Category mail
- abook-0.6.1p4 addressbook program with mutt support
- adcomplain-3.52 complain about SPAM
- addresses-0.4.8p15 GNUstep address book
- aerc-0.20.1 terminal email client
- aerc-0.20.1-notmuch terminal email client
- akonadi-notes-24.08.3 PIM Akonadi notes support library
- alpine-2.26p1 UW e-mail client
- altermime-0.3.10p1 utility for altering mime-encoded mailpacks
- amavisd-new-2.12.2p0 interface between mailer MTA and content checkers
- amavisd-new-utils-2.12.2p0 utilities to monitor amavisd-new server
- archivemail-0.9.0 archive and compress your old email
- archiveopteryx-3.2.0p6 mail server storing messages in a database
- asmail-0.56p6 biff-type program, designed to match AfterStep
- bmf-0.9.4p12 easy to use Bayesian spam filter
- bmf-0.9.4p12-mysql easy to use Bayesian spam filter
- bogofilter-1.2.5 bayesian spam filter
- bogofilter-1.2.5-db4 bayesian spam filter
- bogofilter-1.2.5-lmdb bayesian spam filter
- bogofilter-1.2.5-qdbm bayesian spam filter
- bogofilter-1.2.5-sqlite3 bayesian spam filter
- bulk_mailer-1.13p1 speed mail delivery by sorting & batching addresses
- c-client-2.26p0v0 UW c-client mail access routines
- check_email_delivery-0.7.1bp4 Nagios plugin to check full email delivery loop (SMTP/IMAP)
- clamav-unofficial-sigs-4.9.2p2 fetch and update unofficial signatures for ClamAV
- clamnailer-1.01p1 generate ScamNailer spear phishing database in ClamAV format
- clamsmtp-1.10 SMTP virus filter
- claws-mail-4.3.0p0 mail and news client
- claws-mail-4.3.0p0-ldap mail and news client
- claws-mail-bogofilter-4.3.0 bogofilter plugin
- claws-mail-bogofilter-4.3.0-ldap bogofilter plugin
- claws-mail-pdfviewer-4.3.0 pdfviewer plugin
- claws-mail-pdfviewer-4.3.0-ldap pdfviewer plugin
- claws-mail-spamassassin-4.3.0 spamassassin plugin
- claws-mail-spamassassin-4.3.0-ldap spamassassin plugin
- cmail-3.1p1 simple mail counter
- courier-authlib-0.72.3 authentication library for courier
- courier-authlib-ldap-0.72.3 ldap authentication module for courier-authLib
- courier-authlib-mysql-0.72.3 mysql authentication module for courier-authLib
- courier-authlib-pgsql-0.72.3 pgsql authentication module for courier-authLib
- courier-authlib-userdb-0.72.3 userdb authentication module for courier-authLib
- courier-imap-5.2.10 imap server for maildir format mailboxes
- courier-pop3-5.2.10 pop3 server for maildir format mailboxes
- courier-unicode-2.3.1 courier unicode library
- courier-utils-3.1.8p0 quota tools for the Courier mail suite
- cucipop-1.31p1 Cubic Circle's POP3 daemon
- cyrus-imapd-3.10.1 Cyrus IMAP server
- dcc-2.3.169 bulk mail detection (Distributed Checksum Clearinghouses)
- dkimproxy-1.4.1p4 SMTP proxy to verify or add DKIM signatures
- dma-0.12 DragonFly Mail Agent
- dovecot- compact IMAP/POP3 server
- dovecot- compact IMAP/POP3 server
- dovecot-fts-flatcurve-1.0.5 full text search plugin for Dovecot using Xapian
- dovecot-fts-xapian-1.7.16 full text search plugin for Dovecot using Xapian
- dovecot-ldap- LDAP authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
- dovecot-ldap- LDAP authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
- dovecot-mysql- MySQL authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
- dovecot-mysql- MySQL authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
- dovecot-pigeonhole- Sieve mail filtering for Dovecot
- dovecot-pigeonhole- Sieve mail filtering for Dovecot
- dovecot-postgresql- PostgreSQL authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
- dovecot-postgresql- PostgreSQL authentication / dictionary support for Dovecot
- elm-2.4ME+66p5 once-popular mail user agent
- evolution-3.54.3 integrated email and PIM software for GNOME
- evolution-ews- evolution connector for MS Exchange via EWS
- exim-4.98p0 flexible mail transfer agent
- exim-4.98p0-ldap flexible mail transfer agent
- exim-4.98p0-mysql flexible mail transfer agent
- exim-4.98p0-mysql-postgresql-ldap flexible mail transfer agent
- exim-4.98p0-postgresql flexible mail transfer agent
- exim-eximon-4.98p0 X11 monitor tool for Exim MTA
- exmh-2.7.2p2 Tcl/Tk interface to the MH mail system
- extsmail-2.8 robust sending of e-mail via external commands
- fdm-2.2 fetch, filter and deliver mail
- femail-1.0p1 simple SMTP client
- femail-chroot-1.0p3 simple SMTP client for chrooted web servers
- fetchmail-6.4.39 mail retrieval utility for POP2, POP3, KPOP, IMAP and more
- filter-mimedefang-0.2 MIMEDefang integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
- geary-46.0p1 email application built around conversations
- getmail-6.19.7 IMAP/POP3/SDPS mail retriever
- gkrellmmailwatch-2.4.3p12 GkrellM2 plugin to monitor multiple mailboxes
- gmail-oauth2-0.20190529p5 tool for authenticating to Gmail with OAuth2
- gmime30-3.2.15 MIME messages creation and parsing library
- gnumail-1.4.0p0 GNUstep mail application
- grepmail-5.3111p1 search mailboxes for a particular email
- greyscanner-2.01p1 greytrapping daemon to complement OpenBSD spamd
- grommunio-admin-api-1.16p0 management REST API for grommunio
- grommunio-dav-1.3p4 CalDAV and CardDAV interface for grommunio
- grommunio-index-1.0p2 FTS indexer for grommunio-web
- grommunio-mapi-header-php-1.4p0 grommunio PHP MAPI headers
- grommunio-sync-2.0p10 EAS (Exchange ActiveSync) interface for grommunio
- grommunio-web-3.9p1 web user interface for grommunio
- gromox-core-2.38p0 groupware server backend with RPC, IMAP, POP3 support
- gromox-mapi-2.38p0 gromox MAPI extensions for PHP
- hashcash-1.22 hashcash anti-spam / denial of service counter-measure tool
- hypermail-2.3.0 generate a cross-referenced HTML mail archive
- hypermail-2.3.0-gdbm generate a cross-referenced HTML mail archive
- imap-uw-2.26p0v0 UW IMAP4rev1/POP2/POP3 mail servers
- imapdedup-1.2p0 IMAP message de-duplicator
- imapfilter-2.7.5 remote IMAP filtering utility
- imapproxy-1.2.8pre2022.05 connection-caching IMAP proxy for webmail clients etc.
- imapsync-1.945 IMAP synchronization tool
- isync-1.5.0p0 synchronize IMAP4 and maildir mailboxes
- kcalendarcore-5.116.0 The KDE calendar access library
- kf6-kcalendarcore-6.8.0 KDE calendar access library
- kf6-kcontacts-6.8.0 KDE contacts access library
- kidentitymanagement-24.08.3 KDE pim identities
- kimap-24.08.3 job-based API for interacting with IMAP servers
- kmail-24.08.3p1 KDE PIM email client
- kmailtransport-24.08.3 mail transport service
- kmbox-24.08.3 library for accessing mail storages in MBox format
- kmime-24.08.3 library for handling mail messages and newsgroup articles
- kontactinterface-24.08.3 KDE PIM kontact plugin interface library
- kopano-core-11.0.2p11v0 MS Exchange groupware suite replacement
- kopano-mapi-11.0.2p8v0 kopano MAPI extensions for PHP
- kopano-webapp- next generation web interface for Kopano
- ksmtp-24.08.3 KDE PIM SMTP library
- lbdb-0.54 "little brother's database", email address query tools
- lbdb-ldap-0.54 LDAP support for lbdb
- ldapvacation-1.1.3p6 return 'I am not here' indication stored in a LDAP tree
- libetpan-1.9.4 mail purpose library
- libexmdbpp-1.11p2 C++ implementation of the exmdb wire protocol for grommunio
- libmilter-8.18.1 mail filter support library for sendmail
- libopensmtpd-0.7 library for writing opensmtpd filters
- libpst-0.6.76p1 read and convert Microsoft Outlook mail files
- libspf2-1.2.11pre20231001 SPF library
- libsrs2-1.0.18 SRS library
- libvmime-20240611p1 C++ class library for working with Internet mail
- libytnef-2.1.2 read and convert TNEF files
- lightning-seamonkey-5.8.20p0v0 Mozilla Seamonkey calendar extension
- mailcommon-24.08.3 KDE PIM common mail library
- maildrop-3.1.8 mail delivery agent with filtering abilities
- maildrop-3.1.8-postfix mail delivery agent with filtering abilities
- mailest-0.9.25 search backend for Mew with Hyper Estrairer
- mailgraph-1.14p2 RRDtool frontend for Postfix statistics
- mailman-2.1.39p1 mailing list manager with web interface
- mailparser-3.15.0p1 wrapper for 'email' in Python's standard library
- mailscanner- virus/spam scanning framework
- mailutil-uw-2.26p0v0 UW IMAP4rev1/POP2/POP3 mail utility
- mairix-0.25pre20220920 program for indexing & searching email
- majordomo-1.94.5p7 mailing list manager
- mblaze-1.3p0 set of Maildir utilities
- mboxgrep-0.7.9p0 scan mailboxes for messages matching a regular expression
- mdsort-11.6.0 maildir sort
- meli-0.8.10 terminal mail client
- metamail-2.7p6 MIME implementation
- mew-6.9p3 emacs-based mail client
- mhonarc-2.6.19p0 highly customizable e-mail to HTML converter
- milter-checkrcpt-0.3p4 sendmail milter plugin for recipient checking
- milter-greylist-4.2.7p7 greylist milter
- milter-regex-2.7 sendmail milter plugin for regular expression filtering
- milter-spamd-0.9 sendmail milter plugin for SpamAssassin spamd
- mimedefang-3.5 mailfilter to identify and mark spam
- mimetic-0.9.8p3 C++ MIME library
- mini_sendmail-1.3.9 accept email on behalf of real sendmail
- mini_sendmail-chroot-1.3.9 static mini_sendmail for chrooted apache
- mlmmj-1.4.5 mailing list manager
- movemail-1.0p2 move your mail box to another location
- mpack-1.6p3 external MIME packer/unpacker
- msmtp-1.8.27 SMTP plugin for MUAs
- mu-1.12.7 maildir indexer and searcher with emacs frontend
- mutt-2.2.13v3 tty-based e-mail client
- mutt-2.2.13v3-gpgme tty-based e-mail client
- mutt-2.2.13v3-gpgme-sasl tty-based e-mail client
- mutt-2.2.13v3-sasl tty-based e-mail client
- mutt-2.2.13v3-sasl-slang tty-based e-mail client
- mutt-wizard-3.3.1p0v0 neomutt and isync configuration with good defaults
- muttprint-0.73p2 pretty printing of your mails
- neomutt-20250113p0v0 tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
- neomutt-20250113p0v0-gpgme tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
- neomutt-20250113p0v0-gpgme-notmuch tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
- neomutt-20250113p0v0-gpgme-sasl tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
- neomutt-20250113p0v0-gpgme-sasl-notmuch tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
- neomutt-20250113p0v0-notmuch tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
- neomutt-20250113p0v0-sasl tty-based e-mail client, forked from Mutt
- nmh-1.8 new MH mail handling program
- nmh-1.8-sasl new MH mail handling program
- nmzmail-1.1p4 fast maildir search engine
- notmuch-0.38.3p0 mail indexer, tagger and threader
- notmuch-emacs-0.38.3p1 Emacs bindings for notmuch
- notmuch-mutt-0.38.3p1 Mutt integration for notmuch
- offlineimap-8.0.0pl20231218p2 powerful IMAP/Maildir synchronization and reader support
- opendkim-2.10.3p3 library and milter for DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail)
- opendmarc-1.4.2p0 library and milter for DMARC
- openpoppassd-1.1p12 daemon for changing passwords
- opensmtpd-filter-admdscrub-0.1 Administrative Management Domain scrubber for OpenSMTPD
- opensmtpd-filter-dkimsign-0.5p2 dkim signer integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
- opensmtpd-filter-dnsbl-0.3 dnsbl integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
- opensmtpd-filter-rspamd-0.1.8p0 rspamd integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
- opensmtpd-filter-senderscore-0.1.2 SenderScore integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
- opensmtpd-filter-spamassassin-0.8 Apache SpamAssassin integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
- opensmtpd-filter-spfgreylist-1.0.0 SPF-aware greylisting filter for the OpenSMTPD daemon
- opensmtpd-table-ldap-1.0 LDAP table for OpenSMTPD
- opensmtpd-table-mysql-1.2.1 MySQL table for OpenSMTPD
- opensmtpd-table-passwd-1.0.2 passwd(5) table for OpenSMTPD
- opensmtpd-table-postgres-1.1.1 PostgreSQL table for OpenSMTPD
- opensmtpd-table-redis-1.0.1 Redis table for OpenSMTPD
- opensmtpd-table-socketmap-1.1.1 socketmap table for OpenSMTPD
- opensmtpd-table-sqlite-1.0.1 SQLite3 table for OpenSMTPD
- osbf-lua-2.0.4p6 lua text classification module and anti-spam solution
- p5-Catalyst-Plugin-Email-0.09p0 send emails with Catalyst
- p5-Catalyst-View-Email-0.36 send Email from Catalyst
- p5-Email-Abstract-3.010 unified interface to mail representations
- p5-Email-Address-1.913 RFC 2822 address parsing and creation
- p5-Email-Address-List-0.06p0 RFC close address list parsing
- p5-Email-Address-XS-1.05 parse and format RFC 5322 email addresses and groups
- p5-Email-Date-1.104p0 find and format date headers
- p5-Email-Date-Format-1.008 produce RFC 2822 date strings
- p5-Email-Filter-1.034p0 library for creating easy email filters
- p5-Email-Filter-Rules-1.2p0 simple rules for routing mail with Email::Filter
- p5-Email-Folder-0.860p1 read an email folder as Email::Simple objects
- p5-Email-FolderType-0.814p1 determine email folder type
- p5-Email-LocalDelivery-1.201 deliver a piece of mail locally
- p5-Email-MIME-1.954v0 easy MIME message handling
- p5-Email-MIME-Attachment-Stripper-1.317p0 strip the attachments from an e-mail
- p5-Email-MIME-ContentType-1.028 parse MIME Content-Type or Content-Disposition headers
- p5-Email-MIME-Encodings-1.317 unified interface to MIME encoding and decoding
- p5-Email-MessageID-1.408 generate world unique message-ids
- p5-Email-Received-1.00p1 parse an email Received: header
- p5-Email-Reply-1.204p0 module to generate replies to e-mail messages.
- p5-Email-Send-2.202 simply sending email
- p5-Email-Sender-2.601 library for sending email
- p5-Email-Simple-2.218 simple parsing of RFC2822 message format and headers
- p5-Email-Valid-1.204 check validity of Internet email addresses
- p5-Email-Valid-Loose-0.05p1 allows non RFC822 addresses common in japan
- p5-FuzzyOcr- detect image spam with SpamAssassin
- p5-GMail-IMAPD-0.94p3 imap4 gateway to Google webmail service
- p5-Gravatar-URL-1.07p0 make URLs for Gravatars from an email address
- p5-Log-Procmail-0.14 perl module for reading procmail logs
- p5-MIME-Base32-1.303p0 Base32 encoder/decoder
- p5-MIME-Charset-1.013.1 charset Informations for MIME
- p5-MIME-EncWords-1.015.0 perl module to deal with RFC 2047 encoded words
- p5-MIME-Lite-3.033 low-calorie MIME generator
- p5-MIME-Lite-HTML-1.24p0 transform a HTML page in a MIME-Lite mail
- p5-MIME-Types-2.26 perl module to manage MIME types
- p5-MIME-tools-5.515 modules for parsing (and creating) MIME entities
- p5-Mail-Alias-1.15 manipulates e-mail alias files of various formats
- p5-Mail-Audit-2.228p0 library for creating easy mail filters
- p5-Mail-AuthenticationResults-2.20231031 object oriented Authentication-Results headers
- p5-Mail-Box-2.118p0 perl module to manage mail folders
- p5-Mail-DKIM-1.20240923 DKIM and DomainKeys message-signing implementation
- p5-Mail-DKIM-Iterator-1.010 iterative DKIM validation of records or signing of mails
- p5-Mail-DMARC-1.20250203 Perl implementation of DMARC
- p5-Mail-DMARC-Iterator-0.014 iterative DMARC validation for mails
- p5-Mail-GnuPG-0.23p0 handle GnuPG-encrypted/signed messages
- p5-Mail-IMAPClient-3.43 perl module for an IMAP Client API
- p5-Mail-IMAPTalk-4.06 IMAP client interface with lots of features
- p5-Mail-ListDetector-1.04p0 Perl extension for detecting mailing list messages
- p5-Mail-Mbox-MessageParser-1.5111p1 fast and simple mbox folder reader
- p5-Mail-Milter-Authentication-3.20240701 perl implementation of email authentication standards
- p5-Mail-POP3Client-2.21 perl module to talk to a POP3 (RFC1081) server
- p5-Mail-RFC822-Address-0.3p1 validate email addresses according to RFC822
- p5-Mail-SPF-3.20240923 perl oop implementation of Sender Policy Framework
- p5-Mail-SPF-Iterator-1.121 iterative SPF lookup
- p5-Mail-SPF-Query-1.999.1p6 perl module to query Sender Policy Framework
- p5-Mail-SPF-Test-1.001p0 perl SPF test-suite class
- p5-Mail-Sender-0.903p0v0 send mail with attachments through SMTP
- p5-Mail-SpamAssassin-4.0.1p0 mailfilter to identify and mark spam
- p5-Mail-Tools-2.21p0 modules for handling mail with perl
- p5-Mail-Webmail-Gmail-1.09p3 interface to Google webmail service
- p5-Net-SMTP-SSL-1.04p0 SSL support for Net::SMTP
- p5-Net-SMTP-TLS-ButMaintained-0.24p1 Perl module for SMTP with TLS/AUTH support
- p5-Net-SMTPS-0.10 SSL/STARTTLS support for Net::SMTP
- p5-Net-SMTP_auth-0.08p1 Perl module to use authenticated SMTP
- p5-OpenSMTPd-Filter-0.0.4 easier filters for OpenSMTPd in perl
- p5-SMTP-Server-1.1p1 implements a complete, RFC compliant SMTP server
- pantomime-1.4.0p0 framework to major mail protocols
- pecl82-mailparse-3.1.8p0 PHP extension for parsing and working with plain/MIME email
- pecl83-mailparse-3.1.8p0 PHP extension for parsing and working with plain/MIME email
- pecl84-mailparse-3.1.8p0 PHP extension for parsing and working with plain/MIME email
- perdition-2.2p6 fully featured POP3 and IMAP4 proxy server
- perdition-ldap-2.2p6 LDAP backend for perdition mail proxy
- perdition-mysql-2.2p6 MySQL backend for perdition mail proxy
- perdition-pgsql-2.2p6 PostgreSQL backend for perdition mail proxy
- pflogsumm-1.1.5 Postfix log entry summarizer
- pine-pgp-filters-1.8p3 simple shell based filters to use GnuPG within (Al)Pine
- pizauth-1.0.6 OAuth2 authentication daemon
- pop3d-1.0.2p3 POP3 daemon with POP3S and STARTTLS extensions
- popa3d-1.0.3p2 tiny pop3 daemon
- popclient-3.0b6p2 client for POP2, POP3, APOP, RPOP
- poppy-4.01p0 client to perform simple tasks with a POP3/IMAP server
- postfix-3.5.25p0 fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.5.25p0-ldap fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.5.25p0-mysql fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.5.25p0-pgsql fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.5.25p0-sasl2 fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.5.25p0-sasl2-ldap fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.5.25p0-sasl2-mysql fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.5.25p0-sasl2-pgsql fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.9.1p0v0 fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.9.1p0v0-ldap fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.9.1p0v0-mysql fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.9.1p0v0-pgsql fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.9.1p0v0-sasl2 fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.9.1p0v0-sasl2-ldap fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.9.1p0v0-sasl2-mysql fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-3.9.1p0v0-sasl2-pgsql fast, secure sendmail replacement
- postfix-policyd-spf-perl-2.011 basic Postfix policy engine for Sender Policy Framework
- postfwd-2.03p0 Postfix policy server
- postgrey-1.37p2 postfix greylist daemon
- procmail-3.24 filtering local mail delivery agent
- py3-authres-1.2.0p1 module for RFC 5451 Authentication-Results Headers
- py3-dkimpy-1.1.8p0 a library and tool that implements DKIM/ARC
- py3-imaplib2-3.6p4 threaded Python IMAP4 client
- py3-libpst-0.6.76p4 python interface to libpst
- py3-notmuch-0.38.3p1 Python bindings for notmuch
- py3-policyd-spf-2.0.2p1 external SPF policy checker for postfix
- py3-spf-2.0.14p1 Sender-Policy-Framework queries in Python
- pyzor-1.1.2p0 collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam
- razor-agents-2.85p7 agent for Razor spam filtering networks
- rcube-contextmenu-3.3.1p0 roundcube plugin: context-sensitive menus
- rcube-dkimstatus-0.9.5p7 roundcube plugin: DKIM verification status
- rcube-dovecot_ident-2.2p7 roundcube plugin: log end-user IP in Dovecot using IMAP ID
- rcube-html5_notifier-0.6.4p2 roundcube plugin: add HTML5 notifications for new mail
- rcube-ldapAliasSync-20170701p6 roundcube plugin: LDAP Alias Sync
- rcube-markasjunk2-1.11.2p6 roundcube plugin: add Spam/Ham-buttons
- rcube-sieverules-2.3p9 roundcube plugin: sieve rules (managesieve)
- rcube-skin-classic-1.6.9 classic skin for Roundcube webmail
- rcube-skin-larry-1.6.9 larry skin for Roundcube webmail
- rcube-yubikey-plugin-1.4p9 roundcube plugin: authenticate via Yubikey HTTPS API
- relaydb-1.7p2 spam relay database
- ripmime- extract attachments from MIME encoded emails
- rmail-1.0p1 forward mail received via UUCP to the local MTA
- roundcubemail-1.6.9 IMAP4 webmail client
- rspamd-3.11.0p1 event-driven spam filtering system in C/Lua
- rspamd-3.11.0p1-hyperscan event-driven spam filtering system in C/Lua
- rss2email-3.14p3 convert RSS/Atom newsfeeds to email
- rssgoemail-1.0.3 send RSS/Atom/Gemini feeds to email
- ruby32-mini_mime-1.1.5 minimal mime type implementation
- ruby33-mini_mime-1.1.5 minimal mime type implementation
- ruby34-mini_mime-1.1.5 minimal mime type implementation
- s-nail-14.9.25 SysV mail/BSD Mail/POSIX mailx: send and receive mail
- s-postgray-0.8.3 fast and secure postfix graylisting policy server
- seamonkey-2.53.20p0 Mozilla application suite
- sendmail-8.18.1 mother of Mail Transfer Agents
- sendmail-8.18.1-ldap mother of Mail Transfer Agents
- sendmail-8.18.1-ldap-sasl mother of Mail Transfer Agents
- sendmail-8.18.1-sasl mother of Mail Transfer Agents
- sieve-connect-0.90 perl sieveshell-compatible ManageSieve client
- signify-1.11p1 dynamic .signature generator
- sma-1.4p2 Sendmail Log Analysis Report
- smarc-0.4 static web mail archive generator
- smsmail-1.0.2p6 LDAP enabled MDA to deliver mails as SMS
- smtp-benchmark-1.0.4p3 SMTP benchmark to measure throughput of an MTA
- smtp-vilter-1.3.6p7v0 sendmail milter to scan messages for viruses and spam
- smtp-vilter-1.3.6p7v0-ldap sendmail milter to scan messages for viruses and spam
- smtpclient-1.0.0p2 simple SMTP client
- smtpscan-0.5p1 Remote SMTP Server Detection
- solid-pop3d-0.15p9 flexible POP3 server
- solid-pop3d-0.15p9-apop flexible POP3 server
- spampd-2.62 SMTP/LMTP proxy for Spamassassin
- sqlgrey-1.8.0p2 postfix greylist daemon
- stalwart-mail-0.11.1 JMAP/IMAP/SMTP server
- swaks-20240103.0 swiss army knife SMTP transaction tester
- sylpheed-3.7.0p7 lightweight and user-friendly e-mail client
- sympa-6.2.16p6 mailing list manager with web interface
- t-prot-3.4 filter which improves readability of email and Usenet posts
- thunderbird-128.7.0 Mozilla e-mail, calendar, rss and usenet client
- thunderbird-i18n-ar-128.7.0 ar language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-ast-128.7.0 ast language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-be-128.7.0 be language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-bg-128.7.0 bg language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-br-128.7.0 br language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-ca-128.7.0 ca language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-cak-128.7.0 cak language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-cs-128.7.0 cs language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-cy-128.7.0 cy language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-da-128.7.0 da language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-de-128.7.0 de language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-dsb-128.7.0 dsb language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-el-128.7.0 el language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-en-CA-128.7.0 en-CA language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-en-GB-128.7.0 en-GB language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-en-US-128.7.0 en-US language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-es-AR-128.7.0 es-AR language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-es-ES-128.7.0 es-ES language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-es-MX-128.7.0 es-MX language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-et-128.7.0 et language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-eu-128.7.0 eu language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-fi-128.7.0 fi language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-fr-128.7.0 fr language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-fy-NL-128.7.0 fy-NL language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-ga-IE-128.7.0 ga-IE language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-gd-128.7.0 gd language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-gl-128.7.0 gl language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-he-128.7.0 he language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-hr-128.7.0 hr language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-hsb-128.7.0 hsb language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-hu-128.7.0 hu language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-hy-AM-128.7.0 hy-AM language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-id-128.7.0 id language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-is-128.7.0 is language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-it-128.7.0 it language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-ja-128.7.0 ja language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-ka-128.7.0 ka language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-kab-128.7.0 kab language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-kk-128.7.0 kk language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-ko-128.7.0 ko language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-lt-128.7.0 lt language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-lv-128.7.0 lv language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-ms-128.7.0 ms language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-nb-NO-128.7.0 nb-NO language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-nl-128.7.0 nl language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-nn-NO-128.7.0 nn-NO language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-pa-IN-128.7.0 pa-IN language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-pl-128.7.0 pl language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-pt-BR-128.7.0 pt-BR language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-pt-PT-128.7.0 pt-PT language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-rm-128.7.0 rm language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-ro-128.7.0 ro language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-ru-128.7.0 ru language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-sk-128.7.0 sk language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-sl-128.7.0 sl language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-sq-128.7.0 sq language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-sr-128.7.0 sr language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-sv-SE-128.7.0 sv-SE language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-th-128.7.0 th language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-tr-128.7.0 tr language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-uk-128.7.0 uk language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-uz-128.7.0 uz language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-vi-128.7.0 vi language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-zh-CN-128.7.0 zh-CN language pack for Thunderbird
- thunderbird-i18n-zh-TW-128.7.0 zh-TW language pack for Thunderbird
- tnef-1.4.18 decode MS-TNEF MIME attachments
- uucp-1.07p4 UUCP suite
- vrfy-99.05.22p1 verify email addresses and mailing lists
- xlbiff-3.0p4 display from/subject from incoming mails using X11
- z-push-2.6.2p5 ActiveSync protocol implementation