The net/dnscrypt-proxy port
dnscrypt-proxy-2.1.5p2 – flexible DNS proxy with support for encrypted DNS protocols (cvsweb github mirror)
dnscrypt-proxy is a flexible DNS proxy with support for modern encrypted DNS protocols, such as DNSCrypt v2 and DNS-over-HTTPS, and features: - DNS traffic encryption and authentication. Supports DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) and DNSCrypt. - DNS query monitoring with separate log files for regular and suspicious queries. - Filtering: block ads, malware and other unwanted content. Compatible with all DNS services. - Time-based filtering with a flexible weekly schedule. - Transparent redirection of specific domains to specific resolvers. - DNS caching to reduce latency and improve privacy. - Local IPv6 blocking to reduce latency on IPv4-only networks. - Load balancing: pick a set of resolvers, and dnscrypt-proxy will automatically measure their speeds in order to balance traffic among the fastest available. - Cloaking: like a HOSTS file on steroids that can return preconfigured addresses for specific names or resolve and return the IP addresses of other names. This can be used for local development, as well as to enforce safe search results on Google, Yahoo and Bing. - Automatic background updates of resolvers lists. - Can force outgoing connections to use TCP. - Supports SOCKS proxies. - Compatible with DNSSEC.WWW:
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- dnscrypt-proxy listens for DNS queries on a local address and forwards them to a DNSCrypt resolver over an encrypted channel. To use this package, several things are required. Customizing dnscrypt-proxy.toml =============================== Ensure that ${SYSCONFDIR}/dnscrypt-proxy.toml fits your needs. Resolvers --------- Uncomment 'server_names' to have a smaller set of public resolvers to be used for load balancing. If this line is commented, all registered servers matching the require_* filters will be used for load balancing. Refer to ${LOCALSTATEDIR}/dnscrypt-proxy/ for a list of all public resolvers. Load balancing strategy ----------------------- Note the load balancing strategy, controlled by 'lb_strategy'. It can be set to one of the following values: - 'first' (always pick the fastest server in the list) - 'p2' (randomly choose between the top two fastest servers) - 'ph' (randomly choose between the top fastest half of all servers) - 'random' (just pick any random server from the list) 'p2' is the default option. For more information, see Logging ------- Logging is disabled by default. To log to ${LOCALSTATEDIR}/log/messages: log_level = 2 use_syslog = true To log to a custom file: log_level = 2 log_file = '${LOCALSTATEDIR}/log/dnscrypt-proxy.log' Daemon ====== Start the daemon: # rcctl enable dnscrypt_proxy # rcctl start dnscrypt_proxy resolv.conf =========== Managed by resolvd(8). One way is to disable it and force ${SYSCONFDIR}/resolv.conf to perform queries from dnscrypt-proxy: nameserver lookup file bind For more information, see
Nam Nguyen
Only for arches
aarch64 amd64 arm i386 riscv64
Build dependencies
- /etc/dnscrypt-proxy.toml
- /etc/rc.d/dnscrypt_proxy
- /usr/local/bin/dnscrypt-proxy
- /usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/dnscrypt-proxy
- /usr/local/share/examples/dnscrypt-proxy/
- /usr/local/share/examples/dnscrypt-proxy/example-allowed-ips.txt
- /usr/local/share/examples/dnscrypt-proxy/example-allowed-names.txt
- /usr/local/share/examples/dnscrypt-proxy/example-blocked-ips.txt
- /usr/local/share/examples/dnscrypt-proxy/example-blocked-names.txt
- /usr/local/share/examples/dnscrypt-proxy/example-captive-portals.txt
- /usr/local/share/examples/dnscrypt-proxy/example-cloaking-rules.txt
- /usr/local/share/examples/dnscrypt-proxy/example-dnscrypt-proxy.toml
- /usr/local/share/examples/dnscrypt-proxy/example-forwarding-rules.txt
- /var/dnscrypt-proxy/
- @conflict dnscrypt-proxy-plugins-*
- @exec-update [[ $(stat -f '%u:%g' /var/dnscrypt-proxy/ 2>/dev/null) != 688:688 ]] && chown -R _dnscrypt-proxy:_dnscrypt-proxy /var/dnscrypt-proxy || true
- @extraunexec rm -rf /var/dnscrypt-proxy/*
- @newgroup _dnscrypt-proxy:688
- @newuser _dnscrypt-proxy:688:_dnscrypt-proxy::dnscrypt-proxy user:/var/empty:/sbin/nologin