Category games
- 0ad-0.0.26p7 historical real-time strategy game
- 0ad-data-0.0.26 historical real-time strategy game data
- 1oom-1.0 game engine recreation of Master of Orion 1
- 2048-cli-0.9.1 terminal version of the 2048 sliding block puzzle game
- 2048-qt-0.1.7 2048 game in Qt
- Ri-li-2.0.1p2 drive a toy wood engine
- abuse-0.8p6v0 SDL port of the legendary 2D platform shooter
- ace-1.4p2 solitaire games
- advancemame-4.0 MAME port with advanced video support for monitors and TVs
- afternoonstalker-1.2.0 Night Stalker clone for X
- aisleriot-3.22.35 suite of solitaire card games
- alephone-1.10 open source game engine based on Marathon 2: Durandal
- allegro-4.2.3p9 game programming library for C/C++ developers
- amnesia-tdd-0.3.2p0 first person survival horror game
- amoebax-0.2.1p4 cute and addictive action-puzzle game
- amph-0.8.10p8 jump'n'run game with unique video effects
- an-1.2 fast anagram generator
- angband-4.2.5 rogue-like game with X11 support
- angband-4.2.5-no_x11 rogue-like game with X11 support
- angband-4.2.5-sdl rogue-like game with X11 support
- angrydd-1.0.2p2 falling blocks puzzle game
- armagetronad- 3D light cycle game
- arx-libertatis-1.2.1p1 cross-platform port of Arx Fatalis, a first-person RPG
- asciiquarium-1.1p3 aquarium animation in ASCII art
- astromenace-1.3.2p1 hardcore 3D space shmup
- atomix-3.22.0p0 build molecules out of single atoms
- barrage-1.0.7 kill and destroy as many targets as possible in 3 minutes
- bass-1.2p0 Beneath A Steel Sky
- bastet-0.43.2p3 bastard tetris
- batrachians-0.2.0 clone of the classic Frog Bog game
- belooted- 32-card trick-taking game
- beret-1.2.1pl1p2 2D puzzle-platformer game
- billyfrontier-1.1.1 quicktime space-age spaghetti western
- blinken-24.08.3 memory enhancement game
- blobby-1.1.1p0 volleyball game with online play
- blobwars-2.00p6 2D arcade game
- blockgame- free and open-source launcher for Minecraft
- blockrage-0.2.3p2 falling block puzzle game similar to Xixit
- bluemoon-2.13 console-based 52-card solitare game
- bomber-24.08.3 arcade bombing game
- bomberclone-0.11.9p0 bomberman clone with multiplayer mode
- boswars-2.7p4 real-time strategy game
- bovo-24.08.3 five-in-a-row Board Game
- braincurses-1.1.0 clone of the Mastermind game
- brogue-1.13 roguelike game by Brian Walker with X11 support
- brumbrumrally-0.7p3 racing game with randomized tracks
- bugdom-1.3.4 family-friendly 3D action adventure
- bugdom2-4.0.0 sequel to the family-friendly 3D action adventure
- burgerspace-1.10.0 burgertime clone for X
- bzflag-2.4.22p1 graphical multiplayer 3D tank war game
- candycrisis-3.0.1p0 open source clone of Puyo Puyo series
- capitan-sevilla-1.0.3p5 platform game set in Seville and in space
- cataclysm-dda-0.Hp0v0 rogue-like zombie survival game
- cataclysm-dda-0.Hp0v0-no_x11 rogue-like zombie survival game
- cdogs-sdl-2.1.0 open source, classic overhead run-and-gun game
- cgames-2.2b free console games suite
- cgoban-1.9.14 X11 Go Toolset
- chessx-1.5.6 free chess database and analyzer
- chiaki-2.2.0p1 open source PS4 and PS5 remote play client
- chocolate-doom-3.1.0p0 portable release of Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife
- choria-1.0.2 2D MMORPG focused on grinding
- chroma-1.13p3 abstract puzzle game
- chroma-enigma-0.20101210 Enigma levels to the game chroma
- chromium-bsu- fast paced arcade-style space shooter
- circuit-0.1.4p11 finish-the-cycle logic puzzle
- classicube-1.3.6p0 classic Minecraft client written in C
- clidle-0.1.0 wordle game for the terminal
- clines-1.0.4p3 curses-based Lines game
- clonekeen-8.4p6 commander keen clone
- cmatrix-1.2ap1 scrolling 'Matrix'-like screen
- colobot-0.1.12 programming-focused real-time strategy game
- colobot-data-0.1.12p0 data files for colobot
- colobot-music-0.1.12 music files for colobot
- connectagram-1.2.11p0 word unscrambling game
- corewars-0.9.13p11 computer simulation game
- corsixth-0.67 open source clone of Theme Hospital
- cosmosmash-1.5.0 astrosmash clone for X
- cowsay-0.2.1v0 speaking ascii cow
- cpat-1.4.1p2 curses-based solitaire collection suite
- crack-attack-1.1.14p17 OpenGL game based on SNES classic Tetris Attack
- crimson-0.5.3p2 tactical war game like Battle Isle; multiplayer
- crispy-doom-7.0 enhanced release of Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and Strife
- cromagrally-3.0.1 family-friendly bronze age kart game
- crossfire-1.3.1p0 CrossFire crossword constructor
- crossfire-client-1.71.0p2 graphical networked AD&D style game
- csmash-0.6.6p12 Cannon Smash 3D table tennis
- cutemaze-1.2.6p0 simple maze game
- dangerdeep- WWII German submarine simulator
- dd2-0.2.2p1 arcade game for one or two players
- defendguin-0.0.13 clone of arcade game 'Defender' with a Linux theme
- devilutionx-1.5.3 open source engine recreation for Diablo 1 game
- dgen-sdl-1.33p2 Sega Megadrive/Genesis emulator
- dgen-sdl-1.33p2-debugger Sega Megadrive/Genesis emulator
- dhewm3-1.5.4 open-source version of Doom 3
- dmagnetic-0.37 interpreter for Magnetic Scrolls games
- doomdata-1.9p1 DOOM I Shareware data files
- dopewars-1.6.2 game where you deal drugs on the streets of NY
- dopewars-1.6.2-no_x11 game where you deal drugs on the streets of NY
- dosbox-0.74.3 x86 with DOS emulator targeted at playing games
- dosbox-x-2024.03.01p0 x86 with DOS emulator targeted at playing games
- dsda-doom-0.28.2 fork of prboom+ with a focus on speedrunning
- duke3ddata-1.0p0 duke nukem 3d shareware game data
- dunelegacy-0.96.4p2 improved opensource version of Dune 2
- dungeon-2.7sp1 text adventure game
- dungeon-crawl-4.0.0b26p5 dungeon crawl
- dustrac-1.13.0p3 traditional top-down car racing game
- dxx-rebirth-0.60pl20220929p0 source port of Descent, a 6-degrees-of-freedom shooter
- easyrpg-0.5.3p0 free interpreter for RPG Maker 2000/2003 and EasyRPG games
- eboard-1.1.1p5 gtk+2 chess board interface
- eboard-extras-0.1p0 eboard extra piece sets and sounds
- eduke32- Enhanced Duke Nukem 3D engine
- egoboo-2.8.1p1 dungeon-crawling action-RPG adventure
- einstein-2.0p5 open source remake of old DOS game Sherlock
- eliot-2.2 scrabble game
- emptyclip-2.0.2 top-down shooter RPG
- endless-sky-0.10.6 space exploration and combat game similar to Escape Velocity
- enigma-1.30p0 Oxyd/Rock'n'Roll clone
- extremetuxracer-0.8.4 downhill racing game
- exult-1.10.1 Ultima VII game engine for modern operating systems
- ezquake-3.6.5 modern QuakeWorld client
- f1spirit-0.1615p8 remake of Konami's F1-Spirit
- falconseye-1.9.3p10 NetHack derivative
- fallingtime-1.0.2 game where you are a constantly falling ball
- faudio-24.06p0 XAudio reimplementation for open platforms
- fceux-2.6.6p0 emulator for Nintendo Entertainment System
- fheroes2-1.1.4 engine recreation for Heroes of Might and Magic 2
- fifechan-0.1.5 graphical user interface library for games
- fifengine-0.4.2p7 2D game engine
- fillets-ng-1.0.1p3 wonderful puzzle game
- fire-1.0p4 organic fireworks demo
- flare-1.14p0 free/libre action roleplaying engine
- flare-data-1.14p1 free/libre action roleplaying engine data
- flatzebra-0.2.0 generic game engine library
- flightgear-2020.3.19 modern, open-source flight simulator
- flightgear-data-2020.3.19 data files for flightgear
- flycast-2.1pl20230303p3 emulator for Sega Dreamcast and Sega Naomi based on reicast
- fna-24.06p0 XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
- fna3d-24.06 3D graphics library for FNA
- fnaify-extralibs-0.1 additional libraries for running games with fnaify
- foobillard-3.0ap2 OpenGL billard game
- forcedattack-2.1.4p10 connect four of stones in a straight line
- fotaq-1.1v0 flight of the amazon queen
- fragistics-1.7.0p3 Quake 3 statistics program
- freebee-2.0 free clone of The New York Times game Spelling Bee
- freeblocks-0.5p4 puzzle game with similar gameplay to Tetris Attack
- freeciv-client-3.0.10 Freeciv client
- freeciv-server-3.0.10 Civilization clone for X11; multiplayer; game server
- freeciv-share-3.0.10 shared data files for Freeciv
- freecol-1.1.0 free Colonization clone
- freedink-109.6p5 free clone of Dink Smallwood game
- freedink-data-1.08.20190120 game data for FreeDink
- freedm-0.13.0 free content game based on the Doom engine
- freedoom-0.13.0 free content game based on the Doom engine
- freedroid-1.2.1 clone of the Commodore 64 game paradroids
- freedroidrpg-1.0p1 isometric RPG game
- freeorion- turn-based space empire and galactic conquest computer game
- freeserf-0.3 Settlers 1 (Serf City) clone
- freesynd-0.7.5p0 open source reimplementation of Syndicate game
- fretsonfire-1.3.110p17 guitar hero clone
- frodo-4.1bp10 Commodore 64 emulator
- frotz-2.54 interpreter for Infocom-compatible games
- frozen-bubble-2.2.0p17 bubble popping game, like puzzle bobble
- frozen-bubble-server-2.2.0p11 server for the frozen-bubble bubble popping game
- fs2open-23.2.1p1 open source game engine based on FreeSpace 2
- galois-0.6p1 free multi-dimensional Tetris-like game
- gamine-1.6p2 interactive game for young children
- garden-1.0.9p5 vertical shoot-em-up with nontraditional elements
- garglk-2023.1v0 cross-platform interactive fiction player
- gcompris-25.0v0 educational game for children
- gemdropx-0.9p0 one-player puzzle game for x11
- gemrb-0.9.4 open-source implementation of Bioware's Infinity Engine
- gextoolbox-0.1.7p0 tools for extracting ROMS from games
- gigalomania-1.0.1p0 open source 2D real time strategy god game
- glsfcave-1.0p5 control a ribbon to avoid hitting walls
- glutton-0.0.5p3 Pac-Man clone
- gmastermind-0.6p15 GNUstep mastermind game
- gmines-0.2p15 GNUstep minesweeper game
- gnome-mahjongg-47.1 mahjongg game for GNOME
- gnome-mastermind-0.3.1p23 Mastermind clone reflexion game
- gnome-tetravex-3.38.2p1 simple puzzle game games
- gnubg-1.07.001p7 GNU Backgammon
- gnuchess-6.2.9 chess program
- gnugo-3.8p3 GNU version of Go
- gnukem-1.0.3p0 open source retro-style 2D scrolling platform shooter game
- gnurobbo-0.68p1 action puzzle game inspired by Robbo
- gnushogi-1.4.2p0 GNU version of Shogi
- gnustep-sudoku-0.7p16 GNUstep sudoku generator
- godot-3.6p0 2D and 3D game engine
- godot-sharp-3.6p0 .NET libs for mono/C
- godot-tools-3.6p0 2D and 3D game engine (with tools)
- godot4-4.3 2D and 3D game engine
- godot4-editor-4.3 2D and 3D game engine (with the editor)
- godotsteam-gdnative-3.20 native interface for Godot3 to interact with Steam
- gogrepo-0.3apl20230204p2 downloader for games and bonus collections
- goldberg_emulator-0.2.5pl3p0 emulator for Steam online features
- golly-3.2p4 game of life simulator
- gomoku-1.2.9p15 extended TicTacToe game for GNUstep
- gottet-1.1.9p0 Tetris clone game
- granatier-24.08.3 clone of the classic bomberman game
- gshisen-1.3.0p16 little board game
- gti-1.8.0 just a silly git launcher, inspired by sl
- gtkballs-3.1.5pl0 gtk+ clone of the lines ball logic game
- gzdoom-4.14.0 OpenGL engine for idTech 1 games like doom,hexen,heretic...
- hackdata-3.6.6 common data for the nethack/slash ports
- heroes-0.21p10 graphically improved game of yore
- hex-a-hop-1.1.0p2 hexagonal tile-based puzzle game
- hexalate-1.1.6p0 color matching game
- hlsteam-1.0pl1p2 Steam API wrapper for Hashlink
- hyperrogue-13.0i roguelike game in a non-Euclidean world
- iagno-3.38.1p2 reversi board game
- icebreaker-1.2.1p3 jezzball-style, penguin puzzle game
- indierunner-0.2p0 launch independent games
- inform6-6.36 compiler for Inform 6 interactive fiction
- inform6lib-6.12.6 standard library for Inform 6 interactive fiction
- instead-3.0.1p2 simple text adventure interpreter
- insult-0.4 write insults to standard error on command failure
- ioquake3-2020.09.29p2 clone of the original Quake III Arena
- irrlamb-1.0.1p0 third person, 3D physics game
- irrlicht-1.8.4p4 fast, real time 3D engine
- ja2-stracciatella-0.15.1p7 Jagged Alliance 2 engine
- jag-0.3.7 arcade-puzzle game
- jbrickshooter-1.6.0p4 brick shooter reflexion game
- jigsaw-0.8p15 GNUstep jigsaw puzzle
- julius-1.7.0p0 open source re-implementation of Caesar III game engine
- jumpnbump-1.61p0 game of cute bunnies jumping on each other's heads
- kajongg-24.08.3p1 Mah Jongg four players board game for KDE
- kapman-24.08.3 pac-man clone
- katomic-24.08.3 Sokoban-like logic game
- kblackbox-24.08.3 blackbox logic game
- kblocks-24.08.3 falling blocks game
- kbounce-24.08.3 ball bouncing game
- kbreakout-24.08.3 breakout-like game
- kdiamond-24.08.3 three-in-a-row game
- keeperrl-1.0pl20p0 dungeon builder game with roguelike elements
- kf6-libkdegames-24.08.3 common code and data for many KDE games
- kfourinline-24.08.3 four-in-a-row board game
- kgoldrunner-24.08.3 hunt gold, dodge enemies and solve puzzles
- khangman-24.08.3 KDE hangman game
- kigo-24.08.3 Go board game
- killbots-24.08.3 simple game of evading killer robots
- kiriki-24.08.3 Yahtzee-like dice game
- kjumpingcube-24.08.3 territory capture game
- klickety-24.08.3 adaptation of clickomania game
- klines-24.08.3 KDE version of Color Lines game
- kmahjongg-24.08.3 Mah Jongg four players board game for KDE5
- kmines-24.08.3 Minesweeper-like Game
- knavalbattle-24.08.3 battle ship game
- knetwalk-24.08.3 network construction game
- kobodeluxe-0.5.1p3 sdl port of xkobo
- kobodeluxe-0.5.1p3-harder sdl port of xkobo
- koboredux- frenetic space shoot-em-up
- kolf-24.08.3 miniature golf
- kollision-24.08.3 simple ball dodging game
- komi-1.04p3 Komi the Space Frog
- konquest-24.08.3 galactic strategy game
- kreversi-24.08.3 reversi board game
- kshisen-24.08.3 Shisen-Sho Mahjongg-like game
- ksirk-24.08.3 world domination strategy game
- ksnakeduel-24.08.3 Tron-like game
- kspaceduel-24.08.3 2D space arcade game for KDE
- ksquares-24.08.3 connect the dots to create squares game
- ksudoku-24.08.3 sudoku game
- ktuberling-24.08.3 picture game for children
- kturtle-24.08.3 KDE educational Logo programming environment
- kubrick-24.08.3 3-D Game based on Rubiks Cube
- kwordquiz-24.08.3 general purpose flash card program for KDE
- lapispuzzle-1.2p16 tetris like puzzle game
- late-0.1.0p6 puzzle game resembling the arcade game Qix
- lbreakout2-2.6.5p3 breakout game with many levels, powerups, good graphics
- legendary-0.20.34p1 free and open source replacement for Epic Games Launcher
- lgeneral-1.4.4p0 turn-based strategy engine
- libchdr-1.0pl20230220 library for reading MAME's CHDv1-v5 formats
- libcsteamworks-1.30 C bindings for Steamworks
- liberalcrimesquad-4.10.0p2 politics and government game with liberal bias
- libgdx-1.9.11p6 java game development framework
- libgdx-1.9.9p1 java game development framework
- libkmahjongg-24.08.3 common sets for games using Mahjongg tiles
- liblcf-0.5.3p1 library for handling RPG Maker 2000/2003 data
- life-1.0p3 SDL clone of the popular Game of Life
- lincity-1.13.1p3 Rich city simulation game for X
- lincity-ng-2.0p12 city simulation game
- lostpixels-0.5.3p6 blinkensisters - hunt for the lost pixels
- love-0.10.2p3 2D games framework for use with Lua
- love-0.8.0p17 2D games framework for use with Lua
- love-11.5p2 2D games framework for use with Lua
- love-mime-0.1p1 MIME definition for application/x-love-game
- lskat-24.08.3 Lieutnant Skat - from German Offiziersskat
- luasteam-3.2.1p0 Lua bindings for Steam API
- lugaru-1.2p2 third-person rabbit combat action game
- lwjgl-2.9.3p5 lightweight game library for java
- lwjgl3- lightweight game library for java
- maelstrom-3.0.6p4 asteroid-like game
- manaplus- client for The Mana World
- marathon-0.0.20200904 marathon one data files
- marathon-evil-0.0.20090509 everyone was wrong. monsters do exist.
- marathon-red-0.0.20090509 dark alternate version of the Marathon universe
- marathon2-0.0.20200904 marathon two data files
- marathoninfinity-0.0.20200904 marathon infinity data files
- mars-0.7.5p11 ridiculous shoot-em-up game
- meandmyshadow-0.4.1p6 puzzle/platform game
- mednafen-1.32.1p0 emulates numerous game consoles
- megaglest-3.13.0p7 3D real-time strategy game
- megaglest-data-3.13.0p1 megaglest game data files
- micropolis-20080211p9 city-building simulation
- mightymike-3.0.2 family-friendly action game in a toy store
- minecraft-0.0.6p11 wrapper for a game about breaking and placing blocks
- minetest-5.8.0 infinite-world block sandbox game
- mirrormagic-3.0.0p0 game like Deflektor (C64) / Mindbender (Amiga)
- mnemosyne-2.9p2 flash-card tool which optimises your learning process
- moon-buggy-1.0.51p0 drive some car across the moon
- moonlander-1.0p3 clone of atari game
- moonlander-1.0p3-no_sound clone of atari game
- moonlight-qt-5.0.1 open-source nvidia gamestream client
- moria-5.5.2p5 The Dungeons of Moria
- mudix-4.3p0 ncurses-based MUD client with triggers, aliases, colors
- multimc-0.6.12p0 free and open-source launcher for Minecraft
- mupen64plus-audio-sdl-2.5.9p0 n64 emulator sdl audio plugin
- mupen64plus-core-2.5.9p1 n64 emulator core
- mupen64plus-input-sdl-2.5.9p1 n64 emulator input plugin
- mupen64plus-rsp-cxd4-2.5.9p1 n64 emulator MSP communications simulator
- mupen64plus-rsp-hle-2.5.9p0 n64 emulator signal co-processor plugin
- mupen64plus-rsp-z64-2.5.9p1 n64 emulator signal co-processor plugin
- mupen64plus-ui-console-2.5.9p0 n64 emulator command-line ui plugin
- mupen64plus-video-arachnoid-2.5.9p0 n64 emulator video plugin
- mupen64plus-video-glide64-2.5.9p2 n64 emulator video plugin
- mupen64plus-video-glide64mk2-2.5.9p1 n64 emulator video plugin
- mupen64plus-video-rice-2.5.9p0 n64 emulator opengl video plugin
- mupen64plus-video-z64-2.5.9p1 n64 emulator video plugin
- mvdsv-1.00 QuakeWorld server
- mysticmine-1.2.0p5 one-button treasure collecting game
- naev-0.11.5p3 2D space trading and combat game
- naev-data-0.11.5p2 naev game data
- nanosaur-1.4.4 Pangea Software Original Nanosaur for modern systems
- nanosaur2-2.1.0 Pangea Software' Nanosaur II for modern systems
- nblood-1.01.20231020p1 reverse-engineered ports of Build games
- nethack-3.4.3p18 dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Piece of cake
- nethack-3.4.3p18-no_x11 dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Piece of cake
- nethack-3.6.6p1 dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Piece of cake
- nethack-3.6.6p1-no_x11 dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Piece of cake
- netris-0.52p3 network head-to-head version of T*tris
- neverball-1.6.0p3v0 tilt the floor to roll a ball through an obstacle course
- neverball-data-1.6.0v0 data for Neverball/Neverputt
- newvox-1.0p3 voxel-style landscape rendering fly-by
- npcomplete-0.0.r20100124p5 extra levels for physics-based drawing puzzle game
- nsnake-3.0.1p2 classic snake game on the terminal
- nudoku-5.0.0 ncurses based sudoku game
- numptyphysics-0.3.r20100916p7 physics-based drawing puzzle game
- odamex-0.9.5p2 online multiplayer doom
- oilwar-1.2.1p7 sdl shoot 'em up; stop evil army from getting your oil
- omega-0.90.4p3 complex rogue-style game of dungeon exploration
- oolite-1.73.4p20 space combat and trading game in the style of Elite
- openarena-0.8.8p3 OpenArena client
- openarena-data-0.8.8p0 OpenArena data for client/server
- openarena-server-0.8.8p2 OpenArena server
- openclonk-8.1p6 tactical action game focusing on controlling Clonks
- openfodder-1.4.1p0 open source port of Cannon Fodder game
- openjazz-20231028 open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbit games
- openjk- open source reimplementation of Jedi Academy game
- openmw-0.48.0p0 open source implementation of TES III: Morrowind
- openomf- free remake of One Must Fall 2097 game engine
- openra-20210321p1 open-source real-time strategy game engine
- openrct2-0.4.12 open source re-implementation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2
- opensonic-0.1.2p3 game based on the Sonic the Hedgehog universe
- openttd-14.1p0 open source clone of the game Transport Tycoon Deluxe
- openttd-opengfx-7.1 graphics data for OpenTTD
- openttd-openmsx-0.4.2 music data for OpenTTD
- openttd-opensfx-1.0.3 sound effects data for OpenTTD
- opentyrian-2.1.20221123p1 port of the DOS shoot-em-up Tyrian
- opentyrian-data-2.1 data for opentyrian
- openxcom-1.0.0p11v0 open source reimplementation of the original X-Com
- orthorobot-1.1.1 perspective puzzle game
- ottomatic-4.0.1p0 family-friendly 3D third person sci-fi action arcade
- pacman-arena-0.15p1 pacman clone gone mad
- palapeli-24.08.3 jigsaw puzzle game
- pathological-1.1.3p8 enriched clone of the game Logical by Rainbow Arts
- peg-e-1.2.8p0 basic peg solitaire game
- pentobi-18.1p2 free clone of Blokus board game
- picmi-24.08.3 single player puzzle game for KDE
- pingus-0.7.6p6 free Lemmings-like game
- pioneer-20190203p1 game of lonely space and adventure
- pioneers-15.6 Settlers of Catan for GNOME/Gtk
- plib-1.8.5p7 suite of portable game libraries
- polymorphable-20130410p2 action RPG mod based upon the FLARE engine
- postal-20171127p3 Postal 1, the non-stop killing isometric shooter game
- powder-toy-99.1.380 physics sandbox simulation
- prboom-2.5.0p4 enhanced clone of Id Software's Doom game; multiplayer
- prboom-plus- enhanced version the PrBoom Doom engine
- pushover-0.0.5p5 puzzle game featuring dominoes
- puzzles-20240329 collection of puzzles games
- py-game-2.0.3 set of Python modules designed for writing games
- py3-chess-1.10.0p1 pure Python chess library
- py3-game-2.6.1p1 set of Python modules designed for writing games
- py3-minecraft-launcher-lib-5.3p1 library for creating a custom Minecraft launcher
- py3-steam-1.4.4pl0p2 module for interacting with various Steam features
- py3-unitypy-1.20.12p0 python module to manage Unity assets
- pygame_sdl2- Ren'Py fork of pygame
- pyganim-0.9.2p2 sprite animation module for pygame
- pysol-3.1.0p0 solitaire card games collection
- pysol-cards-0.18.0p0 deal pysol cards
- qqwing-1.3.4p1 Sudoku generator and solver
- qstat-2.17p0 displays the status of multi-player Internet Game servers
- quadrapassel-40.2p4 fit falling blocks together
- quadrupleback-0.2.0 clone of Doubleback, an intruder circling game
- quakespasm-0.96.3 SDL Quake port
- recoil-rts-2025.01.5 real-time strategy game engine for Beyond All Reason
- redeclipse-2.0.0 redeclipse client
- redeclipse-data-2.0.0p0 redeclipse data
- renpy-7.3.5p2 visual novel engine
- returntotheroots- open source engine remake of The Settlers 2 (s25client)
- rftg-0.9.4p2 race for the galaxy card game
- rigg-1.1 run independent games
- roadfighter-1.0.1269p5 remake of Konami's Road Fighter
- rocksndiamonds- maze game resembling boulderdash
- rocs-24.08.3 graph theory IDE for KDE
- sauerbraten-20201227 sauerbraten client
- sauerbraten-data-20201227p0 sauerbraten data
- scid-5.0.2p1 chess database software
- scorched3d-44p4 modernization of the classic DOS game Scorched Earth
- scummvm-2.9.0 game interpreter
- scummvm-tools-2.9.0 collection of various tools for scummvm
- sdl-jstest-20180114p0 simple SDL joystick test application
- sdlpop-1.22v0 open-source port of Prince of Persia
- sdlroids-1.3.4p4 essentially an Asteroids clone
- sdlzombies-1.0.0p3 zombies clone
- shockolate-0.7.8pl20210504 source port of 3D game System Shock
- simsu-1.3.9p0 basic sudoku game
- singularity-1.00p5 simulation of a true AI
- ski-6.13p3 skiing simulation game
- sl-5.02p1 Steam Locomotive
- slash-3.2.2.e8p8 dungeon explorin', hackin' game, but harder than nethack
- slash-3.2.2.e8p8-no_x11 dungeon explorin', hackin' game, but harder than nethack
- slash-em- dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Hard
- slash-em- dungeon explorin', hackin', game. Hard
- snes9x-1.63p1 emulates the Super Nintendo Entertainment System
- snipe2d-1.30p2 overhead shooting game
- solarus-1.6.0p3 open-source Zelda-like 2D game engine
- spaceinvaders-1.5 curses-based version of the Space Invaders game
- spacetrader-2.0.1 interstellar trading strategy game
- spacezero-0.86.01p0 2D RTS space combat game
- spatial-1.0.1p2 3d tetris
- speeddreams-2.3.0 open source motorsport simulation
- speeddreams-data-2.3.0 open source motorsport simulation, data files
- speyes-1.2.0p3 wm-dockapp; xeyes clone using South Park characters
- spider-1.1p7 challenging double decked solitaire game
- starfighter-2.4p0 sidescrolling space shmup
- starlanes-1.2.2 classic space-age stock trading game
- steamctl-0.9.5p3 take control of Steam from your terminal
- steamworks-nosteam-0.4.1pl0p0 Steamworks stub libraries
- stepmania-5.0.12p2v0 dance music game
- stockfish-16.1 open source chess engine
- stone-soup-0.32.0p1 dungeon crawl stone soup
- stone-soup-0.32.0p1-no_x11 dungeon crawl stone soup
- sudognu-1.09p1 sudoku solver and creator
- sudoku-1.0.1p2 console based sudoku
- sumwars-0.5.8p6 role playing game
- supertux-0.6.3p0 jump 'n' run game
- supertuxkart-1.4p1 kart racing game with OSS mascots
- taisei-1.4.2 clone of the touhou games
- tanglet-1.5.6p0 word finding game
- tbftss-1.5.1p0 2D mission-based space shooter
- teeworlds-0.7.5p1 platform game featuring buggers equipped with weapons
- tetrinetx-1.13.16p2 tetrinet server
- tetzle-2.1.6p0 tetromino puzzle game
- tic80-0.90.1706 fantasy computer to make, play and share tiny games (TIC-80)
- tiled-1.3.1p6 tile map editor
- tintin-2.02.20 client program for playing muds with advanced features
- tinyfugue-4.0s1p7 programmable MUD client, with macro support and more
- tome4-1.7.6 graphical sdl rogue-like game
- tome4-data-1.7.6 data for Tales of Maj'Eyal
- tong-1.3p2 Tetris and Pong played simultaneously on one playing field
- toppler-1.1.6p6 Nebulous rewrite of Tower Toppler
- tornado-1.4p3 Ouranos (Weather War) clone; multiplayer
- trackballs-1.3.4 marble game inspired by Marble Madness
- trader-7.20 simple text-based game of interstellar trading
- tutris-1.0.1p4 graphical tetris clone
- tuxkart-0.4.0p7 tuxkart is a simple Go-Kart racing game.
- tuxpaint-0.9.34p0 drawing program for children
- tuxpaint-config-0.0.25 graphical tool to change Tux Paint settings
- tuxpaint-stamps-20241025 rubber stamps collection for Tux Paint
- typespeed-0.6.5p5 test your typing speed and get your fingers' CPS
- ufoai-2.5p8 squad-based tactical strategy game
- ufoai-data-2.5p1 UFO:AI data
- uforadiant-2.5p8 UFO:AI map editor
- uhexen2-1.5.9p0 Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion
- unknown-horizons-2019.1p6 economic historical real-time strategy game
- uqm-0.8.0p0v0 ur-quan masters: game of space exploration and battles
- uqm-content-0.8.0p0v0 ur-quan masters: game content
- uqm-remix-0.8.0v0 ur-quan masters: remix music pack
- uqm-threedomusic-0.8.0p0v0 ur-quan masters: 3DO music content
- uqm-voice-0.8.0p0v0 ur-quan masters: speech content
- urbanterror-4.3.4p1 fast-paced hollywood-tactical shooter: "fun over realism"
- urbanterror-data-4.3.4p0 Urban Terror game data
- vacuum-0.13ap1 fast-paced sidescrolling shoot-em-up
- valyriatear-1.1.0p1 free J-RPG game
- vcmi-1.5.7 HoMM3 engine rewrite
- vectoroids-1.1.0p1 vector-based, pretty, Asteroids clone
- vegastrike-0.5.1.r1p9 3D space simulator
- vegastrike-data-0.5.1.r1p2 data files for vegastrike
- vegastrike-extra-0.5.1.r1p0 extra data files for vegastrike
- vegastrike-music-0.5.1.r1p0 music files for vegastrike
- vegastrike-speech-0.5.1.r1p0 speech files for vegastrike
- virtualjaguar-2.1.3p1 Atari Jaguar emulator
- vitetris-0.59.1 terminal-based tetris clone in vein of nintendo tetris
- vkquake-1.31.1 port of Quake 1 using Vulkan instead of OpenGL
- vms-empire-1.16p0 turn-based empire game
- vodovod-1.10p5 combine pipes to lead water from the house to the tank
- vvvvvv-2.3.4 gravity-reversing platforming game
- wanderer-3.2p5 Rogue like adventure game
- warmux-11.04.1p9 free software clone of Worms(R) game concept
- warzone2100-4.3.2p2 3D realtime strategy on a future earth
- weland-211p2 marathon / alephone map editor
- wesnoth-1.18.3 fantasy turn-based strategy game
- widelands-1.2p0 economic and military simulation game
- witchblast-0.7.5p2 roguelite dungeon crawler game
- wizznic-0.9.9p0 brick-matching puzzle game
- wmtictactoe-1.1.1p3 wm-dockapp; TicTacToe game
- wordsearch-2.1p4 classic word search game that you can play in your terminal
- wordwarvi-1.00p6 editor war arcade game
- wrath-1.0 client of wrath-darkplaces engine
- wtf-20230906 translate common internet acronyms
- xasteroids-5.0p4 X11-based asteroids-style arcade
- xbattle-5.4.1p5 concurrent multi-player battle strategy game
- xbill-2.1p2 save your computers from the evil clutches of Bill
- xbl-1.1.5p1 3D block-dropping game
- xblast-2.10.4p5 graphical multi-player real-time strategy game for X11
- xboard-4.9.1p7 X11 frontend for GNU Chess and the Internet Chess Server
- xbomber-0.8p2 colorful game where you blow other people/robots up
- xbreaky-0.0.5p7 breakout game for the X Window System
- xbubble-0.5.8p3 x bust a move clone
- xcowsay-1.6 displays a cute cow and message on your desktop
- xcubes-5.5.2p3 cube puzzle for X11
- xdino-5.5.2p2 dino puzzle game for X11
- xgalaga-sdl- clone of Galaga, 2D space shooter
- xgolgo-1.0p2 watch what you are doing -- are you hostile
- xinvaders-2.1.1p3 shoot them nasty little bugs
- xjewel-1.6p7 dropping jewels game for X11
- xjig-2.4p7 jigsaw puzzle game for X11
- xkobo-1.11p9 multi-way scrolling shoot'em up for X11, addictive
- xkobo-1.11p9-harder multi-way scrolling shoot'em up for X11, addictive
- xlennart-1.1.1p3 an XBill Modification
- xlife-6.7.6 John Horton Conway's Game of Life
- xmahjongg-3.7p7 colorful solitaire Mah Jongg game for X11
- xmine-1.0.3p5 Athena port of xminesweeper
- xminehunter-0.4p7 Motif minesweeper game
- xminesweep-3.0p6 Windows minesweeper
- xmj-1.16 Mahjongg game for X11
- xmoto-0.6.2 challenging 2D motocross platform game
- xmris-4.04p4 Mr Do video arcade game for X11
- xneko-4.4p3 classic BSD4.4 cat-and-mouse
- xonix-1.4p10 win land without colliding with 'flyers' and 'eaters'
- xonotic-0.8.6 fast-paced first person shooter
- xonotic-data-0.8.6 fast-paced first person shooter, data files
- xonotic-server-0.8.6 fast-paced first person shooter, server
- xpat2-1.07p3 X11 solitaire with 14 variations
- xpilot-4.5.5p1 multiplayer 2d space battles game
- xroach-4.4p3 cockroaches hide under your windows
- xscavenger-1.4.4p3 Lode Runner clone
- xscrabble-2.12p3-en X11 version of the popular board game
- xskat-4.0p3 skat card game
- xsoldier-1.8 space-based shoot'em up game for X11
- xteddy-2.2p1 cuddlesome teddy for the X11 desktop
- xwelltris-1.0.1p6 2.5 dimensional tetris-like game
- xwelltris-1.0.1p6-no_sdl 2.5 dimensional tetris-like game
- xye-0.12.2p5 puzzle game collecting diamonds and avoiding obstacles
- yquake2-8.41 Yamagi Quake II
- zangband-2.6.2p7 Zangband (Zelazny Angband) with color, X11 support
- zangband-2.6.2p7-no_x11 Zangband (Zelazny Angband) with color, X11 support
- zaz-1.0.0p8 Zuma-like arcade game
- zelda3-0.3p1 reimplementation of Zelda - A Link to the Past
- zelda3-data-0.3p0 game data files for zelda3
- zelda3-rom-0.0 zelda3 ROM image
- zelda3-sprites-0.1pre20221101 additional sprites for zelda3
- zelda_roth_se-1.1.0p1 fan made Zelda game for Solarus engine
- zoom-1.1.5p0 Z-code interpreter for X11
- zsdx-1.11.0p1 fan made Zelda game for Solarus engine
- zsxd-1.11.0p1 fan made parody Zelda game for Solarus engine
- ztrack-1.0p0 ncurses based pseudo-3D driving game