
The devel/py-bitarray port

py3-bitarray-3.2.0 – efficiently handle arrays of Booleans (cvsweb github mirror)


Bitarray provides an object type which efficiently represents an array
of booleans. Bitarrays are sequence types and behave very much like
usual lists. Eight bits are represented by one byte in a contiguous
block of memory (endianness can be specified).

Methods for accessing the machine representation are provided, including
the ability to import and export buffers. This allows creating bitarrays
that are mapped to other objects, including memory-mapped files.

* Sequence methods: slicing (including slice assignment and deletion),
  operations +, *, +=, *=, the 'in' operator, len()
* Bitwise operations: ~, &, |, ^, <<, >> (as well as their in-place
  versions &=, |=, ^=, <<=, >>=).
* Fast methods for encoding and decoding variable bit length prefix codes.
* Bitarray objects support the buffer protocol
* Packing and unpacking to other binary data formats, e.g. numpy.ndarray.
* Pickling and unpickling of bitarray objects.
* Immutable frozenbitarray objects which are hashable
* Sequential search

Utility functions include conversion to/from hex strings and integers,
(de-)serialization, pretty printing, creating Huffman codes, compression
of sparse bitarrays, various count functions and more.
WWW: https://github.com/ilanschnell/bitarray


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devel lang/python

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