The devel/p5-Task-Weaken port
p5-Task-Weaken-1.06p0 – ensure that a platform has weaken support (cvsweb github mirror)
One recurring problem in modules that use Scalar::Util's weaken function is that it is not present in the pure-perl variant. While this isn't necessarily always a problem in a straight CPAN-based Perl environment, some operating system distributions only include the pure-Perl versions, don't include the XS version, and so weaken is then "missing" from the platform, despite passing a dependency on Scalar::Util successfully.WWW:
The OpenBSD ports mailing-list
Reverse dependencies
- converters/p5-CBOR-XS
- devel/p5-AnyEvent
- devel/p5-B-Utils
- devel/p5-Devel-REPL
- devel/p5-MooseX-Method-Signatures
- devel/p5-Object-Pluggable
- devel/p5-POE-Component-Pluggable
- devel/p5-Perl-Critic
- devel/p5-ZMQ-LibZMQ3
- security/p5-POE-Component-SSLify
- textproc/p5-PPI
- textproc/p5-PPIx-Regexp
- textproc/p5-XML-Elemental
- textproc/p5-XML-RAI
- www/p5-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu
- www/p5-Catalyst-Runtime
- www/p5-CatalystX-LeakChecker
- www/p5-HTML-FormFu
- www/p5-SOAP-Lite
- /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/Task/
- /usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/Task/
- /usr/local/man/man3p/Task::Weaken.3p