
The sysutils/reposync port

reposync-20240205 – script to update an OpenBSD CVS repository via rsync (cvsweb github mirror)


reposync is a script, intended to run from cron, to update an OpenBSD
CVS repository using rsync. To reduce disk io, it only does a full update
if either the ChangeLog has been updated, or some larger time has elapsed
since the last run (to ensure changes with no ChangeLog entry, such as
tagging, are also picked up).
WWW: https://github.com/sthen/reposync


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Prepare the repository owner and directories
To allow working on existing mirrors without changing configuration,
the reposync package avoids using a specific username and does not setup
directories automatically.

For a repository owned by the new user "cvs" stored in /home/cvs (as is common
on a standard user's development machine), you can proceed as follows:

# useradd -d /nonexistent -g =uid -s /sbin/nologin cvs
# install -d -o cvs /home/cvs /var/db/reposync

For a new anoncvs server following the standard OpenBSD directory layout,
use /open/anoncvs/cvs instead of /home/cvs. If you are adding reposync to an
existing anoncvs server, simply create /var/db/reposync and chown it to the
owner of the repository.

Initial checkout after preparing directories
Open the list of official mirrors at https://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.html
and choose a mirror showing reposync support.

Mirrors listed as "reposync rsync://..." support ssh-forwarding.

Mirrors listed as "reposync -p rsync://" do not, and must use the plaintext
protocol that does not validate the server identity.

Simply run:

$ doas -u cvs reposync rsync://anoncvs.mirror.example/cvs /home/cvs
cd+++++++++ CVSROOT/
>f+++++++++ CVSROOT/ChangeLog
>f+++++++++ CVSROOT/ChangeLog.0
>f+++++++++ CVSROOT/ChangeLog.1

and wait for it to finish.

Memory limits
The default memory limits ("datasize-cur" and "datasize-max") in
/etc/login.conf may be too low in some cases (especially when many
files have been changed at once, e.g. if the tree has been tagged).


Stuart Henderson


devel sysutils

Run dependencies

Test dependencies

