
The devel/sdl2-ttf port

sdl2-ttf-2.22.0p0 – SDL2 TrueType fonts library (cvsweb github mirror)


This library is a wrapper around the excellent FreeType library.

WARNING: There may be patent issues with using the FreeType library. Check the
FreeType website for up-to-date details.

This library allows you to use TrueType fonts to render text in SDL2

Be careful when including fonts with your application, as many of them are
copyrighted.  The Microsoft fonts, for example, are not freely redistributable
and even the free "web" fonts they provide are only redistributable in their
special executable installer form (May 1998). There are plenty of freeware and
shareware fonts available on the Internet though, and may suit your purposes.
WWW: https://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_ttf/


Thomas Frohwein

Only for arches

aarch64 alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 mips64 mips64el powerpc powerpc64 riscv64 sparc64


devel fonts graphics

Library dependencies

