
The sysutils/bacula,-server port

bacula-server-15.0.2 – network backup solution (server) (cvsweb github mirror)


Bacula comes by night and sucks the vital essence from your computers.

Bacula is a set of computer programs that permit you (or the system
administrator) to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer
data across a network of computers of different kinds.  In technical
terms, it is a network Client/Server based backup program.  Bacula is
relatively easy to use and efficient, while offering many advanced
storage management features that make it easy to find and recover lost
or damaged files. Due to its modular design, Bacula is scalable from
small single computer systems to systems consisting of hundreds of
computers located over a large network.

bacula-server contains the bacula-sd "storage daemon" that writes the
backup data to the backup device.  bacula-dir is the "director" that
manages backups.  bconsole is the management application to control the
director and get status of file daemons and storage daemons.
WWW: http://www.bacula.org/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Note: If upgrading from a version older than 7.2.0, a database upgrade
is necessary (see the ${TRUEPREFIX}/libexec/bacula/update_* scripts).
Also, the Director and Storage Daemons must be upgraded at the same
time, but older File Daemons can be used with 7.2.x.

The official Bacula documentation can be found at:

Setting up the database for the Bacula Director

In this documentation, it is assumed the PostgreSQL administrator user
is 'postgres' and the MariaDB one is 'root'; adapt accordingly to your
Replace 'dbpassword' with the bacula DB user password (configured in

While SQLite3 may be of interest for quickly testing a setup, it is
not advised to use it in production but rather go for a full RDBMS
like PostgreSQL or MariaDB.

Assuming you have an administrative account named `postgres',
you can create the 'bacula' user like this:

    $ createuser -U postgres --pwprompt --no-superuser \
      --createdb --no-createrole bacula

Creating the database and tables:
    $ cd ${TRUEPREFIX}/libexec/bacula
    $ ./create_postgresql_database -U bacula
    $ ./make_postgresql_tables postgresql -U bacula
    $ ./grant_postgresql_privileges -U bacula

Upgrading the schema following a Bacula version upgrade:
    $ cd ${TRUEPREFIX}/libexec/bacula
    $ ./update_postgresql_tables -U bacula

Creating the DB, table and bacula user.
    $ cd ${TRUEPREFIX}/libexec/bacula
    $ ./create_mysql_database -u root -p
    $ ./make_mysql_tables -u root -p
    $ ./grant_mysql_privileges -u root -p

Setting up the bacula DB user password.
    $ mysql -u root -p bacula
    MariaDB [bacula]> SET PASSWORD FOR 'bacula'@'localhost' = PASSWORD('dbpassword');
    MariaDB [bacula]> QUIT

Upgrading the schema following a Bacula version upgrade:
    $ cd ${TRUEPREFIX}/libexec/bacula
    $ ./update_mysql_tables -U bacula

Creating the DB and tables (default to ${LOCALSTATEDIR}/bacula.db).
    # cd ${TRUEPREFIX}/libexec/bacula
    # su -m _bacula -c ./make_sqlite3_tables

Upgrading the schema following a Bacula version upgrade:
    # cd ${TRUEPREFIX}/libexec/bacula
    # su -m _bacula -c ./update_sqlite3_tables

Device permissions

The storage daemon needs access to its storage device(s):

* when backup is stored on disk, the mount points must be accessible in
rw mode by the "_bacula-sd" user (and/or the "_bacula" group).

* when backup is stored on tape, the corresponding device node(s) must
be accessible in rw mode by the "_bacula-sd" user (and/or the "_bacula"
group); alternatively the "_bacula-sd" user can be added to the
"operator" group instead.
e.g. for an autochanger, add the following lines in rc.conf.local(8)
chgrp _bacula /dev/ch0
chgrp _bacula /dev/nrst0


The OpenBSD ports mailing-list


bacula-client-15.0.2 bacula-server-15.0.2 bacula-bat-15.0.2 bacula-mysql-15.0.2 bacula-pgsql-15.0.2 bacula-sqlite3-15.0.2



Library dependencies

Build dependencies

Run dependencies

