The emulators/nono port
nono-1.1.1 – OMRON LUNA-I and LUNA-88K emulator (cvsweb github mirror)
nono is OMRON LUNA-I emulator.WWW:
+----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running NetBSD on ${PKGSTEM} +----------------------------------------------------------------------- From ${PKGSTEM}'s manual to run NetBSD you need to create a directory with your disk and config: $ mkdir ~/nono You can download the liveimage of NetBSD from and place it on ~/nono The config file nono.cfg inside ~/nono should be like: vmtype = luna spc0-id6-image = hd,liveimage-luna68k-raw-20200518.img Now run nono specifying ~/nono: $ nono -c ~/nono Now inside the console you should follow these instructions: k [Enter] [Enter] d boot g x For more options you should read the manual. +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running OpenBSD on ${PKGSTEM} +----------------------------------------------------------------------- Currently nono's luna88k emulation is under construction, but aoyama@ build a custom image for ${PKGSTEM}. You can follow the README file in: To boot OpenBSD on ${PKGSTEM}. The config file nono.cfg inside ~/nono should be like: vmtype = luna88k spc0-id6-image = hd,liveimage-luna88k-raw-20210614.img hostnet-driver = none To turn it on: $ nono -c ~/nono -s 0.5 -C Now inside the console you should follow these instructions: ** NVRAM Initialized. N>nvram boot_filename boot Update boot_filename : "vmunix" -> "boot" (Y/[N]):y Updated N>b You can connect to the vm with a serial console by adding the follow to your nono.cfg: hostcom-driver = tcp hostcom-tcp-port = 9999 luna-dipsw1 = 10111111 Then, after staring nono, try: $ telnet localhost 9999
Gonzalo L. R.
Distribution forbidden on ftp
binaries cannot be distributed
Only for arches
aarch64 alpha amd64 arm hppa i386 mips64 mips64el powerpc powerpc64 riscv64 sparc64
on i386: requires __m128i and similar types; may work if SSE is disabled