The sysutils/monit port
monit-5.34.3 – monitoring and managing daemons utility (cvsweb github mirror)
monit is a utility for monitoring and managing daemons or similar programs running on a Unix system. It will start specified programs if they are not running and restart programs not responding. monit supports: * Daemon mode - poll programs at a specified interval * Monitoring modes - active, passive or manual * Start, stop and restart of programs * Group and manage groups of programs * Process dependency definition * Logging to syslog or own logfile * UNIX domain socket and IP port checking (TCP and UDP) * Process status and process timeout * Process cpu and memory usage * Process zombie check * Check the system's load average * Check a file or directory timestamp * Flexible and customizable email alert messages * Protocol verification - HTTP, FTP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, NNTP, SSH, MySQL, RSYNC, LDAPv3, WebSocket and more * An HTTP interface with TLS support to make monit accessible from a web browserWWW:
Caspar Schutijser
- /etc/monitrc
- /etc/rc.d/monit
- /usr/local/bin/monit
- /usr/local/man/man1/monit.1
- /usr/local/share/examples/monit/
- /usr/local/share/examples/monit/monitrc
- /var/monit/