
The net/nfsen port

nfsen-1.3.11p0 – web-based front end for the nfdump netflow tools (cvsweb github mirror)


NfSen is a graphical web based front end for the nfdump netflow
tools, allowing you to:

* Display your netflow data:
  Flows, Packets and Bytes using RRD (Round Robin Database).
* Easily navigate through the netflow data.
* Process the netflow data within the specified time span.
* Create history as well as continuous profiles.
* Set alerts, based on various conditions.
* Write your own plugins to process netflow data on a regular interval.

Different tasks need different interfaces to your netflow data.
NfSen allows you to keep all the convenient advantages of the command
line using nfdump directly and gives you also a graphical overview
over your netflow data.
WWW: https://nfsen.sourceforge.net/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Note: the _nfcapd user has been added to group "www".

Basic installation
To proceed with an installation or upgrade, adjust ${SYSCONFDIR}/nfsen.conf
as required and run the configuration tool:

# install-nfsen.pl ${SYSCONFDIR}/nfsen.conf

This will read the configuration file, create directories and files
as needed, and handle upgrades from previous versions.

It is highly advisable to read the documentation available at

Note, you may export netflow-compatible data from PF via pflow(4).

Chroot considerations
NfSen is written with chroot in mind and is capable of communicating
with the main nfcap daemon running outside the jail. Adapting to this
configuration is a simple matter of moving a few files around (while
the daemon is stopped).

# mkdir -p /var/www/var/db
# mv /var/db/nfsen /var/www/var/db/nfsen
# ln -s /var/www/var/db/nfsen /var/db/nfsen

This optional module splits up traffic by port number. It can be useful
but is somewhat experimental. You can attempt to use it like this:

- uncomment the sample PortTracker entry from the plugin
section in the sample ${SYSCONFDIR}/nfsen.conf

- start nftrack: note that this will require at least 10GB of space in
the database directory.
# su -m _nfcapd -c "nftrack -I -d /var/db/nfsen/ports-db/"

- restart nfsen
# rcctl restart nfsen

After the next processing interval, PortTracker should generate
data and graphs. If you have problems then examine system logs (you
may need to increase logging levels).


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lang/php net www

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Run dependencies

