
The mail/mozilla-thunderbird port

thunderbird-128.8.1 – Mozilla e-mail, calendar, rss and usenet client (cvsweb github mirror)


Mozilla Thunderbird is a messaging client including support for email
(POP3 and IMAP), RSS feeds, chat (IRC, XMPP and others), and newsgroups

It has features supporting user privacy and safety (remote image
blocking, protection against some forms of phishing, "learning" spam
filter), and offers easy organization of emails with tagging and virtual

It also has calendar/groupware features that can handle events,
event invitations and tasks in multiple calendars. It supports local
calendars, CalDAV and plain .ics files on CardDAV and WebDAV.

More features can be added by installing extensions.
WWW: https://www.thunderbird.net/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

If you encounter strange problems or Thunderbird doesn't start at
all, try the -safe-mode switch.

To make Thunderbird open links using Firefox, shut down Thunderbird
and add these lines to ~/.thunderbird/.default/prefs.js:

user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.http", "${LOCALBASE}/bin/firefox");
user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.https", "${LOCALBASE}/bin/firefox");

Chat with OTR

If you plan to use OTR within the chat feature of thunderbird, make sure libotr
package is installed.
# pkg_add libotr

Send/receive encrypted/signed mail

Thunderbird 78 provides OpenPGP email encryption via RNP, which was previously
optionally available via the Enigmail extension and GnuPG. All basic OpenPGP
features (encrypt/decrypt/sign) are available out of the box. Support for
smartcards is incomplete, only decryption works at this time, signing is not
yet implemented. To use the experimental smartcard support, which is
implemented as a fallback to GnuPG for secret key operations, install the gpgme

https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/openpgp-thunderbird-howto-and-faq is the
reference documentation for this feature.

If you encounter crashes, you might want to install the debug part of
this package, and run thunderbird inside gdb, so that you can gather
debugging logs and traces for all threads.
Bug reports without that information will be ignored.


Landry Breuil

Only for arches

aarch64 amd64 riscv64


lang/python lang/rust mail news

Library dependencies

Build dependencies

Run dependencies

