The archivers/unzip port
unzip-6.0p18 – extract, list & test files in a ZIP archive (cvsweb github mirror)
Unzip will list, test, or extract files from a ZIP archive, commonly found on MS-DOS systems. The default behavior (with no options) is to extract into the current directory (and subdirectories below it) all files from the specified ZIP archive. Unzip is compatible with archives created by PKWARE's PKZIP, but in many cases the program options or default behaviors differ. Zipinfo lists technical information about files in a ZIP archive, most commonly found on MS-DOS systems. Such information includes file access permissions, encryption status, type of compression, version and operating system or file system of compressing program, and the like. Funzip acts as a filter; that is, it assumes that a ZIP archive is being piped into standard input, and it extracts the first member from the archive to stdout. If there is an argument, then the input comes from the specified file instead of from stdin. Unzipsfx is a modified version of unzip designed to be prepended to existing ZIP archives in order to form self-extracting archives. Instead of taking its first non-flag argument to be the zipfile(s) to be extracted, unzipsfx seeks itself under the name by which it was invoked and tests or extracts the contents of the appended archive. Available flavors: iconv Convert charset of filenamesWWW:
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Reverse dependencies
- archivers/deco
- archivers/p5-Archive-Zip
- archivers/py-zopfli
- audio/generaluser-gs-soundfont
- audio/goattracker
- audio/gonic
- audio/mac
- audio/mikmod
- audio/navidrome
- audio/p5-MP3-Tag
- audio/portmidi
- audio/vorbisgain
- benchmarks/vegeta
- books/diveintopython
- books/docbook-guide
- cad/dxf2gcode
- converters/k2pdfopt
- databases/bbolt
- databases/influx-cli
- databases/influxdb
- databases/jxplorer
- databases/mariadb
- databases/mysql-utilities
- databases/pgtap
- databases/py-apsw
- databases/recoll
- devel/64tass
- devel/arduino-esp32
- devel/arduino-esp8266
- devel/asm6
- devel/avr32/headers
- devel/bazel
- devel/codeworker
- devel/cryptopp
- devel/dex2jar
- devel/dnspy
- devel/esbuild
- devel/git
- devel/github-cli
- devel/go-tools
- devel/gopls
- devel/goreleaser
- devel/gsoap
- devel/jadx
- devel/javahelp
- devel/jdk/1.8
- devel/jdk/11
- devel/jdk/17
- devel/jdk/21
- devel/luarexlib
- devel/luarocks
- devel/luastdlib
- devel/mercurial
- devel/msbuild
- devel/netbeans
- devel/ois
- devel/pccts
- devel/premake4
- devel/promu
- devel/py-lief
- devel/py-simplegeneric
- devel/py-speg
- devel/py2-setuptools
- devel/qp/qpc
- devel/qp/qpcpp
- devel/shfmt
- devel/sqlc
- devel/tea
- devel/ti-msp430gcc
- devel/vim-taglist
- devel/visualvm
- editors/jmigpin-editor
- editors/libreoffice
- editors/micro
- editors/uemacs
- emulators/simh
- fonts/0xProto
- fonts/abyssinica
- fonts/alkalami
- fonts/andika
- fonts/annapurna
- fonts/anonymous-pro
- fonts/apl-fonts
- fonts/aref-ruqaa
- fonts/atkinson-hyperlegible
- fonts/blockzone
- fonts/cascadia-code
- fonts/charis
- fonts/clearsans
- fonts/comic-mono
- fonts/comic-neue
- fonts/dai-banna
- fonts/dina-fonts
- fonts/doulos
- fonts/doulos-cipher
- fonts/farsi-bfonts-ttf
- fonts/font-awesome
- fonts/free3of9-ttf
- fonts/freefont-ttf
- fonts/genei-latin
- fonts/gentium
- fonts/hanazono
- fonts/ibm-plex
- fonts/inconsolata-new
- fonts/intel-one-mono
- fonts/inter
- fonts/iosevka-fonts/aile
- fonts/iosevka-fonts/default
- fonts/iosevka-fonts/etoile
- fonts/iosevka-fonts/slab
- fonts/ja-kanjistrokeorders-ttf
- fonts/jaldi
- fonts/jetbrains-mono
- fonts/junicode
- fonts/konatu
- fonts/league-fonts/fanwood
- fonts/league-fonts/gb1911
- fonts/league-fonts/goudy
- fonts/league-fonts/lindenhill
- fonts/league-fonts/prociono
- fonts/literata
- fonts/mada
- fonts/migmix
- fonts/migu
- fonts/mononoki
- fonts/nerd-fonts/codenewroman
- fonts/nerd-fonts/dejavusansmono
- fonts/nerd-fonts/fantasquesansmono
- fonts/nerd-fonts/noto
- fonts/nerd-fonts/profont
- fonts/nerd-fonts/symbolsonly
- fonts/nerd-fonts/terminus
- fonts/nerd-fonts/ubuntu
- fonts/nerd-fonts/ubuntu-mono
- fonts/noto/cjk
- fonts/profont
- fonts/public-sans
- fonts/recursive
- fonts/roboto-fonts
- fonts/scheherazade
- fonts/spranq-ecofont-ttf
- fonts/sunscreen
- fonts/symbola-ttf
- fonts/tagmukay
- fonts/ubuntu-fonts
- fonts/vazirmatn
- fonts/victor-mono
- fonts/vollkorn
- games/alephone/scenarios/evil
- games/alephone/scenarios/marathon
- games/alephone/scenarios/marathon2
- games/alephone/scenarios/marathoninfinity
- games/alephone/scenarios/red
- games/alephone/weland
- games/bass
- games/clidle
- games/dangerdeep
- games/doomdata/shareware
- games/duke3ddata
- games/dungeon
- games/eduke32
- games/extremetuxracer
- games/falconseye
- games/fna/faudio
- games/fna/fna
- games/fna/fna3d
- games/fotaq
- games/freeciv21
- games/freecol
- games/freedoom/freedm
- games/freedoom/freedoom
- games/lwjgl3
- games/mvdsv
- games/nblood
- games/openarena
- games/openmw
- games/openrct2
- games/openttd-data/opengfx
- games/openttd-data/openmsx
- games/openttd-data/opensfx
- games/opentyrian
- games/opentyrian-data
- games/orthorobot
- games/pacman-arena
- games/prboom-plus
- games/pyganim
- games/scid
- games/singularity
- games/spacetrader
- games/ufoai/data
- games/urbanterror-data
- games/warzone2100
- games/xonotic
- geo/josm
- geo/traccar
- graphics/DevIL
- graphics/cstitch
- graphics/evince
- graphics/freeimage
- graphics/gimp/gegl-filters/custom-bevel
- graphics/glfw
- graphics/glpng
- graphics/jbig2dec
- graphics/libmng
- graphics/libpgf
- graphics/orthanc/postgresql-plugin
- graphics/orthanc/server
- graphics/orthanc/webviewer-plugin
- java/gradle
- lang/lucee/v5
- lang/lucee/v6
- lang/nim
- lang/scm
- lang/squeak/funsqueak
- lang/squeak/image
- lang/unicon
- mail/aerc
- mail/amavisd-new
- mail/mailscanner
- mail/mozilla-thunderbird
- mail/opensmtpd-filters/rspamd
- mail/opensmtpd-filters/spfgreylist
- mail/rssgoemail
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/ar
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/ast
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/be
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/bg
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/br
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/ca
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/cak
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/cs
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/cy
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/da
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/de
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/dsb
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/el
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/en-CA
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/en-GB
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/en-US
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/es-AR
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/es-ES
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/es-MX
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/et
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/eu
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/fi
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/fr
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/fy-NL
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/ga-IE
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/gd
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/gl
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/he
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/hr
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/hsb
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/hu
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/hy-AM
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/id
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/is
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/it
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/ja
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/ka
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/kab
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/kk
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/ko
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/lt
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/lv
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/ms
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/nb-NO
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/nl
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/nn-NO
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/pa-IN
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/pl
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/pt-BR
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/pt-PT
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/rm
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/ro
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/ru
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/sk
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/sl
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/sq
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/sr
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/sv-SE
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/th
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/tr
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/uk
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/uz
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/vi
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/zh-CN
- mail/thunderbird-i18n/zh-TW
- math/R
- math/jacal
- math/nonogram
- math/nonolib
- math/p5-AI-NeuralNet-BackProp
- math/p5-AI-NeuralNet-Mesh
- math/py-graphviz
- math/py2-numpy
- math/rstudio
- misc/astrolog
- misc/ent
- misc/mc
- misc/vmware-vncpasswd
- multimedia/ccextractor
- multimedia/libtheorafile
- multimedia/sfml
- net/amfora
- net/bombadillo
- net/coredns
- net/crawley
- net/dendrite
- net/dnscontrol
- net/dnsq
- net/dog
- net/dt
- net/go-ipfs
- net/go-sendxmpp
- net/gomuks
- net/headscale
- net/icinga/icingadb
- net/irtt
- net/mautrix-whatsapp
- net/miniflux
- net/minio/client
- net/minio/server
- net/minio/server-old
- net/nagios/nagios
- net/ntfy
- net/obfs4proxy
- net/openrdap
- net/p5-Net-Ping-External
- net/poink
- net/rabbitmq
- net/senpai
- net/snowflake_proxy
- net/soju
- net/sping
- net/stayrtr
- net/tailscale
- net/termshark
- net/tut
- net/unifi/main
- net/websocketd
- net/wormhole-william
- net/yggdrasil-go
- news/multimail
- news/sabnzbd
- print/py-fonttools
- print/py-reportlab
- productivity/baikal
- productivity/deskzilla
- productivity/vym
- security/age
- security/boringssl/fips
- security/boringssl/head
- security/certspotter
- security/cfssl
- security/crowdsec
- security/crowdsec-firewall-bouncer
- security/emldump
- security/fcrackzip
- security/ghidra
- security/gobuster
- security/gopass
- security/gosec
- security/lego
- security/nuclei
- security/ogvt
- security/oledump
- security/oletools
- security/osv-scanner
- security/pdf-parser
- security/pdfid
- security/py-cryptodome-test-vectors
- security/rarcrack
- security/sops
- security/squealer
- security/step-ca
- security/step-cli
- security/tls-attacker
- security/wesng
- shells/elvish
- sysutils/alertmanager
- sysutils/artty
- sysutils/beats/filebeat
- sysutils/beats/heartbeat
- sysutils/beats/metricbeat
- sysutils/beats/packetbeat
- sysutils/blackbox_exporter
- sysutils/chezmoi
- sysutils/consul-template
- sysutils/croc
- sysutils/dhcpd_leases_exporter
- sysutils/docker-compose
- sysutils/duf
- sysutils/ec2-api-tools
- sysutils/envconsul
- sysutils/fzf
- sysutils/galleon
- sysutils/gitlab-cli
- sysutils/gitmux
- sysutils/grizzly
- sysutils/hcloud
- sysutils/idrac_exporter
- sysutils/kopia
- sysutils/lf
- sysutils/node_exporter
- sysutils/opam
- sysutils/opentofu
- sysutils/packer
- sysutils/packer-vmm
- sysutils/plakar
- sysutils/planor
- sysutils/promscale
- sysutils/py-packaging
- sysutils/reaction
- sysutils/restic
- sysutils/restic-rest-server
- sysutils/serf
- sysutils/ssl_exporter
- sysutils/stripe-cli
- sysutils/telegraf
- sysutils/terraform
- sysutils/terragrunt
- sysutils/tflint
- sysutils/unbound_exporter
- sysutils/vultr-cli
- sysutils/walk
- textproc/clit
- textproc/cloc
- textproc/codesearch
- textproc/der-ascii
- textproc/docbook
- textproc/docx2txt
- textproc/epubcheck
- textproc/gron
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/da_DK
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/de_DE
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/el_GR
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/es_ES
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/fr
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/hu_HU
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/id_ID
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/is_IS
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/it_IT
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/lt_LT
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/nl_NL
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/pl_PL
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/pt_PT
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/ro_RO
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/ru_RU
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/sk_SK
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/sl_SI
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/sv_SE
- textproc/hyphen-i18n/uk_UA
- textproc/iso8879
- textproc/latexmk
- textproc/license-scanner
- textproc/miller
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/af
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ak
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/am-ET
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ar
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/az-IR
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/be
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/bg
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/bn-BD
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ca
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ca-valencia
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/cs
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/csb
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/cy-GB
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/da
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/de-AT
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/de-CH
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/de-DE
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/dsb
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/el
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/en-AU
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/en-CA
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/en-GB
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/en-ZA
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/eo
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/es-AR
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/es-MX
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/es-VE
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/es-es
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/et
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/eu
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/fa
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/fo-FO
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/fr
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/fur-IT
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/fy-NL
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ga-IE
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/gl
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/gu-IN
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/he
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/hi-IN
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/hr
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/hr-HR
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/hsb
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/hu
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/id
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/is
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/it
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ku
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/la
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/lb-LU
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/lt
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/lv
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/mg-MG
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/mi
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/mn
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/nb-NO
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ne-NP
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/nl
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/nn-NO
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/nr
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/nso
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ny-MW
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/oc
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/or-IN
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/pa-IN
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/pl
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/pt-BR
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/pt-PT
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ro
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ru
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/sk-SK
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/sl
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/sq
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/sr
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ss
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/st
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/sv-SE
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/sw-TZ
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ta
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/tn
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ts
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/uk
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ur
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/ve
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/vi
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/xh
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/yi
- textproc/mozilla-dicts/zu
- textproc/namazu
- textproc/naturaldocs
- textproc/sim
- textproc/slides
- textproc/sword
- textproc/terraform-docs
- textproc/tinyxml
- textproc/trdsql
- textproc/uni
- textproc/unicode/cldr
- textproc/unicode/ucd
- textproc/xlsx2csv
- www/firefox-esr
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ach
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/af
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/an
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ar
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ast
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/az
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/bg
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/bn
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/br
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/bs
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ca
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/cs
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/cy
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/da
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/de
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/dsb
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/el
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/en-GB
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/en-US
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/eo
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/es-AR
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/es-CL
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/es-ES
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/es-MX
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/et
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/eu
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/fa
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ff
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/fi
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/fr
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/fy-NL
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ga-IE
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/gd
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/gl
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/gu-IN
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/he
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/hi-IN
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/hr
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/hsb
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/hu
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/hy-AM
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/id
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/is
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/it
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ja
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/kk
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/km
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/kn
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ko
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/lij
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/lt
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/lv
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/mk
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/mr
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ms
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/nb-NO
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/nl
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/nn-NO
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/pa-IN
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/pl
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/pt-BR
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/pt-PT
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/rm
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ro
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ru
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/si
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/sk
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/sl
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/son
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/sq
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/sr
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/sv-SE
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/ta
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/te
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/th
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/tr
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/uk
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/vi
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/xh
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/zh-CN
- www/firefox-esr-i18n/zh-TW
- www/firefox-i18n/ach
- www/firefox-i18n/af
- www/firefox-i18n/an
- www/firefox-i18n/ar
- www/firefox-i18n/ast
- www/firefox-i18n/az
- www/firefox-i18n/be
- www/firefox-i18n/bg
- www/firefox-i18n/bn
- www/firefox-i18n/br
- www/firefox-i18n/bs
- www/firefox-i18n/ca
- www/firefox-i18n/cs
- www/firefox-i18n/cy
- www/firefox-i18n/da
- www/firefox-i18n/de
- www/firefox-i18n/dsb
- www/firefox-i18n/el
- www/firefox-i18n/en-GB
- www/firefox-i18n/en-US
- www/firefox-i18n/eo
- www/firefox-i18n/es-AR
- www/firefox-i18n/es-CL
- www/firefox-i18n/es-ES
- www/firefox-i18n/es-MX
- www/firefox-i18n/et
- www/firefox-i18n/eu
- www/firefox-i18n/fa
- www/firefox-i18n/ff
- www/firefox-i18n/fi
- www/firefox-i18n/fr
- www/firefox-i18n/fy-NL
- www/firefox-i18n/ga-IE
- www/firefox-i18n/gd
- www/firefox-i18n/gl
- www/firefox-i18n/gu-IN
- www/firefox-i18n/he
- www/firefox-i18n/hi-IN
- www/firefox-i18n/hr
- www/firefox-i18n/hsb
- www/firefox-i18n/hu
- www/firefox-i18n/hy-AM
- www/firefox-i18n/id
- www/firefox-i18n/is
- www/firefox-i18n/it
- www/firefox-i18n/ja
- www/firefox-i18n/kk
- www/firefox-i18n/km
- www/firefox-i18n/kn
- www/firefox-i18n/ko
- www/firefox-i18n/lij
- www/firefox-i18n/lt
- www/firefox-i18n/lv
- www/firefox-i18n/mk
- www/firefox-i18n/mr
- www/firefox-i18n/ms
- www/firefox-i18n/nb-NO
- www/firefox-i18n/nl
- www/firefox-i18n/nn-NO
- www/firefox-i18n/pa-IN
- www/firefox-i18n/pl
- www/firefox-i18n/pt-BR
- www/firefox-i18n/pt-PT
- www/firefox-i18n/rm
- www/firefox-i18n/ro
- www/firefox-i18n/ru
- www/firefox-i18n/si
- www/firefox-i18n/sk
- www/firefox-i18n/sl
- www/firefox-i18n/son
- www/firefox-i18n/sq
- www/firefox-i18n/sr
- www/firefox-i18n/sv-SE
- www/firefox-i18n/ta
- www/firefox-i18n/te
- www/firefox-i18n/th
- www/firefox-i18n/tr
- www/firefox-i18n/uk
- www/firefox-i18n/vi
- www/firefox-i18n/xh
- www/firefox-i18n/zh-CN
- www/firefox-i18n/zh-TW
- www/hugo
- www/mozilla-firefox
- www/mycorrhiza
- www/reader
- www/seamonkey
- www/seamonkey-i18n/cs
- www/seamonkey-i18n/de
- www/seamonkey-i18n/en-GB
- www/seamonkey-i18n/en-US
- www/seamonkey-i18n/es-AR
- www/seamonkey-i18n/es-ES
- www/seamonkey-i18n/fi
- www/seamonkey-i18n/fr
- www/seamonkey-i18n/hu
- www/seamonkey-i18n/it
- www/seamonkey-i18n/ja
- www/seamonkey-i18n/nb-NO
- www/seamonkey-i18n/nl
- www/seamonkey-i18n/pl
- www/seamonkey-i18n/pt-BR
- www/seamonkey-i18n/pt-PT
- www/seamonkey-i18n/ru
- www/seamonkey-i18n/sk
- www/seamonkey-i18n/sv-SE
- www/seamonkey-i18n/zh-CN
- www/seamonkey-i18n/zh-TW
- www/selfoss
- www/shiori
- www/tor-browser/browser
- www/tor-browser/noscript
- x11/faenza-icon-theme
- x11/gnome/file-roller
- x11/gnome/gucharmap
- x11/gnustep/zipper
- x11/irrlicht
- x11/mate/engrampa
- x11/py-pyglet
- x11/xarchiver
- /usr/local/bin/funzip
- /usr/local/bin/unzip
- /usr/local/bin/unzipsfx
- /usr/local/bin/zipgrep
- /usr/local/bin/zipinfo
- /usr/local/man/man1/funzip.1
- /usr/local/man/man1/unzip.1
- /usr/local/man/man1/unzipsfx.1
- /usr/local/man/man1/zipgrep.1
- /usr/local/man/man1/zipinfo.1
- /usr/local/share/doc/unzip/
- /usr/local/share/doc/unzip/COPYING.OLD
- /usr/local/share/doc/unzip/LICENSE
- /usr/local/share/doc/unzip/README
- /usr/local/share/doc/unzip/WHERE