Category fonts
- 0xProto-2.201 programming font focused on source code legibility
- ProFont-2.2p2 fixed width fonts especially for long hacking sessions
- abyssinica-2.100 Ethiopic Unicode script
- adobe-source-code-pro-2.038 monospaced OpenType fonts designed for coding environments
- adobe-source-sans-pro-2.020p0 set of OpenType fonts designed for user interfaces
- adobe-source-serif-pro-1.017p0 set of fonts designed to complement Source Sans Pro
- alkalami-2.000 Unicode font for African Arabic script
- amigafonts-1.02p2 faithfully remade Amiga fonts
- andika-6.101 clear sans serif, Unicode-compliant font
- annapurna-1.204p1 Unicode-based font for Devanagari script
- anonymous-pro-1.002p4 fixed width sans font designed especially for coders
- apl-fonts-1.0p0 Adrian Smith's standard APL fonts
- arabeyes-ttf-2.0p3 Arabeyes TrueType Arabic fonts
- aref-ruqaa-1.005 Arabic typeface capturing classical Ruqaa calligraphic style
- artwiz-aleczapka-1.3p8 improved artwiz fonts
- artwiz-aleczapka-de-1.3p7 improved artwiz fonts (german pack)
- artwiz-aleczapka-se-1.3p7 improved artwiz fonts (swedish pack)
- atkinson-hyperlegible-2025.01 greater legibility and readability for low vision readers
- b612-font-1.008 highly legible font designed for aircraft cockpits
- blackout-2.002pre1p0 stencil sans-serif typeface without holes
- blockzone-1.004p5 pixel-perfect recreation of the original IBM VGA font
- cantarell-fonts-0.303.1p0 humanist sans-serif font family
- cascadia-code-2407.24 Microsoft programming/terminal font
- charis-6.101 readable Unicode font for laser printers
- chivo-1.007p1 open-source Grotesque sans-serif typeface family
- chunk-1.001pre1p0 ultra-bold slab serif typeface
- clearsans-1.00 versatile font for on-screen legibility
- codenewroman-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 CodeNewRoman Nerd Font
- comic-mono-0.0.20190607 monospaced "comic" style font
- comic-neue-2.51 replacement for Comic Sans font
- crimson-2014.10 oldstyle book font
- dai-banna-4.000 New Tai Lue Unicode characters
- dejavusansmono-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 DejaVuSansMono Nerd Font
- dina-fonts-2.92p5 monospace bitmap font, primarily aimed at programmers
- doulos-6.101 Unicode-based font for Roman and Cyrillic
- doulos-cipher-1.020 Cipher music notation
- ecoliercourt-fonts-0.1p2 dip pen style TTF fonts
- fantasque-sans-1.8.0p1 programming font designed with functionality in mind
- fantasquesansmono-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 FantasqueSansMono Nerd Font
- fanwood-1.1p0 serif based on the work of Rudolph Ruzicka
- farsi-bfonts-ttf-2.0p2 farsi bornaray fonts
- farsifonts-ttf-0.4p3 ISIRI 6219 conforming Farsi fonts
- fira-fonts-4.202p0v0 Firefox OS typeface
- font-awesome-6.7.2 full suite pictographic icons
- free3of9-ttf-20110209 3 of 9 (code 39) barcode fonts
- freefarsi-ttf-1.0.0bp2 free TrueType Persian fonts
- freefont-ttf-20120503 free UCS outline fonts
- freefonts-0.10p3 collection of ATM fonts from the CICA archives
- gb1911-2010.07.03p0 font based on Kennerley Oldstyle
- gbdfed-1.6p7 GTK-based BDF font editor
- genei-latin-2.1 Japanese latin-style TrueType fonts
- gentium-6.101 readable font for Latin, Cyrillic, and Greek
- ghostscript-fonts-8.11p3 35 standard PostScript fonts with Adobe name aliases
- go-fonts-20220616 Go TrueType fonts
- gohufont-2.1p2 monospace bitmap font for programming and terminal use
- goudy-3.1p0 revival of Goudy Oldstyle and Italic
- hack-fonts-3.003 typeface designed for source code
- hanazono-20170904 Japanese Ming-style font
- hermit-font-2.0p0 clear, readable monospaced font
- ibm-plex-6.4.0 IBM's corporate type family
- inclusive-sans-0.0.20230803 text font designed for accessibility and readability
- inconsolata-font-0.1v0 monospace font designed for coders (old version)
- inconsolata-new-3.000 monospace font designed for coders
- intel-one-mono-1.3.0 expressive monospaced font family
- inter-4.1 typeface carefully crafted & designed for computer screens
- iosevka-31.9.1 slender typeface for code (default variant)
- iosevka-aile-31.9.1 slender typeface for code (aile variant)
- iosevka-etoile-31.9.1 slender typeface for code (etoile variant)
- iosevka-slab-31.9.1 slender typeface for code (slab variant)
- ja-fonts-funet-19911117p2 extra japanese fonts, marumoji
- ja-fonts-gnu-1.2.1p0 extra japanese fonts
- ja-kanjistrokeorders-ttf-4.004 font to view stroke order diagrams for Kanji, Kana and etc
- ja-sazanami-ttf-20040629p3 japanese true type fonts
- jaldi-1.007p0 libre Devanagari typeface family
- jetbrains-mono-2.304 monotype font for developers
- jmk-fonts-3.0p6 nice fixed width fonts, easy on the eye
- juliamono-0.053 typeface carefully crafted & designed for computer screens
- junction-1.001pre1p1 humanist sans-serif typeface
- junicode-1.003 advanced Unicode font for medievalists
- kanjips-19900310p1 converts Japanese fonts in PostScript documents
- knewave-2.000pre1p0 bold, painted typeface for the rocker within
- ko-baekmuk-fonts-2.0p6 extra Korean fonts
- ko-baekmuk-ttf-2.2p4 Baekmuk Korean truetype fonts
- ko-hanterm-fonts-3.1p3 extra Korean fonts
- konatu-20121218 Japanese TrueType with embedded bitmap font
- league-gothic-1.601p0 revival of classic gothic typeface
- league-mono-2.300 mashup of beautiful monospace font forms
- league-script-number-one-1.001pre1p0 modern, coquettish script font
- league-spartan-2.220p0 revival of ATF's Spartan sans-serif
- liberation-fonts-2.00.1p1 substitute for MS TTF core fonts
- lindenhill-1.2p0 digital version of Frederic Goudy's Deepdene
- linuxlibertine-fonts-otf-5.3.0p0 high-quality libre OTF fonts (serif, 19th century book type)
- linuxlibertine-fonts-ttf-5.3.0p0 high-quality libre fonts (serif, 19th century book type)
- literata-2.201 contemporary serif typeface for long-form reading
- lohit-fonts-2.5.3p2 TrueType fonts for Indic scripts
- luciole-1.0 typeface developed explicitly for visually impaired people
- mada-1.3 modernist Arabic typeface
- migmix-20200307 mixture of M+ and IPA Gothic fonts, focused on kanji
- migu-20200307 mixture of M+ and IPA Gothic fonts, focused on kanji
- mixfont-mplus-ipa-20060520p8 high quality Japanese truetype fonts
- mononoki-1.3 font for programming and code review
- mplus-fonts-063a collection of Japanese sans-serif fonts
- msctfonts-1.0 Microsoft ClearType fonts
- msttcorefonts-2.0p4 Microsoft TrueType core fonts
- msttcorefonts-2.0p4-no_comic Microsoft TrueType core fonts
- noto-cjk-20240730 east asian fonts for the noto font family
- noto-emoji-20241002 emoji fonts for the noto font family
- noto-fonts-24.9.1v0 pan-unicode font family
- noto-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 Noto Nerd Font
- opendyslexic-0.9.10p1 font to increase readability for readers with dyslexia
- openmoji-15.1.0 SVG/COLR-based open source emoji fonts
- orbitron-1.000pre1p0 geometric sans-serif from the future
- ostrich-sans-1.000pre1p0 gorgeous modern sans-serif with a very long neck
- otf2bdf-3.1p2 OpenType to BDF font converter
- overpass-3.0.5 font family inspired by Highway Gothic
- pkfonts-dpi118-1.0p1 English PK fonts (118dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
- pkfonts-dpi240-1.0p1 English PK fonts (240dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
- pkfonts-dpi300-1.0p1 English PK fonts (300dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
- pkfonts-dpi360-1.0p1 English PK fonts (360dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
- pkfonts-dpi400-1.0p1 English PK fonts (400dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
- pkfonts-dpi600-1.0p1 English PK fonts (600dpi) for ghostscript, xdvi, etc.
- powerline-fonts-0.20181111p0 patched fonts with symbols for powerline/airline
- prociono-2.3p0 roman serif with blackletter elements
- profont-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 ProFont Nerd Font
- public-sans-2.001 strong, neutral, principles-driven typeface
- raleway-4.101p0 elegant variable sans-serif
- recursive-1.085 variable type family built for better code and UI
- roboto-fonts-2.138p0v0 sans-serif typeface family of Android OS
- ru-pscyr-0.4c_patch2p9 cyrillic PostScript Type1 fonts to use with TeX
- ru-ptsans-3.0p0 free Cyrillic fonts
- scheherazade-3.300 traditional Arabic Unicode font
- sdl-ttf-2.0.11p3 SDL TrueType fonts library
- sdl2-ttf-2.22.0p0 SDL2 TrueType fonts library
- sgi-fonts-1.0p2 bitmap fonts from SGI
- siji- iconic bitmap font based on Stlarch with additional glyphs
- sniglet-1.000pre1p0 fun rounded display face that's great for headlines
- spleen-2.1.0 monospaced bitmap fonts for consoles and terminals
- spranq-ecofont-ttf-0.001p2 ink-saving font based on Vera Sans
- stixfonts-2.13b171 scientific, technical and mathematical fonts
- sunscreen-1.0 disco-inspired display face
- symbola-ttf-10.03 free unicode symbol font
- symbolsonly-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 NerdFontsSymbolsOnly Nerd Font
- t1utils-1.42 utilities for PostScript Type 1 fonts
- tagmukay-2.000p1 Unicode Tagmukay Shifinagh script font
- taiwan-cns11643-fonts-103.1 CNS 11643-compliant Taiwanese government fonts
- tamsyn-font-1.11 monospaced bitmap font for programming
- tamzen-font-1.11.6 bitmapped programming font, based on Tamsyn
- taviraj-0.20160412p0 Serif Latin and Looped Thai typeface
- terminus-font-4.49.1p2 fixed width fonts especially for long hacking sessions
- terminus-font-4.49.1p2-centered_tilde fixed width fonts especially for long hacking sessions
- terminus-font-4.49.1p2-symquotes fixed width fonts especially for long hacking sessions
- terminus-font-4.49.1p2-symquotes-centered_tilde fixed width fonts especially for long hacking sessions
- terminus-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 Terminus Nerd Font
- the-neue-black-1.007 typeface based on the Chicago Freedom Movement
- ttyp0-1.3 monospace bitmap screen fonts
- ttyp0-1.3-ct monospace bitmap screen fonts
- ttyp0-1.3-nbd monospace bitmap screen fonts
- ttyp0-1.3-nbs monospace bitmap screen fonts
- ttyp0-1.3-sq monospace bitmap screen fonts
- ttyp0-1.3-sz monospace bitmap screen fonts
- ubuntu-fonts-0.83p2 unicode sans-serif/monospace TrueType fonts from Ubuntu
- ubuntu-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 Ubuntu Nerd Font
- ubuntumono-nerd-fonts-3.3.0 UbuntuMono Nerd Font
- un-fonts-core- core Asian truetype fonts designed by Koaunghi Un
- un-fonts-extra- extra Asian truetype fonts designed by Koaunghi Un
- unifont-16.0.02 free Unicode font from the GNU project
- vazirmatn-33.003 simple Persian/Arabic font for web pages and applications
- victor-mono-1.5.6 slender monospaced font with a large x-height
- vlgothic-20230918 Japanese gothic TrueType fonts from Vine Linux
- vollkorn-4.105 free and healthy typeface for bread and butter use
- work-sans-2.010 typeface based loosely on early Grotesques
- zh-fonts-arphicttf-2.11p4 chinese big5/gb truetype fonts
- zh-fonts-kc-1.05p2 extra chinese fonts
- zh-fonts-taipei-1.01p2 extra chinese fonts
- zh-iansui-1.000 Chinese truetype font derived from Klee One
- zh-wqy-bitmapfont- Wen Quan Yi bitmap song CJK fonts
- zh-wqy-zenhei-ttf-0.9.45 Wen Quan Yi Zen Hei outline font