
The comms/zigbee2mqtt port

zigbee2mqtt-2.1.3 – Zigbee to MQTT bridge (cvsweb github mirror)


zigbee2mqtt allows you to use your Zigbee devices without the vendor's
bridge or gateway.

It bridges events and allows you to control your Zigbee devices via
MQTT. In this way you can integrate your Zigbee devices with whatever
smart home infrastructure you are using.

To use it, you will need suitable Zigbee bridge hardware (typically
USB-based), Zigbee devices, and an MQTT server (for example, mosquitto
or rabbitmq).

zigbee2mqtt has mature support for adapters based on TI zStack, SiLabs
EmberZNet, and Dresden Elektronik deCONZ. It has experimental support
for some others. Most of these are USB devices presenting as a serial
UART (/dev/cuaU*) when running the correct firmware - it has some
support for network-based (wifi/ethernet) devices.
WWW: https://www.zigbee2mqtt.io/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

You will need to use a suitable hardware device to interface with
Zigbee, and that device will often need to have specific firmware
loaded before it can be used. Refer to upstream documentation for
more information.

Device permissions
zigbee2mqtt uses USB devices which present themselves as serial ports
(/dev/cuaU0 if this is the only USB serial device on the system).

The user running the daemon (normally _z2m) must have access to the
relevant serial port device nodes. zigbee2mqtt will not start unless
either this is done, or configuration is changed to use a network-
based device.

Either edit /etc/group and add _z2m to "dialer", or if you would like
to restrict it to a specific device, change the group ownership of
the relevant /dev/cuaU* device to _z2m.

The default configuration installed by the package starts a front-end
on - edit ${SYSCONFDIR}/zigbee2mqtt/configuration.yaml
to change or disable this.


Stuart Henderson

Only for arches

aarch64 amd64



Build dependencies

Run dependencies

