Category lang/rust
- 0ad-0.0.26p7 historical real-time strategy game
- aarch64-esr-decoder-0.2.3pl20241006 decode AArch64 ESR register values
- age-plugin-yubikey-0.5.0 YubiKey plugin for age clients
- alacritty-0.14.0 cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
- amber-0.6.0 code search and replace tool
- bat-0.24.0p0 cat(1) clone with wings
- bore-0.4.1p2 DNS query tool
- broot-1.40.0 new way to see and navigate directory trees
- bupstash-0.12.0pl1 encrypted and deduplicated backup tool
- cargo-audit-0.13.1p3 audit Cargo.lock files for security vulnerabilities
- castor-0.9.0p3 graphical browser for plain-text protocols
- cbindgen-0.26.0 C bindings generator from rust code
- clamav-1.4.1 virus scanner
- csvlens-0.10.1 command line csv viewer
- czkawka-6.0.0 remove unnecessary/duplicate files
- czkawka-gui-6.0.0 GUI to remove unnecessary/duplicate files
- delta-0.18.2 viewer for git and diff output
- deno-2.0.6 runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
- difftastic-0.61.0 diff tool that compares files based on their syntax
- dog-0.1.0p4 command-line DNS lookup tool
- elfcat-0.1.8p3 ELF visualizer, generating HTML files from ELF binaries
- eza-0.20.7 ls alternative written in Rust (fork of exa)
- fclones-0.34.0 efficient duplicate file finder
- fd-10.2.0 simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
- firefox-132.0.2 Firefox web browser
- firefox-esr-128.4.0p1 Firefox web browser, Extended Support Release
- geckodriver-0.31.0p1 W3C webdriver for Gecko-based browsers
- git-cinnabar-0.6.3 git remote helper to interact with mercurial repositories
- gleam-1.5.1 statically typed language for Erlang VM and JavaScript
- gnome-tour-47.0p0 GNOME's Tour & Greeter
- helix-24.07 modal text editor
- helvum-0.5.1p3 GTK patchbay for pipewire
- hexyl-0.15.0 simple console hex viewer
- htmlq-0.4.0 like jq, but for HTML
- hurl-5.0.0 CLI for HTTP requests
- hyperfine-1.19.0 command-line benchmarking tool
- iamb-0.0.10 matrix client for vim addicts
- influxdb-2.7.3p0 time-series datastore for metrics, events, and analytics
- jless-0.9.0p1 JSON viewer
- js128-128.4.0v1 C/C++ Mozilla's JavaScript shell'
- jujutsu-0.23.0 version control system with git compatibility backend
- krill-0.14.5 RPKI Certification Authority and Publication Server
- librsvg-2.58.5p0v0 SAX-based render library for SVG files
- lightning-seamonkey-5.8.19p0v0 Mozilla Seamonkey calendar extension
- lsd-1.0.0p0 pretty ls alternative with support for icons and colors
- maturin-1.7.0 develop crates with pyo3, rust-cpython and cffi bindings
- mdbook-0.4.37 create books from markdown files
- meli-0.8.7 terminal mail client
- ncspot-1.1.2 ncurses Spotify client
- newsboat-2.37 RSS/Atom feed reader for text terminals
- notify_push-0.7.0 update notifications for nextcloud clients
- nushell-0.99.1 new type of shell
- oxipng-9.1.2 multithreaded lossless PNG compression optimizer
- pastel-0.10.0 command line tool to manipulate colors
- pizauth-1.0.6 OAuth2 authentication daemon
- powerdns-recursor-5.1.3 recursive nameserver
- py3-adblock-0.6.0p5 Brave's adblock library
- py3-bcrypt-4.2.0 bcrypt blowfish password hashing for Python
- py3-cryptography-42.0.7 cryptographic recipes and primitives for Python
- py3-jellyfish-1.1.0 Python library for approximate and phonetic string matching
- py3-mitmproxy_rs-0.9.2 Rust components used in mitmproxy
- py3-orjson-3.10.7 fast, correct Python JSON library
- py3-pydantic-core-2.27.0 data validation using Python type hints
- py3-rpds-py-0.20.0 Python bindings for Rust's persistent data structures (rpds)
- quiche-0.22.0 library implementing QUIC and HTTP/3
- railway-2.7.0p1 look up travel information for many different railways
- rbw-1.12.1 command line BitWarden client
- redlib-0.35.1 alternative private front-end to Reddit
- riff-3.3.4 diff tool highlighting which parts of lines have changed
- ripgrep-14.1.1 line oriented search tool using Rust's regex library
- routinator-0.14.0 RPKI "relying party" software
- rrdpit-0.0.4 produce RRDP notification, snapshot and delta files
- ruby-3.2.6 object oriented script language with threads
- ruby-3.3.6 object oriented script language with threads
- ruby32-commonmarker-1.0.3p1 ruby wrapper for comrak rust crate
- ruby32-ri_docs-3.2.6 ri documentation files for ruby
- ruby33-commonmarker-1.0.3p1 ruby wrapper for comrak rust crate
- ruby33-ri_docs-3.3.6 ri documentation files for ruby
- rust-analyzer-20240318 modular compiler frontend for the Rust language
- rust-bindgen-0.69.4 automatically generates Rust FFI bindings (C and C++)
- rust-openssl-tests-20241113 source of the rust-openssl crate for regression testing
- rustic-0.9.4 fast, encrypted, deduplicated backups
- sccache-0.8.2 compiler cache for C/C++/Rust
- seamonkey-2.53.19p0 Mozilla application suite
- selene-0.27.1 modern Lua linter written in Rust
- sn0int-0.26.0p0 semi-automatic OSINT framework and package manager
- snare-0.4.11p0 GitHub webhooks runner daemon
- spidermonkey128-128.4.0p1v1 C/C++ Mozilla's JavaScript engine implementation
- spotifyd-0.3.5pl2p0 Spotify client running as UNIX daemon
- stalwart-mail-0.10.6 JMAP/IMAP/SMTP server
- suricata-7.0.7 high performance network IDS, IPS and security monitoring
- synapse-1.119.0 open network for secure, decentralized communication
- tb-browser-14.0.1p0 modified version of Firefox ESR for browsing over Tor
- thunderbird-128.4.3 Mozilla e-mail, calendar, rss and usenet client
- trippy-0.10.0 network diagnostics with curses ui (like mtr)
- typst-0.12.0 markup-based typesetting system
- vaultwarden-1.32.4 unofficial bitwarden compatible server
- vaultwarden-1.32.4-mysql unofficial bitwarden compatible server
- vaultwarden-1.32.4-postgresql unofficial bitwarden compatible server
- xcolor-0.5.1p4 lightweight color picker
- zola-0.18.0 static site generator