The emulators/minivmac,ii port
minivmac-ii-36.04p3 – early macintosh emulator (cvsweb github mirror)
Mini vMac is an emulator for computers that Apple sold from 1984 to 1996 based on Motorola's 680x0 microprocessors. Flavors: default - Emulate the Macintosh Plus ("minivmac" package) ii - Emulate the Macintosh II ("minivmac-ii" package) m128k - Emulate the Macintosh 128k ("minivmac-m128k" package)WWW:
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Mini vMac can emulate early Macintoshes. The Macintosh Plus (minivmac) and the Macintosh II (minivmac-ii) are supported on OpenBSD. Mini vMac requires a correct ROM for the Mac model to emulate. It will look for the following filenames depending on the build: - vMac.ROM for minivmac - MacII.ROM for minivmac-ii - Mac128K.ROM for minivmac-m128k These need to be in the current directory before executing Mini vMac. Mini vMac can boot an image file (such as an OS). This can be named "disk1.dsk" and if placed in the current directory before executing "minivmac" it will be loaded. Alternatively, the ROM and the image can also be drag-and-dropped into the minivmac window. Make sure to load the ROM first before the image. For more information on additonal configuration and other options see: ${HOMEPAGE}
Jag Talon
Only for arches
amd64 i386 powerpc
Build dependencies
Run dependencies
- /usr/local/bin/minivmac-ii
- /usr/local/share/applications/minivmac-ii.desktop
- /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/minivmac-ii
- /usr/local/share/pixmaps/
- /usr/local/share/pixmaps/minivmac-ii.ico
- @tag update-desktop-database