Category lang/go
- aerc-0.20.0 terminal email client
- aerc-0.20.0-notmuch terminal email client
- age-1.2.1 simple, modern and secure file encryption tool
- alertmanager-0.26.0 handles alerts sent by the Prometheus server
- amfora-1.10.0 terminal browser for gemini protocol
- artty-1.4.10 art for your TTY
- azorius-0.4.0 link aggregator and comment site via ActivityPub
- bbolt-1.3.11 embedded key/value database for Go
- blackbox_exporter-0.25.0 Prometheus exporter to test HTTP/DNS/TCP/ICMP endpoints
- bombadillo-2.4.0 terminal browser for gopher, gemini, and finger
- caddy-2.8.4p0 extensible HTTP/1-2-3 web server
- certspotter-0.18.0 Certificate Transparency log monitor
- cfssl-1.6.4 CloudFlare PKI/TLS command-line toolkit and HTTP API server
- chezmoi-2.53.1p0 dotfiles manager across multiple diverse machines
- clidle-0.1.0 wordle game for the terminal
- cloud-sql-proxy-2.15.0 GCP Cloud SQL Auth proxy
- codesearch-1.2.0p1 fast, indexed regexp search over large file trees
- consul-1.20.2 service discovery and configuration tool
- consul-template-0.39.1 template rendering and notifications with Consul
- coredns-1.12.0 fast and flexible DNS server/forwarder
- crawley-1.7.10 unix-way web crawler
- croc-10.0.13 simply and securely transfer files and folders
- crowdsec-1.6.4 lightweight and collaborative security engine
- crowdsec-firewall-bouncer-0.0.31p0 CrowdSec bouncer written in golang for firewalls
- czds-1.2.14 client to the CZDS REST API
- dendrite-0.13.7 matrix homeserver written in Go
- dep-0.5.0p0 Go dependency management tool
- der-ascii-0.5.0v0 convert between ASN.1 encodings and text
- dhcpd_leases_exporter-0.2.3 prometheus exporter for dhcpd(8) leases file
- direnv-2.26.0p0 tool for managing environment based on current directory
- dnscontrol-4.15.2 manage DNS configuration across any number of DNS hosts
- dnscrypt-proxy-2.1.7 flexible DNS proxy with support for encrypted DNS protocols
- dnsq-0.19.2 feature-rich command line DNS client
- docker-buildx-0.20.0 Docker CLI plugin for extended build capabilities
- docker-cli-27.5.0 command-line tool for controlling Docker
- docker-compose-2.32.4 define and run multi-container applications with Docker
- dt-1.0.2 display various information about DNS domain
- duf-0.8.1p0 disk Usage/free utility
- ecs-cli-1.21.0p0 CLI for AWS ECS
- elvish-0.16.3 expressive programming language and versatile shell
- envconsul-0.13.3 start subprocess with envvar populated from Consul and Vault
- esbuild-0.24.2 fast bundler for the web
- exoscale-cli-1.83.0 manage Exoscale infrastructure from the command-line
- filebeat-7.12.1p0 lightweight shipper for log file data
- fzf-0.58.0 command-line fuzzy finder
- git-lfs-2.13.2 Git extension for versioning large files
- gitea-1.23.1 compact self-hosted Git service
- github-cli-2.65.0 command-line access to github pull requests, issues and more
- gitlab-cli-1.51.0 GitLab CLI tool
- gitlab-runner-14.2.0 CI/CD job runner for GitLab
- gitmux-0.10.3 git in your tmux status bar
- glide-0.13.3 package manager for Go
- go-cs-1.1 concurrent ssh client
- go-sendxmpp-0.14.0 CLI tool to send messages over XMPP
- go-tools-0.16.1v0 various tools for the Go programming language
- gobuster-3.6.0 tool used to brute-force stuff
- gomuks-0.3.1 terminal Matrix client written in Go
- gonic-0.16.4 music streaming server / subsonic server API implementation
- gopass-1.15.15 pass compatible password manager written in go
- gopls-0.17.1 official Go language server developed by the Go team
- goreleaser-2.5.0p0 deliver Go binaries as fast and easily as possible
- gosec-2.22.0 security checker for Go projects
- gotosocial-0.16.0 ActivityPub social network server
- grafana-11.4.0 monitoring and metric analytics dashboards
- gron-0.7.1p0 make JSON greppable
- hashicorp-serf-0.10.2 decentralized service discovery and orchestration
- hcloud-1.50.0 command-line interface for Hetzner Cloud
- headscale-0.22.3p0 open source implementation of the Tailscale control server
- heartbeat-7.12.1p1 lightweight shipper for real-time network analytics
- honk-1.4.1 federated status conveyance
- hub-2.2.3p2 wraps git in order to extend it with extra features
- hugo-0.142.0 fast and flexible static site generator
- icingadb-1.2.1 configuration and state database for Icinga
- idrac_exporter-1.5.0 prometheus exporter for Dell iDRAC
- influx-cli-2.7.3 CLI to query influxdb v2 databases
- influxdb-2.7.3p1 time-series datastore for metrics, events, and analytics
- irtt-0.9.1 UDP latency tester, round-trip/1-way/jitter etc
- jmigpin-editor-3.10 graphical acme-like text editor
- keybase-5.2.0p2 client for
- kopia-0.19.0 simple tool for managing encrypted backups in the cloud
- kubectl-1.29.5 command line tool for controlling Kubernetes clusters
- kubo-0.26.0 IPFS implementation in Go
- kurly-1.2.2p0 alternative curl written in go
- lego-4.20.4 Let's Encrypt/ACME client written in Go
- lf-32 terminal file manager inspired by ranger written in Go
- license-scanner-0.11.0 scanner for SPDX licenses
- loki-3.1.0p0 like Prometheus, but for logs
- loki-promtail-3.1.0p0 tails log files and pushes them to Loki
- mattermost-server-9.2.2 open source Slack-alternative
- mautrix-whatsapp-0.10.9v0 matrix-WhatsApp puppeting bridge
- metricbeat-7.12.1p2 lightweight shipper for system metrics
- micro-2.0.13 modern and intuitive terminal-based text editor
- miller-6.12.0 name-indexed data processing tool
- miniflux-2.2.2 atom/rss feed reader web application
- minio-0.20221024p3 object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs
- minio-0.20250120 object storage server compatible with Amazon S3 APIs
- minioc-0.20221022 cli for minio
- misspell-0.3.4p1 correct commonly misspelled English words in source files
- mmctl-9.2.2 command-line tool for managing Mattermost
- mongo-tools-100.9.4 tools for the MongoDB database
- mycorrhiza-1.15.1 plain-text driven engine for personal wikis
- navidrome-0.51.1 modern music server and streamer
- node_exporter-1.8.1 prometheus exporter for hardware and OS metrics
- nomad-1.9.5 cluster scheduler
- ntfy-2.11.0 send push notifications to your phone or desktop
- nuclei-3.2.6 fast and customizable vulnerability scanner
- obfs4proxy-0.0.14 a "look-like nothing" obfuscation protocol for TCP
- oc-4.7.7 command line tool for controlling OpenShift clusters
- ogvt-1.2.2 simple tool for verifying gpg signatures
- opensmtpd-filter-rspamd-0.1.8p0 rspamd integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
- opensmtpd-filter-senderscore-0.1.2 SenderScore integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
- opensmtpd-filter-spamassassin-0.8 Apache SpamAssassin integration to the OpenSMTPD daemon
- opensmtpd-filter-spfgreylist-1.0.0 SPF-aware greylisting filter for the OpenSMTPD daemon
- opentofu-1.9.0 declaratively manage infrastructure
- osv-scanner-1.9.2 scan your project's dependencies for vulnerabilities
- packer-1.12.0 tool for building machine images
- packer-vmm-1.7.3 vmm(4) builder engine for HashiCorp Packer
- packetbeat-7.12.1p3 lightweight shipper for real-time network analytics
- planor-0.5.1 text user interface for cloud services
- prometheus-2.37.9 systems monitoring and alerting toolkit
- promscale-0.7.1p0 observability backend for metrics and traces powered by SQL
- promu-0.15.0 prometheus utility tool
- pup-0.4.0p1 command line tool to filter HTML with CSS selectors
- rclone-1.69.0 rsync for cloud storage
- reaction-1.4.1 scan logs and take action
- reader-0.4.0 lightweight tool offering better readability of web pages
- remindcal-0.1.1 terminal frontend for remind
- reposurgeon-4.32p2 tool for editing version-control repository history
- restic-0.17.3 fast, efficient and secure backup program
- restic-rest-server-0.13.0 REST backend for the restic backup tool
- rssgoemail-1.0.3 send RSS/Atom/Gemini feeds to email
- senpai-0.3.0 modern terminal IRC client
- shfmt-3.6.0 shell parser, formatter, and interpreter
- shiori-1.7.0p0 simple bookmarks manager
- slides-0.9.0 terminal based presentation tool
- snmp_exporter-0.27.0 Prometheus exporter for SNMP metrics
- snowflake_proxy-2.10.1 anti-censorship proxy and pluggable transports for Tor
- soju-0.8.2 user-friendly IRC bouncer
- sops-3.7.3p0 tool for managing secrets
- sping-0.0.20230919 split ping, identify direction of loss or latency
- sqlc-1.24.0 create type safe go from SQL
- squealer-1.2.5 filesystem secrets scanner
- stayrtr-0.6.1v0 RPKI-To-Router implementation in Go
- step-ca-0.25.2 private certificate authority and ACME server
- step-cli-0.25.1 swiss army knife for working with X509, OAuth, JWT, OATH OTP
- stripe-cli-1.17.2 build, test, and manage your Stripe integration
- syncthing-1.28.0 open decentralized synchronization utility
- tailscale-1.80.0 modern overlay-like VPN built on top of WireGuard
- tea-0.9.2 command line tool to interact with Gitea
- telegraf-1.31.3 plugin-driven server agent for collecting metrics
- termshark-2.4.0 terminal UI for tshark, inspired by Wireshark
- termsonic-0.2p0 Subsonic client running in your terminal
- terraform-1.8.5 tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure
- terraform-docs-0.19.0 documentation generator for Terraform
- terragrunt-0.72.6 thin wrapper for Terraform that provides extra tools
- tflint-0.55.0 pluggable Terraform linter
- tfsec-1.28.13 static analyzer for Terraform
- trdsql-1.1.0 run SQL queries on CSV, LTSV, JSON, YAML and TBLN
- tut-2.0.1 TUI for Mastodon with vim inspired keys
- unbound_exporter-0.4.6 prometheus exporter for unbound
- uni-2.6.0 query the unicode database from the commandline
- vault-1.18.3 secure secret storage
- vegeta-12.12.0 HTTP load testing tool and library
- victorialogs-1.8.0 fast and easy-to-use, open source logs solution
- victoriametrics-1.109.1 fast, cost-effective and scalable time series database
- vultr-cli-3.4.0 Vultr Command Line Interface
- walk-1.10.0 terminal file manager
- websocketd-0.3.1p0 access any command-line tool via a WebSocket
- wormhole-william-1.0.7 magic wormhole implementation in Go
- xlsx2csv-20200427211949p0 convert XLSX files to CSV
- yggdrasil-go-0.5.12 experimental fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network
- ymuse-0.22 GTK front-end for MPD