p0 roles with composition parameters
p5-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading-0.17p1 roles which support overloading
p5-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor-0.10p0 name your accessors foo() and set_foo()
p5-MooseX-Singleton-0.30 turn your Moose class into a singleton
p5-MooseX-Storage-0.53 a serialization framework for Moose classes
p5-MooseX-StrictConstructor-0.21p1 blow up object constructors on unknown attributes
p5-MooseX-Traits-0.13p1 automatically apply roles at object creation time
p5-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable-0.12p0 trait loading and resolution for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-0.50p0 organise your Moose types in libraries
p5-MooseX-Types-Common-0.001014p1 library of commonly used type constraints
p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-0.13 DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-LoadableClass-0.015 ClassName type constraint with coercion to load the class
p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Class-0.09p0 Path::Class type library for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Tiny-0.012p0 Path::Tiny types and coercions for Moose
p5-MooseX-Types-Stringlike-0.003p0 Moose type constraints for strings or string-like objects
p5-MooseX-Types-Structured-0.36p1 structured Type Constraints for Moose
p5-Mouse-2.5.11 Moose minus the antlers
p5-MouseX-Types-0.06p0 organize your Mouse types in libraries
p5-Mozilla-CA-Fake-20140330 access system SSL certificate bundle from Perl
p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-MPD-0.13p3 module to submit songs to from MPD
p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-Submit-0.05p2 module providing routines to submit songs to
p5-MusicBrainz-DiscID-0.06p1 Perl interface for the MusicBrainz libdiscid library
p5-Net-ASN-1.08 Perl extension to manipulate autonomous system (AS) numbers
p5-Net-Amazon-0.62p0 Perl Interface to Amazon.{,com} Web Services
p5-Net-BGP-0.18 Border Gateway Protocol version 4 speaker/listener library
p5-Net-CIDR-0.21 manipulate IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation
p5-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.22 Perl extension for merging IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses
p5-Net-DAAP-Client-0.42p1 perl client for Apple iTunes DAAP service
p5-Net-DAAP-DMAP-1.27p0 perl module for reading and writing DAAP structures
p5-Net-DAV-Server-1.305p0 perl module to provide a DAV server
p5-Net-DBus-1.2.0p0 Perl API to the dbus inter-application messaging system
p5-Net-DHCP-0.696p0 Perl DHCP classes
p5-Net-DNS-1.50 perl interface to the domain name system
p5-Net-DNS-DynDNS-0.9994p0 update with correct ip address
p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock-1.20230216 DNS Resolver object for testing
p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable-0.009p0 programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS
p5-Net-DNS-SEC-1.26 extends the Net::DNS module with DNSSEC functionality
p5-Net-Daemon-0.49 extension for portable daemons
p5-Net-Dict-2.22 Perl interface to the DICT protocol
p5-Net-Domain-TLD-1.75p0 module to work with TLD names
p5-Net-FTP-AutoReconnect-0.3p1 FTP client class with automatic reconnect on failure
p5-Net-FTP-Recursive-2.04p1 recursive FTP client module
p5-Net-FTPSSL-0.30p0 FTP over SSL/TLS client class
p5-Net-FTPServer-1.125p0 secure, extensible and configurable Perl FTPd
p5-Net-Flow-1.003p0 decode and encode NetFlow/IPFIX datagrams
p5-Net-Frame-1.21p0 base framework for frame crafting
p5-Net-Frame-Dump-1.17p0 base-class for a tcpdump-like implementation
p5-Net-Frame-Layer-ICMPv6-1.11p0 ICMP v6 layer object
p5-Net-Frame-Layer-IPv6-1.08p0 Internet Protocol v6 layer object
p5-Net-Google-1.0.1p2 simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API
p5-Net-HTTP-6.23 Perl HTTP connection client
p5-Net-ICal-0.15p3 Perl interface to RFC2445 (iCalendar) objects
p5-Net-IDN-Encode-2.500p2 Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications
p5-Net-IDN-Nameprep-1.102p0 stringprep profile for Internationalized Domain Names
p5-Net-IMP-0.636 module for network data inspection and modification
p5-Net-IMP-HTTP-0.525 interface for HTTP specific Net::IMP plugins
p5-Net-INET6Glue-0.604 make common perl modules IPv6 ready by hotpatching
p5-Net-IP-1.26p1 perl module for IPv4/IPv6 address parsing
p5-Net-IP-Minimal-0.06p1 minimal functions from Net::IP
p5-Net-IP-XS-0.23 perl module for IPv4/IPv6 address parsing
p5-Net-IPTrie-0.7p3 build IPv4 and IPv6 address space hierarchies
p5-Net-IPv4Addr-0.10p2 perl module for IPv4 address parsing
p5-Net-IPv6Addr-1.02p0 check validity of IPv6 addresses
p5-Net-Ident-1.25p0 Perl extension for doing ident requests
p5-Net-Inspect-0.331 library for inspection of data on various network layers
p5-Net-Jabber-2.0p2 perl interface to jabber
p5-Net-LibIDN-0.12p2 Perl bindings for GNU Libidn
p5-Net-LibIDN2-1.02 Perl bindings for GNU Libidn2
p5-Net-MySQL-0.11p0 Pure Perl MySQL network protocol interface
p5-Net-NTP-1.5p0 Perl extension for decoding NTP server responses
p5-Net-Netmask-2.0002p0 parse, manipulate and lookup IPv4 CIDR blocks
p5-Net-OAuth-0.28p0 implementation of the OAuth protocol
p5-Net-OpenSSH-0.80 perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH
p5-Net-PH-2.21p2 Perl interface to the PH protocol
p5-Net-ParseWhois-0.7p1v0 module for getting and parsing whois entries
p5-Net-Patricia-1.22p2 Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups
p5-Net-Pcap-0.21 module for pcap access
p5-Net-Pcap-Reassemble-0.05p0 IP fragment reassembly for Net::Pcap
p5-Net-PcapWriter-0.725 simple creation of pcap files from code
p5-Net-Ping-External-0.13p1 alternative Perl interface to ping(1)
p5-Net-Prometheus-0.11p0 export monitoring metrics for prometheus
p5-Net-RDAP-0.33p0 Perl interface to the Registration Data Access Protocol
p5-Net-Radius-2.103p2 Perl interface to Radius
p5-Net-RawIP-0.25p6 module to manipulate raw ip packets
p5-Net-SCP-0.08p1 Perl extension for SCP secure copy protocol
p5-Net-SFTP-0.12p0 client for the Secure File Transfer Protocol
p5-Net-SFTP-Foreign-1.93 SSH File Transfer Protocol client
p5-Net-SIP-0.838 perl framework for SIP
p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04p0 SSL support for Net::SMTP
p5-Net-SMTP-TLS-ButMaintained-0.24p1 Perl module for SMTP with TLS/AUTH support
p5-Net-SMTPS-0.10 SSL/STARTTLS support for Net::SMTP
p5-Net-SMTP_auth-0.08p1 Perl module to use authenticated SMTP
p5-Net-SNMP-6.0.1p3 Perl modules to access SNMP
p5-Net-SNPP-1.17p3 Perl Simple Network Pager Protocol Client
p5-Net-SSH-0.09p1 Perl extension for SSH secure shell
p5-Net-SSH-Expect-1.09p2 ssh wrapper to execute remote interactive commands
p5-Net-SSH-Perl-2.14p1 perl implementation of the SSH1 and SSH2 protocols
p5-Net-SSH2-0.74 support for the SSH 2 protocol via libssh2
p5-Net-SSL-ExpireDate-1.25 obtain expiration date of SSL certificate
p5-Net-SSLGlue-1.058p0 add/extend SSL support for common perl modules
p5-Net-SSLeay-1.94p0 Perl bindings for OpenSSL and LibreSSL
p5-Net-Server-2.014p0 extensible Perl internet server
p5-Net-Server-SS-PreFork-0.05p2 hot-deployable variant of Net::Server::PreFork
p5-Net-Snort-Parser-1.21p3 Perl modules for parsing Snort configuration files
p5-Net-Subnets-0.21p2 computing subnets in large scale networks
p5-Net-TFTP-0.1901p0 TFTP client class
p5-Net-Telnet-3.05 perl5 module for interactive network functions
p5-Net-Telnet-Cisco-1.12p0 module to interact with a Cisco router
p5-Net-Traceroute-1.15 traceroute(1) functionality in perl
p5-Net-Twitter-4.01043 perl interface to the Twitter API
p5-Net-Twitter-Lite-0.12008p0 interface to Twitter API
p5-Net-UPnP-1.4.6p0 extension for UPnP
p5-Net-Wake-0.02p2 perl5 module for Wake On LAN
p5-Net-WebSocket-Server-0.004000 straightforward Perl WebSocket server
p5-Net-Whois-1.9p0 perl5 module for getting and parsing whois entries
p5-Net-Whois-RIPE-2.008001v0 perl implementation of RIPE whois
p5-Net-Whois-Raw-2.99037 extension for unparsed raw whois information
p5-Net-Works-0.22p1 sane APIs for IP addresses and networks
p5-Net-XMPP-1.05p0 XMPP perl library
p5-Net-XWhois-0.90p1 whois client interface for perl5
p5-Net-Z3950-ZOOM-1.30p0 perl interface to yaz zoom
p5-Net-eBay-0.62 interface to XML based eBay API
p5-NetAddr-IP-4.079p0 manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
p5-NetAddr-MAC-0.97 module to handle hardware MAC addresses
p5-NetPacket-1.7.2 assemble/disassemble network packets at protocol level
p5-News-Article-1.27p3 perl module for accessing NNTP articles
p5-News-Newsrc-1.11p1 module for managing newsrc files
p5-Nmap-Parser-1.37v0 perl module for parsing nmap XML reports
p5-Nmap-Scanner-1.0p5 perform and manipulate nmap scans using Perl
p5-Number-Bytes-Human-0.11 convert byte count to human readable format
p5-Number-Compare-0.03p1 compare numbers
p5-Number-Compare-Date-0.02p3 Compare Dates
p5-Number-Format-1.76 Perl extension for formatting numbers
p5-Number-WithError-1.01p1 numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding
p5-OLE-Storage_Lite-0.22 simple class for OLE document interface
p5-OPCUA-Open62541-2.05 Perl XS wrapper for open62541 OPC UA library
p5-OSPF-LSDB-1.18 ospf link-state database viewer
p5-Object-Declare-0.25 declarative object constructor
p5-Object-Event-1.23p2 event callback interface
p5-Object-MultiType-0.05p2 Perl Objects as Hash, Array and Scalar at the same time
p5-Object-Pluggable-1.29p1 base class for creating plugin-enabled objects
p5-Object-Realize-0.21p0 perl module to implementing delay loading of object-data
p5-Object-Signature-1.08p0 cryptographic signatures for objects
p5-Object-eBay-0.5.0p0 OO interface to the eBay API
p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-0.11p0 object-oriented interface to Ogg Vorbis information
p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl-1.05 interface to Ogg Vorbis information, fully written in Perl
p5-OpenSMTPd-Filter-0.0.4 easier filters for OpenSMTPd in perl
p5-PAR-1.020 Perl Archive Toolkit
p5-PAR-Dist-0.53 create and manipulate PAR distributions
p5-PDF-API2-2.047 create PDF documents with perl
p5-PDF-API2-Simple-1.1.4p1 simple wrapper for PDF::API2 module
p5-PDF-API2-XS-1.002 XS module to speed some PDF::API2 operations
p5-PDF-Reuse-0.39p0 perl module for manipulating PDF files
p5-PDF-Table-1.006 create PDF tables with perl
p5-PGP-Sign-0.20p3 perl module to create/verify PGP signatures
p5-PGP-Sign-0.20p3-pgp perl module to create/verify PGP signatures
p5-PHP-Serialization-0.34p0 simple means to move data between Perl and PHP
p5-PHP-Session-0.27p0 read / write PHP session files
p5-POE-1.370 portable multitasking and networking framework for perl
p5-POE-API-Peek-2.20p0 peek into the internals of a running POE environment
p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS-1.054p0 DNS module for the Perl Object Environment
p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS-Recursive-1.14 recursive DNS client for POE
p5-POE-Component-Client-HTTP-0.949p0 POE HTTP user-agent component
p5-POE-Component-Client-Keepalive-0.272p0v0 manage connections, with keep-alive
p5-POE-Component-Client-MPD-2.001p0 complete MPD client library
p5-POE-Component-IKC-0.2402p0 POE Inter-Kernel Communication
p5-POE-Component-IRC-6.93 event-driven IRC-client module
p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-RSS-Headlines-1.10p1 PoCo::IRC Plugin that provides RSS Headline retrieval
p5-POE-Component-Jabber-3.00p2 POE Component for communicating over Jabber
p5-POE-Component-Pcap-0.04p3 POE interface to Net::Pcap
p5-POE-Component-Pluggable-1.28p0 base class for creating plugin enabled POE Components
p5-POE-Component-PubSub-0.05p1 publish/subscribe to publish events from POE::Sessions
p5-POE-Component-Resolver-0.921p1 non-blocking getaddrinfo() resolver
p5-POE-Component-SSLify-1.012p1 make use of SSL with POE
p5-POE-Component-Server-DNS-0.32p0 non-blocking, concurrent DNS server POE component
p5-POE-Component-Server-FTP-0.08p1 event-based FTP server on a virtual filesystem
p5-POE-Component-Supervisor-0.09p1 Erlang inspired babysitting
p5-POE-Component-Syndicator-0.06p1 module which implements the Observer pattern for POE
p5-POE-Filter-DNS-TCP-0.06p0 POE Filter to handle DNS over TCP connections
p5-POE-Filter-IRCD-2.44p1 POE-based parser for the IRC protocol
p5-POE-Filter-XML-1.140700p0 POE Filter for parsing XML
p5-POE-Filter-Zlib-2.04p0 POE filter wrapped around Compress::Zlib
p5-POE-Loop-Event-1.305p0 bridge that allows POE to be driven by
p5-POE-Loop-Tk-1.305p0 bridge that allows POE to be driven by Tk
p5-POE-Test-Loops-1.360p0 reusable tests for POE::Loop authors
p5-POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006p2 C implementation of priority queues
p5-POSIX-strftime-Compiler-0.46 gnu C library compatible strftime for loggers and servers
p5-PPI-1.279 parse, analyze and manipulate Perl
p5-PPI-HTML-1.08p2 parse, analyze and manipulate Perl
p5-PPIx-QuoteLike-0.023 parse Perl string literals and string-literal-like things
p5-PPIx-Regexp-0.088 parse regular expressions
p5-PPIx-Utils-0.003 utility functions for PPI
p5-PSGI-1.102p0 perl Web Server Gateway Interface Specification
p5-Package-DeprecationManager-0.18 manage deprecation warnings for your distribution
p5-Package-Generator-1.106p0 generate new packages
p5-Package-New-0.09 simple base package from which to inherit
p5-Package-Stash-0.40 routines for manipulating stashes
p5-Package-Stash-XS-0.30 faster and more correct implementation of the Package::Stash
p5-Package-Variant-1.003002 parameterizable packages
p5-PadWalker-2.5 peek at lexical variables
p5-Pango-1.227p3 perl interface to the Pango libraries
p5-Parallel-ForkManager-1.19p0 simple parallel processing fork manager
p5-Parallel-Forker-1.260 parallel job forking and management
p5-Parallel-Prefork-0.18p0 simple prefork server framework
p5-Params-CallbackRequest-1.20p0 functional and object-oriented callback architecture
p5-Params-Classify-0.015p0 argument type classification
p5-Params-Coerce-0.15 allow your classes to do coercion of parameters
p5-Params-Util-1.102 utility to make parameter checking easier
p5-Params-Validate-1.31 validate method/function parameters
p5-Params-ValidationCompiler-0.31p0 build an optimized subroutine parameter validator
p5-Paranoid-0.36p0 paranoia support for safer programs
p5-Parse-DMIDecode-0.03p0 interface to SMBIOS using dmidecode
p5-Parse-Method-Signatures-1.003019p0 perl6-like method signature parser
p5-Parse-PlainConfig-2.06p2 parser for plain-text configuration files
p5-Parse-RecDescent-1.967015p0 perl module to generate recursive descent parsers
p5-Parse-Win32Registry-1.1 accessing the Windows registry
p5-Parse-Yapp-1.21p2 compiles yacc-like LALR grammars to Perl OO parser modules
p5-PatchReader-0.9.6p2 utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
p5-Path-Class-0.37p0 cross-platform path manipulation
p5-Path-Dispatcher-1.08 flexible and extensible dispatch
p5-Path-Tiny-0.146 file path utility
p5-Perl-Command-0.01p0 return an ARGV for running this perl
p5-Perl-Critic-1.156 critique Perl source code for best-practices
p5-Perl6-Junction-1.60000p0 Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
p5-PerlIO-eol-0.19 PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings
p5-PerlIO-gzip-0.20p0 PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip
p5-PerlIO-utf8_strict-0.010 fast and correct UTF-8 IO
p5-PerlIO-via-Bzip2-0.02p2 implement PerlIO layers which let you handle bzip2 files
p5-PerlIO-via-Timeout-0.32p1 PerlIO layer that adds read & write timeout to a handle
p5-PerlIO-via-dynamic-0.14p0 create dynamic PerlIO layers
p5-PerlIO-via-symlink-0.05p4 create symlink from IO handle
p5-Perlbal-1.80p0 Perl-based reverse proxy load balancer and web server
p5-PlRPC-0.2020p0 module for writing rpc servers and clients
p5-Plack-1.0051 interface between perl web frameworks and web servers
p5-Plack-App-URLMux-0.08p0 map multiple applications in defferent url path
p5-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect-0.12p1 sets body for redirect response, if it's not already set
p5-Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride-0.20 override REST methods to Plack apps via POST
p5-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody-0.09p0 removes body for HTTP response if it's not required
p5-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy-0.16p0 supports app to run as a reverse proxy backend
p5-Plack-Test-ExternalServer-0.02p0 run HTTP tests on external live servers
p5-Plagger-0.7.17p3 pluggable RSS/Atom aggregator
p5-Pod-Constant-0.1p1 source constants from POD to avoid repetition
p5-Pod-Coverage-0.23p1 check if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
p5-Pod-Cpandoc-0.16p1 perldoc that works for modules you don't have installed
p5-Pod-LaTeX-0.61p1 convert pod documentation to latex format
p5-Pod-Markdown-3.400 convert POD to Markdown
p5-Pod-POM-2.01p1 convert Pod documents into a simple object model form
p5-Pod-Parser-1.67 modules for parsing/translating POD format documents
p5-Pod-Spell-1.27 formatter for spellchecking pod
p5-Pod-Tests-1.20p0 extracts embedded tests and code examples from pod
p5-Pod-ToDemo-1.01p2 Write a demo program from a tutorial POD
p5-PodToHTML-0.08p3 generate HTML from files containing POD documentation
p5-Poppler-1.0103 PDF manipulation library
p5-PostScript-MailLabels-2.32p0 create PostScript files of mailing address labels
p5-Probe-Perl-0.03p0 information about the currently running perl
p5-Proc-Background-1.32 peek at lexical variables
p5-Proc-Daemon-0.23p0 run perl program as a daemon process
p5-Proc-Fork-0.808 simple, intuitive interface to the fork() system call
p5-Proc-Guard-0.07p0 process runner with RAII pattern
p5-Proc-PID-File-1.29p0 manage process id files
p5-Proc-ProcessTable-0.636 interface to the system's process table
p5-Proc-Queue-1.23p1 limits the number of forked concurrent processes
p5-Proc-Simple-1.32p0 module to launch and control background processes
p5-Proc-Wait3-0.05p0 perl extension for wait3 system call
p5-Protocol-WebSocket-0.26p0 Perl implementation of WebSocket protocol
p5-Quota-1.8.2 quota manipulation module
p5-REST-Client-281 simple client for interacting with RESTful http/https
p5-RPC-XML-0.82 perl implementation of XML-RPC
p5-RSS-Parser-Lite-0.12p0 simple and pure Perl RSS parser
p5-Rcs-1.05p2 Perl Object Class for Revision Control System (RCS)
p5-Readonly-2.05p0 facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
p5-Readonly-XS-1.05p5 create readonly variables faster
p5-Redis-2.000v0 perl binding for Redis database
p5-Ref-Util-0.204p0 utility functions for checking references
p5-Ref-Util-XS-0.117p0 utility functions for checking references (XS version)
p5-Regexp-Assemble-0.38 assemble multiple Regular Expressions into a single RE
p5-Regexp-Common-2024080801 provide commonly requested regular expressions
p5-Regexp-Common-net-CIDR-0.03p0 provide patterns for CIDR blocks
p5-Regexp-DefaultFlags-0.01p2 set default flags on regular expressions
p5-Regexp-IPv6-0.03p0 regular expression for IPv6 addresses
p5-Regexp-Shellish-0.93p3 module for shell-like regular expressions
p5-Return-MultiLevel-0.08 return across multiple call levels
p5-Return-Value-1.666005p0 polymorphic return values
p5-Rex-1.14.3 perl-based deployment and configuration management
p5-Role-Basic-0.13p0 a simple class to create simple roles
p5-Role-Tiny-2.002004 minimalist role composition tool
p5-Rose-DB-0.786 DBI wrapper and abstraction layer
p5-Rose-DB-Object-0.821 object-oriented database mapper
p5-Rose-DateTime-0.540p0 datetime helper functions for Rose
p5-Rose-HTML-Objects-0.6061p1 HTML objects for Rose
p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Autocomplete-0.02p1 HTML ajax autocompleter for Rose
p5-Rose-Object-0.860p0 object oriented DBMS for perl
p5-Rose-URI-1.00p0 URI objects for Rose
p5-SCGI-0.6p1 module for implementing an SCGI interface
p5-SDL-2.2.0p0 Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl
p5-SMTP-Server-1.1p1 implements a complete, RFC compliant SMTP server
p5-SNMP-BridgeQuery-0.61p1 Perl extension for retrieving bridge tables
p5-SNMP-Info-3.97 perl5 interface to network devices and MIBs through SNMP
p5-SNMP_Session-1.13p6 provides rudimentary access to remote SNMP agents
p5-SOAP-Lite-1.27 client and server-side SOAP implementation
p5-SOAP-WSDL-3.004 SOAP with WSDL support
p5-SQL-Abstract-2.000001 generate SQL from Perl data structures
p5-SQL-Abstract-Classic-1.91 generate SQL from Perl data structures
p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit-0.143 portability layer for LIMIT emulation
p5-SQL-Abstract-More-1.42 extension of SQL::Abstract with more constructs
p5-SQL-Abstract-Pg-1.0 PostgreSQL features for SQL::Abstract
p5-SQL-ReservedWords-0.8p0 reserved words in SQL and specific databases
p5-SQL-Statement-1.414 SQL parsing and processing engine
p5-SQL-Translator-1.66 SQL DDL transformations and more
p5-SUPER-1.20190531p0 module for controlling superclass method dispatch
p5-SVG-2.87 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) in perl
p5-SVG-Graph-0.04 visualize your data in SVG format
p5-SVN-1.14.5 perl interface to subversion
p5-SVN-Notify-2.87p0 subversion activity notification
p5-SVN-Simple-0.28p0 simple interface to subversion's editor interface
p5-SVN-Web-0.48p4 subversion repository web frontend
p5-Safe-Isa-1.000010p0 call isa, can, does and DOES safely
p5-Sane-0.05p3 Perl extension for the SANE Project
p5-Scalar-Defer-0.23p0 deferred and lazy evaluation
p5-Schedule-At-1.15p1 Perl interface for the system 'at' command
p5-Scope-Guard-0.21p0 lexically scoped resource management
p5-Scope-Upper-0.34 act on upper scopes
p5-Search-Elasticsearch-6.00p0 elasticsearch perl module
p5-Search-QueryParser-0.94p2 parses a query string suitable for external search engines
p5-SendPage-1.000003p1 SNPP, TAP, email notification application
p5-Sereal-5.004 fast, compact, powerful binary (de-)serialization
p5-Sereal-Decoder-5.004 fast, compact, powerful binary deserialization
p5-Sereal-Encoder-5.004 fast, compact, powerful binary serialization
p5-Server-Starter-0.35p0 superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs
p5-Set-Crontab-1.03p0 expand crontab(5)-style integer lists
p5-Set-Infinite-0.65p1 sets of intervals
p5-Set-IntRange-5.2p0 sets of integers
p5-Set-IntSpan-1.19p0 manage sets of integers
p5-Set-Object-1.42 set of objects and strings
p5-Set-Scalar-1.29p0 module for containing a set of scalars
p5-Shell-0.73p0 run shell commands transparently
p5-Shell-Command-0.06p0v0 simple Unix commands in perl
p5-Shell-Config-Generate-0.34 portably generate config for any shell
p5-Shell-Guess-0.10 make an educated guess about the shell in use
p5-Signal-Mask-0.008p1 utility functions dealing with signals
p5-Smart-Comments-1.06p0 debugging aid based on comments
p5-Socket-GetAddrInfo-0.22p2 RFC 2553 getaddrinfo and getnameinfo functions
p5-Socket6-0.29p0 Perl defines relating to AF_INET6 sockets
p5-Software-License-0.104006 packages that provide templated software licenses
p5-Sort-Key-1.33p0 sort perl arrays
p5-Sort-Naturally-1.03p0 sort lexically, but sort numeral parts numerically
p5-Sort-SQL-0.08p1 manipulate SQL sort strings
p5-Sort-Versions-1.62p0 sorting of revision-like numbers
p5-Sourcecode-Spellchecker-0.03p1 perl module for spell-checking source code
p5-Specio-0.50 type constraints and coercions for Perl
p5-Spiffy-0.46p0 Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
p5-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-0.66v0 read information from Excel spreadsheet
p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-2.40p0 write a cross-platform Excel binary file
p5-Spreadsheet-XLSX-0.18 Perl extension for reading MS Excel 2007 files
p5-Starlet-0.31p0 simple, high-performance PSGI/Plack HTTP server
p5-Starman-0.4015p1 high-performance preforking PSGI/Plack web server
p5-Statistics-CaseResampling-0.15p0 efficient resampling and calculation of medians
p5-Statistics-Contingency-0.09p0 calculate precision, recall, F1, accuracy, etc
p5-Statistics-Descriptive-3.0801 basic descriptive statistical functions
p5-Storable-AMF-1.23p0 deserializer for Adobe Action Message Format
p5-Stream-Buffered-0.03p1 temporary buffer to save bytes
p5-String-Approx-3.28p0 module for approximate matching
p5-String-CRC32-2.100 interface for cyclic redundancy check generation
p5-String-CamelCase-0.04p0 camelcase, de-camelcase
p5-String-Escape-2010.002p0 backslash escapes, quoted phrase, word elision, etc
p5-String-Format-1.18p0 perl printf extensions
p5-String-Formatter-1.235 build sprintf-like functions of your own
p5-String-Interpolate-0.32 wrapper for the Perl string interpolation engine
p5-String-Interpolate-Named-1.00 interpolated named arguments in a template string
p5-String-Koremutake-0.30p1 memorable random strings
p5-String-Random-0.32 perl module for generating randoms strings
p5-String-RewritePrefix-0.009 rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes
p5-String-Scanf-2.1p3 Emulates the sscanf() of the C stdio library
p5-String-ShellQuote-1.04p2 Quote strings for passing through the shell
p5-String-Similarity-1.04p3 calculate the similarity of two strings
p5-String-Tagged-0.24p0 string buffers with value tags on extents
p5-String-Tagged-Terminal-0.08p0 format terminal output using String::Tagged
p5-String-ToIdentifier-EN-0.12p0 convert strings to english program identifiers
p5-String-Truncate-1.100602p0 module for when strings are too long to be displayed in
p5-String-Util-1.35 string processing utility functions
p5-Struct-Dumb-0.12 make simple lightweight record-like structures
p5-Sub-Attribute-0.07p0 reliable subroutine attribute handlers
p5-Sub-Exporter-0.991 sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
p5-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods-0.100055 helper routines for using Sub::Exporter to build methods
p5-Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013p0 only use Sub::Exporter if you need it
p5-Sub-HandlesVia-0.016 alternative handles_via implementation
p5-Sub-Identify-0.14p0 retrieve names of code references
p5-Sub-Info-0.002p0 tool for inspecting subroutines
p5-Sub-Install-0.929 install subroutines into packages easily
p5-Sub-Lambda-0.02p1 syntactic sugar for lambdas in Perl
p5-Sub-Name-0.28 (re)name a sub
p5-Sub-Override-0.12 extension for easily overriding subroutines
p5-Sub-Quote-2.006008 efficient generation of subroutines via string eval
p5-Sub-Uplevel-0.2800p0v0 Perl library for manipulating frame stack
p5-Switch-2.17p0 switch statement for Perl
p5-Symbol-Global-Name-0.05p0 finds name and type of a global variable
p5-Syntax-Highlight-HTML-0.04p1 syntax highlight for HTML
p5-Syntax-Highlight-Mason-1.23p0 syntax highlight for Mason
p5-Syntax-Highlight-Perl-1.01p1 syntax highlight for perl
p5-Syntax-Keyword-Defer-0.11p0 execute code when leaving a block
p5-Syntax-Keyword-Match-0.15p0 match/case syntax for perl
p5-Syntax-Keyword-Try-0.30p0 try/catch/finally syntax for perl
p5-Sys-Hostname-Long-1.5p0 perl module to get FQDN
p5-Sys-MemInfo-0.99p1 return the total amount of free and used physical memory
p5-Sys-Mmap-0.20 use mmap to map in a file as a Perl variable
p5-Sys-SigAction-0.23p0 Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
p5-Sys-Syscall-0.25p0 access to more system calls than Perl normally provides
p5-Sys-Virt-11.0.0 represent and manage a libvirt hypervisor connection
p5-System-Command-1.122 object for running system commands
p5-TAP-Formatter-JUnit-0.16 format TAP::Harness output as JUnit XML
p5-TAP-Harness-Archive-0.18p1 create an archive of TAP results
p5-TAP-Harness-JUnit-0.42p0 generate JUnit compatible output from TAP results
p5-TAP-Harness-Multiple-0.07p1 report TAP output by test file description
p5-TAP-Parser-SourceHandler-pgTAP-3.36 stream TAP from pgTAP test scripts
p5-TOML-0.97p0 parser for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language
p5-TOML-Parser-0.91p1 simple toml parser
p5-Taint-Runtime-0.03p7 runtime enable taint checking
p5-Tangram-2.12 object-oriented DBMS
p5-Task-Weaken-1.06p0 ensure that a platform has weaken support
p5-Tcl-1.50 Perl interface to Tcl interpreters
p5-Template-3.102 template processing system
p5-Template-GD-2.66p3 GD plugin(s) for the Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-Class-0.14p0 template extension for calling class methods
p5-Template-Plugin-Markdown-0.02p2 TT plugin for Text::Markdown
p5-Template-Plugin-Number-Format-1.06p0 plugin/filter interface to Number::Format
p5-Template-Provider-Encoding-0.10p1 explicit encoding for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Timer-1.00p0 rudimentary profiling module for Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Tiny-1.14 Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible
p5-Term-Animation-2.6p1 produce sprite animations using ASCII art
p5-Term-Encoding-0.03p0 detect encoding of the current terminal
p5-Term-ProgressBar-2.23 text mode progress bar
p5-Term-Prompt-1.04p2 handles various forms of terminal input
p5-Term-ReadLine-Gnu-1.36p0 GNU Readline Library Wrapper Module
p5-Term-ReadLine-Perl-1.0303p1 minimal interface to Readline
p5-Term-ReadLine-TTYtter-1.4p3 Readline Library Wrapper Module for Twitter
p5-Term-ReadLine-Zoid-0.07p2 Readline Library Wrapper for zoid
p5-Term-ReadPassword-0.11p2 ask passwords from perl
p5-Term-Screen-1.06p1 positioning screen based module
p5-Term-ScreenColor-1.20p0 screen positioning and coloring module
p5-Term-Shell-0.13 simple command-line shell framework
p5-Term-ShellUI-0.92p0 fully-featured shell-like command line environment
p5-Term-Size-0.211 module to fetch the size of the terminal
p5-Term-Size-Any-0.002p0 retrieve terminal size
p5-Term-Size-Perl-0.031p0 perl extension for retrieving terminal size
p5-Test-API-0.010p0 test a list of subroutines provided by a module
p5-Test-Assertions-1.054p2 set of building blocks for both unit and runtime testing
p5-Test-Base-0.89p0 data driven test framework
p5-Test-Bits-0.02p1 provides a bits_is() subroutine for testing binary data
p5-Test-CPAN-Meta-0.25p0 validate your CPAN META.yml files
p5-Test-CheckManifest-1.43 check Manifest matches your distro
p5-Test-Class-0.52 easily create test classes in an xUnit style
p5-Test-Class-Tiny-0.03p0 xUnit in Perl, simplified
p5-Test-ClassAPI-1.07p0 basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
p5-Test-CleanNamespaces-0.24 check for uncleaned imports
p5-Test-Cmd-1.09p0 perl module for portable testing of commands and scripts
p5-Test-Command-0.11p2 test routines for external commands
p5-Test-Command-Simple-0.05p1 simplify testing of external commands
p5-Test-Compile-3.0.1 check whether Perl files compile correctly
p5-Test-Corpus-Audio-MPD-1.120990p0 automate launching of fake mpd for testing purposes
p5-Test-Deep-1.204 extremely flexible deep comparison
p5-Test-Deep-Fuzzy-0.01p1 fuzzy number comparison with Test::Deep
p5-Test-Deep-JSON-0.05p0 compare JSON with Test::Deep
p5-Test-Deep-Type-0.008p1 a Test::Deep plugin for validating type constraints
p5-Test-Differences-0.71 test strings and data structures and show differences if not
p5-Test-DistManifest-1.014p0 author test that validates a package MANIFEST
p5-Test-Distribution-2.00p2 perform tests on all modules of a distribution
p5-Test-EOL-2.02 check the correct line endings in your project
p5-Test-Exception-0.43p0 test functions for exception based code
p5-Test-Exit-0.11p0 test whether code exits without terminating testing
p5-Test-Expect-0.34p0 automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs
p5-Test-FailWarnings-0.008p1 add test failures if warnings are caught
p5-Test-Fatal-0.017 incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions
p5-Test-File-1.994 test file attributes
p5-Test-File-Contents-0.242 perl test framework for file contents
p5-Test-File-ShareDir-1.001002p0 create fake sharedir for testing
p5-Test-HTML-Tidy-1.00p2 Test::More-style wrapper around HTML::Tidy
p5-Test-HTTP-LocalServer-0.76 spawn a local HTTP server for testing
p5-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.11p0 test framework for HTTP::Server::Simple
p5-Test-HasVersion-0.014p0 check Perl modules have version numbers
p5-Test-HexDifferences-1.001p1 test binary as hexadecimal string
p5-Test-Identity-0.01 assert the referential identity of a reference
p5-Test-Inline-2.214 inlining your tests next to the code being tested
p5-Test-Inter-1.12 framework for more readable interactive test scripts
p5-Test-JSON-0.11p1 test JSON data
p5-Test-LWP-UserAgent-0.036 LWP::UserAgent for simulating and testing network calls
p5-Test-LeakTrace-0.17 module for tracing memory leaks
p5-Test-LectroTest-0.5001p0 easy, automatic, specification-based tests
p5-Test-Lib-0.003 use libraries from a t/lib directory
p5-Test-LongString-0.17p0 tests strings for equality
p5-Test-Manifest-2.025 interact with a t/test_manifest file
p5-Test-Memory-Cycle-1.06p0 perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
p5-Test-MockModule-0.177.0 override subroutines in a module for unit testing
p5-Test-MockObject-1.20200122p0 perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
p5-Test-MockRandom-1.01p0 replace random number generation with non-random
p5-Test-MockSleep-0.02p0 overrides perl's sleep call
p5-Test-MockTime-0.17p0 replaces actual time with simulated time
p5-Test-MockTime-HiRes-0.08 replaces actual time with simulated high resolution time
p5-Test-Modern-0.013p0 precision testing for modern perl
p5-Test-More-UTF8-0.05p0 enhancing Test::More for UTF8-based projects
p5-Test-Most-0.38 most commonly needed test functions and features
p5-Test-Needs-0.002010 skip tests when modules not available
p5-Test-NoTabs-2.02p0 check the presence of tabs in your project
p5-Test-NoWarnings-1.06 forbids warnings while testing
p5-Test-Number-Delta-1.06p0 compare difference between numbers against a given tolerance
p5-Test-Object-0.08p0 thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers
p5-Test-Output-1.035 utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
p5-Test-POE-Server-TCP-1.20p0 POE component providing TCP server services for test cases
p5-Test-Perl-Critic-1.04p0 test framework to run Perl::Critic
p5-Test-Pod-1.52p0 check for POD errors in files
p5-Test-Pod-Content-0.0.6p0 test a Pod's content
p5-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.10p0 check for pod coverage in your distribution
p5-Test-Portability-Files-0.10p0 check file names portability
p5-Test-Regexp-2017040101p0 test your regular expressions
p5-Test-Reporter-1.62p0v0 sends test results to
p5-Test-Requires-0.11 checks to see if the module can be loaded
p5-Test-RequiresInternet-0.05p0 easily test network connectivity
p5-Test-Script-1.29p0 cross-platform basic tests for scripts
p5-Test-SharedFork-0.35p0 fork test
p5-Test-Spec-0.54p0 write tests in a declarative specification style
p5-Test-Spelling-0.25p1 check for spelling errors in POD files
p5-Test-Strict-0.54 check syntax, presence of use strict; and test coverage
p5-Test-SubCalls-1.10p1 track the number of times subs are called
p5-Test-TCP-2.22p0 testing TCP program
p5-Test-Taint-1.08p0 tools to test taintedness
p5-Test-TempDir-0.11 temporary files support for testing
p5-Test-Time-0.08p1 overrides time()/sleep() core functions for testing
p5-Test-TrailingSpace-0.0601 test for trailing space in source files
p5-Test-Trap-0.3.5 trap exit codes
p5-Test-URI-1.086 check Uniform Resource Identifiers
p5-Test-Unit-0.27 Perl unit testing framework
p5-Test-UseAllModules-0.17p0 do use_ok for all the MANIFESTed modules
p5-Test-Version-2.09p0 check to see that version's in modules are sane
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.60 test suite using WWW::Mechanize
p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst-0.62 Test-WWW-Mechanize extension for catalyst
p5-Test-Warn-0.37 Perl extension to test methods for warnings
p5-Test-Warnings-0.037 test for warnings and the lack of them
p5-Test-Weaken-3.022000p0 test that freed memory objects were, indeed, freed
p5-Test-Without-Module-0.23 test fallback behaviour in absence of modules
p5-Test-XML-0.08p0 compare XML in perl tests
p5-Test-YAML-1.07p0 testing module for YAML implementations
p5-Test-YAML-Valid-0.04p1 test for valid YAML
p5-Test-utf8-1.03 handy utf8 tests for Perl
p5-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings-0.10p0 fail if tests warn
p5-Test2-Tools-Explain-0.02p1 explain tools for Perl's Test2 framework
p5-Text-ASCIIMathML-0.81p0 perl extension for parsing ASCIIMathML text into MathML
p5-Text-Affixes-0.09p0 prefixes and suffixes analisys of text
p5-Text-Aligner-0.16 justify strings to various alignment styles
p5-Text-Aspell-0.09p11 interface to the GNU aspell library
p5-Text-Autoformat-1.75p0v0 automatic text wrapping and reformatting
p5-Text-CSV-2.04 comma-separated values manipulator routines
p5-Text-CSV-Hashify-0.10p0 turn a CSV file into a Perl hash
p5-Text-CSV_XS-1.60 Comma-Separated Values manipulation routines
p5-Text-CharWidth-0.04p0 get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal
p5-Text-Control-0.5 transforms of control characters
p5-Text-Diff-1.45p0 perform diffs on files and record sets
p5-Text-Diff-HTML-0.08p0 XHTML format for Text::Diff::Unified
p5-Text-DoubleMetaphone-0.07p8 implementation of a "sounds like" algorithm
p5-Text-FixEOL-1.08 canonical EOL/EOF
p5-Text-Flow-0.01p1 flexible text flowing and word wrapping
p5-Text-Format-0.63 various subroutines to format text
p5-Text-German-0.06p1 German grundform reduction
p5-Text-Glob-0.11p0 match globbing patterns against text
p5-Text-Iconv-1.7p6 interface to iconv() codeset conversion function
p5-Text-Kakasi-2.04p5 Kanji -> kana converter, perl interface
p5-Text-LevenshteinXS-0.03p7 perl implementation of Levenshtein edit distance
p5-Text-Markdown-1.000031p0 convert Markdown syntax to (X)HTML
p5-Text-MultiMarkdown-1.000035p0 convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
p5-Text-PDF-0.31p0 perl modules for creating and manipulating PDF
p5-Text-Password-Pronounceable-0.30p1 generate pronounceable passwords
p5-Text-Quoted-2.10p0 extract the structure of a quoted mail message
p5-Text-RecordParser-1.6.5p1 parse records in CSV-like formats
p5-Text-Reflow-1.17p0 module for reflowing text files
p5-Text-Reform-1.20p1 perl module to formating plaintext
p5-Text-SimpleTable-2.07p0 simple eyecandy ASCII Tables
p5-Text-Soundex-3.05p0 implementation of the soundex algorithm
p5-Text-Table-1.135 organize data in tables
p5-Text-TabularDisplay-1.38p0 render tabular data as plain text
p5-Text-Tags-0.04p2 parses 'folksonomy' space-separated tags
p5-Text-Template-1.61 expand template text with embedded perl
p5-Text-Textile-2.13p0 converts simple text to web constructs
p5-Text-Thread-0.2p2 convert tree structured items into ascii tree items
p5-Text-Tmpl-0.33p4 very fast Perl templating library
p5-Text-Unidecode-1.30p0 US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
p5-Text-WagnerFischer-0.04 implementation of the Wagner-Fischer edit distance
p5-Text-WikiFormat-0.81p0 translate Wiki formatted text into other formats
p5-Text-WordDiff-0.09p0 module to diff based on word, not lines
p5-Text-Wrapper-1.05p0 simple word wrapping routine
p5-Text-vCard-3.09p0 read, write, and edit vCard address books
p5-Text-vFile-asData-0.08p0 parse vFile formatted files into data structures
p5-Throwable-1.001 role for classes that can be thrown
p5-Tie-Array-Sorted-1.41p3 array which is kept ordered
p5-Tie-CPHash-2.000p0 case preserving but case insensitive hash table
p5-Tie-Cache-0.21p0 LRU cache in memory
p5-Tie-Cache-LRU-0.21p1 LRU cache in memory
p5-Tie-Cache-LRU-Expires-0.55p0 LRU cache in memory with expiry
p5-Tie-DBI-1.08 Tie hashes to DBI relational databases
p5-Tie-EncryptedHash-1.24p1 hashes with encrypting fields
p5-Tie-Hash-Indexed-0.05p7 ordered hashes for Perl
p5-Tie-Hash-MultiValue-1.07 store multiple values per key
p5-Tie-IxHash-1.23p0 ordered associative arrays for Perl
p5-Tie-LLHash-1.004p0 ordered hashes
p5-Tie-RegexpHash-0.17p0 use regular expressions as hash keys
p5-Tie-Simple-1.04p0 Variable ties made easier
p5-Tie-ToObject-0.03p4 tie to an existing object
p5-Time-Clock-1.03p0 simple 24 hours clock object
p5-Time-Duration-1.21p0v0 module for rounded or exact english expression of durations
p5-Time-Duration-Parse-0.16 parse strings that represent time durations
p5-Time-Format-1.16p0 easy-to-use date/time formatting
p5-Time-Out-0.11p0 easily timeout long running operations
p5-Time-Period-1.25 perl module to deal with time periods
p5-Time-Piece-MySQL-0.06p3 MySQL representations for Time::Piece objects
p5-Time-Progress-2.14 elapsed and estimated finish time reporting
p5-Time-TimeDate-2.33 library for parsing and formatting dates and times
p5-Time-Warp-0.55 control over the flow of time
p5-Time-modules-2013.0912p0 object oriented time interface
p5-Tk-804.036 Tk 8.4 bindings for Perl
p5-Tk-ProgressBar-Mac-1.2p0 widget that looks just like a Mac OS 9 progress bar
p5-Tk-Splash-0.16p0 splash screen widget
p5-Tk-Stderr-1.2p0 capture standard error output, display in separate window
p5-Tk-TableMatrix-1.23p4 create and manipulate tables
p5-Tk-demo-804.036 demonstrate the features of ptk
p5-Tkx-1.10 Perl interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
p5-Tree-DAG_Node-1.32 superclass for representing nodes in a tree
p5-Tree-Simple-1.18p2 simple tree object
p5-Tree-Simple-View-0.180001p0 class for viewing Tree::Simple hierarchies
p5-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory-0.10p4 factory for Tree::Simple visitor objects
p5-Try-Tiny-0.32 minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@
p5-Twiggy-0.1026 AnyEvent HTTP server for PSGI (like Thin)
p5-Twitter-API-1.0006p0 Twitter REST API library for Perl
p5-Type-Tiny-2.006000 tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint
p5-Types-Serialiser-1.01p0 simple data types for common serialisation formats
p5-UPS-Nut-0.04p2 module to talk to a UPS via NUT (Network UPS Tools) upsd
p5-URI-5.31 library to parse Uniform Resource Identifiers
p5-URI-Fetch-0.15 smart URI fetching/caching
p5-URI-Find-20160806 find URIs in arbitrary text
p5-URI-Nested-0.10 nested URIs
p5-URI-Query-0.16 class providing URI query string manipulation
p5-URI-db-0.23 database URIs
p5-URI-ws-0.03 WebSocket support for URI package
p5-URL-Encode-0.03p0 encoding and decoding of application/x-www-form-urlencoded
p5-USB-LibUSB-0.09p0 perl interface to the libusb-1.0 API
p5-UUID-Tiny-1.04p0 tiny pure-perl UUID generation
p5-Umph-Prompt-0.1.0p0 interactive prompt module
p5-Unicode-LineBreak-2019.001p0 Unicode line breaking algorithm
p5-Unicode-Map-0.112p6 conversions to and from arbitrary character sets
p5-Unicode-Map8-0.13p1 module to implement efficient mapping tables
p5-Unicode-MapUTF8-1.14 conversions to and from arbitrary character sets and UTF8
p5-Unicode-String-2.10p0 modules to handle various Unicode issues
p5-Unicode-Stringprep-1.105p0 preparation of internationalized strings
p5-Universal-can-1.20140328p0 calling UNIVERSAL::can as a function
p5-Universal-exports-0.05p3 lightweight, universal exporting/require of variables
p5-Universal-isa-1.20171012p0 calling UNIVERSAL::isa as a function
p5-Universal-moniker-0.08p2 Perl module for aliasing class names
p5-Universal-require-0.19 extends require to work on variables
p5-Unix-Mknod-0.05 Perl extension for mknod, major, minor and makedev
p5-Unix-OpenBSD-Random-0.01 interface to arc4random(3) on OpenBSD
p5-Unix-PID-0.23p1 interface for getting PID info
p5-Unix-Process-1.3101 extension to get pid info from /bin/ps
p5-Unix-Statgrab-0.112 interface to libstatgrab system statistics library
p5-Unix-Syslog-1.1p6 interface to the UNIX system logger
p5-User-1.9p1 API for locating user information
p5-User-Identity-1.02 maintains info about a physical person
p5-Validate-Net-0.6p2 module to format validation for Net:: related strings
p5-Variable-Magic-0.64 associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl
p5-W3C-LinkChecker-5.0.0 check the validity of links in an HTML or XHTML document
p5-WML-Card-0.02p2 perl module to create WML cards
p5-WWW-Bugzilla-1.5p0 creating and updating Bugzilla bugs
p5-WWW-Ebay-1.003p0 search and manage eBay accounts
p5-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-0.26p0 parser and builder for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
p5-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-XS-0.28 parser and builder for x-www-form-urlencoded in XS
p5-WWW-IndexParser-0.91p1 fetch and parse the directory index from a web server
p5-WWW-Mechanize-2.19 handy web browsing in a Perl object
p5-WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller-0.13 framework to automate HTML forms
p5-WWW-Mechanize-GZip-0.14p0 tries to fetch webpages with gzip-compression
p5-WWW-Mechanize-Shell-0.62 interactive shell for WWW::Mechanize
p5-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder-1.20000p0 combines WWW::Mechanize and HTML::TreeBuilder
p5-WWW-OAuth-1.002 portable OAuth 1.0 authentication
p5-WWW-Robot-0.026p0 configurable web traversal engine
p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02p0 database of robots.txt-derived permissions
p5-WWW-Search-2.519 virtual base class for WWW searches
p5-WWW-Search-Ebay-3.056 backend for searching
p5-WWW-Shorten-3.094 interface to URL shortening sites
p5-WWW-Shorten-Bitly-2.001p0 interface to shortening site
p5-WWW-Shorten-Googl-1.100p0 interface to shortening site
p5-WWW-Tumblr-5.3p0 Perl interface for the Tumblr API
p5-WWW-Wikipedia-2.05p0 automated interface to the Wikipedia encyclopedia
p5-Want-0.29p2 generalisation of wantarray
p5-WeakRef-0.01p6 API to the Perl weak references
p5-Weather-Com-0.5.5p1 module to get weather information from
p5-Web-Machine-0.17 perl port of Webmachine
p5-Web-Scraper-0.38 web scraping toolkit using HTML and CSS Selectors or XPath
p5-WebService-Audioscrobbler-0.08p0 interface to the Audioscrobbler WebService API
p5-WebService-MusicBrainz-1.0.7 interface to the MusicBrainz v2.0 API
p5-Wx-0.9932p5 interface to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI toolkit
p5-X-Osd-0.7p5 Perl extension to the X On Screen Display library (xosd)
p5-X-Tiny-0.22 super-lightweight exception framework
p5-X11-Protocol-0.56p2 provides an interface roughly equivalent to Xlib
p5-X11-Protocol-Other-31p0 extras and helpers for X11::Protocol
p5-XML-Atom-0.43p0 atom feed and API implementation
p5-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed-0.905 no-fuss generation of Atom syndication feeds
p5-XML-AutoWriter-0.39p2 module for DOCTYPE based XML output
p5-XML-Checker-0.13p2 perl module for validating XML
p5-XML-DOM-1.46p1 perl module to build DOM Level 1 structures
p5-XML-DOM-XPath-0.14p0 extension to add XPath support to XML::DOM
p5-XML-Dumper-0.81p3 Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
p5-XML-Elemental-2.11p1 generic classes for simplistic handling of XML data
p5-XML-Feed-0.65 interface to RSS and Atom feeds
p5-XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01p1 collate XML character events in one chunk
p5-XML-Filter-ExceptionLocator-1.01p0 add line information to XML parse errors
p5-XML-Generator-1.13 perl extension for generating XML
p5-XML-LibXML-2.0210v0 perl binding for libxml2
p5-XML-LibXSLT-2.003000 interface to GNOME libxslt library
p5-XML-Literal-0.02p2 embed XML directly into perl
p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.12p1 perl module to the SAX2 NamespaceSupport class
p5-XML-Parser-2.47 perl module for parsing XML documents
p5-XML-Parser-Lite-0.722p0 lightweight regexp-based XML parser
p5-XML-RAI-1.3031p1 RSS Abstraction Interface
p5-XML-RPC-1.1p0 pure Perl implementation for an XML-RPC client and server
p5-XML-RSS-1.64 perl module to manage XML RSS files
p5-XML-RSS-LibXML-0.3105p0 XML::RSS with XML::LibXML
p5-XML-RSS-Parser-4.0p3 liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds
p5-XML-RSS-Timing-1.07p2 figure out when to fetch RSS Feeds
p5-XML-RSS-TimingBot-2.03p2 efficiently fetch RSS feeds
p5-XML-RSSLite-0.17 lightweight, 'relaxed' RSS (and XML-ish) parser
p5-XML-RegExp-0.04p0 Provide regular expressions for some XML tokens
p5-XML-SAX-1.02p0 framework for the Perl SAX2 XML parsers, filters and drivers
p5-XML-SAX-Base-1.09p0 base class for SAX drivers and filters
p5-XML-SAX-Expat-0.51p0 SAX2 driver based on expat
p5-XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental-0.05p1 subclass for non-blocking (incremental) parsing
p5-XML-SAX-ExpatXS-1.33p1 SAX2 driver directly based on expat
p5-XML-SAX-Writer-0.57p0 SAX2 writer
p5-XML-SemanticDiff-1.0007p0 compare XML documents
p5-XML-Simple-2.25p0 trivial perl API for reading/writing XML
p5-XML-Smart-1.79p0 access/create XML files/datas easily
p5-XML-Stream-1.24p0 creates and XML Stream connection and parses return data
p5-XML-Tidy-1.20p0 tidy indenting of XML documents
p5-XML-TreePP-0.43 pure Perl implementation for parsing/writing XML documents
p5-XML-Twig-3.53 perl module for parsing huge XML documents
p5-XML-Validator-Schema-1.10p2 validate XML schema using SAX
p5-XML-Writer-0.900 perl extension for writing XML documents
p5-XML-XPath-1.48 parse and evaluate XPath statements
p5-XML-XPathEngine-0.14p0 re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
p5-XML-XSLT-0.48p2 perl module to perform XSLT transformations
p5-XML-XSPF-0.7.1 parser and generator for XSPF playlists
p5-XS-Parse-Keyword-0.48p0 XS functions to assist in parsing keyword syntax
p5-XString-0.005 isolated String helpers from B
p5-YAML-1.31 YAML Ain't Markup Language
p5-YAML-Shell-0.71p0 YAML Test Shell
p5-YAML-Syck-1.34 YAML and JSON for perl, optimized C
p5-YAML-Tiny-1.76 read/write YAML files with as little code as possible
p5-YAML-XS-0.89 YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml
p5-ZMQ-1.06p0 Perl-ish Interface to libzmq
p5-ZMQ-Constants-1.04p0 constants for libzmq
p5-ZMQ-LibZMQ3-1.19p2 libzmq 3.x wrapper for Perl
p5-Zonemaster-LDNS-4.1.0 module to interface the DNS resolver using the ldns library
p5-Zonemaster-engine-7.0.0 tool to check the quality of a DNS zone
p5-accessors-1.01p2 create accessor methods in caller's package
p5-ack-3.7.0 grep like tool, aimed at programmers
p5-aliased-0.34p1 use shorter versions of class names
p5-asa-1.04 lets your class/object say it works like something else
p5-asterisk-1.08 collection of perl modules to be used with asterisk
p5-autobox-3.0.2 pragma to call methods on native types
p5-bareword-filehandles-0.007p1 disables bareword filehandles
p5-boolean-0.46 boolean support for Perl
p5-capitalization-0.03p2 use familiar style on method naming
p5-common-sense-3.75 perl common defaults with lower memory usage
p5-curry-2.000001 create automatic curried method call closures for any class
p5-enum-1.12v0 C style enumerated types and bitmask flags
p5-flowd-0.9.1p4 Perl API to flowd binary logfiles
p5-forks-0.36p2 forks - emulate threads with fork
p5-gnupod-0.99.8p5 collection of perl scripts to manage your iPod
p5-iCal-Parser-1.21 parse iCalendar files into a data structure
p5-indirect-0.39p0 lexically warn about using the indirect method call syntax
p5-ldap-0.68p0v0 client interface to LDAP servers
p5-lib-abs-0.95 Relative use lib in absolute way
p5-libapreq2-2.17 apache HTTP server request library
p5-libintl-1.29p1 internationalization library written in Perl
p5-libmarisa-0.2.6p0 marisa-trie bindings for Perl (SWIG)
p5-librdf- Redland librdf Perl Bindings
p5-libvorbis-0.05p6 Perl extension for Ogg Vorbis streams
p5-libwww-6.78 library for WWW access in Perl
p5-local-lib-2.000029 create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB
p5-mapscript-8.4.0 Perl Mapscript binding
p5-namespace-autoclean-0.31 keep imports out of your namespace
p5-namespace-clean-0.27p0 keep imports and functions out of your namespace
p5-ossp-UUID-1.6.2p8 UUID modules for Perl
p5-pQuery-0.24p0 perl port of jQuery.js
p5-pgsql-1.9.0p6 access to PostgreSQL databases perl
p5-prefork-1.05 optimized module loading
p5-sdf-2.001p2 simple document format
p5-strictures-2.000006 turn on strict and make most warnings fatal
p5-tkispell-0.18p3 Perl/Tk graphical user interface to GNU ispell
p7zip-17.06 file archiver with high compression ratio
p7zip-rar-17.06 rar modules for p7zip
p9m4-05p6 prover9/mace4 GUI
packer-1.12.0 tool for building machine images
packer-vmm-1.7.3 vmm(4) builder engine for HashiCorp Packer
packetbeat-7.12.1p3 lightweight shipper for real-time network analytics
packetq-1.7.3 run SQL queries directly on PCAP files
pacman-arena-0.15p1 pacman clone gone mad
pacpl-4.0.5p2 PAC (Perl Audio Converter)
paje-1.98p17 GNUstep based trace visualization tool
palapeli-24.12.2 jigsaw puzzle game
palm-bookmarks-0.2p3 bookmarks on your palm
pan-0.161p0 read and post Usenet articles
pandoc-3.6.2 convert between markup and document formats
pango-1.56.1p0 library for layout and rendering of text
pangomm-2.46.4 C++ interface for pango
pangomm248-2.56.1 C++ API for Pango
pantomime-1.4.0p0 framework to major mail protocols
paper-gtk-theme-2.1.0p1 modern desktop flat theme suite
paper-icon-theme-1.5.0p2 modern freedesktop flat icon theme
paperkey-1.6 OpenPGP private key backup utility suitable for printing
papirus-icon-theme-20231201p1 papirus icon theme
par-1.52p2 paragraph reflow for email
par1cmdline-1.1p3 command line implementation of the PAR v1.0 specification
par2cmdline-0.7.4p0 command line implementation of the PAR v2.0 specification
parallel-20250122 execute jobs in parallel
parcellite-1.0.2rc5p6 lightweight GTK+ clipboard manager
pari-2.15.5p1 number theory-oriented computer algebra system
parlatype-1.5.6p6 minimal audio player for manual speech transcription
parole-4.18.2p1 Xfce4 media player
pasmo-0.5.5p0 Z80 cross assembler
pass-import-3.5p1 importer for pass (passwordstore)
pass-otp-1.2.0 OTP extension for password-store
passphraseme-0.1.5p3 passphrase generator using EFF's wordlists
passwdqc-2.0.2 complexity checker for passwd(1) and password generator
password-gorilla- cross-platform password manager
password-store-1.7.4 simple password store
pastel-0.10.0p0 command line tool to manipulate colors
patchelf-0.18.0p1 utility for modifying existing ELF executables and libraries
patchutils-0.4.2p0 small tools to operate on patch files
pathological-1.1.3p8 enriched clone of the game Logical by Rainbow Arts
patroni-4.0.4p0 PostgreSQL HA cluster management tool
paulstretch-2.2.2p9 program for extreme audio stretching
pavucontrol-5.0 PulseAudio volume mixer
pavucontrol-qt-2.1.0 pulseaudio mixer in qt
pax-utils-1.3.8 ELF related utils for ELF 32/64 binaries
pbgpp-0.2.22p5 pcap bgp parser
pcalc-4 command line util for doing hex/dec/oct/bin math quickly
pcapdiff-0.20180816p4 compare pcap dump files
pcapmerge-1.0p1 merge and extract portions of binary pcap files
pcaudiolib-1.3 C API to different audio devices
pcb-4.3.0p0v0 printed circuit board layout tool
pcb2gcode-2.5.0 tool for isolation, routing, and drilling of PCBs
pcbasic-2.0.7p1 free, cross-platform emulator for GW-BASIC family (PC-BASIC)
pcc- portable C compiler
pcc-libs- libraries for the portable C compiler
pccts-1.33r33 Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set
pchar-1.5p4 Sandia Internet path characterization tool
pciutils-3.11.1 PCI bus configuration register access tools
pcl-1.15.0p0 image and point cloud processing library
pcmanfm-qt-2.1.0 file manager and desktop icon manager
pcre++-0.9.5p8 wrapper class around the pcre library
pcre-8.45 perl-compatible regular expression library
pcre2-10.44 perl-compatible regular expression library, version 2
pcsc-cyberjack-3.99.5final.SP16p1 REINER SCT cyberJack chipcard reader driver
pcsc-lite-2.3.1 resource manager for PC/SC
pcsc-tools-1.7.2 tools for use with PC/SC drivers, cards, readers
pdal-2.8.4 translator library for point cloud formats
pdf-parser-0.7.5p3 parse a PDF document
pdf4tcl-0.9.4p0 library for generating PDF documents for Tcl
pdfarranger-1.11.1p0 GUI tool to rearrange and modify PDF files
pdfcrack-0.20 password recovery tool for PDF-files
pdfgrep-2.1.2p0 tool to search text in PDF files
pdfid-0.2.7p4 tool to test a PDF file
pdfkit-1.2.0p1 framework for accessing and rendering PDF content
pdfpc-4.6.0p0 presenter console with multi-monitor support
pdfsandwich-0.1.7p7 generator for sandwich OCR pdf files
pdftk-3.3.3p0 pdf swiss army knife
pdlzip-1.13p0 public domain implementation of the lzip data compressor
pdmenu-1.3.6 simple slang-based menu program
pdnsd-1.2.9ap1 threaded DNS daemon, optimized for caching
pear-1.10.23 base classes for common PHP tasks
pear-utils-1.10.23 utilities for managing pear extensions
pecl82-imagick-3.7.0p4 PHP support for the ImageMagick library
pecl82-lzf-1.7.0p2 PHP support for LZF de/compression
pecl82-mailparse-3.1.8p0 PHP extension for parsing and working with plain/MIME email
pecl82-mcrypt-1.0.7p2 PHP bindings for the libmcrypt library
pecl82-memcached-3.3.0p0 PHP interface to memcached via libmemcached
pecl82-pledge-2.1.2p2 PHP wrapper for pledge(2) and unveil(2)
pecl82-raphf-2.0.0p9 persistent handle and resource factory API
pecl82-redis-6.1.0p0 PHP interface to redis
pecl82-ssh2-1.4p2 PHP bindings for the libssh2 library
pecl82-xdebug-3.4.2 debug and development tools for PHP
pecl82-yaml-2.2.4p0 YAML-1.1 parser and emitter for PHP
pecl83-imagick-3.7.0p4 PHP support for the ImageMagick library
pecl83-lzf-1.7.0p2 PHP support for LZF de/compression
pecl83-mailparse-3.1.8p0 PHP extension for parsing and working with plain/MIME email
pecl83-mcrypt-1.0.7p2 PHP bindings for the libmcrypt library
pecl83-memcached-3.3.0p0 PHP interface to memcached via libmemcached
pecl83-pledge-2.1.2p2 PHP wrapper for pledge(2) and unveil(2)
pecl83-raphf-2.0.0p9 persistent handle and resource factory API
pecl83-redis-6.1.0p0 PHP interface to redis
pecl83-ssh2-1.4p2 PHP bindings for the libssh2 library
pecl83-xdebug-3.4.2 debug and development tools for PHP
pecl83-yaml-2.2.4p0 YAML-1.1 parser and emitter for PHP
pecl84-imagick-3.7.0p4 PHP support for the ImageMagick library
pecl84-lzf-1.7.0p2 PHP support for LZF de/compression
pecl84-mailparse-3.1.8p0 PHP extension for parsing and working with plain/MIME email
pecl84-memcached-3.3.0p0 PHP interface to memcached via libmemcached
pecl84-pledge-2.1.2p2 PHP wrapper for pledge(2) and unveil(2)
pecl84-raphf-2.0.0p9 persistent handle and resource factory API
pecl84-redis-6.1.0p0 PHP interface to redis
pecl84-ssh2-1.4p2 PHP bindings for the libssh2 library
pecl84-xdebug-3.4.2 debug and development tools for PHP
pecl84-yaml-2.2.4p0 YAML-1.1 parser and emitter for PHP
peek-1.5.1p4 simple screen recorder
peg-e-1.2.8p0 basic peg solitaire game
peksystray-0.4.0p2 compliant system tray
pekwm-0.3.2 aewm++ based pretty themable window manager
pelican-4.7.2p3 static site generator written in Python
pen-0.34.1 load balancer for simple TCP-based protocols
pentobi-18.1p2 free clone of Blokus board game
percona-toolkit-2.2.9p1v0 MySQL Percona tools
perdition-2.2p6 fully featured POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server
perdition-ldap-2.2p6 LDAP backend for perdition mail proxy
perdition-mysql-2.2p6 MySQL backend for perdition mail proxy
perdition-pgsql-2.2p6 PostgreSQL backend for perdition mail proxy
perlsh-1.8.1p3 Perl shell
perltidy-20250214 tool to indent and reformat perl scripts
perp-2.07 process supervisor & service framework for unix
pfe-0.33.71p3 Portable Forth Environment
pflogsumm-1.1.5 Postfix log entry summarizer
pflogx-0.86p7 convert pf(4) logs to XML
pfm-1.92.2p1 personal file manager
pfresolved-1.02 pf table DNS update daemon
pfstat-2.5p6 packet filter statistics visualization
pfstatd-2.5p6 pfstat daemon
pftop-0.7p19 curses-based real time state and rule display for pf
pg-toolbox-3p1 programs to aid the PostgreSQL administrator
pg_activity-3.6.0 command line tool for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring
pg_sqlite_fdw-2.5.0 PostgreSQL Foreign Data Wrapper for SQLite
pgbackrest-2.54.2 PostgreSQL backup & restore tool
pgbadger-9.2 advanced PostgreSQL log analyzer
pgbouncer-1.23.1 lightweight connection pooler for PostgreSQL
pgcluu-3.1 PostgreSQL performances monitoring and auditing tool
pgmodeler-1.1.4 PostgreSQL Database Modeler
pgp-5.0ip2 Pretty Good Privacy 5.0i (world wide use)
pgpdump-0.36 PGP packet visualizer
pgpool-II-3.7.18p1 connection pool server for PostgreSQL
pgrouting-3.7.3 geospatial routing extension for PostgreSQL
pgt-firmware-1.2p5 firmware binary images for pgt(4) driver
pgtap-1.1.0 unit testing for PostgreSQL
pgtcl-3.0.0 Tcl interface to PostgreSQL
pho-1.0 lightweight image viewer
phonon-4.12.0p0 multimedia layer for Qt5/KDE5
phonon-backend-vlc-0.12.0p0 VLC-based Phonon backend
phonon-backend-vlc-qt6-0.12.0p0 VLC-based Phonon backend
phonon-qt6-4.12.0p0 multimedia layer for Qt5/KDE5
phoon-20050629p1 displays the phase of the moon in ascii
php-8.2.27p4 server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
php-8.3.17 server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
php-8.4.4 server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
php-apache-8.2.27p0 php module for Apache httpd
php-apache-8.3.17 php module for Apache httpd
php-apache-8.4.4 php module for Apache httpd
php-awl-0.64p1 Andrews web libraries for PHP
php-bz2-8.2.27p0 bzip2 compression extensions for php
php-bz2-8.3.17 bzip2 compression extensions for php
php-bz2-8.4.4 bzip2 compression extensions for php
php-cgi-8.2.27p0 php CGI binary
php-cgi-8.3.17 php CGI binary
php-cgi-8.4.4 php CGI binary
php-curl-8.2.27p0 curl URL library extensions for php
php-curl-8.3.17 curl URL library extensions for php
php-curl-8.4.4 curl URL library extensions for php
php-dba-8.2.27p0 dba GDBM access extensions for php
php-dba-8.3.17 dba GDBM access extensions for php
php-dba-8.4.4 dba GDBM access extensions for php
php-dbg-8.2.27p0 interactive php debugger
php-dbg-8.3.17 interactive php debugger
php-dbg-8.4.4 interactive php debugger
php-embed-8.2.27p0 embeddable php library
php-embed-8.3.17 embeddable php library
php-embed-8.4.4 embeddable php library
php-enchant-8.2.27p0 enchant library extensions for php
php-enchant-8.3.17 enchant library extensions for php
php-enchant-8.4.4 enchant library extensions for php
php-gd-8.2.27p0 image manipulation extensions for php
php-gd-8.3.17p0 image manipulation extensions for php
php-gd-8.4.4 image manipulation extensions for php
php-gmp-8.2.27p0 gmp math library support for php
php-gmp-8.3.17 gmp math library support for php
php-gmp-8.4.4 gmp math library support for php
php-imap-8.2.27p0 imap, pop3 and nntp extensions for php
php-imap-8.3.17 imap, pop3 and nntp extensions for php
php-intl-8.2.27p0 intl library support for php
php-intl-8.3.17 intl library support for php
php-intl-8.4.4 intl library support for php
php-ldap-8.2.27p0 ldap protocol extensions for php
php-ldap-8.3.17 ldap protocol extensions for php
php-ldap-8.4.4 ldap protocol extensions for php
php-mapscript-8.4.0 PHP Mapscript extension
php-mysqli-8.2.27p0 mysql database access extensions for php
php-mysqli-8.3.17 mysql database access extensions for php
php-mysqli-8.4.4 mysql database access extensions for php
php-odbc-8.2.27p0 odbc database access extensions for php
php-odbc-8.3.17 odbc database access extensions for php
php-odbc-8.4.4 odbc database access extensions for php
php-pcntl-8.2.27p0 PCNTL extensions for php
php-pcntl-8.3.17 PCNTL extensions for php
php-pcntl-8.4.4 PCNTL extensions for php
php-pdo_dblib-8.2.27p0 PDO DB-LIB support for php
php-pdo_dblib-8.3.17 PDO DB-LIB support for php
php-pdo_dblib-8.4.4 PDO DB-LIB support for php
php-pdo_mysql-8.2.27p0 PDO mysql database access extensions for php
php-pdo_mysql-8.3.17 PDO mysql database access extensions for php
php-pdo_mysql-8.4.4 PDO mysql database access extensions for php
php-pdo_odbc-8.2.27p0 PDO database access extensions for php
php-pdo_odbc-8.3.17 PDO database access extensions for php
php-pdo_odbc-8.4.4 PDO database access extensions for php
php-pdo_pgsql-8.2.27p0 PDO pgsql database access extensions for php
php-pdo_pgsql-8.3.17 PDO pgsql database access extensions for php
php-pdo_pgsql-8.4.4 PDO pgsql database access extensions for php
php-pdo_sqlite-8.2.27p0 PDO sqlite3 database access extensions for php
php-pdo_sqlite-8.3.17 PDO sqlite3 database access extensions for php
php-pdo_sqlite-8.4.4 PDO sqlite3 database access extensions for php
php-pgsql-8.2.27p0 pgsql database access extensions for php
php-pgsql-8.3.17 pgsql database access extensions for php
php-pgsql-8.4.4 pgsql database access extensions for php
php-pspell-8.2.27p0 pspell library extensions for php
php-pspell-8.3.17 pspell library extensions for php
php-shmop-8.2.27p0 shared memory extensions for php
php-shmop-8.3.17 shared memory extensions for php
php-shmop-8.4.4 shared memory extensions for php
php-snmp-8.2.27p0 snmp protocol extensions for php
php-snmp-8.3.17 snmp protocol extensions for php
php-snmp-8.4.4 snmp protocol extensions for php
php-soap-8.2.27p0 SOAP functions for php
php-soap-8.3.17 SOAP functions for php
php-soap-8.4.4 SOAP functions for php
php-sqlite3-8.2.27p0 sqlite3 database access extension for php
php-sqlite3-8.3.17 sqlite3 database access extension for php
php-sqlite3-8.4.4 sqlite3 database access extension for php
php-tidy-8.2.27p0 tidy HTML cleaner bindings
php-tidy-8.3.17 tidy HTML cleaner bindings
php-tidy-8.4.4 tidy HTML cleaner bindings
php-xsl-8.2.27p0 XSL functions for php
php-xsl-8.3.17 XSL functions for php
php-xsl-8.4.4 XSL functions for php
php-zip-8.2.27p0 zip functions for php
php-zip-8.3.17 zip functions for php
php-zip-8.4.4 zip functions for php
phpMyAdmin-5.2.2 tool to handle the administration of MySQL over the web
phpPgAdmin-7.14.7 tool to handle the administration of PostgreSQL over the web
phpldapadmin- web-based LDAP browser to manage LDAP servers
phpvirtualbox-7.0rc1 web-based VirtualBox front-end
physfs-3.0.2p0 library to provide abstract access to various archives
pianobar-2022.04.01 command-line client for Pandora Internet Radio
picard-2.13.3 automatic audio files tagger using the MusicBrainz database
pick-4.0.0 fuzzy select anything
picmi-24.12.2 single player puzzle game for KDE
pico-5.09p26 UW text editor
picocom-3.1 minimal dumb-terminal emulation program
picom-11.2 lightweight compositor for X11
pidgin-2.14.13p1 multi-protocol instant messaging client
pidgin-2.14.13p1-gtkspell multi-protocol instant messaging client
pidgin-guifications-2.16p17 MSN style 'toaster' popups plugin for Pidgin
pidgin-icb-20100207 ICB protocol plugin for Pidgin
pidgin-libnotify-0.14p9 pidgin plugin to display messages through libnotify
pidgin-otr-4.0.2v0 allows deniable private conversations using Pidgin
pidgin-sipe-1.25.0p0 SIPE plugin for Pidgin
pidgin-skypeweb-1.7 Skype protocol plugin for Pidgin
pidgin-window-merge-0.0.20130511p4 merge Buddy List with a conversation window in Pidgin
piewm-1.04p3 tvtwm with pie (circular) menus
piglit-20210128p9 automated OpenGL and OpenCL testsuite
pigz-2.8 parallel implementation of gzip utilizing multiple cores
pilot-2.99p26 UW file system navigator
pim-data-exporter-24.12.2 KDE PIM data exporter
pim-sieve-editor-24.12.2 mail sieve editor
pimcommon-24.12.2 common libraries for KDE PIM
pine-pgp-filters-1.8p3 simple shell based filters to use GnuPG within (Al)Pine
pinentry-1.3.0p1 PIN or passphrase entry dialog (ncurses interface)
pinentry-dmenu-0.2.2p0 pinentry for tiling window manager
pinentry-gnome3-1.3.0p0 PIN or passphrase entry dialog (GNOME 3 interface)
pinentry-qt5-1.3.0 PIN or passphrase entry dialog (Qt5 interface)
pinentry-qt6-1.3.0p0 PIN or passphrase entry dialog (Qt6 interface)
pinfo-0.6.9p2 info viewer with lynx-style navigation
pingus-0.7.6p6 free Lemmings-like game
pinta-1.7.1p0 open source drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET
pioneer-20190203p1 game of lonely space and adventure
pioneers-15.6 Settlers of Catan for GNOME/Gtk
pipe-viewer-0.5.4 lightweight YouTube client
pipewire-1.4.0 low-level multimedia framework - client & server
pithos-1.1.2p15 Pandora client for GNOME
pitivi-2023.03 intuitive and featureful movie editor
pivy-0.11.1p2 tools for using PIV tokens as an SSH agent, encryption, etc.
pixelorama-0.10.2 pixel art editor
pixiewps-1.4.2 offline bruteforce of WPS pins
pixz-1.0.7 parallel, indexed xz compressor
pizauth-1.0.7 OAuth2 authentication daemon
pjsip-2.15.1 multimedia communication library (SIP, RTP, ICE, etc)
pjsua-2.15.1 lightweight sip client
pkcs11-helper-1.30.0p0 library with PKCS#11 providers for end-user applications
pkfonts-dpi118-1.0p1 English PK fonts (118dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
pkfonts-dpi240-1.0p1 English PK fonts (240dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
pkfonts-dpi300-1.0p1 English PK fonts (300dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
pkfonts-dpi360-1.0p1 English PK fonts (360dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
pkfonts-dpi400-1.0p1 English PK fonts (400dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
pkfonts-dpi600-1.0p1 English PK fonts (600dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
pkg_mgr-0.2.3p4 user-friendly package browser and manager
pkgconf-2.3.0 package compiler and linker metadata toolkit
pkgconfig-0.29.2p2 tool for managing library compile/link flags
pkglocatedb-1.5 database of packages for use with locate(1)
pktstat-1.8.4p5 network traffic viewer
plakar-1.0.0beta4 distributed, versioned backups solution
plan-1.10.1p5 X11/Motif schedule planner with calendar
plan9port-20240109p0 Plan 9 from user space
planor-0.5.1 text user interface for cloud services
plasma-activities-6.3.2 core components for the KDE Activity concept
plasma-activities-stats-6.3.2 statistics for the KDE Activity concept
plasma-browser-integration-6.3.2 Plasma browser integration
plasma-desktop-6.3.2 KDE tools and widgets for the desktop
plasma-framework-5.116.0 core components and tools of the Plasma Workspaces
plasma-integration-6.3.2 Plasma Platform Theme integration plugins
plasma-nano-6.3.2 minimal Plasma shell package
plasma-pa-6.3.2 KDE Plasma PulseAudio support
plasma-sdk-6.3.2 applications useful for Plasma development
plasma-wayland-protocols-1.16.0p0 KDE Wayland Plasma protocols
plasma-workspace-6.3.2 various components needed to run a Plasma-based environment
plasma-workspace-wallpapers-6.3.2 KDE Plasma wallpapers workspaces
plasma5support-6.3.2 components for porting from KF5/Qt5 to KF6/Qt6
plasmatube-24.12.2 YouTube/Invidious player
plaso-20200717p5 engine and tools to automate creation of super timeline
plass-1.0 manage passwords
playerctl-2.4.1p0 MPRIS command-line controller and library
plib-1.8.5p7 suite of portable game libraries
plplot-5.15.0p4 advanced 2D and 3D scientific plotting library
plplot-c++-5.15.0p2 C++ interface to plplot
plplot-fortran-5.15.0p3 Fortran 77 interface to plplot
pluma-1.28.0p3 powerful text editor for the MATE desktop
plushs-1.2p3 simple hostname scanner
plzip-1.11p0 multi-threaded data compressor based on lzlib
pm2-5.4.2p0 production process manager with a built-in load balancer
pmacct-1.7.8 passive IP network monitoring tools: traffic accounting, etc
pmacct-1.7.8-mysql passive IP network monitoring tools: traffic accounting, etc
pmacct-1.7.8-postgresql passive IP network monitoring tools: traffic accounting, etc
pmenu-3.1.1 contextual radial menu for X11
pms-0.42p9 curses based frontend for mpd
png-1.6.47 library for manipulating PNG images
png2ico-20021209p4 convert PNG images to Windows .ico files
pngcheck-3.0.3 check the integrity of PNG files
pngcrush-1.8.13p0 optimizer for PNG files
pngquant-2.18.0 PNG compressor
pnp4nagios-0.6.26p3 Nagios/Icinga addon which graphs performance data
pnp4nagios-cgi-0.6.26p3 pnp4nagios CGI scripts
poco-1.4.6pl1p7 POCO C++ libraries for network based applications
pod2mdoc-0.2p1 convert POD data to mdoc input
podbrowser-0.12p12 graphical documentation browser for Perl
podofo-0.9.8p0 library and tools to modify and parse PDF documents
poedit-3.4.4 cross-platform gettext catalogs (PO-files) editor
poezio-0.13.1p5 console XMPP client
poink-1.6p0 nosuid, secure TCP/IP ping
pointcloud-1.2.5 point cloud storage extension for PostgreSQL
poke-4.2 interactive, extensible binary editor
polari-46.0p2 IRC Client for GNOME
polipo-1.1.1p2 HTTP caching proxy
polkit-126p1 framework for granting privileged operations to users
polkit-kde-agent-6.3.2 daemon providing a Polkit authentication UI for Plasma
polkit-qt5-0.200.0 PolicyKit authentication agent for Qt
polkit-qt6-0.200.0 PolicyKit authentication agent for Qt
polybar-3.7.2 fast and easy-to-use status bar
polymorphable-20130410p2 action RPG mod based upon the FLARE engine
pop3d-1.0.2p3 POP3 daemon with POP3S and STARTTLS extensions
popa3d-1.0.3p2 tiny pop3 daemon
popclient-3.0b6p2 client for POP2, POP3, APOP, RPOP
poppler-25.02.0 PDF rendering library
poppler-data-0.4.12 encoding files for poppler
poppler-qt5-25.02.0 Qt5 interface to PDF rendering library
poppler-qt6-25.02.0 Qt6 interface to PDF rendering library
poppler-utils-25.02.0 PDF conversion tools and utilities
poppy-4.01p0 client to perform simple tasks with a POP3/IMAP server
popt-1.16p2 getopt(3)-like library with a number of enhancements
poptop-1.3.4p9 PPTP Server
portaudio-svn-1970p1 portable cross-platform audio API
portmidi-217p1 library for real time input and output of MIDI data
portroach-2.0.11p8 OpenBSD ports distfile version scanner
portroach-cli-1.10 query portroach(1)
ports-readmes-3.2 readmes.html
ports-readmes-dancer-3.11 ports-readmes dancer web app
portscanner-1.2 simple and easy to use TCP port scanner
portsentry-1.2p0 port scan detection and active defense
portslist-7.52 full list of pkgpaths in ports
posixtestsuite-1.5.2p7 open POSIX test suite
postal-20171127p3 Postal 1, the non-stop killing isometric shooter game
posterazor-1.9.7p0 split large images into smaller ones to assemble posters
postfix-3.10.0v0 fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.10.0v0-ldap fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.10.0v0-mysql fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.10.0v0-pgsql fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.10.0v0-sasl2 fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.10.0v0-sasl2-ldap fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.10.0v0-sasl2-mysql fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.10.0v0-sasl2-pgsql fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.5.25p0 fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.5.25p0-ldap fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.5.25p0-mysql fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.5.25p0-pgsql fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.5.25p0-sasl2 fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.5.25p0-sasl2-ldap fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.5.25p0-sasl2-mysql fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-3.5.25p0-sasl2-pgsql fast, secure sendmail replacement
postfix-policyd-spf-perl-2.011 basic Postfix policy engine for Sender Policy Framework
postfwd-2.03p0 Postfix policy server
postgis-3.5.2p0 geographic objects support for PostgreSQL
postgresql-client-17.4 PostgreSQL RDBMS (client)
postgresql-contrib-17.4 PostgreSQL RDBMS contributions
postgresql-docs-17.4 PostgreSQL RDBMS documentation
postgresql-ip4r-2.4.1pl1 IPv4/v6 and IPv4/v6 range index type for PostgreSQL
postgresql-odbc-16.00.0000 ODBC driver for PostgreSQL
postgresql-pg_upgrade-17.4 Support for upgrading PostgreSQL data from previous version
postgresql-pllua-2.0.12p0 Lua procedural language support for PostgreSQL
postgresql-plpython-17.4 Python procedural language for PostgreSQL
postgresql-plr-8.4.1 R procedural language for PostgreSQL
postgresql-previous-16.6 PostgreSQL RDBMS (previous version, for pg_upgrade)
postgresql-server-17.4 PostgreSQL RDBMS (server)
postgresql_autodoc-1.40p1 documentation generator for postgresql databases
postgrey-1.37p2 postfix greylist daemon
potrace-1.16p0 transform bitmaps into vector graphics
pounce-3.1p1 multi-client, TLS-only IRC bouncer
pound-4.11 HTTP reverse proxy/load balancer/SSL offload
povray-3.6.1p12 3D image rendering package
powder-toy-99.2.382 physics sandbox simulation
powerdevil-6.3.2 power management daemon
powerdns-4.9.4 modular authoritative nameserver (with database support)
powerdns-ldap-4.9.4 LDAP database access module for PowerDNS
powerdns-mysql-4.9.4 MySQL database access module for PowerDNS
powerdns-pgsql-4.9.4 PostgreSQL database access module for PowerDNS
powerdns-recursor-5.2.0 recursive nameserver
powerline-fonts-0.20181111p0 patched fonts with symbols for powerline/airline
poxml-24.12.2 convert PO files to XML
ppgen-1.0p0 secure passphrase generator
pplatex-1.0rc2p1v0 pretty print LaTeX messages
ppmtoTbmp-1.1p4 PPM to Pilot bitmap converter
ppsspp-1.18.1p0 Sony PlayStation Portable emulator
pqiv-2.13.2p0 command line image viewer
prboom-2.5.0p4 enhanced clone of Id Software's Doom game; multiplayer
prboom-plus- enhanced version the PrBoom Doom engine
pre-commit-4.1.0 framework for managing git pre-commit hooks
premake4-4.4beta5p2 build configuration tool
price-1.3.0p10 precision raster image convolution engine
print-manager-6.3.2v0 printing management for KDE
printrun-2.0.1p1v0 3D printing host suite
prison-kf5-5.116.0 bar code generator
privoxy-3.0.33p1 web proxy with advanced filtering capabilities
processing-1.5.1p10 language/IDE for images, animations and interactions
prociono-2.3p0 roman serif with blackletter elements
procmail-3.24 filtering local mail delivery agent
profanity-0.14.0p3 console based XMPP client
profont-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 ProFont Nerd Font
progit-2.1.267v0 book on version control with Git
proj-9.5.1 cartographic projection utilities
projectcenter-0.7.0p0 GNUstep integrated development environment
projectlibre-1.9.3p0 open source alternative to Microsoft Project
prometheus-2.37.9 systems monitoring and alerting toolkit
promscale-0.7.1p0 observability backend for metrics and traces powered by SQL
promu-0.15.0 prometheus utility tool
prosody-0.12.5 communications server for Jabber/XMPP written in Lua
protobuf-5.29.3 c++ protocol buffers
protobuf-c-1.5.1p0 c protocol buffers
protozero-1.7.0p2 minimalist protocol buffer decoder and encoder in C++
proxychains-ng-4.17 redirect programs through one or more proxies
prusaslicer-2.8.1p1 g-code generator for 3D printers
ps2eps-1.70 convert Postscript to Encapsulated Postscript
pscal-1.16p0 utility for generating PostScript calendars
pscan-1.3p0v0 limited problem scanner for C source files
pscpug-0.3.5p3 draws a graph of CPU usage of a certain process
psdim-1.4p0 intelligent n-up printing
psftools-1.1.1 conversion tools for .PSF fonts
pspg-5.8.7 UNIX pager optimized for tabular data
pspp-1.4.1p6 program for statistical analysis of sampled data
psrecord-1.4p0 record the CPU and memory activity of a process
pstoedit-4.00 translate PostScript/PDF graphics to other vector formats
pstree-2.40 list processes as a tree
psutils-3.3.9 manipulate PDF and PostScript documents
pterm-6.0.4p1 terminal to access the PLATO system
pth-2.0.7p1 GNU portable threads
ptlib- portable tools library
ptouch-driver-1.7.1 Brother P-touch CUPS driver
ptpd-1.1.0p1 Precision Time Protocol daemon (IEEE 1588-2002)
public-sans-2.001 strong, neutral, principles-driven typeface
puddletag-2.4.0p0 spreadsheet-like audio file tagger
pugixml-1.15p0 light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++
pulseaudio-17.0p3 cross-platform networked sound server
pulseaudio-qt-1.7.0 Qt bindings for libpulse
pulseview-0.4.2p0 graphical frontend for sigrok logic analyzer
pup-0.4.0p1 command line tool to filter HTML with CSS selectors
puppet-7.30.0p0 centralised configuration management for networks
puppet-8.10.0 centralised configuration management for networks
puppetboard-6.0.1 web interface to PuppetDB
puppetdb-7.18.0 fast, scalable, and reliable data warehouse for Puppet
puppetdb-8.8.1 fast, scalable, and reliable data warehouse for Puppet
puppetdb-termini-7.18.0 PuppetDB terminus plugin
puppetdb-termini-8.8.1 PuppetDB terminus plugin
puppetserver-7.17.0p0 Puppet server
puppetserver-8.7.0 Puppet server
pure-ftpd-1.0.51p0 small, easy to set up, fast and very secure FTP server
pure-ftpd-1.0.51p0-ldap small, easy to set up, fast and very secure FTP server
pure-ftpd-1.0.51p0-ldap-virtual_chroot small, easy to set up, fast and very secure FTP server
pure-ftpd-1.0.51p0-mysql small, easy to set up, fast and very secure FTP server
pure-ftpd-1.0.51p0-mysql-virtual_chroot small, easy to set up, fast and very secure FTP server
pure-ftpd-1.0.51p0-postgresql small, easy to set up, fast and very secure FTP server
pure-ftpd-1.0.51p0-postgresql-virtual_chroot small, easy to set up, fast and very secure FTP server
pure-ftpd-1.0.51p0-virtual_chroot small, easy to set up, fast and very secure FTP server
purple-matrix-0.20230207 libpurple plugin for connecting to Matrix network
purple-rocketchat-0.20220130p0 support for Pidgin
purpose-5.116.0p0 framework to create integrate services and actions
purritobin-0.6.7p4 minimalistic command line pastebin
pushover-0.0.5p5 puzzle game featuring dominoes
putty-0.83 SSH and telnet client
putty-gui-0.83 PuTTY GUI clients
puzzles-20240329 collection of puzzles games
pv-1.9.0 monitor the progress of data through a pipeline
pwgen-2.08 simple password generator
pwm-20070720 lightweight window manager with emphasis on usability
pwsafe-0.2.0p7 program that manages encrypted password databases
pwsafe-0.2.0p7-no_x11 program that manages encrypted password databases
py-Pillow-6.2.2p3 Python Imaging Library (version for Python 2)
py-cairo-1.18.2p2 cairo bindings for Python2
py-dns-2.3.6p0 Python DNS library
py-dnspython-1.16.0p6 DNS toolkit for Python
py-game-2.0.3 set of Python modules designed for writing games
py-gammu-2.12p0 python bindings for Gammu
py-gobject-2.28.7p1v0 Python bindings for glib2 gobject (deprecated)
py-gtk2-2.24.0p13 GTK+2 Python bindings
py-lpsolve- Python bindings for lpsolve
py-numpy-1.16.6p1 fast array and numeric programming library for Python 2
py-opengl-3.1.7p1 Python bindings for OpenGL
py-pip-20.3.4p3 tool for installing Python packages
py-setuptools-44.1.1p1v0 simplified packaging system for Python modules
py3-CherryPy-18.10.0 pythonic, object-oriented web development framework
py3-ConfigArgParse-1.7p0 argparse replacement, allows options to be set via files/env
py3-GitPython-3.1.43p0 library used to interact with Git repositories
py3-ICU-2.14p0 Python extension wrapping the ICU C++ API
py3-IOSXR-0.53p8 library to manage IOS-XR devices
py3-IP-1.01p5 Python module to handle IPv4 and IPv6 address
py3-M2Crypto-0.41.0p2 crypto and TLS toolkit for Python
py3-MarkupSafe-2.1.5p0 implements an XML/HTML/XHTML markup safe string
py3-PEG2-2.15.2p8 PEG Parser-Interpreter in Python
py3-Pillow-11.1.0 Python Imaging Library (friendly fork of PIL)
py3-PyNaCl-1.5.0p2 Python binding to the NaCl library
py3-PyPDF2-2.12.1p1 PDF Python toolkit
py3-PySMT-0.9.5p2 library for SMT formulae manipulation and solving
py3-PyWavelets-1.5.0p2 wavelet transform module
py3-acme-3.2.0 ACME protocol implementation
py3-acoustid-1.3.0p1 Python bindings for Chromaprint and the Acoustid API
py3-adblock-0.6.0p8 Brave's adblock library
py3-aes-1.6.1p7 pure-Python implementation of AES block-cipher
py3-affine-2.4.0p3 matrices describing affine transformation of the plane
py3-ailment-9.2.85p1 angr intermediate language
py3-aiocache-0.12.3 asyncio cache manager for redis, memcached and memory
py3-aiodns-3.2.0p0 simple DNS resolver for asyncio
py3-aiohappyeyeballs-2.5.0 allow connecting with Happy Eyeballs (RFC 8305)
py3-aiohttp-3.11.13 http client/server for asyncio
py3-aiohttp-oauthlib-0.1.0p1 oauthlib for aiohttp clients
py3-aiomcache-0.8.2p0 minimal asyncio memcached client
py3-aioquic-1.2.0p0 QUIC and HTTP/3 implementation in Python
py3-aioresponses-0.7.8 mock out requests made by ClientSession from aiohttp
py3-aiosignal-1.3.2 manage callbacks in asyncio projects
py3-aiosqlite-0.21.0p0 asyncio bridge to the standard sqlite3 module
py3-aiostream-0.6.4 generator-based operators for asynchronous iteration
py3-alabaster-1.0.0p1 configurable sidebar-enabled Sphinx theme
py3-alembic-1.15.1 database migration tool for sqlalchemy
py3-algorithm-munkres-1.1.4p2 munkres algorithm for the Assignment Problem
py3-altgraph-0.17.4p1 Python graph (network) package
py3-ana-0.06p6 distributed data storage classes
py3-analyzemft-3.0.1p2 parse the MFT file from an NTFS filesystem
py3-angr-9.2.85p1 multi-architecture binary analysis platform
py3-annotated_types-0.7.0p0 reusable constraint types to use with PEP 593 annotations
py3-ansible-compat-4.1.11p1 functions for working with Ansible from Python
py3-ansible-libssh-1.2.2p0 Python bindings for libssh specific to Ansible use case
py3-anyio-3.7.1p2 async library on top of asyncio or trio
py3-anytree-2.12.1p1 powerful and lightweight Python tree data structure
py3-apipkg-3.0.2p1 namespace control and lazy-import mechanism for Python
py3-appdirs-1.4.4p3 module for determining platform-specific dirs
py3-apprise-1.9.2 multi-platform push notification library and CLI tool
py3-apscheduler-3.10.4p1 schedule Python code
py3-apsw- thin SQLite wrapper for Python
py3-archinfo-9.2.85p2 classes with architecture-specific information
py3-argcomplete-3.5.3 bash tab completion for argparse
py3-argh-0.31.3p0 simple wrapper for Python argparse module
py3-argon2-cffi-23.1.0 argon2 password hashing for Python
py3-argon2-cffi-bindings-21.2.0p0 argon2 password hashing for Python
py3-arrow-1.3.0p1 better dates and times for Python
py3-artifacts-20200118p5 Artifact Repository
py3-asgiref-3.8.1p0 ASGI specification and utilities
py3-asn1-0.4.8p7v0 ASN.1 library for Python
py3-asn1-modules-0.4.1 collection of ASN.1 data structures for py-asn1
py3-asn1crypto-1.5.1p0 fast ASN.1 parser and serializer
py3-astor-0.8.1p1 manipulate Python source via the AST
py3-astral-2.2p4 calculations for the position of the sun and the moon
py3-astroid-3.1.0p1 common base representation of Python source code
py3-astropy-6.0.1 community-developed python astronomy tools
py3-astropy-iers-data-0.2025. IERS earth rotation and leap second tables for astropy
py3-asttokens-3.0.0 annotate Python ASTs with source text and token information
py3-astunparse-1.6.3p5 AST unparser for Python
py3-async-lru-2.0.4p0 simple LRU cache for asyncio
py3-async-timeout-4.0.2p1 timeout context manager for asyncio programs
py3-asynctest-0.13.0p0 enhance unittest with features to test asyncio libraries
py3-atomicwrites-1.4.1p2 atomic file writes
py3-atspi-2.46.1p2 python bindings for at-spi2
py3-attrs-25.1.0 classes without boilerplate
py3-audio-0.2.14p1 Python bindings for PortAudio
py3-augeas-1.1.0p2 Python bindings for Augeas
py3-authres-1.2.0p1 module for RFC 5451 Authentication-Results Headers
py3-autobahn-24.4.2 WebSocket client & server library, WAMP real-time framework
py3-autocommand-2.2.2p2 autogenerate argparse parsers from function signatures
py3-automat-24.8.1p0 finite-state machines in Python
py3-avahi-0.8p8 python bindings for avahi
py3-axolotl-0.2.3p7 Python port of libaxolotl
py3-axolotl-curve25519-0.4.1pl2p10 Python curve25519 library with ed25519 signatures
py3-b2sdk-2.5.1p0 client lib to access B2 cloud storage
py3-babel-2.17.0 I18N/L10N tools for Python
py3-babelfish-0.6.1p0 Python library to work with countries and languages
py3-backcall-0.2.0p3 specifications for callback functions passed to an API
py3-bashlex-0.18p1 Python port of the parser used internally by GNU bash
py3-bcrypt-4.3.0 bcrypt blowfish password hashing for Python
py3-bdfparser-2.2.0p1 BDF format bitmap font file parser library in Python
py3-beaker-1.13.0p0 session and caching library with wsgi middleware
py3-beautifulsoup4-4.13.3p0 HTML/XML parser that supports invalid markup
py3-bencode-2.1.0p5 bencoding and bdecoding implementation
py3-beniget-0.4.2.post1p0 extract semantic information about static Python code
py3-betamax-0.9.0p1 VCR imitation for python-requests
py3-binaryornot-0.4.4p3 check if a file is binary or text
py3-biopython-1.85 Python tools for computational molecular biology
py3-biplist-1.0.3p8 binary plist parser/generator for Python
py3-bitarray-3.1.1 efficiently handle arrays of Booleans
py3-bitcoinlib-0.11.0p7 Python3 interface to the Bitcoin data structure and protocol
py3-bitstring-4.3.0p2 construction, analysis and modification of binary data
py3-black-24.4.2p0 Python code formatter
py3-bleach-5.0.1p3 easy whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool
py3-blessed-1.20.0p1 easy, practical library for making terminal apps
py3-blessings-1.7p3 wrapper around terminal coloring, styling, and positioning
py3-blinker-1.9.0p0 fast, simple object-to-object and broadcast signaling
py3-blurhash-1.1.4p4 python implementation of the blurhash algorithm
py3-bokeh-3.6.3 statistical and novel interactive HTML plots for Python
- define Boolean algebras, create and parse Boolean expression
py3-borghash-0.0.2p0 memory-efficient hashtable with serialization
py3-borgstore-0.1.0p0 key/value store implementation in Python
py3-boto3-1.37.9 AWS SDK for Python
py3-botocore-1.37.9 low-level interface to Amazon Web Services
py3-bottle-0.13.2p0 simple WSGI-framework for small web-applications
py3-bottleneck-1.4.2p1 fast NumPy array functions written in C
py3-bracex-2.5pl1 brace expanding library
py3-brotli-1.1.0p0 Python bindings for the Brotli compression library
py3-brotlicffi- Python bindings to the Brotli compression library
py3-browser-cookie3-0.19.1p0 module loads cookies used by your web into cookiejar
py3-bsddb3-6.0.1p10 Python bindings for Oracle Berkeley DB
py3-build-1.2.2.post1p1 simple, correct PEP 517 build frontend
py3-buildbot-console-view-4.2.1 console view web interface plugin for buildbot
py3-buildbot-grid-view-4.2.1 grid view web interface plugin for buildbot
py3-buildbot-pkg-4.2.1 packaging tools for buildbot
py3-buildbot-waterfall-view-4.2.1 waterfall view web interface plugin for buildbot
py3-buildbot-www-4.2.1 web interface for buildbot
py3-cached-property-2.0.1 decorator for caching properties in classes
py3-cachelib-0.10.2p1 collection of cache libraries
py3-cachetools-5.5.2 extensible memoizing collections and decorators
py3-cairo-1.27.0p1 cairo bindings for Python
py3-cairocffi-1.7.1p0 cffi-based cairo bindings for Python
py3-caldav-1.2.1p1 caldav client library for Python
py3-calver-2022.6.26p1 setuptools extensions for calendar-based versioning
py3-canonicaljson-2.0.0p1 canonical JSON
py3-capstone-5.0p2 Python bindings for capstone
py3-caption-2.2.16 closed caption converter
py3-carbon-1.1.10p5 backend data caching and persistence daemon for Graphite
py3-cares-4.5.0 Python interface to c-ares
py3-casttube-0.2.1p5 interact with Youtube Chromecast api
py3-cchardet-2.1.7p4 high speed universal character encoding detector
py3-certifi-2025.1.31 TLS CA support for Python, patched to use /etc/ssl/cert.pem
py3-cffi-1.17.1p0 Foreign Function Interface for Python calling C code
py3-cfgv-3.4.0p1 configuration validator
py3-cflow2dot-0.2.3p4 C call graphs using Cflow producing linked PDF
py3-cftime-1.6.4p0 time and date handling utility functions from netcdf4-python
py3-changelog-chug-0.0.3 parse project changelog documents
py3-characteristic-14.3.0p8 python attributes without boilerplate
py3-chardet-5.2.0p1 character encoding auto-detection in Python
py3-charset-normalizer-3.4.1p0 character set detector library
py3-cheetah-3.2.6p5 Python-powered template engine and code generator
py3-cheroot-10.0.1 high-performance, pure-Python HTTP server used by CherryPy
py3-chess-1.10.0p1 pure Python chess library
py3-chromecast-14.0.5p0 Python module to talk to Google Chromecast
py3-claripy-9.2.85p1 abstraction layer for constraint solvers
py3-cle-9.2.85p1 CLE loads binaries and their associated libraries
py3-click-8.1.8p0 command line library for Python
py3-click-didyoumean-0.3.1p1 corrections feature for click
py3-click-log-0.3.2p8 logging integration for Python click
py3-click-plugins-1.1.1p3 register CLI commands via setuptools entry-points
py3-click-repl-0.3.0p1 REPL plugin for click
py3-click-threading-0.5.0p4 multithreading in Python click
py3-cligj-0.7.2p4 click params for command line interfaces to GeoJSON
py3-clint-0.5.1p10 command line interface tools for Python
py3-cloudpickle-1.5.0p5 extended pickling support for Python objects
py3-codestyle-2.12.1 Python style guide checker
py3-colorama-0.4.6p0 print colored terminal text from Python apps
py3-colored-2.3.0 simple library for color and formatting in terminal
py3-coloredlogs-15.0.1p1 colored terminal output for Python's logging module
py3-colorlog-6.8.2p0 log formatting with colors
py3-comm-0.2.2 Jupyter comm implementation for use in ipykernel
py3-command_runner-1.4.0p2 platform agnostic command and shell execution tool
py3-commonmark-0.9.1p5 parser for the CommonMark markdown spec
py3-compressed_rtf-1.0.6p1 handle Compressed Rich Text Format (RTF) attachments
py3-configobj-5.0.9 config file reader and writer
py3-confuse-2.0.1p2 painless YAML configuration
py3-constantly-23.10.4p0 symbolic constants in Python
py3-construct-2.10.70p0v0 powerful declarative parser/builder for binary data
py3-consul-1.5.3p0 python client for consul
py3-contourpy-1.2.1p1 library for calculating contours of 2D quadrilateral grids
py3-cookiecutter-2.6.0p1 utility to create projects from templates
py3-cookies-2.2.1p7 friendlier RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser/renderer
py3-cooldict-1.04p6 some useful dict-like structures
py3-country-24.6.1p0 country, language, currency and scripts definitions
py3-covdefaults-2.3.0p0 plugin for 'coverage' to provide sensible defaults
py3-coverage-7.6.10 code coverage measurement for Python
py3-coveralls-4.0.1p0 display coverage stats online via
py3-cparser-2.22p0 C parser in pure Python
py3-cppy-1.3.1 C++ helper library for Python extension modules
py3-cpuinfo-9.0.0p1 get CPU info with pure Python
py3-crayons-0.4.0p4 textUI colors for Python
py3-crc32c-2.7.1p0 implemention of the crc32c algorithm in hardware
py3-crccheck-1.3.0p0 calculation library for CRCs and checksums
py3-croniter-6.0.0 datetime-iterator for cron-like formats
py3-cruft-2.16.0 utility to create and maintain projects from templates
py3-cryptodome-3.21.0p1 self-contained cryptographic library for Python
py3-cryptodome-test-vectors-1.0.20p0 test vectors for pycryptodome
py3-cryptodomex-3.21.0p3 self-contained cryptographic library for Python
py3-cryptography-44.0.1 cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
py3-cryptography_vectors-44.0.1p0 test vectors for py-cryptography
py3-cson-0.8p4 parser for Coffeescript Object Notation (CSON)
py3-css-parser-1.0.10p1 python package for parsing and building CSS
py3-cssselect-1.2.0p1 parse CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
py3-cssselect2-0.8.0 implementation of CSS4 Selectors
py3-cssutils-2.11.1 parse and build CSS from Python
py3-cstruct-5.3p1 C-style structs for Python
py3-cups-2.0.4p2 CUPS bindings for Python
py3-curio-1.6p1 coroutine library for Python async/await
py3-curl-7.45.6 Python interface to cURL library
py3-curtsies-0.4.2 curses-like terminal wrapper
py3-cvxopt-1.3.0p5 convex optimization package
py3-cvxpy-1.2.1p3 modeling language for convex optimization problems
py3-cwcwidth-0.1.10 Python bindings for C wc(s)width
py3-cycler-0.12.1 composable style cycles
py3-cymruwhois-1.6p9 client for the service
py3-cython-3.0.12v0 optimising static compiler for Python and Cython
py3-daemon-3.1.2 library to implement a Unix daemon process
py3-daemonize-2.5.0p8 library to enable your code run as a daemon process
py3-datedelta-1.4p3 date arithmetic for Python
py3-dateparser-1.2.1 parse dates from HTML pages
py3-dateutil-2.9.0pl0 Python API for advanced date calculations
py3-dbus-1.3.2p3 dbus bindings for Python
py3-dbus-deviation-0.6.1p5 D-Bus introspection XML parser and processor
py3-ddt-1.7.2 multiply test cases
py3-de421-2008.1p3 JPL Planetary and Lunar Ephemeris DE421 for jplephem
py3-debugpy-1.8.13 Python implementation of the debug adapter protocol
py3-decorator-5.2.1 simplify usage of decorators
py3-defusedxml-0.7.1p5 XML bomb protection for Python stdlib modules
py3-demjson-3.0.6p1 encoder, decoder, and lint/validator for JSON
py3-deprecated-1.2.14p1 decorator to deprecate old python classes, etc
py3-deprecation-2.1.0p5 library to handle automated deprecations
py3-derange-0.2.2 Python lib to compress lists of integers to range objects
py3-dfdatetime-20200824p4 Digital Forensics date and time
py3-dfvfs-20200625p4 Digital Forensics Virtual File System (dfVFS)
py3-dfwinreg-20200415p4 Digital Forensics Windows Registry (dfWinReg)
py3-dict2xml-1.7.6 small utility to convert a Python dictionary into an XML
py3-dicttoxml-1.7.16p2 convert dicts and other data types into XML
py3-diff-match-patch-20241021p0 high-performance diff and patch library
py3-dill-0.3.9p0 serialize/deserialize most Python types
py3-dirty-equals-0.8.0p0 simplify asserts in tests by misusing __eq__
py3-discid-1.2.0p7 Python binding of libdiscid
py3-discogs-client-2.7p1 Python interface to Discogs website
py3-dispatcher-2.0.7p1 multi-producer-multi-consumer signal dispatching mechanism
py3-distlib-0.3.9 distribution utilities
py3-distro-1.9.0p0 provide information about the OS platform
py3-distutils-extra-2.39p2 add support for i18n, documentation and icons to distutils
py3-dkimpy-1.1.8p0 a library and tool that implements DKIM/ARC
py3-dmr_utils3-0.1.29p0 utilities for Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) in Python
py3-dnslib-0.9.23p2 library to en/decode DNS wire-format packets for Python
py3-dnspython-2.7.0p0 DNS toolkit for Python
py3-docopt-0.6.2p11 Pythonic argument parser
py3-docstring-to-markdown-0.15 on the fly conversion of docstrings to markdown
py3-docutils-0.21.2p1 process plaintext documentation into other formats
py3-docx-1.1.2p0 library for processing .docx files
py3-dot-3.0.4 Python interface to Graphviz's Dot
py3-dotenv-1.0.1p1 handle .env files
py3-dpkt-1.9.8p1 Python network packet manipulation library
py3-dtfabric-20200621p5 data type fabric
py3-dulwich-0.22.7p0 pure Python implementation of Git file formats and protocols
py3-duo_client-4.4.0p3 Python library for interacting with Duo APIs
py3-duo_universal-2.0.3p3 Duo Python two-factor authentication
py3-eapi-1.0.2p0 Python client for Arista eAPI
py3-easyprocess-1.1p3 easy to use python subprocess interface
py3-ecdsa-0.19.0p1 Python implementation of ECDSA cryptography
py3-ecos-2.0.10p1 Python interface to ECOS
py3-editables-0.5p2 Python library for creating "editable wheels"
py3-elasticsearch-7.17.0p3 Python client for Elasticsearch
py3-elasticsearch-curator-5.8.4p3 manage Elasticsearch indices
py3-elementpath-4.8.0 xpath 1.0/2.0 parsers and selectors for elementtree
py3-elftools-0.31 ELF and DWARF parser library for Python
py3-emoji-2.14.0p0 emoji for Python
py3-enchant-3.2.2p5 spellchecking library for Python
py3-engineio-3.14.2p3 client/server implementation of Engine.IO
py3-enrich-1.2.7p4 extends Python Rich library functionality
py3-entrypoints-0.4p3 discover and load entry points from installed packages
py3-ephemeral_port_reserve-1.1.4p1 implementation of the port 0 trick
py3-erfa- Python wrapper for ERFA
py3-esptool-4.8.1 ESP8266 and ESP32 ROM bootloader communication tool
py3-et_xmlfile-2.0.0 low memory library for creating large XML files
py3-exceptiongroup-1.2.2p0 backport of Python 3.11 ExceptionGroup class (PEP 654)
py3-execnet-2.1.1 rapid multi-Python deployment
py3-executing-2.1.0 get the currently executing AST node of a frame
py3-expandvars-0.12.0p0 expand system variables Unix style
py3-extension-helpers-1.1.1p0 build-time package to simplify C/Cython extensions
py3-extras-1.0.0p8 useful extra bits for Python
py3-fastecdsa-3.0.1 fast elliptic curve digital signatures
py3-fasteners-0.19 Python package that provides useful locks
py3-fastimport-0.9.14p3 parser for and generator of the Git fastimport format
py3-fastjsonschema-2.19.0p1 fast Python implementation of JSON schema
py3-feedgenerator-1.9.1p6 standalone version of Django's feedgenerator
py3-feedparser-6.0.11p0 RSS and Atom feeds parser written in Python
py3-ffmpeg-progress-yield-0.10.0 Python FFmpeg progress wrapper
py3-fickling-0.1.3p2 analyze Python pickle object serializations
py3-fido2-1.1.2p1 Python module to communicate with USB FIDO devices
py3-fields-5.0.0p8 container class boilerplate killer
py3-filebytes-0.9.21p7 python module to read and write ELF, PE, MachO or OAT
py3-filelock-3.17.0 platform independent file lock
py3-filetype-1.2.0p1 infer file type and MIME type
py3-find-2020.12.3p3 find files and dirs
py3-fiona-1.10.1p0 high-level API and CLI on top of OGR
py3-fixtures-3.0.0p7 reusable state for writing clean Python tests
py3-flaky-3.8.1p0 nose/pytest plugin to automatically rerun flaky tests
py3-flasgger- extract swagger specs from your flask project
py3-flask-3.1.0p0 microframework based on Werkzeug and Jinja 2
py3-flask-apscheduler-1.13.1p1 support for the APScheduler in Flask
py3-flask-caching-2.1.0p1 easy cache support for Flask
py3-flask-cors-5.0.0 CORS handling for flask
py3-flask-login-0.6.3p1 user session management for flask
py3-flask-principal-0.4.0p8 identity management for flask
py3-flask-sqlalchemy-3.1.1p1 sqlalchemy support for flask
py3-flask-wtf-1.2.2 simple integration of Flask and WTForms
py3-flexmock-0.12.2 testing library for Python
py3-flit-3.11.0 simple packaging tool for simple packages
py3-flit_core-3.11.0 distribution-building parts of Flit
py3-flit_scm-1.7.0p4 PEP 518 backend, using setuptools_scm and flit_core
py3-flup-1.0.3p9 random assortment of WSGI servers, middleware
py3-fonttools-4.39.3p1 library to manipulate font files from for Python
py3-formencode-2.1.0p2 HTML form validation, generation, and conversion
py3-fqdn-1.5.1p0 validates that domain names are acceptable to browsers
py3-freezegun-1.5.1p0 let your Python tests travel through time
py3-frozen-flask-0.19p0 freezes a Flask application into a set of static files
py3-frozendict-2.4.6p0 immutable dictionary
py3-frozenlist-1.5.0 list-like structure implementing MutableSequence
py3-fsspec-2025.2.0 specification for pythonic filesystems
py3-ftpdlib-1.5.7p1 FTP server library for Python
py3-funcy-2.0p1 fancy and practical functional tools
py3-future-1.0.0p0 compatibility layer between Python 2 and Python 3
py3-gTTS-2.5.4p0 Google Translate text-to-speech API library and CLI tool
py3-game-2.6.1p1 set of Python modules designed for writing games
py3-gast-0.6.0p0 Python AST that abstracts the underlying Python version
py3-gdal-3.10.2 python bindings and utilities for GDAL
py3-genshi-0.7.9p0 toolkit for generation of output for the web
py3-geofilter-0.3.1 pure Python parser implementation of OGC filtering standards
py3-geoif-1.5.1 basic implementation of the __geo_interface__
py3-geojson-3.2.0 encoder/decoder for simple GIS features
py3-gevent-24.11.1p1 network library for easy and scalable concurrency
py3-gevent-eventemitter-2.1p3 Implements EventEmitter using gevent
py3-gevent-websocket-0.10.1p2 WebSocket handler for the gevent pywsgi server
py3-geventhttpclient-2.3.3 high performance, concurrent HTTP client library
py3-ghmi-1.5.65p1 pure python IPMI protocol library
py3-git2-1.17.0 libgit2 bindings in Python
py3-gitdb-4.0.12 Git object database
py3-gmpy2-2.2.1p0 Python interface to GMP, MPFR, and MPC
py3-gnupg-0.5.4 Python module for GnuPG interface
py3-gobject3-3.50.0p0 Python bindings for GLib and GObject
py3-google-i18n-address-3.1.0p1 validation helpers for Google's i18n address database
py3-graphviz-0.14.1p6 simple Python interface for Graphviz
py3-greenlet-3.1.1p0 lightweight in-process concurrent programming
py3-gssapi-1.8.3p1 Python bindings to GSSAPI C libraries
py3-gstreamer1-1.24.12 overrides for the gobject-introspection-based pygst bindings
py3-guessit-3.8.0p0 guess information from video filenames
py3-gunicorn-23.0.0 Python WSGI HTTP server
py3-h11-0.14.0p1 pure-Python, bring-your-own-I/O implementation of HTTP/1.1
py3-h2-4.2.0 pure-Python HTTP/2 State-Machine based protocol
py3-h5py-3.12.1p1 pythonic interface to the HDF5 binary data format
py3-hamcrest-2.0.3p2 Hamcrest matchers for Python
py3-hatch-jupyter-builder-0.9.1p0 hatch plugin for building Jupyter packages
py3-hatch_fancy_pypi_readme-24.1.0p1 Hatch plugin for fancy PyPI readmes
py3-hatch_nodejs_version-0.3.2p1 hatch plugin for versioning from a package.json file
py3-hatch_vcs-0.4.0p1 Hatch plugin for versioning with your preferred VCS
py3-hatchling-1.27.0 modern, extensible Python build backend used by Hatch
py3-helpdev-0.7.1p0 extract Python environment information
py3-hkdf-0.0.3p4 HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)
py3-hpack-4.1.0 pure-Python HTTP/2 Header Encoding
py3-hpilo-4.4.3p4 iLO automation from python or shell
py3-html2text-2024.2.26p1 HTML to markdown-formatted text converter
py3-html5-parser-0.4.12p0 fast C based HTML 5 parsing for python
py3-html5lib-1.1p4 HTML parser/tokeniser based for HTML5
py3-http_ece-1.1.0p7 encrypted Content Encoding for HTTP
py3-httpbin-0.10.2p0 HTTP request and response service
py3-httpcore-1.0.5p2 minimal low-level HTTP client
py3-httplib2-0.22.0p1 Python HTTP client library
py3-httpretty-1.1.4p3 HTTP client mock for Python
py3-httpx-0.27.0p1 fully featured HTTP client library
py3-httpx-ntlm-1.4.0p0 NTLM authentication support for HTTPX
py3-humanfriendly-10.0p1 human-friendly output for Python text interfaces
py3-humanize-4.3.0p2 python number humanization utilities
py3-hvac-1.1.0p1 Python client library for Hashicorp Vault
py3-hyperframe-6.1.0 pure-Python HTTP/2 framing
py3-hyperlink-21.0.0p3 pure-Python implementation of immutable URLs
py3-hypothesis-6.124.5 library for property based testing
py3-hypothesmith-0.3.3 hypothesis strategies for generating Python programs
py3-i3ipc-2.2.1p3 Python library to control i3wm and sway
py3-icalendar-4.0.4p8 parser/generator of iCalendar files
py3-icecream-2.1.4 print() replacement that can handle data structures
py3-identify-2.6.8 file identification library
py3-idna-3.10p1 Python library to support the IDNA protocol
py3-ifaddr-0.2.0p1 enumerate IP addresses on the local network adapters
py3-ijson-3.3.0p0 iterative JSON parser
py3-imageio-2.6.1p7 io for scientific data formats
py3-imagesize-1.4.1p3 getting image size from png/jpeg/jpeg2000/gif file
py3-imaplib2-3.6p4 threaded Python IMAP4 client
py3-imdb-2023.5.1p1 python package to access the IMDb movie database
py3-immutabledict-4.2.0p0 immutable dictionary
py3-impacket-0.9.24p4v0 Python classes providing access to network packets
py3-importlib_metadata-8.5.0p0 library providing an API for accessing packages metadata
py3-in-toto-1.2.0p4 framework to protect supply chain integrity
py3-incremental-24.7.2p1 versioning library for Python projects
py3-inflect-7.5.0 correctly generate plurals, singular nouns, ordinals, etc
py3-inflection-0.5.1p1 singularizes and pluralizes English words
py3-influxdb-5.3.2 Python client library for InfluxDB 1.x
py3-influxdb_client-1.48.0 Python client library for InfluxDB 2.x and Flux
py3-ini2toml-0.15p0 convert .ini/.cfg files to TOML equivalents
py3-iniconfig-2.0.0p1 brain-dead simple config-ini parsing
py3-installer-0.7.0p2 low-level library to install Python wheel distributions
py3-intelhex-2.3.0p3 intel hex file format is used in microprocessors
py3-intervaltree-3.1.0p4 editable interval tree data structure for Python 2 and 3
py3-invoke-2.2.0 Pythonic task execution
py3-ipykernel-6.29.5p1 IPython kernel for Jupyter
py3-ipython_genutils-0.2.0p9 IPython vestigial utilities
py3-irclib-0.6.0 Internet Relay Chat (IRC) protocol client library for Python
py3-iso3166-2.1.1 self-contained ISO 3166-1 country definitions library
py3-iso639-0.4.5p10 Python library for the ISO 639 language code standard
py3-iso8601-2.1.0p1 Python module to parse ISO 8601 dates
py3-isodate-0.7.2p0 ISO 8601 date/time/duration parser and formater
py3-isoduration-20.11.0p0 operations with ISO 8601 durations
py3-isort-6.0.1 Python utility / library to sort Python imports
py3-iterable-io-1.0.0p1 adapt generators and other iterable to a file-like interface
py3-itsdangerous-2.2.0p1 helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments
py3-jaraco-functools-4.1.0p0 functools like those found in stdlib
py3-jaraco-test-5.5.1 functions and fixtures for facilitating tests
py3-jaraco.classes-3.4.0p0 obtain class names of an object and its parent classes
py3-jaraco.collections-5.1.0p0 models and classes to supplement stdlib 'collections' module
py3-jaraco.context-5.3.0 catch certain exceptions and provide an indication
py3-jaraco.envs-2.6.0p0 classes for orchestrating Python (virtual) environments
py3-jaraco.path-3.7.0 provides cross platform hidden file detection
py3-jaraco.text-4.0.0p0 handy routines for dealing with text
py3-jdcal-1.4.1p5 convert between Julian and calendar dates
py3-jedi-0.19.1p1 autocompletion tool for Python
py3-jeepney-0.9.0 low-level, pure Python DBus protocol wrapper
py3-jellyfish-1.1.3 Python library for approximate and phonetic string matching
py3-jinja2-3.1.6p0 fast, optionally sandboxed, Python template engine
py3-jinja2-time-0.2.0p1 jinja2 extension for dates and times
py3-jmespath-1.0.1p1 extract elements from a JSON document
py3-joblib-1.4.2 lightweight pipelining: using Python functions as pipeline
py3-josepy-1.15.0 Javascript Object Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
py3-jplephem-2.22p0 use a JPL ephemeris to predict planet positions
py3-json5-0.10.0 Python implementation of json5
py3-jsonpatch-1.33p1 library to apply JSON Patches according to RFC 6902
py3-jsonpath-ng-1.7.0 implementation of JSONPath for Python
py3-jsonpointer-2.4p1 library to resolve JSON Pointers according to RFC 6901
py3-jsonref-1.1.0p0 implementation of JSON Reference for Python
py3-jsonschema-4.23.0 implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
py3-jsonschema-path-0.3.4 object-oriented JSONSchema
py3-jsonschema-specifications-2024.10.1 JSON schema meta-schemas and vocabularies
py3-junos-eznc-2.7.3 library for Junos automation
py3-jupyter_client-8.6.3p0 Jupyter protocol implementation and client libraries
py3-jupyter_core-5.7.2p2 Jupyter core package
py3-jupyter_events-0.12.0 Jupyter event system library
py3-jupyter_packaging-0.12.3p1 Jupyter packaging utilities
py3-jupyter_server-2.15.0 backend for Jupyter web applications
py3-jupyter_server_terminals-0.5.3p0 Jupyter server extension providing terminals
py3-jupyterlab_pygments-0.1.2p1 pygments theme using jupyterlab CSS variables
py3-jwt-2.8.0p1 JSON Web Token implementation in Python
py3-kaitaistruct-0.10p0 pure-Python Kaitai Struct declarative parser generator
py3-keyring-25.6.0 store and access your passwords safely
py3-keystone-0.9.2p6 Python bindings for keystone
py3-kitchen-1.2.6p5 kitchen contains a cornucopia of useful code
py3-kiwisolver-1.4.8 fast implementation of the Cassowary constraint solver
py3-krb5-0.6.0p0 krb5 API interface
py3-langdetect-1.0.9p0 python language-detection library
py3-lark-1.2.2 parsing toolkit for Python
py3-laspy-2.5.4p0 library for reading, modifying and creating LAS LiDAR files
py3-last-5.4.0 Python library
py3-lazy-loader-0.4p0 load subpackages and functions on demand
py3-lazy-object-proxy-1.10.0p0 fast and thorough lazy object proxy
py3-ldap-3.4.4p1 LDAP client API for Python
py3-ldap0-1.4.10p1 provides an API to access LDAP directory servers for Python
py3-ldap3-2.9.1p4 RFC4510 conforming LDAP V3 pure Python client library
py3-libarchive-c-5.1p0 Python interface to libarchive
py3-libcloud-3.8.0p2 unified interface for interacting with cloud services
py3-libcst-1.6.0 concrete syntax tree with AST-like properties for Python
py3-libdnet-1.16.4p1 python interface to libdnet
py3-libknot-3.3.9p0 Python bindings for libknot
py3-liblarch-3.2.0p3 Python library to easily handle data structure
py3-libmarisa-0.2.6p6 marisa-trie bindings for Python (SWIG)
py3-libnacl-2.1.0p1 Python bindings for libsodium/tweetnacl based on ctypes
py3-libpst-0.6.76p4 python interface to libpst
py3-libvirt-11.1.0 libvirt virtualization API python bindings
py3-libxml-2.13.6 Python bindings for libxml
py3-license-expression-30.3.0 parse, normalize and compare License expressions
py3-lief-0.11.5p4 library to instrument executable formats
py3-link-grammar-5.12.5p0 Python bindings for link-grammar
py3-littleutils-0.2.4p0 small personal collection of python utility functions
py3-llvm-13.0.0p7 Python bindings for Clang
py3-llvm-16.0.6p4 Python bindings for Clang
py3-llvm-18.1.8p0 Python bindings for Clang
py3-llvm-19.1.7 Python bindings for Clang
py3-llvmlite-0.39.1p2 lightweight LLVM-Python binding for writing JIT compilers
py3-lmdb-1.6.2 Python bindings for LMDB
py3-lockfile-0.12.2p10 platform-independent file locking for Python
py3-logfury-1.0.1p1 toolkit for logging of library method calls
py3-logilab-common-1.9.8p1 common low-level libraries for logilab projects
py3-loguru-0.7.3 Python logging made (stupidly) simple
py3-looseversion-1.3.0p0 version numbering for anarchists and software realists
py3-lsqpack-0.3.18p0 Python bindings for ls-qpack
py3-lxmf-0.6.0 lightweight extensible message format
py3-lxml-5.3.1 Python binding for the libxml2 and libxslt libraries
py3-lz4-4.4.3 lz4 bindings for Python
py3-lzo-1.15p1 Python bindings for the LZO compression library
py3-macaroons-0.13.0p5 macaroon library for Python
py3-magic-0.4.15p8v0 Python module for file type identification using libmagic
py3-mako-1.3.9 super-fast templating language
py3-mapscript-8.4.0 Python Mapscript binding
py3-markdown-3.7p0 text-to-HTML conversion tool
py3-markdown-it-3.0.0p0 markdown parsing for Python, port of markdown-it
- python wrapper for the Mastodon API
py3-matplotlib-3.8.3p1 Python charting and plotting API
py3-matplotlib-inline-0.1.6p1 inline matplotlib backend for jupyter
py3-matrix_common-1.3.0p2 common utilities for Synapse, Sydent and Sygnal
py3-mccabe-0.7.0p1 McCabe complexity checker for Python
py3-mdown-extensions-10.14.3 extensions for python-markdown
py3-mdurl-0.1.2p2 URL utilities for markdown-it parser
py3-mechanize-0.4.10p1 stateful programmatic web browsing module
py3-mediafile-0.13.0p0 read and write audio file tags in Python
py3-meld3-2.0.1p4 html/xml templating engine
py3-memcached-1.62p1 Python interface to memcached
py3-mercantile-1.2.1p4 spherical mercator coordinate and tile utilities
py3-metallum-1.1.0p5 basic python API for
py3-metar-1.4p5 Python module to access NOAA's METAR weather reports
py3-miasm-0.1.3pl20221105p2v0 reverse engineering framework in Python
py3-minecraft-launcher-lib-5.3p1 library for creating a custom Minecraft launcher
py3-minidb-2.0.8p0 simple SQLite3 store for Python objects
py3-minidump-0.0.24p0 library to parse Windows minidump file format
py3-minimalmodbus-2.1.1p2 easy-to-use Modbus RTU/ASCII implementation for Python
py3-minimock-1.2.8p11 the simplest possible mock library, for Python
py3-mistune-3.1.2 markdown parser for Python
py3-mitmproxy_rs-0.11.5 Rust components used in mitmproxy
py3-mitogen-0.3.4pre1p1 write distributed self-replicating programs in Python
py3-mlpack-3.4.2p5 python bindings to C++ machine learning library
py3-mock-5.1.0 python mocking and patching library for testing
py3-modulegraph-0.19.6p0 Python module dependency analysis tool
py3-mongo-4.7.3p0 Python driver for mongodb
py3-more-itertools-10.6.0p0 routines for operating on iterables beyond itertools
py3-mox3-1.1.0p7 Mox is a mock object framework for Python
py3-mpd2-3.0.5p1 Python client interface for MPD
py3-mpmath-1.2.1p3 library for arbitrary-precision floating-point arithmetic
py3-msgpack-1.1.0p0v0 messagepack (de)serializer
py3-mulpyplexer-0.09p4 module that multiplexes interactions with lists of objects
py3-multidict-6.1.0p0 multidict implementation
py3-multipart-0.0.17p0 streaming multipart parser for Python
py3-multiprocess-0.70.13p2 better multiprocessing and multithreading in python
py3-multitasking-0.0.11p1 non-blocking Python methods using decorators
py3-munch-4.0.0p0 dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects)
py3-musicbrainzngs-0.7.1p6 python bindings for musicbrainz NGS webservice
py3-mutagen-1.47.0p1 Python module to handle audio metadata
py3-mypy-1.15.0 optional static type checker for Python
py3-mypy_extensions-1.0.0p1 extensions to the standard "typing" module for mypy
py3-mysqlclient-2.2.7 Python interface to MySQL
py3-nampa-0.1.1p1 FLIRT for (binary) ninjas
py3-napalm-2.3.3p8 network automation abstraction layer
py3-natsort-8.4.0p1 simple yet flexible natural sorting
py3-nbclient-0.10.0p0 client library for executing notebooks
py3-nbconvert-7.16.5 convert Jupyter notebooks (.ipynb) to other formats
py3-nbformat-5.9.2p2 Jupyter notebook format
py3-nbval-0.9.6p2 py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks
py3-nbxmpp-5.0.4p0 Python XMPP and Jabber implementation
py3-ncclient-0.6.18 Python library for NETCONF clients
py3-ndg-httpsclient-0.5.1p5 enhanced HTTPS support for httplib and urllib2
py3-neovim-0.5.0p2 Python plugin support for Neovim
py3-nest-asyncio-1.5.4p1 allow nested event loops with asyncio
py3-netaddr-0.10.1p1v0 network address representation and manipulation library
py3-netcdf4-1.7.2p0 Python interface to the netCDF C library
py3-netifaces-0.11.0p3 portable network interface information
py3-netmiko-3.1.1p5 simplify Paramiko connections to network devices
py3-networkx-2.7.1p0 module for creating and manipulating graphs and networks
py3-nltk-3.9.1v0 Natural Language ToolKit
py3-nmap-0.6.1p8 python interface to the nmap scan data
py3-nodeenv-1.9.1 node.js virtual environment builder
py3-nose-1.5.4 discovery-based unittest extension
py3-nose-warnings-filters-0.1.5p10 nose plugin to add warnings filters
py3-nosexcover-1.0.11p10 extend nose coverage to add Cobertura-style XML reports
py3-notmuch-0.38.3p1 Python bindings for notmuch
py3-num2words-0.5.14p0 convert numbers to words
py3-numexpr-2.8.4p1 fast numerical expression evaluator for NumPy
py3-numpy-1.26.4p6 fast array and numeric programming library for Python
py3-numpydoc-1.8.0 Sphinx extension to support docstrings in Numpy format
py3-nxos-0.0.5p8 library for managing Cisco NX-OS devices through NX-API
py3-oauthlib-3.2.2p3 Python library for OAuth
py3-objgraph-3.6.2p0 draw Python object reference graphs
py3-odbc-5.2.0p1 ODBC bindings for Python
py3-odfpy-1.4.1p6 Python API and tools to manipulate OpenDocument files
py3-ofxparse-0.21p5 parser for the Open Financial Exchange file format
py3-oldest-supported-numpy-2022.8.16p2 pypi meta-package to depend on numpy
py3-olefile-0.46p8 parse, read and write Microsoft OLE2 files
py3-omemo-dr-1.0.1p1 Gajim's fork of py-axolotl
py3-opcua-0.98.13p4 pure Python OPC UA client and server library
py3-opcua-widgets-0.5.10p4 widgets for OPC UA
py3-openapi-core-0.19.2p1 client-side and server-side support for OpenAPI Spec v3
py3-openapi-schema_validator-0.6.2p0 OpenAPI schema validator
py3-openapi-spec_validator-0.7.1p1 OpenAPI 2.0 (aka Swagger) and OpenAPI 3 spec validator
py3-openbsd-0.1.0p1 Python pledge(2) and unveil(2) bindings
py3-opengl-3.1.7p2 Python bindings for OpenGL
py3-openpyxl-3.1.5p0 Python library to read/write Excel 2010 xlsx/xlsm files
py3-openssl-25.0.0p0 Python interface to the OpenSSL library
py3-ordered-set-4.1.0p4 ordered sets in Python
py3-orjson-3.10.7p2 fast, correct Python JSON library
py3-osmium-4.0.1p0 Python bindings for libosmium
py3-osqp-0.6.1p9 Python interface to OSQP
py3-outcome-1.3.0p1 capture the outcome of a Python function call
py3-overrides-7.7.0p0 decorator to detect mismatches when overriding methods
py3-owslib-0.32.1 library for accessing OGC Web Services
py3-packaging-24.2p1 core utilities for Python packaging
py3-pafy-0.5.5p5 download YouTube content and retrieve metadata
py3-paho-mqtt-1.6.1p3 MQTT Python client library
py3-pandas-2.2.3p0 data analysis and manipulation library
py3-pandocfilters-1.4.2p0 utilities for writing pandoc filters
py3-parallel-0.2.2p8 access to parallel port from Python
py3-parallel-ssh-2.12.0 asynchronous parallel SSH client library
py3-parameterized-0.9.0p1 parameterized testing with any Python test framework
py3-paramiko-3.5.1 low-level pure Python implementation of SSHv2
py3-parse-1.20.2p0 strings parser for the Python format() syntax
py3-parsedatetime-2.6p3 parse human-readable date/time text
py3-parsing-3.2.1p0 classes and methods to define and execute parsing grammars
py3-parso-0.8.4p0 python parser
py3-passlib-1.7.4p5 Python module providing a password hashing framework
py3-path-17.1.0p0 module wrapper for os.path
py3-pathable-0.4.4 object oriented paths
py3-pathspec-0.12.1p2 utility for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths
py3-pathvalidate-3.2.3 library to sanitize/validate paths
py3-patiencediff-0.2.15p0 Python implementation of the patiencediff algorithm
py3-patsy-1.0.1 Python package for describing statistical models
py3-pbkdf2-1.3p12 Python implementation of PBKDF2
py3-pbr-6.1.1 manage setuptools packaging needs in a consistent manner
py3-pcapy-0.11.5p5 libpcap module for Python
py3-pdf2image-1.17.0p0 convert PDF to a PIL Image list
py3-pdfminer-20240706 PDF parser and analyzer
py3-pdm-backend-2.4.3p0 PEP 517 compatible backend for pdm
py3-pebble-5.1.0 threading and multiprocessing eye-candy
py3-peewee-3.17.9 small expressive ORM
py3-pefile-2024.8.26 Python module to read and work with PE files
py3-pexpect-4.9.0p1 pure Python Expect-like module
py3-pf-0.2.3p1 Python module for managing PF
py3-pgpdump-1.5p7 PGP packet parser library for Python
py3-phonenumbers-8.13.54 port of Google's libphonenumber library
py3-phx-class-registry-4.1.0p0 python lib to register and instantiate classes
py3-pick-2.4.0p0 small python library for interactive selection list
py3-pickleshare-0.7.5p3 tiny 'shelve'-like database with concurrency support
py3-pikepdf-9.4.2 Python library for reading and writing PDF files
py3-pip-25.0.1 command-line tool for installing Python packages
py3-pipx-1.7.1p0 install and run Python applications in isolated environments
py3-pivy-0.6.9p0 Python bindings for coin
py3-pkgconfig-1.5.5p3 python module to interface with the pkg-config tool
py3-planet-2.13.1 client library and CLI for Planet's public API
py3-platformdirs-4.3.6p0 determine appropriate platform-specific directories
py3-pluggy-1.5.0p0 plugin and hook calling mechanisms for Python
py3-plugnplay-0.5.4p6 a generic plug-in system for Python
py3-ply-3.11p8 Python lex/yacc
py3-podcastparser-0.6.10p2 simple, fast and efficient podcast parser
py3-poetry-core-2.1.1 Poetry's PEP517 build backend
py3-polib-1.2.0 Python library to manipulate gettext files
py3-policyd-spf-2.0.2p1 external SPF policy checker for postfix
py3-portalocker-2.6.0p2 easy Python API to file locking
py3-portend-3.2.0p1 monitor TCP ports for bound or unbound states
py3-potr-1.0.2p1 pure Python Off-The-Record encryption
py3-prance- resolving Swagger/OpenAPI 2.0 and 3.0 parser
py3-precis_i18n-1.1.1 internationalized usernames and passwords
py3-pretend-1.0.9p8 a library for stubbing in Python
py3-prettytable-0.7.2p10 Python library for pretty-printing tabular data
py3-process-tests-2.0.2p4 tools for testing processes
py3-progress-1.6p3 easy to use progressbar library for python
py3-progressbar-2.5p8 text progressbar library for python
py3-proj-3.7.0p0 Pyrex generated python interface to PROJ.4 library
py3-prometheus_client-0.19.0p1 Python client for the Prometheus monitoring system
py3-prompt_toolkit-3.0.50v1 Python library for building powerful interactive CLI
py3-propcache-0.3.0 fast implementation of cached properties
py3-protobuf-5.29.3 Google data interchange format (protocol buffers)
py3-psutil-7.0.0 library to retrieve system information and utilisation
py3-psycopg2-2.9.10p0 PostgreSQL database adapter for Python
py3-ptyprocess-0.7.0p6 run a subprocess in a pseudo terminal
py3-publicsuffix2-2.20191221p0 pure-Python interface to
py3-pudb-2021.1p0 console-based visual debugger for Python
py3-puppetdb-3.2.0p1 library for working with the PuppetDB API
py3-pure_eval-0.2.3p0 safely evaluate AST nodes without side effects
py3-puremagic-1.28p0 pure Python implementation of magic file detection
py3-pushover-0.4p7v0 send messages via Pushover
py3-py-1.11.0p4 cross-python path, ini-parsing, io, code, log facilities
py3-pyRFC3339-1.1p4 format dates according to RFC3339
py3-pyaml-25.1.0 module/tool to produce pretty and readable YAML
py3-pybind11-2.13.6p0 headers for interoperability between C++ and Python
py3-pydantic-2.9.2p0 data validation using Python type hints
py3-pydantic-core-2.27.0p2 data validation using Python type hints
py3-pydantic_compat-0.1.2p0 compatibility for pydantic v1-v2 cross compatibility
py3-pydocstyle-6.3.0p2 docstring style checker
py3-pydyf-0.11.0p1 low-level PDF generator
py3-pygal-3.0.5p0 python svg graph plotting library
py3-pygfm-1.0.2p3 GitHub Flavored Markdown extension
py3-pygithub-2.6.0 Python library for managing github repos
py3-pyglet-1.4.11p7 windowing and multimedia library for Python
py3-pygments-2.19.1 Python syntax highlighter
py3-pygresql-6.0p1 PostgreSQL module for Python
py3-pyinotify-0.9.6p10 filesystem events monitoring
py3-pykeepass-4.1.0pl1 interact with keepass databases from Python
py3-pykwalify-1.8.0p3 lib/cli for JSON/YAML schema validation
py3-pylatex-1.4.2p0 Python interface for LaTeX
py3-pylint_venv-3.0.4 use pylint with different virtual environments
py3-pyls-spyder-0.4.0p2 spyder extension for the Python Language Server
py3-pymodbus-3.7.4p0 full modbus protocol written in python
py3-pymysql-1.1.0p1 MySQL driver in pure Python
py3-pynetbox-7.4.1p0 NetBox API client library
py3-pyotp-2.9.0p1 Python library for one-time passwords
py3-pypandoc-1.15 Python wrapper for pandoc
py3-pypdf-5.3.1 Python library for manipulating pages of PDF files
py3-pyperclip-1.8.2p3 cross-platform clipboard module for Python
py3-pyphen-0.17.2p0 pure-Python hyphenation library
py3-pyprof2calltree-1.4.5p8 help visualize profiling data collected with the cProfile
py3-pyproject-metadata-0.9.0p1 PEP 621 metadata parsing
py3-pyproject_api-1.9.0 API to interact with pyproject.toml-based projects
py3-pyproject_hooks-1.2.0p1v0 wrappers to call pyproject.toml-based build backend hooks
py3-pyqrcode-1.2.1p3 QR code generator written purely in Python
py3-pyqt5_sip-12.17.0 sip module support for PyQt5
py3-pyqt6_sip-13.10.0 sip module support for PyQt6
py3-pyqtgraph-0.13.7p0 pure-python graphics and GUI library
py3-pyrsistent-0.20.0p0 persistent/functional/immutable data structures
py3-pyscard-2.2.1 smartcard package for Python
py3-pyte-0.8.2p0 simple VTXXX-compatible terminal emulator
py3-pytest-subtests-0.12.1p0 unittest subTest() support and subtests fixture
py3-python-json-logger-2.0.7p0 Python library adding a json log formatter
py3-python-lsp-black-2.0.0p2 black plugin for the Python Language Server
py3-python-lsp-jsonrpc-1.1.2p0 json rpc server library
py3-python-lsp-server-1.12.0p0 Python Language Server
py3-python-slugify-8.0.4p0 utility to create slugs from unicode strings
py3-pytoolconfig-1.3.1 Python tool configuration
py3-pyusb-1.2.1p1 python interface to libusb
py3-pyvex-9.2.85p1 Python interface to libVEX and VEX IR
py3-pyx-0.16p4 package for creating PostScript/PDF graphics
py3-qdarkstyle-3.2.3p1 dark style sheet for QtWidgets apps
py3-qrcode-8.0p0 QR Code image generator
py3-qscintilla-2.14.1p3 Python binding for the Scintilla source code editor
py3-qscintilla-qt6-2.14.1p3 Python binding for the Scintilla source code editor
py3-qstylizer-0.2.2p1 Qt stylesheet generation utility for PyQT/PySide
py3-qt-builder-1.18.0 PEP 517 compliant PyQt build system
py3-qt5-5.15.11p0 Python bindings for Qt5
py3-qt6-6.8.0 Python bindings for Qt6
py3-qt6webengine-6.8.0 python Qt6WebEngine bindings
py3-qtawesome-1.3.1p1 FontAwesome icons in PyQt and PySide applications
py3-qtconsole-5.5.2p1 Jupyter Qt console
py3-qtpy-2.4.2 provides an abstraction layer of various Qt bindings
py3-qtwebengine-5.15.7p0 python Qt5WebEngine bindings
py3-query-1.4.3p5 jquery-like library for python
py3-quixote-3.6p2 simple Python framework for web-based applications
py3-r2pipe-1.8.8p2 pipe interface for radare2
py3-radix-1.0.1pre20220302p2 Radix tree implementation for Python
py3-rarfile-4.0p4 RAR archive reader for Python
py3-rasterio-1.3.9p0 geospatial raster data API and CLI
py3-rcsparse-20151027p8 RCS parsing library for Python
py3-rebulk-3.2.0p1 define simple search patterns in bulk to perform
py3-recommonmark-0.7.1p5 markdown parser for docutils
py3-redis-5.0.9p0 Python interface to Redis
py3-referencing-0.36.2 JSON referencing in Python
py3-regex-2024.11.6p0 alternative regular expression module to replace re
py3-relatorio-0.11.1p0 templating library able to output odt and pdf files
py3-rencode-1.0.6pl20210810p2 module for fast object serialization similar to bencode
py3-reportlab-3.6.13p1v0 PDF-generating toolkit for Python
py3-repoze-lru-0.7p3 tiny LRU cache implementation and decorator
py3-repoze-profile-2.3p3 aggregate profiling for wsgi requests
py3-repoze-who-3.0.0 identification and authentication framework for WSGI
py3-requests-2.32.2p0 elegant and simple HTTP library for Python
py3-requests-aws4auth-1.3.1 AWS v4 authentication for py-requests
py3-requests-cache-0.5.2p5 transparent persistent cache for the py-requests library
py3-requests-file-1.5.1p2 file transport adapter for requests
py3-requests-futures-1.0.1p0 small addon for python-requests HTTP library
py3-requests-mock-1.5.2p8 mock out responses from py-requests
py3-requests-oauthlib-2.0.0 OAuth library support for python-requests
py3-requests-toolbelt-1.0.0p0 utility belt for advanced users of python-requests
py3-requests-unixsocket-0.3.0p3 use requests to talk HTTP via a UNIX domain socket
py3-resolvelib-1.0.1p1 resolve abstract dependencies into concrete ones
py3-responses-0.25.0p1 utility library for mocking out the `requests` Python
py3-respx-0.22.0 mock out HTTPX and HTTP Core for tests
py3-rfc3339-validator-0.1.4p1 pure python RFC3339 validator
py3-rfc3986-validator-0.1.1p0 pure python RFC3986 validator
py3-rfc6555-0.1.0p3 implementation of the Happy Eyeballs Algorithm
py3-rich-13.9.4p0 Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting
py3-rio-cogeo-1.1.10p5 cloud optimized GeoTiff creation plugin for rasterio
py3-ripe.atlas.cousteau-2.0.0p1 Python bindings for the RIPE Atlas API
py3-ripe.atlas.sagan-1.3.1p3 parsing library for RIPE Atlas measurement results
py3-rns-0.9.1 cryptography-based networking stack
py3-robotframework-6.0.2p1 generic test automation framework for acceptance testing
py3-roman-numerals-3.1.0 manipulate well-formed Roman nunerals
py3-rope-1.13.0p0 refactoring library
py3-ropper-1.13.8p1 ROP gadget finder and binary information tool
py3-rpds-py-0.22.3 Python bindings for Rust's persistent data structures (rpds)
py3-rrdtool-0.1.16p3 Python bindings for rrdtool
py3-rsa-4.7.2p4 Python RSA implementation
py3-rst2ansi-0.1.5p1 convert rst to ansi-decorated console output
py3-rtree-1.2.0p0 python wrapper for spatial index
py3-ruamel.yaml-0.18.10 YAML 1.2 loader/dumper package for Python
py3-ruamel.yaml.clib-0.2.12 C based reader/scanner and emitter for ruamel.yaml
py3-rx-4.0.4p1 library for asynchronous and event-based programs in Python
py3-s3transfer-0.11.4 Amazon S3 transfer manager for Python
py3-sabctools-8.2.5p0v0 C implementations of functions for use within SABnzbd
py3-sane-2.9.1p4 Python SANE module
py3-sarif-tools-3.0.4 SARIF command line tools and a Python library
py3-schedule-1.2.2p0 job scheduling for humans
py3-schema-0.7.7p0 simple data validation library
py3-scikit-image-0.23.2p0 image processing routines for SciPy
py3-scikit-learn-1.4.1.post1p0 set of python modules for machine learning and data mining
py3-scipy-1.13.1p4 maths, science and engineering modules for Python
py3-scp-0.15.0 scp module for Paramiko
py3-scrypt-0.8.27p1 support for the scrypt key derivation function
py3-scs- Python interface to SCS
py3-seaborn-0.13.2p0 statistical data visualization
py3-secretstorage-3.3.3p3 secure storing of passwords using the SecretService DBus API
py3-securesystemslib-0.23.0p4 library providing cryptographic and general-purpose routines
py3-selenium-3.141.0p3 Python bindings for Selenium WebDriver
py3-semantic_version-2.10.0p3 library implementing the 'SemVer' scheme
py3-semver-3.0.4 Python helper for Semantic Versioning
py3-send2trash-1.8.3 send files to the trash natively
py3-serial-3.4p8 serial interface class for Python
py3-serial-asyncio-0.6p0 async I/O extension for pyserial
py3-service_identity-24.1.0p0 service identity verification for pyOpenSSL/py-cryptography
py3-setproctitle-1.3.5 library for getting/setting process names
py3-setuptools-75.6.0p0v0 simplified packaging system for Python modules
py3-setuptools-git-versioning-1.13.6p1 use git repo data to build a version number
py3-setuptools-rust-1.10.2 setuptools Rust extension plugin
py3-setuptools_scm-8.2.0 plugin to manage your versions by scm tags
py3-setuptools_trial-0.6.0p10 setuptools plugin for unit tests with Twisted's trial
py3-sgp4-2.24 Python implementation of SGP4 satellite tracking algorithm
py3-sh-2.2.2 subprocess interface: call any program like a function
py3-shapely-2.0.6p1 manipulation and analysis of planar geometric objects
py3-shellingham-1.5.4p1 detect shell the Python executable is running in
py3-signedjson-1.1.4p1 sign JSON with Ed25519 signatures
py3-simpleeval-1.0.3 simple, safe single expression evaluator library
py3-simplegeneric-0.8.1p12 simple generic functions
py3-simplejson-3.20.1 JSON encoder/decoder
py3-simplesoap-1.16.2p7 simple and lightweight SOAP library
py3-sip-6.10.0v0 automatically generate Python bindings for C and C++ libs
py3-siphon-0.10.0p0 download data from remote data services (such as THREDDS)
py3-six-1.17.0p0 Python 2 and 3 compatibility library
py3-skyfield-1.51 computes positions for the stars, planets, and satellites
py3-slixmpp-1.8.3p1 slixmpp is an elegant Python library for XMPP
py3-smartypants-2.0.1p4 translate ASCII punctuation characters into smart entities
py3-smbc- Python bindings to wrap the libsmbclient API
py3-smmap-5.0.2 pure Python implementation of an SMM manager
py3-sniffio-1.3.1p0 sniff out which async library is being used
py3-snmp-4.4.12p7 SNMP framework for Python
py3-snowballstemmer-2.2.0p3 snowball stemming library collection for Python
py3-snuggs-1.4.7p6 snuggs are s-expressions for numpy
py3-socketIO-client-0.7.2p1 python client library
py3-socketio-4.6.1p3 client/server implementation of Socket.IO
py3-socks-1.7.1p8 Python module for working with SOCKS proxies
py3-solaredge-interface-0.3.2p1 collect data from SolarEdge API
py3-solaredge-modbus-0.8.0p0 collect data from SolarEdge inverters over Modbus
py3-sortedcontainers-2.4.0p5 Python Sorted Container Types
py3-soupsieve-2.6p0v0 modern CSS selector implementation for Beautiful Soup
py3-spake2-0.9p0 SPAKE2 password-authenticated key exchange (pure Python)
py3-spark-parser-1.8.9p1 early-algorithm context-free grammar parser
py3-spdx-2.5.1p3 SPDX license list database
py3-spdx-lookup-0.3.3p3 SPDX license list query tool
py3-speechrecognition-3.8.1p4 Python library for performing speech recognition
py3-speg-0.3p4 PEG-based parser interpreter with memoization
py3-spf-2.0.14p1 Sender-Policy-Framework queries in Python
py3-sphinx-8.2.1v0 Python documentation generator
py3-sphinx-automodapi-0.17.0p1 auto-generate API documentation for entire modules in Sphinx
py3-sphinx-intl-2.1.0p1 internationalization helper for Sphinx
py3-sphinx-notfound-page-0.8.3p5 Sphinx extension to build a 404 page with absolute URLs
py3-sphinx_guzzle_theme-0.7.11p10 sphinx theme used by guzzle
py3-sphinx_rtd_theme-1.2.2p3 theme for Sphinx
py3-sphinxcontrib-applehelp-2.0.0p1 sphinx extension to output Apple help books
py3-sphinxcontrib-devhelp-2.0.0p1 sphinx extension to output Devhelp documents
py3-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp-2.1.0p1 sphinx extension to output HTML help files
py3-sphinxcontrib-jquery-4.1p2 extension to include jQuery on newer sphinx releases
py3-sphinxcontrib-jsmath-1.0.1p4 sphinx extension to render display math in HTML
py3-sphinxcontrib-qthelp-2.0.0p1 sphinx extension to output QtHelp documents
py3-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml-2.0.0p1 sphinx extension to output serialized HTML (json and pickle)
py3-sphinxcontrib-websupport-2.0.0p1 integrate Sphinx documentation into your Web application
py3-spnego-0.11.2p0 SPNEGO authentication library
py3-spotipy-2.25.1 lightweight library for the Spotify Web API
py3-spyder-kernels-2.5.2p0 kernels used by spyder on its ipython console
py3-sql-1.5.2p0 library to write SQL queries
py3-sqlalchemy-2.0.38 database toolkit for Python
py3-sqlobject-3.11.0p2 ORM (Object Relational Manager) for Python
py3-sqlparse-0.5.3 non-validating SQL parser
py3-stache-0.6.7 Python implementation of Mustache templating system
py3-stack_data-0.6.3p1 extract data from Python stack frames and tracebacks
py3-statgrab-0.7.3p0 python bindings to libstatgrab
py3-stdnum-1.20p1 parse, validate and reformat standard numbers and codes
py3-steam-1.4.4pl0p2 module for interacting with various Steam features
py3-stem-1.8.2p2 Tor controller library
py3-stemmer- snowball stemming algorithms, for information retrieval
py3-straight.plugin-1.5.0p7 simple namespaced plugin facility
py3-structlog-24.4.0p0 asynchronous WebDriver client
py3-subprocess-tee-0.4.2 replacement that captures and displays output
py3-subversion-1.14.5p0 python interface to subversion
py3-suds-1.2.0 lightweight python SOAP client
py3-supermercado-0.2.0p4 mercantile additional commands
py3-sure-2.0.1p1 utility belt for automated testing in Python for Python
py3-sympy-1.12p1 computer algebra system (CAS) in Python
py3-tables-3.10.2 Python package to manage extremely large amounts of data
py3-tabulate-0.9.0p1 pretty-print tabular data
py3-tagpy-2025.1 Python bindings to TagLib audio file tag library
py3-talloc-2.4.3 Python 3.12 bindings for talloc
py3-tasklib-2.5.1p1 Python library to interact with Task Warrior
py3-tdb-1.4.13 Python 3.12 bindings for tdb
py3-telegram-0.19.0 Python wrapper for Telegram tdlib
py3-telegram_text-0.2.0 markup module for Telegram messenger
py3-tempita-0.6.0 very small text templating language
py3-tempora-5.8.0 objects and routines pertaining to date and time
py3-tenacity-8.0.1p3 Python module to retry code until it succeeds
py3-termcolor-2.0.1p3 ANSI color formatting for output in terminal
py3-terminado-0.18.1 terminals served to term.js using Tornado websockets
py3-test-8.3.5 cross-project testing tool for Python
py3-test-aiohttp-1.0.5p0 pytest plugin for aiohttp
py3-test-arraydiff-0.6.1p1 pytest plugin to generate/compare data arrays
py3-test-astropy-0.11.0 metapackage for testing machinery used by Astropy
py3-test-astropy-header-0.2.2p2 add diagnostic information to pytest's output
py3-test-asyncio-0.25.3 test asyncio code with pytest
py3-test-benchmark-5.1.0 pytest fixture for benchmarking code
py3-test-check-2.4.1p1 pytest plugin that allows multiple failures per test
py3-test-codspeed-3.2.0 pytest plugin to create CodSpeed benchmarks
py3-test-console-scripts-1.4.1p0 test console scripts with pytest
py3-test-cov-6.0.0p0 pytest plugin for measuring coverage
py3-test-datafiles-3.0.0p1 create a 'tmp_path' with predefined files/directories
py3-test-doctestplus-1.2.1p0 pytest plugin with advanced doctest features
py3-test-expect-1.1.0p10 py.test plugin to store test expectations
py3-test-filter-subpackage-0.2.0p0 pytest plugin for filtering based on sub-packages
py3-test-flake8-1.3.0 py.test plugin to check FLAKE8 requirements
py3-test-forked-1.6.0p2 run each test in a forked subprocess
py3-test-httpbin-2.0.0 test your HTTP library against a local copy of httpbin
py3-test-httpserver-1.1.2 HTTP server for pytest
py3-test-isort-4.0.0p0 py.test isort plugin to check import ordering using isort
py3-test-jupyter-0.6.0p1 pytest plugin for Jupyter libraries and extensions
py3-test-lazy-fixture-0.6.3p4 pytest plugin to use fixtures in pytest.mark.parametrize
py3-test-localserver-0.8.1p0 py.test plugin to test server connections locally
py3-test-mock-3.14.0p0 thin wrapper around mock package for easier use with pytest
py3-test-openfiles-0.5.0p3 check for files left open at the end of a pytest run
py3-test-relaxed-2.0.2p0 relaxed test discovery/organization for pytest
py3-test-remotedata-0.4.1p0 pytest plugin for controlling remote data access
py3-test-runner-6.0.1p0 deprecated fixture to invoke py.test as distutils command
py3-test-subtesthack-0.2.0p2 hack to explicitly set up and tear down fixtures
py3-test-timeout-1.4.2p4 pytest plugin to abort hanging tests
py3-test-trio-0.8.0 pytest plugin for trio
py3-test-vcr-1.0.2p6 plugin for managing cassettes
py3-test-xdist-3.5.0p1 py.test xdist plugin for distributed testing
py3-test-xprocess-1.0.2p0 pytest plugin for managing processes across test runs
py3-testpath-0.6.0p3 test utilities working with files and commands
py3-testtools-2.7.2p0 extensions to the Python unit testing framework
py3-textdistance-4.6.3p1 compute distance between texts
py3-textfsm-1.1.3p2 parse semi-structured text into Python table
py3-texttable-1.7.0p0 module to create simple ASCII tables
py3-threadpoolctl-3.5.0p1 introspect/set max threads in native libraries like BLAS
py3-three-merge-0.1.1p2 3-way merge between strings
py3-thrift-0.16.0p2 Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system
py3-tifffile-2025.1.10 read images/metadiff and store numpy arrays in TIFF files
py3-timelib-0.3.0p1 short wrapper around PHP's timelib module
py3-tinycss2-1.4.0p1 tiny CSS parser
py3-tinyhtml5-2.0.0 transform a possibly malformed HTML5 into an ElementTree
py3-tinytag-1.10.1p1 library for reading music meta data
py3-tinytuya-1.16.1 interface with Tuya WiFi smart devices
py3-tld-0.13p1 extracts the top level domain (TLD) from the URL given
py3-tlsfuzzer-20240906p1 fuzzer and test suite for TLS implementations.
py3-tlslite-ng-0.8.2v0 Python SSL and TLS library
py3-tnefparse-1.4.0p2 TNEF decoding and attachment extraction
py3-tokenize-rt-6.1.0p0 round-tripping wrapper for Python stdlib's "tokenize"
py3-toml-0.10.2p4 Python library for "Tom's Obvious Minimal Language"
py3-tomli-2.2.1p1 lil' TOML parser
py3-tomli_w-1.2.0p0 simple TOML writer
py3-tomlkit-0.13.2p1 style-preserving TOML library for Python
py3-toolz-0.12.0p1 utility functions similar to itertools and functools
py3-toposort-1.10p1 implements a topological sort algorithm
py3-tornado-6.4.2 scalable, non-blocking web server
py3-tornasync-0.6.0pl2p1 pytest plugin for tornado
py3-tox-4.23.2 virtualenv-based automation of test activities
py3-tqdm-4.66.2p0 progress bar for Python
py3-traitlets-5.14.3p2 configuration system for Python applications
py3-transitions-0.9.2p0 lightweight, object-oriented state machine for Python
py3-transmissionrpc-ng-0.14.1p5 json-rpc client library for Transmission
py3-treq-24.9.1p0 HTTP library inspired by requests on top of Twisted Agents
py3-trio-0.29.0 library for async concurrency and I/O
py3-trio-websocket-0.11.1p1 websocket library for Trio
py3-trove-classifiers-2025.3.3.18 implementation of JSON Schema validation for Python
py3-trustme-1.2.1 quality TLS certs while you wait, for the discerning
py3-tsk-20200117p9 Python bindings for The Sleuth Kit (libtsk)
py3-twisted-24.11.0 asynchronous networking Python framework
py3-twitter-1.18.0p5 twitter python module
py3-txaio-23.1.1p1 compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius
py3-txtorcon-24.8.0 control-spec implementation for Tor
py3-typeguard-4.4.2 run-time type checker for Python
py3-typer-0.15.2 library for building CLI applications
py3-types-psutil- typing stubs for psutil
py3-types-setuptools- typing stubs for setuptools
py3-typing_extensions-4.12.2p1 backported type hints for python >= 3.5
py3-typogrify-2.1.0 filters to enhance web typography
py3-tz-2025.1 Python API for dealing with timezones
py3-tzdata-2025.1 IANA timezone data
py3-tzlocal-5.3.1 Python tzinfo object for the local timezone
py3-u-msgpack-2.8.0 portable, lightweight MessagePack (de)serializer
py3-ujson-5.10.0p0 fast Python json encoder/decoder
py3-unicodecsv-0.14.1p7 drop-in replace for csv with unicode support
py3-unicorn-2.0.1.post1p1 Unicorn CPU emulator engine
py3-unidecode-1.3.8p1 US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
py3-unique-log-filter-0.1.0p1 simple tool to filter out duplicate lines from a log file
py3-unitypy-1.20.12p0 python module to manage Unity assets
py3-unpaddedbase64-2.1.0p2 Python module implementing Base64 without "=" padding
py3-untangle-1.2.1p1 converts XML to Python objects
py3-uri-template-1.3.0p0 RFC 6570 URI template processor
py3-uritemplate-4.1.1p3 URI templates
py3-urlgrabber-4.1.0p4 high-level cross-protocol url-grabber
py3-urllib3-1.26.18p1 HTTP library for Python
py3-urwid-2.6.16v0 console user interface library for python
py3-userpath-1.9.2p0 cross-platform tool to add locations to the user's PATH
py3-uvloop-0.20.0p1 fast, drop-in replacement for asyncio event loop
py3-validators-0.34.0p0 Python Data Validation for Humans
py3-vcrpy-6.0.2p0 automatically mock HTTP interactions to speed testing
py3-vcversioner- use version control tags to discover version numbers
py3-vdf-3.4p3 Library for working with Valve's VDF text format
py3-versioneer-0.29p0 management of project version strings
py3-virtualdisplay-3.0p3 Python wrapper for Xvfb, Xephyr and Xvnc
py3-virtualenv-20.29.3 virtual Python environment builder
py3-vmomi- python SDK for the VMware vSphere API
py3-vobject-0.9.9p0 iCalendar library for Python
py3-voluptuous-0.15.2 data validation library
py3-vpk-1.4.0p3 tool and library for working with Valve Pak files
py3-vsphere-automation- VMware vSphere Automation SDK for Python
py3-vulture-2.14p0 finds unused code in Python programs
py3-waitress-3.0.2 pure-Python WSGI server
py3-wand-0.6.13p0 ctypes-based simple MagickWand API binding for Python
py3-wapiti_arsenic-28.2 asynchronous WebDriver client for Wapiti
py3-watchdog-6.0.0 filesystem event monitoring
py3-wbem-1.7.3 CIM operations over HTTP in Python
py3-wcmatch-10.0p0 file matching and globbing library
py3-wcwidth-0.2.13p1 measures number of terminal column cells of wide-char code
py3-webcolors-24.11.1p0 library for working with HTML color formats
py3-webencodings-0.5.1p10 character encoding aliases for legacy web content
py3-webob-1.8.7p4 wsgi request and response object
py3-webpy-0.70 web framework for python
py3-websocket-client-1.7.0p1 WebSocket client for Python
py3-websockets-13.1p0 Python library for building WebSocket servers and clients
py3-webtest-3.0.3 helper to test wsgi applications
py3-werkzeug-3.1.3p0v0 WSGI utility collection
py3-whatthepatch-1.0.6p0 high-performance diff and patch library
py3-wheel-0.45.1p1 reference implementation for Python's "wheel" package format
py3-wheezy.template-3.2.2p0 lightweight template library
py3-whisper-1.1.10p3 fixed size round-robin style database
py3-wrapt-1.17.2 Python module for decorators, wrappers and monkey patching
py3-wsproto-1.2.0p1 state-machine based WebSocket protocol implementation
py3-wstools-0.4.8p8 WSDL parsing services package for Python
py3-wtforms-3.2.1 flexible forms validation and rendering library
py3-wurlitzer-3.1.1p0 capture c-level output in context managers
py3-wxPython-4.2.2p0 Python bindings for wxWidgets C++ class library
py3-wxPython-media-4.2.2p0 wxMedia support for wxPython
py3-wxPython-webview-4.2.2p0 wxWebView support for wxPython
py3-xcbgen-1.17.0p2 X C Binding - protocol binding generator
py3-xdg-0.28p4 python library to access standards
py3-xdis- cross-version byte-code disassembler and marshal routines
py3-xlib-0.33p1 X11 library for Python
py3-xlrd-2.0.1p1 extract data from xls spreadsheet files
py3-xlsxwriter-3.0.9 Python module for creating Excel XLSX files
py3-xlwt-1.3.0p5 create spreadsheet files compatible with MS Excel 95-2003
py3-xmldiff-2.7.0p0 show differences between XML files/DOM trees
py3-xmlschema-3.4.3 an XML Schema validator and decoder
py3-xmltodict-0.12.0p7 makes working with XML feel like orking with JSON
py3-xyzservices-2024.9.0p0 source of XYZ tiles providers
py3-yaml-6.0.2p0 YAML parser and emitter in Python
py3-yamllint-1.35.1p0 linter for YAML files
py3-yamlloader-1.5.1 loaders and dumpers for PyYAML
py3-yamlordereddictloader-0.4.2p1 loader and dumper for PyYAML allowing keeping items order
py3-yapf-0.43.0p0 formatter for Python code
py3-yara-4.2.0p6 Python extension that gives access to YARA
py3-yarl-1.18.0p0 yet another URL library
py3-yaswfp-0.9.3pl20220304p0 Yet Another SWF Parser
py3-yfinance-0.1.72p3 fetching finanical market data with Python
py3-z3-solver- efficient SMT solver library (angr fork)
py3-zabbix-api-0.5.6p1 Python Zabbix API
py3-zc-lockfile-3.0pl1 basic inter-process locks
py3-zeroconf-0.28.8p4 pure Python Multicast DNS Service Discovery Library
py3-zigpy-0.74.0 Python library implementing a Zigbee stack
py3-zigpy-znp-0.13.1p0 zigpy module and tools for TI CC2652/similar
py3-zipp-3.21.0p0 backport of pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files
py3-zipstream-ng-1.8.0p0 modern and easy to use streamable zip file generator
py3-zmq-25.1.1p1v0 Python bindings for ZeroMQ
py3-zopecomponent-6.0 component architecture from Zope
py3-zopeevent-5.0 very basic event publishing system from Zope
py3-zopeinterface-7.2 object interface infrastructure from Zope
py3-zopetesting-5.0.1 testing frameworks from Zope 3
py3-zopfli-0.2.3p1 cPython bindings for the zopfli compression library
py3-zstandard-0.23.0p0 Python bindings to the Zstandard compression library
py3-zxcvbn-4.5.0 realistic password strength estimator
py3c-1.1p0 python 2/3 compatibility layer for C extensions
pycdc-0.0.20180428p7 python bytecode disassembler and decompiler
pycharm-2024.3.1 Python IDE based on IntelliJ IDEA
pyflakes-3.2.0p1 passive checker of Python programs
pygame_sdl2- Ren'Py fork of pygame
pyganim-0.9.2p2 sprite animation module for pygame
pygeoapi-0.19.0 OGC API server implementation
pylint3-3.1.0p3 lint-like code checker for Python code
pypy-7.3.1p7 fast implementation of the Python language
pyside6- Python Qt bindings for Qt 6
pyside6-tools- PySide6 development tools
pysol-3.2.0 solitaire card games collection
pysol-cards-0.18.1 deal pysol cards
pystring-1.1.4 C++ functions analogous to Python string methods
python-2.7.18p12 interpreted object-oriented programming language
python-3.12.9 interpreted object-oriented programming language
python-bsddb-2.7.18p0 Berkeley db module for Python
python-gdbm-2.7.18p0 GNU dbm module for Python
python-gdbm-3.12.9 GNU dbm module for Python
python-idle-2.7.18p1 IDE for Python
python-idle-3.12.9 IDE for Python
python-tests-2.7.18p1 Python test suite
python-tests-3.12.9 Python test suite
python-tkinter-2.7.18p1 Python interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
python-tkinter-3.12.9 Python interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
python-tools-2.7.18p0 extra tools for Python
pythran-0.15.0p3 ahead of time compiler for numeric kernels
pyupgrade-3.19.1p0 automatically upgrade syntax for newer versions of Python
pyzor-1.1.2p0 collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam
qbe-1.2 small, quick compiler backend
qbirthday-0.7.0b3p5 birthday reminder with tray notification
qbittorrent-5.0.4 BitTorrent client with Qt interface
qbittorrent-nox-5.0.4 BitTorrent client with web interface
qbs-2.5.1 declarative cross-platform build tool
qca-qt5-2.3.9p0 Qt Cryptographic Architecture
qca-qt6-2.3.9p0 Qt Cryptographic Architecture
qcad- Qt-based 2D CAD system
qcoro-0.11.0 C++ coroutines for Qt
qcoro-qt6-0.11.0p0 C++ coroutines for Qt
qcpas-firmware-20250211 firmware binary images for qcpas(4) driver
qdbm-1.8.78p2 high performance embedded database library
qdigidoc4-4.7.0p0 DigiDoc4 GUI client for signing and encrypting documents
qdirstat-1.9 Qt-based directory statistics
qelectrotech-0.91p0 electric diagrams drawing tool
qemu-9.2.2 multi system emulator
qemu-ga-9.2.2 QEMU guest agent
qflow-1.4.83p4 full end-to-end digital synthesis flow for VLSI ASIC designs
qgis-3.42.0 desktop geographical information system
qgis-3.42.0-qt6 desktop geographical information system
qgit-2.10p0 Qt git repository viewer
qhull-2020.2 computing the convex hull
qiv-2.3.2p0 very small and pretty fast gdk/Imlib image viewer
qjson-0.9.0p5 Qt-based library that maps JSON data to QVariant objects
qmapshack-1.16.0p2 map management tool
qmlbench-0.20241908p0 QML and QtQuick benchmark tool
qobuz-dl- music downloader for Qobuz
qodem-1.0.1p0 Qodem Terminal Emulator
qownnotes-25.1.0 markdown note taking program with nextcloud integration
qpage-3.3p2 SNPP client/server (alphanum pager software)
qpc-6.0.1 active object framework
qpcpp-6.0.1 active object framework
qpdf-11.10.1 PDF transformation and inspection utility
qpdfview-0.5p0 tabbed DjVu/PDF/PS document viewer
qprint-1.1p0 converter to/from quoted-printable encoding
qqc2-breeze-style-6.3.2 Breeze QQC2 Style
qqwing-1.3.4p1 Sudoku generator and solver
qr-code-generator-1.8.0 QR Code generator library
qrouter-1.4.84 multi-level, over-the-cell maze router for VLSI design
qrupdate-1.1.2p5 library for fast updates of QR and Cholesky decompositions
qscintilla-2.14.1p1 Qt port of the Scintilla source code editor
qscintilla-qt6-2.14.1p1 Qt port of the Scintilla source code editor
qstat-2.17p1 displays the status of multi-player Internet Game servers
qsynth-0.9.13 Qt GUI Interface for FluidSynth
qt-creator-15.0.1 cross-platform IDE for use with Qt
qt3d-5.15.16pl3 Qt5 components for 3D graphics
qt3d-examples-5.15.16pl3 Qt3D development examples
qt5-5.15.16 C++ general-purpose toolkit, meta-package
qt5-examples-5.15.16 examples for Qt5, meta-package
qt5-global-5.15.16pl130 global Qt5 documentation internals
qt5-html-5.15.16 HTML documentation for Qt5
qt5-mysql-5.15.16pl130 MySQL plugin for Qt5
qt5-postgresql-5.15.16pl130 PostgresSQL plugin for Qt5
qt5-qch-5.15.16 qdoc-compiled documentation for Qt5
qt5-tds-5.15.16pl130 TDS plugin for Qt5
qt5ct-1.9 Qt5 configuration tool
qt6-6.8.2 C++ application and widget toolkit, meta-package
qt6-global-6.8.2 global Qt6 documentation internals
qt6-mysql-6.8.2 MySQL plugin for Qt6
qt6-postgresql-6.8.2 PostgresSQL plugin for Qt6
qt6-qt3d-6.8.2 Qt6 components for 3D graphics
qt6-qt5compat-6.8.2 Qt6 module contains unsupported Qt 5 APIs
qt6-qtbase-6.8.2p1 C++ general-purpose toolkit
qt6-qtcharts-6.8.2 Qt6 components for drawing 2D charts
qt6-qtconnectivity-6.8.2 Bluetooth and NFC support for Qt6
qt6-qtdatavis3d-6.8.2 Qt6 3D data visualization components
qt6-qtdeclarative-6.8.2 Qt6 Quick and QML components
qt6-qtgraphs-6.8.2 Qt6 module to visualize data in 2D and 3D graphs
qt6-qtgrpc-6.8.2 gRPC support for Qt6
qt6-qthttpserver-6.8.2 HTTP Server support for Qt6
qt6-qtimageformats-6.8.2 Qt6 additional image formats
qt6-qtlanguageserver-6.8.2 Language server implementation for Qt6
qt6-qtlocation-6.8.2 Geo positioning APIs
qt6-qtlottie-6.8.2 QML API for rendering graphics and animations
qt6-qtmultimedia-6.8.2 Qt6 multimedia components
qt6-qtnetworkauth-6.8.2 Qt6 network authorization components
qt6-qtpositioning-6.8.2 Qt Positioning API
qt6-qtquick3d-6.8.2 Quick 3D support for Qt6
qt6-qtquick3dphysics-6.8.2 Quick 3D Physics support for Qt6
qt6-qtquickeffectmaker-6.8.2 Qt6 module for Qt Quick Effect Maker
qt6-qtquicktimeline-6.8.2 Qt6 module for keyframe-based timeline construction.
qt6-qtremoteobjects-6.8.2 Qt6 Inter-Process Communication module
qt6-qtscxml-6.8.2 create state machines from SCXML files
qt6-qtsensors-6.8.2 Qt6 hardware sensors support
qt6-qtserialbus-6.8.2 Qt6 API for accessing serial bus devices
qt6-qtserialport-6.8.2 Qt6 serial ports access components
qt6-qtshadertools-6.8.2 Qt6 shader tools module
qt6-qtspeech-6.8.2 Qt text-to-speech components
qt6-qtsvg-6.8.2 SVG support for Qt6
qt6-qttools-6.8.2p3 Qt6 development tools
qt6-qttranslations-6.8.2 Qt6 translations
qt6-qtvirtualkeyboard-6.8.2 Qt6 virtual keyboard plugin
qt6-qtwayland-6.8.2 Qt6 module for Wayland support
qt6-qtwebchannel-6.8.2 Qt6 seamless HTML/JavaScript integration
qt6-qtwebengine-6.8.2p1 Qt chromium based web engine
qt6-qtwebsockets-6.8.2 Qt6 module for the WebSocket protocol
qt6-qtwebview-6.8.2 simple web viewing component for Qt6
qt6-qxlsx-1.5.0 MS Excel file reader/writer library
qt6ct-0.10 Qt6 configuration tool
qtadvanceddocking-4.3.1 advanced docking system for Qt
qtbase-5.15.16pl130p0 C++ general-purpose toolkit
qtbase-examples-5.15.16pl130 QtBase development examples
qtcharts-5.15.16pl3 Qt5 components for drawing 2D charts
qtcharts-examples-5.15.16pl3 QtCharts development examples
qtconnectivity-5.15.16pl3 Bluetooth and NFC support for Qt5
qtconnectivity-examples-5.15.16pl3 QtConnectivity development examples
qtdatavis3d-5.15.16pl3 Qt5 3D data visualization components
qtdatavis3d-examples-5.15.16pl3 QtDataVis3D development examples
qtdeclarative-5.15.16pl3 Qt5 Quick and QML components
qtdeclarative-examples-5.15.16pl3 QtDeclarative development examples
qterminal-2.1.0 lightweight Qt terminal emulator based on QTermWidget
qtermwidget-2.1.0 the terminal widget for QTerminal
qtfm-6.2.1p0 desktop-independent Unix file manager
qtgamepad-5.15.16 Qt5 gamepad events handling components
qtgamepad-examples-5.15.16 QtGamepad development examples
qtgraphicaleffects-5.15.16 UI effects library for Qt Quick
qtimageformats-5.15.16pl3 support for additional image formats in Qt5
qtkeychain-0.14.2p0 Qt API to store passwords and other secret data
qtkeychain-qt6-0.14.2p0 Qt API to store passwords and other secret data
qtlocation-5.15.16pl3 Qt5 geo positioning APIs
qtlocation-examples-5.15.16pl3 QtLocation development examples
qtlottie-5.15.16 QML API for rendering graphics and animations
qtmultimedia-5.15.16pl2p0 Qt5 multimedia components
qtmultimedia-examples-5.15.16pl2p0 QtMultimedia development examples
qtnetworkauth-5.15.16 Qt5 network authorization components
qtnetworkauth-examples-5.15.16 QtNetworKAuth development examples
qtpass-1.4.0 multi-platform GUI for password-store
qtpurchasing-5.15.16 in-app purchases in Qt5 and Qt5 Quick applications
qtpurchasing-examples-5.15.16 QtPurchasing development examples
qtquickcontrols-5.15.16 Qt Quick based UI controls
qtquickcontrols-examples-5.15.16 QtQuickControls development examples
qtquickcontrols2-5.15.16pl5 Qt5 Quick based UI controls from Qt Labs
qtquickcontrols2-examples-5.15.16pl5 QtQuickcontrols2 development examples
qtremoteobjects-5.15.16 inter-process communication using Qt5 objects
qtremoteobjects-examples-5.15.16 QtRemoteObjects development examples
qtscript-5.15.16 ECMAScript language for Qt5
qtscript-examples-5.15.16 QtScript development examples
qtscxml-5.15.16 create state machines from SCXML files
qtscxml-examples-5.15.16 QtScxml development examples
qtsensors-5.15.16 Qt5 hardware sensors support
qtsensors-examples-5.15.16 QtSensors development examples
qtserialbus-5.15.16 Qt5 API for accessing serial bus devices
qtserialbus-examples-5.15.16 QtSerialBus development examples
qtserialport-5.15.16 Qt5 serial ports access components
qtserialport-examples-5.15.16 QtSerialPort development examples
qtspeech-5.15.16pl1 Qt5 text-to-speech components
qtspeech-examples-5.15.16pl1 QtSpeech development examples
qtsvg-5.15.16pl5 SVG support for Qt5
qtsvg-examples-5.15.16pl5 QtSVG development examples
qttools-5.15.16pl3p0 Qt development tools
qttools-examples-5.15.16pl3p0 QtTools development examples
qttranslations-5.15.16 unofficial Qt5 translations
qtvirtualkeyboard-5.15.16 Qt5 virtual keyboard plugin
qtvirtualkeyboard-examples-5.15.16 QtVirtualKeyboard development examples
qtwayland-5.15.16pl59 Qt5 module for Wayland support
qtwebchannel-5.15.16pl3 Qt5 seamless HTML/JavaScript integration
qtwebchannel-examples-5.15.16pl3 QtWebChannel development examples
qtwebengine-5.15.17pl11p2 Chromium-based web engine for Qt5
qtwebglplugin-5.15.16 QPA WebGL plugin for Qt applications
qtwebkit-5.212.0alpha4p15v0 QtWebKit with a more modern WebKit code base
qtwebsockets-5.15.16pl2 Qt5 implementation of WebSocket protocol
qtwebsockets-examples-5.15.16pl2 QtWebSockets development examples
qtwebview-5.15.16 simple web viewing component for Qt5
qtwebview-examples-5.15.16 QtWebView development examples
qtx11extras-5.15.16 X11-specific parts of Qt
qtxdg-tools-4.1.0 libqtxdg user tools
qtxmlpatterns-5.15.16 Qt5 support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML Schema
qtxmlpatterns-examples-5.15.16 QtXmlPatterns development examples
quadrapassel-40.2p4 fit falling blocks together
quadrupleback-0.2.0 clone of Doubleback, an intruder circling game
quagga-1.2.4p3 multi-threaded routing daemon
quakespasm-0.96.3 SDL Quake port
quazip-qt5-1.4p0 Qt/C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP package
quazip-qt6-1.4 Qt/C++ wrapper for ZIP/UNZIP package
queryperf-20180511p0 DNS query performance tester from BIND 9
queso-980922 determine remote OS using simple tcp packets
quesoglc-0.7.2p11 implementation of the OpenGL Character Renderer
quiche-0.22.0 library implementing QUIC and HTTP/3
quickjs-2024.01.13p0 small, embeddable JavaScript engine in C
quilt-0.66 manage large numbers of patches
quirks-7.100 exceptions to pkg_add rules
quodlibet-4.6.0p6 audio player and tagger for GTK+ with regex support
qutebrowser-3.4.0 keyboard-focused browser with a minimal GUI
qwt-6.3.0 Qt widgets for technical applications
qwt-6.3.0-qt6 Qt widgets for technical applications
qwt-common-6.3.0 common files for the qwt packages
qwx-firmware-20240909 firmware binary images for qwx(4) driver
qwz-firmware-20241017 firmware binary images for qwz(4) driver
r5rs-19980421p0 revised^5 report on scheme
rabbitmq-4.0.7 highly reliable Enterprise Messaging System
rabbitmq-c-0.15.0 rabbitmq C library and commandline AMQP utilities
racket-minimal-8.15 multi-paradigm programming language
racktables-0.22.0p0 web-based rack/IP management
radare2-5.8.8p1 libre and portable reverse engineering framework
radcli-1.4.0 simple RADIUS client library
radeondrm-firmware-20241210 firmware binary images for radeondrm(4) driver
radeontop-1.4p0 monitor GPU utilization for R600 and up
radicale-1.1.6p10 simple CalDAV calendar server
radicale-2.1.12p8 simple CalDAV calendar server
radiusniff-0.2 radius sniffer
radiusreport-0.3b6p0 RADIUS log file analysis tool
radmind-1.14.1p4 remote administration software
ragel-6.10 state machine compiler
railway-2.7.0p1 look up travel information for many different railways
rakudo-2025.01 Rakudo compiler for the Raku language
raleway-4.101p0 elegant variable sans-serif
rancid-3.13p0v0 Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
random_run-2.15 run command with randomized parameters
randread-0.2p3 help benchmark random read performance
randtype-1.13p1 output characters or lines at random intervals
range-v3-0.12.0p0 range library for C++14/17/20
ranger-1.9.4 minimalistic console file manager
ranval-1.4 generate random numbers
rapidjson- fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with SAX/DOM style API
raptor-2.0.16p1 RDF Parser Toolkit for Redland
rarcrack-0.2p7 rar, 7zip and zip password bruteforcer
raspberrypi-firmware-1.20210527 Raspberry Pi firmware
rasqal-0.9.33p3 RDF Query Library for Redland
ratmen-2.2.3 launch commands with your keyboard
ratpoison-1.4.9p1 minimal wm based on GNU screen
ratproxy-1.58p2 passive web application security assessment tool
rats-2.4 source code auditing tool
rawstudio-1.2p24 tool for working with RAW images
rawtherapee-5.11p0 RAW image processing application
razor-agents-2.85p7 agent for Razor spam filtering networks
rbldnsd-0.998.20180516p0 small daemon for DNSBLs
rbw-1.13.2 command line BitWarden client
rc-1.7.4p1 shell (clone of plan9 shell)
rc-1.7.4p1-editline shell (clone of plan9 shell)
rc-1.7.4p1-readline shell (clone of plan9 shell)
rclone-1.69.1 rsync for cloud storage
rclone-browser-1.8.0p2 file browser for rclone-supported remotes
rcm-1.3.6 rc file (dotfile) management
rcs-fast-import-1.1p3 unpack git fast-import streams into RCS file tree
rcube-contextmenu-3.3.1p0 roundcube plugin: context-sensitive menus
rcube-dkimstatus-0.9.5p7 roundcube plugin: DKIM verification status
rcube-dovecot_ident-2.2p7 roundcube plugin: log end-user IP in Dovecot using IMAP ID
rcube-html5_notifier-0.6.4p2 roundcube plugin: add HTML5 notifications for new mail
rcube-ldapAliasSync-20170701p6 roundcube plugin: LDAP Alias Sync
rcube-markasjunk2-1.11.2p6 roundcube plugin: add Spam/Ham-buttons
rcube-sieverules-2.3p9 roundcube plugin: sieve rules (managesieve)
rcube-skin-classic-1.6.10 classic skin for Roundcube webmail
rcube-skin-larry-1.6.10 larry skin for Roundcube webmail
rcube-yubikey-plugin-1.4p9 roundcube plugin: authenticate via Yubikey HTTPS API
rdapper-1.06 Perl interface to the Registration Data Access Protocol
rdesktop-1.9.0 open source client for Windows Terminal Server
rdiff-backup-2.2.5p1 reverse differential backup tool, over a network or locally
rdp-1.0p0 ICMP router discovery protocol spoofer
re-3.19.0 portable library for real-time communications
re2-20240702p0 non-backtracking regular expression engine
re2c-4.1 C-based regular expression scanner generator
reaction-1.4.1 scan logs and take action
reader-0.4.7 lightweight tool offering better readability of web pages
readline-8.2.13 library to edit command lines as they are typed in
readosm-1.1.0pl0 library to extract data from OSM files
reaver-1.6.5 online brute force WPS PINs
recode-3.7.14p1 convert files between character sets and usages
recoil-6.4.5 retro computer image library
recoil-rts-2025.01.6p0 real-time strategy game engine for Beyond All Reason
recoll-1.41.1 full text search application
recoll-gui-1.41.1 X user interface to recoll
recon-ng-5.1.2p2 web reconnaissance framework
recursive-1.085 variable type family built for better code and UI
recutils-1.9 tools to access human-editable plaintext record files
redeclipse-2.0.0 redeclipse client
redeclipse-data-2.0.0p0 redeclipse data
redis-6.2.17 persistent key-value database
redland-1.0.17p10 high-level interface for RDF
redland-mysql-1.0.17p10 MySQL driver for redland
redland-pgsql-1.0.17p10 PostgreSQL driver for redland
redlib-0.35.1 alternative private front-end to Reddit
rednotebook-2.37 diary and journal application
redshift-1.12p11 automatic color temperature adjustment
reed-alert-1.06 system monitoring and alert notifier
regina-3.9.4 ANSI-compliant interpreter for REXX language (regina-rexx)
regionset-0.2 set region on dvd drives
regripper-3.0 Windows Registry data extraction tool
relaydb-1.7p2 spam relay database
remake-1.6p0 GNU make debugger
remind-5.3.3 scripting language for reminders, with a Tk front end
remindcal-0.1.1 terminal frontend for remind
remmina-1.4.34p1 GTK+ remote desktop client
remotebox-3.5 VirtualBox client with remote management
remotedesk-0.1p16 GNUstep rdesktop frontend
rendercheck-1.6 X Render extension test suite
renpy-7.3.5p2 visual novel engine
reop-2.1.1 create and verify cryptographic signatures
rep-gtk- GTK+ binding for librep Lisp environment
repmgr-5.4.1p0 HA and replication cluster management for PostgreSQL
repology-1.3.0 command line interface for
reposurgeon-4.32p2 tool for editing version-control repository history
reposync-20240205 script to update an OpenBSD CVS repository via rsync
resiprocate-1.12.0p6 reSIProcate SIP stack
resiprocate-repro-1.12.0p6 reSIProcate SIP proxy/registrar server
resiprocate-return-1.12.0p6 reSIProcate STUN/TURN client and server
resmon-20090802p0 system monitoring tool
restic-0.17.3 fast, efficient and secure backup program
restic-rest-server-0.13.0 REST backend for the restic backup tool
restund-3.9.0 modular and flexible STUN and TURN Server
retawq-0.2.6cp5 interactive, multi-threaded text mode web browser
retroarch-1.18.0 generic multi-emulator frontend
retrosmart-icon-theme-0.20170803p0 Haiku OS style icon theme
returntotheroots- open source engine remake of The Settlers 2 (s25client)
rftg-0.9.4p2 race for the galaxy card game
rgain3-1.1.1p8v0 multi-format tools and Python module for ReplayGain
rgbds-0.7.0 Game Boy development system
rhash-1.4.5 utility and library for computing hash sums
rhythmbox-3.4.8p2 integrated music management application for GNOME
riemann-0.3.11 network event stream processing system
riemann-c-client-2.2.0 c client library for the Riemann monitoring system
riff-3.3.8 diff tool highlighting which parts of lines have changed
rigg-1.1 run independent games
- official command-line client for RIPE Atlas
ripgrep-14.1.1 line oriented search tool using Rust's regex library
ripmime- extract attachments from MIME encoded emails
ripole-0.2.2p2 extract attachments from OLE2 data files
riscv-elf-binutils-2.40p1 binutils for riscv-elf cross-development
riscv-elf-gcc-12.2.0p1 gcc for riscv-elf cross-development
riscv-elf-newlib-3.0.0 newlib for riscv-elf cross-development
riscv-pk-1.0.0p1 RISC-V Proxy Kernel
riscv32-esp-elf-binutils- binutils for riscv32-esp-elf cross-development
riscv32-esp-elf-gcc- gcc for riscv32-esp-elf cross-development
riscv32-esp-elf-gcc-bootstrap- bootstrap compiler for riscv32-esp-elf cross-development
riscv32-esp-elf-gdb- gdb for riscv32-esp-elf cross-development
riscv32-esp-elf-newlib-2021.2p0 newlib for riscv32-esp-elf cross-development
ristretto-0.13.3 Xfce4 lightweight image-viewer
rizin-0.7.2p1 free and open source reverse engineering framework
rlog-1.4p2 C++ logging library
rlwrap-0.46.1 generic readline wrapper for various programs
rmail-1.0p1 forward mail received via UUCP to the local MTA
rman-3.2p1 reverse compile man pages from formatted form
rnnoise-0.2p0 recurrent neural network for audio noise reduction
rnp-0.17.1 high performance C++ OpenPGP library and tools
roadfighter-1.0.1269p5 remake of Konami's Road Fighter
robin-hood-hashing-3.11.5 fast, memory-efficient, header-only hashtable
robin-map-1.2.1 fast hash map and hash set
roboto-fonts-2.138p0v0 sans-serif typeface family of Android OS
robsd-20.2.0 build OpenBSD release
rocksndiamonds- maze game resembling boulderdash
rocrail-2.0.2585p11 model railroad control daemon
rocs-24.12.2 graph theory IDE for KDE
rocview-2.0.2585p10 model railroad control daemon client
rofi-1.7.7 window switcher, run dialog and dmenu replacement
root-tail-1.2p2 tails a given file anywhere on your X11 root window
roundcubemail-1.6.10 IMAP4 webmail client
routersploit-3.4.0p7 The Router Exploitation Framework
routinator-0.14.2 RPKI "relying party" software
routino-3.4.1 OpenStreetMap routing software
rox-filer-2.11p5 GTK+-2 file manager with desktop features
roxterm-3.15.3 highly configurable terminal emulator
rp++-2.1.3 fast ROP gadget finder for multiple targets
rpkitouch-1.5 set file modification times to internal RPKI timestamps
rpl-1.4.1p0 replace strings with new strings in multiple text files
rpm2cpio-1.4p1 convert .rpm files to cpio format
rrdpit-0.0.4 produce RRDP notification, snapshot and delta files
rrdtool-1.9.0 system to store and display time-series data
rrdupdate-1.9.0 lightweight update-only tool for rrdtool
rset-3.1 configure systems using any scripting language
rsm-1.81.1 Reference Standard M, implementation of M/MUMPS
rsnapshot-1.5.1 remote filesystem snapshot utility
rspamd-3.11.0p1 event-driven spam filtering system in C/Lua
rspamd-3.11.0p1-hyperscan event-driven spam filtering system in C/Lua
rss2email-3.14p3 convert RSS/Atom newsfeeds to email
rssgoemail-1.0.3 send RSS/Atom/Gemini feeds to email
rsskit-0.4p15 framework for reading different types of RSS formats
rstudio-1.3.959p11 Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for R
rsync-3.4.1 mirroring/synchronization over low bandwidth links
rsync-3.4.1-minimal mirroring/synchronization over low bandwidth links
rsyslog-8.2404.0p0 syslog daemon supporting databases, TCP, SSL, RELP
rsyslog-elasticsearch-8.2404.0p0 Elasticsearch plugin for rsyslog
rsyslog-mysql-8.2404.0p0 MySQL plugin for rsyslog
rsyslog-normalize-8.2404.0p0 liblognorm plugin for rsyslog
rsyslog-pgsql-8.2404.0p0 PostgreSQL plugin for rsyslog
rt-5.0.7 industrial-grade ticketing system
rtg-0.7.5p0 SNMP statistics monitoring system
rtl-sdr-2.0.2 software to turn RTL2832U into an SDR
rtmpdump-2.4.20151223p0 dump RTMP media streams
rtorrent-0.9.6p8v0 ncurses BitTorrent client based on libTorrent
rttr-0.9.6p1 C++ reflection library
rtty-4.0p0 multiuser tip/cu replacement with logging
rtunes-0.8p2 Streams audio to Apple AirPort Express device
ru-pscyr-0.4c_patch2p9 cyrillic PostScript Type1 fonts to use with TeX
ru-ptsans-3.0p0 free Cyrillic fonts
rubber-1.6.7p0 an automated system for building LaTeX documents
rubberband-3.2.1 audio time-stretching and pitch-shifting library
rubrica2-2.0.8p1v0 addressbook manager
ruby-3.2.7 object oriented script language with threads
ruby-3.3.7 object oriented script language with threads
ruby-3.4.2 object oriented script language with threads
ruby-libmarisa-0.2.6p3 marisa-trie bindings for Ruby (SWIG)
ruby-shims-3p0 Ruby version redirection shim
ruby32-addressable-2.8.5 replacement for Ruby's URI implementation
ruby32-amalgalite-1.9.4 ruby SQLite3 embedded database library
ruby32-argon2-2.3.0 Ruby binding for the argon2 password hashing algorithm
ruby32-arrayfields-4.9.2 allow keyword access to array instances
ruby32-augeas-0.5.0p9 provider bindings for Augeas
ruby32-bcrypt-3.1.19 Ruby binding for the bcrypt() password hashing algorithm
ruby32-capybara-3.39.2 integration testing tool for rack based web applications
ruby32-capybara-webkit-1.15.0p2 capybara driver that uses WebKit
ruby32-cbor- CBOR implementation for Ruby
ruby32-cicphash-2.0.0 case insensitive, case preserving hash class for ruby
ruby32-commonmarker- ruby wrapper for comrak rust crate
ruby32-daemons-1.4.1 wrap existing Ruby scripts to be run as a daemon
ruby32-diff-lcs-1.5.1 port of Algorithm::Diff that uses the LCS algorithm
ruby32-ed25519-1.3.0 ruby binding Ed25519 EC public-key signature system
ruby32-eventmachine-1.2.7 event-driven I/O for Ruby using the Reactor pattern
ruby32-fast-stemmer-1.0.2p1 fast Porter stemmer for ruby
ruby32-fast_xs-0.8.0p1 provides fast methods for escaping text
ruby32-fcgi- ruby FastCGI library
ruby32-ffi-1.15.5 cross-platform dynamic library loading for ruby
ruby32-ffi-compiler-1.0.1 ruby library for automating compilation of native libraries
ruby32-gpgme-2.0.24 Ruby language binding for gpgme
ruby32-hiera-eyaml-4.2.0 Hiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties
ruby32-hiera-eyaml-gpg-0.7.4 gpg encryptor for the hiera eyaml backend
ruby32-hiera-file-1.1.1p2 data backend for Hiera to return whole files
ruby32-highline-3.1.2 high-level IO library for Ruby
ruby32-hpricot-0.8.6p1 flexible HTML parser
ruby32-hyperestraier-1.4.10p2 Ruby interface to hyperestraier
ruby32-idn-0.1.5 ruby bindings for the libidn library
ruby32-isolate-3.2.1p4 very simple RubyGems sandbox
ruby32-kgio-2.11.4 kinder, gentler I/O for Ruby
ruby32-ldap-0.9.20p2 Ruby interface to some common LDAP libraries
ruby32-libvirt-0.8.4 Ruby bindings for libvirt
ruby32-mini_mime-1.1.5 minimal mime type implementation
ruby32-mini_portile2-2.8.4 simplified way to compile against dependencies
ruby32-msgpack-1.7.5 binary-based efficient object serialization library
ruby32-mysql2-0.5.6 modern, simple and very fast MySQL library for Ruby
ruby32-narray- numerical N-dimensional Array class
ruby32-ncurses-1.2.4p2 Ruby interface to ncurses
ruby32-nio4r-2.5.9 cross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives
ruby32-nokogiri-1.16.5 HTML, XML, SAX and Reader parser
ruby32-ntlm-0.6.5 creator/parser for the NTLM authentication
ruby32-optimist-3.2.0 commandline option parser for Ruby
ruby32-passenger-6.0.18p2 ruby web application server/nginx module
ruby32-pg-1.5.9 PostgreSQL database interface for ruby
ruby32-pkg-config-1.5.1 tool for compiling Ruby native extensions
ruby32-pledge-1.2.0 ruby wrapper for pledge(2) and unveil(2)
ruby32-posix-spawn-0.3.13p0 fast process spawning
ruby32-prof-1.6.3 fast code profiler for Ruby
ruby32-public_suffix-5.0.5 parse and decompose a domain names
ruby32-puma-6.3.1 simple, fast, threaded webserver for rack applications
ruby32-rack-2.2.8 modular Ruby webserver interface
ruby32-rack-test-2.1.0 small, simple testing API for Rack apps
ruby32-raindrops-0.20.1 real-time stats toolkit for Rack HTTP servers
ruby32-rake-compiler-1.2.5 build and package Ruby extensions using Rake as glue
ruby32-rb_sys-0.9.85 helpers for compiling Rust extensions for Ruby
ruby32-rbtree-0.4.6 sorted associative collection
ruby32-rdiscount- discount implementation of John Gruber's Markdown
ruby32-redcarpet-3.6.0 fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser
ruby32-redcloth-4.3.2p0 module for using Textile in Ruby
ruby32-regexp_parser-2.8.1 gem for tokenizing, parsing, and transforming regexps
ruby32-ri_docs-3.2.7 ri documentation files for ruby
ruby32-rinku-2.0.6 fast and very smart autolinking library for ruby
ruby32-rmagick-6.0.1p0 Ruby interface to ImageMagick
ruby32-rspec-3.8.0p1 ruby framework for Behaviour Driven Development
ruby32-rspec-core-3.8.2 rspec runner and formatters
ruby32-rspec-expectations-3.8.4 rspec expectations and matchers
ruby32-rspec-mocks-3.8.1 rspec stubbing and mocking
ruby32-rspec-support-3.8.2 support utilities for RSpec gems
ruby32-sassc-2.4.0 libsass wrapper for ruby
ruby32-sequel-5.90.0 lightweight database library and ORM for Ruby
ruby32-sequel_pg-1.17.0 faster SELECTs when using ruby-sequel with ruby-pg
ruby32-shadow-2.5.0p5 module to access shadow passwords
ruby32-sqlite3-2.2.0 access a SQLite3 database from ruby
ruby32-subset_sum-1.0.2p0 simple subset sum problem solver for ruby
ruby32-taglib-1.1.3 reads and writes metadata/tags for many audio formats
ruby32-thin-1.8.2 fast and very simple Ruby web server
ruby32-tiny_tds-2.1.7 simple and fast ruby binding to FreeTDS
ruby32-tk-0.5.1 Ruby interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
ruby32-trilogy-2.9.0 MySQL-compatible library for ruby
ruby32-unf_ext- unicode normalization form support library for Ruby
ruby32-unicorn-6.1.0 ruby-rack HTTP server for Unix and fast clients
ruby32-vorbis_comment-1.0.3 ruby library for reading/writing vorbis comments
ruby32-websocket-driver-0.7.6 implementation of the WebSocket protocol for ruby
ruby32-websocket-extensions-0.1.5 implementation of WebSocket extensions for ruby
ruby32-xpath-3.2.0 ruby DSL around a subset of XPath 1.0
ruby32-yajl-ruby-1.4.3 Ruby bindings for the Yajl JSON library
ruby33-activesupport- support libraries and Ruby extensions extracted from Rails
ruby33-addressable-2.8.5 replacement for Ruby's URI implementation
ruby33-amalgalite-1.9.4 ruby SQLite3 embedded database library
ruby33-argon2-2.3.0 Ruby binding for the argon2 password hashing algorithm
ruby33-arrayfields-4.9.2 allow keyword access to array instances
ruby33-augeas-0.5.0p9 provider bindings for Augeas
ruby33-bcrypt-3.1.19 Ruby binding for the bcrypt() password hashing algorithm
ruby33-capybara-3.39.2 integration testing tool for rack based web applications
ruby33-capybara-webkit-1.15.0p2 capybara driver that uses WebKit
ruby33-cbor- CBOR implementation for Ruby
ruby33-childprocess-5.1.0 control external programs
ruby33-chunky_png-1.4.0 pure ruby library for chunk-level access to PNG
ruby33-cicphash-2.0.0 case insensitive, case preserving hash class for ruby
ruby33-cms_scanner-0.14.3 framework to implement CMS scanners
ruby33-colored2-4.0.3 color methods for String class
ruby33-colorize-0.8.1 adds methods to set text color, background color, etc
ruby33-commonmarker- ruby wrapper for comrak rust crate
ruby33-concurrent-ruby-1.3.5 concurrency tools and patterns for Ruby
ruby33-connection_pool-2.5.0 generic connection pool for Ruby
ruby33-cri-2.15.12 command line interfaces with subcommands
ruby33-daemons-1.4.1 wrap existing Ruby scripts to be run as a daemon
ruby33-dbus-0.24.0 Ruby implementation of the D-Bus protocol
ruby33-deep_merge-1.2.2 recursively merge hashes
ruby33-diff-lcs-1.5.1 port of Algorithm::Diff that uses the LCS algorithm
ruby33-ed25519-1.3.0 ruby binding Ed25519 EC public-key signature system
ruby33-erubi-1.13.1 simplified fork of Erubis
ruby33-erubis-2.7.0 implementation of eRuby
ruby33-ethon-0.16.0 lightweight libcurl wrapper
ruby33-eventmachine-1.2.7 event-driven I/O for Ruby using the Reactor pattern
ruby33-facter-4.10.0 system inventory tool
ruby33-faraday-2.12.2 HTTP/REST API client library
ruby33-faraday-follow_redirects-0.3.0 Faraday 2.x FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects
ruby33-faraday-net_http-3.4.0 Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP
ruby33-fast-stemmer-1.0.2p1 fast Porter stemmer for ruby
ruby33-fast_gettext-2.3.0 fast implementation of gettext
ruby33-fast_xs-0.8.0p1 provides fast methods for escaping text
ruby33-fcgi- ruby FastCGI library
ruby33-ffi-1.15.5 cross-platform dynamic library loading for ruby
ruby33-ffi-compiler-1.0.1 ruby library for automating compilation of native libraries
ruby33-get_process_mem-0.2.7 get memory usage of a process
ruby33-gettext-3.4.9 Ruby interface to gettext
ruby33-gettext-setup-1.1.0 Ruby gem to ease i18n
ruby33-gpgme-2.0.24 Ruby language binding for gpgme
ruby33-hiera-eyaml-4.2.0 Hiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties
ruby33-hiera-eyaml-gpg-0.7.4 gpg encryptor for the hiera eyaml backend
ruby33-hiera-file-1.1.1p2 data backend for Hiera to return whole files
ruby33-hiera3-3.12.0 simple pluggable hierarchical database
ruby33-highline-3.1.2 high-level IO library for Ruby
ruby33-hitimes-2.0.0 high resolution timer library
ruby33-hocon-1.4.0 Ruby port of Java Typesafe Config
ruby33-hpricot-0.8.6p1 flexible HTML parser
ruby33-httpclient-2.8.3 libwww-perl for Ruby
ruby33-hyperestraier-1.4.10p2 Ruby interface to hyperestraier
ruby33-i18n-1.14.1 ruby internationalization and localization solution
ruby33-idn-0.1.5 ruby bindings for the libidn library
ruby33-isolate-3.2.1p4 very simple RubyGems sandbox
ruby33-json-schema-5.1.1 json schema validator
ruby33-json_pure-2.8.1 JSON implementation for Ruby
ruby33-jwt-2.10.1 pure ruby implementation of the JWT standard
ruby33-kgio-2.11.4 kinder, gentler I/O for Ruby
ruby33-ldap-0.9.20p2 Ruby interface to some common LDAP libraries
ruby33-librdf- Redland librdf Ruby Bindings
ruby33-libvirt-0.8.4 Ruby bindings for libvirt
ruby33-locale-2.1.2 basic APIs for localization
ruby33-log4r-1.1.10p0 log4j implementation for Ruby
ruby33-metaclass-0.0.1p0 adds a metaclass method to all Ruby objects
ruby33-mini_mime-1.1.5 minimal mime type implementation
ruby33-mini_portile2-2.8.4 simplified way to compile against dependencies
ruby33-minitar-0.9 command-line utility for POSIX tar(1) archive files
ruby33-mocha-0.13.3p2 Ruby library for mocking and stubbing
ruby33-msgpack-1.7.5 binary-based efficient object serialization library
ruby33-multi_json-1.15.0 chooses from multiple available json implementations
ruby33-multipart-post-2.4.1 library to do multipart form posts
ruby33-mustache-0.99.4p2 logic-free template language
ruby33-mysql2-0.5.6 modern, simple and very fast MySQL library for Ruby
ruby33-narray- numerical N-dimensional Array class
ruby33-ncurses-1.2.4p2 Ruby interface to ncurses
ruby33-net-telnet-0.2.0 telnet client functionality for ruby
ruby33-nio4r-2.5.9 cross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives
ruby33-nokogiri-1.16.5 HTML, XML, SAX and Reader parser
ruby33-ntlm-0.6.5 creator/parser for the NTLM authentication
ruby33-oj-3.16.0 fast JSON parser and serializer
ruby33-opt_parse_validator-1.10.0 validators for Ruby OptionParser lib
ruby33-optimist-3.2.0 commandline option parser for Ruby
ruby33-passenger-6.0.18p2 ruby web application server/nginx module
ruby33-pastel-0.8.0 terminal string styling
ruby33-pathspec-1.1.3 match path patterns
ruby33-pdk-3.4.0 Puppet development kit
ruby33-pg-1.5.9 PostgreSQL database interface for ruby
ruby33-pkg-config-1.5.1 tool for compiling Ruby native extensions
ruby33-pledge-1.2.0 ruby wrapper for pledge(2) and unveil(2)
ruby33-posix-spawn-0.3.13p0 fast process spawning
ruby33-prof-1.6.3 fast code profiler for Ruby
ruby33-public_suffix-5.0.5 parse and decompose a domain names
ruby33-puma-6.3.1 simple, fast, threaded webserver for rack applications
ruby33-puppet-lint-4.2.4 ensure your Puppet manifests conform with the style guide
ruby33-puppet-modulebuilder-1.1.0 build Puppet modules from source
ruby33-puppet-resource_api-1.9.0 simple way to write new native resources for puppet
ruby33-puppet-syntax-4.1.1 syntax checks for Puppet manifests and templates
ruby33-puppet_forge-5.0.4 tools to access the Puppet Forge API
ruby33-puppetserver-ca-2.7.0 interact with Puppet Server's CA
ruby33-r10k-5.0.0 Puppet module management
ruby33-rack-2.2.8 modular Ruby webserver interface
ruby33-rack-test-2.1.0 small, simple testing API for Rack apps
ruby33-raindrops-0.20.1 real-time stats toolkit for Rack HTTP servers
ruby33-rake-compiler-1.2.5 build and package Ruby extensions using Rake as glue
ruby33-rb_sys-0.9.85 helpers for compiling Rust extensions for Ruby
ruby33-rbnacl-7.1.1 Ruby binding for libsodium/NaCl
ruby33-rbtree-0.4.6 sorted associative collection
ruby33-rdiscount- discount implementation of John Gruber's Markdown
ruby33-redcarpet-3.6.0 fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser
ruby33-redcloth-4.3.2p0 module for using Textile in Ruby
ruby33-ref-1.0.5 object reference utilities for ruby
ruby33-regexp_parser-2.8.1 gem for tokenizing, parsing, and transforming regexps
ruby33-rgen-0.8.2p0 framework for Model Driven Software Development
ruby33-ri_docs-3.3.7 ri documentation files for ruby
ruby33-rinku-2.0.6 fast and very smart autolinking library for ruby
ruby33-rmagick-6.0.1p0 Ruby interface to ImageMagick
ruby33-ronn-0.7.3p4 builds man pages
ruby33-rotp-6.2.2 Ruby library for generating and verifying one time passwords
ruby33-rouge-4.5.1 pure-ruby code highlighter compatible with pygments
ruby33-rqrcode-2.1.2 library to encode QR Codes
ruby33-rqrcode_core-1.2.0 library to encode QR Codes
ruby33-rrd-1.9.0 ruby interface to librrd
ruby33-rspec-1.3.2p7 ruby framework for Behaviour Driven Development
ruby33-rspec-3.8.0p1 ruby framework for Behaviour Driven Development
ruby33-rspec-core-3.8.2 rspec runner and formatters
ruby33-rspec-expectations-3.8.4 rspec expectations and matchers
ruby33-rspec-its-1.2.0p0 rspec attribute matchers
ruby33-rspec-mocks-3.8.1 rspec stubbing and mocking
ruby33-rspec-support-3.8.2 support utilities for RSpec gems
ruby33-ruby-progressbar-1.13.0 text progress bar library for Ruby
ruby33-rubyzip-2.4.1 Ruby module for reading and writing zip files
ruby33-safe_yaml-1.0.5 safe YAML parsing
ruby33-sassc-2.4.0 libsass wrapper for ruby
ruby33-scanf-1.0.0 implementation of the C function scanf
ruby33-semantic_puppet-1.1.1 compare semantic versioning
ruby33-sequel-5.90.0 lightweight database library and ORM for Ruby
ruby33-sequel_pg-1.17.0 faster SELECTs when using ruby-sequel with ruby-pg
ruby33-serverengine-2.3.1 multiprocess server framework for Ruby
ruby33-shadow-2.5.0p5 module to access shadow passwords
ruby33-sigdump-0.2.4 sets up signal handler which dumps a backtrace
ruby33-sorted_set-1.0.3 a set whose elements are sorted in ascending order
ruby33-sqlite3-2.2.0 access a SQLite3 database from ruby
ruby33-subset_sum-1.0.2p0 simple subset sum problem solver for ruby
ruby33-taglib-1.1.3 reads and writes metadata/tags for many audio formats
ruby33-test-unit-ruby-core-1.0.2 test assertions for Ruby standard libraries
ruby33-text-1.3.1 collection of text algorithms
ruby33-thin-1.8.2 fast and very simple Ruby web server
ruby33-thor-1.2.1 scripting framework to replace rake/sake/rubigen
ruby33-tilt-2.2.0p0 generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
ruby33-tiny_tds-2.1.7 simple and fast ruby binding to FreeTDS
ruby33-tk-0.5.1 Ruby interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
ruby33-trilogy-2.9.0 MySQL-compatible library for ruby
ruby33-tty-color-0.6.0 terminal color capabilities detection
ruby33-tty-cursor-0.7.1 move the terminal cursor around
ruby33-tty-prompt-0.23.1 powerful interactive command line prompt
ruby33-tty-reader-0.9.0 process keyboard input
ruby33-tty-screen-0.8.2 terminal screen size detection
ruby33-tty-spinner-0.9.3 terminal spinner
ruby33-tty-which-0.5.0 platform independent which command
ruby33-typhoeus-1.4.1 parallel HTTP requests
ruby33-tzinfo-2.0.6 access to time zone data and conversion
ruby33-unf_ext- unicode normalization form support library for Ruby
ruby33-unicorn-6.1.0 ruby-rack HTTP server for Unix and fast clients
ruby33-vorbis_comment-1.0.3 ruby library for reading/writing vorbis comments
ruby33-webrick-1.8.1 HTTP server toolkit
ruby33-websocket-driver-0.7.6 implementation of the WebSocket protocol for ruby
ruby33-websocket-extensions-0.1.5 implementation of WebSocket extensions for ruby
ruby33-wisper-2.0.1 provide objects with pubsub capabilities
ruby33-xapian-1.4.27 ruby bindings for Xapian
ruby33-xdg-2.2.5 module for supporting XDG Base Directory Standard
ruby33-xmlrpc-0.3.3 remote procedure calls over HTTP
ruby33-xpath-3.2.0 ruby DSL around a subset of XPath 1.0
ruby33-yajl-ruby-1.4.3 Ruby bindings for the Yajl JSON library
ruby33-zeitwerk-2.6.17 constant autoloading with Ruby semantics
ruby34-addressable-2.8.5 replacement for Ruby's URI implementation
ruby34-amalgalite-1.9.4 ruby SQLite3 embedded database library
ruby34-argon2-2.3.0 Ruby binding for the argon2 password hashing algorithm
ruby34-arrayfields-4.9.2 allow keyword access to array instances
ruby34-augeas-0.5.0p9 provider bindings for Augeas
ruby34-bcrypt-3.1.19 Ruby binding for the bcrypt() password hashing algorithm
ruby34-capybara-3.39.2 integration testing tool for rack based web applications
ruby34-capybara-webkit-1.15.0p2 capybara driver that uses WebKit
ruby34-cbor- CBOR implementation for Ruby
ruby34-cicphash-2.0.0 case insensitive, case preserving hash class for ruby
ruby34-commonmarker- ruby wrapper for comrak rust crate
ruby34-daemons-1.4.1 wrap existing Ruby scripts to be run as a daemon
ruby34-diff-lcs-1.5.1 port of Algorithm::Diff that uses the LCS algorithm
ruby34-ed25519-1.3.0 ruby binding Ed25519 EC public-key signature system
ruby34-eventmachine-1.2.7 event-driven I/O for Ruby using the Reactor pattern
ruby34-fast-stemmer-1.0.2p1 fast Porter stemmer for ruby
ruby34-fast_xs-0.8.0p1 provides fast methods for escaping text
ruby34-fcgi- ruby FastCGI library
ruby34-ffi-1.15.5 cross-platform dynamic library loading for ruby
ruby34-ffi-compiler-1.0.1 ruby library for automating compilation of native libraries
ruby34-gpgme-2.0.24 Ruby language binding for gpgme
ruby34-hiera-eyaml-4.2.0 Hiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties
ruby34-hiera-eyaml-gpg-0.7.4 gpg encryptor for the hiera eyaml backend
ruby34-hiera-file-1.1.1p2 data backend for Hiera to return whole files
ruby34-highline-3.1.2 high-level IO library for Ruby
ruby34-hpricot-0.8.6p1 flexible HTML parser
ruby34-hyperestraier-1.4.10p2 Ruby interface to hyperestraier
ruby34-idn-0.1.5 ruby bindings for the libidn library
ruby34-isolate-3.2.1p4 very simple RubyGems sandbox
ruby34-kgio-2.11.4 kinder, gentler I/O for Ruby
ruby34-ldap-0.9.20p2 Ruby interface to some common LDAP libraries
ruby34-libvirt-0.8.4 Ruby bindings for libvirt
ruby34-mini_mime-1.1.5 minimal mime type implementation
ruby34-mini_portile2-2.8.4 simplified way to compile against dependencies
ruby34-msgpack-1.7.5 binary-based efficient object serialization library
ruby34-mysql2-0.5.6 modern, simple and very fast MySQL library for Ruby
ruby34-narray- numerical N-dimensional Array class
ruby34-ncurses-1.2.4p2 Ruby interface to ncurses
ruby34-nio4r-2.5.9 cross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives
ruby34-nokogiri-1.16.5 HTML, XML, SAX and Reader parser
ruby34-ntlm-0.6.5 creator/parser for the NTLM authentication
ruby34-optimist-3.2.0 commandline option parser for Ruby
ruby34-passenger-6.0.18p2 ruby web application server/nginx module
ruby34-pg-1.5.9 PostgreSQL database interface for ruby
ruby34-pkg-config-1.5.1 tool for compiling Ruby native extensions
ruby34-pledge-1.2.0 ruby wrapper for pledge(2) and unveil(2)
ruby34-posix-spawn-0.3.13p0 fast process spawning
ruby34-prof-1.6.3 fast code profiler for Ruby
ruby34-public_suffix-5.0.5 parse and decompose a domain names
ruby34-puma-6.3.1 simple, fast, threaded webserver for rack applications
ruby34-rack-2.2.8 modular Ruby webserver interface
ruby34-rack-test-2.1.0 small, simple testing API for Rack apps
ruby34-raindrops-0.20.1 real-time stats toolkit for Rack HTTP servers
ruby34-rake-compiler-1.2.5 build and package Ruby extensions using Rake as glue
ruby34-rb_sys-0.9.85 helpers for compiling Rust extensions for Ruby
ruby34-rbtree-0.4.6 sorted associative collection
ruby34-rdiscount- discount implementation of John Gruber's Markdown
ruby34-redcarpet-3.6.0 fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser
ruby34-redcloth-4.3.2p0 module for using Textile in Ruby
ruby34-regexp_parser-2.8.1 gem for tokenizing, parsing, and transforming regexps
ruby34-ri_docs-3.4.2 ri documentation files for ruby
ruby34-rinku-2.0.6 fast and very smart autolinking library for ruby
ruby34-rmagick-6.0.1p0 Ruby interface to ImageMagick
ruby34-rspec-3.8.0p1 ruby framework for Behaviour Driven Development
ruby34-rspec-core-3.8.2 rspec runner and formatters
ruby34-rspec-expectations-3.8.4 rspec expectations and matchers
ruby34-rspec-mocks-3.8.1 rspec stubbing and mocking
ruby34-rspec-support-3.8.2 support utilities for RSpec gems
ruby34-sassc-2.4.0 libsass wrapper for ruby
ruby34-sequel-5.90.0 lightweight database library and ORM for Ruby
ruby34-sequel_pg-1.17.0 faster SELECTs when using ruby-sequel with ruby-pg
ruby34-shadow-2.5.0p5 module to access shadow passwords
ruby34-sqlite3-2.2.0 access a SQLite3 database from ruby
ruby34-subset_sum-1.0.2p0 simple subset sum problem solver for ruby
ruby34-taglib-1.1.3 reads and writes metadata/tags for many audio formats
ruby34-thin-1.8.2 fast and very simple Ruby web server
ruby34-tiny_tds-2.1.7 simple and fast ruby binding to FreeTDS
ruby34-tk-0.5.1 Ruby interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
ruby34-trilogy-2.9.0 MySQL-compatible library for ruby
ruby34-unf_ext- unicode normalization form support library for Ruby
ruby34-unicorn-6.1.0 ruby-rack HTTP server for Unix and fast clients
ruby34-vorbis_comment-1.0.3 ruby library for reading/writing vorbis comments
ruby34-websocket-driver-0.7.6 implementation of the WebSocket protocol for ruby
ruby34-websocket-extensions-0.1.5 implementation of WebSocket extensions for ruby
ruby34-xpath-3.2.0 ruby DSL around a subset of XPath 1.0
ruby34-yajl-ruby-1.4.3 Ruby bindings for the Yajl JSON library
rundeck-2.6.11p9 job scheduler and runbook automation
runit-2.1.2p1 daemontools alike replacement for init
rust-1.85.0p1 compiler for Rust Language
rust-analyzer-20240318 modular compiler frontend for the Rust language
rust-bindgen-0.69.4p0 automatically generates Rust FFI bindings (C and C++)
rust-bootstrap-1.85.0p1 Rust binary bootstrap
rust-clippy-1.85.0p1 Rust linter
rust-gdb-1.85.0p1 Rust debugger through gdb and lldb
rust-openssl-tests-20250305 source of the rust-openssl crate for regression testing
rust-ring-0.16.20p9 ring crate source patched for x-only assembly
rust-rustfmt-1.85.0p1 Rust code formatter
rust-src-1.85.0p1 Rust source component
rustic-0.9.5p0 fast, encrypted, deduplicated backups
rw-1.0 simple dd(1) replacement utility from Sortix
rxp-1.4.8p0 validating namespace-aware XML parser
rxvt-unicode-9.31p2 clone of rxvt with Unicode and Xft support
rxvt-unicode-9.31p2-everything clone of rxvt with Unicode and Xft support
rxvt-unicode-9.31p2-small clone of rxvt with Unicode and Xft support
rzip-2.1p2 file compressor with a high compression ratio
s-cdda-0.8.5 access information and track data of audio CDs
s-cdda-to-db-0.8.0 perl program that creates a music database via s-cdda
s-nail-14.9.25 SysV mail/BSD Mail/POSIX mailx: send and receive mail
s-postgray-0.8.3 fast and secure postfix graylisting policy server
s10sh-0.2.0p5 S10sh - a Canon PowerShot digital camera driver
sablotron-1.0.3p6 fast, compact and portable XSL/XSLT processor
sabnzbd-4.4.1p0 retrieve and process nzb-files via web interface
sacc-1.06 simple console gopher client
safecat-1.13p0 copy stdin to a qmail-style maildir
sakura-3.8.8 GTK and VTE based terminal emulator
salt-3006.9p1 remote execution and configuration management system
salt-testing-2018.9.21p6 common testing tools used in the Salt Stack projects
sam-4.3.20200714 X11 version of Rob Pike's editor, sam
samba-4.22.0v0 SMB and CIFS client and server for UNIX
samba-docs-4.22.0v0 additional documentation and examples for Samba
sameboy-0.16.7p1 accurate Nintendo Game Boy emulator
samurai-1.2p0 ninja-compatible build tool written in C
sane-airscan-0.99.32 SANE backend for eSCL and WSD scanners
sane-backends-1.3.1 API for accessing scanners, backends
sane-backends-1.3.1-escl API for accessing scanners, backends
sane-backends-1.3.1-snmp API for accessing scanners, backends
sarg-2.4.0p1 Squid Analysis Report Generator
sarg-2.4.0p1-ldap Squid Analysis Report Generator
sash-3.8p1 stand-alone shell with built-in commands
sass-3.4.22p8 extension language for CSS
sassc-3.6.2 libsass command line driver
sauerbraten-20201227 sauerbraten client
sauerbraten-data-20201227p0 sauerbraten data
sawfish-1.12.90p4 extensible window manager
sbcl-2.5.2 high performance Common Lisp compiler
sblg-0.6.1 simple off-line blog utility
sblim-sfcc-2.2.8p0 CIM client library
sbm-0.8 simple bandwidth monitor
sbt-1.10.10 interactive build tool, primarily for Scala/Java
sc-7.16p6 curses spreadsheet-calculator program
scala-3.6.3 general purpose multi-paradigm programming language
scamper-20250227 parallel internet measurement utility
scanlogd-2.2.8p0 TCP port scan detection tool
scanssh- SSH remote version scanner
scapy-2.6.1 powerful interactive packet manipulation in python
sccache-0.10.0 compiler cache for C/C++/Rust
scdoc-1.11.3 convert scdoc text files to man(7) pages
scheherazade-3.300 traditional Arabic Unicode font
schema2ldif-1.3pl20210902p0 schema to ldif converter and manager
scheme48-1.9.2p0 Scheme Underground's implementation of R5RS
schismtracker-20250307 open-source reimplementation of Impulse Tracker
scid-5.0.2p1 chess database software
scim-1.4.9p28 smart common input method platform
scim-anthy-1.2.7p14 scim input method module for anthy
scim-chewing-0.5.1p4 scim input method module for chewing
scim-fcitx-3.1.1p9 scim input method module for fcitx
scim-hangul-0.3.2p17 scim input method module for hangul
scim-pinyin-0.5.91p16 scim input method module for pinyin
scim-tables-0.5.8p16 input method data tables for scim
scintilla-5.5.4 source code editing component for GTK+
scite-5.5.4 flexible and small GTK+ editor
sclock-0.6p3 simple digital clock
scm-5f1p3 scheme r5 interpreter
scm-5f1p3-no_x11 scheme r5 interpreter
scmpc-0.4.1p2 client for MPD to submit tracks to
scmxx-0.9.0 data exchange utility for Siemens mobile phones
scons-4.6.0p1 Python-based build system
scorched3d-44p4 modernization of the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
scour-0.35p9 SVG scrubber
scratch- visual programming environment and toolkit
screen-4.0.3p9-shm multi-screen window manager, with shm support for brltty
screen-5.0.0 multi-screen window manager
screenfetch-3.9.1p0 display system information in the terminal for screenshots
screengrab-2.9.0 tool for fast making screenshots
screenkey-1.5p1 display keypresses on screen
scribus-1.6.2p2 desktop publishing program
scrot-1.11.1 commandline screen capture util
scrypt-1.3.3 command-line encryption using scrypt key derivation function
sct-0.5 set the color temperature of the screen
scummvm-2.9.0 game interpreter
scummvm-tools-2.9.0 collection of various tools for scummvm
sdcc-4.2.0p0 Small Device C Compiler
sdl-1.2.15p12 cross-platform multimedia library
sdl-gfx-2.0.25p1 primitives drawing/other support functions for SDL
sdl-image-1.2.12p5 SDL image library
sdl-jstest-20180114p0 simple SDL joystick test application
sdl-mixer-1.2.12p5 SDL multi-channel audio mixer library
sdl-net-1.2.8p4 SDL cross-platform networking library
sdl-pango-0.1.2p17 SDL wrapper around the Pango library
sdl-sound-1.0.3p3 library that handles the decoding of sound file formats
sdl-ttf-2.0.11p3 SDL TrueType fonts library
sdl2-2.32.0 cross-platform multimedia library
sdl2-audiolib-0.0.20230225 SDL2 audio decoding, resampling and mixing library
sdl2-gfx-1.0.4p0 primitives drawing/other support functions for SDL2
sdl2-image-2.8.5 SDL2 image library
sdl2-mixer-2.8.1p0 SDL2 multi-channel audio mixer library
sdl2-net-2.2.0 SDL2 cross-platform networking library
sdl2-pango-2.1.5 SDL2 wrapper around the Pango library
sdl2-ttf-2.22.0p0 SDL2 TrueType fonts library
sdlmm-0.1.8p16 C++ wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Layer
sdlpop-1.22v0 open-source port of Prince of Persia
sdlroids-1.3.4p4 essentially an Asteroids clone
sdlzombies-1.0.0p3 zombies clone
sdorfehs-1.5 tiling window manager with a weird name
se-3.0.1p2 screen oriented version of the classic text editor ed
seafile-client-9.0.6pl20240525v0 seafile client
seafile-daemon-9.0.6pl20240525p0v0 seafile daemon
seahorse-47.0.1p0 GNOME encryption interface
seamonkey-2.53.20p0 Mozilla application suite
seamonkey-i18n-cs-2.53.20 cs language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-de-2.53.20 de language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-en-GB-2.53.20 en-GB language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-en-US-2.53.20 en-US language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-es-AR-2.53.20 es-AR language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-es-ES-2.53.20 es-ES language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-fi-2.53.20 fi language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-fr-2.53.20 fr language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-hu-2.53.20 hu language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-it-2.53.20 it language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-ja-2.53.20 ja language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-nb-NO-2.53.20 nb-NO language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-nl-2.53.20 nl language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-pl-2.53.20 pl language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-pt-BR-2.53.20 pt-BR language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-pt-PT-2.53.20 pt-PT language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-ru-2.53.20 ru language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-sk-2.53.20 sk language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-sv-SE-2.53.20 sv-SE language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-zh-CN-2.53.20 zh-CN language pack for Seamonkey
seamonkey-i18n-zh-TW-2.53.20 zh-TW language pack for Seamonkey
seatd-0.8.0p0 minimal seat management daemon and universal library
sec-2.9.3 simple event correlator
secrets-8.0p4 GNOME password manager (Keepass)
secularize- HolyC transcompiler
seed7-20210130p0 high-level, extensible programming language
seergdb-1.11 graphical front-end to GDB
selene-0.27.1 modern Lua linter written in Rust
selfoss-2.19 rss reader, live stream, mashup, aggregation webapp
sendmail- mother of Mail Transfer Agents
sendmail- mother of Mail Transfer Agents
sendmail- mother of Mail Transfer Agents
sendmail- mother of Mail Transfer Agents
senpai-0.3.0p0 modern terminal IRC client
sent-1p0 simple plaintext presentation tool
seq2gif-0.10.4pre1 convert ttyrec recording into an animated gif
serd-0.30.10p4 lightweight C library for RDF syntax
serf-1.3.10 high performance HTTP client library
setquota-0.1p2 command line quota tools
sfeed-2.1 RSS/Atom newsreader and formatting programs
sfml-2.5.1p0 simple and fast multimedia library
sgi-fonts-1.0p2 bitmap fonts from SGI
shaderc-2024.0p0 SL/HLSL to SPIR-V shader compiler
shairport-sync-4.3.7 AirPlay audio player
shapelib-1.6.1 shapefile manipulation library
shared-desktop-ontologies-0.11.0p1 shared desktop ontologies
shared-mime-info-2.4p0 shared mime database for desktops
sharedance-0.6p2 high-performance server that centralizes key/data pairs
sharness-1.1.0 portable shell library supporting the test anything protocol
sharutils-4.15.2p5 packing and unpacking of shell archives
shash-0.2.6p3 generates or checks digests or mac
shash-0.2.6p3-static generates or checks digests or mac
shellcheck-0.10.0 shell script analysis tool
shelldap-1.5.2v0 browse LDAP server with a shell-like CLI
shfmt-3.6.0 shell parser, formatter, and interpreter
shiboken6- Python binding generator for C++ libraries
shiori-1.7.4 simple bookmarks manager
shmux-1.0.3 execute a command on many hosts in parallel
shntool-3.0.10p2 multi-purpose wave data processing utility
shockolate-0.7.8pl20210504 source port of 3D game System Shock
shorten-3.6.1p0 fast compression for waveform files
shotcut-25.01.25 video editor
shotwell-0.32.10p1 digital photo organizer
shrinkray-0.0.20250103 modern multi-format test-case reducer
shtool-2.0.8 GNU Portable Shell Tool
shunit2-2.1.6p1 unit test framework for Bourne based shell scripts
shunt-1.7.3p1 tools to extend pipe capabilities
si-0.3p1 minimalistic SILC client
siag-3.6.1p7 tightly integrated, free office package
sic-1.3 simple irc client
sidplay-1.0.9p7 Commodore 64 music player and SID chip emulator
siege-4.1.7 multi-threaded HTTP benchmark and regression tester
sieve-connect-0.90 perl sieveshell-compatible ManageSieve client
sigil-1.9.30p1 EPUB ebook editor
signify-1.11p1 dynamic .signature generator
signon-kwallet-extension-24.12.2 KWallet extension for signond
signond-8.61pl0p0 SignOn Daemon (Qt)
signond-qt6-8.61 SignOn Daemon (Qt)
sigrok-cli-0.7.2p0 command-line frontend for sigrok logic analyzer
sigrok-dumps-0.1.0p0 example signal/protocol dumps for sigrok
sigrok-firmware-fx2lafw-0.1.7 firmware for FX2 logic analyzers
siji- iconic bitmap font based on Stlarch with additional glyphs
silc-client-1.1.11p7 Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) client
silc-server-1.1.19p5 Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) server
silc-server-1.1.19p5-operops Secure Internet Live Conferencing (SILC) server
silc-toolkit-1.1.12p5 toolkit for the development of SILC applications
sile-0.9.4p5 typesetting system and improved layout engine
sim-2.26p2 tests lexical similarity in texts
simgear-2020.3.19 library set for simulations, games and visualizations
simh-3.9.0p3 PDP, IBM 1401, Nova and other CPUs simulator
simple-mtpfs-0.4.0 MTP device filesystem
simple-scan-46.0p1 simple scanning utility
simpleagenda-0.46p0 calendaring application based on GNUstep
simpleini-4.22 simple API to read and write INI-style configuration files
simsu-1.3.9p0 basic sudoku game
simulavr- AVR simulator
sing-1.1p7 send ICMP nasty garbage
singularity-1.00p5 simulation of a true AI
sipcalc-1.1.6 ipv4 and ipv6 subnet calculator
siproxd-0.8.3p1 proxy/masquerading daemon for the SIP protocol
sipsak- SIP swiss army knife
siren-0.11 text-based audio player
siril-1.0.6p1 astronomical image processing tool
skanlite-24.12.2 scanning application for KDE
sketch-0.3.7 3D scene description translator for TeX
ski-6.13p3 skiing simulation game
skill-4.1p7 signal or reprioritize specified processes
skim-0.16.0 fuzzy finder
skippy-0.5.0p9 full-screen X11 task-switcher like Apple's Expose
skk-jisyo-20201101 large dictionary for the SKK system
sl-5.02p1 Steam Locomotive
sl-ls-1.1.2p1 substantially more useful ls
slant-0.0.24 minimal remote system monitor
slash-3.2.2.e8p8 dungeon explorin', hackin' game, but harder than nethack
slash-3.2.2.e8p8-no_x11 dungeon explorin', hackin' game, but harder than nethack
slash-em- dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Hard
slash-em- dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Hard
sleuthkit-4.10.1 forensic toolkit based on TCT
slib-3b4p0 scheme r5 library
slideml-1.1.0p1 HTML slide generator based on SlideML
slides-0.9.0 terminal based presentation tool
slipshow-0.1.0 compiler from markdown to slipshow
slock-1.5 simple X screen locker
slop-7.6p0 query for a selection and print to stdout (select operation)
slowhttptest-1.9.0 test tool for slow HTTP reads/posts
slrn-1.0.3p0 SLang-based newsreader
sltar-0.5p1 simple tar implementation
slurm-0.4.3p0 network traffic monitor and statistics
slurp-1.5.0 select a region in a Wayland compositor
sma-1.4p2 Sendmail Log Analysis Report
smarc-0.4 static web mail archive generator
smartmontools-7.4p1 control and monitor storage systems using SMART
smbldap-tools-0.9.2ap4 tools for managing samba ldap
smokeping-2.9.0p0 latency logging and graphing system
smpeg-0.4.4p17 MPEG video player library with sound support
smpeg2-2.0.0p2 MPEG video player library with sound support
smplayer-24.5.0 complete front-end for MPlayer and MPV
smsmail-1.0.2p6 LDAP enabled MDA to deliver mails as SMS
smstools3-3.1.21p3 gateway to send and receive SMS through GSM mobile phones
smtp-benchmark-1.0.4p3 SMTP benchmark to measure throughput of an MTA
smtp-vilter-1.3.6p7v0 sendmail milter to scan messages for viruses and spam
smtp-vilter-1.3.6p7v0-ldap sendmail milter to scan messages for viruses and spam
smtpclient-1.0.0p2 simple SMTP client
smtpscan-0.5p1 Remote SMTP Server Detection
smurflog-2.1p1 logs smurf attacks
sn0int-0.26.0p0 semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager
snack-2.2.10p7 Tcl/Tk snack sound toolkit
snappy-1.1.10p2 fast compression/decompression library
snappy-java- special helper port to build snappy-java-X.jar for unifi
snare-0.4.11p0 GitHub webhooks runner daemon
sndiokeys-1.2.1 control sndiod with hot-keys and play keyboard bells
snes9x-1.63p1 emulates the Super Nintendo Entertainment System
sngrep-1.8.2 SIP packet capture tool with curses UI
sniglet-1.000pre1p0 fun rounded display face that's great for headlines
snipe2d-1.30p2 overhead shooting game
sniproxy-0.6.8 name-based proxying of HTTPS without decrypting traffic
snmp_exporter-0.28.0 Prometheus exporter for SNMP metrics
snmptt-1.4.2p0 SNMP trap handler (translates traps to friendlier format)
snobol4-2.3.2p0 CSNOBOL4 suite including interpreter, debugger and utilities
snort-2.9.20p4 highly flexible sniffer/NIDS
snort2pf-4.5p7 block "nasty" hosts with pf(4) based on Snort's rules
snowflake_proxy-2.10.1 anti-censorship proxy and pluggable transports for Tor
snownews-1.11p0 text mode rss and atom newsreader
socat- relay for bidirectional data transfer
socket-1.2 create tcp socket and connect to stdin/out
socklog-2.1.0 small and secure replacement for syslogd
softflowd-0.9.9p3 flow-based network traffic analyser
softhsm2-2.6.1p1 software PKCS#11 cryptographic token
sogo-5.11.2 web based groupware server
soju-0.8.2p0 user-friendly IRC bouncer
solarus-1.6.0p3 open-source Zelda-like 2D game engine
solfege-3.23.4p4 solfege and ear training program
solid-5.116.0 KDE hardware abstraction layer
solid-pop3d-0.15p9 flexible POP3 server
solid-pop3d-0.15p9-apop flexible POP3 server
solr-9.8.0 full-text search engine based on Lucene
solvespace-3.1p1 parametric 2D/3D CAD program
sonata-1.7.0p6v1 GTK+ client for the Music Player Daemon
sonnet-5.116.0 multi-language spell checker for KDE
sonnet-aspell-5.116.0 ASpell plugin for Sonnet
sonnet-hunspell-5.116.0 HunSpell plugin for Sonnet
sope-5.11.2 Skyrix Object Publishing Environment
sope-mysql-5.11.2 SOPE MySQL adaptor
sope-postgres-5.11.2 SOPE PostgreSQL adaptor
sops-3.7.3p0 tool for managing secrets
sord-0.16.8p4 lightweight C library for storing RDF data in memory
sound-theme-freedesktop-0.8p0 XDG sound theme
soundtouch-2.3.3 tempo/pitch audio processing library
soundtracker-1.0.1 music tracking tool for X11
source-highlight-3.1.9 create a document with syntax highlighting
sox-14.4.2pl20210509p2 Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation
sp-1.3.4p7 OO toolkit for SGML parsing and entity management
spaceinvaders-1.5 curses-based version of the Space Invaders game
spacetrader-2.0.1 interstellar trading strategy game
spacezero-0.86.01p0 2D RTS space combat game
spampd-2.62 SMTP/LMTP proxy for Spamassassin
spandsp-0.0.6p0 DSP library for telephony
sparsehash-2.0.4 memory-efficient hash_map and hash_set C++ classes
spatial-1.0.1p2 3d tetris
spatialindex-2.1.0 library for spatial indexing and querying
spatialite-tools-5.1.0pl0p0 CLI tools for spatialite
spatialite_gui-2.1.0beta1p5 GUI for spatialite
spawn-fcgi-1.6.4 spawn FastCGI processes
spdlog-1.14.1 fast C++ logging library
spdrs60-0.6.5p0 graphical SRCP client to control a digital model railway
spectacle-24.12.2 KDE screen capture and screenshot program
spectrum-tools-201108R1p5 graphical tools for the MetaGeek Wi-spy spectrum analyser
spectrum-tools-utils-201108R1p2 tools for the MetaGeek Wi-spy spectrum analyser
spectrwm-3.6.0 small tiling window manager
speech-dispatcher-0.12.0 common interface to speech synthesis
speeddreams-2.3.0 open source motorsport simulation
speeddreams-data-2.3.0 open source motorsport simulation, data files
speedtest-cli-2.1.4beta2p0 command-line client for bandwidth tester
speex-1.2.1 patent-free speech codec
speexdsp-1.2.1 speech processing DSP library
speyes-1.2.0p3 wm-dockapp; xeyes clone using South Park characters
sphinx-2.2.11p1 free open-source SQL full-text search engine
sphinx-2.2.11p1-pgsql free open-source SQL full-text search engine
spice-gtk-0.42p4 GTK client and libraries for SPICE remote desktop servers
spice-protocol-0.14.4 SPICE protocol headers
spider-1.1p7 challenging double decked solitaire game
spidermonkey128-128.8.0v1 C/C++ Mozilla's JavaScript engine implementation
spiff-1.0p1 very flexible diff-like program
spike-1.1.0 RISC-V ISA simulator
spim-8.0p1 MIPS R2000/R3000 simulator
spin-6.4.7p0 tool for formal verification of parallel software
sping-0.0.20230919 split ping, identify direction of loss or latency
spiped-1.6.3 utility for creating secure pipes between socket addresses
spirv-cross-20210115p0 parse and convert SPIR-V to other shader languages
spirv-headers-1.4.304.0p0v0 SPIRV-Headers
spirv-tools-1.4.304.0v0 API and commands for processing SPIR-V
spisniffer-0.3 Bus Pirate binary mode SPI sniffer
spleen-2.1.0 monospaced bitmap fonts for consoles and terminals
splicebench-1.05 socket splicing network benchmarking tool
splint-3.1.2p1 advanced lint: statically check C programs
splix- CUPS drivers for SPL printers
spotify-player-0.20.4p0 Spotify TUI client
spotify-qt-3.12 lightweight Spotify client using Qt
spotifyd-0.4.0 Spotify client running as UNIX daemon
spranq-ecofont-ttf-0.001p2 ink-saving font based on Vera Sans
spread-sheet-widget-0.6 spread sheet widget library
spyder3-5.5.6p1 Scientific PYthon Development EnviRonment
sqlbox-0.2.0 database access library
sqlc-1.24.0 create type safe go from SQL
sqlcipher-4.6.1p0 encrypted SQLite database
sqlgrey-1.8.0p2 postfix greylist daemon
sqlite2mdoc-1.0.0 extract C reference manpages from SQLite3 header file
sqlite3-3.49.1p0 embedded SQL implementation
sqlite3-odbc-0.9998 ODBC driver for SQLite3
sqlite3-tcl-3.46.1 Tcl bindings for SQLite3
sqlitebrowser-3.13.1 graphical interface to sqlite databases
sqlmap-1.8.11p0 penetration testing tool to detect/exploit SQL injection
sqlports-7.52 sqlite database of ports
sqsh- SQL shell for FreeTDS
sqtop-2015.02.08p0 top-like monitor for Squid
squashfs-tools-4.6.1 tools to create and extract Squashfs filesystems
squeak-funsqueak-3.10alpha7p0v0 smalltalk system, exploration image
squeak-image- smalltalk system, basic runtime image
squeak-sources-3.9p0 smalltalk system, smalltalk sources
squeak-vm-3.10.1p12 smalltalk system, vm
squealer-1.2.11 filesystem secrets scanner
squeezecenter-7.3.3p9 streaming audio server for Squeezebox network music players
squeezelite- lightweight headless squeezebox player
squid-6.13p0v0 WWW and FTP proxy cache and accelerator
squid-6.13p0v0-krb5 WWW and FTP proxy cache and accelerator
squid-ldap-6.13p0v0 LDAP authentication/ACL support for Squid
squidGuard-1.6.0 filter, redirector and access controller for Squid
squidGuard-1.6.0-ldap filter, redirector and access controller for Squid
squidclamav-6.16p2 clamd-based virus scanner for c-icap
srain-1.1.1p1 modern IRC client written in GTK
srandrd-0.6.3p0 execute program on xrandr output changes
sratom-0.6.10p1 library for serialising LV2 atoms to/from RDF
src-1.28p5 Simple Revision Control
srcpd-2.1.7 daemon to control digital model railroad systems
srecord-1.64p4 collection of tools for manipulating EPROM load files
sredird-2.2.2p2 RFC 2217 compliant serial port redirector
ssdeep-2.14.1p0 fuzzy hashing program and library
sselp-0.2p1 print X selection to standard out
ssh-askpass-fullscreen-1.3 good-looking ssh-agent pass-phrase dialog
ssh-audit-3.3.0p0 ssh configuration security auditing tool
ssh-copy-id-8.8pl1 script to copy one's SSH keys to remote hosts
ssh-ldap-helper-8.0p0 fetch ssh AuthorizedKeys from LDAP
sshfs-fuse-2.10 mount remote directories over ssh
sshguard-2.4.3 protect against brute force attacks on sshd and others
sshlockout-0.20190130p0 protect against brute force attacks on sshd(8)
sshpass-1.10 noninteractive ssh password provider
sshuttle-1.3.0 VPN over an SSH tunnel
ssl_exporter-2.4.3 prometheus exporter for TLS cetificates
ssldump-1.9 SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer
sslh-1.22cp2 SSL/SSH multiplexer
sslmate-1.9.1 client for the online certificate service
sslscan-2.1.6p1 SSL/TLS scanner (identify version, ciphers, etc)
sslsniffer-1.21p1 SSLv3/TLS and SSLv2 sniffer
sslsplit-0.5.5p5 transparent and scalable SSL/TLS interception
ssss-0.5p2 split secrets using Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme
st-0.9.2 simple X terminal
st-0.9.2-scrollback simple X terminal
stagit-1.2 static git page generator
stalonetray-0.8.3p1 stand-alone tray for EWMH-compliant window managers
stalwart-mail-0.11.1 JMAP/IMAP/SMTP server
stan-0.4.1p2 statistical analyzer for binary streams
starfighter-2.4p0 sidescrolling space shmup
starlanes-1.2.2 classic space-age stock trading game
startup-notification-0.12p8 library for tracking application startup
stayrtr-0.6.2v0 RPKI-To-Router implementation in Go
steamctl-0.9.5p3 take control of Steam from your terminal
steamworks-nosteam-0.4.1pl0p0 Steamworks stub libraries
stegdetect-0.6pl20181031 steganography detection tool (unmaintained)
steghide-0.5.1p11 software able to hide data in various kind of files
stegseek-0.6v0 lightning fast steghide cracker
stella-6.7.1 Atari 2600 VCS emulator
stellarium-24.4p0 free open source planetarium
stellarsolver-2.5 astrometric plate solver
step-24.12.2p0 KDE interactive physics simulator
step-ca-0.25.2 private certificate authority and ACME server
step-cli-0.28.2 swiss army knife for working with X509, OAuth, JWT, OATH OTP
stepmania-5.0.12p2v0 dance music game
stfl-0.24p1 Structured Terminal Forms Language/Library
sthttpd-2.27.1p1 tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
stixfonts-2.13b171 scientific, technical and mathematical fonts
stockfish-16.1 open source chess engine
stone-soup-0.32.0p1 dungeon crawl stone soup
stone-soup-0.32.0p1-no_x11 dungeon crawl stone soup
stow-2.4.1 manages software package installations with symlinks
stp-2.2.0p7 decision procedure for bit-vectors and arrays
stratagus-3.3.2 free cross-platform real-time strategy gaming engine.
streamdvd-0.4p6 fast tool to backup video DVDs 'on the fly'
streamlink-6.5.1p1 pipe video streams into a video player
streamripper-1.64.6p5 rip shoutcast streams to local mp3s
stress-1.0.4p2 tool to impose configurable amount of load
stringtemplate-4.0.4p5 Java template engine for generating source code, etc
stripe-cli-1.22.0 build, test, and manage your Stripe integration
strobe-1.06p0 fast scatter/gather TCP port scanner
strongswan-5.9.1p0 IPsec-based VPN software (IKEv1/IKEv2) with XAUTH and EAP
stumpwm-24.11p3 easily hackable Common LISP window manager
stunnel-5.64p2 SSL encryption wrapper for standard network daemons
stuntman-1.2.16p0 STUN server implementing RFCs 5389, 5769, and 5780
subrip-0.10.0p3 extract subtitles from dvds
subsonic-cli-0.2.1p4 control subsonic api from cli
subsurface-4.8.5p5 divelog program for recreational, tech, and free-divers
subtitleeditor-0.54.0p8 GTK+ subtitles editor
subversion-1.14.5 subversion revision control system
sudo- execute a command as another user
sudo- execute a command as another user
sudo- execute a command as another user
sudo-python- sudo Python plugin
sudo-python- sudo Python plugin
sudo-python- sudo Python plugin
sudognu-1.09p1 sudoku solver and creator
sudoku-1.0.1p2 console based sudoku
suil-0.10.20 lightweight C library for loading & wrapping LV2 plugin UIs
suitesparse-4.4.6p4 suite of sparse matrix algorithms
sumwars-0.5.8p6 role playing game
sunclock-3.57 display the phase of the Sun on a map of the Earth
sunclock-maps-3.57 additional maps of the Earth for sunclock
sunscreen-1.0 disco-inspired display face
sunxi-tools-1.4p1 collection of CLI tools for ARM devices with Allwinner SoCs
supercat-0.5.8 colorize specific patterns in input
superlu-6.0.1p1 library for solving sparse linear equation systems
superscript-0.0 extended script command
supertux-0.6.3p0 jump 'n' run game
supertuxkart-1.4p1 kart racing game with OSS mascots
supervisor-4.2.5p0 system to monitor and control processes
supuner-0.3 SUPress stdout / stderr UNless ERror
surf-2.1p4 simple webbrowser based on webkit/gtk+
surfraw-2.3.0p0 command line interface to popular WWW search engines
suricata-7.0.7p0 high performance network IDS, IPS and security monitoring
sushi-46.0p1 quick previewer for Nautilus
svnbook-1.7p0 Version Control with Subversion
svndumptool-0.6.1 processing subversion dump files
svt-av1-2.3.0p0 scalable AV1 encoder
swaks-20240103.0 swiss army knife SMTP transaction tester
swarp-0.1p1 simple pointer warping for X
swatch-3.2.3p2 simple log monitoring program
sway-1.10.1 i3-compatible Wayland compositor
swaybg-1.2.1 background setter for Wayland
swayidle-1.8.0 idle management daemon for Wayland
swayimg-3.4 image display utility for Wayland
swaylock-1.8.0 screen locker for Wayland
sweeper-24.12.2 KDE tool for sweeping unwanted traces from system
swh-plugins-0.4.15p3 LADSPA plugins from Steve Harris
swi-prolog-9.2.6p0 Prolog for the real world
swig-4.2.1 simplified wrapper and interface generator
swiggle-0.4p0 simple web image gallery generator
swirc-3.5.4 curses icb and irc client
sword-1.9.0p0 Crosswire's Bible study utility
sxhkd-0.6.2p0 simple X hotkey daemon
sylpheed-3.7.0p7 lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client
symbola-ttf-10.03 free unicode symbol font
symbolsonly-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 NerdFontsSymbolsOnly Nerd Font
symon-2.89p0 active host monitoring tool
sympa-6.2.16p6 mailing list manager with web interface
symux-2.89p0 symon data gatherer
synapse-1.125.0 open network for secure, decentralized communication
syncterm-1.6 BBS terminal program
syncthing-1.28.0 open decentralized synchronization utility
syndication-5.116.0 RSS/Atom parser library
synergy-1.7.6p1 mouse and keyboard sharing utility
synfig-1.5.3p0 2D animation software
synfigstudio-1.5.3p0 2D animation software studio
syntax-highlighting-5.116.0 highlighting engine for structured text and code
syrics- fetch lyrics from spotify
sysbench-0.4.8p17 modular, cross-platform and multi-threaded benchmark tool
sysbench-0.4.8p17-mysql modular, cross-platform and multi-threaded benchmark tool
sysbench-0.4.8p17-pgsql modular, cross-platform and multi-threaded benchmark tool
sysclean-3.9 list obsolete files between OpenBSD upgrades
sysgen-0.0 calculates QBUS CSR and Vector assignments
syslog-ng-3.38.1p0 log management solution
sysmon-0.93p4 lightweight network monitoring tool
system-config-printer-1.5.18p4 printer (CUPS) administration tool
systempreferences-1.2.0p12 manage settings of the gnustep environment
syweb-0.67p2 web frontend to symon
t-prot-3.4 filter which improves readability of email and Usenet posts
t1lib-5.1.2p0 Type 1 rasterizer library for UNIX/X11
t1utils-1.42 utilities for PostScript Type 1 fonts
tabbed-0.8 simple generic tabbed frontend
tabled-1.0.5p6 daemon to modify pf tables from userland
tabs-5.2.1 utility to set terminal tabs
tacacs+- TACACS+ AAA service, often used with network equipment
taglib-1.13.1 managing meta-data of audio formats
tagmukay-2.000p1 Unicode Tagmukay Shifinagh script font
tagtool-0.12.3p30 Ogg Vorbis and MP3 files tagger
tailscale-1.80.3 modern overlay-like VPN built on top of WireGuard
taisei-1.4.2 clone of the touhou games
taiwan-cns11643-fonts-103.1 CNS 11643-compliant Taiwanese government fonts
tamsyn-font-1.11 monospaced bitmap font for programming
tamzen-font-1.11.6 bitmapped programming font, based on Tamsyn
tangerine-icon-theme-0.27p2 Tangerine icon theme from Ubuntu
tanglet-1.5.6p0 word finding game
tango-icon-theme-0.8.90p13 Tango icon theme
tango-icon-theme-extras-0.1.0p8 Tango icon theme extras for GNOME and KDE
tap-plugins-0.7.3p0 TAP LADSPA plugins
tapclean-20130522p0 Commodore tape image cleaning utility
tarlz-0.25p0 archiver based on tar and lzip multimembers
tarsnap-1.0.40 client for the online encrypted backup service
tarsnap-gui-1.0.2p0 frontend to the popular Tarsnap backup service
tarsnapper-0.4.0p9 tarsnap wrapper which automatically expires backups
taskd-1.1.0p5 lightweight server providing access to task data
taskwarrior-2.6.2p1 command line todo list manager
taviraj-0.20160412p0 Serif Latin and Looped Thai typeface
tb-browser-14.0.7 modified version of Firefox ESR for browsing over Tor
tb-noscript-12.1.1 Tor Browser add-on: flexible JS blocker
tbb-2021.13.0p1 threading building blocks
tbftss-1.5.1p0 2D mission-based space shooter
tcc- tiny C compiler
tcl-8.5.19p6 Tool Command Language
tcl-8.6.16 Tool Command Language
tcl-snmptools-1.0p2 Tcl package that provides SNMP tools
tclap-1.2.2p0 templatized C++ command line parser
tclarc4random-0.3p0 arc4random for Tcl
tclcl-1.20p4 Tcl/C++ interface used by ns and nam
tclcurl-7.22.0 Tcl bindings for Curl
tclgpg-20160615p0 Tcl interface to GNU Privacy Guard
tcllib-2.0p0 Tcl Standard Library
tclthread-2.8.11p0 thread extension for Tcl
tcltls-1.7.22 OpenSSL Tcl extension
tcltutor-30b7 learn Tcl interactively
tcludp-1.0.11p1 Tcl UDP extension
tclxml-3.2p6 XML parser for Tcl
tcpblast-1.1p0 measure the throughput of a TCP connection
tcpdf-6.4.4p3 PHP class for generating PDF documents
tcpdpriv-1.1.10p2 removes sensitive information from a tcpdump -w file
tcpflow-1.6.1p2 tool for capturing data from TCP connections
tcpreen-1.4.4p6 simple tcp re-engineering tool
tcpreplay-4.5.1 resend network traffic saved by tcpdump
tcpshow-1.74p0 decode tcpdump(1) output
tcpslice-1.7v0 tool for extracting and gluing pcap (tcpdump) files
tcpstat-1.5p1 report network interface statistics
tcptrace-6.6.7p2 TCP dump file analysis tool
tcptraceroute-1.5beta7p2 traceroute implementation using TCP packets
tcs-19950325 translate character sets
tcsh-6.24.10 extended C-shell with many useful features
tcsh-6.24.10-static extended C-shell with many useful features
tdb-1.4.13 trivial database library
tdbc-1.1.10 Tcl Database Connectivity
tdbc-mysql-1.1.10 MariaDB module for TDBC
tdbc-odbc-1.1.10 ODBC module for TDBC
tdbc-postgres-1.1.10 PostgreSQL module for TDBC
tdbc-sqlite3-1.1.10 SQLite3 module for TDBC
tdesktop-5.12.1 Telegram Desktop messenger
tdl-1.5.2p5 to-do list manager
tdlib-1.8.44 cross-platform library for building Telegram clients
tdom-0.9.3 fast XML/DOM/XPath/XSLT/HTML/JSON extension for Tcl
tea-0.9.2 command line tool to interact with Gitea
teapot-2.3.0p1 three dimensional console spreadsheet
teaqt-50.0.4p1 powerful and simple Qt editor
tecla-47.0p0 keymap viewer
ted-2.17p6 X11 based RTF editor
teensyloader-2.2 in-system programmer for Teensy boards
teeworlds-0.7.5p1 platform game featuring buggers equipped with weapons
telegraf-1.33.3 plugin-driven server agent for collecting metrics
telepathy-glib-0.24.2p2 flexible communications framework, glib bindings
telepathy-idle-0.2.2p0 flexible communications framework, IRC component
telepathy-logger-0.8.2p10 flexible communications framework, logger component
telepathy-mission-control-5.16.6p3 abstraction layer between apps and connection managers
telescope-0.10.1 multi-protocol browser for the small internet
tellico-4.1.1 organizer for book/dvd/music collections
tempest-1.0.5p6 sends AM radio signals using a monitor
template-glib-3.36.3 templating library for GLib
tenshi-0.17p1 log monitoring program to watch and report on log files
tentakel-3.1.3pre20220719p1v0 distributed command execution
terminator-1.92p8 GTK3 terminal emulator with split-window and tabs support
terminus-font-4.49.1p2 fixed width fonts especially for long hacking sessions
terminus-font-4.49.1p2-centered_tilde fixed width fonts especially for long hacking sessions
terminus-font-4.49.1p2-symquotes fixed width fonts especially for long hacking sessions
terminus-font-4.49.1p2-symquotes-centered_tilde fixed width fonts especially for long hacking sessions
terminus-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 Terminus Nerd Font
termshark-2.4.0 terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark
termsonic-0.2p0 Subsonic client running in your terminal
termtosvg-1.1.0p7 record terminal sessions as SVG animations
terraform-1.8.5 tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure
terraform-docs-0.19.0 documentation generator for Terraform
terragrunt-0.75.3 thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools
teseq-1.1.1 analyze terminal control sequences
tesseract-5.5.0p0 OCR Engine developed at HP Labs
tesseract-afr-4.1.0v0 afr language data for Tesseract
tesseract-amh-4.1.0v0 amh language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ara-4.1.0v0 ara language data for Tesseract
tesseract-asm-4.1.0v0 asm language data for Tesseract
tesseract-aze-4.1.0v0 aze language data for Tesseract
tesseract-aze_cyrl-4.1.0v0 aze_cyrl language data for Tesseract
tesseract-bel-4.1.0v0 bel language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ben-4.1.0v0 ben language data for Tesseract
tesseract-bod-4.1.0v0 bod language data for Tesseract
tesseract-bos-4.1.0v0 bos language data for Tesseract
tesseract-bre-4.1.0v0 bre language data for Tesseract
tesseract-bul-4.1.0v0 bul language data for Tesseract
tesseract-cat-4.1.0v0 cat language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ceb-4.1.0v0 ceb language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ces-4.1.0v0 ces language data for Tesseract
tesseract-chi_sim-4.1.0v0 chi_sim language data for Tesseract
tesseract-chi_sim_vert-4.1.0v0 chi_sim_vert language data for Tesseract
tesseract-chi_tra-4.1.0v0 chi_tra language data for Tesseract
tesseract-chi_tra_vert-4.1.0v0 chi_tra_vert language data for Tesseract
tesseract-chr-4.1.0v0 chr language data for Tesseract
tesseract-cos-4.1.0v0 cos language data for Tesseract
tesseract-cym-4.1.0v0 cym language data for Tesseract
tesseract-dan-4.1.0v0 dan language data for Tesseract
tesseract-deu-4.1.0v0 deu language data for Tesseract
tesseract-div-4.1.0v0 div language data for Tesseract
tesseract-dzo-4.1.0v0 dzo language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ell-4.1.0v0 ell language data for Tesseract
tesseract-eng-4.1.0v0 eng language data for Tesseract
tesseract-enm-4.1.0v0 enm language data for Tesseract
tesseract-epo-4.1.0v0 epo language data for Tesseract
tesseract-equ-4.1.0v0 equ language data for Tesseract
tesseract-est-4.1.0v0 est language data for Tesseract
tesseract-eus-4.1.0v0 eus language data for Tesseract
tesseract-fao-4.1.0v0 fao language data for Tesseract
tesseract-fas-4.1.0v0 fas language data for Tesseract
tesseract-fil-4.1.0v0 fil language data for Tesseract
tesseract-fin-4.1.0v0 fin language data for Tesseract
tesseract-fra-4.1.0v0 fra language data for Tesseract
tesseract-frk-4.1.0v0 frk language data for Tesseract
tesseract-frm-4.1.0v0 frm language data for Tesseract
tesseract-fry-4.1.0v0 fry language data for Tesseract
tesseract-gla-4.1.0v0 gla language data for Tesseract
tesseract-gle-4.1.0v0 gle language data for Tesseract
tesseract-glg-4.1.0v0 glg language data for Tesseract
tesseract-grc-4.1.0v0 grc language data for Tesseract
tesseract-guj-4.1.0v0 guj language data for Tesseract
tesseract-hat-4.1.0v0 hat language data for Tesseract
tesseract-heb-4.1.0v0 heb language data for Tesseract
tesseract-hin-4.1.0v0 hin language data for Tesseract
tesseract-hrv-4.1.0v0 hrv language data for Tesseract
tesseract-hun-4.1.0v0 hun language data for Tesseract
tesseract-hye-4.1.0v0 hye language data for Tesseract
tesseract-iku-4.1.0v0 iku language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ind-4.1.0v0 ind language data for Tesseract
tesseract-isl-4.1.0v0 isl language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ita-4.1.0v0 ita language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ita_old-4.1.0v0 ita_old language data for Tesseract
tesseract-jav-4.1.0v0 jav language data for Tesseract
tesseract-jpn-4.1.0v0 jpn language data for Tesseract
tesseract-jpn_vert-4.1.0v0 jpn_vert language data for Tesseract
tesseract-kan-4.1.0v0 kan language data for Tesseract
tesseract-kat-4.1.0v0 kat language data for Tesseract
tesseract-kat_old-4.1.0v0 kat_old language data for Tesseract
tesseract-kaz-4.1.0v0 kaz language data for Tesseract
tesseract-khm-4.1.0v0 khm language data for Tesseract
tesseract-kir-4.1.0v0 kir language data for Tesseract
tesseract-kmr-4.1.0v0 kmr language data for Tesseract
tesseract-kor-4.1.0v0 kor language data for Tesseract
tesseract-kor_vert-4.1.0v0 kor_vert language data for Tesseract
tesseract-lao-4.1.0v0 lao language data for Tesseract
tesseract-lat-4.1.0v0 lat language data for Tesseract
tesseract-lav-4.1.0v0 lav language data for Tesseract
tesseract-lit-4.1.0v0 lit language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ltz-4.1.0v0 ltz language data for Tesseract
tesseract-mal-4.1.0v0 mal language data for Tesseract
tesseract-mar-4.1.0v0 mar language data for Tesseract
tesseract-mkd-4.1.0v0 mkd language data for Tesseract
tesseract-mlt-4.1.0v0 mlt language data for Tesseract
tesseract-mon-4.1.0v0 mon language data for Tesseract
tesseract-mri-4.1.0v0 mri language data for Tesseract
tesseract-msa-4.1.0v0 msa language data for Tesseract
tesseract-mya-4.1.0v0 mya language data for Tesseract
tesseract-nep-4.1.0v0 nep language data for Tesseract
tesseract-nld-4.1.0v0 nld language data for Tesseract
tesseract-nor-4.1.0v0 nor language data for Tesseract
tesseract-oci-4.1.0v0 oci language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ori-4.1.0v0 ori language data for Tesseract
tesseract-osd-4.1.0v0 osd language data for Tesseract
tesseract-pan-4.1.0v0 pan language data for Tesseract
tesseract-pol-4.1.0v0 pol language data for Tesseract
tesseract-por-4.1.0v0 por language data for Tesseract
tesseract-pus-4.1.0v0 pus language data for Tesseract
tesseract-que-4.1.0v0 que language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ron-4.1.0v0 ron language data for Tesseract
tesseract-rus-4.1.0v0 rus language data for Tesseract
tesseract-san-4.1.0v0 san language data for Tesseract
tesseract-sin-4.1.0v0 sin language data for Tesseract
tesseract-slk-4.1.0v0 slk language data for Tesseract
tesseract-slv-4.1.0v0 slv language data for Tesseract
tesseract-snd-4.1.0v0 snd language data for Tesseract
tesseract-spa-4.1.0v0 spa language data for Tesseract
tesseract-spa_old-4.1.0v0 spa_old language data for Tesseract
tesseract-sqi-4.1.0v0 sqi language data for Tesseract
tesseract-srp-4.1.0v0 srp language data for Tesseract
tesseract-srp_latn-4.1.0v0 srp_latn language data for Tesseract
tesseract-sun-4.1.0v0 sun language data for Tesseract
tesseract-swa-4.1.0v0 swa language data for Tesseract
tesseract-swe-4.1.0v0 swe language data for Tesseract
tesseract-syr-4.1.0v0 syr language data for Tesseract
tesseract-tam-4.1.0v0 tam language data for Tesseract
tesseract-tat-4.1.0v0 tat language data for Tesseract
tesseract-tel-4.1.0v0 tel language data for Tesseract
tesseract-tgk-4.1.0v0 tgk language data for Tesseract
tesseract-tha-4.1.0v0 tha language data for Tesseract
tesseract-tir-4.1.0v0 tir language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ton-4.1.0v0 ton language data for Tesseract
tesseract-tur-4.1.0v0 tur language data for Tesseract
tesseract-uig-4.1.0v0 uig language data for Tesseract
tesseract-ukr-4.1.0v0 ukr language data for Tesseract
tesseract-urd-4.1.0v0 urd language data for Tesseract
tesseract-uzb-4.1.0v0 uzb language data for Tesseract
tesseract-uzb_cyrl-4.1.0v0 uzb_cyrl language data for Tesseract
tesseract-vie-4.1.0v0 vie language data for Tesseract
tesseract-yid-4.1.0v0 yid language data for Tesseract
tesseract-yor-4.1.0v0 yor language data for Tesseract
testdisk-7.2 data recovery software
tetrinetx-1.13.16p2 tetrinet server
tetzle-2.1.6p0 tetromino puzzle game
tex-by-topic-20230810v0 book on TeX typesetting system for experienced audience
texi2html-5.0p0 texinfo to HTML converter
texi2mdoc-0.1.2p2 convert Texinfo data to mdoc input
texinfo-7.1p0 official documentation format of the GNU project
texlive_base-2024 base binaries for TeXLive typesetting distribution
texlive_mktexlsr-2024 mktexlsr for TeXLive typesetting distribution
texlive_synctex-2024 synctex for TeXLive typesetting distribution
texlive_texmf-buildset-2024p0 smallest texlive texmf for building ports
texlive_texmf-context-2024p0 texlive texmf for conTeXt
texlive_texmf-docs-2024p0 texlive documentation
texlive_texmf-full-2024p0 texlive texmf for extra macros
texlive_texmf-minimal-2024p0 texlive texmf for basic functionality
texmaker-5.0.2p2 LaTeX development environment
textsuggest-4.2.0p0 auto-complete and text expansion in X11
texworks-0.6.8p0v0 easy to use LaTeX and ConTeXt editor
texworks-lua-0.6.8p0v0 Lua scripting for TeXworks
texworks-python-0.6.8p0v0 Python scripting for TeXworks
tflint-0.55.1 pluggable Terraform linter
tfsec-1.28.13 static analyzer for Terraform
tg-0.19.0p3 ncurses Telegram client
tg_owt- WebRTC build for Telegram
tgif-4.2.5p0 two-dimensional drawing tool and hyper-object browser
thcrut-0.1p1 local network discovery tool
the-neue-black-1.007 typeface based on the Chicago Freedom Movement
the_silver_searcher-2.2.0p2 code searching tool, with a focus on speed (ag)
theharvester-3.0.6p7 information gathering suite
thewidgetfactory-0.2.1p13 showcase for GTK+ 2 widgets
thingsd-4.0.2p1 things proxy daemon for OpenBSD
thinking-forth-1.0p0 philosophy of problem solving, applied to Forth
thinkingrock-2.2.1p9 collecting and processing thoughts according to GTD
threadweaver-5.116.0 KDE helper for multithreaded programming
thrift-0.21.0 software stack for point-to-point RPC implementation
thunar-4.20.2 Xfce4 file manager
thunar-archive-0.5.3 Thunar archive plugin
thunar-media-tags-0.5.0 Thunar media tags plugin
thunar-vcs-0.3.0 Thunar vcs integration plugin
thunderbird-128.8.0 Mozilla e-mail, calendar, rss and usenet client
thunderbird-i18n-ar-128.8.0 ar language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-ast-128.8.0 ast language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-be-128.8.0 be language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-bg-128.8.0 bg language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-br-128.8.0 br language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-ca-128.8.0 ca language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-cak-128.8.0 cak language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-cs-128.8.0 cs language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-cy-128.8.0 cy language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-da-128.8.0 da language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-de-128.8.0 de language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-dsb-128.8.0 dsb language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-el-128.8.0 el language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-en-CA-128.8.0 en-CA language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-en-GB-128.8.0 en-GB language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-en-US-128.8.0 en-US language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-es-AR-128.8.0 es-AR language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-es-ES-128.8.0 es-ES language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-es-MX-128.8.0 es-MX language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-et-128.8.0 et language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-eu-128.8.0 eu language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-fi-128.8.0 fi language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-fr-128.8.0 fr language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-fy-NL-128.8.0 fy-NL language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-ga-IE-128.8.0 ga-IE language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-gd-128.8.0 gd language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-gl-128.8.0 gl language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-he-128.8.0 he language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-hr-128.8.0 hr language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-hsb-128.8.0 hsb language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-hu-128.8.0 hu language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-hy-AM-128.8.0 hy-AM language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-id-128.8.0 id language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-is-128.8.0 is language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-it-128.8.0 it language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-ja-128.8.0 ja language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-ka-128.8.0 ka language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-kab-128.8.0 kab language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-kk-128.8.0 kk language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-ko-128.8.0 ko language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-lt-128.8.0 lt language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-lv-128.8.0 lv language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-ms-128.8.0 ms language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-nb-NO-128.8.0 nb-NO language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-nl-128.8.0 nl language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-nn-NO-128.8.0 nn-NO language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-pa-IN-128.8.0 pa-IN language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-pl-128.8.0 pl language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-pt-BR-128.8.0 pt-BR language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-pt-PT-128.8.0 pt-PT language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-rm-128.8.0 rm language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-ro-128.8.0 ro language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-ru-128.8.0 ru language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-sk-128.8.0 sk language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-sl-128.8.0 sl language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-sq-128.8.0 sq language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-sr-128.8.0 sr language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-sv-SE-128.8.0 sv-SE language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-th-128.8.0 th language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-tr-128.8.0 tr language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-uk-128.8.0 uk language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-uz-128.8.0 uz language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-vi-128.8.0 vi language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-zh-CN-128.8.0 zh-CN language pack for Thunderbird
thunderbird-i18n-zh-TW-128.8.0 zh-TW language pack for Thunderbird
ti-msp430gcc- TI's open source compiler for MSP430 microcontrollers
tic80-0.90.1706 fantasy computer to make, play and share tiny games (TIC-80)
tidy-5.8.0v0 correct and clean up HTML and XML
tidyp-1.04p3v0 validate, correct and pretty-print HTML
tiff-4.7.0p0 tools and library routines for working with TIFF images
tiff2png-0.91p1 converts TIFF images to PNG format
tig-2.5.12 ncurses Git repository browser
tigervnc-1.14.1v0 high performance, multi-platform VNC client and server
tilda-2.0.0 drop-down terminal emulator
tiled-1.3.1p6 tile map editor
timemon-4.2p8 CPU load monitor
timescaledb-2.18.2 database designed to make SQL scalable for time-series data
timewarrior-1.7.1 command line tracking time tool
timidity-2.15.0p2 MIDI to WAV renderer and player
timidity-2.15.0p2-gtk2 MIDI to WAV renderer and player
timidity-2.15.0p2-xaw MIDI to WAV renderer and player
tin-2.6.3 threaded NNTP- and spool-based UseNet newsreader
tinc-1.1pre18p0v0 Virtual Private Network (VPN) daemon
tint2-17.0.2p2 freedesktop-compliant panel
tintin-2.02.20 client program for playing muds with advanced features
tinycdb-0.78 creating and reading constant databases
tinyfugue-4.0s1p7 programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
tinyproxy-1.11.2p0 lightweight HTTP/SSL proxy
tinyscheme-1.42p0 lightweight Scheme implementation with subset of R5RS
tinysparql-3.8.2 low-footprint RDF triple store with SPARQL 1.1 interface
tinyxml-2.6.2p4 simple and small C++ XML parser
tinyxml2-10.0.0 simple, small and efficient C++ XML parser
tipp10-3.3.0 intelligent touch typing tutor
tircproxy-0.4.5p2 transparent IRC proxy
tk-8.5.19p2 graphical toolkit for Tcl
tk-8.6.16 graphical toolkit for Tcl
tkabber-1.1.2p3 Tk client for the Jabber instant messaging system
tkabber-plugins-1.1.2p2 Tkabber plugins
tkcon-2.5p7 enhanced Tk console
tkcron-2.12p2 Tk frontend to crontab
tkcvs-8.2.3 graphical frontend to CVS
tkdiff-4.2p3 graphical front-end to the diff program
tkdnd-1.0a2p4 drag n drop extension for Tk
tkdvd-4.0.9p5 GUI to dvd+rw-tools and cdrecord
tkgate-2.1 Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator
tkhtml-3a16p1 Tk widget to display HTML/CSS formatted contents
tkhylafax-3.2p2 Tcl/Tk interface to Sam Leffler's fax package
tkimg-2.0.1 image extension for Tcl/Tk
tkinfo-2.11 read and display GNU info files in Tk
tkirc-2.46p4 ircII internet relay chat client
tklib-0.9pl0p0 Tk Standard Library
tkman-2.2p2 Tcl/Tk-based manual browser
tkpng-0.9p2 PNG photo image extension for Tcl/Tk
tktray-1.3.9p4 system tray icon support for Tk
tktreectrl-2.4.1p3v0 tree widget extension for Tk
tl-expected-1.1.0p0 C++11/14/17 std::expected with functional-style extensions
tlf-1.2.1p2 radio contest logger
tllist-1.1.0 Typed Linked List C header file only
tls-attacker-3.5.0p1 framework for analyzing TLS libraries
tmate-2.4.0p7 instant terminal sharing based on tmux
tmux-mem-cpu-load-3.8.0 CPU, RAM memory, and load monitor for use with tmux(1)
tmuxinator-3.0.5p1 create and manage complex tmux sessions easily
tn5250-0.17.4p2 5250 telnet protocol and terminal
tnef-1.4.18 decode MS-TNEF MIME attachments
tnylpo-1.1.4 utility to run CP/M-80 programs under Unix
toad-1.14 hotplugd(8) automounter (Toad Opens All Devices)
toilet-0.3p0 banner art generator with Unicode font and color support
tokodon-24.12.2 KDE Mastodon client
tokyocabinet-1.4.48p0 key/value database library
tomcat-10.1.39 Apache's Jakarta EE 10 server for Java web applications
tomcat-11.0.5 Apache's Jakarta EE 11 server for Java web applications
tomcat-9.0.102 Apache's Java EE 8 server for Java web applications
tomcat-examples-10.1.39 example applications and full documentation for Tomcat 10
tomcat-examples-11.0.5 example applications and full documentation for Tomcat 11
tomcat-examples-9.0.102 example applications and full documentation for Tomcat 9
tome4-1.7.6 graphical sdl rogue-like game
tome4-data-1.7.6 data for Tales of Maj'Eyal
tomoe-0.6.0p4 japanese handwriting recognition library
tong-1.3p2 Tetris and Pong played simultaneously on one playing field
toot-0.48.1 CLI and TUI tool to interact with Mastodon instances
tootstream- CLI for interacting with Mastodon/fediverse instances
toppler-1.1.6p6 Nebulous rewrite of Tower Toppler
topydo-0.14p0 todo list application using the todo.txt format
tor- anonymity service using onion routing
tor-browser-14.0.7 Tor Browser meta package
tornado-1.4p3 Ouranos (Weather War) clone; multiplayer
torsocks-2.4.0 SOCKS proxy for use with Tor
torture-1.1p2 set of kernel torture tools
totem-43.1p3 official media player for GNOME
totem-pl-parser-3.26.6p2 GObject-based parsing library
towitoko-2.0.7p3 library and utilities for towitoko card readers
toxcore-0.2.19p0 Tox client library
toxic-0.15.1p1 ncurses-based Tox client
toxic-0.15.1p1-no_x11 ncurses-based Tox client
tpad- simple, fast GTK-based text editor
tpadnav-2.0 generate back and forward navigation events from touchpad
tpb-0.6.4p8 utility to use ibm thinkpad(tm) special keys
tphdisk-1.0p1 hibernation file creator for Phoenix BIOS laptops
tpwireless-0.2p0 set IBM Thinkpad BIOS bit to disable Wireless NIC ID check
trac-1.6p3 wiki and bug tracking system for software projects
traccar-6.6 modern GPS tracking platform
trackballs-1.3.4 marble game inspired by Marble Madness
tracker-5.3p4 MOD player
tradcpp-0.5.3 traditional (K&R-style) C preprocessor
trader-7.20 simple text-based game of interstellar trading
traditional-vi-20050325p2 traditional vi and ex
trafshow-3.1p2 full screen visualization of network traffic
trans-1.20p2 character encoding converter generator package
transfig-3.2.9 tools to convert Xfig's .fig files
transmission-4.0.6 BitTorrent command line and daemon client
transmission-gtk-4.0.6 BitTorrent client with GTK+ interface
transmission-qt-4.0.6 BitTorrent client with Qt interface
transmission-remote-gtk-1.6.0 GTK client for remote Transmission daemon
transset-df-6p3 manage opacity property of windows, extended version
trash-d-19 commandline FreeDesktop trash bin utility
tray-app-0.3.1p2 small utilities for X11 system tray: eject, battery, mixer
trayer-1.1.8p0 lightweight GTK2-based systray
trdsql-1.1.0 run SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON, YAML and TBLN
tre-0.8.0p4 lightweight regexp matching library with additional features
tree-0.62 print ascii formatted tree of a directory structure
tree-sitter-0.22.6 parser generator tool and incremental parsing library
treewm-0.4.5p9 tree window manager
tremc-0.9.3p2 curses interface for transmission
trickle-1.07p1 lightweight userspace bandwidth shaper
trippy-0.12.2 network diagnostics with curses ui (like mtr)
trn-4.0.77p3 threaded newsreader
truncate-5.2.1p0 truncate or extend the length of files
try_repeat-0.2.0 run a command 'n' times exiting early if it fails
tshark-4.4.5 network protocol analyzer
tsung-1.8.0p2 multi-protocol distributed load testing tool
ttfautohint-1.8.4p0 automated hinting process based on FreeType's autohinter
ttg-2.2p2 live CLI display of interface bandwidth, using SNMP
ttyd-1.7.7 share your terminal over the web
ttyload-0.5.3p1 load average history on a tty
ttyp0-1.3 monospace bitmap screen fonts
ttyp0-1.3-ct monospace bitmap screen fonts
ttyp0-1.3-nbd monospace bitmap screen fonts
ttyp0-1.3-nbs monospace bitmap screen fonts
ttyp0-1.3-sq monospace bitmap screen fonts
ttyp0-1.3-sz monospace bitmap screen fonts
ttyplot-1.7.0 realtime plotting utility for terminals
ttyrec-1.0.8p4 tty recorder
tuba-0.8.1p0 desktop Fediverse app
tudu-0.10.4 hierarchical todos manager
tuir-1.29.0p8 terminal UI for Reddit
tuisky-0.2.0 TUI client for Bluesky
tumble-0.36p0 convert pictures into pdf book
tumbler-4.20.0 D-Bus thumbnailing service
turnserver-4.6.3pl0 coturn STUN/TURN server
tut-2.0.1 TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys
tutris-1.0.1p4 graphical tetris clone
tuxkart-0.4.0p7 tuxkart is a simple Go-Kart racing game.
tuxpaint-0.9.34p0 drawing program for children
tuxpaint-config-0.0.25 graphical tool to change Tux Paint settings
tuxpaint-stamps-20241025 rubber stamps collection for Tux Paint
tvtwm-0pl11p3 twm with a virtual desktop
twc-2.9.1 Timeweb Cloud CLI
tweak-3.02p5 efficient hex editor
twill-3.3p0 simple scripting language for web browsing
twirssi-2.8.0pl20190726 Twitter script for irssi
twmn-1.2pl20220125p0 dmenu style notification bar
twolame-0.4.0 optimised MPEG Audio Layer 2 (MP2) encoder
txt2man-1.5.6p3 convert ASCII text to man page
txt2tags-2.6p2 utility to turn simply formatted text into markup
type1inst-0.6.1 Type1 font installation helper
typescript-5.8.2 JavaScript with syntax for types
typespeed-0.6.5p5 test your typing speed and get your fingers' CPS
typst-0.13.1 markup-based typesetting system
u-boot-aarch64-2021.10p10 U-Boot firmware
u-boot-arm-2021.10p9 U-Boot firmware
u-boot-asahi-2024.01.1 U-Boot firmware for Apple Silicon
u-boot-riscv64-2021.10p8 U-Boot firmware
u-boot-rk356x-2024.01p0 U-Boot firmware
u-boot-rk3588-2025.01p0 U-Boot firmware
u-boot-sun50i-2024.01 U-Boot firmware
u-boot-sunxi-2024.01 U-Boot firmware
u2ps-1.2 unicode text to postscript converter
u9fs-20210125 9P server for Unix
uacme-1.7.6 lightweight C ACMEv2 client, uses external authenticators
uae-0.8.25p12 UAE amiga emulator
uath-firmware-2.0p1 firmware binary images for uath(4) driver
ubench-0.32p1 Unix benchmark utility
ubh-2.5p1 download and decode binaries posted to Usenet
ubuntu-fonts-0.83p2 unicode sans-serif/monospace TrueType fonts from Ubuntu
ubuntu-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 Ubuntu Nerd Font
ubuntumono-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 UbuntuMono Nerd Font
ucblogo-6.0 Berkeley's implementation of the logo programming language
uchardet-0.0.8 universal charset detection library and tool
ucl-1.03p3 portable lossless data compression library
ucon64-2.2.2 swiss army knife for video game console emulators
ucpp-1.3.2p1 C preprocessor and lexer
ucspi-tcp-0.88p3 tools for building tcp socket client/servers
ucspi-tools-1.7 socks proxy and tls support for ucspi
ucspi-unix-0.34p2 tools for building unix domain socket client/servers
udfclient-0.8.21 userland implementation of the UDF filesystem
udis86-1.7.2p12 easy-to-use minimalistic disassembler library
udns-0.6 stub DNS resolver library
udpbench-1.12 udp network benchmarking tool
udptunnel-1.1p1 UDP tunnel utility
udunits-2.2.26 library to manipulate units of physical quantities
uemacs-4.0p2 full screen simple editor
ufoai-2.5p8 squad-based tactical strategy game
ufoai-data-2.5p1 UFO:AI data
uforadiant-2.5p8 UFO:AI map editor
ufraw-0.22p10 read and manipulate raw images from digital cameras
uget-2.2.2p1 lightweight graphical download manager
ugrep-7.2.2 ultra fast universal grep
uhexen2-1.5.9p0 Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion
uhttpmock-0.11.0 HTTP web service mocking library
uim-1.8.9 multilingual input method library
uim-chewing-0.1.0p3 chewing input method for uim
uim-gtk-1.8.9 uim for GTK+2
uim-gtk3-1.8.9 uim for GTK+3
uim-tomoe-gtk-0.6.0p5 japanese handwriting
ulfius-2.7.15 HTTP Framework for REST Applications in C
ulpt-firmware-1.0p0 firmware binary images for ulpt(4) driver
umbrello-24.12.2 UML Modeller
umurmur-0.2.20p1 minimalistic Mumble server
un-fonts-core- core Asian truetype fonts designed by Koaunghi Un
un-fonts-extra- extra Asian truetype fonts designed by Koaunghi Un
unarj-2.43p3 extract files from ARJ archives
unarr-1.1.1 decompression library for rar, tar, zip and 7z archives
unbound_exporter-0.4.6 prometheus exporter for unbound
unclutter-8p1 hides idle X11 cursor
uncrustify-0.78.1p0 source code beautifier
ungoogled-chromium-134.0.6998.35 Chromium browser sans integration with Google
uni-2.6.0 query the unicode database from the commandline
unibilium-2.1.1 very basic terminfo library
unicode-cldr-46.1 Unicode Common Locale Data Repository
unicode-cldr-annotations-46.1 Unicode Common Locale Data Repository (annotations only)
unicode-emoji-16.0 Unicode emoji data files
unicode-ucd-16.0.0 Unicode Character Database (UCD)
unicon-10.0betap3 programming language with generators, X11 graphics and more
unifi-9.0.108 controller for Ubiquiti uniFi (wifi/routing/switching/voip)
unifont-16.0.02 free Unicode font from the GNU project
unionfs-fuse-3.6 unionfs filesystem implementation
unison-2.53.7 multi-platform file synchronization tool
unison-gui-2.53.7 gtk3 based interface for unison
unit-1.33.0 dynamic web application server
unit-perl-1.33.0 NGINX Unit perl module
unit-php82-1.33.0p0 NGINX Unit php8.2 module
unit-php83-1.33.0p0 NGINX Unit php8.3 module
unit-php84-1.33.0p0 NGINX Unit php8.4 module
unit-python-1.33.0p0 NGINX Unit python3.12 module
unit-ruby-1.33.0p0 NGINX Unit ruby3.3 module
uniutils-2.27p4 Unicode utilities
universal-ctags-6.1.0 multilanguage reimplementation of the Unix ctags utility
universal-ctags-6.1.0-iconv multilanguage reimplementation of the Unix ctags utility
unknown-horizons-2019.1p6 economic historical real-time strategy game
unoconv-0.9.0p2 UNiversal Office CONVerter
unpaper-7.0.0p0 post-processing tool for scanned paper sheets
unrar-7.10v2 extract, list, and test RAR archives
unrtf-0.21.10 RTF document converter
unsf-1.1.20180608 convert SountFont sf2 files into GUS patchsets
unshield-1.5.1 extract files from InstallShield CAB archives
unwebp-2.10 convert webp into gif/png
unworkable-0.53p4v0 simple BitTorrent implementation
unzip-6.0p18 extract, list & test files in a ZIP archive
unzip-6.0p18-iconv extract, list & test files in a ZIP archive
updatedb-0p0 pkg_add speed up cache
upgt-firmware-1.1p5 firmware binary images for upgt(4) driver
upower-1.90.7 userland power management interface
upplay-1.3.3p2 UPnP audio control point
uptimed-0.3.17p4 keeps a list of uptime records
uqm-0.8.0p0v0 ur-quan masters: game of space exploration and battles
uqm-content-0.8.0p0v0 ur-quan masters: game content
uqm-remix-0.8.0v0 ur-quan masters: remix music pack
uqm-threedomusic-0.8.0p0v0 ur-quan masters: 3DO music content
uqm-voice-0.8.0p0v0 ur-quan masters: speech content
urbanterror-4.3.4p1 fast-paced hollywood-tactical shooter: "fun over realism"
urbanterror-data-4.3.4p0 Urban Terror game data
uriparser-0.9.8 URI parsing library
urlscan-1.0.6p0 terminal URL viewer (urlview replacement)
urlview-0.9p8 curses-based URL ripper
urlview-0.9p8-slang curses-based URL ripper
urlwatch-2.29p0 monitor webpages for updates
usbutil-0.5p1 USB developer utilities
usbutils-007p0 utility used to display information about USB devices
usmb-20130204p7 mount SMB shares from userland via FUSE
usockets-0.8.1p0 eventing, networking & crypto for async applications
utfcpp-4.0.5 simple, portable library for handling UTF-8 strings
uthash-2.3.0 C macros to add, find and delete items from a hash
utp-1.0 comprehensive book on unix text processing
uucp-1.07p4 UUCP suite
uudeview-0.5.20 uu/xx/Base64/BinHex/yEnc decoder and encoder
uvideo-firmware-1.2p3 firmware binary images for uvideo(4) driver
uwebsockets-20.14.0p0 ultra fast, simple, secure, standards compliant web server
uwm-0.2.11ap0 lightweight WM with an original look and feel
v-0.4.5 simple, fast, safe, compiled language
vacuum-0.13ap1 fast-paced sidescrolling shoot-em-up
vala-0.56.18 compiler for the GObject type system
valadoc-0.56.18 Vala documentation generator
valgrind-3.21.0p2 instrumentation framework for dynamic analysis tools
validate-1.2.2p1 HTML, XHTML validator
validns-0.8p1 DNS and DNSSEC zone file validator
valyriatear-1.1.0p1 free J-RPG game
vamp-plugin-sdk-2.9.0 audio plugin API
vanessa_adt-0.0.9 provides abstract data types (ADTs)
vanessa_logger-0.0.10p1 provides a generic logging layer
vanessa_socket-0.0.13p0 provides simplified TCP/IP socket operations
varnish-7.6.1 high-performance HTTP accelerator
vault-1.18.5 secure secret storage
vaultwarden-1.33.2 unofficial bitwarden compatible server
vaultwarden-1.33.2-mysql unofficial bitwarden compatible server
vaultwarden-1.33.2-postgresql unofficial bitwarden compatible server
vaultwarden-web-2025.1.1 Web vault builds for vaultwarden
vazirmatn-33.003 simple Persian/Arabic font for web pages and applications
vbam-2.1.9 emulator for Nintendo Game Boy (Color/Advance)
vcdimager-2.0.1 (S)VCD authoring software
vcmi-1.5.7p0 HoMM3 engine rewrite
vdesk-1.2p3 virtual desktop manager
vdirsyncer-0.19.3 synchronize calendars and contacts
vectoroids-1.1.0p1 vector-based, pretty, Asteroids clone
vegastrike-0.5.1.r1p9 3D space simulator
vegastrike-data-0.5.1.r1p2 data files for vegastrike
vegastrike-extra-0.5.1.r1p0 extra data files for vegastrike
vegastrike-music-0.5.1.r1p0 music files for vegastrike
vegastrike-speech-0.5.1.r1p0 speech files for vegastrike
vegeta-12.12.0 HTTP load testing tool and library
veracrypt-1.25.9p1 free open source disk encryption software
verbiste-0.1.49 French and Italian conjugation system
verdict-1.4.2p0 compute quality functions of 2 and 3-dimensional regions
verilator-3.912p3 very fast free Verilog HDL simulator
veusz-3.6.2p3 scientific plotting and graphing package
vf1-0.0.11p5 command line gopher client
vger-2.0.1 gemini server written in C used with inetd
vgmplay-0.40.9p0 command line audio player for VGM files
vgmstream-1866 play back various video game streamed audio formats
vgrind-1.0p2 grind nice listings of programs
vice-3.8 versatile Commodore emulator
victor-mono-1.5.6 slender monospaced font with a large x-height
victorialogs-1.12.0 fast and easy-to-use, open source logs solution
victoriametrics-1.109.1 fast, cost-effective and scalable time series database
vid-1.0.1p7 get images from USB cameras using the OV511(+) chipsets
videod-1.2p1 video capture daemon for bktr(4) driver
viewfax-2.6p1 display files containing g3 and/or g4 coded fax pages
viewnior-1.8 fast and simple image viewer
vifm-0.13 ncurses file manager with Vim-like everything
vigra-1.11.2p1 image processing and analysis library
viking-1.10p2 GPS track manager
vile-9.8y VI Editor Like Emacs
vim-9.1.1119-gtk3 vi clone, many additional features
vim-9.1.1119-gtk3-lua vi clone, many additional features
vim-9.1.1119-gtk3-perl-python3-ruby vi clone, many additional features
vim-9.1.1119-gtk3-python3 vi clone, many additional features
vim-9.1.1119-no_x11 vi clone, many additional features
vim-9.1.1119-no_x11-lua vi clone, many additional features
vim-9.1.1119-no_x11-perl-python3-ruby vi clone, many additional features
vim-9.1.1119-no_x11-python3 vi clone, many additional features
vim-9.1.1119-no_x11-ruby vi clone, many additional features
vim-command-t-1.11.2p9 fast, intuitive file opening in VIM
vim-lang-9.1.1119 vi clone, NLS subpackage
vim-spell-af-9.1 Afrikaans spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-am-9.1 Amharic spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-bg-9.1 Bulgarian spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-ca-9.1 Catalan spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-cs-9.1 Czech spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-cy-9.1 Welsh spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-da-9.1 Danish spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-de-9.1 German spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-el-9.1 Greek spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-eo-9.1 Esperanto spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-es-9.1 Spanish spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-fo-9.1 Faroese spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-fr-9.1 French spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-ga-9.1 Irish spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-gd-9.1 Scottish Gaelic spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-gl-9.1 Galician spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-he-9.1 Hebrew spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-hr-9.1 Croation spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-hu-9.1 Hungarian spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-id-9.1 Indonesian spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-it-9.1 Italian spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-ku-9.1 Kurdish spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-la-9.1 Latin spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-lt-9.1 Lithuanian spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-lv-9.1 Latvian spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-mg-9.1 Malagasy spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-mi-9.1 Maori spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-ms-9.1 Malay spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-nb-9.1 Norwegian (Bokmal) spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-nl-9.1 Dutch spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-nn-9.1 Norwegian (Nynorsk) spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-ny-9.1 Chichewa spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-pl-9.1 Polish spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-pt-9.1 Portuguese spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-ro-9.1 Romanian spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-ru-9.1 Russian spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-rw-9.1 Kinyarwanda spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-sk-9.1 Slovak spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-sl-9.1 Slovenian spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-sv-9.1 Swedish spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-sw-9.1 Kiswahili spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-tet-9.1 Tetum spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-tl-9.1 Tagalog spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-tn-9.1 Setswana spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-uk-9.1 Ukrainian spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-yi-9.1 Yiddish spell-check files for Vim
vim-spell-zu-9.1 Zulu spell-check files for Vim
vim-taglist-4.6p2 source code browser plugin for the Vim text editor
vimb-3.7.0p1 modal webkit-based browser inspired by vim
virt-manager-5.0.0p0 GUI for managing virtual machines through libvirt
virt-viewer-11.0p1 graphics viewer for KVM guest displays
virt-what-1.25 detect if we are running in a virtual machine
virtualjaguar-2.1.3p1 Atari Jaguar emulator
virtualpg-2.0.1p0 loadable dynamic extension to both SQLite and SpatiaLite
vis-0.9 vi-like editor with sam-style structural regex support
visidata-3.1.1p0 console-based multitool to explore and arrange tabular data
visitors-0.7p0 very fast web log analyzer
vislcg3-1.4.6p0 constraint grammar formalism variant
visualvm-2.1.10 visual tool integrating commandline JDK tools and profiling
vit-1.2p1 ncurses front-end for taskwarrior
vitetris-0.59.1 terminal-based tetris clone in vein of nintendo tetris
vitunes-2.3p4 curses media indexer and player for vi users
vkquake-1.31.1 port of Quake 1 using Vulkan instead of OpenGL
vlc-3.0.21p1 VideoLAN client; multimedia player
vlc-jack-3.0.21p0 JACK audio output module for VLC
vlgothic-20230918 Japanese gothic TrueType fonts from Vine Linux
vlorb-1.2p0 audio CD to audio file encoder
vmdktool-1.4 VMDK file converter
vmm-firmware-1.16.3p0 firmware binary images for vmm(4) driver
vms-empire-1.16p0 turn-based empire game
vmware-vncpasswd-0.0 obfuscate passwords for VMware RemoteDisplay.vnc.key
vmwh-1.2v0 vmware userland helper for X
vncsnapshot-1.2ap4 connect to VNC server and save screen images
vnstat-2.11v0 network traffic monitor
vnstati-2.11v0 image output support for vnstat
vnu-24.10.17 HTML5 validator
vo-amrwbenc-0.1.3 VisualOn AMR-WB encoder library
vodovod-1.10p5 combine pipes to lead water from the house to the tank
vol3ol-1.0 O'Reilly Volume 3: Users Guide, Open Look
vol6a-2.0 O'Reilly Volume 6a: Motif Programming Manual
volatility3-2.7.0p0 volatile memory extraction framework
volk-1.4.304.0 meta loader for Vulkan API
vollkorn-4.105 free and healthy typeface for bread and butter use
vorbis-tools-1.4.2p0 play, encode, and manage Ogg Vorbis files
vorbisgain-0.36p3 add tags to Ogg Vorbis files to adjust the volume
vorta-0.8.12p0 GUI for Borg Backup
vpn-ca-5.0.1 simple CA to manage server and client certificates
vpn-daemon-3.2.0p0 OpenVPN and WireGuard Management Daemon
vpn-portal-artwork-eduvpn-3.0.6p0 eduVPN artwork for vpn-user-portal
vpn-portal-artwork-lc-3.0.3p0 Let's Connect! artwork for vpn-user-portal
vpn-server-node-3.0.4p0 VPN management server node
vpn-user-portal-3.9.9 user and admin portal for Let's Connect/eduVPN
vpnc-scripts-20200317p0 connect scripts for use with vpnc and openconnect
vrfy-99.05.22p1 verify email addresses and mailing lists
vsftpd-3.0.5p0 FTP daemon which aims to be secure
vtags-0.10 VHDL tags generator
vtcl-1.6.1a1p2 Visual Tcl development environment
vte3-0.78.4 GTK3 terminal emulation library
vte3-common-0.78.4 shared files for vte3
vte3-gtk4-0.78.4 GTK4 terminal emulation library
vtk-9.4.1p0 visualization toolkit
vttest-20241208 test VT100-type terminal
vulkan-headers-1.4.304.0 Vulkan header files
vulkan-loader-1.4.304.0p0 Vulkan ICD loader
vulkan-tools-1.4.304.0 Vulkan Utilities and Tools
vulkan-utility-libraries-1.4.304.0p0 Vulkan Utility Libraries
vulkan-validation-layers-1.4.304.0 Vulkan Validation Layers
vultr-cli-3.4.0 Vultr Command Line Interface
vvvvvv-2.3.4 gravity-reversing platforming game
vym-2.6.0p3 generate and manipulate maps of your thoughts
w3m-0.5.3pl20250306 pager/text-based web browser
w3m-0.5.3pl20250306-image pager/text-based web browser
w3mir-1.0.10p0 utility to mirror web pages
wApua-0.06p1 browser for wap/wml
wabt-1.0.36 WebAssembly binary toolkit
waffle-1.6.3 OpenGL API/window system abstraction
waimea-0.4.0p10 virtual desktop manager for X11
walk-1.12.0 terminal file manager
walker-3.8 retrieve DNS zone via DNSSEC NXT/NSEC traversal
wampager-0.9.1p1 waimea mini pager
wanderer-3.2p5 Rogue like adventure game
wapiti-3.2.2p1 web-application vulnerability scanner
war1gus-3.3.2 Warcraft Orcs and Humans Mod
wargus-3.3.2 Warcraft 2 Mod
warmux-11.04.1p9 free software clone of Worms(R) game concept
warzone2100-4.3.2p2 3D realtime strategy on a future earth
wasi-compiler-rt-16.0.6p1 LLVM runtime library for WebAssembly System Interface
wasi-libc-0.20231121p0 C standard library for WebAssembly System Interface
wasi-libcxx-16.0.6p1 C++ standard library for WebAssembly System Interface
wasi-libcxxabi-16.0.6p1 C++ standard library ABI for WebAssembly System Interface
wavpack-5.6.0p0 audio codec for lossless, lossy and hybrid compression
wayfire-0.9.0pl18 modular and extensible wayland compositor
wayland-1.23.1 Display server protocol
wayland-protocols-1.40 Wayland protocols
wayland-utils-1.0.0 Wayland utils
wbar-2.3.4p9 Mac OS-X style lightweight application launcher
wbox-5p0 HTTP testing tool
wcalc-2.5p4 natural-expression command-line calculator
wcm-0.9.0 wayfire graphical configuration manager
wcslib-8.4 implementation of the FITS WCS standard
wdg-sgml-lib-1.1.4p1 collection of HTML, XHTML, ISO-HTML, WML and MathML DTDs
wdiff-1.2.2p3 word differences between text files
weasyprint-64.1 create PDFs from markdown or HTML
web-eid-chrome-2.6.0p0 Chromium extension
web-eid-firefox-2.6.0p0 Firefox extension
web-eid-native-2.6.0 native messaging host for Web eID browser extension
web2ldap-1.8.1p2 full-featured LDAP client running as web application
webalizer- web server log file analysis program
webkitgtk40-2.46.6 GTK+ port of the WebKit (4.0) rendering engine
webkitgtk41-2.46.6 GTK+ port of the WebKit (4.1) rendering engine
webkitgtk60-2.46.6 GTK+ port of the WebKit (6.0) rendering engine
webp-pixbuf-loader-0.2.7 WebP GDK Pixbuf Loader library
websocketd-0.3.1p0 access any command-line tool via a WebSocket
websockify-0.13.0 WebSocket to TCP proxy
weechat-4.5.2 fast, light and extensible chat client
weechat-lua-4.5.2 Lua bindings for weechat
weechat-python-4.5.2 Python bindings for weechat
weechat-ruby-4.5.2 Ruby bindings for weechat
weechat-tcl-4.5.2 Tcl bindings for weechat
weex-2.8.3p0 noninteractive FTP/FTPS client for updating web pages
weland-211p2 marathon / alephone map editor
wesng- Windows Exploit Suggester - Next Generation
wesnoth-1.18.4 fantasy turn-based strategy game
wev-1.0.0 utility to show Wayland events
wf-config-0.9.0 configuration files library for wayfire
wf-recorder-0.5.0p1 Utility program for screen recording of wayland compositors
wf-shell-0.9.0 GTK3-based panel for wayfire
wfuzz-3.1.0p4 web fuzzer
wget-1.25.0 retrieve files from the web via HTTP, HTTPS and FTP
wget2-2.2.0 successor of GNU Wget, a file and website downloader
when-1.1.36 simple but effective personal calendar
whowatch-1.4p4 interactive utility that displays info about online users
wide-dhcpv6-20080615p10 client and servers for the WIDE DHCPv6 protocol
widelands-1.2.1p0 economic and military simulation game
wifind-0.7p0 wifi automagic connector
wily_9libs-0.13.41p0v1 clone of the Plan9 editor 'acme'
wind-1.5p2 small standards-compliant window manager
windowlab-1.40p0 small and simple window manager of novel design
windowmaker-0.96.0p0 window manager that emulates NEXTSTEP(tm)
windowmaker-extra-0.1p3 themes and icons for Window Maker
windowmaker-lang-0.96.0 language subpackage for Window Maker
wireguard-tools-1.0.20210914p3v0 tools for use with WireGuard VPN
wireplumber-0.5.8 modular session / policy manager for PipeWire
wireshark-4.4.5 graphical network protocol analyzer, Qt user-interface
witchblast-0.7.5p2 roguelite dungeon crawler game
wizznic-0.9.9p0 brick-matching puzzle game
wkhtmltopdf- convert HTML to PDF using Webkit
wlopm-0.1.0 Simple client for display power management under Wayland
wlr-randr-0.3.1 manage outputs in a Wayland compositor
wlroots-0.18.2v0 modular Wayland compositor library
wm2-4p3 stylish window manager
wmapm-3.1p4 wm-dockapp; APM/battery monitor
wmbutton-0.6.1p1 wm-dockapp; application launching program
wmcalc-0.3p2 wm-dockapp; simple four-function calculator
wmcalclock-1.25p2 wm-dockapp; calendar/clock
wmclock-1.0.14 Window Maker clock
wmclockmon-0.8.1p1 WindowMaker clock
wmctrl-1.07p9 interact with an EWMH/NetWM window manager
wmcube-1.0.2 wm-dockapp; shows rotating 3d-object and CPU load
wmdate-0.7p4 wm-dockapp; shows the current date
wmdocker-1.5 a system tray for KDE, GNOME2 and WindowMaker
wmenu-0.1.9 dynamic menu for sway and wlroots based Wayland compositors
wmfishtime-1.24p4 wm-dockapp; clock application with clock, date and fish
wmglobe-1.3p7 wm-dockapp; displays the earth on an icon
wmi-10p11 window manager improved - key driven window manager
wmicons-1.0p1 icons mainly for use in Window Maker
wmii-3.6p7 dynamic window manager
wminfo-1.51p3 wm-dockapp; displays scrolling text
wmitime-0.5 wm-dockapp; shows the date, time, and Internet time
wmmand-1.3.2 wm-dockapp; mandelbrot explorer
wmmenu-1.3 wm-dockapp; A popup menu of icons that launch programs
wmmenu-1.3-gdk_pixbuf wm-dockapp; A popup menu of icons that launch programs
wmmon-1.0b2p6 WindowMaker dock app similar to xload
wmmoonclock-1.30 wm-dockapp; shows the moon phase
wmmp3-0.12p5 wm-dockapp; front end for an mp3 player
wmname-0.1p0 sets the window manager name property of the root window
wmnetload-1.3p6 wm-dockapp; simple network interface monitoring tool
wmspaceweather-1.04p7 wm-dockapp; space weather monitor
wmsun-1.03p6 wm-dockapp; shows sunrise/sunset times
wmtictactoe-1.1.1p3 wm-dockapp; TicTacToe game
wmtime-1.4 time/date applet for WindowMaker
wmtune-1.1cp8 premier dockable radio tuner
wmtz-0.7.20150816 wm-dockapp; displays the time in different time zones
wmutils-core-1.4 window manipulation tools
wmutils-opt-1.0 window manipulation tools
wmweather-2.4.8 wm-dockapp; weather monitor
wmwlmon-1.0p5 wm-dockapp; wireless interface monitor
wmx-8p4 minimal window manager
wndw-3.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, English edition
wndw-ar-2.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, Arabic edition
wndw-es-3.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, Spanish edition
wndw-fr-2.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, French edition
wndw-id-2.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, Indonesian ed.
wndw-my-3.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, Burmese ed.
wndw-pt-1.0p1 Wireless Networking in the Developing World, Portuguese ed.
woboq_codebrowser-2.1pl20241209 generator for the woboq code browser
woff2-1.0.2p0 Web Open Font Format 2.0 library
wol-0.7.1p6 Wake On Lan client
woob-3.7p0 web outside of browsers
wordgrinder-0.8 simple, Unicode-aware word processor on the console
wordnet-3.1p3 browser for a large lexical database of English
wordsearch-2.1p4 classic word search game that you can play in your terminal
wordview-0.95 viewer for MS Word files
wordwarvi-1.00p6 editor war arcade game
work-sans-2.010 typeface based loosely on early Grotesques
worker-5.0.2p0 Midnight Commander-like file manager for X
workrave-1.10.52p1 RSI prevention tool
wormhole-william-1.0.7 magic wormhole implementation in Go
wp-cli-2.11.0 command line tool for wordpress
wpa_supplicant-2.9p6 IEEE 802.1X supplicant
wpa_supplicant-2.9p6-openssl IEEE 802.1X supplicant
wpebackend-fdo-1.14.3p0 WPE Backend for Wayland
wpi-firmware-3.2p1 firmware binary images for wpi(4) driver
wpscan-3.8.27 WordPress security scanner
wrath-1.0 client of wrath-darkplaces engine
wrk-4.2.0p1 modern HTTP benchmarking tool
wslay-1.1.1 websocket library
wsmancli-2.8.0 command line client to run WS-Management requests
wstunnel-10.1.9 tunnel all your traffic over Websocket or HTTP2
wtf-20230906 translate common internet acronyms
wv-1.2.9p3 convert various Microsoft formats into HTML/PNG
wv2-0.4.2p5 library functions to access Microsoft Word/Excel files
wwwcount-2.5p0 access counter, clock and date for WWW pages
wwwoffle-2.9jp0 WWW OFFLine Explorer
wxMaxima-24.02.1p0 wxWidgets GUI for the computer algebra system maxima
wxWidgets-gtk3-3.2.6p2 C++ cross-platform GUI toolkit
wxWidgets-media-3.2.6p1 wxMediaCtrl class for wxWidgets
wxWidgets-webview-3.2.6p1 wxWebView class for wxWidgets
wxchordpro-0.974.1p1 graphical front-end to chordpro
wxsvg-1.5.25v0 C++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files
wy60-2.0.9p1 curses-based emulator for the Wyse 60 terminal
wycheproof-testvectors-20240326 test vectors from Project Wycheproof
x11vnc-0.9.16p2 VNC server for real X displays
x264-20241229 free H.264/MPEG-4 AVC encoder
x265-4.1p0 free H.265/HEVC encoder
x2goclient- Qt client for the X2Go system
x2vnc-1.6.1p3 one keyboard and/or mouse, multiple X and VNC displays
x2x-1.27p6 one keyboard/mouse to multiple X displays
x3270-3.3.6p5 IBM 3270 terminal emulator for the X Window System
x48-0.6.4p1 HP48sx emulator
xa-2.4.1 portable cross-assembler for MOS 6502 processors
xalan-c-1.12p2 XML/XSLT library
xanim-2.80.1p9 X11 player for the old ANIM format
xantfarm-1.16p3 ant hill simulation on X11 root window
xaos-4.3.3 interactive fractal zoomer and morpher
xapian-bindings-perl-1.4.27 perl bindings for Xapian
xapian-bindings-python-1.4.27p0 python bindings for Xapian
xapian-core-1.4.27 search engine library
xapian-omega-1.4.27 web search application
xarchive- GTK+2 front-end for command line archiving tools
xarchiver- simple archive manager
xasteroids-5.0p4 X11-based asteroids-style arcade
xastir-2.1.6p0 X amateur station tracking and info reporting
xautolock-2.2 fire up programs in case of user inactivity under X
xbae-4.60.4p18 Motif-based table widget
xbanish-1.8p0 utility to automatically hide X11 cursor when typing
xbatt-1.2.1p5 laptop battery status display for X11
xbattbar-1.4.2p2 show battery status as a simple bar in X11
xbattle-5.4.1p5 concurrent multi-player battle strategy game
xbattmon-1.1 simple battery monitor for X
xbill-2.1p2 save your computers from the evil clutches of Bill
xbindkeys-1.8.7 bind keys or mouse buttons to shell commands under X11
xbl-1.1.5p1 3D block-dropping game
xblast-2.10.4p5 graphical multi-player real-time strategy game for X11
xbmbrowser-5.1p4 view complete directories of X bitmaps and X pixmaps
xboard-4.9.1p7 X11 frontend for GNU Chess and the Internet Chess Server
xbomber-0.8p2 colorful game where you blow other people/robots up
xbreaky-0.0.5p7 breakout game for the X Window System
xbubble-0.5.8p3 x bust a move clone
xca-2.7.0p0 create and manage certificates, CSRs, keys, etc
xcalib-0.10 tiny monitor calibration loader for XFree86 or
xcape-1.2p0 configure a modifier key when pressed and released by itself
xcb-2.4p2 tool for managing X11 cut-buffers
xcb-imdkit-1.0.9p0 implementation of xim protocol in xcb
xcb-util-errors-1.0.1p2 XCB utility library naming error, event & request codes
xcd-1.7p7 Tcl/Tk CD player
xcdplayer-2.2p6 CD player for X11
xcdroast-0.98a16p8 gtk-based frontend to cdrtools
xchm-1.37 display chm files
xcircuit-3.7.57 circuit drawing and schematic capture
xclickroot-1.4.0 click on root window and run a command
xclip-0.13p1 command line interface to X selections
xcolor-0.5.1p4 lightweight color picker
xcoloredit-1.2p2 find color values by graphical color mixing
xcolors-1.3p3 display all (ok, most of) the colors in the universe
xcopilot-0.6.6p3 emulator for US Robotics Pilot PDA
xcowsay-1.6 displays a cute cow and message on your desktop
xcubes-5.5.2p3 cube puzzle for X11
xcursor-dmz-0.4p1 style neutral scalable cursor themes
xcursor-neutral-1.13p0 smooth xcursor theme with shadows
xcursor-themes-1.0.7 X11 Cursors themes
xcursorgen-1.0.8v0 X11 Cursors themes generator
xd-8087p1 yet another dump utility
xdaliclock-2.48 rather neat animated clock
xdelta-3.0.11p0 tool for RFC3284 delta compression
xdesktopwaves-1.4p0 simulation of water waves on the X Window desktop
xdg-dbus-proxy-0.1.6 filtering proxy for D-Bus connections
xdg-desktop-portal-1.18.4p0 portal frontend service for desktop containment frameworks
xdg-desktop-portal-gnome-47.3 GNOME backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal
xdg-desktop-portal-gtk-1.15.2 GTK backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal
xdg-desktop-portal-kde-6.3.2 xdg-desktop-portal Qt/KF6 backend
xdg-desktop-portal-xapp-1.1.0 MATE/Xfce4 backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal
xdg-user-dirs-0.18 utilities to manage well known user directories
xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.14 integration of xdg-user-dirs into GNOME/gtk+
xdg-utils-1.2.1 utilities to assist desktop integration tasks
xdimmer-1.7 utility to dim the screen and keyboard backlight when idle
xdino-5.5.2p2 dino puzzle game for X11
xdms-1.3.2 Amiga DMS unpacker
xdot-1.2p4 interactive viewer for Graphviz dot graphs
xdotool-3.20211022.1v0 fake keyboard and mouse input
xdrawchem-1.11.1 two-dimensional molecule drawing program
xdtm-2.5.8p2 Desktop Manager: a graphical shell for X11
xdu-3.0p4 graphic disk usage viewer
xdx-2.4p12 X DX cluster watcher
xe-1.0 execute a command for every argument
xearth-1.1p5 set the root window to the image of earth
xemacs-21.4.22p38 heavily customizable and extensible editor
xemacs-21.4.22p38-mule heavily customizable and extensible editor
xemacs-sumo-21.20100727p1 complete set of supported XEmacs packages
xemacs-sumo-21.20100727p1-mule complete set of supported XEmacs packages
xengine-1.0.1p5 reciprocating engine for X11
xephem-3.2.3p9 interactive astronomical ephemeris
xerces-c-3.3.0 validating XML parser written in a portable subset of C++
xfce-4.20.0 Xfce desktop meta-package (base installation)
xfce-extras-4.20.0 Xfce desktop meta-package (full installation)
xfce4-appfinder-4.20.0p0 Xfce4 application finder
xfce4-battery-1.1.6 Xfce4 battery monitor panel plugin
xfce4-clipman-1.6.7 Xfce4 clipboard history panel plugin
xfce4-cpugraph-1.2.11 Xfce4 cpu usage graph panel plugin
xfce4-dev-tools-4.20.0 Xfce4 developer tools and macros
xfce4-dict-0.8.8p1 Xfce4 dictionary application
xfce4-diskperf-2.7.1 Xfce4 disk performance panel plugin
xfce4-docklike-0.4.3 modern and minimalist taskbar for Xfce
xfce4-fsguard-1.1.4 Xfce4 disk usage monitor panel plugin
xfce4-genmon-4.2.1 Xfce4 generic scriptable monitor panel plugin
xfce4-icon-theme-4.4.3p16 Xfce4 icon theme
xfce4-mailwatch-1.3.2 Xfce4 mailboxes monitor panel plugin
xfce4-mixer-4.18.2 Xfce4 volume mixer
xfce4-mount-1.1.7 Xfce4 mount device panel plugin
xfce4-mpc-0.5.5 Xfce4 mpd client panel plugin
xfce4-netload-1.4.2 Xfce4 network load monitor panel plugin
xfce4-notes-1.11.2 Xfce4 sticky notes panel plugin
xfce4-notifyd-0.9.7p0 Xfce4 notification daemon
xfce4-panel-4.20.3 Xfce4 desktop panel
xfce4-places-1.8.4 Xfce4 places panel plugin
xfce4-power-manager-4.20.0p0 Xfce4 power manager
xfce4-pulseaudio-0.4.9p0 Xfce4 pulseaudio control line panel plugin
xfce4-screensaver-4.18.4p0 Xfce4 screensaver
xfce4-screenshooter-1.11.1p1 Xfce4 desktop screenshot panel plugin
xfce4-session-4.20.0p0 Xfce4 session manager
xfce4-settings-4.20.1 Xfce4 settings helpers
xfce4-smartbookmark-0.5.3 Xfce4 web search panel plugin
xfce4-systemload-1.3.3 Xfce4 cpu/memory/swap/uptime monitor panel plugin
xfce4-taskmanager-1.5.8 Xfce4 task manager and system monitor
xfce4-terminal-1.1.4 Xfce4 terminal
xfce4-time-out-1.1.4 Xfce4 periodical screen locker panel plugin
xfce4-timer-1.7.3 Xfce4 timer/timeout plugin
xfce4-verve-2.0.4 Xfce4 command line panel plugin
xfce4-wavelan-0.6.4 Xfce4 wireless interface monitor panel plugin
xfce4-weather-0.11.3p1 Xfce4 temperature/weather conditions panel plugin
xfce4-whiskermenu-2.9.2 Xfce4 alternative applications menu panel plugin
xfce4-xkb-0.8.5 Xfce4 xkb layout switcher panel plugin
xfconf-4.20.0 Xfce4 settings daemon
xfdashboard-1.0.0p4 Xfce4 gnome-shell like dashboard
xfdesktop-4.20.1 Xfce4 desktop manager
xfe-1.46.2p1 MS-Explorer like file manager for X
xfig-3.2.9 CAD drawing program for X11
xfiles-1.1.1 simple X11 file manager
xfmpc-0.3.2 Xfce4 Music Player Daemon client
xforms-1.2.4p2 GUI toolkit for X11
xfwm4-4.20.0p0 Xfce4 window manager
xfwm4-themes-4.10.0p0 Xfwm4 window decoration themes
xgalaga-sdl- clone of Galaga, 2D space shooter
xgas-1.0p4 animated simulation of an ideal gas
xglobe-0.6.3 display the Earth on X11
xglobe-0.6.3-no_map display the Earth on X11
xgolgo-1.0p2 watch what you are doing -- are you hostile
xhomer-9.16.06p2 DEC Professional 350 emulator based on SIMH
xine-lib-1.2.13 multimedia decoding library
xine-ui-0.99.14p0 multimedia player
xinvaders-2.1.1p3 shoot them nasty little bugs
xinvest-2.6.9p9 personal finance tracking and performance tool
xjewel-1.6p7 dropping jewels game for X11
xjig-2.4p7 jigsaw puzzle game for X11
xjobs-20100915p0 execute jobs in parallel
xkbset-0.6 X11 keyboard accessibility tool
xkbset-gui-0.6 GUI for xkbset
xkcd-viewer-0.1p3 XKCD comic viewer
xkeycaps-2.46p3 keymap editor for the X window system
xkobo-1.11p9 multi-way scrolling shoot'em up for X11, addictive
xkobo-1.11p9-harder multi-way scrolling shoot'em up for X11, addictive
xl2tpd-1.3.15p0 l2tp client/server
xlbiff-3.0p4 display from/subject from incoming mails using X11
xlennart-1.1.1p3 an XBill Modification
xless-1.7p4 X11 viewer for text files
xlhtml- convert Excel and PowerPoint to HTML
xli-1.17.0 very lightweight image viewer for X11
xlife-6.7.6 John Horton Conway's Game of Life
xloadimage-4.1.25v0 graphics file viewer for X11
xlog-2.0.15p3 logbook program for amateur radio operators
xlsx2csv-20200427211949p0 convert XLSX files to CSV
xmahjongg-3.7p7 colorful solitaire Mah Jongg game for X11
xmake-1.06 powerful make utility
xmcd-2.6p15 Motif CD player
xmem-1.28 display memory/swap usage for X11
xmenu-4.6.1 contextual menu for X11
xmine-1.0.3p5 Athena port of xminesweeper
xminehunter-0.4p7 Motif minesweeper game
xminesweep-3.0p6 Windows minesweeper
xmj-1.16 Mahjongg game for X11
xml2rfc-3.26.0 convert memos written in XML to the RFC format
xmlcatmgr-2.2p3 small utility used to manipulate SGML and XML catalogs
xmlrpc-epi-0.54.1p1 XML-RPC C/C++ client-server implementation
xmlsec-1.3.6 XML security library
xmlsec-docs-1.3.6 XML security library documentation
xmlstarlet-1.6.1p2 command line XML toolkit
xmlto-0.0.29 front-end for converting XML files to various formats
xmltoman-0.4p0 xml to manpage converter
xmlwf-2.6.4 verifies XML documents
xmms2-0.8p19 audio player daemon with library management
xmms2-scrobbler-0.4.0p1 client for xmms2
xmobar-0.47.1 minimalistic text based status bar
xmonad-0.18.0 tiling window manager
xmoto-0.6.2 challenging 2D motocross platform game
xmp-4.2.0p0 extended module player
xmris-4.04p4 Mr Do video arcade game for X11
xnecview-1.37p0 NEC2 antenna simulator visualizer
xneko-4.4p3 classic BSD4.4 cat-and-mouse
xnotify-0.9.3 display notifications read from standard input
xnp2-0.86p5v0 PC-9801 emulator
xnp21kai-0.0.20231030 PC-9801 emulator
xonix-1.4p10 win land without colliding with 'flyers' and 'eaters'
xonotic-0.8.6 fast-paced first person shooter
xonotic-data-0.8.6 fast-paced first person shooter, data files
xonotic-server-0.8.6 fast-paced first person shooter, server
xoris-0.1ep0 X11 pixel color grabber
xorriso-1.5.4 ISO 9660 Rock Ridge Filesystem Manipulator
xorriso-tcltk-1.5.4 frontend for xorriso
xosd-2.2.14p2 displays text on your screen
xournal- application for notetaking & annotating PDF files
xournalpp-1.2.3p0 handwriting notetaking with PDF annotation support
xpad-5.8.0 virtual sticky pad system
xpaint- simple paint program
xpat2-1.07p3 X11 solitaire with 14 variations
xpdf-4.05v0 PDF viewer for X11
xpdf3-3.04 PDF viewer for X11
xphoon-20000613p2 set the root window to the moon in its current phase
xpilot-4.5.5p1 multiplayer 2d space battles game
xplanet-1.3.1p0 draw pictures of the earth textured by an image
xplot- fast tool to graph and visualize lots of data
xpm-pixbuf-1.0p0 XPM icon loader
xpostit-3.3.1p3 PostIt (R) messages onto your X11 screen
xprintproto-1.0.5p1 X11 printing headers
xprompt-1.4p2 display a dialog box and prompt user for text
xps-4.2p10 graphically display and dynamically update the process tree
xquote-2.6.10p10 WWW quote retrieval tool
xrestop-0.6 top-like X server resources usage display tool
xroach-4.4p3 cockroaches hide under your windows
xroar-1.2 Dragon and CoCo emulator
xrootconsole-0.6p3 writes any log live onto the background
xruskb-1.15.4p4 english-russian keyboard switcher for X11
xruskb-1.15.4p4-motif english-russian keyboard switcher for X11
xsane-0.999p7 scanner frontend for SANE
xsane-0.999p7-gimp scanner frontend for SANE
xscavenger-1.4.4p3 Lode Runner clone
xschem-3.1.0 hierarchical schematic capture program
xscope-1.4.5 X Window Protocol Viewer
xscrabble-2.12p3-en X11 version of the popular board game
xscreenruler-20191025 simple screen ruler for x11
xscreensaver-6.09p0 screen saver and locker for the X Window System
xscribble-20000616p4 stylus character recognition tool for X11
xsd-4.1.0.a11p0 W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler
xsel-1.2.1 command-line program for managing X selection contents
xsettingsd-1.0.2p0 lightweight XSETTINGS daemon
xskat-4.0p3 skat card game
xsoldier-1.8 space-based shoot'em up game for X11
xss-lock-0.3.0 use external locker as X screen saver
xstatbar-0.5p15 simple system monitor bar
xtacy-1.14p4 X11 trippy color-cycling toy
xtar-1.4p6 view and manipulate contents of a tar file
xteddy-2.2p1 cuddlesome teddy for the X11 desktop
xtensa-elf-binutils-2.27p2 binutils for xtensa-elf cross-development
xtensa-elf-gcc-6.3.0p3 gcc for xtensa-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32-elf-binutils- binutils for xtensa-esp32-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc- gcc for xtensa-esp32-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc-bootstrap- bootstrap compiler for xtensa-esp32-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb- gdb for xtensa-esp32-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32-elf-newlib-2021.2p1 newlib for xtensa-esp32-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32s2-elf-binutils- binutils for xtensa-esp32s2-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32s2-elf-gcc- gcc for xtensa-esp32s2-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32s2-elf-gcc-bootstrap- bootstrap compiler for xtensa-esp32s2-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32s2-elf-gdb- gdb for xtensa-esp32s2-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32s2-elf-newlib-2021.2p1 newlib for xtensa-esp32s2-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32s3-elf-binutils- binutils for xtensa-esp32s3-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32s3-elf-gcc- gcc for xtensa-esp32s3-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32s3-elf-gcc-bootstrap- bootstrap compiler for xtensa-esp32s3-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32s3-elf-gdb- gdb for xtensa-esp32s3-elf cross-development
xtensa-esp32s3-elf-newlib-2021.2p1 newlib for xtensa-esp32s3-elf cross-development
xtensa-lx106-elf-binutils-2.32p1 binutils for xtensa-lx106-elf cross-development
xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc-10.2.0p8 gcc for xtensa-lx106-elf cross-development
xtensa-lx106-elf-gcc-bootstrap-10.2.0p1 bootstrap compiler for xtensa-lx106-elf cross-development
xtensa-lx106-elf-newlib-4.0.0p1 newlib for xtensa-lx106-elf cross-development
xtensa-lx106-hal-1.0p2 hardware abstraction library for xtensa lx106
xtermset-0.5.2p3 dynamically change some settings of an xterm
xtestpicture-1.2p1 full-screen image to adjust your monitor
xtimer-0.8089p4 super simple digital timer for X11
xtoolwait-1.3p1 tool startup utility for X11
xtrkcad-5.2.2p3 CAD program for designing model railroad layouts
xtu-1.3p4 configurable analog clock for X11
xuvmstat-20050909p3 graphical display for the current uvm status
xv-5.2.0 X11 image display and modification tool
xvidcore-1.3.7 ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec
xvkbd-4.1 virtual keyboard for X Window System
xwallpaper-0.7.6 wallpaper setting utility for X
xwayland-24.1.6 X server running as wayland application
xwelltris-1.0.1p6 2.5 dimensional tetris-like game
xwelltris-1.0.1p6-no_sdl 2.5 dimensional tetris-like game
xwit-3.4p2 X11 window interface tool
xworld-2.0p4 earth as seen from the direction of the sun
xwpe-1.5.30ap3 powerful programming editor
xwrits-2.26p0 typing break alarm and timer
xxdiff-20220318p5 graphical file comparator and merge tool
xxhash-0.8.3p0 extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
xye-0.12.2p5 puzzle game collecting diamonds and avoiding obstacles
xz-5.6.4 library and tools for XZ and LZMA compressed files
xzgv-0.9p9 picture viewer for X, with thumbnail-based file selector
xzoom-0.4 magnify, rotate, mirror the image on the X11 screen
yabitrot-0.4p4 fast bitrot detection utility
yacreader-9.12.0 read and manage your digital comic collection
yad-0.40.0p4 display graphical dialogs from shell scripts or command line
yafc-1.1p7 powerful console ftp client with many features
yakuake-24.12.2v0 drop-down terminal emulator based on KDE Konsole
yaml-cpp-0.8.0 YAML parser and emitter in C++
yank-1.3.0 yank terminal output to clipboard
yara-4.2.2p0 pattern matching swiss knife
yarn-1.22.22p0 fast, reliable, and secure dependency management for node.js
yaru-24.10.4 Ubuntu GNOME theme
yash-2.58.1 POSIX-compliant command line shell
yasm-1.3.0p1 complete rewrite of the NASM assembler
yaz-5.31.1p1 Z39.50/SR client and API library
yder-1.4.20 logging library for C applications
ydiff-1.4.2p0 inline and side-by-side colored and incremental diff
yeahconsole-0.3.4p0 terminal wrapper for creating drop-down consoles
yeahlaunch-0.2p1 animated autohiding applications launcher
yelp-42.2p5 GNOME help browser
yelp-tools-42.1p4 utilities to manage documentation for Yelp and the web
yelp-xsl-42.1p1 XSLT stylesheets for yelp
yencode-0.46p3 encoder/decoder tool for the Usenet yEnc encoding format
yersinia-0.8.2p0 framework for analysis of layer 2 network protocols
yggdrasil-go-0.5.12 experimental fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network
ykclient-2.15p4 C library to validate an Yubikey OTP against API servers
ykpers-1.20.0p2 library and tools to program YubiKeys
yle-dl-20240927p0 download videos from YLE Areena
ympd-1.3.0p5 Music Player Daemon web client
ymuse-0.22 GTK front-end for MPD
yokadi-1.3.0p2 command-line oriented todo list system
yorick-2.1.06p5 interpreted language for scientific computing
yosys-0.9pl4081p4 framework for Verilog RTL synthesis
yould-0.3.7p6 generator for pronounceable random words
youtube-dl-2021.12.17p4 CLI program to download videos from YouTube and other sites
yq-3.4.3p0 jq wrapper for YAML/XML documents
yquake2-8.41 Yamagi Quake II
ysmv7- ICQ console client with encryption support
yt-audio-0.1p7 youtube-dl wrapper to manage youtube audio
yt-dlp-2025.02.19 CLI program to download videos from YouTube and other sites
ytalk-3.1.1p4 enhanced talk that allows for multiple parties
ytalk-3.1.1p4-no_x11 enhanced talk that allows for multiple parties
ytree-2.10 DOS-XTREE(tm) look-a-like file manager
yubico-piv-tool-2.7.1 Yubico Personal Identity Verification (PIV) Tool
yubikey-manager-5.5.1p0 library and CLI tool (ykman) for configuring a YubiKey
yubikey-personalization-gui-3.1.25p3 Qt GUI to configure YubiKeys
yubikeyedup-0.20201226p7 standalone Yubikey validation server
z-push-2.6.2p5 ActiveSync protocol implementation
z3-4.14.0 Z3 theorem prover
z80ex-1.1.21 ZiLOG Z80 CPU emulation library
zabbix-agent-7.0.10 network and application monitoring - agent
zabbix-proxy-7.0.10-mysql network and application monitoring - proxy
zabbix-proxy-7.0.10-pgsql network and application monitoring - proxy
zabbix-proxy-7.0.10-sqlite3 network and application monitoring - proxy
zabbix-server-7.0.10-mysql network and application monitoring - server
zabbix-server-7.0.10-pgsql network and application monitoring - server
zabbix-web-7.0.10 network and application monitoring - web frontend
zangband-2.6.2p7 Zangband (Zelazny Angband) with color, X11 support
zangband-2.6.2p7-no_x11 Zangband (Zelazny Angband) with color, X11 support
zap-1.3p0 interactive process killer
zaproxy-2.11.1 web application security tool
zathura-0.5.11 document viewer for PDF and other formats with a vi-like UI
zathura-cb-0.1.11 comic book plugin for zathura
zathura-djvu-0.2.10 djvu plugin for zathura
zathura-pdf-mupdf-0.4.4 mupdf pdf plugin for zathura
zathura-pdf-poppler-0.3.3 poppler pdf plugin for zathura
zathura-ps-0.2.8 spectre postscript plugin for zathura
zaz-1.0.0p8 Zuma-like arcade game
zbar-0.23.93p1 ZBar barcode reader
zeal-0.7.0 simple offline API documentation browser
zeek-6.0.5p0 network analysis and security monitoring framework
zelda3-0.3p1 reimplementation of Zelda - A Link to the Past
zelda3-data-0.3p0 game data files for zelda3
zelda3-rom-0.0 zelda3 ROM image
zelda3-sprites-0.1pre20221101 additional sprites for zelda3
zelda_roth_se-1.1.0p1 fan made Zelda game for Solarus engine
zenity-4.0.5 dialogs for GNOME
zeromq-4.3.5 open source message queue optimised for performance
zh-Wnn-4.2p11 Chinese input method
zh-Wnndict-4.2p1 dictionaries for Chinese Wnn
zh-c2t-1.0p3 translate GB/Big5 encoding to tone pinyin
zh-cless-290p2 pager utility that speaks Chinese
zh-fonts-arphicttf-2.11p4 chinese big5/gb truetype fonts
zh-fonts-kc-1.05p2 extra chinese fonts
zh-fonts-taipei-1.01p2 extra chinese fonts
zh-hc-3.0p1 convert between GB and BIG-5 codes
zh-iansui-1.000 Chinese truetype font derived from Klee One
zh-libchewing-0.7.0 intelligent phonetic input method library
zh-libpinyin-2.3.0p0 library to deal with pinyin
zh-libtabe-0.2.6p8 library for Chinese language processing
zh-lunar-2.1p1 convert solar calendar to lunar calendar
zh-ttfm-0.9.5p4 big5/gb enhanced truetype font manager
zh-wqy-bitmapfont- Wen Quan Yi bitmap song CJK fonts
zh-wqy-zenhei-ttf-0.9.45 Wen Quan Yi Zen Hei outline font
zig-0.14.0 zig compiler and toolchain
zigbee2mqtt-2.1.1 Zigbee to MQTT bridge
zile-2.6.2 lightweight Emacs clone
zim-0.76.1 desktop wiki
zimg-3.0.5 scaling, colorspace conversion, and dithering library
zint-2.15.0 library for encoding data in several barcode variants
zint-gui-2.15.0 graphical interface for the zint barcode generator
zip-3.0p3 create/update ZIP files compatible with PKZip(tm)
zipios++-2.2.6 C++ library for reading and writing Zip files using streams
zipper-1.5p13 tool for inspecting compressed archvies
ziproxy-3.3.2p1 compressing non-caching HTTP proxy
zkt-1.1.6 DNSsec Zone Key Tool
zmac-20221018 Z-80 macro cross assembler and ld80 CP/M linker
zmtx-zmrx-1.02p2 receive/send files via ZMODEM protocol (unrestricted)
zmusic-1.1.14 gzdoom music library as standalone form for reuse
znc-1.9.1 advanced IRC bouncer
znc-sasl-1.9.1 SASL module for ZNC
zoem-11_166 interpretive macro/programming language
zoidberg-0.981p0 modular perl shell
zola-0.18.0 static site generator
zonemaster-7.1.0 tool to check the quality of a DNS zone
zoo-2.10.1p2 handle the old .ZOO archive format
zoom-1.1.5p0 Z-code interpreter for X11
zopfli-1.0.3 deflate-compatible compression format
zpaqfranz-60.6 journaling archiver for incremental backup, fork of ZPAQ
zsdx-1.11.0p1 fan made Zelda game for Solarus engine
zsh-5.9p1 Z shell, Bourne shell-compatible
zsh-syntax-highlighting-0.8.0 fish like syntax highlighting for zsh
zstd-1.5.7 zstandard fast real-time compression algorithm
zsxd-1.11.0p1 fan made parody Zelda game for Solarus engine
zsync-0.6.2p2 gzip-aware file mirroring over http
ztrack-1.0p0 ncurses based pseudo-3D driving game
zug-0.1.1p4 C++ library providing transducers.
zutty-0.16p0 X terminal which uses OpenGL ES Compute Shaders
zxing-20190320p3 barcode image processing library
zxing-cpp-2.2.1 C++ barcode image processing library
zyn-fusion-3.0.5pre20210207p0 powerful synthesizer engine with an interactive UI
zynaddsubfx-3.0.6p1 synth capable of making a countless number of instruments
zziplib-0.13.72p1 lightweight library for extracting data from zip files
zzuf-0.15 transparent application input fuzzer