The textproc/intltool port
intltool-0.51.0p2 – internationalization tools (cvsweb github mirror)
Utility scripts for internationalizing XML. Automatically extracts translatable strings from oaf, glade, bonobo ui, nautilus theme and other XML files into the po files. Automatically merges translations from po files back into .oaf files (encoding to be 7-bit clean). The merging mechanism can also be extended to support other types of XML files.WWW:
The OpenBSD ports mailing-list
Build dependencies
Run dependencies
Reverse dependencies
- audio/ario
- audio/deadbeef
- audio/easytag
- audio/gmpc
- audio/gmpc-plugins
- audio/gradio
- audio/libgpod
- audio/parlatype
- audio/pavucontrol
- audio/pms
- audio/sound-theme-freedesktop
- audio/speech-dispatcher
- audio/tagtool
- cad/pcb
- databases/evolution-data-server
- devel/appstream-glib
- devel/gconf2
- devel/geany
- devel/giggle
- devel/goffice
- devel/kf5/purpose
- devel/kf6/ki18n
- devel/kf6/purpose
- devel/libgee
- devel/libglade2
- devel/libgsf
- devel/libgtop2
- devel/libunique
- devel/py-distutils-extra
- devel/py-gobject
- devel/startup-notification
- editors/gummi
- editors/leafpad
- editors/neovim
- editors/subtitleeditor
- editors/tpad
- education/drgeo
- emulators/desmume
- emulators/snes9x
- games/atomix
- games/belooted
- games/cataclysm-dda
- games/gnome-mastermind
- games/naev
- games/pioneers
- games/unknown-horizons
- geo/foxtrotgps
- geo/gpx-viewer
- geo/josm
- geo/viking
- graphics/clutter/clutter-gst
- graphics/clutter/clutter-gtk
- graphics/clutter/cogl
- graphics/clutter/core
- graphics/darktable
- graphics/dia-gtk2
- graphics/dibuja
- graphics/gimp/deskew
- graphics/gimp/liquid-rescale
- graphics/gimp/resynthesizer
- graphics/gimp/stable
- graphics/gpicview
- graphics/gtkam
- graphics/libart
- graphics/libmypaint
- graphics/pinta
- graphics/radeontop
- inputmethods/ibus-skk
- inputmethods/libskk
- inputmethods/scim
- inputmethods/scim-chewing
- inputmethods/tomoe
- inputmethods/uim
- inputmethods/uim-tomoe-gtk
- japanese/gwaei
- lang/vala
- mail/evolution
- mail/evolution-ews
- math/galculator
- math/gnumeric
- math/libqalculate
- misc/gramps
- misc/logjam
- misc/redshift
- multimedia/gstreamer1/mm
- multimedia/handbrake
- multimedia/imagination
- multimedia/synfig
- multimedia/synfigstudio
- net/avahi
- net/deluge
- net/gpodder
- net/grsync
- net/hexchat
- net/microblog-purple
- net/pidgin
- net/pidgin-sipe
- net/telepathy/telepathy-logger
- net/transmission
- print/pdfarranger
- print/texlive/base
- productivity/glabels
- productivity/homebank
- productivity/rubrica2
- productivity/workrave
- security/ccrypt
- security/pidgin-otr
- sysutils/fprintd
- sysutils/gdmap
- textproc/catfish
- textproc/gi-docgen
- textproc/gtkspell
- textproc/gtkspell3
- textproc/libxml
- textproc/libxslt
- textproc/opensp
- www/bluefish
- www/libcroco
- www/liferea
- www/uget
- x11/gcolor2
- x11/gigolo
- x11/gmtk
- x11/gnome/devel-docs
- x11/gnome/gdl
- x11/gnome/icon-theme
- x11/gnome/icon-theme-symbolic
- x11/gnome/keyring
- x11/gnome/libdmapsharing4
- x11/gnome/libgda
- x11/gnome/libgnomecanvas
- x11/gnome/libxklavier
- x11/gnome/menus
- x11/gnome/py-atspi
- x11/gnome/themes-extra
- x11/gnome/user-docs
- x11/gnome/yelp
- x11/gnome/yelp-xsl
- x11/gob2
- x11/gtk+2
- x11/gtk-engines2
- x11/gtk2-murrine-engine
- x11/gtk2mm
- x11/gtkglarea
- x11/gtksourceview
- x11/gtksourceview3
- x11/gxmessage
- x11/human-icon-theme
- x11/industrial-icon-theme
- x11/kde-applications/kaccounts-providers
- x11/kde-applications/kio-gdrive
- x11/kde-applications/signon-kwallet-extension
- x11/kde-plasma/plasma-desktop
- x11/klavaro
- x11/libdbusmenu
- x11/libfm-extra
- x11/lxappearance
- x11/lxrandr
- x11/lxterminal
- x11/mate/atril
- x11/mate/caja
- x11/mate/caja-extensions
- x11/mate/calc
- x11/mate/control-center
- x11/mate/desktop
- x11/mate/engrampa
- x11/mate/eom
- x11/mate/icon-theme
- x11/mate/libmatekbd
- x11/mate/libmatemixer
- x11/mate/libmateweather
- x11/mate/marco
- x11/mate/media
- x11/mate/menus
- x11/mate/notification-daemon
- x11/mate/panel
- x11/mate/pluma
- x11/mate/polkit
- x11/mate/power-manager
- x11/mate/screensaver
- x11/mate/session-manager
- x11/mate/settings-daemon
- x11/mate/system-monitor
- x11/mate/terminal
- x11/mate/themes
- x11/mate/utils
- x11/parcellite
- x11/pidgin-guifications
- x11/pidgin-libnotify
- x11/py-gtk2
- x11/tangerine-icon-theme
- x11/tango-icon-theme
- x11/terminator
- x11/wbar
- x11/xarchiver
- x11/xfce4/exo
- x11/xfce4/garcon
- x11/xfce4/libxfce4ui
- x11/xfce4/libxfce4util
- x11/xfce4/libxfce4windowing
- x11/xfce4/mousepad
- x11/xfce4/orage
- x11/xfce4/parole
- x11/xfce4/ristretto
- x11/xfce4/terminal
- x11/xfce4/thunar
- x11/xfce4/thunar-archive
- x11/xfce4/thunar-media-tags
- x11/xfce4/thunar-vcs
- x11/xfce4/tumbler
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-appfinder
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-battery
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-clipman
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-cpugraph
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-dev-tools
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-dict
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-diskperf
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-docklike
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-fsguard
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-genmon
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-icon-theme
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-mailwatch
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-mixer
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-mount
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-mpc
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-netload
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-notes
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-notifyd
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-panel
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-places
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-power-manager
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-pulseaudio
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-screensaver
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-screenshooter
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-session
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-settings
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-smartbookmark
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-systemload
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-taskmanager
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-time-out
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-timer
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-verve
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-wavelan
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-weather
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-whiskermenu
- x11/xfce4/xfce4-xkb
- x11/xfce4/xfconf
- x11/xfce4/xfdashboard
- x11/xfce4/xfdesktop
- x11/xfce4/xfmpc
- x11/xfce4/xfwm4
- x11/xfe
- x11/xpad
- x11/xscreensaver
- x11/yad
- /usr/local/bin/intltool-extract
- /usr/local/bin/intltool-merge
- /usr/local/bin/intltool-prepare
- /usr/local/bin/intltool-update
- /usr/local/bin/intltoolize
- /usr/local/man/man8/intltool-extract.8
- /usr/local/man/man8/intltool-merge.8
- /usr/local/man/man8/intltool-prepare.8
- /usr/local/man/man8/intltool-update.8
- /usr/local/man/man8/intltoolize.8
- /usr/local/share/aclocal/intltool.m4
- /usr/local/share/doc/intltool/
- /usr/local/share/doc/intltool/README
- /usr/local/share/intltool/
- /usr/local/share/intltool/