Category x11/gnome
- accerciser-3.46.2 interactive accessibility explorer
- adwaita-icon-theme-47.0p0 base icon theme for GNOME
- adwaita-icon-theme-legacy-46.2p0 legacy icon theme for GNOME
- aisleriot-3.22.35 suite of solitaire card games
- at-spi2-core-2.54.1 service interface for assistive technologies
- atk2mm-2.28.4 C++ binding for the ATK library
- atkmm236-2.36.3 C++ bindings for the ATK library
- baobab-47.0p0 graphical disk usage analyzer
- cairo-1.18.4 vector graphics library
- cantarell-fonts-0.303.1p0 humanist sans-serif font family
- clutter-1.26.4p5 OpenGL-based interactive canvas library
- clutter-gst-3.0.27p5 clutter GStreamer integration library
- clutter-gtk-1.8.4p5 GTK+ widget for clutter
- cogl-1.22.8p5 modern 3D graphics API
- d-spy-1.10.0 D-Bus exploration tool
- dconf-0.40.0p2 configuration backend system
- dconf-editor-45.0.1p0 graphical dconf(1) editor
- deja-dup-47.0p2 simple encrypted backup tool for GNOME
- devhelp-43.0p2 API documentation browser for GNOME
- dia-0.98.0alpha20241027p1 program for drawing structured diagrams
- dia-gtk2-0.97.3 technical diagrams drawing tool
- dleyna-0.8.3p3 services and D-Bus APIs to access UPnP and DLNA devices
- easytag-2.4.3p12 tag editor for various audio file formats
- endeavour-43.0p4 task manager for GNOME
- eog-47.0p2 Eye of GNOME, image viewing and cataloging program
- eog-plugins-44.1p1 plugins for EOG
- epiphany-47.4 GNOME web browser based on webkit
- evince-46.3.1p4 GNOME document viewer
- evince-46.3.1p4-light GNOME document viewer
- evolution-3.54.3 integrated email and PIM software for GNOME
- evolution-data-server-3.54.3 unified backend for PIM programs
- evolution-ews- evolution connector for MS Exchange via EWS
- file-roller-44.5 create and modify archives
- file-roller-nautilus-44.5 file-roller extension for Nautilus
- folks-0.15.9p4 people aggregation library
- gcab-1.6p0 cabinet file library and tool
- gconf2-3.2.6p18 configuration database system for GNOME
- gcr-3.41.2 library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
- gcr4- library for bits of crypto UI and parsing
- gdk-pixbuf-2.42.12 image data transformation library
- gdk-pixbuf-xlib-2.40.2p0 deprecated API for integrating Xlib and GdkPixbuf
- gdl-3.40.0p3 GNOME Docking Library
- gdm-47.0p1 GNOME display manager
- geary-46.0p1 email application built around conversations
- gedit-48.1p0 text editor
- gedit-plugins-48.1p0 plugins for Gedit
- geocode-glib2-3.26.4p3 helper library for geocoding services
- ghex-46.2 binary editor
- gi-docgen-2025.3 documentation generator for GObject-based libraries
- giggle-0.7p18 gtk-based git repository viewer
- gitg-44p3 graphical user interface for git
- gjs-1.82.1p1 Javascript bindings for GNOME
- glabels-3.4.1p22 labels and business card designer
- glade-3.40.0p7 user interface builder for the gtk+3 toolkit
- glib2-2.82.5 general-purpose utility library
- glib2-2.82.5-bootstrap general-purpose utility library
- glib2-networking-2.80.1p0 network-related gio modules for GLib
- glib2mm-2.66.8 C++ interface for glib2
- glibmm268-2.82.0 C++ API for parts of GLib
- gnome-autoar-0.4.5p0 GLib wrapper around libarchive
- gnome-backgrounds-47.0p0 wallpapers for GNOME
- gnome-browser-connector-42.1p7 GNOME Shell browser connector
- gnome-builder-47.2p3 IDE for writing GNOME-based software
- gnome-calculator-47.2 GNOME desktop calculator
- gnome-calendar-47.0p1 GNOME calendar
- gnome-characters-47.0p0 GNOME utility to insert unusual characters
- gnome-clocks-47.0p0 keep track of time
- gnome-color-manager-3.36.2p0 GNOME Color Profile Tools
- gnome-connections-47.2.1 remote desktop client for GNOME
- gnome-console-48.0.1 user-friendly terminal emulator for GNOME
- gnome-contacts-47.1.1p0 contacts manager for GNOME
- gnome-control-center-47.4 GNOME settings
- gnome-desktop-44.1p2 common API for various GNOME modules (GTK3)
- gnome-desktop-common-44.1p1 common API for various GNOME modules (common files)
- gnome-desktop4-44.1p2 common API for various GNOME modules (GTK4)
- gnome-devel-docs-40.3p1 developer documentation for GNOME
- gnome-dictionary-40.0p6 GNOME dictionary application
- gnome-epub-thumbnailer-1.8p0 thumbnailer for EPub and MOBI books
- gnome-font-viewer-47.0p0 font viewer utility for GNOME
- gnome-icon-theme-3.12.0p8 base icon theme for GNOME
- gnome-icon-theme-symbolic-3.12.0p6 base icon theme extension for special UI contexts
- gnome-keyring-46.2p0 password agent for the GNOME project
- gnome-mahjongg-47.2 mahjongg game for GNOME
- gnome-maps-47.5 simple GNOME 3 maps application
- gnome-mastermind-0.3.1p23 Mastermind clone reflexion game
- gnome-menus-3.36.0p2 implementation of the FreeDesktop Desktop Menu Spec
- gnome-music-47.1p1 GNOME music playing application
- gnome-notes-40.1p11 simple note editor
- gnome-online-accounts-3.52.5 interfaces for interacting with online accounts
- gnome-photos-44.0p6 access, organize and share your photos on GNOME
- gnome-power-manager-43.0p1 GNOME power manager
- gnome-session-47.0.1p0 GNOME session
- gnome-settings-daemon-47.2 GNOME settings daemon
- gnome-shell-47.5 next generation GNOME shell
- gnome-shell-extensions-47.4 collection of extensions for GNOME Shell
- gnome-system-monitor-47.1 view current processes and monitor system state
- gnome-terminal-3.54.4 GNOME terminal
- gnome-terminal-nautilus-3.54.4 GNOME Terminal extension for Nautilus
- gnome-tetravex-3.38.2p1 simple puzzle game games
- gnome-text-editor-47.3 simple Text Editor for GNOME
- gnome-themes-extra-3.28p7 extra themes for GNOME applications
- gnome-tour-47.0p0 GNOME's Tour & Greeter
- gnome-tweaks-46.1p2 customize advanced GNOME 3 options
- gnome-usage-46.1 system resources status
- gnome-user-docs-47.5 general user documentation for GNOME
- gnome-video-effects-0.6.0p2 collection of GStreamer effects for GNOME
- gnome-weather-47.0p0 weather application for GNOME
- gnucash-5.10 personal and small-business financial-accounting software
- gnucash-docs-5.10 user documentation module for GnuCash
- gnumeric-1.12.59 spreadsheet application for GNOME
- gob2-2.0.20p2 GTK+ Object Builder
- gobject-introspection-1.82.0p3 GObject Introspection
- goffice-0.10.59 document centric objects and utilities
- gom-0.5.3p1 GObject to SQLite object mapper
- graphene-1.10.8p1 thin layer of graphic data types
- grilo-0.3.16p0 framework for making media discovery and browsing easy
- grilo-plugins-0.3.16p2 plugins for Grilo
- gsettings-desktop-schemas-47.1p0 collection of shared GSettings schemas
- gsound-1.0.3p0 GObject library for playing system sounds
- gspell-1.14.0p0 spell-checking library for GTK+
- gssdp-1.6.3p1 API for handling SSDP resource discovery and announcement
- gstreamer1mm-1.10.0p10 C++ bindings for GStreamer
- gthumb-3.12.7 image viewer and browser for GNOME
- gtk+2-2.24.33p6 multi-platform graphical toolkit
- gtk+2-cups-2.24.33p5 gtk+2 CUPS print backend
- gtk+3-3.24.49 multi-platform graphical toolkit
- gtk+3-cups-3.24.49 gtk+3 CUPS print backend
- gtk+4-4.18.2 multi-platform graphical toolkit
- gtk+4-cups-4.18.2 gtk+4 CUPS print backend
- gtk+4-demos-4.18.2 gtk+4 demo programs
- gtk+4-media-4.18.2 gtk+ media engine
- gtk-doc-1.34.0p4 GTK C code documentation system
- gtk-engines2-2.20.2p14 collection of theme engines for GTK+2
- gtk-vnc-1.5.0 VNC viewer widget for GTK
- gtk2-murrine-engine-0.98.2p11 beautiful glass-like GTK+ 2.x engine and themes
- gtk2mm-2.24.5p4 C++ interface for gtk2+
- gtk3mm-3.24.9 C++ interface for gtk3+
- gtk4-update-icon-cache-4.18.2 gtk+ icon theme caching utility
- gtkglarea-2.0.1p13 OpenGL widget for GTK+2 GUI toolkit
- gtkmm40-4.16.0p0 C++ bindings for GTK+
- gtksourceview-2.10.5p11 text widget that extends GTK2's GtkTextView widget
- gtksourceview3-3.24.11p3 text widget that extends the GTK3 GtkTextView widget
- gtksourceview4-4.8.4p1 text widget that extends the GTK3 GtkTextView widget
- gtksourceview5-5.14.2 text widget that extends the GTK4 GtkTextView widget
- gtranslator-47.1 gettext(1) files editor for GNOME
- gucharmap-16.0.2p1 Unicode character map for the GNOME project
- gupnp-1.6.8 framework for creating UPnP devices and control points
- gupnp-av-0.14.3 helpers for building A/V applications using GUPnP
- gupnp-dlna-0.12.0p6 DLNA integration for GUPnP
- gupnp-igd-1.6.0p1 library to handle UPnP IGD port mapping
- gupnp-tools-0.12.2 collection of developer-oriented UPnP tools
- gvfs-1.56.1p0 GNOME Virtual File System
- gvfs-goa-1.56.1p0 GVFS volume monitor for gnome-online-account
- gvfs-google-1.56.1p0 GVFS mount module for Google Drive
- gvfs-nfs-1.56.1p0 GVFS mount module for NFS
- gvfs-onedrive-1.56.1p1 GVFS mount module for Microsoft OneDrive backend
- gvfs-smb-1.56.1p0 GVFS mount module for samba
- iagno-3.38.1p2 reversi board game
- json-glib-1.10.6 JSON parser for GLib-based libraries and applications
- jsonrpc-glib-3.44.1p0 JSON-RPC library for GLib
- libadwaita-1.6.5v0 building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME apps
- libart-2.3.21p0 high-performance 2D graphics library
- libchamplain-0.12.21p0 library to provide a GTK+ widget to display maps
- libcloudproviders-0.3.6p0 library for integration of cloud storage providers
- libcroco-0.6.13p3 generic CSS parsing library for GNOME project
- libdazzle-3.44.0p2 companion library to GObject and Gtk+
- libdex-0.10.0 future-based programming for GLib-based applications
- libdmapsharing4-3.9.13p0 DMAP client and server library
- libgda-6.0.0p3v2 database access library
- libgdata-0.18.1p2 Google Data API based Glib client library
- libgedit-amtk-5.9.0 Actions, Menus and Toolbars Kit
- libgedit-gfls-0.2.1 file loading and saving module
- libgedit-gtksourceview-299.4.0 source code editing widget
- libgedit-tepl-6.12.0p0 Text Editor Product Line
- libgee-0.20.8 GObject based collection library
- libgepub-0.7.1p0 GObject based library for rendering epub docs
- libgexiv2-0.14.3p1 GObject wrapper around exiv2
- libglade2-2.6.4p22v0 library for loading GLADE interface files at runtime
- libgnomecanvas-2.30.3p12 graphics library for GNOME
- libgsf-1.14.53p0 GNOME Structured File library
- libgtop2-2.41.3p1 portable library for obtaining system information
- libgweather4-4.4.4p0 location, timezone and weather-lookup library
- libgxps-0.3.2p1 GObject library for handling and rendering XPS documents
- libhandy-1.8.3p0 building blocks for modern adaptive GNOME apps
- libmediaart-1.9.7 media art extraction and cache management library
- libnotify-0.8.4p0 send desktop notifications to a notification daemon
- libpanel-1.10.0 IDE paneling library for GTK
- libpeas-1.36.0p3 gobject-based plugins engine
- libpeas2-2.0.7 GObject plugins library
- librest1-0.9.1p0 helper library for RESTful services
- librsvg-2.60.0v0 SAX-based render library for SVG files
- libsecret-0.21.7 library for storing and retrieving passwords and secrets
- libshumate-1.4.0 GTK4 widget to display maps
- libsigc++-2.12.1p0 callback framework for C++
- libsigc++30-3.6.0p0 callback framework for C++
- libsoup-2.74.3p3 HTTP client/server library for GNOME
- libsoup3-3.6.5 HTTP client/server library for GNOME
- libspelling-0.4.7 spellcheck library for GTK 4
- libunique-1.1.6p16 library for writing single instance GTK+2 applications
- libwnck3-43.2 window navigator construction kit
- libxklavier-5.4p1 utility library for XKB
- libxml++-2.42.3 C++ wrapper for the libxml XML parser library
- libxml++40-4.0.3 C++ bindings for libxml2
- libxml++50-5.4.0 C++ bindings for libxml2
- libxml-2.13.6 XML parsing library
- libxslt-1.1.43p0 XSLT C Library for GNOME
- localsearch-3.8.2p0 collection of data extractors for Tracker/Nepomuk
- meld-3.22.2p2 graphical diff and merge tool
- mm-common-1.0.6 common build utilities for GNOME C++ binding libraries
- msgraph-0.3.3 GLib / GObject wrapper for the Microsoft Graph API
- mutter-47.6 window and compositing manager based on Clutter
- nautilus-47.3 GNOME file manager
- orca-47.3p0 assistive screen reader
- pan-0.161p0 read and post Usenet articles
- pango-1.56.3 library for layout and rendering of text
- pangomm-2.46.4 C++ interface for pango
- pangomm248-2.56.1 C++ API for Pango
- pioneers-15.6 Settlers of Catan for GNOME/Gtk
- pitivi-2023.03 intuitive and featureful movie editor
- polari-46.0p2 IRC Client for GNOME
- py-gobject-2.28.7p1v0 Python bindings for glib2 gobject (deprecated)
- py-gtk2-2.24.0p13 GTK+2 Python bindings
- py3-atspi-2.46.1p2 python bindings for at-spi2
- py3-gobject3-3.50.0p0 Python bindings for GLib and GObject
- py3-libxml-2.13.6 Python bindings for libxml
- quadrapassel-40.2p4 fit falling blocks together
- railway-2.7.0p1 look up travel information for many different railways
- rhythmbox-3.4.8p2 integrated music management application for GNOME
- seahorse-47.0.1p0 GNOME encryption interface
- secrets-8.0p4 GNOME password manager (Keepass)
- shotwell-0.32.10p1 digital photo organizer
- simple-scan-46.0p1 simple scanning utility
- startup-notification-0.12p8 library for tracking application startup
- sushi-46.0p1 quick previewer for Nautilus
- tecla-47.0p0 keymap viewer
- template-glib-3.36.3 templating library for GLib
- tinysparql-3.8.2 low-footprint RDF triple store with SPARQL 1.1 interface
- totem-43.1p3 official media player for GNOME
- totem-pl-parser-3.26.6p2 GObject-based parsing library
- vala-0.56.18 compiler for the GObject type system
- valadoc-0.56.18 Vala documentation generator
- vte3-0.78.4 GTK3 terminal emulation library
- vte3-common-0.78.4 shared files for vte3
- vte3-gtk4-0.78.4 GTK4 terminal emulation library
- xdg-desktop-portal-gnome-47.3 GNOME backend implementation for xdg-desktop-portal
- xdg-user-dirs-gtk-0.14 integration of xdg-user-dirs into GNOME/gtk+
- xpm-pixbuf-1.0p0 XPM icon loader
- yelp-42.2p6 GNOME help browser
- yelp-tools-42.1p4 utilities to manage documentation for Yelp and the web
- yelp-xsl-42.1p1 XSLT stylesheets for yelp
- zenity-4.0.5 dialogs for GNOME