
The net/eduvpn/vpn-user-portal port

vpn-user-portal-3.9.5 – user and admin portal for Let's Connect/eduVPN (cvsweb github mirror)


The user and admin portal and API for Let's Connect! and eduVPN
allowing for self-management by users and administrative tasks by
designated administrators.
WWW: https://git.sr.ht/~fkooman/vpn-user-portal


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD


eduVPN consists of several parts which work together to provide a VPN
configuration with flexible web-based authentication. User-friendly
clients for various platforms are provided under two different
brandings: eduVPN is intended for academic users and the client
software is preconfigured to allow choosing from registered
institutions; Let's Connect! is a more generic branding and allows
direct entry of the VPN server hostname.

"vpn-server-node" runs on one or more machines to actually provide
the VPN endpoints (the software supports using OpenVPN or WireGuard as
a backend; at this point the port maintainer has only tested with
OpenVPN; it's possible that WireGuard will work, however to configure
wg(4) on OpenBSD vpn-daemon will need to run as root).

"vpn-user-portal" handles logins and communicates with "vpn-server-node"
via an API. It is written in PHP and the provided configuration examples
are suitable for use with Apache httpd ("pkg_add apache-httpd") using
php-fpm. They should also work with Apache httpd and mod_php with only
minor changes.

Both vpn-server-node and vpn-user-portal can be installed on the same
machine, and in most non-complex cases usually are.

Basic configuration

- Install the required packages (others are pulled in via dependencies):
# pkg_add vpn-server-node vpn-user-portal apache-httpd

- Run the vpn-user-portal command to generate secrets:
$ doas -u _eduvpn /usr/local/libexec/vpn-user-portal/generate-secrets

- Copy the node key generated in the previous step to the location
for the server node:
$ doas -u _eduvpn cp /etc/vpn-user-portal/keys/node.0.key \

- Run the vpn-server-node command to generate secrets:
$ doas -u _eduvpn /usr/local/libexec/vpn-server-node/generate-secrets

- Create an initial user account:
$ doas -u _eduvpn vpn-user-portal-account --add $username

- Add that account to adminUserIdList and review other configuration
(the branding is controlled by "styleName" and in most cases you will
want "LC"; you will also need to configure at least the default profile
in ProfileList).
# vi /etc/vpn-user-portal/config.php

- Add a configuration section to php-fpm to handle eduVPN requests,
for example:   (Note that this PHP instance is run as the _eduvpn user,
and that chroot is not used here).

# cat >> /etc/php-fpm.conf << EOF
user = _eduvpn
group = _eduvpn
listen =
pm = dynamic
pm.max_children = 50
pm.start_servers = 5
pm.min_spare_servers = 5
pm.max_spare_servers = 35
# rcctl enable ${PHPFPM}
# rcctl restart ${PHPFPM}

- Enable proxy_module, proxy_fcgi_module, ssl_module and rewrite_module
in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf.

- Symlink Apache config files from modules.sample into the "live" directory:
# ln -s ../modules.sample/localhost.conf /var/www/conf/modules/
# ln -s ../modules.sample/vpn-user-portal.conf /var/www/conf/modules/
# ln -s ../modules.sample/vpn.host.conf /var/www/conf/modules/

- Update hostnames (replace "vpn.example" with your chosen name)
and certificate paths in /var/www/conf/modules/vpn.host.conf.

You will need a signed certificate for your chosen hostname. If you
don't already have one, you can use acme-client or an alternative
client. This guide will not go into full details for this.

If using ACME with the common HTTP-01 authentication type, you'll need
to arrange to serve the challenge file from the correct directory.
You may need to comment-out parts of the TLS configuration to get the
server running sufficiently to do this (alternatively use a simpler
webserver while getting set up initially).

Make sure you are still able to renew the certificate after you've got
the system running; the example vpn.host.conf includes an http->https
redirect with an exemption for the challenge dir; unless wider changes
are made to your Apache httpd configuration this will serve the files
from /var/www/htdocs/.well-known/acme-challenge.

- Start (or restart) Apache httpd, it will probably be helpful to use
the -d flag to rcctl to show output in case you have any errors to fix:
# rcctl enable apache2
# rcctl -d restart apache2

- Generate OpenVPN config files: this will make a call to the API URL
defined in vpn-server-node configuration, typically to localhost.
$ doas -u _eduvpn /usr/local/libexec/vpn-server-node/server-config

If you encounter authentication errors, make sure the request is
handled by the expected configuration section that's in the example
/var/www/conf/modules.sample/localhost.conf and that the keys match
between vpn-user-portal and vpn-server-node.

- Start OpenVPN using the rc scripts provided by vpn-server-node:
# rcctl enable eduvpn_openvpn0 eduvpn_openvpn1
# rcctl start eduvpn_openvpn0 eduvpn_openvpn1

- At this point, you should be able to login to the user interface
from a browser using the admin user you created earlier, or login
to the VPN using one of the client applications. You can also
connect to the web interface and download an OpenVPN configuration
file for manual use.

- Maintenance scripts for various tasks are provided, you can add
them to /etc/crontab:

@daily      _eduvpn  /usr/local/libexec/vpn-user-portal/housekeeping
*/5 * * * * _eduvpn  /usr/local/libexec/vpn-user-portal/daemon-sync
*/5 * * * * _eduvpn  /usr/local/libexec/vpn-user-portal/stats
@hourly     _eduvpn  /usr/local/libexec/vpn-user-portal/fetch-server-list

Feedback welcome

If you have suggestions to improve this quick-start documentation,
please contact the port maintainer.

For ease of reference, upstream's documentation is available in the
eduvpn-documentation package. It is understandably Linux-centric
however you may still find it useful.


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lang/php net net/eduvpn

Build dependencies

Run dependencies

