
The www/tuir port

tuir-1.29.0p8 – terminal UI for Reddit (cvsweb github mirror)


A text-based interface (TUI) to view and interact with Reddit
from your terminal.

tuir supports color schemes, user login, persistent authentication and mailcap
for opening media links;  all with extensive examples and documentation.
WWW: https://gitlab.com/ajak/tuir


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Since Reddit has changed their API terms, tuir does not work out of the
box anymore. The following steps are required to make it work:

1. Log on to reddit.com and open https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps
2. Click on "create application" and fill out the form:
   - name: can be anything, for example "tuir"
   - ( ) web app
     ( ) installed app
     (x) script
   - description: anything or leave empty
   - about url: leave empty
   - redirect uri:
3. Complete the Captcha and click "create app"
4. Note down the "secret"
5. Note down the "client id", which is the string displayed above the 
   secret, directly under "presonal use script".

Once the "app" is created, tuir can be configured to use it.

1. run the command: tuir --copy-config
2. Open ~/.config/tuir/tuir.cfg in an editor and replace the values in
   the following entries with the ones optained above:

   oauth_client_id = 
   oauth_client_secret = 
   oauth_redirect_uri =

tuir should work now.


Stefan Hagen


lang/python www

Build dependencies

Run dependencies

Test dependencies

