The graphics/png port
png-1.6.47 – library for manipulating PNG images (cvsweb github mirror)
libpng (PNG library) is a collection of routines used to create and manipulate PNG format graphics files. The PNG format was designed as a replacement for GIF and, to a lesser extent, TIFF, with many improvements and extensions.WWW:
The OpenBSD ports mailing-list
Build dependencies
Reverse dependencies
- archivers/deutex
- astro/sunclock
- astro/wmglobe
- audio/nncmpp
- audio/ocp
- audio/sox
- benchmarks/glmark2
- cad/prusaslicer
- comms/fldigi
- comms/lcdproc
- converters/k2pdfopt
- devel/dlib
- devel/fox
- devel/gwenhywfar
- devel/jdk/11
- devel/jdk/17
- devel/jdk/21
- devel/kf5/khtml
- devel/libslang
- devel/rgbds
- devel/sdl-image
- editors/TeXmacs
- editors/emacs
- editors/ted
- editors/xemacs21/stable
- emulators/dosbox
- emulators/dosbox-x
- emulators/fs-uae
- emulators/fuse
- emulators/fuse-utils
- emulators/gambatte
- emulators/hatari
- emulators/mgba
- emulators/mupen64plus/core
- emulators/mupen64plus/video-glide64mk2
- emulators/mupen64plus/video-rice
- emulators/openmsx
- emulators/ppsspp
- emulators/qemu
- emulators/snes9x
- emulators/stella
- emulators/vice
- games/0ad/base
- games/ace
- games/boswars
- games/capitan-sevilla
- games/chocolate-doom
- games/crispy-doom
- games/dxx-rebirth
- games/easyrpg
- games/endless-sky
- games/enigma
- games/exult
- games/ezquake
- games/foobillard
- games/freeorion
- games/frotz
- games/fs2open
- games/gemrb
- games/hyperrogue
- games/indierunner
- games/julius
- games/lbreakout2
- games/lincity
- games/lugaru
- games/minetest
- games/neverball
- games/odamex
- games/oolite
- games/openclonk
- games/openjk
- games/openomf
- games/openrct2
- games/openttd
- games/powder-toy
- games/prboom
- games/pushover
- games/scummvm
- games/scummvm-tools
- games/speeddreams
- games/stone-soup
- games/supertuxkart
- games/taisei
- games/tic80
- games/ufoai/base
- games/uqm/uqm
- games/war1gus
- games/wargus
- games/warzone2100
- games/widelands
- games/xbubble
- games/xmoto
- games/xonotic
- games/zoom
- geo/gdal
- graphics/DevIL
- graphics/GraphicsMagick
- graphics/ImageMagick
- graphics/autopano-sift-c
- graphics/azpainter
- graphics/blender
- graphics/cairo
- graphics/cfdg
- graphics/dcmtk
- graphics/digikam
- graphics/farbfeld
- graphics/ffmpegthumbnailer
- graphics/gd
- graphics/gdk-pixbuf2
- graphics/gif2png
- graphics/gimp/snapshot
- graphics/gimp/stable
- graphics/glpng
- graphics/gmic
- graphics/gmic-qt/gimp
- graphics/gmic-qt/none
- graphics/gnofract4d
- graphics/icoutils
- graphics/imlib2
- graphics/inkscape
- graphics/jbig2dec
- graphics/krita
- graphics/lensfun
- graphics/libavif
- graphics/libjxl
- graphics/libpano13
- graphics/libqrencode
- graphics/libsixel
- graphics/libwebp
- graphics/libwmf
- graphics/luagd
- graphics/maim
- graphics/mandelbulber
- graphics/mhgui
- graphics/netpbm
- graphics/ocrad
- graphics/opencv
- graphics/openimageio
- graphics/openjp2
- graphics/optipng
- graphics/p5-Imager
- graphics/pcl
- graphics/piglit
- graphics/png2ico
- graphics/pngquant
- graphics/py-matplotlib
- graphics/quirc
- graphics/recoil
- graphics/sane-airscan
- graphics/sane-backends
- graphics/tiff2png
- graphics/vigra
- graphics/vtk
- graphics/xfig
- graphics/xpaint
- graphics/xv
- graphics/zint
- lang/hashlink
- math/R
- math/grace
- math/graphviz
- misc/magicpoint
- multimedia/libheif
- multimedia/mjpegtools
- multimedia/synfig
- multimedia/xine-lib
- multimedia/xine-ui
- net/bitcoin
- net/ejabberd
- net/libvncserver
- net/rrdtool
- net/ziproxy
- print/fontforge
- print/ghostscript/gnu
- print/gl2ps
- print/htmldoc
- print/libharu
- print/poppler
- print/ptouch-driver
- print/sile
- print/texlive/base
- print/transfig
- telephony/baresip/baresip
- textproc/calibre
- textproc/podofo
- textproc/wkhtmltopdf
- textproc/xpdf
- wayland/grim
- wayland/swayimg
- wayland/wlroots
- www/dillo
- www/links+
- www/netsurf/netsurf-fb
- x11/agar/agar
- x11/agar/test
- x11/dunst
- x11/ede/desktop
- x11/fltk
- x11/fvwm2
- x11/fvwm3
- x11/gnustep/gui
- x11/irrlicht
- x11/kde-applications/gwenview
- x11/kitty
- x11/motif
- x11/mplayer
- x11/nx/nxcomp
- x11/p5-Tk
- x11/pekwm
- x11/qt6/qtwebengine
- x11/vlc
- x11/windowmaker
- x11/xcursorgen
- x11/xfce4/tumbler
- x11/xli
- x11/xloadimage
- x11/xplanet
- x11/xwallpaper
- /usr/local/bin/libpng-config
- /usr/local/bin/libpng16-config
- /usr/local/bin/png-fix-itxt
- /usr/local/include/libpng16/
- /usr/local/include/libpng16/png.h
- /usr/local/include/libpng16/pngconf.h
- /usr/local/include/libpng16/pnglibconf.h
- /usr/local/include/png.h
- /usr/local/include/pngconf.h
- /usr/local/include/pnglibconf.h
- /usr/local/lib/libpng.a
- /usr/local/lib/
- /usr/local/lib/
- /usr/local/lib/libpng16.a
- /usr/local/lib/
- /usr/local/lib/
- /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libpng.pc
- /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/libpng16.pc
- /usr/local/man/man3/libpng.3
- /usr/local/man/man3/libpngpf.3
- /usr/local/man/man5/png.5