
The net/smokeping port

smokeping-2.9.0p0 – latency logging and graphing system (cvsweb github mirror)


SmokePing is a latency logging and interactive graphing system, for
ICMP pings and many other protocols (DNS, SSH, SIP, HTTP and more).
The main daemon process organizes latency measurements, records them
in an RRDtool database, and optionally sends email alerts based on
various criteria. The CGI/FastCGI program presents the graphs and
optionally allows remote control via a master/slave protocol (allowing
aggregation of data from multiple test locations in a single server).
WWW: https://oss.oetiker.ch/smokeping/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Basic configuration
Smokeping is split into two main parts, the daemon (running the probes
and updating RRD files) and the part responsible for generating website

For the daemon, edit ${SYSCONFDIR}/config (at least add some hosts to
monitor) and enable it:

    rcctl enable smokeping
    rcctl start smokeping

For graph generation, the simplest method is generate static HTML
and image files from a cron job. This doesn't allow zoom into graphs
interactively from the browser, but it is easy to configure, more
secure, and is good enough for many use cases. To do this, add a cron
job to run this as the _smokeping user (adjust path as necessary):

    smokeping --static=/var/www/htdocs/smokeping

Alternatively it can run as a CGI/FastCGI script with a web server.
A normal installation runs smokeping_fcgi as a daemon and the web
server is told to communicate with it over a UNIX socket.
If you wish to use this method, enable the daemon:

    rcctl enable smokeping_fcgi
    rcctl start smokeping_fcgi

And configure your web server to access it - here is a sample
configuration section for use with nginx:

    location ~ /smokeping/smokeping.cgi$ {
	fastcgi_pass	unix:run/smokeping.sock;
	fastcgi_split_path_info ^(/cgi-bin/[^/]+)(.*);
	fastcgi_param	PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info;
	fastcgi_param	SCRIPT_FILENAME $fastcgi_script_name;
	include		fastcgi_params;

Or the httpd(8) in OpenBSD base:

    server "example.org" {
	listen on * port 80
	location "/smokeping/smokeping.cgi*" {
	    fastcgi socket "/run/smokeping.sock"
	    root "/"

Other probe types
Smokeping is most often used to perform ICMP monitoring via fping,
but has "Probe" modules for other protocols too. Some of these require
additional packages to be installed:

 RADIUS:	   p5-Authen-Radius
 TelnetIOSPing:	   p5-Net-Telnet
 OpenSSHEOSPing:   p5-Net-OpenSSH p5-IO-Pty
 OpenSSHJunOSPing: p5-Net-OpenSSH p5-IO-Pty
 AnotherDNS:	   p5-Net-DNS
 LDAP:		   p5-ldap p5-IO-Socket-SSL

Advanced topic: Heavy load systems
If problems are seen with excessive load or i/o, it is possible to
configure Smokeping to use rrdcached instead. This is not needed for
a typical setup but will typically reduce the amount of data that
needs to be written to disk (the RRD files are flushed periodically
according to the command-line flags, allowing some writes to be

To use this, group permissions should be set to allow Smokeping to
access the rrdcached socket, and to allow rrdcached to access
Smokeping's files, e.g.:

	$ grep _smokeping /etc/group

	# chgrp -R _rrdcached /var/db/smokeping
	# chmod -R g+w /var/db/smokeping

The rrdcached daemon must be running:

	# rcctl enable rrdcached
	# rcctl set rrdcached flags -b /var/db/smokeping -B -m 770 \
	    -l unix:/var/run/rrd/rrdcached.sock -j /var/db/smokeping/journal \
	    -p /var/run/rrd/rrdcached.pid
	# rcctl restart rrdcached

The Smokeping daemon must be told to use rrdcached when writing data.
This is done by setting an environment variable; add this to /etc/login.conf:


Then restart smokeping. Use -d to show more information in case
of errors at startup.

	# rcctl -d restart smokeping

You can also have Smokeping's FastCGI script use rrdcached when accessing
data to display. This will be needed in order that it displays the most
up-to-date information (otherwise it will only see updates that have been
flushed to disk) and *may* improve performance, however it can also
result in too much kernel contention (the OpenBSD kernel does not have
great SMP support for disk access yet) so can actually slow down display.
Test to see what's best for your system.

To do this, a FastCGI parameter needs to be passed across from your
web server. For nginx:

fastcgi_param  RRDCACHED_ADDRESS unix:/var/run/rrd/rrdcached.sock;

Or the httpd(8) in OpenBSD base:

param RRDCACHED_ADDRESS "unix:/var/www/run/rrd/rrdcached.sock"

And reload the web server configuration.


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