Category lang/ruby
- WhatWeb-0.5.5p1 web scanner
- arirang-2.03p11 powerful webserver security scanner for network
- asciidoctor-2.0.20p0 better AsciiDoc text proc/publishing software
- autocutsel-0.10.1 keep X clipboard and cutbuffer in sync
- git-lfs-2.13.2 Git extension for versioning large files
- gitsh-0.13p6 interactive shell for git
- inkscape-1.4p4 SVG vector drawing application
- jruby- pure-Java implementation of the Ruby language
- kross-interpreters-kf5-24.12.2 Kross interpreter plugins for programming
- libmarisa-0.2.6p2 C++ library for MARISA matching algorithm
- mew-6.9p3 emacs-based mail client
- mkvtoolnix-88.0 create, alter and inspect Matroska files
- mruby-3.3.0p1 lightweight, embeddable implementation of ruby
- mruby-zest-20210207p0 single window & tabbed version of the ZynAddSubFX interface
- munin-node-2.0.76 flexible network host monitoring, client
- munin-server-2.0.76 flexible network host monitoring, server
- nginx-1.26.2 robust and small HTTP server and mail proxy server
- nginx-cache_purge-1.26.2 nginx module which adds ability to purge cache content
- nginx-geoip2-1.26.2 nginx GeoIP2 module
- nginx-headers-more-1.26.2 nginx module for setting/adding/clearing headers
- nginx-image_filter-1.26.2 nginx image filter module
- nginx-ldap_auth-1.26.2 nginx LDAP authentication module
- nginx-lua-1.26.2 nginx lua scripting (lua-nginx-module and ngx_devel_kit)
- nginx-mailproxy-1.26.2 nginx mail proxy module
- nginx-modsecurity-1.26.2 nginx module for ModSecurity
- nginx-naxsi-1.26.2 nginx web application firewall module
- nginx-njs-1.26.2 nginx javascript scripting module
- nginx-passenger-1.26.2 nginx passenger (ruby/python/nodejs) integration module
- nginx-perl-1.26.2 nginx perl scripting module
- nginx-rtmp-1.26.2 nginx module for RTMP streaming
- nginx-securelink-1.26.2 nginx HMAC secure link module
- nginx-stream-1.26.2 nginx TCP/UDP proxy module
- nginx-xslt-1.26.2 nginx XSLT filter module
- ocserv-1.3.0 server implementing the AnyConnect SSL VPN protocol
- openssl-ruby-tests-20250303 sources of the Ruby OpenSSL gem for regression testing
- p5-libmarisa-0.2.6p0 marisa-trie bindings for Perl (SWIG)
- p5-librdf- Redland librdf Perl Bindings
- puppet-7.30.0p0 centralised configuration management for networks
- puppet-8.10.0 centralised configuration management for networks
- puppetdb-7.18.0 fast, scalable, and reliable data warehouse for Puppet
- puppetdb-8.8.1 fast, scalable, and reliable data warehouse for Puppet
- puppetdb-termini-7.18.0 PuppetDB terminus plugin
- puppetdb-termini-8.8.1 PuppetDB terminus plugin
- puppetserver-7.17.0p0 Puppet server
- puppetserver-8.7.0 Puppet server
- py3-libmarisa-0.2.6p6 marisa-trie bindings for Python (SWIG)
- qtwebkit-5.212.0alpha4p15v0 QtWebKit with a more modern WebKit code base
- ragel-6.10 state machine compiler
- reposurgeon-4.32p2 tool for editing version-control repository history
- rrdtool-1.9.0 system to store and display time-series data
- rrdupdate-1.9.0 lightweight update-only tool for rrdtool
- rset-3.1 configure systems using any scripting language
- ruby-libmarisa-0.2.6p3 marisa-trie bindings for Ruby (SWIG)
- ruby32-addressable-2.8.5 replacement for Ruby's URI implementation
- ruby32-amalgalite-1.9.4 ruby SQLite3 embedded database library
- ruby32-argon2-2.3.0 Ruby binding for the argon2 password hashing algorithm
- ruby32-arrayfields-4.9.2 allow keyword access to array instances
- ruby32-augeas-0.5.0p9 provider bindings for Augeas
- ruby32-bcrypt-3.1.19 Ruby binding for the bcrypt() password hashing algorithm
- ruby32-capybara-3.39.2 integration testing tool for rack based web applications
- ruby32-capybara-webkit-1.15.0p2 capybara driver that uses WebKit
- ruby32-cbor- CBOR implementation for Ruby
- ruby32-cicphash-2.0.0 case insensitive, case preserving hash class for ruby
- ruby32-commonmarker- ruby wrapper for comrak rust crate
- ruby32-daemons-1.4.1 wrap existing Ruby scripts to be run as a daemon
- ruby32-diff-lcs-1.5.1 port of Algorithm::Diff that uses the LCS algorithm
- ruby32-ed25519-1.3.0 ruby binding Ed25519 EC public-key signature system
- ruby32-eventmachine-1.2.7 event-driven I/O for Ruby using the Reactor pattern
- ruby32-fast-stemmer-1.0.2p1 fast Porter stemmer for ruby
- ruby32-fast_xs-0.8.0p1 provides fast methods for escaping text
- ruby32-fcgi- ruby FastCGI library
- ruby32-ffi-1.15.5 cross-platform dynamic library loading for ruby
- ruby32-ffi-compiler-1.0.1 ruby library for automating compilation of native libraries
- ruby32-gpgme-2.0.24 Ruby language binding for gpgme
- ruby32-hiera-eyaml-4.2.0 Hiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties
- ruby32-hiera-eyaml-gpg-0.7.4 gpg encryptor for the hiera eyaml backend
- ruby32-hiera-file-1.1.1p2 data backend for Hiera to return whole files
- ruby32-highline-3.1.2 high-level IO library for Ruby
- ruby32-hpricot-0.8.6p1 flexible HTML parser
- ruby32-hyperestraier-1.4.10p2 Ruby interface to hyperestraier
- ruby32-idn-0.1.5 ruby bindings for the libidn library
- ruby32-isolate-3.2.1p4 very simple RubyGems sandbox
- ruby32-kgio-2.11.4 kinder, gentler I/O for Ruby
- ruby32-ldap-0.9.20p2 Ruby interface to some common LDAP libraries
- ruby32-libvirt-0.8.4 Ruby bindings for libvirt
- ruby32-mini_mime-1.1.5 minimal mime type implementation
- ruby32-mini_portile2-2.8.4 simplified way to compile against dependencies
- ruby32-msgpack-1.7.5 binary-based efficient object serialization library
- ruby32-mysql2-0.5.6 modern, simple and very fast MySQL library for Ruby
- ruby32-narray- numerical N-dimensional Array class
- ruby32-ncurses-1.2.4p2 Ruby interface to ncurses
- ruby32-nio4r-2.5.9 cross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives
- ruby32-nokogiri-1.16.5 HTML, XML, SAX and Reader parser
- ruby32-ntlm-0.6.5 creator/parser for the NTLM authentication
- ruby32-optimist-3.2.0 commandline option parser for Ruby
- ruby32-passenger-6.0.18p2 ruby web application server/nginx module
- ruby32-pg-1.5.9 PostgreSQL database interface for ruby
- ruby32-pkg-config-1.5.1 tool for compiling Ruby native extensions
- ruby32-pledge-1.2.0 ruby wrapper for pledge(2) and unveil(2)
- ruby32-posix-spawn-0.3.13p0 fast process spawning
- ruby32-prof-1.6.3 fast code profiler for Ruby
- ruby32-public_suffix-5.0.5 parse and decompose a domain names
- ruby32-puma-6.3.1 simple, fast, threaded webserver for rack applications
- ruby32-rack-2.2.8 modular Ruby webserver interface
- ruby32-rack-test-2.1.0 small, simple testing API for Rack apps
- ruby32-raindrops-0.20.1 real-time stats toolkit for Rack HTTP servers
- ruby32-rake-compiler-1.2.5 build and package Ruby extensions using Rake as glue
- ruby32-rb_sys-0.9.85 helpers for compiling Rust extensions for Ruby
- ruby32-rbtree-0.4.6 sorted associative collection
- ruby32-rdiscount- discount implementation of John Gruber's Markdown
- ruby32-redcarpet-3.6.0 fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser
- ruby32-redcloth-4.3.2p0 module for using Textile in Ruby
- ruby32-regexp_parser-2.8.1 gem for tokenizing, parsing, and transforming regexps
- ruby32-rinku-2.0.6 fast and very smart autolinking library for ruby
- ruby32-rmagick-6.0.1p0 Ruby interface to ImageMagick
- ruby32-rspec-3.8.0p1 ruby framework for Behaviour Driven Development
- ruby32-rspec-core-3.8.2 rspec runner and formatters
- ruby32-rspec-expectations-3.8.4 rspec expectations and matchers
- ruby32-rspec-mocks-3.8.1 rspec stubbing and mocking
- ruby32-rspec-support-3.8.2 support utilities for RSpec gems
- ruby32-sassc-2.4.0 libsass wrapper for ruby
- ruby32-sequel-5.84.0 lightweight database library and ORM for Ruby
- ruby32-sequel_pg-1.17.0 faster SELECTs when using ruby-sequel with ruby-pg
- ruby32-shadow-2.5.0p5 module to access shadow passwords
- ruby32-sqlite3-2.2.0 access a SQLite3 database from ruby
- ruby32-subset_sum-1.0.2p0 simple subset sum problem solver for ruby
- ruby32-taglib-1.1.3 reads and writes metadata/tags for many audio formats
- ruby32-thin-1.8.2 fast and very simple Ruby web server
- ruby32-tiny_tds-2.1.7 simple and fast ruby binding to FreeTDS
- ruby32-tk-0.5.1 Ruby interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
- ruby32-trilogy-2.9.0 MySQL-compatible library for ruby
- ruby32-unf_ext- unicode normalization form support library for Ruby
- ruby32-unicorn-6.1.0 ruby-rack HTTP server for Unix and fast clients
- ruby32-vorbis_comment-1.0.3 ruby library for reading/writing vorbis comments
- ruby32-websocket-driver-0.7.6 implementation of the WebSocket protocol for ruby
- ruby32-websocket-extensions-0.1.5 implementation of WebSocket extensions for ruby
- ruby32-xpath-3.2.0 ruby DSL around a subset of XPath 1.0
- ruby32-yajl-ruby-1.4.3 Ruby bindings for the Yajl JSON library
- ruby33-activesupport- support libraries and Ruby extensions extracted from Rails
- ruby33-addressable-2.8.5 replacement for Ruby's URI implementation
- ruby33-amalgalite-1.9.4 ruby SQLite3 embedded database library
- ruby33-argon2-2.3.0 Ruby binding for the argon2 password hashing algorithm
- ruby33-arrayfields-4.9.2 allow keyword access to array instances
- ruby33-augeas-0.5.0p9 provider bindings for Augeas
- ruby33-bcrypt-3.1.19 Ruby binding for the bcrypt() password hashing algorithm
- ruby33-capybara-3.39.2 integration testing tool for rack based web applications
- ruby33-capybara-webkit-1.15.0p2 capybara driver that uses WebKit
- ruby33-cbor- CBOR implementation for Ruby
- ruby33-childprocess-5.1.0 control external programs
- ruby33-chunky_png-1.4.0 pure ruby library for chunk-level access to PNG
- ruby33-cicphash-2.0.0 case insensitive, case preserving hash class for ruby
- ruby33-cms_scanner-0.14.3 framework to implement CMS scanners
- ruby33-colored2-4.0.3 color methods for String class
- ruby33-colorize-0.8.1 adds methods to set text color, background color, etc
- ruby33-commonmarker- ruby wrapper for comrak rust crate
- ruby33-concurrent-ruby-1.3.5 concurrency tools and patterns for Ruby
- ruby33-connection_pool-2.5.0 generic connection pool for Ruby
- ruby33-cri-2.15.12 command line interfaces with subcommands
- ruby33-daemons-1.4.1 wrap existing Ruby scripts to be run as a daemon
- ruby33-dbus-0.24.0 Ruby implementation of the D-Bus protocol
- ruby33-deep_merge-1.2.2 recursively merge hashes
- ruby33-diff-lcs-1.5.1 port of Algorithm::Diff that uses the LCS algorithm
- ruby33-ed25519-1.3.0 ruby binding Ed25519 EC public-key signature system
- ruby33-erubi-1.13.1 simplified fork of Erubis
- ruby33-erubis-2.7.0 implementation of eRuby
- ruby33-ethon-0.16.0 lightweight libcurl wrapper
- ruby33-eventmachine-1.2.7 event-driven I/O for Ruby using the Reactor pattern
- ruby33-facter-4.10.0 system inventory tool
- ruby33-faraday-2.12.2 HTTP/REST API client library
- ruby33-faraday-follow_redirects-0.3.0 Faraday 2.x FaradayMiddleware::FollowRedirects
- ruby33-faraday-net_http-3.4.0 Faraday adapter for Net::HTTP
- ruby33-fast-stemmer-1.0.2p1 fast Porter stemmer for ruby
- ruby33-fast_gettext-2.3.0 fast implementation of gettext
- ruby33-fast_xs-0.8.0p1 provides fast methods for escaping text
- ruby33-fcgi- ruby FastCGI library
- ruby33-ffi-1.15.5 cross-platform dynamic library loading for ruby
- ruby33-ffi-compiler-1.0.1 ruby library for automating compilation of native libraries
- ruby33-get_process_mem-0.2.7 get memory usage of a process
- ruby33-gettext-3.4.9 Ruby interface to gettext
- ruby33-gettext-setup-1.1.0 Ruby gem to ease i18n
- ruby33-gpgme-2.0.24 Ruby language binding for gpgme
- ruby33-hiera-eyaml-4.2.0 Hiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties
- ruby33-hiera-eyaml-gpg-0.7.4 gpg encryptor for the hiera eyaml backend
- ruby33-hiera-file-1.1.1p2 data backend for Hiera to return whole files
- ruby33-hiera3-3.12.0 simple pluggable hierarchical database
- ruby33-highline-3.1.2 high-level IO library for Ruby
- ruby33-hitimes-2.0.0 high resolution timer library
- ruby33-hocon-1.4.0 Ruby port of Java Typesafe Config
- ruby33-hpricot-0.8.6p1 flexible HTML parser
- ruby33-httpclient-2.8.3 libwww-perl for Ruby
- ruby33-hyperestraier-1.4.10p2 Ruby interface to hyperestraier
- ruby33-i18n-1.14.1 ruby internationalization and localization solution
- ruby33-idn-0.1.5 ruby bindings for the libidn library
- ruby33-isolate-3.2.1p4 very simple RubyGems sandbox
- ruby33-json-schema-5.1.1 json schema validator
- ruby33-json_pure-2.8.1 JSON implementation for Ruby
- ruby33-jwt-2.10.1 pure ruby implementation of the JWT standard
- ruby33-kgio-2.11.4 kinder, gentler I/O for Ruby
- ruby33-ldap-0.9.20p2 Ruby interface to some common LDAP libraries
- ruby33-librdf- Redland librdf Ruby Bindings
- ruby33-libvirt-0.8.4 Ruby bindings for libvirt
- ruby33-locale-2.1.2 basic APIs for localization
- ruby33-log4r-1.1.10p0 log4j implementation for Ruby
- ruby33-metaclass-0.0.1p0 adds a metaclass method to all Ruby objects
- ruby33-mini_mime-1.1.5 minimal mime type implementation
- ruby33-mini_portile2-2.8.4 simplified way to compile against dependencies
- ruby33-minitar-0.9 command-line utility for POSIX tar(1) archive files
- ruby33-mocha-0.13.3p2 Ruby library for mocking and stubbing
- ruby33-msgpack-1.7.5 binary-based efficient object serialization library
- ruby33-multi_json-1.15.0 chooses from multiple available json implementations
- ruby33-multipart-post-2.4.1 library to do multipart form posts
- ruby33-mustache-0.99.4p2 logic-free template language
- ruby33-mysql2-0.5.6 modern, simple and very fast MySQL library for Ruby
- ruby33-narray- numerical N-dimensional Array class
- ruby33-ncurses-1.2.4p2 Ruby interface to ncurses
- ruby33-net-telnet-0.2.0 telnet client functionality for ruby
- ruby33-nio4r-2.5.9 cross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives
- ruby33-nokogiri-1.16.5 HTML, XML, SAX and Reader parser
- ruby33-ntlm-0.6.5 creator/parser for the NTLM authentication
- ruby33-oj-3.16.0 fast JSON parser and serializer
- ruby33-opt_parse_validator-1.10.0 validators for Ruby OptionParser lib
- ruby33-optimist-3.2.0 commandline option parser for Ruby
- ruby33-passenger-6.0.18p2 ruby web application server/nginx module
- ruby33-pastel-0.8.0 terminal string styling
- ruby33-pathspec-1.1.3 match path patterns
- ruby33-pdk-3.4.0 Puppet development kit
- ruby33-pg-1.5.9 PostgreSQL database interface for ruby
- ruby33-pkg-config-1.5.1 tool for compiling Ruby native extensions
- ruby33-pledge-1.2.0 ruby wrapper for pledge(2) and unveil(2)
- ruby33-posix-spawn-0.3.13p0 fast process spawning
- ruby33-prof-1.6.3 fast code profiler for Ruby
- ruby33-public_suffix-5.0.5 parse and decompose a domain names
- ruby33-puma-6.3.1 simple, fast, threaded webserver for rack applications
- ruby33-puppet-lint-4.2.4 ensure your Puppet manifests conform with the style guide
- ruby33-puppet-modulebuilder-1.1.0 build Puppet modules from source
- ruby33-puppet-resource_api-1.9.0 simple way to write new native resources for puppet
- ruby33-puppet-syntax-4.1.1 syntax checks for Puppet manifests and templates
- ruby33-puppet_forge-5.0.4 tools to access the Puppet Forge API
- ruby33-puppetserver-ca-2.7.0 interact with Puppet Server's CA
- ruby33-r10k-5.0.0 Puppet module management
- ruby33-rack-2.2.8 modular Ruby webserver interface
- ruby33-rack-test-2.1.0 small, simple testing API for Rack apps
- ruby33-raindrops-0.20.1 real-time stats toolkit for Rack HTTP servers
- ruby33-rake-compiler-1.2.5 build and package Ruby extensions using Rake as glue
- ruby33-rb_sys-0.9.85 helpers for compiling Rust extensions for Ruby
- ruby33-rbnacl-7.1.1 Ruby binding for libsodium/NaCl
- ruby33-rbtree-0.4.6 sorted associative collection
- ruby33-rdiscount- discount implementation of John Gruber's Markdown
- ruby33-redcarpet-3.6.0 fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser
- ruby33-redcloth-4.3.2p0 module for using Textile in Ruby
- ruby33-ref-1.0.5 object reference utilities for ruby
- ruby33-regexp_parser-2.8.1 gem for tokenizing, parsing, and transforming regexps
- ruby33-rgen-0.8.2p0 framework for Model Driven Software Development
- ruby33-rinku-2.0.6 fast and very smart autolinking library for ruby
- ruby33-rmagick-6.0.1p0 Ruby interface to ImageMagick
- ruby33-ronn-0.7.3p4 builds man pages
- ruby33-rotp-6.2.2 Ruby library for generating and verifying one time passwords
- ruby33-rouge-4.5.1 pure-ruby code highlighter compatible with pygments
- ruby33-rqrcode-2.1.2 library to encode QR Codes
- ruby33-rqrcode_core-1.2.0 library to encode QR Codes
- ruby33-rrd-1.9.0 ruby interface to librrd
- ruby33-rspec-1.3.2p7 ruby framework for Behaviour Driven Development
- ruby33-rspec-3.8.0p1 ruby framework for Behaviour Driven Development
- ruby33-rspec-core-3.8.2 rspec runner and formatters
- ruby33-rspec-expectations-3.8.4 rspec expectations and matchers
- ruby33-rspec-its-1.2.0p0 rspec attribute matchers
- ruby33-rspec-mocks-3.8.1 rspec stubbing and mocking
- ruby33-rspec-support-3.8.2 support utilities for RSpec gems
- ruby33-ruby-progressbar-1.13.0 text progress bar library for Ruby
- ruby33-rubyzip-2.4.1 Ruby module for reading and writing zip files
- ruby33-safe_yaml-1.0.5 safe YAML parsing
- ruby33-sassc-2.4.0 libsass wrapper for ruby
- ruby33-scanf-1.0.0 implementation of the C function scanf
- ruby33-semantic_puppet-1.1.1 compare semantic versioning
- ruby33-sequel-5.84.0 lightweight database library and ORM for Ruby
- ruby33-sequel_pg-1.17.0 faster SELECTs when using ruby-sequel with ruby-pg
- ruby33-serverengine-2.3.1 multiprocess server framework for Ruby
- ruby33-shadow-2.5.0p5 module to access shadow passwords
- ruby33-sigdump-0.2.4 sets up signal handler which dumps a backtrace
- ruby33-sorted_set-1.0.3 a set whose elements are sorted in ascending order
- ruby33-sqlite3-2.2.0 access a SQLite3 database from ruby
- ruby33-subset_sum-1.0.2p0 simple subset sum problem solver for ruby
- ruby33-taglib-1.1.3 reads and writes metadata/tags for many audio formats
- ruby33-test-unit-ruby-core-1.0.2 test assertions for Ruby standard libraries
- ruby33-text-1.3.1 collection of text algorithms
- ruby33-thin-1.8.2 fast and very simple Ruby web server
- ruby33-thor-1.2.1 scripting framework to replace rake/sake/rubigen
- ruby33-tilt-2.2.0p0 generic interface to multiple Ruby template engines
- ruby33-tiny_tds-2.1.7 simple and fast ruby binding to FreeTDS
- ruby33-tk-0.5.1 Ruby interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
- ruby33-trilogy-2.9.0 MySQL-compatible library for ruby
- ruby33-tty-color-0.6.0 terminal color capabilities detection
- ruby33-tty-cursor-0.7.1 move the terminal cursor around
- ruby33-tty-prompt-0.23.1 powerful interactive command line prompt
- ruby33-tty-reader-0.9.0 process keyboard input
- ruby33-tty-screen-0.8.2 terminal screen size detection
- ruby33-tty-spinner-0.9.3 terminal spinner
- ruby33-tty-which-0.5.0 platform independent which command
- ruby33-typhoeus-1.4.1 parallel HTTP requests
- ruby33-tzinfo-2.0.6 access to time zone data and conversion
- ruby33-unf_ext- unicode normalization form support library for Ruby
- ruby33-unicorn-6.1.0 ruby-rack HTTP server for Unix and fast clients
- ruby33-vorbis_comment-1.0.3 ruby library for reading/writing vorbis comments
- ruby33-webrick-1.8.1 HTTP server toolkit
- ruby33-websocket-driver-0.7.6 implementation of the WebSocket protocol for ruby
- ruby33-websocket-extensions-0.1.5 implementation of WebSocket extensions for ruby
- ruby33-wisper-2.0.1 provide objects with pubsub capabilities
- ruby33-xapian-1.4.27 ruby bindings for Xapian
- ruby33-xdg-2.2.5 module for supporting XDG Base Directory Standard
- ruby33-xmlrpc-0.3.3 remote procedure calls over HTTP
- ruby33-xpath-3.2.0 ruby DSL around a subset of XPath 1.0
- ruby33-yajl-ruby-1.4.3 Ruby bindings for the Yajl JSON library
- ruby33-zeitwerk-2.6.17 constant autoloading with Ruby semantics
- ruby34-addressable-2.8.5 replacement for Ruby's URI implementation
- ruby34-amalgalite-1.9.4 ruby SQLite3 embedded database library
- ruby34-argon2-2.3.0 Ruby binding for the argon2 password hashing algorithm
- ruby34-arrayfields-4.9.2 allow keyword access to array instances
- ruby34-augeas-0.5.0p9 provider bindings for Augeas
- ruby34-bcrypt-3.1.19 Ruby binding for the bcrypt() password hashing algorithm
- ruby34-capybara-3.39.2 integration testing tool for rack based web applications
- ruby34-capybara-webkit-1.15.0p2 capybara driver that uses WebKit
- ruby34-cbor- CBOR implementation for Ruby
- ruby34-cicphash-2.0.0 case insensitive, case preserving hash class for ruby
- ruby34-commonmarker- ruby wrapper for comrak rust crate
- ruby34-daemons-1.4.1 wrap existing Ruby scripts to be run as a daemon
- ruby34-diff-lcs-1.5.1 port of Algorithm::Diff that uses the LCS algorithm
- ruby34-ed25519-1.3.0 ruby binding Ed25519 EC public-key signature system
- ruby34-eventmachine-1.2.7 event-driven I/O for Ruby using the Reactor pattern
- ruby34-fast-stemmer-1.0.2p1 fast Porter stemmer for ruby
- ruby34-fast_xs-0.8.0p1 provides fast methods for escaping text
- ruby34-fcgi- ruby FastCGI library
- ruby34-ffi-1.15.5 cross-platform dynamic library loading for ruby
- ruby34-ffi-compiler-1.0.1 ruby library for automating compilation of native libraries
- ruby34-gpgme-2.0.24 Ruby language binding for gpgme
- ruby34-hiera-eyaml-4.2.0 Hiera backend for decrypting encrypted yaml properties
- ruby34-hiera-eyaml-gpg-0.7.4 gpg encryptor for the hiera eyaml backend
- ruby34-hiera-file-1.1.1p2 data backend for Hiera to return whole files
- ruby34-highline-3.1.2 high-level IO library for Ruby
- ruby34-hpricot-0.8.6p1 flexible HTML parser
- ruby34-hyperestraier-1.4.10p2 Ruby interface to hyperestraier
- ruby34-idn-0.1.5 ruby bindings for the libidn library
- ruby34-isolate-3.2.1p4 very simple RubyGems sandbox
- ruby34-kgio-2.11.4 kinder, gentler I/O for Ruby
- ruby34-ldap-0.9.20p2 Ruby interface to some common LDAP libraries
- ruby34-libvirt-0.8.4 Ruby bindings for libvirt
- ruby34-mini_mime-1.1.5 minimal mime type implementation
- ruby34-mini_portile2-2.8.4 simplified way to compile against dependencies
- ruby34-msgpack-1.7.5 binary-based efficient object serialization library
- ruby34-mysql2-0.5.6 modern, simple and very fast MySQL library for Ruby
- ruby34-narray- numerical N-dimensional Array class
- ruby34-ncurses-1.2.4p2 Ruby interface to ncurses
- ruby34-nio4r-2.5.9 cross-platform asynchronous I/O primitives
- ruby34-nokogiri-1.16.5 HTML, XML, SAX and Reader parser
- ruby34-ntlm-0.6.5 creator/parser for the NTLM authentication
- ruby34-optimist-3.2.0 commandline option parser for Ruby
- ruby34-passenger-6.0.18p2 ruby web application server/nginx module
- ruby34-pg-1.5.9 PostgreSQL database interface for ruby
- ruby34-pkg-config-1.5.1 tool for compiling Ruby native extensions
- ruby34-pledge-1.2.0 ruby wrapper for pledge(2) and unveil(2)
- ruby34-posix-spawn-0.3.13p0 fast process spawning
- ruby34-prof-1.6.3 fast code profiler for Ruby
- ruby34-public_suffix-5.0.5 parse and decompose a domain names
- ruby34-puma-6.3.1 simple, fast, threaded webserver for rack applications
- ruby34-rack-2.2.8 modular Ruby webserver interface
- ruby34-rack-test-2.1.0 small, simple testing API for Rack apps
- ruby34-raindrops-0.20.1 real-time stats toolkit for Rack HTTP servers
- ruby34-rake-compiler-1.2.5 build and package Ruby extensions using Rake as glue
- ruby34-rb_sys-0.9.85 helpers for compiling Rust extensions for Ruby
- ruby34-rbtree-0.4.6 sorted associative collection
- ruby34-rdiscount- discount implementation of John Gruber's Markdown
- ruby34-redcarpet-3.6.0 fast, safe and extensible Markdown to (X)HTML parser
- ruby34-redcloth-4.3.2p0 module for using Textile in Ruby
- ruby34-regexp_parser-2.8.1 gem for tokenizing, parsing, and transforming regexps
- ruby34-rinku-2.0.6 fast and very smart autolinking library for ruby
- ruby34-rmagick-6.0.1p0 Ruby interface to ImageMagick
- ruby34-rspec-3.8.0p1 ruby framework for Behaviour Driven Development
- ruby34-rspec-core-3.8.2 rspec runner and formatters
- ruby34-rspec-expectations-3.8.4 rspec expectations and matchers
- ruby34-rspec-mocks-3.8.1 rspec stubbing and mocking
- ruby34-rspec-support-3.8.2 support utilities for RSpec gems
- ruby34-sassc-2.4.0 libsass wrapper for ruby
- ruby34-sequel-5.84.0 lightweight database library and ORM for Ruby
- ruby34-sequel_pg-1.17.0 faster SELECTs when using ruby-sequel with ruby-pg
- ruby34-shadow-2.5.0p5 module to access shadow passwords
- ruby34-sqlite3-2.2.0 access a SQLite3 database from ruby
- ruby34-subset_sum-1.0.2p0 simple subset sum problem solver for ruby
- ruby34-taglib-1.1.3 reads and writes metadata/tags for many audio formats
- ruby34-thin-1.8.2 fast and very simple Ruby web server
- ruby34-tiny_tds-2.1.7 simple and fast ruby binding to FreeTDS
- ruby34-tk-0.5.1 Ruby interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
- ruby34-trilogy-2.9.0 MySQL-compatible library for ruby
- ruby34-unf_ext- unicode normalization form support library for Ruby
- ruby34-unicorn-6.1.0 ruby-rack HTTP server for Unix and fast clients
- ruby34-vorbis_comment-1.0.3 ruby library for reading/writing vorbis comments
- ruby34-websocket-driver-0.7.6 implementation of the WebSocket protocol for ruby
- ruby34-websocket-extensions-0.1.5 implementation of WebSocket extensions for ruby
- ruby34-xpath-3.2.0 ruby DSL around a subset of XPath 1.0
- ruby34-yajl-ruby-1.4.3 Ruby bindings for the Yajl JSON library
- sass-3.4.22p8 extension language for CSS
- slides-0.9.0 terminal based presentation tool
- texlive_texmf-buildset-2024p0 smallest texlive texmf for building ports
- texlive_texmf-context-2024p0 texlive texmf for conTeXt
- texlive_texmf-docs-2024p0 texlive documentation
- texlive_texmf-full-2024p0 texlive texmf for extra macros
- texlive_texmf-minimal-2024p0 texlive texmf for basic functionality
- tmuxinator-3.0.5p1 create and manage complex tmux sessions easily
- trash-d-19 commandline FreeDesktop trash bin utility
- unit-ruby-1.33.0p0 NGINX Unit ruby3.3 module
- vim-9.1.1119-gtk3-perl-python3-ruby vi clone, many additional features
- vim-9.1.1119-no_x11-perl-python3-ruby vi clone, many additional features
- vim-9.1.1119-no_x11-ruby vi clone, many additional features
- vim-command-t-1.11.2p9 fast, intuitive file opening in VIM
- vim-lang-9.1.1119 vi clone, NLS subpackage
- webkitgtk40-2.46.6 GTK+ port of the WebKit (4.0) rendering engine
- webkitgtk41-2.46.6 GTK+ port of the WebKit (4.1) rendering engine
- webkitgtk60-2.46.6 GTK+ port of the WebKit (6.0) rendering engine
- weechat-4.5.2 fast, light and extensible chat client
- weechat-lua-4.5.2 Lua bindings for weechat
- weechat-python-4.5.2 Python bindings for weechat
- weechat-ruby-4.5.2 Ruby bindings for weechat
- weechat-tcl-4.5.2 Tcl bindings for weechat
- wpscan-3.8.27 WordPress security scanner
- xapian-bindings-perl-1.4.27 perl bindings for Xapian
- xapian-bindings-python-1.4.27p0 python bindings for Xapian