The mail/maildrop,postfix port
maildrop-3.1.8-postfix – mail delivery agent with filtering abilities (cvsweb github mirror)
maildrop is a replacement for your local mail delivery agent. It reads a mail message from standard input, then delivers the message to your mailbox. maildrop knows how to deliver mail to mbox-style mailboxes, and maildirs. maildrop will optionally read instructions from a file, which describes how to filter incoming mail. Instructions can be provided having mail delivered to alternate mailboxes, or forwarded somewhere else. Unlike procmail, maildrop uses a structured filtering language. maildrop is written in C++, and is significantly larger than procmail in compiled form. However, it uses resources much more efficiently. Unlike procmail, maildrop will not read a 10 megabyte mail message into memory. Large messages are saved in a temporary file, and are filtered from the temporary file.WWW:
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Maildrop must be run as the uid/gid of the user whose mailbox it is delivering to. Therefore, if the MTA does not spawn it with the correct uid/gid, it needs to be suid root to perform the operation itself. The port is installed with the suid bit stripped by default. This works out-of-the-box with MTAs like qmail, which spawn maildrop with the correct uid/gid it needs to perform the delivery. For more information, please read the documentation in ${PREFIX}/share/doc/maildrop/INSTALL. It should be safe to enable the suid bits, but scan over the code first and satisfy yourself that there are no security holes. If you perform a full audit, please informand the suid bit may then be enabled by default. The following files will need suid re-enabled if you so choose: ${PREFIX}/bin/maildrop ${PREFIX}/bin/lockmail
Giovanni Bechis
maildrop-3.1.8-postfix courier-utils-3.1.8p0
Only for arches
aarch64 alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 mips64 mips64el powerpc powerpc64 riscv64 sparc64