Category x11/kde-applications
- akonadi-24.08.3 PIM Storage Service
- akonadi-calendar-24.08.3 PIM Akonadi calendar support library
- akonadi-calendar-tools-24.08.3 PIM Akonadi calendar tools
- akonadi-contacts-24.08.3 PIM Akonadi contacts support library
- akonadi-import-wizard-24.08.3 PIM Akonadi import wizard
- akonadi-mime-24.08.3 PIM Akonadi mime support library
- akonadi-notes-24.08.3 PIM Akonadi notes support library
- akonadi-search-24.08.3 libraries and daemons to implement searching in Akonadi
- akonadiconsole-24.08.3 Akonadi management and debugging console
- akregator-24.08.3p0 news feed reader
- analitza-24.08.3 KDE mathematical features
- ark-24.08.3 archiving Tool
- artikulate-24.08.3 pronunciation trainer
- audiocd-kio-24.08.3p0 Kio slave for accessing audio CDs
- blinken-24.08.3 memory enhancement game
- bomber-24.08.3 arcade bombing game
- bovo-24.08.3 five-in-a-row Board Game
- calendarsupport-24.08.3p0 PIM calendar support library
- cantor-24.08.3p1 KDE mathematical applications
- cervisia-24.08.3 CVS GUI for KDE
- dolphin-plugins-24.08.3p0 Dolphin plugins
- dragon-24.08.3 simple video player for KDE
- elisa-24.08.3 audio player with QML and KDE Plasma integration
- eventviews-24.08.3p0 KDE PIM library for creating events
- falkon-24.08.3 cross-platform Qt-based web browser
- filelight-24.08.3 graphical equivalent of du
- granatier-24.08.3 clone of the classic bomberman game
- grantlee-editor-24.08.3p0 utilities and tools to manage themes in KDE PIM applications
- grantleetheme-24.08.3 grantlee theme library
- gwenview-24.08.3p0 KDE image viewer
- incidenceeditor-24.08.3 KDE PIM incidence editor
- juk-24.08.3 music collection manager and player for KDE
- kaccounts-providers-24.08.3 online account providers for the KAccounts system
- kaddressbook-24.08.3p0 addressbook viewer/frontend for KDE
- kajongg-24.08.3p1 Mah Jongg four players board game for KDE
- kalarm-24.08.3p0 personal alarm message, command and email scheduler
- kalgebra-24.08.3 scientific calculator for KDE
- kalm-24.08.3 breathing techniques application
- kalzium-24.08.3 periodic table of elements
- kamera-24.08.3 KDE digital camera support
- kanagram-24.08.3 letter order game
- kapman-24.08.3 pac-man clone
- kapptemplate-24.08.3 app template generator for KDE development
- kate-24.08.3 KDE advanced text editor
- katomic-24.08.3 Sokoban-like logic game
- kbackup-24.08.3 KDE backup program with an easy to use user interface
- kblackbox-24.08.3 blackbox logic game
- kblocks-24.08.3 falling blocks game
- kbounce-24.08.3 ball bouncing game
- kbreakout-24.08.3 breakout-like game
- kbruch-24.08.3 KDE calculating fractions practicing app
- kcachegrind-24.08.3 profile data visualization tool
- kcalc-24.08.3 KDE versatile math calculator
- kcalutils-24.08.3 library for the handling of calendar data.
- kcharselect-24.08.3 KDE character select and clipboard copy
- kcolorchooser-24.08.3 KDE color selector
- kcron-24.08.3p0 KDE-based GUI for cron task scheduler
- kde-dev-scripts-24.08.3p1 KDE development helper scripts
- kde-dev-utils-24.08.3 KDE development helper utilities
- kdebugsettings-24.08.3 application to edit QLoggingCategory
- kdeedu-data-24.08.3p0 data files for KDE education applications
- kdegraphics-mobipocket-kf5-24.08.3 collection of plugins to handle mobipocket files
- kdenetwork-filesharing-24.08.3 KDE Filesharing via Samba
- kdenlive-24.08.3p1 non-linear video editor for KDE
- kdepim-addons-24.08.3 KDE PIM mail related libraries
- kdepim-runtime-24.08.3p2 KDE PIM mail related libraries
- kdesdk-thumbnailers-24.08.3 KDE thumbnail generators for development files
- kdf-24.08.3 KDE storage device statistics
- kdialog-24.08.3 KDE dialog boxes from shell scripts
- kdiamond-24.08.3 three-in-a-row game
- keditbookmarks-24.08.3 KDE bookmarks editor
- kf6-baloo-widgets-24.08.3 widgets for Baloo
- kf6-dolphin-24.08.3 KDE File Manager
- kf6-ffmpegthumbs-24.08.3 KDE FFmpeg-based thumbnail generator for video files
- kf6-kaccounts-integration-24.08.3 library and QML module for Accounts-SSO and SignOn-SSO
- kf6-kdegraphics-mobipocket-24.08.3 collection of plugins to handle mobipocket files
- kf6-kdegraphics-thumbnailers-24.08.3 thumbnailers for various graphics file formats
- kf6-kio-extras-24.08.3p0 extra functionality for kioslaves
- kf6-ksanecore-24.08.3 KDE SANE (scanner) core library
- kf6-libkcddb-24.08.3 KDE CDDB library
- kf6-libkcompactdisc-24.08.3 library for interfacing with CDs
- kf6-libkdcraw-24.08.3 KDE wrapper around the LibRaw library
- kf6-libkdegames-24.08.3 common code and data for many KDE games
- kf6-libkexiv2-24.08.3 EXIV2 Library interface for KDE
- kf6-libkomparediff2-24.08.3 library to compare files and strings
- kf6-svgpart-24.08.3 KPart for viewing SVGs
- kfind-24.08.3 KDE dialog boxes from shell scripts
- kfourinline-24.08.3 four-in-a-row board game
- kgeography-24.08.3 geography learning tool for KDE
- kget-24.08.3 download manager for KDE
- kgoldrunner-24.08.3 hunt gold, dodge enemies and solve puzzles
- kgpg-24.08.3 KDE interface to GnuPG
- khangman-24.08.3 KDE hangman game
- khelpcenter-24.08.3 KDE help center
- kidentitymanagement-24.08.3 KDE pim identities
- kig-24.08.3 KDE geometric constructions explorer
- kigo-24.08.3 Go board game
- killbots-24.08.3 simple game of evading killer robots
- kimagemapeditor-24.08.3 KDE-based HTML image map editor
- kimap-24.08.3 job-based API for interacting with IMAP servers
- kio-gdrive-24.08.3 KIO Slave to access Google Drive
- kirigami-gallery-24.08.3 kirigami component gallery application
- kiriki-24.08.3 Yahtzee-like dice game
- kiten-24.08.3 Japanese reference tool for KDE
- kitinerary-24.08.3p0 KDE itinerary data model and itinerary extraction library
- kjumpingcube-24.08.3 territory capture game
- kldap-24.08.3 LDAP access API for KDE
- kleopatra-24.08.3 certificate manager and a universal crypto GUI
- klettres-24.08.3 alphabet learning application for KDE
- klickety-24.08.3 adaptation of clickomania game
- klines-24.08.3 KDE version of Color Lines game
- kmag-24.08.3 KDE screen magnifier
- kmahjongg-24.08.3 Mah Jongg four players board game for KDE5
- kmail-24.08.3p1 KDE PIM email client
- kmail-account-wizard-24.08.3 KMail account wizard
- kmailtransport-24.08.3 mail transport service
- kmbox-24.08.3 library for accessing mail storages in MBox format
- kmime-24.08.3 library for handling mail messages and newsgroup articles
- kmines-24.08.3 Minesweeper-like Game
- kmix-24.08.3p1 sound channel mixer and volume control
- kmousetool-24.08.3 KDE mouse clicker for accessibility users
- kmouth-24.08.3 speech tool for mute persons for KDE
- kmplot-24.08.3 mathematical function plotter for KDE
- knavalbattle-24.08.3 battle ship game
- knetwalk-24.08.3 network construction game
- kolf-24.08.3 miniature golf
- kollision-24.08.3 simple ball dodging game
- kolourpaint-24.08.3 KDE raster image editor
- kompare-24.08.3 file compare utility for KDE
- konqueror-24.08.3 KDE File Manager & Web Browser
- konquest-24.08.3 galactic strategy game
- konsole-24.08.3 KDE terminal emulator
- kontact-24.08.3p0 documentenal information management suite
- kontactinterface-24.08.3 KDE PIM kontact plugin interface library
- kontrast-24.08.3p0 color contrast checker
- kopeninghours-24.08.3p0 library for parsing and evaluating OSM data
- korganizer-24.08.3p0 calendar and scheduling component of kontact
- kpimtextedit-24.08.3 textedit with PIM-specific features
- kpkpass-24.08.3 KDE PIM Apple wallet file support library
- kqtquickcharts-24.08.3 QtQuick plugin to render interactive charts
- krdc-24.08.3 VNC and RDP desktop client
- kreversi-24.08.3 reversi board game
- krfb-24.08.3p0 desktop sharing
- kross-interpreters-kf5-24.08.3 Kross interpreter plugins for programming
- kruler-24.08.3 screen ruler for KDE
- ksanecore-24.08.3 KDE SANE (scanner) core library
- kshisen-24.08.3 Shisen-Sho Mahjongg-like game
- ksirk-24.08.3 world domination strategy game
- ksmtp-24.08.3 KDE PIM SMTP library
- ksnakeduel-24.08.3 Tron-like game
- kspaceduel-24.08.3 2D space arcade game for KDE
- ksquares-24.08.3 connect the dots to create squares game
- ksudoku-24.08.3 sudoku game
- ksystemlog-24.08.3 system log viewer
- kteatime-24.08.3 simple timer tray app for KDE
- ktimer-24.08.3 graphical timer based task execution for KDE
- ktnef-24.08.3 KDE PIM TNEF library
- ktouch-24.08.3 KDE typing learning tool
- ktuberling-24.08.3 picture game for children
- kturtle-24.08.3 KDE educational Logo programming environment
- kubrick-24.08.3 3-D Game based on Rubiks Cube
- kwalletmanager-24.08.3 KDE password wallet manager
- kweather-24.08.3 weather application for Plasma Mobile
- kweathercore-24.08.3 weather information library
- kwordquiz-24.08.3 general purpose flash card program for KDE
- libgravatar-24.08.3 libraries provides gravatar support
- libkcddb-kf5-24.08.3 KDE CDDB library
- libkcompactdisc-kf5-24.08.3 library for interfacing with CDs
- libkdcraw-kf5-24.08.3 KDE wrapper around the LibRaw library
- libkdepim-24.08.3 library for common kdepim apps
- libkeduvocdocument-24.08.3 library for reading and writing vocabulary
- libkexiv2-kf5-24.08.3 EXIV2 Library interface for KDE
- libkgapi-24.08.3 KDE-based library for accessing various Google services
- libkleo-24.08.3 certificate manager for KDE
- libkmahjongg-24.08.3 common sets for games using Mahjongg tiles
- libksane-kf5-24.08.3 KDE SANE (scanner) wrapper library
- libksieve-24.08.3 sieve script library
- lokalize-24.08.3p0 KDE app localization tools
- lskat-24.08.3 Lieutnant Skat - from German Offiziersskat
- mailcommon-24.08.3 KDE PIM common mail library
- mailimporter-24.08.3 KDE PIM mail importer library
- marble-kf5-24.08.3 virtual globe and world atlas
- markdownpart-24.08.3 KPart for viewing Markdown files
- mbox-importer-24.08.3 KMail mbox importer
- merkuro-24.08.3 calendar email todo and task application
- messagelib-24.08.3 KDE PIM messaging library
- mimetreeparser-24.08.3 KDE PIM messaging library
- minuet-24.08.3 KDE software for music education
- okteta-0.26.18v0 Hex Editor
- okular-24.08.3 KDE document viewer
- palapeli-24.08.3 jigsaw puzzle game
- picmi-24.08.3 single player puzzle game for KDE
- pim-data-exporter-24.08.3 KDE PIM data exporter
- pim-sieve-editor-24.08.3 mail sieve editor
- pimcommon-24.08.3 common libraries for KDE PIM
- plasmatube-24.08.3p0 YouTube/Invidious player
- poxml-24.08.3 convert PO files to XML
- rocs-24.08.3 graph theory IDE for KDE
- signon-kwallet-extension-24.08.3 KWallet extension for signond
- spectacle-24.08.3p1 KDE screen capture and screenshot program
- step-24.08.3 KDE interactive physics simulator
- sweeper-24.08.3 KDE tool for sweeping unwanted traces from system
- tokodon-24.08.3 KDE Mastodon client
- umbrello-24.08.3p0 UML Modeller