
The games/keeperrl port

keeperrl-1.0pl20p0 – dungeon builder game with roguelike elements (cvsweb github mirror)


KeeperRL is an ambitious dungeon simulator with roguelike and RPG
elements. Take the role of an evil wizard and study the methods of
black magic. Equip your minions and explore the world, murder
innocent villagers and burn their homes. Build your dungeon, lay
traps and prepare for an assault of angry heroes.

When you control your minions the game changes into a classic
roguelike, with turn-based and very tactical combat. You can also
play as an adventurer and assault dungeons made by you or other
WWW: https://keeperrl.com/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Using Free Assets

The game includes a set of free ASCII art assets. You can use them by launching
it with `--data_dir` pointing at the directory:

$ keeper --data_dir=${TRUEPREFIX}/share/keeperrl/

Note the free assets don't include sound effects or music.

Using Commercial Assets

There are several ways to obtain the commercial assets which are listed
on the homepage, including by donating to animal charity. To use them for the
game, either run `keeper` from the directory with the game's files (including
appconfig.txt and data/), or use `--data_dir`:

$ keeper --data_dir=/path/to/keeperrl/files/

Userdir Location

${PKGSTEM} is built with ENABLE_LOCAL_USER_DIR, making ~/.local/share/KeeperRL
the default writable directory for user data. This can be overridden with the
flag `--user_dir=/path/to/userdir` or by setting XDG_DATA_HOME in the


Thomas Frohwein

Only for arches

aarch64 alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 mips64 mips64el powerpc powerpc64 riscv64 sparc64


games x11

Library dependencies

Build dependencies

