
The net/soju port

soju-0.8.2p0 – user-friendly IRC bouncer (cvsweb github mirror)


soju is a user-friendly IRC bouncer. soju connects to upstream IRC
servers on behalf of the user to provide extra functionality. soju
supports many features such as multiple users, numerous IRCv3
extensions, chat history playback and detached channels. It is
well-suited for both small and large deployments.
WWW: https://soju.im/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Creating a database

soju requires a database to be created before starting the daemon.
This can be done as follows:

$ doas -u _soju sojudb -config ${SYSCONFDIR}/soju/config create-user  -admin

This will create the database under ${LOCALSTATEDIR}/soju/main.db or as specified
in ${SYSCONFDIR}/soju/config.

Using TLS

By default, soju listens with TLS over TCP on port 6679. However
for this to work, it is necessary to first configure certificates
under ${SYSCONFDIR}/soju/config e.g.:

listen ircs://
tls ${SYSCONFDIR}/ssl/example.com.fullchain.pem ${SYSCONFDIR}/ssl/private/example.com.key

Note that certificate and key should be readable by the _soju user.


Johannes Thyssen Tishman

Only for arches

aarch64 amd64 arm i386 riscv64


lang/go net

Library dependencies

Build dependencies

