The geo/gdal port
gdal-3.10.1 – translator library for geospatial data formats (cvsweb github mirror)
GDAL is a translator library for raster geospatial data formats that is released under an X/MIT style Open Source license by the Open Source Geospatial Foundation. As a library, it presents a single abstract data model to the calling application for all supported formats. It also comes with a variety of useful commandline utilities for data translation and processing.WWW:
Landry Breuil
Only for arches
aarch64 alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 mips64 mips64el powerpc powerpc64 riscv64 sparc64
Library dependencies
- STEM->=1.5.0:devel/geotiff
- STEM->=2020.2:math/qhull
- STEM->=6.0:devel/proj
- archivers/libarchive
- archivers/libdeflate
- archivers/zstd
- databases/arrow/cpp
- databases/postgresql
- databases/sqlite3
- devel/json-c
- devel/pcre2
- geo/geos
- geo/spatialite/libspatialite
- graphics/giflib
- graphics/jpeg
- graphics/lerc
- graphics/libavif
- graphics/libjxl
- graphics/libwebp
- graphics/openjp2
- graphics/png
- graphics/tiff
- math/hdf5
- math/netcdf
- net/curl
- print/poppler