Category perl5
- AcePerl-1.92p3 perl interface to the ACEDB database
- AcePerl-1.92p3-opt perl interface to the ACEDB database
- Array-Compare-3.0.8 Perl module for comparing arrays
- ap2-mod_perl-2.0.13 module that embeds a Perl interpreter into Apache2
- bioperl-1.7.8 perl tools for bioinformatics
- catalyst-4.02 catalyst development bundle
- catalyst-tutorial-0.06p1v0 catalyst packages for the tutorial
- chordpro-0.974.1p1 lyrics and chords formatting program
- clusterssh-4.16 secure concurrent multi-server terminal control
- cowsay-0.2.1v0 speaking ascii cow
- find2perl-1.005 translate find command lines to Perl code
- get_flash_videos-1.25.99 download flash video files from various sites
- grepmail-5.3111p1 search mailboxes for a particular email
- html2wml-0.4.11p0 on-the-fly HTML to WML conversion
- mp3cut-1.13p2 cut and cat MP3 files
- mysql-zrm-3.0p1 MySQL backup scripts
- net-snmp-5.9.4p0 extendable SNMP implementation
- net-snmp-tkmib-5.9.4p0 graphical SNMP MIB browser
- p5-AI-FANN-0.10p6 interface to the Fast Artificial Neural Network library
- p5-AI-NeuralNet-BackProp-0.89p4 implement a back-propagation feed-forward neural network
- p5-AI-NeuralNet-Kohonen-0.142p2 Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps
- p5-AI-NeuralNet-Kohonen-Visual-0.3p2 visualisation of Kohonen's Self-Organizing Maps
- p5-AI-NeuralNet-Mesh-0.44p3 module to implement an accurate neural network mesh
- p5-AI-Perceptron-1.0p2 module to internal operations of neural networks
- p5-AMF-Connection-0.32p0 AMF client to connect to remote FLEX AIR service
- p5-Acme-Damn-0.08p0 unbless perl objects
- p5-Acme-LOLCAT-0.0.5p2 translator to LOLCAT
- p5-Algorithm-Annotate-0.10p3 represent a series of changes in annotate form
- p5-Algorithm-C3-0.11 module for merging hierarchies using the C3 algorithm
- p5-Algorithm-Combinatorics-0.27p4 efficient generation of combinatorial sequences
- p5-Algorithm-CurveFit-1.05p0 nonlinear least squares curve fitting
- p5-Algorithm-Dependency-1.112 base class for implementing various dependency trees
- p5-Algorithm-Diff-1.2010 interface to compute differences between two objects
- p5-Algorithm-IncludeExclude-0.01p2 build and evaluate include/exclude lists
- p5-Algorithm-MarkovChain-0.06p3 module to create Markov chains and output based on them
- p5-Algorithm-Munkres-0.08p0 implementation of Munkres' solution to Assignment problem
- p5-Algorithm-NaiveBayes-0.04p1 Bayesian prediction of categories
- p5-Algorithm-Permute-0.17 interface to handy and fast permutation
- p5-Alien-Base-2.84p0 base classes for Alien:: modules
- p5-Alien-Base-ModuleBuild-1.17 Module::Build subclass for building Alien:: modules
- p5-Alien-LibGumbo-0.05p0 building, finding and using the libgumbo library
- p5-Alien-Tidyp-1.4.7p0 building, finding and using tidyp library
- p5-Alien-wxWidgets-0.69p6 building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries
- p5-Alt-Crypt-RSA-BigInt-0.06 RSA public-key cryptosystem, using Math::BigInt
- p5-Any-Moose-0.27 use Moose or Mouse modules
- p5-Any-URI-Escape-0.01p0 URI::Escape::XS module loader
- p5-AnyEvent-7.17p2v0 provide framework for multiple event loops
- p5-AnyEvent-CouchDB-1.31p0 non-blocking CouchDB client based on jquery.couch.js
- p5-AnyEvent-HTTP-2.25p0 simple but non-blocking HTTP/HTTPS client
- p5-AnyEvent-I3-0.19 communicate with the i3 window manager
- p5-AnyEvent-IRC-0.97p1 event based IRC client API
- p5-Apache-DB-0.18 interactive debugger for modperl
- p5-Apache-DBI-1.12p0 DBI persistent connection, authentication and authorization
- p5-Apache-Gallery-1.0.2p5v0 mod_perl Apache gallery handler
- p5-Apache-LogFormat-Compiler-0.36 compile a log format string to perl-code
- p5-Apache-MP3-4.00 mod_perl class for generating browsable MP3 directory lists
- p5-Apache-Session-1.94 persistence framework for Apache session data
- p5-Apache-Session-Generate-UUID-0.2p2 UUID for session ID generation
- p5-Apache-Session-Memcached-0.03p3 Apache::Session storage using memcached
- p5-App-CLI-0.313p0v0 dispatcher for command line interface programs
- p5-App-Cmd-0.337 write command line apps with less suffering
- p5-App-Info-0.57p1 interface for providing metadata about installed packages
- p5-App-Packager-1.430.1 interface to a number of common packagers
- p5-AppConfig-1.71p0 bundle for reading and parsing config files
- p5-AppConfig-Std-1.10p1 subclass of AppConfig that provides standard options
- p5-Archive-Extract-0.88 generic archive extracting mechanism for Perl
- p5-Archive-Zip-1.68 perl interface to ZIP files
- p5-Array-Diff-0.09000p0 perform diffs on arrays
- p5-Array-RefElem-1.00p3 set up array elements as aliases
- p5-Array-Window-1.02p3 calculate windows/subsets/pages of arrays
- p5-AsciiDB-TagFile-1.06p2 tie class for a simple ASCII database
- p5-Asterisk-AMI-0.2.8p0 interact with Asterisk Manager Interface from perl
- p5-Audio-CD-0.04p8 interface to libcdaudio
- p5-Audio-FLAC-Header-2.4p0 interface to FLAC header metadata
- p5-Audio-M4P-0.57p0 M4P/MP4/M4a audio/video tools
- p5-Audio-MPD-2.004p0 module for communicating with MPD servers
- p5-Audio-MPD-Common-2.003p0 bunch of common helper classes for MPD
- p5-Audio-Musepack-1.0.1p0 object-oriented interface to Musepack/APE file information
- p5-Audio-Scan-1.01p0 fast audio metadata and tag reader for Perl
- p5-Audio-Scrobbler-0.01p3 submit tracks to
- p5-Audio-WMA-1.3p0 read WMA/ASF metadata
- p5-Auth-Yubikey_Decrypter-0.07p0 decrypt one-time-password for a YubiKey
- p5-Authen-Htpasswd-0.161p2 read and modify Apache .htpasswd files
- p5-Authen-NTLM-1.09p0 perl interface to the NTLM authentication mechanism
- p5-Authen-OATH-2.0.1 OATH One Time Passwords
- p5-Authen-Radius-0.32 Perl module to authenticate against a RADIUS server
- p5-Authen-SASL-2.16p0 perl interface to the SASL auth framework
- p5-Authen-SASL-Authd-0.04 client authentication via Cyrus or Dovecot
- p5-Authen-WebAuthn-0.004 library to add Web Authentication support to server
- p5-AutoXS-Header-1.02p2 simple container for the AutoXS header file
- p5-B-COW-0.007 additional B helpers to check COW status
- p5-B-Debug-1.26 module to print debug info about perl ops
- p5-B-Deobfuscate-0.20p1 Perl module for use in de-obfuscating source code
- p5-B-Graph-0.51p3 backend to diagram op trees
- p5-B-Hooks-EndOfScope-0.28 execute code after a scope finished compilation
- p5-B-Hooks-OP-Check-0.22p0 wrap OP check callbacks
- p5-B-Keywords-1.27 lists of Perl reserved barewords and symbol names
- p5-B-Utils-0.27p1 helper functions for op tree manipulation
- p5-BFD-0.31p3 impromptu dumping of data structures for debugging purposes
- p5-BSD-Resource-1.2911p0 BSD process resource limit and priority functions
- p5-BSD-Socket-Splice-0.09 perl interface to OpenBSD socket splicing
- p5-BSD-arc4random-1.50p6 perl interface to the arc4 random number generator
- p5-BSD-stat-1.36 stat() with BSD 4.4 extentions
- p5-Barcode-DataMatrix-0.10p1 generate data for Data Matrix (IEC16022) barcodes
- p5-Barcode-DataMatrix-PNG-0.04p0 format Data Matrix (IEC16022) barcodes as PNG
- p5-Benchmark-Timer-0.7112p0 benchmarking with statistical confidence
- p5-BerkeleyDB-0.66 Berkeley DB module
- p5-Best-0.17 fallbackable module loader
- p5-Bio-ASN1-EntrezGene-1.73v0 regular expression-based parser for NCBI Entrez Gene
- p5-Bio-Cluster-1.7.3 cluster modules for BioPerl
- p5-Bio-DB-EMBL-1.7.4 database object interface for EMBL entry retrieval
- p5-Bio-DB-NCBIHelper-1.7.8 collection of routines useful for queries to NCBI databases
- p5-Bio-Variation-1.7.5 bioperl variation-related functionality
- p5-Bit-Vector-7.4p1 library of advanced math functions
- p5-Bit-Vector-Minimal-1.3p2 object-oriented wrapper around vec()
- p5-Blatte-0.9.4p0 text macro/markup/template language
- p5-Blatte-HTML-0.9p0 Blatte functions to generate (X)HTML
- p5-Bot-BasicBot-0.93p0 simple irc bot baseclass
- p5-Business-CreditCard-0.39 verify credit card pins
- p5-Business-Hours-0.13p0 calculate business hours in a time period
- p5-Business-PayPal-0.04p2 extension for automating PayPal transactions
- p5-Business-PayPal-API-0.70p0 PayPal API
- p5-Business-Tax-VAT-Validation-1.23 European VAT number validator
- p5-C-Scan-0.74p3 module to scan C language files
- p5-CBOR-Free-0.32 fast CBOR for everyone
- p5-CBOR-XS-1.87p0 concise binary object representation
- p5-CDB_File-1.05 Perl extension for access to cdb databases
- p5-CDDB-1.222p1 interface to CDDB and freedb servers
- p5-CDDB-File-1.05p2 parse a CDDB/freedb data file
- p5-CDDB_get-2.28.1p0 perl interface to query for cddb-information
- p5-CGI-4.67 handle Common Gateway Interface requests and responses
- p5-CGI-Ajax-0.707p0 AJAX framework for perl
- p5-CGI-Application-4.61 MVC web framework for perl
- p5-CGI-Application-Generator-1.0 skeleton for application based on CGI::Application
- p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ConfigAuto-1.33p0 easy config file management
- p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-DBH-4.04p0 easy DBI access
- p5-CGI-Application-Plugin-ValidateRM-2.52 helps validate CGI::Application run modes
- p5-CGI-Compile-0.26 compile .cgi scripts to a code reference
- p5-CGI-Cookie-Splitter-0.05p0 splits big cookies into small pieces
- p5-CGI-Deurl-1.08p2 Lightweight URL parser
- p5-CGI-Emulate-PSGI-0.23 PSGI adapter for CGI
- p5-CGI-Fast-2.16 CGI interface for FastCGI
- p5-CGI-FastTemplate-1.09p2 manages templates and performs variable interpolation
- p5-CGI-FormBuilder-3.0501p1 easily generate and process stateful forms
- p5-CGI-Lite-3.02p0 process and decode WWW forms and cookies
- p5-CGI-PSGI-0.15p1 adaption to the PSGI protocol
- p5-CGI-SSI-0.92p2 use SSI from CGI scripts
- p5-CGI-Session-4.48p0 persistent session data in CGI applications
- p5-CGI-Session-Driver-memcached-0.04p0 CGI::Session driver for memcached
- p5-CGI-Simple-1.281 drop-in object-oriented replacement
- p5-CGI-Struct-1.21 build structures from CGI data
- p5-CGI-Struct-XS-1.04 fast build structures from CGI data
- p5-CGI-Untaint-1.26p3 taint checking and input validation from web forms
- p5-CGI-XMLApplication-1.1.5p0 object oriented interface for CGI script applications
- p5-CLASS-1.00p1 alias for __PACKAGE__
- p5-CLI-Framework-0.05p0 framework for building flexible cli applications
- p5-CLI-Osprey-0.08 MooX::Options + MooX::Cmd + Sanity
- p5-CPAN-Meta-Check-0.018 verify requirements in a CPAN::Meta object
- p5-CPAN-Perl-Releases-5.20240920 mapping Perl releases to the location of the tarballs
- p5-CSS-DOM-0.17p0 check the validity of links in an HTML or XHTML document
- p5-CSS-Minifier-0.01p2 minifies CSS files
- p5-CSS-Minifier-XS-0.13 XS based CSS minifier
- p5-CSS-Squish-0.10p0 compress CSS info for transmission
- p5-CSS-Tiny-1.20p0 handle CSS with little overhead
- p5-Cache-Cache-1.08p0 perl cache interface
- p5-Cache-FastMmap-1.57 fast shared data cache using memory mapped files
- p5-Cache-Memcached-1.30 pure perl client interface to memcached
- p5-Cache-Mmap-0.11p3v0 shared data cache using memory mapped files
- p5-Cache-Simple-TimedExpiry-0.27p4 lightweight cache with timed expiration
- p5-Cairo-1.109 perl interface to the cairo library
- p5-Cairo-GObject-1.005p0 integrate Cairo into the Glib type system
- p5-Calendar-Simple-2.0.1 simple calendar month
- p5-Canary-Stability-2013p0 canary to check perl compatibility for schmorp's modules
- p5-Captcha-reCAPTCHA-0.99p0 Perl implementation of the reCAPTCHA API
- p5-Capture-Tiny-0.50 capture STDOUT and STDERR
- p5-Carp-Always-0.16p0 turn every die/warn into carp verbose messages
- p5-Carp-Assert-0.22 Perl module implementing assertions
- p5-Carp-Assert-More-2.5.0 convenience wrappers around Carp::Assert
- p5-Carp-Clan-6.08p0 Carp for clan of modules
- p5-Carp-Datum-0.1.3p5 debugging and tracing ultimate module
- p5-Carp-REPL-0.18 read-eval-print-loop on die and/or warn
- p5-Catalyst-Action-REST-1.21 automated REST Method Dispatching
- p5-Catalyst-Action-RenderView-0.17 sensible default end action for catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-ActionRole-ACL-0.07 user role-based authorization action class
- p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Credential-HTTP-1.018 HTTP Basic and Digest authentication for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBI-0.01p2 storage class for Catalyst Authentication using DBI
- p5-Catalyst-Authentication-Store-DBIx-Class-0.1506 storage class for Catalyst Authentication using DBIx::Class
- p5-Catalyst-Component-ACCEPT_CONTEXT-0.07p1 make Catalyst request contexts available in models and views
- p5-Catalyst-Component-InstancePerContext-0.001001p2 return a new component instance per request
- p5-Catalyst-Controller-ActionRole-0.17 apply roles to action instances
- p5-Catalyst-Controller-FormBuilder-0.06p1 Catalyst FormBuilder Base Controller
- p5-Catalyst-Controller-HTML-FormFu-2.04 Catalyst integration for HTML::FormFu
- p5-Catalyst-Controller-Rose-0.02p1 RDBO and RHTMLO base classes for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Devel-1.42 Catalyst development Tools
- p5-Catalyst-Engine-Apache-1.16p2 Catalyst Apache engine
- p5-Catalyst-Helper-Controller-Scaffold-0.04p1 catalyst helper for CRUD scaffolding
- p5-Catalyst-Log-Log4perl-1.06p0 Log::Log4perl logging for Catalyst (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-Manual-5.9013v0 catalyst documentation
- p5-Catalyst-Model-Adaptor-0.10 use a plain class as a Catalyst model
- p5-Catalyst-Model-CDBI-0.12p0 catalyst model for Class::DBI
- p5-Catalyst-Model-DBI-0.32 DBI model class for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIC-Schema-0.66 model class for catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Model-DBIDM-0.04p0 DBIx::DataModel model class
- p5-Catalyst-Model-RDBO-0.03p1 base class for Rose::DB::Object for catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-0.10023 Catalyst authentication framework
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-DBIC-0.11p4 CDBI Authentication for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authentication-Store-Htpasswd-0.02p4 catalyst authentication via .htpasswd
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-ACL-0.16p0 ACL support for Catalyst applications
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Authorization-Roles-0.09p1 role based authorization for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-C3-0.03p2 Catalyst plugin to subvert NEXT to use Class::C3
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-0.12 flexible caching support for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-FileCache-0.7p3 file cache extension for Catalyst (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Memcached-0.8p2v0 distributed cache for Catalyst (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Cache-Store-FastMmap-0.02p3 FastMmap cache store for Catalyst (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Charsets-Japanese-0.06p3 jcode interface for catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-0.35 catalyst plugin to Config::Any
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-ConfigLoader-Environment-0.07p1 configure your application with environment variables
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-DefaultEnd-0.08p1 sensible default end action (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Email-0.09p0 send emails with Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-FormValidator-0.094p1 plugin to Data::FormValidator for catalyst (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-HTML-Widget-1.1p4 HTML widget and validation framework for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-I18N-0.10p2 I18N for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-LogWarnings-0.03p1 log Perl warnings to your Catalyst log object
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Markdown-0.01p3 persistent Markdown processor for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-PageCache-0.32 cache the output of entire pages
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Pluggable-0.04p3 universal forwarder for catalyst applications
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Prototype-1.33p2 catalyst plugin for prototype
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-0.41 session framework for catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-FastMmap-0.13p1 FastMmap sessions for Catalyst (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-PerUser-0.05p0 per-user session for catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-Cookie-0.18 catalyst session IDs with cookies
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-State-URI-0.15p1 catalyst session IDs as URI extensions
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-DBIC-0.14 store your sessions via DBIx::Class
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-Delegate-0.06 delegate session storage to an application model object
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-FastMmap-0.16p0 FastMmap storage backend for session data
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Session-Store-File-0.18p1 catalyst file storage backend for session data
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Singleton-0.02p3 singleton for the catalyst context (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-StackTrace-0.12 stack trace for catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Static-Simple-0.37 serving static pages with catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-SubRequest-0.21 map subrequests to actions in Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Textile-0.01p4 Textile for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Unicode-0.93p0 unicode-aware catalyst (old style)
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-XMLRPC-2.01p1 dispatch XML-RPC methods with Catalyst (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-Runtime-5.90128 elegant MVC Web Application Framework
- p5-Catalyst-View-Email-0.36 send Email from Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-View-JSON-0.37p0 JSON view for your data
- p5-Catalyst-View-Mason-0.19p0 Catalyst views using Mason components
- p5-Catalyst-View-TT-0.46 Template Toolkit views for Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-View-TT-ForceUTF8-0.13p0 catalyst TT views with explicit UTF8 encoding (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-View-TT-FunctionGenerator-0.02p0 use shorter names in catalyst tt views (deprecated)
- p5-Catalyst-View-XSLT-0.09p0 XSLT Views for catalyst
- p5-CatalystX-Component-Traits-0.19p0 automatic trait loading and resolution
- p5-CatalystX-InjectComponent-0.025 inject components into your Catalyst application
- p5-CatalystX-LeakChecker-0.06 debug memory leaks in Catalyst applications
- p5-CatalystX-Profile-0.02 profile your Catalyst application with Devel::NYTProf
- p5-CatalystX-REPL-0.04 read-eval-print-loop for debugging your Catalyst application
- p5-CatalystX-SimpleLogin-0.21 provide a simple Login controller which can be reused
- p5-Chart-2.403.7 Charting library for Perl
- p5-Chart-Clicker-2.90p1 powerful charting library for Perl
- p5-Chart-Math-Axis-1.06p0 algorithm to find good values for chart axis
- p5-Chatbot-Eliza-1.08p0 clone of the classic Eliza program
- p5-Check-ISA-0.09p1 correct check for object classes in Perl
- p5-Chipcard-PCSC-1.4.16 perl interface to PC/SC smartcards
- p5-Class-Accessor-0.51p0 automated accessor generation
- p5-Class-Accessor-Chained-0.01p2 make chained accessors
- p5-Class-Accessor-Grouped-0.10014p0 lets you build groups of accessors
- p5-Class-Accessor-Lite-0.08p0 minimalistic variant of Class::Accessor
- p5-Class-AutoClass-1.56p0 get and set methods and simplify object initialization
- p5-Class-Autouse-2.01p1 run-time class loading on first method call
- p5-Class-Base-0.09p0 abstract class for constructing hashes
- p5-Class-C3-0.35 pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algorithm
- p5-Class-C3-Adopt-NEXT-0.14p1 make NEXT suck less
- p5-Class-C3-Componentised-1.001002p0 load mix-ins or components to your C3-based class
- p5-Class-C3-XS-0.15 XS speed-up for Class-C3
- p5-Class-Classless-1.35p1 perl object without classes
- p5-Class-Container-0.13p1 validate method/function parameters
- p5-Class-DBI-3.0.16p3 simple database abstraction
- p5-Class-DBI-AbstractSearch-0.07p2 abstract Class::DBI's SQL with SQL::Abstract
- p5-Class-DBI-AsForm-2.42p4 produce HTML form elements for database columns
- p5-Class-DBI-FromCGI-1.00p2 update Class::DBI objects through CGI::Untaint
- p5-Class-DBI-FromForm-0.04p1 update Class:DBI data from html forms
- p5-Class-DBI-Loader-0.34p0 dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes
- p5-Class-DBI-Loader-Relationship-1.2p2 easier relationship specification in CDBI::L
- p5-Class-DBI-Pager-0.08p3 pager utility for Class::DBI
- p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-RetrieveAll-1.04p2 more complex retrieve_all() for Class::DBI
- p5-Class-DBI-Plugin-Type-0.02p4 determine type information for columns
- p5-Class-DBI-SQLite-0.11p2 extensions to Class::DBI for SQLite
- p5-Class-DBI-mysql-1.00p5 extensions to Class::DBI for MySQL
- p5-Class-Data-Accessor-0.04004p0 class and instance data accessor creation
- p5-Class-Data-Inheritable-0.10 inheritable, overridable class data
- p5-Class-Date-1.1.17p0 module for easy date and time manipulation
- p5-Class-Default-1.51p2 provide static calls that apply to a default instantiation
- p5-Class-ErrorHandler-0.04p0 base class for error handling
- p5-Class-Factory-1.06p0 automates the Factory design pattern
- p5-Class-Factory-Util-1.7p0 simple framework for Factories
- p5-Class-Generate-1.18 generate Perl class hierarchies
- p5-Class-Gomor-1.03p0 class and object builder
- p5-Class-Handle-1.07p3 module to create objects that are handles to classes
- p5-Class-ISA-0.36p1 report the search path for a class's ISA tree
- p5-Class-Inner-0.200001p0 perlish implementation of Java like inner classes
- p5-Class-InsideOut-1.14p0 alternative object layout in perl
- p5-Class-Inspector-1.36p0 get information about a class and its structure
- p5-Class-Load-0.25p0 working 'require Class::Name' and more
- p5-Class-Load-XS-0.10p1 XS implementation of parts of Class::Load
- p5-Class-Loader-2.03p2 load modules and create objects on demand
- p5-Class-MakeMethods-1.01p2 framework for generating methods
- p5-Class-Meta-0.66p0 class automation, introspection and validation
- p5-Class-Meta-Express-0.14 concise expressive creations of Class::Meta classes
- p5-Class-Method-Modifiers-2.15 provides Moose-like method modifiers
- p5-Class-MethodMaker-2.25 module for creating generic methods
- p5-Class-MethodMapper-1.0p3 Abstract class wrapper for Autoloader
- p5-Class-Mix-0.006p0 dynamic class mixing
- p5-Class-Multimethods-1.701p0 support multimethods and function overloading in Perl
- p5-Class-ReturnValue-0.55p2 smart return-value object
- p5-Class-Singleton-1.6 perl singleton pattern
- p5-Class-Std-0.013p0 inside-out object scaffolding
- p5-Class-Std-Fast-0.0.8p0 faster Class::Std
- p5-Class-Std-Utils-0.0.2p3 utilities functions to build inside-out objects
- p5-Class-Throwable-0.13p0 lightweight exception class
- p5-Class-Tiny-1.008 minimalist class construction
- p5-Class-Tiny-Chained-0.004p0 minimalist class construction with chained attributes
- p5-Class-Trigger-0.15 add / call inheritable triggers
- p5-Class-Unload-0.11p0 unload a class
- p5-Class-Virtual-0.08p0 base class for virtual base classes
- p5-Class-WhiteHole-0.04p2 base class to treat unhandled method calls as errors
- p5-Class-XPath-1.4p2 xpath matching for object trees
- p5-Class-XSAccessor-1.19p0 generate fast XS accessors without runtime compilation
- p5-Clipboard-0.13p2 Perl extension to access the x11 clipboard
- p5-Clone-0.47 recursively copy Perl datatypes
- p5-Clone-Choose-0.010p0 choose appropriate clone utility
- p5-Clone-PP-1.08 Recursively copy Perl datatypes
- p5-Color-Calc-1.074p1 simple calculations with RGB colors
- p5-Color-Library-0.021p1 an easy-to-use and comprehensive named-color library
- p5-Color-Scheme-1.08 generate pleasant color schemes in Perl
- p5-Commandable-0.14p0 utilities for commandline-based programs
- p5-Compress-Bzip2-2.28 interface to bzip2 compression library
- p5-Compress-LZO-1.09p0 interface to the LZO compression library
- p5-Conf-Libconfig-1.0.3 perl extension for libconfig
- p5-Config-Any-0.33 load various configuration file formats
- p5-Config-ApacheFormat-1.2p1 parse apache-like config files
- p5-Config-Auto-0.44p0 magical config file parser
- p5-Config-AutoConf-0.320 implement some of Autoconf macros in pure Perl
- p5-Config-General-2.65 generic configuration parser, inspired by apache
- p5-Config-Grammar-1.13p0 grammar-based, user-friendly config parser
- p5-Config-IniFiles-3.000003p0 module for reading .ini-style configuration files
- p5-Config-Options-0.08p1 provide a configuration hash with options
- p5-Config-Simple-4.59p2 simple configuration file class
- p5-Config-Std-0.903p0 use standard configuration files
- p5-Config-Tiny-2.14p0 simple methods to Read/Write .ini style files
- p5-Const-Fast-0.014 Facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, and hashes
- p5-Context-Preserve-0.03p0 run code after a subroutine call
- p5-Convert-ASCII-Armour-1.4p4 convert binary octets into ASCII armoured messages
- p5-Convert-ASN1-0.34 module to encode and decode ASN.1 data structures
- p5-Convert-BER-1.32p1v0 module to encode and decode objects
- p5-Convert-Base32-0.06p0 encoding and decoding of base32 (RFC4648) strings
- p5-Convert-BinHex-1.125p0 module to extract data from Macintosh BinHex files
- p5-Convert-Binary-C-0.85 binary data conversion using C types
- p5-Convert-Color-0.17p0 color space conversions and named lookups
- p5-Convert-Color-XTerm-0.06 indexed colors used by XTerm
- p5-Convert-NLS_DATE_FORMAT-0.06 convert between Oracle NLS_DATE_FORMAT and strftime format
- p5-Convert-PEM-0.13 read/write encrypted ASN.1 PEM files
- p5-Convert-TNEF-0.18p1 module to read TNEF files
- p5-Convert-UU-0.5201p1 Perl5 module for uuencode and uudecode
- p5-Convert-UUlib-1.80v1 interface to the uulib library
- p5-Cookie-Baker-0.12 cookie string generator / parser
- p5-Coro-6.570p0 coroutines for perl
- p5-CouchDB-View-0.003p1 handle and create CouchDB views in Perl
- p5-Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.39 cPanel fork of JSON::XS, fast and correct serializing
- p5-Crypt-Argon2-0.022 interface to the Argon2 key derivation functions
- p5-Crypt-Blowfish-2.14p3 interface to the Blowfish encryption algorithm
- p5-Crypt-Blowfish_PP-1.12p1 Blowfish encryption implemented pure Perl
- p5-Crypt-CAST5_PP-1.04p0 CAST5 block cipher in pure Perl
- p5-Crypt-CBC-3.04 cryptographic cipher block chaining mode
- p5-Crypt-CipherSaber-1.01p1 cryptographic CipherSaber encryption
- p5-Crypt-Curve25519-0.07 generate shared secret using ECDH function
- p5-Crypt-DES-2.07p2 interface to the DES encryption algorithm
- p5-Crypt-DES-EDE3-0.01p2 Triple-DES EDE encryption/decryption
- p5-Crypt-DSA-1.19 DSA signatures and key generation
- p5-Crypt-Ed25519-1.05p0 bare-bones Ed25519 public key signing/verification system
- p5-Crypt-Eksblowfish-0.009p0 the Eksblowfish block cipher
- p5-Crypt-IDEA-1.10p3 Perl interface to IDEA block cipher
- p5-Crypt-LE-0.39 Let's Encrypt API interfacing module and client
- p5-Crypt-OpenPGP-1.12p0 Pure-Perl OpenPGP implementation
- p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Bignum-0.09p0 OpenSSL's multiprecision integer arithmetic
- p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-DSA-0.20p0 implements DSA using OpenSSL
- p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-EC-1.32p3 EC using OpenSSL
- p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-ECDSA-0.10p0 ECDSA encoding and decoding using OpenSSL
- p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Guess-0.15 guess OpenSSL include path
- p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-PKCS10-0.26 perl extension to OpenSSL PKCS10 API
- p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA-0.33p0 RSA encoding and decoding using OpenSSL
- p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random-0.17 routines for accessing the OpenSSL prng
- p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-X509-2.0.1 access OpenSSL X509 API from Perl
- p5-Crypt-PBKDF2-0.161520 PBKDF2 password hash algorithm
- p5-Crypt-PKCS10-2.005 Perl extension to parse PKCS #10 certificate requests
- p5-Crypt-PasswdMD5-1.3p1 md5-based passwords in perl
- p5-Crypt-RC4-2.02p3 implementation of the RC4 encryption algorithm
- p5-Crypt-RC5-2.00p0 implementation of the RC5 encryption algorithm
- p5-Crypt-RIPEMD160-0.08 Perl extension for the RIPEMD-160 Hash function
- p5-Crypt-Rijndael-1.16 interface to the rijndael encryption algorithm aka AES
- p5-Crypt-SSLeay-0.72p3 library to provide LWP https support via OpenSSL
- p5-Crypt-SaltedHash-0.09p0 object oriented interface to create salted hashes
- p5-Crypt-SmbHash-0.12p4 Perl module implementing lanman and nt md4 hash functions
- p5-Crypt-TripleDES-0.24p2 implementation of 3DES encryption on ECB mode
- p5-Crypt-Twofish-2.18 module to implement the Twofish cipher
- p5-Crypt-URandom-0.53 provide non blocking randomness
- p5-Crypt-X509-0.55 parse an X.509 certificate
- p5-CryptX-0.085 cryptographic toolkit for Perl
- p5-Curses-1.45 terminal screen handling and optimisation
- p5-Curses-UI-0.9609p1 curses based user interface framework for Perl
- p5-CursesWidgets-1.997p4 curses(3) based terminal widgets
- p5-DBD-CSV-0.60 DBI driver for CSV files
- p5-DBD-Chart-0.82p1 DBI driver abstraction for rendering charts and graphs
- p5-DBD-LDAP-1.00p0 DBI driver for LDAP databases
- p5-DBD-MariaDB-1.23 MariaDB and MySQL driver for the Perl5 Database Interface
- p5-DBD-Mock-1.59p0 mock database driver for testing
- p5-DBD-Pg-3.17.0 access to PostgreSQL databases through the DBI
- p5-DBD-SQLite-1.76v0 SQLite drivers for the Perl DBI
- p5-DBD-SQLite2-0.38 SQLite2 drivers for the Perl DBI
- p5-DBD-Sybase-1.20 Sybase database driver for the DBI module
- p5-DBD-XBase-1.08p1 reads and writes XBase (dbf) files, includes DBI support
- p5-DBD-mysql-4.050p1 MySQL drivers for the Perl DBI
- p5-DBD-mysqlPP-0.07p0 Pure Perl MySQL driver for the Perl DBI
- p5-DBI-1.644 the standard database interface module for Perl
- p5-DBI-Shell-11.98 interactive command shell for the DBI
- p5-DBICx-Sugar-0.0200p0 just some syntax sugar for DBIx::Class
- p5-DBICx-TestDatabase-0.05p0 create a temporary database from a DBIx::Class::Schema
- p5-DBIx-Class-0.082843 extensible and flexible object relational mapper
- p5-DBIx-Class-Cursor-Cached-1.001004p0 cursor class with built-in caching support
- p5-DBIx-Class-DynamicDefault-0.04p0 automatically set and update columns
- p5-DBIx-Class-HTMLWidget-0.16p0 publish DBIx::Class on the web
- p5-DBIx-Class-IntrospectableM2M-0.001002p0 introspect many-to-many shortcuts
- p5-DBIx-Class-Schema-Loader-0.07052 create a DBIx::Class::Schema based on a database
- p5-DBIx-Class-TimeStamp-0.14p0 automatically set and update time based columns
- p5-DBIx-Class-UUIDColumns-0.02006p0 unique identifiers as columns in DBIx::Class
- p5-DBIx-Class-Validation-0.02005p0 data validation for DBIx::Class
- p5-DBIx-Connector-0.59 fast, safe DBI connection and transaction management
- p5-DBIx-ContextualFetch-1.03p3 add contextual fetches to DBI
- p5-DBIx-DBSchema-0.47p0 database-independent schema objects
- p5-DBIx-DWIW-0.50p0 DBI wrapper intended to Do What I Want
- p5-DBIx-DataModel-1.09p3 classes and UML-style associations on top of DBI
- p5-DBIx-Migration-0.07p0 seamless DB up- and downgrades
- p5-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.82 encapsulate SQL queries and rows in simple perl objects
- p5-DBIx-Simple-1.37p0 very complete easy-to-use OO interface to DBI
- p5-DBIx-XHTML_Table-1.49p0 create HTML table from sql queries
- p5-DBM-Deep-2.0019 perl multi-level hash/array DBM that supports transactions
- p5-DNS-ZoneParse-1.10p1 parse and manipulate DNS Zone files
- p5-Dancer-1.3521 simple perl web app framework
- p5-Dancer-Plugin-Database-Core-0.20p0 shared core for D1 and D2 Database plugins
- p5-Dancer-Plugin-Thumbnail-0.16 thumbnail plugin for p5-Dancer
- p5-Dancer2-1.1.1 lightweight yet powerful web application framework
- p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Ajax-0.400000 plugin for adding Ajax route handlers
- p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Auth-Tiny-0.008p0 require logged-in user for specified routes
- p5-Dancer2-Plugin-DBIC-0.0100p0 DBIx::Class interface for Dancer2 applications
- p5-Dancer2-Plugin-Database-2.17p0 easy database connections for Dancer2 applications
- p5-Danga-Socket-1.61p2 event loop and event-driven async socket base class
- p5-Data-AMF-0.09p1 serialize/deserialize Adobe Action Message Format data
- p5-Data-Alias-1.28 comprehensive set of aliasing operations
- p5-Data-Buffer-0.06p0 Perl module for creating read/write buffers
- p5-Data-Clone-0.006 polymorphic data cloning
- p5-Data-Compare-1.29 compare perl data structures
- p5-Data-Dump-1.25 pretty printing of data structures
- p5-Data-Dump-Streamer-2.42 accurately serialize a data structure as Perl code
- p5-Data-Dumper-Concise-2.023 less indentation and newlines plus sub deparsing
- p5-Data-Dumper-Simple-0.11p1 easily dump variables with names
- p5-Data-Entropy-0.007 entropy (randomness) management
- p5-Data-Float-0.013 details of the floating point data type
- p5-Data-Flow-1.02p1 extension for simple-minded recipe-controlled build of data
- p5-Data-FormValidator-4.88p0 validate user input from a constraint object
- p5-Data-GUID-0.051 extension for generating GUIDs
- p5-Data-HexDump-0.04 hexadecimal dumper
- p5-Data-Hierarchy-0.34p2 handle data in a hierarchical structure
- p5-Data-ICal-0.24 generates iCalendar (RFC 2445) calendar files
- p5-Data-ICal-TimeZone-1.23p1 timezones module for Data::ICal
- p5-Data-IEEE754-0.02p1 pack and unpack big-endian IEEE754 floats and doubles
- p5-Data-Lazy-0.6p1 lazy variables
- p5-Data-Munge-0.111p0 various utility functions
- p5-Data-OptList-0.114 parse and validate simple name/value option pairs
- p5-Data-Page-2.03p0 pager utility
- p5-Data-Page-Pageset-1.02p0 change long page list to be shorter and well navigate
- p5-Data-Pageset-1.06p1 pager utility
- p5-Data-Password-1.12p0 module for assessing password quality
- p5-Data-Perl-0.002011 base classes wrapping fundamental Perl data types
- p5-Data-PowerSet-0.05p1 generate all subsets of a list of elements
- p5-Data-Printer-1.002001 colored pretty-print of Perl data structures and objects
- p5-Data-Radius-1.2.8p0 module to encode/decode RADIUS messages
- p5-Data-Random-0.13p0 perl module to generate random data
- p5-Data-RandomPerson-0.60 create random person data
- p5-Data-SExpression-0.41p0 parse Lisp S-Expressions into perl data structures
- p5-Data-Section-0.200008 read multiple hunks of data out of your DATA section
- p5-Data-Section-Simple-0.07 read data from __DATA__
- p5-Data-ShowTable-4.6p1 print arrays of data in a nicely formatted listing
- p5-Data-Stag-0.14p0 structured tags datastructures
- p5-Data-Structure-Util-0.16p0 change nature of data within a structure
- p5-Data-Types-0.17p0 validate and convert data types
- p5-Data-URIEncode-0.11p1 allow complex data structures to be encoded using flat URIs
- p5-Data-UUID-1.227 extension for generating GUIDs/UUIDs
- p5-Data-Uniqid-0.12p1 Perl extension for simple generation of unique IDs
- p5-Data-VString-0.000004p1 handle v-strings (often used as version strings)
- p5-Data-Validate-0.09p0 common perl data validation methods
- p5-Data-Validate-IP-0.31 ipv4 and ipv6 validation methods
- p5-Data-Validate-Struct-0.12 validate recursive perl hash structures
- p5-Data-Visitor-0.32 visitor-style traversal of Perl data structures
- p5-Date-Calc-6.4p0 date calculations for the Gregorian calendar
- p5-Date-Extract-0.07p0 extract probable dates from strings
- p5-Date-Handler-1.2p2 perl module for calculates time differences
- p5-Date-ICal-2.682 Perl extension for ICalendar date objects
- p5-Date-Leapyear-1.72p2 is a particular year a leap year
- p5-Date-Range-1.41 work with a range of dates
- p5-Date-Simple-3.03p2 Manipulate simple date objects
- p5-Date-Tolkien-Shire-1.905 convert dates into the Shire Calendar
- p5-Date-Tolkien-Shire-Data-0.009 Data functionality for Shire calendars
- p5-DateManip-6.76p0 manipulate dates in perl
- p5-DateTime-1.66v0 date and time object for Perl
- p5-DateTime-Calendar-Mayan-0.0601p2 Mayan Long Count calendar
- p5-DateTime-Cron-Simple-0.2p1 parse a cron entry and check against current time
- p5-DateTime-Event-ICal-0.13p0 DateTime extension for computing rfc2445 recurrences
- p5-DateTime-Event-Recurrence-0.19p0 DateTime::Set extension to create basic recurrence sets
- p5-DateTime-Format-Builder-0.83v0 create DateTime parser classes and objects
- p5-DateTime-Format-Flexible-0.37 flexibly parse strings and turn them into DateTime objects
- p5-DateTime-Format-HTTP-0.43 DateTime::Format extension to HTTP formats
- p5-DateTime-Format-ICal-0.09p2 parse and format iCal datetime and duration strings
- p5-DateTime-Format-ISO8601-0.17v0 DateTime parser for ISO8601 date formats
- p5-DateTime-Format-Mail-0.403p0v0 convert between DateTime and email (RFC2822/822) formats
- p5-DateTime-Format-MySQL-0.08v0 parse and create MySQL date objects
- p5-DateTime-Format-Natural-1.19 parse informal natural language date/time strings
- p5-DateTime-Format-Oracle-0.06 parse and format Oracle dates and timestamps
- p5-DateTime-Format-Pg-0.16014 parse and create PostGresql date objects
- p5-DateTime-Format-SQLite-0.11p0 parse and format SQLite dates and times
- p5-DateTime-Format-Strptime-1.79v0 parse and format strp and strf time patterns
- p5-DateTime-Format-W3CDTF-0.08 parse and format W3CDTF datetime strings
- p5-DateTime-HiRes-0.04 create DateTime objects with sub-second current time
- p5-DateTime-Locale-1.44 localization support for
- p5-DateTime-Precise-1.05p0 common time and date operations with GPS operations
- p5-DateTime-Set-0.3900p0 datetime sets and set math
- p5-DateTime-TimeZone-2.62 DateTime submodule for TZ
- p5-DateTime-Tiny-1.07 lightweight date and time object for Perl
- p5-Declare-Constraints-Simple-0.03p2 declarative validation of data structures
- p5-Devel-Caller-2.07 meatier versions of caller
- p5-Devel-CheckBin-0.04p0 check that a command is available
- p5-Devel-CheckLib-1.16 module to check for C library availablity
- p5-Devel-CheckOS-2.04 check what OS we are running on
- p5-Devel-Cover-1.44 code coverage metrics for Perl
- p5-Devel-Cover-Report-Clover-1.01p0 backend for Clover reporting of coverage statistics
- p5-Devel-Cycle-1.12p1 find memory cycles in objects
- p5-Devel-Declare-0.006022p0 adding keywords to perl, in perl
- p5-Devel-FastProf-0.08p5 per-line quick profiler for perl
- p5-Devel-FindPerl-0.016 find the path to your perl
- p5-Devel-FindRef-1.460p1 tracking back references
- p5-Devel-Gladiator-0.07p0 walk all of perl memory arena
- p5-Devel-GlobalDestruction-0.14p0 expose the flag which marks global destruction
- p5-Devel-Hide-0.0015 forces the unavailability of specified Perl modules
- p5-Devel-Leak-0.03p6 finding memory leaks in perl XS
- p5-Devel-Leak-Object-1.01p0 finding memory leaks in perl objects
- p5-Devel-LexAlias-0.05 alias lexical variables
- p5-Devel-MAT-0.53p0 perl memory analysis tool
- p5-Devel-MAT-Dumper-0.50 write a heap dump file for later analysis
- p5-Devel-NYTProf-6.14 powerful feature-rich perl source code profiler
- p5-Devel-OverloadInfo-0.007 introspect overloaded operators
- p5-Devel-PartialDump-0.20p0 partial dumping of data structures
- p5-Devel-PatchPerl-2.08 patch perl source a la Devel::PPPort's
- p5-Devel-REPL-1.003029 modern perl interactive shell
- p5-Devel-Refcount-0.10p1 obtain the REFCNT value of a referent
- p5-Devel-SawAmpersand-0.33p2 assert performance of perl regexps
- p5-Devel-Size-0.84 finding memory usage of perl variables
- p5-Devel-Size-Report-0.13p1 generate a size report for all elements in a structure
- p5-Devel-SmallProf-2.02p2 per-line Perl profiler
- p5-Devel-StackTrace-2.05 an object representing a stack trace
- p5-Devel-StackTrace-AsHTML-0.15p0 displays stack trace in HTML
- p5-Devel-StackTrace-WithLexicals-2.01p0 Devel::StackTrace + PadWalker
- p5-Devel-Symdump-2.18p0v0 module for inspecting Perl's symbol table
- p5-Devel-Trace-0.12p0 print out each line before it is executed
- p5-Devel-TraceUse-2.097 show modules your program loads
- p5-Devel-ebug-0.64 simple, extensible Perl debugger
- p5-Devel-ptkdb-1.234p0v0 perl debugger built with a PerlTk GUI
- p5-Device-Gsm-1.61p1 Perl extension to interface GSM cellulars / modems
- p5-Device-Modem-1.59 talk to modem devices connected via serial port
- p5-Device-SerialPort-1.04p4v0 talk to modem devices connected via serial port
- p5-Digest-BubbleBabble-0.02p1 module to bubble-babble fingerprints
- p5-Digest-HMAC-1.05 keyed-hashing for message authentication
- p5-Digest-MD2-2.04p1 perl interface to the MD2 Algorithm
- p5-Digest-MD4-1.9p3 interface to md4 message-digest algorithm
- p5-Digest-MD5-M4p-0.01p6 perl interface to a variant of the MD5 algorithm
- p5-Digest-Nilsimsa-0.06p6 module to calculate Nilsimsa digests
- p5-Digest-Perl-MD5-1.9p0 perl implementation of Ron Rivests MD5 Algorithm
- p5-Digest-SHA1-2.13p6 module to calculate SHA1 digests
- p5-Digest-SHA3-1.05 Perl extension for SHA-3
- p5-Digest-Skein-0.05p4 interface to the Skein digest algorithm
- p5-Digest-ssdeep-0.9.3 Pure Perl ssdeep (CTPH) fuzzy hashing
- p5-Dir-Self-0.11p0 __DIR__ constant for the directory your source file is in
- p5-Directory-Scratch-0.18p0 easy-to-use self-cleaning scratch space
- p5-Dist-CheckConflicts-0.11p0 declare version conflicts for your dist
- p5-Drupal-Admin-0.04p3 screen scraping Perl API to some Drupal admin functions
- p5-Dumbbench-0.505 more reliable benchmarking
- p5-EV-4.34 perl interface to libev
- p5-Email-Abstract-3.010 unified interface to mail representations
- p5-Email-Address-1.913 RFC 2822 address parsing and creation
- p5-Email-Address-List-0.06p0 RFC close address list parsing
- p5-Email-Address-XS-1.05 parse and format RFC 5322 email addresses and groups
- p5-Email-Date-1.104p0 find and format date headers
- p5-Email-Date-Format-1.008 produce RFC 2822 date strings
- p5-Email-Filter-1.034p0 library for creating easy email filters
- p5-Email-Filter-Rules-1.2p0 simple rules for routing mail with Email::Filter
- p5-Email-Find-0.10p1 Find RFC 822 email addresses in plain text
- p5-Email-Folder-0.860p1 read an email folder as Email::Simple objects
- p5-Email-FolderType-0.814p1 determine email folder type
- p5-Email-LocalDelivery-1.201 deliver a piece of mail locally
- p5-Email-MIME-1.954v0 easy MIME message handling
- p5-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper-1.317p0 strip the attachments from an e-mail
- p5-Email-MIME-ContentType-1.028 parse MIME Content-Type or Content-Disposition headers
- p5-Email-MIME-Encodings-1.317 unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding
- p5-Email-MessageID-1.408 generate world unique message-ids
- p5-Email-Received-1.00p1 parse an email Received: header
- p5-Email-Reply-1.204p0 module to generate replies to e-mail messages.
- p5-Email-Send-2.202 simply sending email
- p5-Email-Sender-2.601 library for sending email
- p5-Email-Simple-2.218 simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
- p5-Email-Valid-1.204 check validity of Internet email addresses
- p5-Email-Valid-Loose-0.05p1 allows non RFC822 addresses common in japan
- p5-Encode-Detect-1.01p8 Encode::Encoding subclass that detects the encoding of data
- p5-Encode-HanExtra-0.23p0 extra sets of Chinese encodings
- p5-Encode-IMAPUTF7-1.05p0 modification of UTF-7 encoding for IMAP
- p5-Encode-Locale-1.05p0 determine the locale encoding
- p5-Env-PS1-0.06p1 env prompter for zoid shell
- p5-Error-0.17029 error/exception handling in an OO-ish way
- p5-Eval-Closure-0.14p0 safely and cleanly create closures via string eval
- p5-Event-1.28 event loop processing
- p5-Event-ExecFlow-0.64p0 high level API for event-based execution flow control
- p5-Event-RPC-1.10p0 Event based transparent Client/Server RPC framework
- p5-Exception-Class-1.45 module to declare real exception classes in perl
- p5-Exception-Class-TryCatch-1.13p0 syntactic try/catch sugar for use with Exception::Class
- p5-Expect-1.38 talk to other applications
- p5-Expect-Simple-0.04p1 wrapper around the Expect module
- p5-Exporter-Lite-0.09 lightweight exporting of functions and variables
- p5-Exporter-Tidy-0.06p2 alternative to the standard perl exporter
- p5-Exporter-Tiny-1.006002 exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter
- p5-ExtUtils-CChecker-0.12p0 configure-time utilities for using C headers, etc.
- p5-ExtUtils-Config-0.010 wrapper for perl's configuration
- p5-ExtUtils-CppGuess-0.27 guess C++ compiler and flags
- p5-ExtUtils-Depends-0.306p0 easily build XS extensions that depend on XS extensions
- p5-ExtUtils-Helpers-0.028 various portability utilities for module builders
- p5-ExtUtils-InstallPaths-0.014 Build.PL install path logic made easy
- p5-ExtUtils-PkgConfig-1.16p0 simplistic perl interface to pkg-config
- p5-ExtUtils-Typemaps-Default-1.05p1 set of useful typemaps
- p5-ExtUtils-XSBuilder-0.28p3 automatic Perl XS glue code generation
- p5-ExtUtils-XSpp-0.18p0 XS for C++
- p5-FCGI-0.82 module for enabling FastCGI support in CGI scripts
- p5-FCGI-ProcManager-0.28p0 functions for managing FastCGI applications
- p5-FFI-CheckLib-0.31p0 check that a library is available for FFI
- p5-Feature-Compat-Try-0.05 make try/catch syntax available
- p5-Feed-Find-0.13 autodiscover syndication feeds
- p5-File-Attributes-0.04p6 manipulate file metadata
- p5-File-Attributes-Recursive-0.02p2 inherit file attributes from parent directories
- p5-File-BOM-0.18 utilities for handling Byte Order Marks
- p5-File-BaseDir-0.09 use the freedesktop Base Directory Specification
- p5-File-ChangeNotify-0.31p1 watch for changes to files, cross-platform style
- p5-File-Copy-Recursive-0.45p0 recursive copy of files and directories
- p5-File-CreationTime-2.04p2 keeps track of file creation times
- p5-File-DesktopEntry-0.22p1 handle .desktop files
- p5-File-DirCompare-0.7p2 compare two directories using callbacks
- p5-File-FcntlLock-0.22 file locking with fcntl(2)
- p5-File-Find-Object-0.3.9 object oriented File::Find replacement
- p5-File-Find-Object-Rule-0.0313 alternative interface to File::Find::Object
- p5-File-Find-Rule-0.34p0 alternative interface to File::Find
- p5-File-Find-Rule-Filesys-Virtual-1.22p1 File::Find::Rule adapted to Filesys::Virtual
- p5-File-Find-Rule-Perl-1.16 common rules for searching for Perl things
- p5-File-Finder-0.53p2 wrapper around File::Find
- p5-File-Flat-1.07 implements a flat filesystem
- p5-File-FnMatch-0.02p2 simple filename and pathname matching
- p5-File-HomeDir-1.006 retrieve home directory location
- p5-File-KDBX-0.906p0 interface to KeePass KDB and KDBX database files
- p5-File-KeePass-2.03p2 interface to KeePass V1 and V2 database files
- p5-File-LibMagic-1.23 perl wrapper for libmagic
- p5-File-Listing-6.16 parse directory listing
- p5-File-LoadLines-0.02 load the contents of a text file into an array of lines
- p5-File-MMagic-1.30p0 perl module to guess file type from contents
- p5-File-MMagic-XS-0.09008p3 guess file type with XS (a la mod_mime_magic)
- p5-File-MimeInfo-0.35 determine file types
- p5-File-Modified-0.10p0 checks intelligently if files have changed
- p5-File-Monitor-1.00p0 monitor files and directories for changes
- p5-File-NCopy-0.36 copy files and directories with perl
- p5-File-NFSLock-1.29p0 module to do NFS (or not) locking
- p5-File-Next-1.18p0 File-finding iterator
- p5-File-Path-Expand-1.02p1 expands user directories in paths
- p5-File-ReadBackwards-1.06 module to read a file starting at the end
- p5-File-Remove-1.61 remove files and directories with perl
- p5-File-Rename-2.02 renames multiple files
- p5-File-Rotate-Backup-0.13p2 make backups of multiple directories and rotate them
- p5-File-RsyncP-0.76 perl implementation of an Rsync client
- p5-File-Scan-ClamAV-1.95p0 client class for the ClamAV clamd virus scanner daemon
- p5-File-Share-0.27 extend File::ShareDir to local libraries
- p5-File-ShareDir-1.118 locate install data per-module
- p5-File-ShareDir-Install-0.14 install shared files, to use with File::ShareDir
- p5-File-ShareDir-PathClass-1.112440p0 File::ShareDir returning Path::Class objects
- p5-File-Slurp-9999.32 efficient reading/writing of complete files
- p5-File-Slurp-Tiny-0.004 simple, sane and efficient file slurper
- p5-File-Slurper-0.014 simple, sane and efficient module to slurp a file
- p5-File-Sync-0.11p0 perl interface to the sync() system functions
- p5-File-Tail-1.3p0 library for reading from continuously updated files
- p5-File-Tempdir-0.02p1 object oriented interface to File::Temp::tempdir()
- p5-File-Touch-0.12 update access and modification timestamps of files
- p5-File-TreeCreate-0.0.1 recursively create a directory tree
- p5-File-Type-0.22p3 determine file type using magic
- p5-File-Which-1.27 portable implementation of 'which' in Perl
- p5-File-chdir-0.1011 more sensible way to change directories
- p5-File-chmod-0.42p0 implements symbolic and ls chmod modes
- p5-File-pushd-1.016p0 change directory temporarily for a limited scope
- p5-FileHandle-Unget-0.1634p0 filehandle which supports ungetting of multiple bytes
- p5-Filesys-Df-0.92p6 filesystem disk space information
- p5-Filesys-DiskSpace-0.05p3 filesystem information display
- p5-Filesys-Notify-Simple-0.14p0 simple and dumb file system watcher
- p5-Filesys-Statvfs-0.82p3 Perl extension for statvfs() and fstatvfs()
- p5-Filesys-Virtual-0.06p1 perl module to provide a framework for a virtual filesystem
- p5-Filesys-Virtual-DAAP-0.04p2 presents a DAAP share as a VFS
- p5-Filesys-Virtual-Plain-0.10p2 perl module for a plain virtual filesystem
- p5-Filter-Template-1.043p0 source filter for inline code templates (macros)
- p5-Finance-Bank-DE-DTA-Create-1.03p0 create DTA/DTAUS files for german banking
- p5-Finance-Currency-Convert-XE-0.25p0 currency conversion
- p5-Finance-IIF-0.20.01p2 parse and create IIF files for QuickBooks
- p5-Finance-Quote-1.62 module to obtain financial quotes from exchanges
- p5-Finance-QuoteHist-1.32 module to obtain historical financial quotes from exchanges
- p5-Font-AFM-1.20p1 perl interface to Adobe Font Metrics files
- p5-Font-TTF-1.06p1 perl module for TrueType font hacking
- p5-Forest-0.10p1 a collection of n-ary tree related modules for Perl
- p5-FormValidator-Simple-0.29p0 validate user input through a chain of constraints
- p5-Fortran-Format-0.90p1 read/write data according to a standard Fortran 77 FORMAT
- p5-FreezeThaw-0.5001p0 module for converting structures to strings and back
- p5-FuzzyOcr- detect image spam with SpamAssassin
- p5-GD-2.78 Perl interface to the gd2 graphics library
- p5-GD-Barcode-2.00p0 create barcode image with GD
- p5-GD-Graph-1.56 module for graph plotting
- p5-GD-Graph3d-0.63p1 module for 3D graph plotting
- p5-GD-SVG-0.33p0 allow GD perl scripts to output SVG
- p5-GD-SecurityImage-1.75p0 security image (captcha) generator
- p5-GD-TextUtil-0.86p3 text utilities for use with GD drawing package
- p5-GDBM_File-1.26.3 perl interface to gdbm
- p5-GMail-IMAPD-0.94p3 imap4 gateway to Google webmail service
- p5-GPG-0.06p3 perl5 interface to GnuPG using scalars
- p5-GPS-PRN-0.05p1 perl module to map GPS PRN to Satellite OID and vice versa
- p5-GRID-Machine-0.127p1 Remote Procedure Calls over a SSH link
- p5-Gateway-0.42p5 perl module to gateway between news and mail
- p5-Geo-Coder-US-1.00p2 geocode any US address
- p5-Geo-Constants-0.06p1 perl module that provides geographic constants
- p5-Geo-Coordinates-OSGB-2.20p1 convert Lat/Lon to/from GB Ordnance Survey grid reference
- p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM-0.11p0 provides Latitude Longitude conversions
- p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM-XS-0.04p5 C/XS reimplementation of Geo::Coordinates::UTM
- p5-Geo-Ellipsoids-0.16p1 perl module that provides ellipsoid values
- p5-Geo-Fips55-0.01p1 perl extension for parsing FIPS-55 gazetteer data
- p5-Geo-Forward-0.16 module to calculate geographic location
- p5-Geo-Functions-0.08 perl module for geographic functions
- p5-Geo-Inverse-0.07 calculate geographic distance from a lat/lon pair
- p5-Geo-METAR-1.15p1 process aviation weather reports in the METAR format
- p5-Geo-Parse-OSM-0.42p0 perl module for parsing OpenStreetMap (.osm) files
- p5-Geo-StreetAddress-US-1.04p0 perl extension for parsing US street addresses
- p5-Geo-TigerLine-0.03p0 parse TIGER/Line geographic data
- p5-Geo-UK-Postcode-Regex-0.017p2 regular expressions for handling British postcodes
- p5-GeoIP2-2.006002p1 Perl API for MaxMind's GeoIP2 web services and databases
- p5-Geography-Countries-2009041301p1 2-letter, 3-letter, and numerical codes for countries
- p5-Geometry-Primitive-0.24p1 primitive geometry entities for Perl
- p5-Getargs-Long-1.1012p0 parses long function arguments
- p5-Getopt-ArgvFile-1.11p0 program arguments processing module
- p5-Getopt-Euclid-0.4.8 Executable Uniform Command-Line Interface Descriptions
- p5-Getopt-Long-Descriptive-0.116 Getopt::Long, but simpler and more powerful
- p5-Getopt-Simple-1.52p0 simple wrapper around Getopt::Long
- p5-Getopt-Tabular-0.3p0 table-driven argument parsing for Perl 5
- p5-Git-Repository-1.317p0 Perl interface to Git repositories
- p5-Glib-Object-Introspection-0.051 dynamically create Perl language bindings
- p5-Glib2-1.3294 perl interface to the Glib libraries
- p5-GnuPG-0.19p0 perl5 interface to GnuPG
- p5-GnuPG-Interface-1.04 perl5 interface to GnuPG
- p5-Graph-0.9732 graph data structures and algorithms
- p5-Graph-Easy-0.76p0 render/convert graphs in/from various formats
- p5-Graph-Easy-As_svg-0.28p0 output a Graph::Easy as Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
- p5-GraphViz-2.26 perl interface to the graphviz graphing tool
- p5-Graphics-Color-0.31p1 RGB color model for Perl
- p5-Graphics-ColorNames-2.11p4 defines RGB values for common color names
- p5-Graphics-ColorNames-WWW-1.14p0 WWW color names and equivalent RGB values
- p5-Graphics-Primitive-0.67p1 device and library agnostic graphic primitives for Perl
- p5-Graphics-Primitive-Driver-Cairo-0.47p1 Cairo backend for Graphics::Primitive
- p5-Gravatar-URL-1.07p0 make URLs for Gravatars from an email address
- p5-Gtk2-1.24993p1 set of modules to use Gtk+2 libraries from Perl
- p5-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory-0.67p0 framework which makes building complex GUIs easy
- p5-Gtk2-Ex-PodViewer-0.18p5 Gtk2 widget for displaying Plain old Documentation (POD)
- p5-Gtk2-Ex-Simple-List-0.50p4 simple interface to Gtk2 complex MVC list widget
- p5-Gtk2-GladeXML-1.008 Glade 2.x support for Gtk2-Perl
- p5-Gtk2-ImageView-0.05p7 Perl bindings to the GtkImageView image viewer widget
- p5-Gtk3-0.038 Perl interface to Gtk+3
- p5-Guard-1.023p0 scope guards, lighter alternative
- p5-HTML-Base-0.6p4 base HTML library
- p5-HTML-CGIChecker-0.90p2 perl module to detect dangerous HTML code
- p5-HTML-CalendarMonthSimple-1.26 Simple HTML Calendars
- p5-HTML-Clean-1.4p0 cleans up HTML code for web browsers, not humans
- p5-HTML-Copy-1.31p1 copy a HTML file without breaking links
- p5-HTML-Display-0.40p0 display HTML locally in a browser
- p5-HTML-Escape-1.11 extremely fast HTML escaping
- p5-HTML-FillInForm-2.22 inserts data into HTML input and select tags
- p5-HTML-Form-6.12 class that represents an HTML form element
- p5-HTML-FormFu-2.07p0 HTML form creation, rendering and validation framework
- p5-HTML-FormFu-MultiForm-1.03 handle multi-page/stage forms with FormFu
- p5-HTML-FormHandler-0.40068 HTML forms using Moose
- p5-HTML-Format-2.11p0 HTML text formating class
- p5-HTML-FormatExternal-26 HTML to text formatting using external programs
- p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-0.15p0 HTML to text conversion with links as footnotes
- p5-HTML-FormatText-WithLinks-AndTables-0.07p1 converts HTML to Text with tables intact
- p5-HTML-FromText-2.07p0 convert text to HTML with controlling options
- p5-HTML-Gumbo-0.18 HTML5 parser based on gumbo C library
- p5-HTML-Highlight-0.20p2 module to highlight words or patterns in HTML documents
- p5-HTML-Lint-2.32p0 check for HTML errors in a string or file
- p5-HTML-Mason-1.60 high-performance, dynamic web site authoring system
- p5-HTML-Mason-PSGIHandler-0.53p0 PSGI handler for HTML::Mason
- p5-HTML-Parser-3.83 modules to parse and extract information from HTML
- p5-HTML-PopupTreeSelect-1.6p1 popup tree widget
- p5-HTML-PrettyPrinter-0.03p0 generate nice HTML files from HTML syntax trees
- p5-HTML-Prototype-1.48 AJAX framework for perl
- p5-HTML-Quoted-0.05 extract structure of quoted HTML mail message
- p5-HTML-ResolveLink-0.05p2 resolve relative links in (X)HTML into absolute URI
- p5-HTML-RewriteAttributes-0.06 concise attribute rewriting
- p5-HTML-SBC-0.15p2 simple blog code for valid (X)HTML
- p5-HTML-Scrubber-0.19p0 HTML cleaning module
- p5-HTML-Selector-XPath-0.28 CSS Selector to XPath compiler
- p5-HTML-SimpleParse-0.12p2 bare-bones HTML parser
- p5-HTML-SiteTear-1.46p0 make a separate copy of a web site in local file system
- p5-HTML-Stream-1.60p2 HTML output stream class
- p5-HTML-StripScripts-1.06p0 strip scripting constructs out of HTML
- p5-HTML-StripScripts-Parser-1.03p1 XSS filter using HTML::Parser
- p5-HTML-Summary-0.022p0 summarize HTML pages
- p5-HTML-Table-2.08ap1 generate HTML tables for cgi scripts
- p5-HTML-TableContentParser-0.305 module to parse the content of tables in HTML text
- p5-HTML-TableExtract-2.15p0 module to extract text contained within HTML tables
- p5-HTML-TagCloud-0.38p0 HTML tag cloud generator
- p5-HTML-TagFilter-1.03p2 fine-grained html-filter, xss-blocker and mailto-obfuscator
- p5-HTML-Tagset-3.24 data tables useful for parsing HTML
- p5-HTML-Template-2.97p0 use HTML Templates from CGI scripts
- p5-HTML-Template-Expr-0.07p1 use HTML Templates which allows expressions
- p5-HTML-Template-JIT-0.05p1 just-in-time compiler for HTML::Template
- p5-HTML-Tidy-1.60p2 (X)HTML validation in a Perl object
- p5-HTML-Tiny-1.08 lightweight, dependency free HTML/XML generation
- p5-HTML-TokeParser-Simple-3.16p0 simple interface to HTML::TokeParser
- p5-HTML-Tree-5.07p0 perl parser that builds an HTML tree
- p5-HTML-TreeBuilder-XPath-0.14p0 add XPath support to HTML::TreeBuilder
- p5-HTML-Widget-1.11p1 HTML widget and validation framework
- p5-HTTP-Async-0.33p0 process multiple HTTP requests in parallel without blocking
- p5-HTTP-Body-1.23 HTTP body parser
- p5-HTTP-CookieJar-0.014 minimalist HTTP user agent cookie jar
- p5-HTTP-Cookies-6.11 HTTP cookie jars
- p5-HTTP-DAV-0.50 webdav client library for Perl
- p5-HTTP-Daemon-6.16 simple http server class
- p5-HTTP-Date-6.06 date conversion routines
- p5-HTTP-Entity-Parser-0.25 PSGI compliant HTTP Entity Parser
- p5-HTTP-GetImages-0.343p3 spider to recover and store images from web pages
- p5-HTTP-Headers-ActionPack-0.09 HTTP Action, Adventure and Excitement
- p5-HTTP-Headers-Fast-0.22p0 faster implementation of HTTP::Headers
- p5-HTTP-Lite-2.44 pure Perl HTTP client
- p5-HTTP-Message-7.00 HTTP style message
- p5-HTTP-MultiPartParser-0.02p0 HTTP MultiPart Parser
- p5-HTTP-Negotiate-6.01p0 choose a variant to serve
- p5-HTTP-Parser-XS-0.17p0 fast, primitive HTTP request parser
- p5-HTTP-Proxy-0.304p1 pure Perl HTTP proxy
- p5-HTTP-Recorder-0.07p1 record interaction with websites
- p5-HTTP-Request-AsCGI-1.2p2 setup CGI environment from HTTP::Request
- p5-HTTP-Request-Params-1.02p1 retrieve GET/POST parameters from HTTP requests
- p5-HTTP-Response-Encoding-0.06p1 add encoding to HTTP::Response
- p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.52p0 simple standalone HTTP server
- p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Mason-0.14p0 abstract baseclass for a standalone mason server
- p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-PSGI-0.16p0 PSGI handler for HTTP::Server::Simple
- p5-HTTP-Server-Simple-Recorder-0.03p0 record communication with an HTTP::Server::Simple
- p5-HTTP-Thin-0.006p0 thin wrapper around HTTP::Tiny to work with HTTP::Message
- p5-HTTPD-Log-Filter-1.08p3 httpd log filter library
- p5-Hash-AutoHash-1.17p0 object-oriented access to real and tied hashes
- p5-Hash-AutoHash-Args-1.18p0 OO processing of keyword-based argument lists
- p5-Hash-Flatten-1.19p1 flatten/unflatten complex data hashes
- p5-Hash-Merge-0.302 merges arbitrarily deep hashes into a single hash
- p5-Hash-Merge-Simple-0.052 recursively merge two or more hashes, simply
- p5-Hash-MultiValue-0.16p0 store multiples values per key
- p5-Hash-NoRef-0.03p6 HASH that stores values without a reference count increase
- p5-Hash-Ordered-0.014 fast, pure-Perl ordered hash class
- p5-Hash-Util-FieldHash-Compat-0.11p0 use Hash::Util::FieldHash or ties, depending on availability
- p5-Heap-0.80p2 heap data structure in perl
- p5-Hijk-0.28 Fast & minimal low-level HTTP client
- p5-Hook-LexWrap-0.26p0 lexically scoped subroutine wrappers
- p5-I18N-Charset-1.419 module to map charset names registered with IANA
- p5-IO-AIO-4.81p0 asynchronous Input/Output
- p5-IO-All-0.87p0 universal I/O to everything
- p5-IO-BufferedSelect-1.0p0 line-buffered select interface
- p5-IO-Capture-0.05p3 module for capturing output
- p5-IO-CaptureOutput-1.1104p1 capture STDOUT and STDERR from Perl code, subprocesses or XS
- p5-IO-Digest-0.11p0 module for computing digests while reading or writing
- p5-IO-HTML-1.004 open an HTML file with automatic charset detection
- p5-IO-Handle-Util-0.02p0 perl extension for working with IO::Handle like objects
- p5-IO-Interactive-1.025 utilities for interactive I/O
- p5-IO-Interface-1.09p2 module for access to network card configuration information
- p5-IO-KQueue-0.39 perl interface to the BSD kqueue system call
- p5-IO-Lambda-1.34 non-blocking I/O as lambda calculus
- p5-IO-LockedFile-0.23p4 object methods for locking files
- p5-IO-Multiplex-1.16p0 handle multiple file handles
- p5-IO-Pager-2.10 select a pager if destination is a TTY
- p5-IO-Pipely-0.006 portably create pipe() or pipe-like handles
- p5-IO-Prompt-Tiny-0.003p1 prompt for user input with a default option
- p5-IO-SessionData-1.03p0 supporting module for SOAP::Lite
- p5-IO-Socket-INET6-2.73 object interface for AF_INET and AF_INET6 domain sockets
- p5-IO-Socket-Multicast-1.12p6 module for sending and receiving multicast messages
- p5-IO-Socket-SSL-2.089 Perl SSL sockets with IO::Socket interface
- p5-IO-Socket-Socks-0.74p0 create SOCKS v4/v5 client or server
- p5-IO-Socket-Timeout-0.32p0 IO::Socket with read/write timeout
- p5-IO-String-1.08p3 emulate IO::File interface for in-core strings
- p5-IO-Tee-0.66 multiplex output to multiple handles
- p5-IO-TieCombine-1.005p1 produce tied (and other) separate but combined variables
- p5-IO-Tty-1.20 provide an interface to create pseudo ttys
- p5-IO-stringy-2.113 in-core objects like strings and arrays for I/O
- p5-IP-Country-2.28.20190301p0 fast lookup of country codes by IP address
- p5-IP-Country-DB_File-3.03p0 IPv4 and IPv6 to country translation using DB_File
- p5-IPC-Run-20231003.0 run a subprocess
- p5-IPC-Run-SafeHandles-0.04p1 safe guarding for IPC::Run
- p5-IPC-Run3-0.049 run a subprocess in batch mode
- p5-IPC-ShareLite-0.17p5 simple interface to access shared memory
- p5-IPC-Shareable-0.61p1 share Perl variables between processes
- p5-IPC-Signal-1.00p1 utility functions dealing with signals
- p5-IPC-System-Simple-1.30 run commands simply, with detailed diagnostics
- p5-IRC-Utils-0.12p1 common utilities for IRC-related tasks
- p5-Ima-DBI-0.35p1 database connection caching and organization
- p5-Image-BioChrome-1.16p2 recolor gif images on the fly
- p5-Image-EXIF-2.01p1 interface to read EXIF tags in JPEG images
- p5-Image-ExifTool-13.25 read and write meta information in image/audio/video files
- p5-Image-Imlib2-2.03p5 Perl interface to the Imlib2 image library
- p5-Image-Info-1.45 perl module for getting image information
- p5-Image-MetaData-JPEG-0.159p1 access and modify JPEG metadata
- p5-Image-Size-3.300 module to determine the size of images in several formats
- p5-Imager-1.025 generate and manipulate images
- p5-Imager-QRCode-0.035p0 generate QR Code with Imager using libqrencode
- p5-Import-Into-1.002005p1 import packages into other packages
- p5-Importer-0.026 alternative but compatible interface to modules that export
- p5-Inline-0.52p1 write Perl subroutines in other programming languages
- p5-Internals-1.1p5 Write-protect variables, manipulate refcounts
- p5-Iterator-0.03p1 general-purpose iterator class.
- p5-Iterator-Simple-0.07 simple iterator and utilities
- p5-Iterator-Util-0.02p0 essential utilities for the Iterator class.
- p5-JSON-4.10 parse and convert to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
- p5-JSON-Any-1.40 wrapper class for the various JSON classes
- p5-JSON-DWIW-0.47p0 JSON converter that Does What I Want
- p5-JSON-MaybeXS-1.004008 use Cpanel::JSON::XS or JSON::XS or JSON::PP
- p5-JSON-XS-4.03p0v1 JSON serialising/deserialising, done correctly and fast
- p5-JSON-XS-VersionOneAndTwo-0.31p2 shim to support either v1 or v2 APIs of JSON::XS
- p5-JavaScript-Minifier-1.16 Perl extension for minifying JavaScript code
- p5-JavaScript-Minifier-XS-0.15 XS based JavaScript minifier
- p5-Jcode-2.07 handles various Japanese charsets
- p5-Jifty-DBI-0.78 database OO schema for Jifty
- p5-LWP-Authen-Wsse-0.05p2 library for enabling X-WSSE authentication in LWP
- p5-LWP-MediaTypes-6.02p0 Guess url media type
- p5-LWP-Online-1.08 check if a process has access to the internet
- p5-LWP-Protocol-https-6.14 provide https support for p5-libwww
- p5-LWP-Protocol-socks-1.7p0 adds support for SOCKS to p5-libwww
- p5-LWP-UserAgent-Determined-1.07 virtual browser that retries on errors
- p5-LaTeX-Driver-1.2.0 driver to format LaTeX documents
- p5-LaTeX-Encode-0.092.0p0 encode characters for LaTeX formatting
- p5-LaTeX-Pod-0.23 transform LaTeX source files to POD
- p5-LaTeX-TOM-1.06 parse, analyze and manipulate LaTeX documents
- p5-LaTeXML-0.8.5 LaTeX to XML/HTML/MathML Converter
- p5-Language-Ook-1.0.2p0 programming language designed for orang-utans
- p5-Layout-Manager-0.35p1 2D layout management for Perl
- p5-Lchown-1.01p5 perl interface to the lchown(2) system call
- p5-Lexical-Persistence-1.023 persistent lexical variable values for arbitrary calls
- p5-Libxml-0.08p3 perl module collection for working with XML
- p5-Lingua-EN-Fathom-1.27 measure readability of English text
- p5-Lingua-EN-FindNumber-1.32p0 locate (written) numbers in English text
- p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-1.905 convert singular to plural, select a or an
- p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Number-1.12p1 force number of words to singular or plural
- p5-Lingua-EN-Inflect-Phrase-0.20p0 inflect short English Phrases
- p5-Lingua-EN-Number-IsOrdinal-0.05p0 detect if English number is ordinal or cardinal
- p5-Lingua-EN-Sentence-0.34 module to split text into sentences
- p5-Lingua-EN-Summarize-0.2p1 summarize english text
- p5-Lingua-EN-Syllable-0.251p1 outine for estimating syllable count in words
- p5-Lingua-EN-Tagger-0.31p0 part-of-speech tagger for EN natural language processing
- p5-Lingua-EN-Words2Nums-0.18p1 convert English text to numbers
- p5-Lingua-PT-Stemmer-0.02p0 Portuguese language stemming
- p5-Lingua-Romana-Perligata-0.604 write Perl in Latin
- p5-Lingua-Stem-2.31 stemming of words
- p5-Lingua-Stem-Fr-0.02p2 French language stemming
- p5-Lingua-Stem-It-0.02p0 Italian language stemming
- p5-Lingua-Stem-Ru-0.04p0 Russian language stemming
- p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Da-1.01p2 Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark
- p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-No-1.2p0 Porters stemming algorithm for Denmark
- p5-Lingua-Stem-Snowball-Se-1.2p0 Porters stemming algorithm for Sweden
- p5-Lingua-Treebank-0.16p1 manifulate the Penn Treebank format
- p5-List-AllUtils-0.19 combines List::Util, List::SomeUtils and List::UtilsBy
- p5-List-Compare-0.55 compare elements of two or more lists
- p5-List-Cycle-1.04 objects for cycling through a list of values
- p5-List-MoreUtils-0.430 provide the stuff missing in List::Util
- p5-List-MoreUtils-XS-0.430 provide compiled List::MoreUtils functions
- p5-List-SomeUtils-0.59 provide the stuff missing in List::Util
- p5-List-SomeUtils-XS-0.58p1 XS implementation for List::SomeUtils
- p5-List-Util-WeightedChoice-0.06 extension to allow for nonnormalized weighted choices
- p5-List-UtilsBy-0.12 higher-order list utility functions
- p5-Locale-Codes-3.81 distribution of modules to handle locale codes
- p5-Locale-Hebrew-1.05p0 bidirectional Hebrew support
- p5-Locale-Maketext-Fuzzy-0.11p0 Maketext from already interpolated strings
- p5-Locale-Maketext-Gettext-1.32 joins the gettext and maketext frameworks
- p5-Locale-Maketext-Lexicon-1.00p0 use other catalog formats in Locale::Maketext
- p5-Locale-PGetText-0.16p2 perl i18n routines
- p5-Locale-US-3.04 map two-letter codes to state names and vice versa (US)
- p5-Locale-gettext-1.07p3 interface to gettext() internationalization function
- p5-LockFile-Simple-0.208p0 perl module implementing simple file locking
- p5-Log-Agent-1.005 abstraction layer for logging and tracing
- p5-Log-Any-1.717 bringing loggers and listeners together
- p5-Log-Any-Adapter-Callback-0.102 module to send Log::Any logs to a subroutine
- p5-Log-Dispatch-2.71 dispatches messages to one or more outputs
- p5-Log-Dispatch-Binlog-0.02p2 Storable based binary logs
- p5-Log-Dispatch-Config-1.04p0 abstract Configurator class
- p5-Log-Dispatch-Config-TestLog-0.02p0 set up Log::Dispatch::Config for a test run
- p5-Log-Dispatch-FileRotate-1.38 log to files that archive/rotate themselves
- p5-Log-Dispatch-Perl-0.05 use core Perl functions for logging
- p5-Log-Log4perl-1.57 Log4j implementation for Perl
- p5-Log-Procmail-0.14 perl module for reading procmail logs
- p5-Log-Trace-1.070p2 provides a unified approach to tracing
- p5-MARC-Record-2.0.7p0 MARC (machine readable cataloging format)
- p5-MCE-1.901 engine for Perl providing parallel processing capabilities
- p5-MD5-2.03 interface to md5 message-digest algorithm
- p5-MIME-Base32-1.303p0 Base32 encoder/decoder
- p5-MIME-Charset-1.013.1 charset Informations for MIME
- p5-MIME-EncWords-1.015.0 perl module to deal with RFC 2047 encoded words
- p5-MIME-Lite-3.033 low-calorie MIME generator
- p5-MIME-Lite-HTML-1.24p0 transform a HTML page in a MIME-Lite mail
- p5-MIME-Types-2.26 perl module to manage MIME types
- p5-MIME-tools-5.515 modules for parsing (and creating) MIME entities
- p5-MLDBM-2.05p0 store multi-level hash structure in single-level tied hash
- p5-MLDBM-Sync-0.30p3 safe concurrent access to MLDBM databases
- p5-MP3-ID3v1Tag-1.11p3 edit id3v1 tags from an audio mpeg layer 3
- p5-MP3-Info-1.26p0 read MPEG1-Layer3 tags
- p5-MP3-Tag-1.16 read tags of MP3 audio files
- p5-MP4-Info-1.13p0 fetch info from MPEG-4 files
- p5-MPEG-Audio-Frame-0.10p0 class for weeding out MPEG audio frames from a file handle
- p5-MRO-Compat-0.15 mro::* interface compatibility for Perls < 5.9.5
- p5-Mac-iTunes-Library-1.0p0 representation of an iTunes Library
- p5-Mail-Alias-1.15 manipulates e-mail alias files of various formats
- p5-Mail-Audit-2.228p0 library for creating easy mail filters
- p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults-2.20231031 object oriented Authentication-Results headers
- p5-Mail-Box-2.118p0 perl module to manage mail folders
- p5-Mail-DKIM-1.20240923 DKIM and DomainKeys message-signing implementation
- p5-Mail-DKIM-Iterator-1.010 iterative DKIM validation of records or signing of mails
- p5-Mail-DMARC-1.20250203 Perl implementation of DMARC
- p5-Mail-DMARC-Iterator-0.014 iterative DMARC validation for mails
- p5-Mail-GnuPG-0.23p0 handle GnuPG-encrypted/signed messages
- p5-Mail-IMAPClient-3.43 perl module for an IMAP Client API
- p5-Mail-IMAPTalk-4.06 IMAP client interface with lots of features
- p5-Mail-ListDetector-1.04p0 Perl extension for detecting mailing list messages
- p5-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser-1.5111p1 fast and simple mbox folder reader
- p5-Mail-Milter-Authentication-3.20240701 perl implementation of email authentication standards
- p5-Mail-POP3Client-2.21 perl module to talk to a POP3 (RFC1081) server
- p5-Mail-RFC822-Address-0.3p1 validate email addresses according to RFC822
- p5-Mail-SPF-3.20240923 perl oop implementation of Sender Policy Framework
- p5-Mail-SPF-Iterator-1.121 iterative SPF lookup
- p5-Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1p6 perl module to query Sender Policy Framework
- p5-Mail-SPF-Test-1.001p0 perl SPF test-suite class
- p5-Mail-Sender-0.903p0v0 send mail with attachments through SMTP
- p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-4.0.1p0 mailfilter to identify and mark spam
- p5-Mail-Tools-2.21p0 modules for handling mail with perl
- p5-Mail-Webmail-Gmail-1.09p3 interface to Google webmail service
- p5-MasonX-Interp-WithCallbacks-1.20 Mason callback support via Params::CallbackRequest
- p5-Math-Base-Convert-0.11p0 very fast base to base conversion
- p5-Math-Base36-0.14p0 encoding and decoding of base36 strings
- p5-Math-Base85-0.5 module handles numbers in base 85
- p5-Math-BaseCnv-1.14p0 fast functions to CoNVert between number Bases
- p5-Math-Bezier-0.01p2 perl module for solving bezier curves
- p5-Math-BigInt-GMP-1.6011 backend library for Math::BigInt based on GMP
- p5-Math-Calc-Units-1.07p0 human-readable unit-aware calculator
- p5-Math-Derivative-1.01p0 numeric 1st and 2nd order differentiation
- p5-Math-FFT-1.36 calculate Fast Fourier Transforms in perl
- p5-Math-Fibonacci-1.5p2 Fibonacci numbers
- p5-Math-Fibonacci-Phi-0.02p2 calculates Phi and phi for Fibonacci numbers
- p5-Math-GMP-2.25 high speed arbitrary-size integer math
- p5-Math-GMPf-0.52 perl interface to GMP floating point functions
- p5-Math-GMPz-0.61 perl interface to GMP integer functions
- p5-Math-Int128-0.22p1 manipulate 128 bits integers in Perl
- p5-Math-Int64-0.57 manipulate 64 bits integers in Perl
- p5-Math-MatrixReal-2.13p0 implement the data type "matrix of reals"
- p5-Math-Prime-Util-0.73p0 utilities related to prime numbers, including fast sieves
- p5-Math-Prime-Util-GMP-0.52 utilities related to prime numbers, using GMP
- p5-Math-Random-ISAAC-1.004p1 interface to the ISAAC PRNG algorithm
- p5-Math-Round-0.08 Perl extension for rounding numbers
- p5-Math-Spline-0.02p0 cubic spline interpolation of data
- p5-Math-Symbolic-0.613 symbolic calculations for Perl
- p5-Math-SymbolicX-ParserExtensionFactory-3.02p0 generate Math::Symbolic parser extensions
- p5-Math-Utils-1.14p0 useful mathematical functions not in Perl
- p5-Math-VecStat-0.08p1 provides basic statistics on numerical vectors
- p5-MaxMind-DB-Common-0.040001p1 code shared by the MaxMind DB reader and writer modules
- p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader-1.000014p1 read MaxMind DB files and look up IP addresses
- p5-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS-1.000009p0 fast XS implementation of MaxMind DB reader
- p5-MaxMind-DB-Writer-0.300004 create MaxMind DB database files
- p5-Maypole-1.4p4 Perl MVC for web applications
- p5-Maypole-Authentication-UserSessionCookie-1.1p3 track sessions and, optionally, users
- p5-Memoize-ExpireLRU-0.56p0 expiry plug-in for Memoize that adds LRU cache expiration
- p5-Mixin-Linewise-0.111 write your linewise code for handles; this does the rest
- p5-Mock-Config-0.03p0 temporarily set Config or XSConfig values
- p5-Mock-Sub-1.09 mock package, object and standard subroutines, with unit
- p5-Modern-Perl-1.20241001 enable all of the features of Modern Perl with one import
- p5-Module-Build-0.4234 build and install Perl modules
- p5-Module-Build-Pluggable-0.10p0 plugin support for Module::Build
- p5-Module-Build-Pluggable-PPPort-0.04p0 modbuild::pluggable module to generate ppport.h
- p5-Module-Build-Tiny-0.051 tiny replacement for Module::Build
- p5-Module-Build-XSUtil-0.19p0 Module::Build class for building XS modules
- p5-Module-Find-0.16 find and use installed modules in a (sub)category
- p5-Module-Implementation-0.09p0 loads one of several alternate module implementations
- p5-Module-Install-1.19 standalone extensible Perl module installer
- p5-Module-Install-AuthorTests-0.002p0 designated tests only run by module authors
- p5-Module-Install-Repository-0.06p0 set the repository URL from svn/svk/Git checkouts
- p5-Module-Install-XSUtil-0.45p1 utility functions for XS modules
- p5-Module-Manifest-1.09p0 parse and examine a perl distribution MANIFEST file
- p5-Module-Path-0.19 get the full path to a locally installed module
- p5-Module-Pluggable-5.2p0 automatically give your module the ability to have plugins
- p5-Module-Pluggable-Fast-0.19p0 instantiate plugins as they're found
- p5-Module-Refresh-0.18 refresh perl %INC files when updated on disk
- p5-Module-Runtime-0.016p0 runtime module handling
- p5-Module-ScanDeps-1.37 recursively scan Perl code for dependencies
- p5-Module-Signature-0.89 module signature file manipulation
- p5-Module-Starter-1.54p4 simple starter kit for any module
- p5-Module-Starter-Plugin-CGIApp-0.30p4 template based module starter for CGI apps
- p5-Module-Util-1.09p0 module name tools and transformations
- p5-Module-Versions-Report-1.06p1 report versions of all perl modules in memory
- p5-Module-Which-0.05p0v0 finds out which version of Perl modules are installed
- p5-Mojo-Pg-4.24 dbd-pg wrapper for mojolicious
- p5-Mojo-SQLite-3.009 tiny Mojolicious wrapper for SQLite
- p5-MojoX-Session-0.33p0 session management for Mojo
- p5-Mojolicious-9.37 next generation web framework for Perl
- p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-AccessLog-0.010p0 Mojolicious AccessLog Plugin
- p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Authentication-1.39 authentication plugin for the Mojolicious Perl framework
- p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-Thumbnail-0.01p0 Mojolicious Thumbnail Plugin
- p5-Mojolicious-Plugin-TtRenderer-1.62 Template Renderer Plugin for Mojolicious
- p5-Mon-1.2.0p4 perl module for mon
- p5-Monitoring-Plugin-0.40p0 helper routines for writing monitoring plugins
- p5-Moo-2.005005 Minimalist Object Orientation (with Moose compatibility)
- p5-MooX-Aliases-0.001006p0 easy aliasing of methods and attributes in Moo
- p5-MooX-HandlesVia-0.001009 NativeTrait-like behavior for Moo
- p5-MooX-StrictConstructor-0.013 blow up Moo-based object constructors on unknown attributes
- p5-MooX-Traits-0.005p0 automatically apply roles at object creation time
- p5-MooX-TypeTiny-0.002003 optimized type checks for Moo + Type::Tiny
- p5-MooX-Types-MooseLike-0.29p0 some Moosish types and a type builder
- p5-MooX-late-0.100 perl extension to easily translate Moose code to Moo
- p5-Moose-2.2207 postmodern object system for Perl 5
- p5-MooseX-Aliases-0.11p0 easy aliasing of methods and attributes
- p5-MooseX-Attribute-Chained-1.0.3p0 attribute that returns the instance to allow for chaining
- p5-MooseX-AttributeHelpers-0.25p0 extend your attribute interfaces
- p5-MooseX-Clone-0.06p1 fine grained cloning support for Moose objects
- p5-MooseX-ConfigFromFile-0.14p2 Moose role for setting attributes from a config file
- p5-MooseX-Daemonize-0.22 role for daemonizing your Moose based application
- p5-MooseX-Declare-0.43p0 declarative syntax for Moose
- p5-MooseX-Emulate-Class-Accessor-Fast-0.009032p0 emulate Class::Accessor::Fast behavior using Moose
- p5-MooseX-Getopt-0.76 Moose role for processing command line options
- p5-MooseX-Has-Sugar-1.000006p0 Sugar syntax for moose 'has' fields
- p5-MooseX-InsideOut-0.106p1 inside-out objects with Moose
- p5-MooseX-LazyRequire-0.11p0 required attributes which fail only when trying to use them
- p5-MooseX-Log-Log4perl-0.47p0 logging Role with easy interface for Moose
- p5-MooseX-LogDispatch-1.2002p0 logging role for Moose
- p5-MooseX-MarkAsMethods-0.15p0 mark overload code symbols as methods
- p5-MooseX-Meta-TypeConstraint-ForceCoercion-0.01p1 force coercion when validating type constraints
- p5-MooseX-Method-Signatures-0.49p0 method declarations with type constraints
- p5-MooseX-MethodAttributes-0.32 code attribute introspection
- p5-MooseX-MultiInitArg-0.02p0 attributes with aliases for constructor arguments for MooseX
- p5-MooseX-NonMoose-0.26p0 easy subclassing of non-Moose classes
- p5-MooseX-Object-Pluggable-0.0014 make your classes pluggable
- p5-MooseX-POE-0.215p0 the Illicit Love Child of Moose and POE
- p5-MooseX-Params-Validate-0.21p0 extension of Params::Validate for using Moose types
- p5-MooseX-RelatedClassRoles-0.004 apply roles to a class related to yours
- p5-MooseX-Role-Parameterized-1.11p0 roles with composition parameters
- p5-MooseX-Role-WithOverloading-0.17p1 roles which support overloading
- p5-MooseX-SemiAffordanceAccessor-0.10p0 name your accessors foo() and set_foo()
- p5-MooseX-Singleton-0.30 turn your Moose class into a singleton
- p5-MooseX-Storage-0.53 a serialization framework for Moose classes
- p5-MooseX-StrictConstructor-0.21p1 blow up object constructors on unknown attributes
- p5-MooseX-Traits-0.13p1 automatically apply roles at object creation time
- p5-MooseX-Traits-Pluggable-0.12p0 trait loading and resolution for Moose
- p5-MooseX-Types-0.50p0 organise your Moose types in libraries
- p5-MooseX-Types-Common-0.001014p1 library of commonly used type constraints
- p5-MooseX-Types-DateTime-0.13 DateTime related constraints and coercions for Moose
- p5-MooseX-Types-LoadableClass-0.015 ClassName type constraint with coercion to load the class
- p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Class-0.09p0 Path::Class type library for Moose
- p5-MooseX-Types-Path-Tiny-0.012p0 Path::Tiny types and coercions for Moose
- p5-MooseX-Types-Stringlike-0.003p0 Moose type constraints for strings or string-like objects
- p5-MooseX-Types-Structured-0.36p1 structured Type Constraints for Moose
- p5-Mouse-2.5.11 Moose minus the antlers
- p5-MouseX-Types-0.06p0 organize your Mouse types in libraries
- p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-MPD-0.13p3 module to submit songs to from MPD
- p5-Music-Audioscrobbler-Submit-0.05p2 module providing routines to submit songs to
- p5-MusicBrainz-DiscID-0.06p1 Perl interface for the MusicBrainz libdiscid library
- p5-Net-ASN-1.08 Perl extension to manipulate autonomous system (AS) numbers
- p5-Net-Amazon-0.62p0 Perl Interface to Amazon.{,com} Web Services
- p5-Net-BGP-0.18 Border Gateway Protocol version 4 speaker/listener library
- p5-Net-CIDR-0.21 manipulate IPv4/IPv6 netblocks in CIDR notation
- p5-Net-CIDR-Lite-0.22 Perl extension for merging IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR addresses
- p5-Net-DAAP-Client-0.42p1 perl client for Apple iTunes DAAP service
- p5-Net-DAAP-DMAP-1.27p0 perl module for reading and writing DAAP structures
- p5-Net-DAV-Server-1.305p0 perl module to provide a DAV server
- p5-Net-DBus-1.2.0p0 Perl API to the dbus inter-application messaging system
- p5-Net-DHCP-0.696p0 Perl DHCP classes
- p5-Net-DNS-1.50 perl interface to the domain name system
- p5-Net-DNS-DynDNS-0.9994p0 update with correct ip address
- p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Mock-1.20230216 DNS Resolver object for testing
- p5-Net-DNS-Resolver-Programmable-0.009p0 programmable DNS resolver class for offline emulation of DNS
- p5-Net-DNS-SEC-1.26 extends the Net::DNS module with DNSSEC functionality
- p5-Net-Daemon-0.49 extension for portable daemons
- p5-Net-Dict-2.22 Perl interface to the DICT protocol
- p5-Net-Domain-TLD-1.75p0 module to work with TLD names
- p5-Net-FTP-AutoReconnect-0.3p1 FTP client class with automatic reconnect on failure
- p5-Net-FTP-Recursive-2.04p1 recursive FTP client module
- p5-Net-FTPSSL-0.30p0 FTP over SSL/TLS client class
- p5-Net-FTPServer-1.125p0 secure, extensible and configurable Perl FTPd
- p5-Net-Flow-1.003p0 decode and encode NetFlow/IPFIX datagrams
- p5-Net-Frame-1.21p0 base framework for frame crafting
- p5-Net-Frame-Dump-1.17p0 base-class for a tcpdump-like implementation
- p5-Net-Frame-Layer-ICMPv6-1.11p0 ICMP v6 layer object
- p5-Net-Frame-Layer-IPv6-1.08p0 Internet Protocol v6 layer object
- p5-Net-Google-1.0.1p2 simple OOP-ish interface to the Google SOAP API
- p5-Net-HTTP-6.23 Perl HTTP connection client
- p5-Net-ICal-0.15p3 Perl interface to RFC2445 (iCalendar) objects
- p5-Net-IDN-Encode-2.500p2 Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications
- p5-Net-IDN-Nameprep-1.102p0 stringprep profile for Internationalized Domain Names
- p5-Net-IMP-0.636 module for network data inspection and modification
- p5-Net-IMP-HTTP-0.525 interface for HTTP specific Net::IMP plugins
- p5-Net-INET6Glue-0.604 make common perl modules IPv6 ready by hotpatching
- p5-Net-IP-1.26p1 perl module for IPv4/IPv6 address parsing
- p5-Net-IP-Minimal-0.06p1 minimal functions from Net::IP
- p5-Net-IP-XS-0.23 perl module for IPv4/IPv6 address parsing
- p5-Net-IPTrie-0.7p3 build IPv4 and IPv6 address space hierarchies
- p5-Net-IPv4Addr-0.10p2 perl module for IPv4 address parsing
- p5-Net-IPv6Addr-1.02p0 check validity of IPv6 addresses
- p5-Net-Ident-1.25p0 Perl extension for doing ident requests
- p5-Net-Inspect-0.331 library for inspection of data on various network layers
- p5-Net-Jabber-2.0p2 perl interface to jabber
- p5-Net-LibIDN-0.12p2 Perl bindings for GNU Libidn
- p5-Net-LibIDN2-1.02 Perl bindings for GNU Libidn2
- p5-Net-MySQL-0.11p0 Pure Perl MySQL network protocol interface
- p5-Net-NTP-1.5p0 Perl extension for decoding NTP server responses
- p5-Net-Netmask-2.0002p0 parse, manipulate and lookup IPv4 CIDR blocks
- p5-Net-OAuth-0.28p0 implementation of the OAuth protocol
- p5-Net-OpenSSH-0.80 perl SSH client package implemented on top of OpenSSH
- p5-Net-PH-2.21p2 Perl interface to the PH protocol
- p5-Net-ParseWhois-0.7p1v0 module for getting and parsing whois entries
- p5-Net-Patricia-1.22p2 Patricia Trie perl module for fast IP address lookups
- p5-Net-Pcap-0.21 module for pcap access
- p5-Net-Pcap-Reassemble-0.05p0 IP fragment reassembly for Net::Pcap
- p5-Net-PcapWriter-0.725 simple creation of pcap files from code
- p5-Net-Ping-External-0.13p1 alternative Perl interface to ping(1)
- p5-Net-Prometheus-0.11p0 export monitoring metrics for prometheus
- p5-Net-RDAP-0.36 Perl interface to the Registration Data Access Protocol
- p5-Net-Radius-2.103p2 Perl interface to Radius
- p5-Net-RawIP-0.25p6 module to manipulate raw ip packets
- p5-Net-SCP-0.08p1 Perl extension for SCP secure copy protocol
- p5-Net-SFTP-0.12p0 client for the Secure File Transfer Protocol
- p5-Net-SFTP-Foreign-1.93 SSH File Transfer Protocol client
- p5-Net-SIP-0.838 perl framework for SIP
- p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04p0 SSL support for Net::SMTP
- p5-Net-SMTP-TLS-ButMaintained-0.24p1 Perl module for SMTP with TLS/AUTH support
- p5-Net-SMTPS-0.10 SSL/STARTTLS support for Net::SMTP
- p5-Net-SMTP_auth-0.08p1 Perl module to use authenticated SMTP
- p5-Net-SNMP-6.0.1p3 Perl modules to access SNMP
- p5-Net-SNPP-1.17p3 Perl Simple Network Pager Protocol Client
- p5-Net-SSH-0.09p1 Perl extension for SSH secure shell
- p5-Net-SSH-Expect-1.09p2 ssh wrapper to execute remote interactive commands
- p5-Net-SSH-Perl-2.143 perl implementation of the SSH1 and SSH2 protocols
- p5-Net-SSH2-0.74 support for the SSH 2 protocol via libssh2
- p5-Net-SSL-ExpireDate-1.25 obtain expiration date of SSL certificate
- p5-Net-SSLGlue-1.058p0 add/extend SSL support for common perl modules
- p5-Net-SSLeay-1.94p0 Perl bindings for OpenSSL and LibreSSL
- p5-Net-Server-2.014p0 extensible Perl internet server
- p5-Net-Server-SS-PreFork-0.05p2 hot-deployable variant of Net::Server::PreFork
- p5-Net-Snort-Parser-1.21p3 Perl modules for parsing Snort configuration files
- p5-Net-Subnets-0.21p2 computing subnets in large scale networks
- p5-Net-TFTP-0.1901p0 TFTP client class
- p5-Net-Telnet-3.05 perl5 module for interactive network functions
- p5-Net-Telnet-Cisco-1.12p0 module to interact with a Cisco router
- p5-Net-Traceroute-1.15 traceroute(1) functionality in perl
- p5-Net-Twitter-4.01043 perl interface to the Twitter API
- p5-Net-Twitter-Lite-0.12008p0 interface to Twitter API
- p5-Net-UPnP-1.4.6p0 extension for UPnP
- p5-Net-Wake-0.02p2 perl5 module for Wake On LAN
- p5-Net-WebSocket-Server-0.004000 straightforward Perl WebSocket server
- p5-Net-Whois-1.9p0 perl5 module for getting and parsing whois entries
- p5-Net-Whois-RIPE-2.008001v0 perl implementation of RIPE whois
- p5-Net-Whois-Raw-2.99037 extension for unparsed raw whois information
- p5-Net-Works-0.22p1 sane APIs for IP addresses and networks
- p5-Net-XMPP-1.05p0 XMPP perl library
- p5-Net-XWhois-0.90p1 whois client interface for perl5
- p5-Net-Z3950-ZOOM-1.30p1 perl interface to yaz zoom
- p5-Net-eBay-0.62 interface to XML based eBay API
- p5-NetAddr-IP-4.079p0 manages IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and subnets
- p5-NetAddr-MAC-0.97 module to handle hardware MAC addresses
- p5-NetPacket-1.7.2 assemble/disassemble network packets at protocol level
- p5-News-Article-1.27p3 perl module for accessing NNTP articles
- p5-News-Newsrc-1.11p1 module for managing newsrc files
- p5-Nmap-Parser-1.37v0 perl module for parsing nmap XML reports
- p5-Nmap-Scanner-1.0p5 perform and manipulate nmap scans using Perl
- p5-Number-Bytes-Human-0.11 convert byte count to human readable format
- p5-Number-Compare-0.03p1 compare numbers
- p5-Number-Compare-Date-0.02p3 Compare Dates
- p5-Number-Format-1.76 Perl extension for formatting numbers
- p5-Number-WithError-1.01p1 numbers with error propagation and scientific rounding
- p5-OLE-Storage_Lite-0.22 simple class for OLE document interface
- p5-OPCUA-Open62541-2.05 Perl XS wrapper for open62541 OPC UA library
- p5-OSPF-LSDB-1.18 ospf link-state database viewer
- p5-Object-Declare-0.25 declarative object constructor
- p5-Object-Event-1.23p2 event callback interface
- p5-Object-MultiType-0.05p2 Perl Objects as Hash, Array and Scalar at the same time
- p5-Object-Pluggable-1.29p1 base class for creating plugin-enabled objects
- p5-Object-Realize-0.21p0 perl module to implementing delay loading of object-data
- p5-Object-Signature-1.08p0 cryptographic signatures for objects
- p5-Object-eBay-0.5.0p0 OO interface to the eBay API
- p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-0.11p0 object-oriented interface to Ogg Vorbis information
- p5-Ogg-Vorbis-Header-PurePerl-1.05 interface to Ogg Vorbis information, fully written in Perl
- p5-OpenSMTPd-Filter-0.0.4 easier filters for OpenSMTPd in perl
- p5-PAR-1.020 Perl Archive Toolkit
- p5-PAR-Dist-0.53 create and manipulate PAR distributions
- p5-PDF-API2-2.047 create PDF documents with perl
- p5-PDF-API2-Simple-1.1.4p1 simple wrapper for PDF::API2 module
- p5-PDF-API2-XS-1.002 XS module to speed some PDF::API2 operations
- p5-PDF-Reuse-0.39p0 perl module for manipulating PDF files
- p5-PDF-Table-1.006 create PDF tables with perl
- p5-PGP-Sign-0.20p3 perl module to create/verify PGP signatures
- p5-PGP-Sign-0.20p3-pgp perl module to create/verify PGP signatures
- p5-PHP-Serialization-0.34p0 simple means to move data between Perl and PHP
- p5-PHP-Session-0.27p0 read / write PHP session files
- p5-POE-1.370 portable multitasking and networking framework for perl
- p5-POE-API-Peek-2.20p0 peek into the internals of a running POE environment
- p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS-1.054p0 DNS module for the Perl Object Environment
- p5-POE-Component-Client-DNS-Recursive-1.14 recursive DNS client for POE
- p5-POE-Component-Client-HTTP-0.949p0 POE HTTP user-agent component
- p5-POE-Component-Client-Keepalive-0.272p0v0 manage connections, with keep-alive
- p5-POE-Component-Client-MPD-2.001p0 complete MPD client library
- p5-POE-Component-IKC-0.2402p0 POE Inter-Kernel Communication
- p5-POE-Component-IRC-6.93 event-driven IRC-client module
- p5-POE-Component-IRC-Plugin-RSS-Headlines-1.10p1 PoCo::IRC Plugin that provides RSS Headline retrieval
- p5-POE-Component-Jabber-3.00p2 POE Component for communicating over Jabber
- p5-POE-Component-Pcap-0.04p3 POE interface to Net::Pcap
- p5-POE-Component-Pluggable-1.28p0 base class for creating plugin enabled POE Components
- p5-POE-Component-PubSub-0.05p1 publish/subscribe to publish events from POE::Sessions
- p5-POE-Component-Resolver-0.921p1 non-blocking getaddrinfo() resolver
- p5-POE-Component-SSLify-1.012p1 make use of SSL with POE
- p5-POE-Component-Server-DNS-0.32p0 non-blocking, concurrent DNS server POE component
- p5-POE-Component-Server-FTP-0.08p1 event-based FTP server on a virtual filesystem
- p5-POE-Component-Supervisor-0.09p1 Erlang inspired babysitting
- p5-POE-Component-Syndicator-0.06p1 module which implements the Observer pattern for POE
- p5-POE-Filter-DNS-TCP-0.06p0 POE Filter to handle DNS over TCP connections
- p5-POE-Filter-IRCD-2.44p1 POE-based parser for the IRC protocol
- p5-POE-Filter-XML-1.140700p0 POE Filter for parsing XML
- p5-POE-Filter-Zlib-2.04p0 POE filter wrapped around Compress::Zlib
- p5-POE-Loop-Event-1.305p0 bridge that allows POE to be driven by
- p5-POE-Loop-Tk-1.305p0 bridge that allows POE to be driven by Tk
- p5-POE-Test-Loops-1.360p0 reusable tests for POE::Loop authors
- p5-POE-XS-Queue-Array-0.006p2 C implementation of priority queues
- p5-POSIX-strftime-Compiler-0.46 gnu C library compatible strftime for loggers and servers
- p5-PPI-1.279 parse, analyze and manipulate Perl
- p5-PPI-HTML-1.08p2 parse, analyze and manipulate Perl
- p5-PPIx-QuoteLike-0.023 parse Perl string literals and string-literal-like things
- p5-PPIx-Regexp-0.088 parse regular expressions
- p5-PPIx-Utils-0.003 utility functions for PPI
- p5-PSGI-1.102p0 perl Web Server Gateway Interface Specification
- p5-Package-DeprecationManager-0.18 manage deprecation warnings for your distribution
- p5-Package-Generator-1.106p0 generate new packages
- p5-Package-New-0.09 simple base package from which to inherit
- p5-Package-Stash-0.40 routines for manipulating stashes
- p5-Package-Stash-XS-0.30 faster and more correct implementation of the Package::Stash
- p5-Package-Variant-1.003002 parameterizable packages
- p5-PadWalker-2.5 peek at lexical variables
- p5-Pango-1.227p3 perl interface to the Pango libraries
- p5-Parallel-ForkManager-1.19p0 simple parallel processing fork manager
- p5-Parallel-Forker-1.260 parallel job forking and management
- p5-Parallel-Prefork-0.18p0 simple prefork server framework
- p5-Params-CallbackRequest-1.20p0 functional and object-oriented callback architecture
- p5-Params-Classify-0.015p0 argument type classification
- p5-Params-Coerce-0.15 allow your classes to do coercion of parameters
- p5-Params-Util-1.102 utility to make parameter checking easier
- p5-Params-Validate-1.31 validate method/function parameters
- p5-Params-ValidationCompiler-0.31p0 build an optimized subroutine parameter validator
- p5-Paranoid-0.36p0 paranoia support for safer programs
- p5-Parse-DMIDecode-0.03p0 interface to SMBIOS using dmidecode
- p5-Parse-Method-Signatures-1.003019p0 perl6-like method signature parser
- p5-Parse-PlainConfig-2.06p2 parser for plain-text configuration files
- p5-Parse-RecDescent-1.967015p0 perl module to generate recursive descent parsers
- p5-Parse-Win32Registry-1.1 accessing the Windows registry
- p5-Parse-Yapp-1.21p2 compiles yacc-like LALR grammars to Perl OO parser modules
- p5-PatchReader-0.9.6p2 utilities to read and manipulate patches and CVS
- p5-Path-Class-0.37p0 cross-platform path manipulation
- p5-Path-Dispatcher-1.08 flexible and extensible dispatch
- p5-Path-Tiny-0.146 file path utility
- p5-Perl-Command-0.01p0 return an ARGV for running this perl
- p5-Perl-Critic-1.156 critique Perl source code for best-practices
- p5-Perl6-Junction-1.60000p0 Perl6 style Junction operators in Perl5
- p5-PerlIO-eol-0.19 PerlIO layer for normalizing line endings
- p5-PerlIO-gzip-0.20p0 PerlIO layer to gzip/gunzip
- p5-PerlIO-utf8_strict-0.010 fast and correct UTF-8 IO
- p5-PerlIO-via-Bzip2-0.02p2 implement PerlIO layers which let you handle bzip2 files
- p5-PerlIO-via-Timeout-0.32p1 PerlIO layer that adds read & write timeout to a handle
- p5-PerlIO-via-dynamic-0.14p0 create dynamic PerlIO layers
- p5-PerlIO-via-symlink-0.05p4 create symlink from IO handle
- p5-Perlbal-1.80p0 Perl-based reverse proxy load balancer and web server
- p5-PlRPC-0.2020p0 module for writing rpc servers and clients
- p5-Plack-1.0051 interface between perl web frameworks and web servers
- p5-Plack-App-URLMux-0.08p0 map multiple applications in defferent url path
- p5-Plack-Middleware-FixMissingBodyInRedirect-0.12p1 sets body for redirect response, if it's not already set
- p5-Plack-Middleware-MethodOverride-0.20 override REST methods to Plack apps via POST
- p5-Plack-Middleware-RemoveRedundantBody-0.09p0 removes body for HTTP response if it's not required
- p5-Plack-Middleware-ReverseProxy-0.16p0 supports app to run as a reverse proxy backend
- p5-Plack-Test-ExternalServer-0.02p0 run HTTP tests on external live servers
- p5-Plagger-0.7.17p3 pluggable RSS/Atom aggregator
- p5-Pod-Constant-0.1p1 source constants from POD to avoid repetition
- p5-Pod-Coverage-0.23p1 check if the documentation of a module is comprehensive
- p5-Pod-Cpandoc-0.16p1 perldoc that works for modules you don't have installed
- p5-Pod-LaTeX-0.61p1 convert pod documentation to latex format
- p5-Pod-Markdown-3.400 convert POD to Markdown
- p5-Pod-POM-2.01p1 convert Pod documents into a simple object model form
- p5-Pod-Parser-1.67 modules for parsing/translating POD format documents
- p5-Pod-Spell-1.27 formatter for spellchecking pod
- p5-Pod-Tests-1.20p0 extracts embedded tests and code examples from pod
- p5-Pod-ToDemo-1.01p2 Write a demo program from a tutorial POD
- p5-PodToHTML-0.08p3 generate HTML from files containing POD documentation
- p5-Poppler-1.0103 PDF manipulation library
- p5-PostScript-MailLabels-2.32p0 create PostScript files of mailing address labels
- p5-Probe-Perl-0.03p0 information about the currently running perl
- p5-Proc-Background-1.32 peek at lexical variables
- p5-Proc-Daemon-0.23p0 run perl program as a daemon process
- p5-Proc-Fork-0.808 simple, intuitive interface to the fork() system call
- p5-Proc-Guard-0.07p0 process runner with RAII pattern
- p5-Proc-PID-File-1.29p0 manage process id files
- p5-Proc-ProcessTable-0.636 interface to the system's process table
- p5-Proc-Queue-1.23p1 limits the number of forked concurrent processes
- p5-Proc-Simple-1.32p0 module to launch and control background processes
- p5-Proc-Wait3-0.05p0 perl extension for wait3 system call
- p5-Protocol-WebSocket-0.26p0 Perl implementation of WebSocket protocol
- p5-Quota-1.8.2 quota manipulation module
- p5-REST-Client-281 simple client for interacting with RESTful http/https
- p5-RPC-XML-0.82 perl implementation of XML-RPC
- p5-RSS-Parser-Lite-0.12p0 simple and pure Perl RSS parser
- p5-Rcs-1.05p2 Perl Object Class for Revision Control System (RCS)
- p5-Readonly-2.05p0 facility for creating read-only scalars, arrays, hashes
- p5-Readonly-XS-1.05p5 create readonly variables faster
- p5-Redis-2.000v0 perl binding for Redis database
- p5-Ref-Util-0.204p0 utility functions for checking references
- p5-Ref-Util-XS-0.117p0 utility functions for checking references (XS version)
- p5-Regexp-Assemble-0.38 assemble multiple Regular Expressions into a single RE
- p5-Regexp-Common-2024080801 provide commonly requested regular expressions
- p5-Regexp-Common-net-CIDR-0.03p0 provide patterns for CIDR blocks
- p5-Regexp-DefaultFlags-0.01p2 set default flags on regular expressions
- p5-Regexp-IPv6-0.03p0 regular expression for IPv6 addresses
- p5-Regexp-Shellish-0.93p3 module for shell-like regular expressions
- p5-Return-MultiLevel-0.08 return across multiple call levels
- p5-Return-Value-1.666005p0 polymorphic return values
- p5-Rex-1.14.3 perl-based deployment and configuration management
- p5-Role-Basic-0.13p0 a simple class to create simple roles
- p5-Role-Tiny-2.002004 minimalist role composition tool
- p5-Rose-DB-0.786 DBI wrapper and abstraction layer
- p5-Rose-DB-Object-0.821 object-oriented database mapper
- p5-Rose-DateTime-0.540p0 datetime helper functions for Rose
- p5-Rose-HTML-Objects-0.6061p1 HTML objects for Rose
- p5-Rose-HTMLx-Form-Field-Autocomplete-0.02p1 HTML ajax autocompleter for Rose
- p5-Rose-Object-0.860p0 object oriented DBMS for perl
- p5-Rose-URI-1.00p0 URI objects for Rose
- p5-SCGI-0.6p1 module for implementing an SCGI interface
- p5-SDL-2.2.0p0 Simple DirectMedia Layer for Perl
- p5-SMTP-Server-1.1p1 implements a complete, RFC compliant SMTP server
- p5-SNMP-BridgeQuery-0.61p1 Perl extension for retrieving bridge tables
- p5-SNMP-Info-3.97 perl5 interface to network devices and MIBs through SNMP
- p5-SNMP_Session-1.13p6 provides rudimentary access to remote SNMP agents
- p5-SOAP-Lite-1.27 client and server-side SOAP implementation
- p5-SOAP-WSDL-3.004 SOAP with WSDL support
- p5-SQL-Abstract-2.000001 generate SQL from Perl data structures
- p5-SQL-Abstract-Classic-1.91 generate SQL from Perl data structures
- p5-SQL-Abstract-Limit-0.143 portability layer for LIMIT emulation
- p5-SQL-Abstract-More-1.42 extension of SQL::Abstract with more constructs
- p5-SQL-Abstract-Pg-1.0 PostgreSQL features for SQL::Abstract
- p5-SQL-ReservedWords-0.8p0 reserved words in SQL and specific databases
- p5-SQL-Statement-1.414 SQL parsing and processing engine
- p5-SQL-Translator-1.66 SQL DDL transformations and more
- p5-SUPER-1.20190531p0 module for controlling superclass method dispatch
- p5-SVG-2.87 Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) in perl
- p5-SVG-Graph-0.04 visualize your data in SVG format
- p5-SVN-Notify-2.87p0 subversion activity notification
- p5-SVN-Simple-0.28p0 simple interface to subversion's editor interface
- p5-SVN-Web-0.48p4 subversion repository web frontend
- p5-Safe-Isa-1.000010p0 call isa, can, does and DOES safely
- p5-Sane-0.05p3 Perl extension for the SANE Project
- p5-Scalar-Defer-0.23p0 deferred and lazy evaluation
- p5-Schedule-At-1.15p1 Perl interface for the system 'at' command
- p5-Scope-Guard-0.21p0 lexically scoped resource management
- p5-Scope-Upper-0.34 act on upper scopes
- p5-Search-Elasticsearch-6.00p0 elasticsearch perl module
- p5-Search-QueryParser-0.94p2 parses a query string suitable for external search engines
- p5-Sereal-5.004 fast, compact, powerful binary (de-)serialization
- p5-Sereal-Decoder-5.004 fast, compact, powerful binary deserialization
- p5-Sereal-Encoder-5.004 fast, compact, powerful binary serialization
- p5-Server-Starter-0.35p0 superdaemon for hot-deploying server programs
- p5-Set-Crontab-1.03p0 expand crontab(5)-style integer lists
- p5-Set-Infinite-0.65p1 sets of intervals
- p5-Set-IntRange-5.2p0 sets of integers
- p5-Set-IntSpan-1.19p0 manage sets of integers
- p5-Set-Object-1.42 set of objects and strings
- p5-Set-Scalar-1.29p0 module for containing a set of scalars
- p5-Shell-0.73p0 run shell commands transparently
- p5-Shell-Command-0.06p0v0 simple Unix commands in perl
- p5-Shell-Config-Generate-0.34 portably generate config for any shell
- p5-Shell-Guess-0.10 make an educated guess about the shell in use
- p5-Signal-Mask-0.008p1 utility functions dealing with signals
- p5-Smart-Comments-1.06p0 debugging aid based on comments
- p5-Socket-GetAddrInfo-0.22p2 RFC 2553 getaddrinfo and getnameinfo functions
- p5-Socket6-0.29p0 Perl defines relating to AF_INET6 sockets
- p5-Software-License-0.104006 packages that provide templated software licenses
- p5-Sort-Key-1.33p0 sort perl arrays
- p5-Sort-Naturally-1.03p0 sort lexically, but sort numeral parts numerically
- p5-Sort-SQL-0.08p1 manipulate SQL sort strings
- p5-Sort-Versions-1.62p0 sorting of revision-like numbers
- p5-Sourcecode-Spellchecker-0.03p1 perl module for spell-checking source code
- p5-Specio-0.50 type constraints and coercions for Perl
- p5-Spiffy-0.46p0 Spiffy Perl Interface Framework For You
- p5-Spreadsheet-ParseExcel-0.66v0 read information from Excel spreadsheet
- p5-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel-2.40p0 write a cross-platform Excel binary file
- p5-Spreadsheet-XLSX-0.18 Perl extension for reading MS Excel 2007 files
- p5-Starlet-0.31p0 simple, high-performance PSGI/Plack HTTP server
- p5-Starman-0.4015p1 high-performance preforking PSGI/Plack web server
- p5-Statistics-CaseResampling-0.15p0 efficient resampling and calculation of medians
- p5-Statistics-Contingency-0.09p0 calculate precision, recall, F1, accuracy, etc
- p5-Statistics-Descriptive-3.0801 basic descriptive statistical functions
- p5-Storable-AMF-1.23p0 deserializer for Adobe Action Message Format
- p5-Stream-Buffered-0.03p1 temporary buffer to save bytes
- p5-String-Approx-3.28p0 module for approximate matching
- p5-String-CRC32-2.100 interface for cyclic redundancy check generation
- p5-String-CamelCase-0.04p0 camelcase, de-camelcase
- p5-String-Escape-2010.002p0 backslash escapes, quoted phrase, word elision, etc
- p5-String-Format-1.18p0 perl printf extensions
- p5-String-Formatter-1.235 build sprintf-like functions of your own
- p5-String-Interpolate-0.32 wrapper for the Perl string interpolation engine
- p5-String-Interpolate-Named-1.00 interpolated named arguments in a template string
- p5-String-Koremutake-0.30p1 memorable random strings
- p5-String-Random-0.32 perl module for generating randoms strings
- p5-String-RewritePrefix-0.009 rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes
- p5-String-Scanf-2.1p3 Emulates the sscanf() of the C stdio library
- p5-String-ShellQuote-1.04p2 Quote strings for passing through the shell
- p5-String-Similarity-1.04p3 calculate the similarity of two strings
- p5-String-Tagged-0.24p0 string buffers with value tags on extents
- p5-String-Tagged-Terminal-0.08p0 format terminal output using String::Tagged
- p5-String-ToIdentifier-EN-0.12p0 convert strings to english program identifiers
- p5-String-Truncate-1.100602p0 module for when strings are too long to be displayed in
- p5-String-Util-1.35 string processing utility functions
- p5-Struct-Dumb-0.12 make simple lightweight record-like structures
- p5-Sub-Attribute-0.07p0 reliable subroutine attribute handlers
- p5-Sub-Exporter-0.991 sophisticated exporter for custom-built routines
- p5-Sub-Exporter-ForMethods-0.100055 helper routines for using Sub::Exporter to build methods
- p5-Sub-Exporter-Progressive-0.001013p0 only use Sub::Exporter if you need it
- p5-Sub-HandlesVia-0.016 alternative handles_via implementation
- p5-Sub-Identify-0.14p0 retrieve names of code references
- p5-Sub-Info-0.002p0 tool for inspecting subroutines
- p5-Sub-Install-0.929 install subroutines into packages easily
- p5-Sub-Lambda-0.02p1 syntactic sugar for lambdas in Perl
- p5-Sub-Name-0.28 (re)name a sub
- p5-Sub-Override-0.12 extension for easily overriding subroutines
- p5-Sub-Quote-2.006008 efficient generation of subroutines via string eval
- p5-Sub-Uplevel-0.2800p0v0 Perl library for manipulating frame stack
- p5-Switch-2.17p0 switch statement for Perl
- p5-Symbol-Global-Name-0.05p0 finds name and type of a global variable
- p5-Syntax-Highlight-HTML-0.04p1 syntax highlight for HTML
- p5-Syntax-Highlight-Mason-1.23p0 syntax highlight for Mason
- p5-Syntax-Highlight-Perl-1.01p1 syntax highlight for perl
- p5-Syntax-Keyword-Defer-0.11p0 execute code when leaving a block
- p5-Syntax-Keyword-Match-0.15p0 match/case syntax for perl
- p5-Syntax-Keyword-Try-0.30p0 try/catch/finally syntax for perl
- p5-Sys-Hostname-Long-1.5p0 perl module to get FQDN
- p5-Sys-MemInfo-0.99p1 return the total amount of free and used physical memory
- p5-Sys-Mmap-0.20 use mmap to map in a file as a Perl variable
- p5-Sys-SigAction-0.23p0 Perl extension for Consistent Signal Handling
- p5-Sys-Syscall-0.25p0 access to more system calls than Perl normally provides
- p5-Sys-Virt-11.1.0 represent and manage a libvirt hypervisor connection
- p5-System-Command-1.122 object for running system commands
- p5-TAP-Formatter-JUnit-0.16 format TAP::Harness output as JUnit XML
- p5-TAP-Harness-Archive-0.18p1 create an archive of TAP results
- p5-TAP-Harness-JUnit-0.42p0 generate JUnit compatible output from TAP results
- p5-TAP-Harness-Multiple-0.07p1 report TAP output by test file description
- p5-TAP-Parser-SourceHandler-pgTAP-3.36 stream TAP from pgTAP test scripts
- p5-TOML-0.97p0 parser for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language
- p5-TOML-Parser-0.91p1 simple toml parser
- p5-Taint-Runtime-0.03p7 runtime enable taint checking
- p5-Tangram-2.12 object-oriented DBMS
- p5-Task-Weaken-1.06p0 ensure that a platform has weaken support
- p5-Tcl-1.50 Perl interface to Tcl interpreters
- p5-Template-3.102 template processing system
- p5-Template-GD-2.66p3 GD plugin(s) for the Template Toolkit
- p5-Template-Plugin-Class-0.14p0 template extension for calling class methods
- p5-Template-Plugin-Markdown-0.02p2 TT plugin for Text::Markdown
- p5-Template-Plugin-Number-Format-1.06p0 plugin/filter interface to Number::Format
- p5-Template-Provider-Encoding-0.10p1 explicit encoding for Template Toolkit
- p5-Template-Timer-1.00p0 rudimentary profiling module for Template Toolkit
- p5-Template-Tiny-1.14 Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible
- p5-Term-Animation-2.6p1 produce sprite animations using ASCII art
- p5-Term-Encoding-0.03p0 detect encoding of the current terminal
- p5-Term-ProgressBar-2.23 text mode progress bar
- p5-Term-Prompt-1.04p2 handles various forms of terminal input
- p5-Term-ReadLine-Gnu-1.36p0 GNU Readline Library Wrapper Module
- p5-Term-ReadLine-Perl-1.0303p1 minimal interface to Readline
- p5-Term-ReadLine-TTYtter-1.4p3 Readline Library Wrapper Module for Twitter
- p5-Term-ReadLine-Zoid-0.07p2 Readline Library Wrapper for zoid
- p5-Term-ReadPassword-0.11p2 ask passwords from perl
- p5-Term-Screen-1.06p1 positioning screen based module
- p5-Term-ScreenColor-1.20p0 screen positioning and coloring module
- p5-Term-Shell-0.13 simple command-line shell framework
- p5-Term-ShellUI-0.92p0 fully-featured shell-like command line environment
- p5-Term-Size-0.211 module to fetch the size of the terminal
- p5-Term-Size-Any-0.002p0 retrieve terminal size
- p5-Term-Size-Perl-0.031p0 perl extension for retrieving terminal size
- p5-Test-API-0.010p0 test a list of subroutines provided by a module
- p5-Test-Assertions-1.054p2 set of building blocks for both unit and runtime testing
- p5-Test-Base-0.89p0 data driven test framework
- p5-Test-Bits-0.02p1 provides a bits_is() subroutine for testing binary data
- p5-Test-CPAN-Meta-0.25p0 validate your CPAN META.yml files
- p5-Test-CheckManifest-1.43 check Manifest matches your distro
- p5-Test-Class-0.52 easily create test classes in an xUnit style
- p5-Test-Class-Tiny-0.03p0 xUnit in Perl, simplified
- p5-Test-ClassAPI-1.07p0 basic first-pass API testing for large class trees
- p5-Test-CleanNamespaces-0.24 check for uncleaned imports
- p5-Test-Cmd-1.09p0 perl module for portable testing of commands and scripts
- p5-Test-Command-0.11p2 test routines for external commands
- p5-Test-Command-Simple-0.05p1 simplify testing of external commands
- p5-Test-Compile-3.0.1 check whether Perl files compile correctly
- p5-Test-Corpus-Audio-MPD-1.120990p0 automate launching of fake mpd for testing purposes
- p5-Test-Deep-1.204 extremely flexible deep comparison
- p5-Test-Deep-Fuzzy-0.01p1 fuzzy number comparison with Test::Deep
- p5-Test-Deep-JSON-0.05p0 compare JSON with Test::Deep
- p5-Test-Deep-Type-0.008p1 a Test::Deep plugin for validating type constraints
- p5-Test-Differences-0.71 test strings and data structures and show differences if not
- p5-Test-DistManifest-1.014p0 author test that validates a package MANIFEST
- p5-Test-Distribution-2.00p2 perform tests on all modules of a distribution
- p5-Test-EOL-2.02 check the correct line endings in your project
- p5-Test-Exception-0.43p0 test functions for exception based code
- p5-Test-Exit-0.11p0 test whether code exits without terminating testing
- p5-Test-Expect-0.34p0 automated driving and testing of terminal-based programs
- p5-Test-FailWarnings-0.008p1 add test failures if warnings are caught
- p5-Test-Fatal-0.017 incredibly simple helpers for testing code with exceptions
- p5-Test-File-1.994 test file attributes
- p5-Test-File-Contents-0.242 perl test framework for file contents
- p5-Test-File-ShareDir-1.001002p0 create fake sharedir for testing
- p5-Test-HTML-Tidy-1.00p2 Test::More-style wrapper around HTML::Tidy
- p5-Test-HTTP-LocalServer-0.76 spawn a local HTTP server for testing
- p5-Test-HTTP-Server-Simple-0.11p0 test framework for HTTP::Server::Simple
- p5-Test-HasVersion-0.014p0 check Perl modules have version numbers
- p5-Test-HexDifferences-1.001p1 test binary as hexadecimal string
- p5-Test-Identity-0.01 assert the referential identity of a reference
- p5-Test-Inline-2.214 inlining your tests next to the code being tested
- p5-Test-Inter-1.12 framework for more readable interactive test scripts
- p5-Test-JSON-0.11p1 test JSON data
- p5-Test-LWP-UserAgent-0.036 LWP::UserAgent for simulating and testing network calls
- p5-Test-LeakTrace-0.17 module for tracing memory leaks
- p5-Test-LectroTest-0.5001p0 easy, automatic, specification-based tests
- p5-Test-Lib-0.003 use libraries from a t/lib directory
- p5-Test-LongString-0.17p0 tests strings for equality
- p5-Test-Manifest-2.025 interact with a t/test_manifest file
- p5-Test-Memory-Cycle-1.06p0 perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
- p5-Test-MockModule-0.177.0 override subroutines in a module for unit testing
- p5-Test-MockObject-1.20200122p0 perl extension for emulating troublesome interfaces
- p5-Test-MockRandom-1.01p0 replace random number generation with non-random
- p5-Test-MockSleep-0.02p0 overrides perl's sleep call
- p5-Test-MockTime-0.17p0 replaces actual time with simulated time
- p5-Test-MockTime-HiRes-0.08 replaces actual time with simulated high resolution time
- p5-Test-Modern-0.013p0 precision testing for modern perl
- p5-Test-More-UTF8-0.05p0 enhancing Test::More for UTF8-based projects
- p5-Test-Most-0.38 most commonly needed test functions and features
- p5-Test-Needs-0.002010 skip tests when modules not available
- p5-Test-NoTabs-2.02p0 check the presence of tabs in your project
- p5-Test-NoWarnings-1.06 forbids warnings while testing
- p5-Test-Number-Delta-1.06p0 compare difference between numbers against a given tolerance
- p5-Test-Object-0.08p0 thoroughly testing objects via registered handlers
- p5-Test-Output-1.035 utilities to test STDOUT and STDERR messages
- p5-Test-POE-Server-TCP-1.20p0 POE component providing TCP server services for test cases
- p5-Test-Perl-Critic-1.04p0 test framework to run Perl::Critic
- p5-Test-Pod-1.52p0 check for POD errors in files
- p5-Test-Pod-Content-0.0.6p0 test a Pod's content
- p5-Test-Pod-Coverage-1.10p0 check for pod coverage in your distribution
- p5-Test-Portability-Files-0.10p0 check file names portability
- p5-Test-Regexp-2017040101p0 test your regular expressions
- p5-Test-Reporter-1.62p0v0 sends test results to
- p5-Test-Requires-0.11 checks to see if the module can be loaded
- p5-Test-RequiresInternet-0.05p0 easily test network connectivity
- p5-Test-Script-1.29p0 cross-platform basic tests for scripts
- p5-Test-SharedFork-0.35p0 fork test
- p5-Test-Spec-0.54p0 write tests in a declarative specification style
- p5-Test-Spelling-0.25p1 check for spelling errors in POD files
- p5-Test-Strict-0.54 check syntax, presence of use strict; and test coverage
- p5-Test-SubCalls-1.10p1 track the number of times subs are called
- p5-Test-TCP-2.22p0 testing TCP program
- p5-Test-Taint-1.08p0 tools to test taintedness
- p5-Test-TempDir-0.11 temporary files support for testing
- p5-Test-Time-0.08p1 overrides time()/sleep() core functions for testing
- p5-Test-TrailingSpace-0.0601 test for trailing space in source files
- p5-Test-Trap-0.3.5 trap exit codes
- p5-Test-URI-1.086 check Uniform Resource Identifiers
- p5-Test-Unit-0.27 Perl unit testing framework
- p5-Test-UseAllModules-0.17p0 do use_ok for all the MANIFESTed modules
- p5-Test-Version-2.09p0 check to see that version's in modules are sane
- p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.60 test suite using WWW::Mechanize
- p5-Test-WWW-Mechanize-Catalyst-0.62 Test-WWW-Mechanize extension for catalyst
- p5-Test-Warn-0.37 Perl extension to test methods for warnings
- p5-Test-Warnings-0.038 test for warnings and the lack of them
- p5-Test-Weaken-3.022000p0 test that freed memory objects were, indeed, freed
- p5-Test-Without-Module-0.23 test fallback behaviour in absence of modules
- p5-Test-XML-0.08p0 compare XML in perl tests
- p5-Test-YAML-1.07p0 testing module for YAML implementations
- p5-Test-YAML-Valid-0.04p1 test for valid YAML
- p5-Test-utf8-1.03 handy utf8 tests for Perl
- p5-Test2-Plugin-NoWarnings-0.10p0 fail if tests warn
- p5-Test2-Tools-Explain-0.02p1 explain tools for Perl's Test2 framework
- p5-Text-ASCIIMathML-0.81p0 perl extension for parsing ASCIIMathML text into MathML
- p5-Text-Affixes-0.09p0 prefixes and suffixes analisys of text
- p5-Text-Aligner-0.16 justify strings to various alignment styles
- p5-Text-Aspell-0.09p11 interface to the GNU aspell library
- p5-Text-Autoformat-1.75p0v0 automatic text wrapping and reformatting
- p5-Text-CSV-2.04 comma-separated values manipulator routines
- p5-Text-CSV-Hashify-0.10p0 turn a CSV file into a Perl hash
- p5-Text-CSV_XS-1.60 Comma-Separated Values manipulation routines
- p5-Text-CharWidth-0.04p0 get number of occupied columns of a string on terminal
- p5-Text-Control-0.5 transforms of control characters
- p5-Text-Diff-1.45p0 perform diffs on files and record sets
- p5-Text-Diff-HTML-0.08p0 XHTML format for Text::Diff::Unified
- p5-Text-DoubleMetaphone-0.07p8 implementation of a "sounds like" algorithm
- p5-Text-FixEOL-1.08 canonical EOL/EOF
- p5-Text-Flow-0.01p1 flexible text flowing and word wrapping
- p5-Text-Format-0.63 various subroutines to format text
- p5-Text-German-0.06p1 German grundform reduction
- p5-Text-Glob-0.11p0 match globbing patterns against text
- p5-Text-Iconv-1.7p6 interface to iconv() codeset conversion function
- p5-Text-Kakasi-2.04p5 Kanji -> kana converter, perl interface
- p5-Text-LevenshteinXS-0.03p7 perl implementation of Levenshtein edit distance
- p5-Text-Markdown-1.000031p0 convert Markdown syntax to (X)HTML
- p5-Text-MultiMarkdown-1.000035p0 convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
- p5-Text-PDF-0.31p0 perl modules for creating and manipulating PDF
- p5-Text-Password-Pronounceable-0.30p1 generate pronounceable passwords
- p5-Text-Quoted-2.10p0 extract the structure of a quoted mail message
- p5-Text-RecordParser-1.6.5p1 parse records in CSV-like formats
- p5-Text-Reflow-1.17p0 module for reflowing text files
- p5-Text-Reform-1.20p1 perl module to formating plaintext
- p5-Text-SimpleTable-2.07p0 simple eyecandy ASCII Tables
- p5-Text-Soundex-3.05p0 implementation of the soundex algorithm
- p5-Text-Table-1.135 organize data in tables
- p5-Text-TabularDisplay-1.38p0 render tabular data as plain text
- p5-Text-Tags-0.04p2 parses 'folksonomy' space-separated tags
- p5-Text-Template-1.61 expand template text with embedded perl
- p5-Text-Textile-2.13p0 converts simple text to web constructs
- p5-Text-Thread-0.2p2 convert tree structured items into ascii tree items
- p5-Text-Tmpl-0.33p4 very fast Perl templating library
- p5-Text-Unidecode-1.30p0 US-ASCII transliterations of Unicode text
- p5-Text-WagnerFischer-0.04 implementation of the Wagner-Fischer edit distance
- p5-Text-WikiFormat-0.81p0 translate Wiki formatted text into other formats
- p5-Text-WordDiff-0.09p0 module to diff based on word, not lines
- p5-Text-Wrapper-1.05p0 simple word wrapping routine
- p5-Text-vCard-3.09p0 read, write, and edit vCard address books
- p5-Text-vFile-asData-0.08p0 parse vFile formatted files into data structures
- p5-Throwable-1.001 role for classes that can be thrown
- p5-Tie-Array-Sorted-1.41p3 array which is kept ordered
- p5-Tie-CPHash-2.000p0 case preserving but case insensitive hash table
- p5-Tie-Cache-0.21p0 LRU cache in memory
- p5-Tie-Cache-LRU-0.21p1 LRU cache in memory
- p5-Tie-Cache-LRU-Expires-0.55p0 LRU cache in memory with expiry
- p5-Tie-DBI-1.08 Tie hashes to DBI relational databases
- p5-Tie-EncryptedHash-1.24p1 hashes with encrypting fields
- p5-Tie-Hash-Indexed-0.05p7 ordered hashes for Perl
- p5-Tie-Hash-MultiValue-1.07 store multiple values per key
- p5-Tie-IxHash-1.23p0 ordered associative arrays for Perl
- p5-Tie-LLHash-1.004p0 ordered hashes
- p5-Tie-RegexpHash-0.17p0 use regular expressions as hash keys
- p5-Tie-Simple-1.04p0 Variable ties made easier
- p5-Tie-ToObject-0.03p4 tie to an existing object
- p5-Time-Clock-1.03p0 simple 24 hours clock object
- p5-Time-Duration-1.21p0v0 module for rounded or exact english expression of durations
- p5-Time-Duration-Parse-0.16 parse strings that represent time durations
- p5-Time-Format-1.16p0 easy-to-use date/time formatting
- p5-Time-Out-0.11p0 easily timeout long running operations
- p5-Time-Period-1.25 perl module to deal with time periods
- p5-Time-Piece-MySQL-0.06p3 MySQL representations for Time::Piece objects
- p5-Time-Progress-2.14 elapsed and estimated finish time reporting
- p5-Time-TimeDate-2.33 library for parsing and formatting dates and times
- p5-Time-Warp-0.55 control over the flow of time
- p5-Time-modules-2013.0912p0 object oriented time interface
- p5-Tk-804.036 Tk 8.4 bindings for Perl
- p5-Tk-ProgressBar-Mac-1.2p0 widget that looks just like a Mac OS 9 progress bar
- p5-Tk-Splash-0.16p0 splash screen widget
- p5-Tk-Stderr-1.2p0 capture standard error output, display in separate window
- p5-Tk-TableMatrix-1.23p4 create and manipulate tables
- p5-Tk-demo-804.036 demonstrate the features of ptk
- p5-Tkx-1.10 Perl interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
- p5-Tree-DAG_Node-1.32 superclass for representing nodes in a tree
- p5-Tree-Simple-1.18p2 simple tree object
- p5-Tree-Simple-View-0.180001p0 class for viewing Tree::Simple hierarchies
- p5-Tree-Simple-VisitorFactory-0.10p4 factory for Tree::Simple visitor objects
- p5-Try-Tiny-0.32 minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@
- p5-Twiggy-0.1026 AnyEvent HTTP server for PSGI (like Thin)
- p5-Twitter-API-1.0006p0 Twitter REST API library for Perl
- p5-Type-Tiny-2.006000 tiny, yet Moo(se)-compatible type constraint
- p5-Types-Serialiser-1.01p0 simple data types for common serialisation formats
- p5-UPS-Nut-0.04p2 module to talk to a UPS via NUT (Network UPS Tools) upsd
- p5-URI-5.31 library to parse Uniform Resource Identifiers
- p5-URI-Fetch-0.15 smart URI fetching/caching
- p5-URI-Find-20160806 find URIs in arbitrary text
- p5-URI-Nested-0.10 nested URIs
- p5-URI-Query-0.16 class providing URI query string manipulation
- p5-URI-db-0.23 database URIs
- p5-URI-ws-0.03 WebSocket support for URI package
- p5-URL-Encode-0.03p0 encoding and decoding of application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- p5-USB-LibUSB-0.09p0 perl interface to the libusb-1.0 API
- p5-UUID-Tiny-1.04p0 tiny pure-perl UUID generation
- p5-Unicode-LineBreak-2019.001p0 Unicode line breaking algorithm
- p5-Unicode-Map-0.112p6 conversions to and from arbitrary character sets
- p5-Unicode-Map8-0.13p1 module to implement efficient mapping tables
- p5-Unicode-MapUTF8-1.14 conversions to and from arbitrary character sets and UTF8
- p5-Unicode-String-2.10p0 modules to handle various Unicode issues
- p5-Unicode-Stringprep-1.105p0 preparation of internationalized strings
- p5-Universal-can-1.20140328p0 calling UNIVERSAL::can as a function
- p5-Universal-exports-0.05p3 lightweight, universal exporting/require of variables
- p5-Universal-isa-1.20171012p0 calling UNIVERSAL::isa as a function
- p5-Universal-moniker-0.08p2 Perl module for aliasing class names
- p5-Universal-require-0.19 extends require to work on variables
- p5-Unix-Mknod-0.05 Perl extension for mknod, major, minor and makedev
- p5-Unix-OpenBSD-Random-0.01 interface to arc4random(3) on OpenBSD
- p5-Unix-PID-0.23p1 interface for getting PID info
- p5-Unix-Process-1.3101 extension to get pid info from /bin/ps
- p5-Unix-Statgrab-0.112 interface to libstatgrab system statistics library
- p5-Unix-Syslog-1.1p6 interface to the UNIX system logger
- p5-User-1.9p1 API for locating user information
- p5-User-Identity-1.02 maintains info about a physical person
- p5-Validate-Net-0.6p2 module to format validation for Net:: related strings
- p5-Variable-Magic-0.64 associate user-defined magic to variables from Perl
- p5-W3C-LinkChecker-5.0.0 check the validity of links in an HTML or XHTML document
- p5-WML-Card-0.02p2 perl module to create WML cards
- p5-WWW-Bugzilla-1.5p0 creating and updating Bugzilla bugs
- p5-WWW-Ebay-1.003p0 search and manage eBay accounts
- p5-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-0.26p0 parser and builder for application/x-www-form-urlencoded
- p5-WWW-Form-UrlEncoded-XS-0.28 parser and builder for x-www-form-urlencoded in XS
- p5-WWW-IndexParser-0.91p1 fetch and parse the directory index from a web server
- p5-WWW-Mechanize-2.19 handy web browsing in a Perl object
- p5-WWW-Mechanize-FormFiller-0.13 framework to automate HTML forms
- p5-WWW-Mechanize-GZip-0.14p0 tries to fetch webpages with gzip-compression
- p5-WWW-Mechanize-Shell-0.62 interactive shell for WWW::Mechanize
- p5-WWW-Mechanize-TreeBuilder-1.20000p0 combines WWW::Mechanize and HTML::TreeBuilder
- p5-WWW-OAuth-1.002 portable OAuth 1.0 authentication
- p5-WWW-Robot-0.026p0 configurable web traversal engine
- p5-WWW-RobotRules-6.02p0 database of robots.txt-derived permissions
- p5-WWW-Search-2.519 virtual base class for WWW searches
- p5-WWW-Search-Ebay-3.056 backend for searching
- p5-WWW-Shorten-3.094 interface to URL shortening sites
- p5-WWW-Shorten-Bitly-2.001p0 interface to shortening site
- p5-WWW-Shorten-Googl-1.100p0 interface to shortening site
- p5-WWW-Tumblr-5.3p0 Perl interface for the Tumblr API
- p5-WWW-Wikipedia-2.05p0 automated interface to the Wikipedia encyclopedia
- p5-Want-0.29p2 generalisation of wantarray
- p5-WeakRef-0.01p6 API to the Perl weak references
- p5-Weather-Com-0.5.5p1 module to get weather information from
- p5-Web-Machine-0.17 perl port of Webmachine
- p5-Web-Scraper-0.38 web scraping toolkit using HTML and CSS Selectors or XPath
- p5-WebService-Audioscrobbler-0.08p0 interface to the Audioscrobbler WebService API
- p5-WebService-MusicBrainz-1.0.7 interface to the MusicBrainz v2.0 API
- p5-Wx-0.9932p5 interface to the wxWidgets cross-platform GUI toolkit
- p5-X-Osd-0.7p5 Perl extension to the X On Screen Display library (xosd)
- p5-X-Tiny-0.22 super-lightweight exception framework
- p5-X11-Protocol-0.56p2 provides an interface roughly equivalent to Xlib
- p5-X11-Protocol-Other-31p0 extras and helpers for X11::Protocol
- p5-XML-Atom-0.43p0 atom feed and API implementation
- p5-XML-Atom-SimpleFeed-0.905 no-fuss generation of Atom syndication feeds
- p5-XML-AutoWriter-0.39p2 module for DOCTYPE based XML output
- p5-XML-Checker-0.13p2 perl module for validating XML
- p5-XML-DOM-1.46p1 perl module to build DOM Level 1 structures
- p5-XML-DOM-XPath-0.14p0 extension to add XPath support to XML::DOM
- p5-XML-Dumper-0.81p3 Perl module for dumping Perl objects from/to XML
- p5-XML-Elemental-2.11p1 generic classes for simplistic handling of XML data
- p5-XML-Feed-0.65 interface to RSS and Atom feeds
- p5-XML-Filter-BufferText-1.01p1 collate XML character events in one chunk
- p5-XML-Filter-ExceptionLocator-1.01p0 add line information to XML parse errors
- p5-XML-Generator-1.13 perl extension for generating XML
- p5-XML-LibXML-2.0210v0 perl binding for libxml2
- p5-XML-LibXSLT-2.003000p0 interface to GNOME libxslt library
- p5-XML-Literal-0.02p2 embed XML directly into perl
- p5-XML-NamespaceSupport-1.12p1 perl module to the SAX2 NamespaceSupport class
- p5-XML-Parser-2.47 perl module for parsing XML documents
- p5-XML-Parser-Lite-0.722p0 lightweight regexp-based XML parser
- p5-XML-RAI-1.3031p1 RSS Abstraction Interface
- p5-XML-RPC-1.1p0 pure Perl implementation for an XML-RPC client and server
- p5-XML-RSS-1.64 perl module to manage XML RSS files
- p5-XML-RSS-LibXML-0.3105p0 XML::RSS with XML::LibXML
- p5-XML-RSS-Parser-4.0p3 liberal object-oriented parser for RSS feeds
- p5-XML-RSS-Timing-1.07p2 figure out when to fetch RSS Feeds
- p5-XML-RSS-TimingBot-2.03p2 efficiently fetch RSS feeds
- p5-XML-RSSLite-0.17 lightweight, 'relaxed' RSS (and XML-ish) parser
- p5-XML-RegExp-0.04p0 Provide regular expressions for some XML tokens
- p5-XML-SAX-1.02p0 framework for the Perl SAX2 XML parsers, filters and drivers
- p5-XML-SAX-Base-1.09p0 base class for SAX drivers and filters
- p5-XML-SAX-Expat-0.51p0 SAX2 driver based on expat
- p5-XML-SAX-Expat-Incremental-0.05p1 subclass for non-blocking (incremental) parsing
- p5-XML-SAX-ExpatXS-1.33p1 SAX2 driver directly based on expat
- p5-XML-SAX-Writer-0.57p0 SAX2 writer
- p5-XML-SemanticDiff-1.0007p0 compare XML documents
- p5-XML-Simple-2.25p0 trivial perl API for reading/writing XML
- p5-XML-Smart-1.79p0 access/create XML files/datas easily
- p5-XML-Stream-1.24p0 creates and XML Stream connection and parses return data
- p5-XML-Tidy-1.20p0 tidy indenting of XML documents
- p5-XML-TreePP-0.43 pure Perl implementation for parsing/writing XML documents
- p5-XML-Twig-3.53 perl module for parsing huge XML documents
- p5-XML-Validator-Schema-1.10p2 validate XML schema using SAX
- p5-XML-Writer-0.900 perl extension for writing XML documents
- p5-XML-XPath-1.48 parse and evaluate XPath statements
- p5-XML-XPathEngine-0.14p0 re-usable XPath engine for DOM-like trees
- p5-XML-XSLT-0.48p2 perl module to perform XSLT transformations
- p5-XML-XSPF-0.7.1 parser and generator for XSPF playlists
- p5-XS-Parse-Keyword-0.48p0 XS functions to assist in parsing keyword syntax
- p5-XString-0.005 isolated String helpers from B
- p5-YAML-1.31 YAML Ain't Markup Language
- p5-YAML-Shell-0.71p0 YAML Test Shell
- p5-YAML-Syck-1.34 YAML and JSON for perl, optimized C
- p5-YAML-Tiny-1.76 read/write YAML files with as little code as possible
- p5-YAML-XS-0.89 YAML Serialization using XS and libyaml
- p5-ZMQ-1.06p0 Perl-ish Interface to libzmq
- p5-ZMQ-Constants-1.04p0 constants for libzmq
- p5-ZMQ-LibZMQ3-1.19p2 libzmq 3.x wrapper for Perl
- p5-Zonemaster-LDNS-4.1.0 module to interface the DNS resolver using the ldns library
- p5-Zonemaster-engine-7.1.0 tool to check the quality of a DNS zone
- p5-accessors-1.01p2 create accessor methods in caller's package
- p5-ack-3.8.1 grep like tool, aimed at programmers
- p5-aliased-0.34p1 use shorter versions of class names
- p5-asa-1.04 lets your class/object say it works like something else
- p5-asterisk-1.08 collection of perl modules to be used with asterisk
- p5-autobox-3.0.2 pragma to call methods on native types
- p5-bareword-filehandles-0.007p1 disables bareword filehandles
- p5-boolean-0.46 boolean support for Perl
- p5-capitalization-0.03p2 use familiar style on method naming
- p5-common-sense-3.75 perl common defaults with lower memory usage
- p5-curry-2.000001 create automatic curried method call closures for any class
- p5-enum-1.12v0 C style enumerated types and bitmask flags
- p5-forks-0.36p2 forks - emulate threads with fork
- p5-iCal-Parser-1.21 parse iCalendar files into a data structure
- p5-indirect-0.39p0 lexically warn about using the indirect method call syntax
- p5-ldap-0.68p0v0 client interface to LDAP servers
- p5-lib-abs-0.95 Relative use lib in absolute way
- p5-libintl-1.29p1 internationalization library written in Perl
- p5-libvorbis-0.05p6 Perl extension for Ogg Vorbis streams
- p5-libwww-6.78 library for WWW access in Perl
- p5-local-lib-2.000029 create and use a local lib/ for perl modules with PERL5LIB
- p5-namespace-autoclean-0.31 keep imports out of your namespace
- p5-namespace-clean-0.27p0 keep imports and functions out of your namespace
- p5-ossp-UUID-1.6.2p8 UUID modules for Perl
- p5-pQuery-0.24p0 perl port of jQuery.js
- p5-pgsql-1.9.0p6 access to PostgreSQL databases perl
- p5-prefork-1.05 optimized module loading
- p5-sdf-2.001p2 simple document format
- p5-strictures-2.000006 turn on strict and make most warnings fatal
- p5-tkispell-0.18p3 Perl/Tk graphical user interface to GNU ispell
- pacpl-4.0.5p2 PAC (Perl Audio Converter)
- pcapmerge-1.0p1 merge and extract portions of binary pcap files
- percona-toolkit-2.2.9p1v0 MySQL Percona tools
- perlsh-1.8.1p3 Perl shell
- perltidy-20250311 tool to indent and reformat perl scripts
- rdapper-1.10 Perl interface to the Registration Data Access Protocol
- wxchordpro-0.974.1p1 graphical front-end to chordpro
- zoidberg-0.981p0 modular perl shell
- zonemaster-7.2.0 tool to check the quality of a DNS zone