
The www/gitea port

gitea-1.23.1 – compact self-hosted Git service (cvsweb github mirror)


Gitea - Git with a cup of tea is a painless self-hosted Git service comparable
to Github, Bitbucket or Gitlab.
WWW: https://gitea.io/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Initial configuration
By default gitea listens on all configured IP addresses, TCP port 3000.
If this is not wanted behavior, either adjust your pf(4) rules or change

To complete the initial configuration, point your browser to
http://gitea.example.com:3000 and press "Sign In". Usually you'll need to
configure SSH Server Domain/Port, Gitea HTTP Listen Port/Base URL, E-Mail
Settings and Administrator Account Settings.

On OpenBSD, initial gitea configuration has the following restrictions:

 - Self-Registration is disabled
 - Sign-In is required to view the content
 - E-Mail addresses are not shown
 - Server runs in "offline" mode, which means that external services such as
   Gravatar/OpenID are not used
 - New repositories have "private" checkbox checked by default

Adjust these configuration settings according to your requirements.

Configuring HTTP access
By default gitea serves HTTP requests on its own.
It can also be configured to run behind HTTP proxy like relayd(8) or nginx(8).

Another option is to let OpenBSD httpd(8) serve HTTP(S) requests and pass it
to gitea via FastCGI protocol:

Example configuration for httpd(8) and gitea communicating via FastCGI

Relevant configuration directives in ${SYSCONFDIR}/httpd.conf:

	# An HTTPS server using SSL/TLS
	server "gitea.example.com" {
		root "/gitea"
		listen on * tls port 443
		log style forwarded
		location "/.well-known/*" { no fastcgi }
		location "/assets/*" { no fastcgi }
		location "*" { fastcgi socket "run/gitea/gitea.sock" }

Relevant configuration directives in ${SYSCONFDIR}/gitea/app.ini:

	PROTOCOL               = fcgi+unix
	DOMAIN                 = gitea.example.com
	ROOT_URL               = https://%(DOMAIN)s/
	HTTP_ADDR              = /var/www/run/gitea/gitea.sock
	LOCAL_ROOT_URL         = %(ROOT_URL)s

Create the directory for gitea socket with the following command:
	# install -d -o _gitea /var/www/run/gitea

Customizing gitea
For custom public files, templates, gitignores, labels, licenses and READMEs,
please use ${LOCALSTATEDIR}/gitea/custom directory.


Pavel Korovin

Only for arches

aarch64 amd64 arm i386 riscv64


devel lang/go www

Build dependencies

Run dependencies

