
The mail/mini_sendmail port

mini_sendmail-1.3.9 – accept email on behalf of real sendmail (cvsweb github mirror)


mini_sendmail reads its standard input up to an end-of-file and sends a
copy of the message found there to all of the addresses listed.  The
message is sent by connecting to a local SMTP server.  This means
mini_sendmail can be used to send email from inside a chroot(2) area.
WWW: http://www.acme.com/software/mini_sendmail/


| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

First things first, we need to install the chroot subpackage of
mini_sendmail if you have not done so already.  This will put a
statically linked mini_sendmail binary into a location reachable by
Apache when it is under chroot(2), /var/www/bin/mini_sendmail to be

Next, we need to tell PHP about our fake sendmail binary.  The php.ini
examples leave the sendmail_path directive commented out.  We need to
change it to point to mini_sendmail:

;sendmail_path =
sendmail_path = "/bin/mini_sendmail -t -i"

PHP executes mini_sendmail by using the popen(3) function.
Unfortunately, this means we are required to copy /bin/sh into the
Apache chroot area:

# cp -p /bin/sh /var/www/bin/sh

If everything has been performed correctly, after a stop and restart of
Apache (if it is running), we should now be able to utilize the PHP
mail() function.


The OpenBSD ports mailing-list


mini_sendmail-1.3.9 mini_sendmail-chroot-1.3.9


mail www
