
The x11/qt5/qtimageformats port

qtimageformats-5.15.16pl3 – support for additional image formats in Qt5 (cvsweb github mirror)


The core Qt Gui library by default supports reading and writing image files of
the most common file formats: PNG, JPEG, BMP, GIF and a few more, see the
Reading and Writing Image Files section in QImage class reference.  The Qt Image
Formats add-on module provides optional support for other image file formats.

The file format support is provided transparently, through plugins for Qt's
image I/O system. As such, this module provides no API of its own. Instead, the
functionality is accessed in the same way as other image I/O in Qt: through
QImage::load() and QImage::save(). Or, for more detailed control, through
QImageReader and QImageWriter.

This package contains actual libraries to be used by apps.
WWW: https://www.qt.io/


Rafael Sadowski

Only for arches

aarch64 alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 mips64 mips64el powerpc powerpc64 riscv64 sh sparc64


devel x11 x11/qt5

Library dependencies

Build dependencies

Reverse dependencies

