The www/pnp4nagios port
pnp4nagios-0.6.26p3 – Nagios/Icinga addon which graphs performance data (cvsweb github mirror)
PNP is an addon to Nagios and Icinga which analyzes performance data provided by plugins and stores them automatically into RRD-databases (Round Robin Databases).WWW:
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running pnp4nagios on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- General ======= Pnp4nagios has no default runtime dependencies to a monitoring tool, as well as to a monitoring webinterface or web server. Example instructions below are given for icinga, icinga-web and Apache2, as well as icinga2, icinga-web2 and nginx. Log file in ${VARBASE}/log/pnp4nagios will need to be rotated. Here is a sample line for newsyslog.conf: ${VARBASE}/log/pnp4nagios/pnp4nagios.log _icinga:_icinga 644 7 250 * Z Icinga, Icinga-web, Apache ========================== Apache2 configuration --------------------- Apache2 configuration for PNP4Nagios is stored under: ${VARBASE}/www/conf/modules.sample/pnp4nagios.conf It needs to be enabled by running the following command: # ln -s ../modules.sample/pnp4nagios.conf ${VARBASE}/www/conf/modules # rcctl restart apache2 Icinga-web configuration ------------------------ To integrate PNP4Nagios into the Icinga Web frontend you will need to install templates extensions which comes with icinga-web package: % cd ${VARBASE}/www/icinga-web/app/modules/Cronks/data/xml/extensions # ln -s pnp-host-extension.xml.dist pnp-host-extension.xml # ln -s pnp-service-extension.xml.dist pnp-service-extension.xml Icinga2, Icinga-web2, Nginx =========================== Pnp4nagios runs with php_fpm behind nginx in a chrooted environment. Prepare the chroot environment ------------------------------ - follow the instructions in the rrdtool package README to chroot rrdtool - copy /bin/sh to ${VARBASE}/www/bin - copy ${SYSCONFDIR} ${VARBASE}/www${SYSCONFDIR} - copy ${LOCALBASE}/lib/kohana/system ${VARBASE}/www${LOCALBASE}/lib/kohana/system - edit ${VARBASE}/www${SYSCONFDIR}/config.php - ensure: $conf['rrdbase'] = "/pnp4nagios/rrd/"; - ensure: $conf['nagios_base'] = "/icingaweb2"; Icinga2 configuration --------------------- With Icinga2 enable the perfdata feature: # icinga2 feature enable perfdata Pnp4nagios will use the npcd daemon, and work in the 'bulk' mode. In ${SYSCONFDIR}/npcd.cfg update the 'perfdata_spool_dir' to point to '${VARBASE}/spool/icinga2/perfdata'. Additionally ensure the 'perfdata_file_run_cmd_args' has a '--bulk' argument specified. In ${SYSCONFDIR}/process_perfdata.cfg ensure the RRDPATH setting points to '${VARBASE}/www/pnp4nagios/rrd'. Finally enable npcd: # rcctl enable npcd Nginx configuration ------------------- Below a minimal snippet for the nginx configuration: server { ... location /pnp4nagios { alias ${VARBASE}/www/pnp4nagios; } location ~ ^(/pnp4nagios.*\.php)(.*)$ { root /pnp4nagios; include ${SYSCONFDIR}/nginx/fastcgi_params; fastcgi_pass unix:run/php-fpm-pnp4nagios.sock; fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(.*)$; fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/index.php; } } Php_fpm configuration --------------------- Configure php_fpm pool, the most important configuration entries: [pnp4nagios] listen = ${VARBASE}/www/run/php-fpm-pnp4nagios.sock listen.owner = www = www listen.mode = 0660 user = _icinga group = _icinga chroot = ${VARBASE}/www Icinga-web2 configuration ------------------------- Pnp4nagios integration with Icinga-web2 is done via PNP module, that can be found here: - For installation and configuration follow the modules instructions. RRD tweaks. ===================== Optionally you may want to use rrdcached to reduce disk I/O. Here is a sample /etc/rc.conf.local part: rrdcached_flags=-b ${VARBASE}/www/pnp4nagios/rrd -m 0660 -s _icinga -l unix:${VARBASE}/www/pnp4nagios/rrd/rrdcached.sock -j ${VARBASE}/www/pnp4nagios/rrd//journal -p ${VARBASE}/www/pnp4nagios/rrd/ -w 1800 -z 1800 -F -P FLUSH,PENDING rrdcached_user=_icinga
Kirill Bychkov
pnp4nagios-0.6.26p3 pnp4nagios-cgi-0.6.26p3
needs update for php 8