
The misc/openhab port

openhab-4.3.2 – integration platform for home automation (cvsweb github mirror)


The open Home Automation Bus (openHAB) project aims at providing a
universal integration platform for all things around home automation.
It is a pure Java solution, fully based on OSGi.

It is designed to be vendor-neutral as well as hardware/protocol-agnostic.
openHAB brings together different bus systems, hardware devices,
and interface protocols by dedicated bindings. These bindings send
and receive commands and status updates on the openHAB event bus.
This concept allows designing user interfaces with a unique look&feel,
but with the possibility to operate devices based on a big number
of different technologies. Besides the user interfaces, it also
brings the power of automation logic across different system
WWW: https://www.openhab.org/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Listen on localhost only

openHAB is configured by sourcing environment variables from /etc/openhab.conf.
By default, openHAB listens on port 8080 (http) and 8443 (https).

We've opted to default to for obvious security reasons. To restore the
original behavior make the following change in /etc/openhab.conf:


Refer to https://www.openhab.org/docs/ for more details.

Access to serial devices

openHAB runs as user _openhab. By default, this user will not be able to access
serial devices. If, for example, you plan to access a locally connected USB
dongle for Zigbee or Z-Wave, you will need to add the _openhab user to the
'dialer' group.

Please note, you will need a library to access serial ports from Java. The
example of passing "-Dgnu.io.rxtx.SerialPorts" uses the rxtx library, which is
currently unsupported on OpenBSD. However, 100% Java implementations such as
PureJavaComm and jSerialComm are known to work.

Refer to https://www.openhab.org/docs/ for more details.


Chaz Kettleson

Only for arches

aarch64 amd64 i386


java misc

Run dependencies

