
The games/chocolate-doom port

chocolate-doom-3.0.1p2 – portable release of Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife (cvsweb github mirror)


Chocolate Doom is an SDL-based port of the classic DOOM.EXE experience from
the days of DOS.  The project aims to provide an experience identical to that
of the original games on original hardware.  A game configuration program is 
included, and emulates the classic DOS-style SETUP.EXE of the originals.

The project also maintains versions of the engine for Heretic, Hexen, and
Strife.  All original game PWADs and demos should work flawlessly.
WWW: https://www.chocolate-doom.org/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Game Data

To play the game you will need an original Doom, Ultimate Doom, Doom II,
Final Doom, Heretic, Hexen, or Strife IWAD.  The games data files will
be named as follows:

  o DOOM1.WAD .................. Doom Shareware
  o DOOM.WAD ................... Doom Registered or Ultimate Doom
  o DOOM2.WAD .................. Doom II: Hell on Earth
  o PLUTONIA.WAD ............... Final Doom: The Plutonia Experiment
  o TNT.WAD .................... Final Doom: TNT Evilution
  o HERETIC1.WAD ............... Heretic Shareware
  o HERETIC.WAD ................ Heretic: Shadow of the Serpent Riders
  o HEXEN.WAD .................. Hexen: Beyond Heretic
  o STRIFE0.WAD ................ Strife Shareware
  o STRIFE1.WAD + VOICES.WAD ... Strife: Quest for the Sigil

Place one or more of the above-listed files in ${PREFIX}/share/doom/
to play.

NOTE: Chocolate-doom is case-insensitive when loading files, just as the
original for DOS was.  This means you do not have to reference the files
in CAPS to load via `-iwad' or `-file' parameters.

Launching a Game

Depending on which game you want to play, launch with the executable
matching the game data installed.  There are four options:

  o chocolate-doom
  o chocolate-heretic
  o chocolate-hexen
  o chocolate-strife

Run `chocolate--setup' to generate a configuration file to your

If multiple IWADs are installed, you may specify the one you want to
play via the `-iwad' command-line parameter:

  $ chocolate-doom -iwad doom.wad
  $ chocolate-heretic -iwad heretic1.wad

Multiplayer Games

See the chocolate-(6) manpages for additional information.  If a
dedicated server is desired, see the chocolate-server(6) manpage.

Shareware Data

The Doom Shareware IWAD is available in the `doomdata' package.  Other
shareware is available from the Doomworld idgames archive website:

  Heretic: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/idstuff/heretic/htic_v12
  Hexen: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/idstuff/hexen/hexndemo
  Strife: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/roguestuff/strife11


Ryan Freeman


games lang/python x11

Library dependencies

Build dependencies

Run dependencies

Test dependencies

