
The textproc/p5-PDF-Table port

p5-PDF-Table-1.006 – create PDF tables with perl (cvsweb github mirror)


A utility class for building table layouts in a PDF::API2 object.

This class is a utility for use with the PDF::API2 module from CPAN.
It can be used to display text data in a table layout within the
PDF. The text data must be in a 2d array (such as returned by a DBI
statement handle fetchall_arrayref() call). The PDF::Table will
automatically add as many new pages as necessary to display all of
the data. Various layout properties, such as font, font size, and
cell padding and background color can be specified for each column
and/or for even/odd rows. Also a (non)repeated header row with
different layout properties can be specified.
WWW: https://metacpan.org/release/PDF-Table


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perl5 textproc

Run dependencies

Test dependencies

