The x11/xfce4/xfce4-xkb port
xfce4-xkb-0.8.3p6 – Xfce4 xkb layout switcher panel plugin (cvsweb github mirror)
This plugin allows you to setup and use multiple keyboard layouts. You can choose the keyboard model, what key combination to use to switch between the layouts, the actual keyboard layouts, the way in which the current layout is being displayed (country flag image or text) and the layout policy, which is whether to store the layout globally (for all windows), per application or per window. The plugin detects any change in the layout configuration (e.g. setxkbmap invocations) and reconfigures itself to use the new settings. There is a hidden (not available in the GUI) setting - "never_modify_config". If this setting is set to "true" in the configuration file, then the plugin will not modify the layout configuration under any circumstances (currently even when the configuration is modified through the settings dialog). This option is for users who wish to configure some XKB options, which are not present in the GUI and thus are limited by the plugin. These users can use the plugin so that it only displays the active layouts.WWW:
Landry Breuil