Category geo
- foxtrotgps-1.2.2p6 lightweight mapping application for use with or without GPS
- freexl-2.0.0 extract valid data from within an Excel spreadsheet
- garmin-utils-2.4p2 Garmin GPS upload/download utilities
- garmindev-0.3.4p3 garmin gps device driver
- gdal-3.10.1 translator library for geospatial data formats
- geoclue2-2.7.2 modular geoinformation service on top of D-Bus
- geocode-glib2-3.26.4p3 helper library for geocoding services
- geolite2-asn-20191224p2 GeoIP2 GeoLite2 database: IPv4/v6 address to AS number
- geolite2-city-20191224p2 GeoIP2 GeoLite2 database: IPv4/v6 address to city
- geolite2-country-20191224p2 GeoIP2 GeoLite2 database: IPv4/v6 address to country
- geos-3.13.0 2d geometry and topology engine
- gimgtools-0.02 Garmin Image Tools
- globe-20140814 display the currently lighted face of Earth in ASCII
- gmt-4.1.3p5 draw maps and charts
- gmt-full-4.1.3p1 full resolution coastline data for GMT
- gmt-high-4.1.3p1 high resolution coastline data for GMT
- gpsbabel- GPS waypoint, track, and route conversion tool
- gpsbabel-qt- Qt front-end to gpsbabel
- gpsbabel-tk- Tk front-end to gpsbabel
- gpsd-3.25p0 service daemon that monitors one or more GPSes
- gpsd-php-3.25p0 web-based gpsd monitor in php
- gpsd-x11-3.25p1 GUI test apps using gpsd
- gpstk-2.10 GPS processing toolkit
- gpx-viewer-0.5.0 gpx file viewer
- gpxsee-13.32 gpx file viewer
- josm-14824p1 OpenStreetMap map editor
- kgeography-24.08.3 geography learning tool for KDE
- kgeotag-1.6.0 stand-alone photo geotagging program
- kig-24.08.3 KDE geometric constructions explorer
- kopeninghours-24.08.3p0 library for parsing and evaluating OSM data
- kweather-24.08.3 weather application for Plasma Mobile
- kweathercore-24.08.3 weather information library
- lib2geom-1.4 easy to use 2D geometry library in C++
- libchamplain-0.12.21p0 library to provide a GTK+ widget to display maps
- libgeotiff-1.7.3 GIS TIFF interchange library
- libmaxminddb-1.12.2p0 library for MaxMind GeoIP2/GeoLite2 IP geolocation databases
- libosmium-2.20.0p1 fast, flexible library for working with OpenStreetMap data
- libpostal-1.1 library for parsing/normalizing street addresses
- librasterlite2-1.1.0beta1p2 store rasters coverages within spatialite
- librttopo-1.1.0p1 RT Topology Library
- libshumate-1.3.2 GTK4 widget to display maps
- libspatialite-5.1.0p0 sqlite extented with spatial SQL capabilities
- mapcache-1.14.1 GIS WMTS/TMS tile caching server
- mapnik-4.0.2 toolkit for developing mapping applications
- mapproxy-3.1.3p0 GIS WMTS/TMS tile caching server
- mappyfile-1.0.2p0 mapfile parser
- mapserver-8.4.0 GIS CGI server
- mapserver-utils-8.4.0 mapserver utilities
- marble-kf5-24.08.3 virtual globe and world atlas
- mdal-1.3.0p0 mesh data abstration library
- merkaartor-0.20.0 OpenStreetMap editor
- openbsd-developers-2.0p57 geographic location of past and present OpenBSD developers
- osm-gps-map-1.2.1pre0 Gtk+ Widget for Displaying OpenStreetMap tiles
- osm2pgrouting-2.3.8 convert OSM data to PgRouting format
- osm2pgsql-2.0.0p0 OSM data to PostgreSQL converter
- osrm-backend-5.27.1pl1p0 high-performance road network routing engine
- p5-GPS-PRN-0.05p1 perl module to map GPS PRN to Satellite OID and vice versa
- p5-Geo-Coder-US-1.00p2 geocode any US address
- p5-Geo-Constants-0.06p1 perl module that provides geographic constants
- p5-Geo-Coordinates-OSGB-2.20p1 convert Lat/Lon to/from GB Ordnance Survey grid reference
- p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM-0.11p0 provides Latitude Longitude conversions
- p5-Geo-Coordinates-UTM-XS-0.04p5 C/XS reimplementation of Geo::Coordinates::UTM
- p5-Geo-Ellipsoids-0.16p1 perl module that provides ellipsoid values
- p5-Geo-Fips55-0.01p1 perl extension for parsing FIPS-55 gazetteer data
- p5-Geo-Forward-0.16 module to calculate geographic location
- p5-Geo-Functions-0.08 perl module for geographic functions
- p5-Geo-Inverse-0.07 calculate geographic distance from a lat/lon pair
- p5-Geo-METAR-1.15p1 process aviation weather reports in the METAR format
- p5-Geo-Parse-OSM-0.42p0 perl module for parsing OpenStreetMap (.osm) files
- p5-Geo-StreetAddress-US-1.04p0 perl extension for parsing US street addresses
- p5-Geo-TigerLine-0.03p0 parse TIGER/Line geographic data
- p5-Geo-UK-Postcode-Regex-0.017p2 regular expressions for handling British postcodes
- p5-Geography-Countries-2009041301p1 2-letter, 3-letter, and numerical codes for countries
- p5-IP-Country-DB_File-3.03p0 IPv4 and IPv6 to country translation using DB_File
- p5-mapscript-8.4.0 Perl Mapscript binding
- pdal-2.8.3 translator library for point cloud formats
- pgrouting-3.7.2 geospatial routing extension for PostgreSQL
- php-mapscript-8.4.0 PHP Mapscript extension
- pointcloud-1.2.5 point cloud storage extension for PostgreSQL
- postgis-3.5.2p0 geographic objects support for PostgreSQL
- proj-9.5.1 cartographic projection utilities
- py3-cligj-0.7.2p4 click params for command line interfaces to GeoJSON
- py3-fiona-1.10.1p0 high-level API and CLI on top of OGR
- py3-gdal-3.10.1 python bindings and utilities for GDAL
- py3-geofilter-0.3.1 pure Python parser implementation of OGC filtering standards
- py3-geoif-1.5.1 basic implementation of the __geo_interface__
- py3-geojson-3.1.0p0 encoder/decoder for simple GIS features
- py3-google-i18n-address-3.1.0p1 validation helpers for Google's i18n address database
- py3-laspy-2.5.4p0 library for reading, modifying and creating LAS LiDAR files
- py3-mapscript-8.4.0 Python Mapscript binding
- py3-mercantile-1.2.1p4 spherical mercator coordinate and tile utilities
- py3-osmium-4.0.1p0 Python bindings for libosmium
- py3-owslib-0.32.1 library for accessing OGC Web Services
- py3-planet-2.13.1 client library and CLI for Planet's public API
- py3-proj-3.7.0p0 Pyrex generated python interface to PROJ.4 library
- py3-rasterio-1.3.9p0 geospatial raster data API and CLI
- py3-rio-cogeo-1.1.10p5 cloud optimized GeoTiff creation plugin for rasterio
- py3-shapely-2.0.6p1 manipulation and analysis of planar geometric objects
- py3-supermercado-0.2.0p4 mercantile additional commands
- py3-xyzservices-2024.9.0p0 source of XYZ tiles providers
- pygeoapi-0.19.0 OGC API server implementation
- qgis-3.40.3 desktop geographical information system
- qgis-3.40.3-qt6 desktop geographical information system
- qmapshack-1.16.0p2 map management tool
- readosm-1.1.0pl0 library to extract data from OSM files
- routino-3.4.1 OpenStreetMap routing software
- spatialindex-2.1.0 library for spatial indexing and querying
- spatialite-tools-5.1.0pl0p0 CLI tools for spatialite
- spatialite_gui-2.1.0beta1p5 GUI for spatialite
- traccar-6.6 modern GPS tracking platform
- viking-1.10p2 GPS track manager
- virtualpg-2.0.1p0 loadable dynamic extension to both SQLite and SpatiaLite
- xastir-2.1.6p0 X amateur station tracking and info reporting
- xglobe-0.6.3 display the Earth on X11
- xglobe-0.6.3-no_map display the Earth on X11
- xplanet-1.3.1p0 draw pictures of the earth textured by an image