
The comms/zigpy/py-zigpy port

py3-zigpy-0.77.1 – Python library implementing a Zigbee stack (cvsweb github mirror)


zigpy is a Python 3 library implementing standard specifications of the
Zigbee protocol stack.

When used with an additional radio library module, this allows you to
connect to one of many off-the-shelf Zigbee Coordinator adapters and
use it to control Zigbee devices such as lights, switches, sensors,
fans, etc.

zigpy also has optional code to automatically download and perform
Over-The-Air (OTA) firmware updates of Zigbee devices if the OTA
firmware image provider source URL for updates is known or offline
firmware files are available.

zigpy is used by various other pieces of software which provide a
user interface, or can be used for your own implementations.
WWW: https://github.com/zigpy/zigpy


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