Category lang
- R-4.4.2p0 powerful math/statistics/graphics language
- STk-4.0.1p19 Scheme interpreter with Tk interface
- a60-0.23a NASE A60 Algol interpreter
- abcl-1.9.2 Common Lisp dialect for the Java Virtual Machine
- algol68g-3.5.12 Algol 68 Genie compiler-interpreter
- apl-1.8p2 interpreter for the programming language APL
- bacon-5.0.2pre20241122p0 BASIC converter to C translator for Unix system
- binaryen-122 WebAssembly compiler and toolchain infrastructure library
- blueprint-compiler-0.16.0 markup language for GTK user interfaces
- bootgcc-8.4.0p8 GNU Compiler Collection; bootstrap package
- brainfuck-2.7.1 Brainfuck interpreter written in C
- brandy-1.23.4 interpreter for BBC Basic (Basic VI)
- chibi-scheme-0.10.0p0 interpreter of the R7RS Scheme programming language
- chicken-5.4.0 practical and portable Scheme system
- chicken-bootstrap-5.4.0 practical and portable Scheme system
- cil-1.7.3p7 framework for analysis and transformation of C
- cim-5.1p0 GNU Simula compiler
- clazy-1.13p0 static source code analyzer for Qt-based C++
- clisp-2.49p6 ANSI Common Lisp implementation
- clisp-hyperspec-7.0 Common Lisp reference
- clojure- Lisp-1 dialect for the Java Virtual Machine
- compcert-3.15p1 high assurance C compiler
- cparser-1.22.1pl3 C99 parser and frontend for libFirm
- crystal-1.15.1 statically typed object oriented language
- ctl-1.5.3p1 Color Transformation Language interpreter
- datalog-2.6p2 deductive database system similar to Prolog
- deno-2.2.5 runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript
- dmd-2.109.0 reference compiler for the D programming language
- duktape-2.7.0p1 embeddable JavaScript engine
- eagle-1.0beta55v0 Tcl implementation for the CLR
- ecl-24.5.10p1 embeddable common-lisp
- elixir-1.18.3 functional language for building scalable applications
- eltclsh-1.19 Libedit interface to Tcl/Tk interpreters
- erlang- real-time, concurrent and distributed functional language
- erlang- real-time, concurrent and distributed functional language
- erlang-27.3v0 real-time, concurrent and distributed functional language
- erlang-wx- WxWidgets bindings for Erlang
- erlang-wx- WxWidgets bindings for Erlang
- erlang-wx-27.3v0 WxWidgets bindings for Erlang
- expect-5.45.4 sophisticated scripter based on Tcl/Tk
- fasm-1.73.04 flat assembler
- fennel-docs-1.5.1 Documentation for fennel
- fennel-lua51-1.5.1 Lisp dialect that runs on Lua 5.1
- fennel-lua52-1.5.1 Lisp dialect that runs on Lua 5.2
- fennel-lua53-1.5.1 Lisp dialect that runs on Lua 5.3
- fennel-lua54-1.5.1 Lisp dialect that runs on Lua 5.4
- flang- LLVM Fortran compiler passes and runtime library
- flang-driver- LLVM Fortran compiler driver
- fpc-3.2.2p0 open source compiler for Pascal/Object Pascal
- freebasic-1.05.0p1 open-source, multi-platform BASIC compiler
- fsharp- functional-first programming language
- g++-11.2.0p16 GNU compiler collection: C++ compiler
- g++-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: C++ compiler
- g95-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: f95 compiler
- g95-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: f95 compiler
- gambit-4.9.5p0 complete, efficient and reliable implementation of Scheme
- gawk-5.1.0 GNU awk
- gcc-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: core C compiler
- gcc-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: core C compiler
- gcc-libs-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: support libs
- gcc-libs-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: support libs
- gdc-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: D compiler
- gdmd-0.1.0pl20210818 dmd-like wrapper for gdc
- gerbil-0.16p0 dialect of Scheme designed for systems programming
- gforth-0.7.3p4 ANSI/200x Forth interpreter and compiler
- ghc-9.8.3 compiler for the functional language Haskell
- ghostscript-10.05.0 PostScript and PDF interpreter
- ghostscript-10.05.0-gtk PostScript and PDF interpreter
- gleam-1.9.1 statically typed language for Erlang VM and JavaScript
- gnat-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: Ada compiler
- gnat-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: Ada compiler
- gnucobol-3.2 COBOL compiler, formerly known as OpenCOBOL
- go-1.24.0 Go programming language
- gobjc-11.2.0p15 GNU compiler collection: obj C compiler
- gobjc-8.4.0p26 GNU compiler collection: obj C compiler
- gpc-20070904p18 GNU Pascal compiler
- gprolog-1.5.0p0 Prolog compiler
- gravity-0.8.5 small, high performance language with a modern syntax
- guile-1.8.8p9 GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
- guile2-2.2.7p0 GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
- guile3-3.0.9 GNU's Ubiquitous Intelligent Language for Extension
- hare-0.24.2p0 simple, stable, and robust systems programming language
- harec-0.24.2p0 simple, stable, and robust systems programming language
- hashlink-1.14pl2 virtual machine for Haxe
- haskell-report-2010 language and library specification for Haskell
- icon-book-9.3 Icon programming language reference book
- icon-book-two_sided-9.3p0 Icon programming language reference book
- icon-interp-9.5.1p0 programming language with generators, X11 and more
- icon-interp-9.5.1p0-no_x11 programming language with generators, X11 and more
- icon-lib-9.5.1 useful and interesting programs for Icon
- icon-xlib-9.5.1 useful and interesting graphics program for Icon
- implementation-of-icon-6 Icon language implemention reference book
- implementation-of-icon-two_sided-6 Icon language implemention reference book
- intel2gas-1.3.3p3 convert Intel assembly language (nasm) to AT&T syntax (gas)
- iverilog-11.0p1 Verilog simulation and synthesis tool
- janet-1.38.0 functional and imperative programming language
- jikes-1.22p10 compile Java source into .class files (quickly!)
- jimtcl-0.80 small footprint implementation of Tcl
- jruby- pure-Java implementation of the Ruby language
- kawa-3.1.1p1 Scheme and language framework for the Java platform
- kona- open source implementation of the K programming language
- ldc-1.35.0p0 LLVM D Compiler
- lean-3.48.0p1 interactive and automated theorem prover
- leiningen-2.11.2 Clojure project automation
- lfe-2.2.0 Lisp Flavoured Erlang (LFE)
- libpgmath- LLVM Fortran math library
- librep-0.92.3p5 Emacs Lisp-like runtime library
- lua-5.1.5p7 powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.1.5)
- lua-5.2.4p1 powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.2.4)
- lua-5.3.6 powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.3.6)
- lua-5.4.7 powerful, light-weight programming language (version 5.4.7)
- luabridge-2.8 lightweight, dependency-free library for binding Lua to C++
- luajit-2.1.1713773202 just-in-time compiler for Lua
- lucee- JVM-based scripting language for web apps (open-source CFML)
- lucee- JVM-based scripting language for web apps (open-source CFML)
- mawk- fast POSIX-compliant awk
- microscheme-0.9.4p0 scheme subset for atmel microcontrollers
- moarvm-2025.01 virtual machine for nqp/rakudo
- mono- cross platform, open source .NET developement framework
- mono-addins-1.3.3 framework for creating extensible applications
- mruby-3.3.0p1 lightweight, embeddable implementation of ruby
- mujs-1.3.5 lightweight Javascript interpreter
- myhdl-0.11.49p0 Python as a hardware description and verification language
- myrddin-0.3.1p0 systems language that is both powerful and fun to use
- nasm-2.16.03 general-purpose multi-platform x86 assembler
- nbfc-0.1p1 new brainfuck compiler
- nekovm-2.3.0p0 Neko scripting language runtime and virtual machine
- newlisp-10.7.5 newLISP is a LISP like, general purpose scripting language
- nim-1.6.18p2 statically typed systems programming language
- njs-0.8.7 NGINX JavaScript command line utility and static library
- node-22.14.0v0 JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine
- nqp-2025.01 Not Quite Perl
- ocaml-4.14.2 ML language with complete class-based objective system
- otcl-1.14p1 MIT Object Tcl
- p5-Language-Ook-1.0.2p0 programming language designed for orang-utans
- p5-Probe-Perl-0.03p0 information about the currently running perl
- p5-Tcl-1.50 Perl interface to Tcl interpreters
- pcbasic-2.0.7p1 free, cross-platform emulator for GW-BASIC family (PC-BASIC)
- pcc- portable C compiler
- pcc-libs- libraries for the portable C compiler
- pccts-1.33r33 Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set
- pfe-0.33.71p3 Portable Forth Environment
- php-8.2.28p0 server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
- php-8.3.19 server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
- php-8.4.5 server-side HTML-embedded scripting language
- php-apache-8.2.28p0 php module for Apache httpd
- php-apache-8.3.19 php module for Apache httpd
- php-apache-8.4.5 php module for Apache httpd
- php-bz2-8.2.28p0 bzip2 compression extensions for php
- php-bz2-8.3.19 bzip2 compression extensions for php
- php-bz2-8.4.5 bzip2 compression extensions for php
- php-cgi-8.2.28p0 php CGI binary
- php-cgi-8.3.19 php CGI binary
- php-cgi-8.4.5 php CGI binary
- php-curl-8.2.28p0 curl URL library extensions for php
- php-curl-8.3.19 curl URL library extensions for php
- php-curl-8.4.5 curl URL library extensions for php
- php-dba-8.2.28p0 dba GDBM access extensions for php
- php-dba-8.3.19 dba GDBM access extensions for php
- php-dba-8.4.5 dba GDBM access extensions for php
- php-dbg-8.2.28p0 interactive php debugger
- php-dbg-8.3.19 interactive php debugger
- php-dbg-8.4.5 interactive php debugger
- php-embed-8.2.28p0 embeddable php library
- php-embed-8.3.19 embeddable php library
- php-embed-8.4.5 embeddable php library
- php-enchant-8.2.28p0 enchant library extensions for php
- php-enchant-8.3.19 enchant library extensions for php
- php-enchant-8.4.5 enchant library extensions for php
- php-gd-8.2.28p0 image manipulation extensions for php
- php-gd-8.3.19p0 image manipulation extensions for php
- php-gd-8.4.5 image manipulation extensions for php
- php-gmp-8.2.28p0 gmp math library support for php
- php-gmp-8.3.19 gmp math library support for php
- php-gmp-8.4.5 gmp math library support for php
- php-imap-8.2.28p0 imap, pop3 and nntp extensions for php
- php-imap-8.3.19 imap, pop3 and nntp extensions for php
- php-intl-8.2.28p0 intl library support for php
- php-intl-8.3.19 intl library support for php
- php-intl-8.4.5 intl library support for php
- php-ldap-8.2.28p0 ldap protocol extensions for php
- php-ldap-8.3.19 ldap protocol extensions for php
- php-ldap-8.4.5 ldap protocol extensions for php
- php-mysqli-8.2.28p0 mysql database access extensions for php
- php-mysqli-8.3.19 mysql database access extensions for php
- php-mysqli-8.4.5 mysql database access extensions for php
- php-odbc-8.2.28p0 odbc database access extensions for php
- php-odbc-8.3.19 odbc database access extensions for php
- php-odbc-8.4.5 odbc database access extensions for php
- php-pcntl-8.2.28p0 PCNTL extensions for php
- php-pcntl-8.3.19 PCNTL extensions for php
- php-pcntl-8.4.5 PCNTL extensions for php
- php-pdo_dblib-8.2.28p0 PDO DB-LIB support for php
- php-pdo_dblib-8.3.19 PDO DB-LIB support for php
- php-pdo_dblib-8.4.5 PDO DB-LIB support for php
- php-pdo_mysql-8.2.28p0 PDO mysql database access extensions for php
- php-pdo_mysql-8.3.19 PDO mysql database access extensions for php
- php-pdo_mysql-8.4.5 PDO mysql database access extensions for php
- php-pdo_odbc-8.2.28p0 PDO database access extensions for php
- php-pdo_odbc-8.3.19 PDO database access extensions for php
- php-pdo_odbc-8.4.5 PDO database access extensions for php
- php-pdo_pgsql-8.2.28p0 PDO pgsql database access extensions for php
- php-pdo_pgsql-8.3.19 PDO pgsql database access extensions for php
- php-pdo_pgsql-8.4.5 PDO pgsql database access extensions for php
- php-pdo_sqlite-8.2.28p0 PDO sqlite3 database access extensions for php
- php-pdo_sqlite-8.3.19 PDO sqlite3 database access extensions for php
- php-pdo_sqlite-8.4.5 PDO sqlite3 database access extensions for php
- php-pgsql-8.2.28p0 pgsql database access extensions for php
- php-pgsql-8.3.19 pgsql database access extensions for php
- php-pgsql-8.4.5 pgsql database access extensions for php
- php-pspell-8.2.28p0 pspell library extensions for php
- php-pspell-8.3.19 pspell library extensions for php
- php-shmop-8.2.28p0 shared memory extensions for php
- php-shmop-8.3.19 shared memory extensions for php
- php-shmop-8.4.5 shared memory extensions for php
- php-snmp-8.2.28p0 snmp protocol extensions for php
- php-snmp-8.3.19 snmp protocol extensions for php
- php-snmp-8.4.5 snmp protocol extensions for php
- php-soap-8.2.28p0 SOAP functions for php
- php-soap-8.3.19 SOAP functions for php
- php-soap-8.4.5 SOAP functions for php
- php-sqlite3-8.2.28p0 sqlite3 database access extension for php
- php-sqlite3-8.3.19 sqlite3 database access extension for php
- php-sqlite3-8.4.5 sqlite3 database access extension for php
- php-tidy-8.2.28p0 tidy HTML cleaner bindings
- php-tidy-8.3.19 tidy HTML cleaner bindings
- php-tidy-8.4.5 tidy HTML cleaner bindings
- php-xsl-8.2.28p1 XSL functions for php
- php-xsl-8.3.19p0 XSL functions for php
- php-xsl-8.4.5p0 XSL functions for php
- php-zip-8.2.28p0 zip functions for php
- php-zip-8.3.19 zip functions for php
- php-zip-8.4.5 zip functions for php
- processing-1.5.1p10 language/IDE for images, animations and interactions
- py3-cython-3.0.12v0 optimising static compiler for Python and Cython
- pypy-7.3.1p7 fast implementation of the Python language
- python-2.7.18p12 interpreted object-oriented programming language
- python-3.12.9 interpreted object-oriented programming language
- python-bsddb-2.7.18p0 Berkeley db module for Python
- python-gdbm-2.7.18p0 GNU dbm module for Python
- python-gdbm-3.12.9 GNU dbm module for Python
- python-idle-2.7.18p1 IDE for Python
- python-idle-3.12.9 IDE for Python
- python-tests-2.7.18p1 Python test suite
- python-tests-3.12.9 Python test suite
- python-tkinter-2.7.18p1 Python interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
- python-tkinter-3.12.9 Python interface to the Tk graphical toolkit
- python-tools-2.7.18p0 extra tools for Python
- pythran-0.15.0p3 ahead of time compiler for numeric kernels
- qbe-1.2 small, quick compiler backend
- quickjs-2024.01.13p0 small, embeddable JavaScript engine in C
- r5rs-19980421p0 revised^5 report on scheme
- racket-minimal-8.15 multi-paradigm programming language
- rakudo-2025.01 Rakudo compiler for the Raku language
- regina-3.9.4 ANSI-compliant interpreter for REXX language (regina-rexx)
- rsm-1.81.1 Reference Standard M, implementation of M/MUMPS
- ruby-3.2.7 object oriented script language with threads
- ruby-3.3.7 object oriented script language with threads
- ruby-3.4.2 object oriented script language with threads
- ruby32-ri_docs-3.2.7 ri documentation files for ruby
- ruby33-ri_docs-3.3.7 ri documentation files for ruby
- ruby34-ri_docs-3.4.2 ri documentation files for ruby
- rust-1.85.0p1 compiler for Rust Language
- rust-bootstrap-1.85.0p1 Rust binary bootstrap
- rust-clippy-1.85.0p1 Rust linter
- rust-gdb-1.85.0p1 Rust debugger through gdb and lldb
- rust-rustfmt-1.85.0p1 Rust code formatter
- rust-src-1.85.0p1 Rust source component
- sbcl-2.5.2 high performance Common Lisp compiler
- scala-3.6.4 general purpose multi-paradigm programming language
- scheme48-1.9.2p0 Scheme Underground's implementation of R5RS
- scm-5f1p3 scheme r5 interpreter
- scm-5f1p3-no_x11 scheme r5 interpreter
- secularize- HolyC transcompiler
- seed7-20210130p0 high-level, extensible programming language
- snobol4-2.3.2p0 CSNOBOL4 suite including interpreter, debugger and utilities
- spin-6.4.7p0 tool for formal verification of parallel software
- squeak-funsqueak-3.10alpha7p0v0 smalltalk system, exploration image
- squeak-image- smalltalk system, basic runtime image
- squeak-sources-3.9p0 smalltalk system, smalltalk sources
- squeak-vm-3.10.1p12 smalltalk system, vm
- swi-prolog-9.2.6p0 Prolog for the real world
- tcc- tiny C compiler
- tcl-8.5.19p6 Tool Command Language
- tcl-8.6.16 Tool Command Language
- tcltutor-30b7 learn Tcl interactively
- tinyscheme-1.42p0 lightweight Scheme implementation with subset of R5RS
- typescript-5.8.2 JavaScript with syntax for types
- ucblogo-6.0 Berkeley's implementation of the logo programming language
- unicon-10.0betap3 programming language with generators, X11 graphics and more
- v-0.4.5 simple, fast, safe, compiled language
- vala-0.56.18 compiler for the GObject type system
- valadoc-0.56.18 Vala documentation generator
- verilator-3.912p3 very fast free Verilog HDL simulator
- wabt-1.0.36 WebAssembly binary toolkit
- wasi-compiler-rt-16.0.6p1 LLVM runtime library for WebAssembly System Interface
- wasi-libc-0.20231121p0 C standard library for WebAssembly System Interface
- wasi-libcxx-16.0.6p1 C++ standard library for WebAssembly System Interface
- wasi-libcxxabi-16.0.6p1 C++ standard library ABI for WebAssembly System Interface
- yasm-1.3.0p1 complete rewrite of the NASM assembler
- zig-0.14.0 zig compiler and toolchain
- zoem-11_166 interpretive macro/programming language