Category productivity
- akonadi-24.12.3 PIM Storage Service
- akonadi-mime-24.12.3 PIM Akonadi mime support library
- aqbanking-6.5.3p0 online banking interface and financial data framework
- baikal-0.10.1 lightweight CalDAV and CardDAV server
- bruce-1.2.1p7 Python-based presentation tool
- calcurse-4.8.1p1v0 text-based calendar and scheduling application
- davical-1.1.12p1 CalDAV/CardDav calendar/contacts server
- deskzilla-lite-2.1p6 desktop bugzilla browser
- devtodo-0.1.20p6 reminder/task program aimed at developers
- epr-reader-2.4.15p1 terminal/CLI Epub Reader
- evolution-data-server-3.54.3 unified backend for PIM programs
- fet-5.42.3 automatically create timetables
- glabels-3.4.1p22 labels and business card designer
- gnome-contacts-47.1.1p0 contacts manager for GNOME
- gnucash-5.10 personal and small-business financial-accounting software
- gnucash-docs-5.10 user documentation module for GnuCash
- grisbi-3.0.4p0 personal accounting application
- grommunio-admin-api-1.17 management REST API for grommunio
- grommunio-index-1.3 FTS indexer for grommunio-web
- gromox-core-2.44 groupware server backend with RPC, IMAP, POP3 support
- gromox-mapi-2.44 gromox MAPI extensions for PHP
- gsimplecal-2.1p0 lightweight GTK calendar applet
- gtg-0.6.0p5 GTD organizer for GNOME
- hledger-1.40 command-line interface for the hledger accounting system
- homebank-5.8.6 personal accounting application
- ibus-typing-booster-2.27.29 completion input-method to speed up typing
- impressive-0.13.2p1 stylish PDF presentation generator
- jrnlc-2022.b opinionated command line journal
- kalarm-24.12.3 personal alarm message, command and email scheduler
- kalm-24.12.3 breathing techniques application
- kcalutils-24.12.3 library for the handling of calendar data.
- kf6-kio-extras-24.12.3 extra functionality for kioslaves
- kf6-kuserfeedback-6.12.0 KDE framework for collecting user feedback
- khal-0.11.2p1 standards based terminal calendar
- khard-0.19.1p1 console vCard address book
- kmymoney-5.1.3p10 accounting for KDE 5
- kopano-core-11.0.2p11v0 MS Exchange groupware suite replacement
- kopano-mapi-11.0.2p8v0 kopano MAPI extensions for PHP
- kteatime-24.12.3 simple timer tray app for KDE
- ktimetracker-5.0.1p2 todo management and time tracker
- ledger-3.3.2p3 command line double-entry accounting ledger
- libalkimia-8.1.2 KDE financial data handling library
- libexmdbpp-1.11p2 C++ implementation of the exmdb wire protocol for grommunio
- libphonenumber-9.0.1 C++ library to parse/format/validate phone numbers
- librcps-0.3p0 library for resource constrained project scheduling
- libreoffice- multi-platform productivity suite
- libreoffice-i18n-ar- ar language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-bg- bg language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-ca- ca language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-cs- cs language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-de- de language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-el- el language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-es- es language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-fa- fa language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-fi- fi language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-fr- fr language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-hr- hr language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-hu- hu language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-it- it language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-ja- ja language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-kk- kk language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-ko- ko language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-lt- lt language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-lv- lv language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-nl- nl language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-pl- pl language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-pt-br- pt-br language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-ro- ro language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-ru- ru language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-sl- sl language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-sv- sv language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-i18n-uk- uk language pack for LibreOffice
- libreoffice-java- optional integration of LibreOffice java features
- libreoffice-kde- optional integration of LibreOffice to the KDE environment
- lifeograph-2.0.3 diary and journal application
- magicpoint-1.13av0 X11-based presentation tool
- mcds-1.6p1 tty-based CardDav search tool
- merkuro-24.12.3 calendar email todo and task application
- minder-1.16.4 Mind-mapping application
- monica-4.1.2 self hosted personal CRM system
- novprog-3.2.3 graphical wordcount grapher
- osmo-0.4.4p4 handy personal organizer
- p5-Business-Tax-VAT-Validation-1.23 European VAT number validator
- p5-iCal-Parser-1.21 parse iCalendar files into a data structure
- projectlibre-1.9.3p0 open source alternative to Microsoft Project
- py3-caldav-1.2.1p1 caldav client library for Python
- py3-tasklib-2.5.1p1 Python library to interact with Task Warrior
- qbirthday-0.7.0b3p5 birthday reminder with tray notification
- radicale-1.1.6p10 simple CalDAV calendar server
- radicale-2.1.12p8 simple CalDAV calendar server
- railway-2.7.0p1 look up travel information for many different railways
- rednotebook-2.37 diary and journal application
- rubrica2-2.0.8p1v0 addressbook manager
- sent-1p0 simple plaintext presentation tool
- siag-3.6.1p7 tightly integrated, free office package
- simpleagenda-0.46p0 calendaring application based on GNUstep
- sl-ls-1.1.2p1 substantially more useful ls
- slideml-1.1.0p1 HTML slide generator based on SlideML
- slides-0.9.0 terminal based presentation tool
- taskd-1.1.0p5 lightweight server providing access to task data
- taskwarrior-2.6.2p1 command line todo list manager
- tdl-1.5.2p5 to-do list manager
- teapot-2.3.0p1 three dimensional console spreadsheet
- thinkingrock-2.2.1p9 collecting and processing thoughts according to GTD
- timewarrior-1.7.1 command line tracking time tool
- topydo-0.14p0 todo list application using the todo.txt format
- tudu-0.10.4 hierarchical todos manager
- umbrello-24.12.3 UML Modeller
- vdirsyncer-0.19.3 synchronize calendars and contacts
- vit-1.2p1 ncurses front-end for taskwarrior
- vym-2.6.0p3 generate and manipulate maps of your thoughts
- when-1.1.36 simple but effective personal calendar
- workrave-1.10.52p1 RSI prevention tool
- xinvest-2.6.9p9 personal finance tracking and performance tool
- xournalpp-1.2.3p0 handwriting notetaking with PDF annotation support
- xquote-2.6.10p10 WWW quote retrieval tool
- yokadi-1.3.0p2 command-line oriented todo list system
- zim-0.76.1 desktop wiki