
The x11/mowitz port

mowitz-0.3.1 – widgets library (cvsweb github mirror)


This is the Mowitz ("More widgets") library.
The project's goal is to create a library of widgets for X
applications to use. The widgets have been snarfed from 
various sources and are all open source (GPL or MIT licenses).

Available widgets: 
* Animator	* Ruler 
* Canvas	* Slider
* Check		* Spinner
* Combo		* Tabbing
* Frame		* Table
* Handle	* Tabbing
* Image		* Table 
* ListTree	* Tabs
* Notebook	* TextField
* Richtext	* ToolTip
* Rudegrid	* VSlider
And a complete menu kit.
The original reason for creating this library is that the Athena widget
set lacks a lot of widgets that would be useful, and many of the
existing widgets leave a lot to be desired in appearance and behaviour.
WWW: http://siag.nu/mowitz/


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devel x11

Library dependencies

