The java/javaPathHelper port
javaPathHelper-2.3 – helper script for launching java applications (cvsweb github mirror)
javaPathHelper is a script that java applications can use to provide a consistent and familiar method for launching java applications on OpenBSD. The use of JAVACMD, JAVA_HOME and PATH environment variables are well known methods for users to control which JVM is used to launch a java application. When a user sets up their environment javaPathHelper will use it. No attempt is made to prevent the user from running an application that requires a particular JVM version with a lower version. When the user's environment has not be setup, javaPathHelper falls back to inspecting which JDK or JVM satisfied the RUN_DEPENDS for the package.WWW:
Kurt Miller
Reverse dependencies
- databases/jxplorer
- databases/liquibase
- databases/puppetdb/7
- databases/puppetdb/8
- devel/apache-ant
- devel/apktool
- devel/dex2jar
- devel/intellij
- devel/jadx
- devel/javahelp
- devel/jd-gui
- devel/jenkins/devel
- devel/jenkins/stable
- devel/maven
- devel/netbeans
- devel/pycharm
- devel/sbt
- devel/visualvm
- editors/libreoffice
- games/freecol
- games/jbrickshooter
- games/minecraft
- games/multimc
- geo/josm
- geo/traccar
- java/gradle
- lang/abcl
- lang/clojure
- lang/jruby
- lang/scala
- math/geogebra
- misc/openhab
- net/jitsi/jicofo
- net/jitsi/videobridge
- net/openfire
- net/unifi/main
- productivity/deskzilla
- productivity/projectlibre
- productivity/thinkingrock
- security/ghidra
- security/keycloak
- security/tls-attacker
- security/zaproxy
- sysutils/ec2-api-tools
- sysutils/logstash
- sysutils/puppetserver/7
- sysutils/puppetserver/8
- sysutils/riemann
- sysutils/rundeck
- textproc/epubcheck
- textproc/opensearch
- textproc/pdftk
- textproc/solr
- www/tomcat/v10
- www/tomcat/v11
- www/tomcat/v9
- www/vnu
- /usr/local/bin/javaPathHelper