
The devel/jenkins/devel port

jenkins-2.488 – continuous integration server (cvsweb github mirror)


Jenkins is a self-contained, open source automation server which can be
used to automate all sorts of tasks related to building, testing, and
delivering or deploying software.

As an extensible automation server, Jenkins can be used as a simple CI
(Continuous Integration) server or turned into the continuous delivery
hub for any project.

Jenkins can be extended via its plugin architecture. Hundreds of plugins
are available in the Update Center integrating with practically every
tool in the continuous integration and continuous delivery toolchain.
It can easily distribute work across multiple machines, helping drive
builds, tests and deployments across multiple platforms faster.

Jenkins can be easily set up and configured via its web interface,
which includes on-the-fly error checks and built-in help.
WWW: https://jenkins.io/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD


Jenkins runs external processes such as CVS, Ant, Make and so on, whose
path is configurable from the web menu system.

Please make very sure to enable login restriction under Manage Jenkins
-> Configure Global Security if your server is reachable from any
(untrusted) network! If you only run it on localhost, be sure to block
access to the HTTP port using pf(8).

Take these steps before you start the server the first time!

See more information at


To arrange for the standalone Jenkins server to run automatically
on reboot, add "jenkins" to your pkg_scripts line in /etc/rc.conf.local.

NOTE: This script runs Jenkins on port 8000, not 8080, since most
Java application servers run on port 8080. By default we disable
HTTPS, since the former is extra overhead on localhost.

To change any of these options, carefully copy the line
starting daemon_flags= from ${RCDIR}/jenkins into /etc/rc.conf.local
and change the daemon_flags to jenkins_flags in addition to any
changes to the ports and other options.

To run Jenkins in another Java web/application server, copy the war
file from ${TRUEPREFIX}/share/jenkins to your server's deploy
directory, or read more at ${HOMEPAGE}. 

To use the email notifications, you will have to configure a valid
sending address (and SMTP server, if not localhost) under
Manage Jenkins -> Email Configuration.

The Jenkins data files are in the home directory (/var/jenkins),
under the "hidden" directory ".jenkins".

If you are upgrading from Hudson to Jenkins, you can copy the old
content of /var/hudson/.hudson into /var/jenkins/.jenkins, e.g.,
	# cp -r /var/hudson/.hudson/* /var/jenkins/.jenkins
	# chown -R _jenkins:_jenkins /var/jenkins/.jenkins

Please be aware that Jenkins offers an upgrade for the CVS plugin. It is
strongly advised *not* to upgrade this plugin as the updated version assumes
a GNU rlog command line option (-S) is available.


Rafael Sadowski

Only for arches

aarch64 amd64 i386


devel java

Run dependencies

