
The net/hopm port

hopm-1.1.10p2 – open-proxy monitor irc bot (cvsweb github mirror)


HOPM (Hybrid Open Proxy Monitor) is an open-proxy monitoring bot
designed to monitor an individual server (all servers on the network
have to run their own bot if the IRCd does not support the "far
connect" user mode) with a local operator {} block and monitor
connections. When a client connects to a server, HOPM will scan the
connection for insecure proxies. Insecure proxies are determined
by attempting to connect the proxy back to another host (usually
the IRC server in question).

HOPM is written ground-up in C language and it is an improved fork
of BOPM (blitzed open proxy monitor), which is a concept derived
from wgmon. It improves on wgmon with HTTP support, faster scanning
(it can scan clients simultaneously), better layout (scalability)
and DNSBL support.
WWW: https://github.com/ircd-hybrid/hopm


Chaz Kettleson



