The www/tomcat/v11 port
tomcat-11.0.5 – Apache's Jakarta EE 11 server for Java web applications (cvsweb github mirror)
The Apache Tomcat software is an open source implementation of the Jakarta Servlet, Jakarta Pages, Jakarta Expression Language, Jakarta WebSocket, Jakarta Annotations and Jakarta Authentication specifications. These specifications are part of the Jakarta EE platform. Tomcat 11 implements the Jakarta EE 11 specifications: Servlet 6.1, JSP 4.0, EL 6.0, WebSocket 2.2 and Authentication 3.1. Tomcat includes many additional features that make it a useful platform for developing and deploying web applications and web services. Tomcat can be run as a standalone web server with Servlet and JSP support, or using Apache HTTP Server as its web server via the mod_jk Apache module (see the ap2-mod_jk package).WWW:
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- The tomcat package does not install the example webapps and documentation. You must supply your own webapps and configuration or install the tomcat-examples package for the example webapps and documentation. Sample config files for the host-manager and manager webapps can be found in ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/examples/tomcat. The tomcat-examples package includes the examples, full documentation and the localhost config files for the host-manager and manager webapps. The packages are structured this way to facilitate maintaining a server which normally would not contain the examples and documentation webapp. Tomcat on OpenBSD uses the `${SYSCONFDIR}/tomcat' directory for its configuration files. `$CATALINA_BASE' is `${CATALINA_BASE}'. All files contained within these directories should be owned by the _tomcat user. If you want Tomcat to serve on privileged ports (e.g. 80), redirect all tcp traffic to port 80 to Tomcat's default listener port 8080 using a pf.conf(5) rule like: pass in quick on $NIC proto tcp to port 80 rdr-to port 8080 or use relayd(8) to forward the connection. If you are upgrading and use database drivers, don't forget to copy them into ${TRUEPREFIX}/tomcat/lib. You must also delete any work files in `${CATALINA_BASE}/work' unless you are reinstalling the same full version of Tomcat. When upgrading from older major versions of Tomcat, config files in ${SYSCONFDIR}/tomcat should be updated as well.
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tomcat-11.0.5 tomcat-examples-11.0.5
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