
The devel/intellij port

intellij-2024.3.1 – IntelliJ IDEA Java IDE (cvsweb github mirror)


IntelliJ IDEA is an advanced Java IDE developed by JetBrains and
focused on developer productivity. The community edition features:
* An intelligent code editor that understands Java code; provides
  refactorings, code inspections and intentions, and allows for
  fast code navigation.
* Integration with such tools as JUnit and TestNG, Ant and Maven,
  and popular version control systems including: CVS, Subversion
  and git.
* XML-Java interoperability and comprehensive Groovy programming
  language support.
* The Swing UI designer complements the suite of tools for
  developing Java desktop applications.
WWW: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Windowing Problems
If the splash-screen displays but you then only see a grey main screen,
install the wmname package and run 'wmname LG3D'. This is a problem that
has been seen with some Java-based applications used with a non-reparenting
window manager (e.g. cwm).

Native Libraries
Functionality depending on native libraries is not likely to work.

Filesystem notifier
Install the intellij-fsnotifier package to use fsNotifier.

Errors After Upgrading
If you receive errors starting after an upgrade, try the following:

1. Remove the ${HOME}/.IdeaICXXXX.Y/config/plugins directory
2. Remove the following directories
  a. ${HOME}/.local/share/JetBrains
  b. ${HOME}/.cache/JetBrains
  c. ${HOME}/.config/JetBrains
3. Relaunch intellij
4. Reinstall the removed plugins


Lucas Raab

Only for arches

aarch64 amd64 i386


devel java

Build dependencies

Run dependencies

